ELIZABETH RIVER DISTRICT UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Mission Team 2015 2 Rainbow Giver Form 4 Event Calendar 5 Spiritual Life Retreat 7 Charter for 11 Racial Justice Seminar Ferrum College UMW Day 13 The Current V O L U ME 4, I S S UE 1 March, April, May 2015 President Greetings United Methodist Women, I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and spirits. The Charter for Racial Justice was created and adopted by the Women’s Division in 1978 and successfully adopted by the whole denomination in 1980. General Conference has consecutively readopted it, every eight years since, most recently in 2008. The Charter for Racial Justice is written statements describing the rights (Because we believe) and responsibilities (We will) for Racial justice as it relates to everyone. The Charter continues our urgent call for study and action on the principles and goals of its vision. The UMW invites you and/or your designee to come and be a part of living the Charter for Racial Justice at the “Making Racial Justice Happen” Seminar on May 15-17, 2015 Blackstone, VA. During this seminar we will get involved in implementing the charter through bible studies, worship, programs, workshops, displays, issues and action ideas. The outcome will be to live the charter and promote racial justice in the church, United States and the world. As the United States of America is a nation of many peoples of different races, nationalities, languages and cultures; we are challenged to make the Charter for Racial Justice a charter for everyone. The objectives of the seminar will be to: Establish spiritual/biblical understandings of why racial justice matters Define race and racism, examine how racism operates in the world Examine UMW and race (history, legacy and present day realities) Draw links with the UMW Office of Racial Justice's priorities (mass incarceration/solitary confinement, US-Africa policy, race and class and immigrant rights) Allow participants to develop and offer ways to implement action plans with their respective conferences Develop ways to promote racial justice to children and youth We are very excited about this seminar. Please plan to come explore the Charter for Racial Justice at the “Making Racial Justice Happen” Seminar on May 15-17, 2015 Blackstone Conference and Retreat Center, 707 4th Street Blackstone VA. The registration form is on page eleven of the newsletter. PAGE 2 MISSION TEAM 2015 President Joann McClung 757-420-9022 joannmcclung@cox.net Vice President Marilyn “Lyn” McCandlish 757-420-2982 sylmargal@aol.com Secretary Evelyn Swanberg 757-471-4957 jrswanberg@cox.net Treasurer Joyce Thompson 757-430-0365 paulthompson10@cox.net MISSION COORDINATORS Spiritual Growth Mary Kay Miller 757-344-4506 super1956bride@aim.com Mission Education & Interpretation Marge Roets 757-638-3851 m.roets@charter.net Social Action Marta Pizzeck 757-483-6491 Martapiz@verizon.net Membership, Nurture & Outreach Nancy Winborne 757-547-8614 nwinborne@cox.net Secretary of Program Resources Janet Day 757-488-2673 karjanday@aol.com Chairman, Committee On Nominations Georgia Garrison 757-484-3141 gagarrison@verizon.net Blackstone Representative Karen Day 757-488-2673 karjanday@aol.com Communications Coordinator Julianne Rosas 1(703)963-9356 tulae333@gmail.com Vice President United Methodist Women of the Elizabeth River District will begin a new year with many changes in leadership roles. I’m one of those changes. My name is Marilyn McCandlish, but most of my friends call me, ‘Lyn, and I am taking the Vice Presidency from Georgia Garrison. It’s a change for all of us. Stepping out of retirement into a leadership role once again is a big challenge and change for me, but my life has been all about change. One very big change was when I met a guy in my first year of college and got married. The big change? Not only was I just out of high school but I was a Catholic and he was, you guessed it, a Methodist. We married during the height of the Vietnam War when guys in the service were being shipped out at a moment’s notice. So, we married quickly to the surprise of the 350 friends who came the day after Christmas to celebrate with us. But, that was not allowed in the Catholic Church back then. So, yes, I became a Methodist to the utter shock of my parents. I learned a lot from my best friend who was also a Methodist and had been working on me to ‘see the light’ for quite some time. We both joined the adult choir at the local Methodist church, her church. We were in college, we were adults and I was a vocal performance major so it was a good fit. We were both so busy, Women’s Society of Christian Service was not a possibility. Besides, there were no circles for 19 year olds. After duty in Italy and orders came for San Diego. So at the ripe old age of 22, I was invited to join WSCS at Wesley UMC in East San Diego. No opportunities for service presented themselves as I went home to San Fernando and Jim went to Vietnam. It wasn’t until we moved here that I was able to become immersed in what was now United Methodist Women. I had 2 small girls, a husband at the School of Music and no car. Luckily, my circle took turns picking me up for meetings. My circle, bless their hearts, had no one my age. Undaunted I asked if I could form a group of young moms like me into a circle. The Executive board wasn’t to hopeful it would work. Did we fool them! After about a year of participating fully in all the THE CURRENT V O L U ME 4, I S S UE 1 PAGE 3 activities including the big yearly bazaar, our circle got so big it had to split in two. To this day they are still a big part of that unit. After being circle leader here and in other places, we came back and I served as president of a unit back here in Virginia Beach. Now you’re saying why the long story? Two reasons, as an introduction to get know who I am and where I come from and reason two, because there is a need to look beyond how we conduct business. We need to open up, reach out, and gather in. As UMW focuses on our legacy and gets ready to celebrate 150 years of Faith, Hope and Love in Action, we need to look back to what was, and try to bring those things that made Methodist Women everywhere active in the areas of service to women, youth and children around the globe. We need to tell our individual stories of faith and service. We need to strengthen what we have and move forward to meet the challenges presented to us in the upcoming years ahead. So, I challenge you to look into your congregations, no better yet, look into your neighborhoods and bring in those who could use a place to learn about the love of Christ and learn to love their neighbors everywhere as much as they love their families. We need to offer them a place to be a blessing to others. Who knows, when we open our doors, we may find a new UMW vice president waiting to serve. Communications Hi everyone, let me know what you want to see included in the newsletter or on our part of the Elizabeth River District website (elizabethriverdistrict.org/UMW), or if you see something that needs to be corrected. Please double-check the contact info in the handbook if your church is hosting an event— they will be used in the newsletter and our calendar on the website. I’d appreciate it if you would share your local UMW events/stories and in them, where they are, and what they’re doing)! photos (tell me who’s Make sure your local units got their 3 copies of the 2015 directory/handbook, I’ll have them at the monthly events. They are also available to download in the UMW section of the district website. tulae333@gmail.com email me -Julie Corrections to the 2015 Elizabeth River District United Methodist Women handbook: The Calendar of Events on page 3 should have 10:30 AM as the start time for all prayer luncheons instead of 10 AM. Nancy Winborne’s address on page 5 should be “Waters Road”, not “Walters Road”. PAGE 4 Become a Rainbow Giver The Virginia Conference United Methodist Women started the Rainbow Giver Program in 2010. This is an opportunity for you, as an individual, to personally give to the 5 Channels of Mission Giving, whether or not you are a member of United Methodist Women: Just fill out the form and turn in to your unit treasurer with a check for $60.00. The form and the $60.00 should be given to your treasurer at one time, not spread out over the year. Your gift of $60.00 will make you a Rainbow Giver: On the form please specify which Gift to Mission Card you want and the name of the recipient of the Special Mission Recognition pin. $40.00 to give someone special a Special Mission Recognition Pin $5.00 to give a Pledge to Mission (in addition to your regular pledge) $5.00 for a Gift to Mission Card $5.00 for a Gift in Memory Card This award is not to replace your Pledge and World Thank Offering, but is giving you, as an individual, an opportunity to contribute to all the areas of Mission Giving. $5.00 for a gift to World Thank Offering (this can be in addition to your change box) Anyone can become a Rainbow Giver; this is an opportunity for church members, spouses, or Rainbow Giver Form RAINBOW GIVER’S NAME: Special Mission Recognition Pin in Honor of: friends to participate in Name of Recipient (Please Print): Mission Giving. __________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________________________________ RAINBOW GIVER’S ADDRESS: Please send the pin to: __________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________________________________ RAINBOW GIVER’S PHONE: _____________________________________ __________________________________________ Which Gift to Mission Card? RAINBOW GIVER’S CHURCH: _____________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________________ All Rainbow Givers will be recognized at your District’s Annual Meeting and will receive a Rainbow Giver pin. If you have any questions, please contact your District Treasurer or the Virginia Conference Treasurer. VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 PAGE 5 Please register for prayer breakfasts/lunches with the contact at the host church by the Monday before the event. Sat Mar 28 9am Prayer Breakfast $4 Fri Apr 24 Where: Wesley Memorial UMC 288 East Little Creek Road, Norfolk, VA, 23505 (757) 587-2996 http://www.wmumcnor.org/ Contact or president: Joann McClung 10:30am Prayer Luncheon $4 Where: Beech Grove UMC 4251 Driver Lane, Suffolk, VA, 23435 (757) 538-8353 http://www.beechgroveumc.org/ Contact or president: Penny Reynolds 757-488-0444 Description: Speaker: Wayne Snead, District Superintendent Elizabeth River District Description: Speaker: Red Bird Missionary Conf Mission Project: Prison ministry cards & stamps Sat May 16 9am Prayer Breakfast $4 Where: Salem United Methodist Church, 2057 Salem Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 (757) 471-2406 http://www.salemumc-va.org/ Contact or president: Deborah Grabeel 757-471-9468 Description: Mission Project: Prison ministry cards & stamps Fri May 1—Sun May 3 Conference Spiritual Life Retreat Where: Blackstone United Methodist Conference Center (VUMAC), 707 4th Street, Blackstone, VA 23824 Registration form on page 7 Fri May 15—Sun May 17 Sat, June 6, 2015 Charter for Racial Justice Seminar UMW Day at Ferrum College Where: Where: Blackstone United Methodist Conference Center (VUMAC), 707 4th Street, Blackstone, VA 23824 Ferrum College 10021 Franklin Street Ferrum, VA 24088 Registration form on page 11 Registration form on page 13 PAGE 6 Spiritual Growth Mary Kay Miller, Spiritual Growth Coordinator Margaret Spencer and Wesley Chapel’s United Methodist Women making cards for prison ministries Photos by Ileana Rosario THE CURRENT VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 THE CURRENT VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 PAGE 9 Blackstone Representative Greetings Ladies, As your newly appointed Elizabeth River District Blackstone Representative I look forward to this challenge and with your help I think we can do an outstanding job in supporting VUMAC with our "Dimes and Dollars" from our District. I have a few trivia questions for you: Have you ever heard about "Blackstone Day" --Who attended the event and why-How about Dimes and Dollars? How often have we heard the story about how in the year 1869 on a cold rainy night in Boston when six ladies got together? How often have we heard the following--An Official Call from the Virginia Conference President was extended to United Methodist Women across Virginia to come to a Special Conference-wide Meeting to discuss how as a group they could assist in the development of the Virginia Conference Assembly Center. And come they did-- more than 700 women--came by bus and carpool for "Blackstone Day" that was held on April 17, 1975. After much fellowship, discussion and tours of the grounds and buildings where they saw peeling plaster, bare light bulbs hanging from the ceilings, etc--they also saw the possibilities for this becoming and attractive and inviting Conference Center. To get the renovations started each district pledged $2500.00 or more and immediately started sending "Dimes and Dollars". What a challenge that must have been 39 years ago! This year marks the 40th Anniversary for "Dimes and Dollars" what better way to celebrate than to 'PASS THE SOCK FOR DIMES AND DOLLARS' and increase our donations from last year. I hope to be able to share more trivia information in our next newsletter. Until then, please share with me your success stories on how your Circles/ Units 'PASS THE SOCK FOR DIMES AND DOLLARS'. Karen M. Day Secretary of Program Resources Dear Local Unit Presidents, Please share this newsletter article with your Secretary of Program Resources. As part of the District training held on Saturday, January 24th, I taught a class for the Secretaries of Program Resources from the local units within our district. If you were unable to attend and have some questions, please contact me at karjanday@aol.com. The following topics were part of the training session: Books read from the years of 2011 through 2015 are eligible for participation in this year's Reading Program. Only 2010 books read from September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 can be included in this year's report. Discussed other recommended books eligible for credit listed in the Reading Program catalog bur not available from UMW Mission Resources. Obtaining books from: Purchasing at District and Conference Annual Meetings Virginia Conference UMW Lending Library District Resource Center Local Libraries Purchasing from UMW Mission Resources and other online sites. The History of the Reading Program The District Reading Program Report Subscriptions to Response Magazine and New World Outlook We discussed the different ways the Units in attendance store, display and promote their books... all for the same common goal of participating in the Reading Program. Ideas were discussed on Units sharing with each other as to what works in your Unit may be beneficial to other Units in our District. I hope to have more information on that in the next newsletter. Janet L. Day Elizabeth River District UMW Secretary of Program Resources PAGE 10 Committee on Nominations Are you a member of the nominating committee for your local unit? If so, begin your work early. Finding leaders should be a year-round task in that you should always be on the lookout for persons who work well as a team and have leadership qualities and skills. It is important that you understand the responsibilities associated with each of the United Methodist Women’s offices as they relate to the purpose of our organization. Your unit should have a copy of the United Methodist Women Handbook 2013-2016, where you will find much information, including the responsibilities of each local officer. Georgia Garrison, Committee On Nominations Chairman Your leadership team may at minimum consist If your unit is small, keep in mind that your leadership team may at minimum consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, chair of committee on nominations, member at large and pastor (ex-officio). Other persons may be recruited to plan programs of spiritual growth, mission education and advocacy work according to the needs of your group or community, without holding an elected position. Keep your eyes and ears open for potential leaders for your unit and the district as well. Please let me know of anyone from any church who you feel has the gifts and graces to serve at the district level. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Consider these contrasting myths and realities when asking members to serve in leadership positions: of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, chair of committee “Give her a title. She’ll understand what to do. It is quite obvious.” Unless responsibilities are clearly defined, there may be conflicting understandings of the job to be done. “It’s too bad she was not interested enough to follow through on her job.” Lack of follow through can often be traced to lack of clarity about the job or not seeing how the job relates to the total mission team task. “The president ought to be able to tell her what the job is all about.” Presidents do not automatically have adequate knowledge of every job under their direction even when they have frequent contact with other elected leaders. “Oh, you won’t have to do very much in this job!” A person who is asked to do a job has the right to know the full responsibilities. Persons who have been enticed into taking positions often feel they were misled. Such situations will not help a person grow in leadership skills. on nominations, member at large and pastor. THE CURRENT VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 THE CURRENT PAGE 13 Return Service Requested Elizabeth River District UNITED METHODIST WOMEN P.O. Box 12654 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Norfolk, VA Permit No. 332 Norfolk, VA 23541-0654 District Resource Center Located in the library of Heritage UMC 815 Baker Rd. Virginia Beach, 23462 (same building as District Office ) Contact the district office, 473-1592 to schedule a time. Newsletter articles for the next issue of The Current are due May 15th. It will cover events for June, July and August. Send to Julianne Rosas tulae333@gmail.com www.elizabethriverdistrict.org/UMW
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