contents / the centres Contents Course Index by Topic 4 Events for leaders 28 Guide to courses 5 The NETS Programme 29 Free events 6 The 9-week Flagship Programme 30 The 20-day School 31 One day courses Weekend and short courses 7–9 10 – 19 Diaries of the UK centres 32 – 36 37 – 38 Prayer Ministry School 20 About Ellel Ministries The Modular School 21 Booking, prices and accommodation One and two week events 39 22 – 27 The Centres Ellel Ministries UK Centres Ellel Ministries Overseas Centres Ellel Grange (& International HQ) Ellel, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 0HN Tel: +44 (0) 1524 751 651 Email: Ellel Ministries Africa Tel: +27 12 809 0031 / 1172 Email: Ellel Ministries Malaysia (Penang) Tel: +60124074775 / +60124109665 Email: Ellel Ministries Australia HQ (Western Australia) Tel: +61 (0) 8 9622 5568 Email: Ellel Ministries Netherlands Tel: +31 575 441 452 Email: Ellel Ministries Australia (Gilbulla) Tel: +61 (0) 2 4633 8102 Email: Ellel Ministries Aotearoa / New Zealand Mob +64 21 269 8384 Email: Ellel Ministries Canada East (Ontario) Tel: +1 613 273 8700 Email: Ellel Ministries Norway Tel: + 47 916 62 770 Grosås Ellel Norway South +47 951 27 211 Ellel Norway West & East Email: Ellel Glyndley Manor Stone Cross, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 5BS Tel: +44 (0) 1323 440 440 Email: Ellel Pierrepont Frensham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3DL Tel: +44 (0) 1252 794 060 Email: Ellel Scotland Blairmore House, Glass, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4XH Tel: +44 (0) 1466 799 102 Email: Ellel Ministries Ireland (Northern & Republic) 35, Beanstown Road, Lisburn Co. Antrim BT28 3QS Tel: +44 (0) 7545 696750 / (0) 2892 607 162 Email: Ellel Ministries Canada West (Calgary) Tel: +1 403 238 2008 Email: Ellel Central and Eastern Europe Development Email: Ellel Ministries Colombia Tel: +57 3127349106 Email: Ellel Ministries France Tel: +33 45 69 94 26 63 Email: Ellel Ministries Germany Tel: +49 7453 275 51 Email: Ellel Ministries Hungary Tel/Fax: +36 28 362 396 Email: Ellel Ministries India Mob: +91 99 30542422 Email: Ellel Ministries Malaysia (Sabah) Tel: +6088-265800 Fax : +6088-244864 Email: The Christian Trust - Registered Charity 1041237 Scottish Charity Commission SC038860 Registered Office at Ellel Grange Company Registration No. 2883771 2 Ellel Ministries Malaysia (Klang Valley) Mob: +6 012 3222 133 Email: Ellel Ministries Papua New Guinea Tel: +675 7161 3587 / +675 767 33255 Email: Ellel Ministries Romania Tel: +40-731-351-445 Fax: +40-359-802-318 Email: Ellel Russian Language Email: Ellel Ministries Singapore Tel: +65 6252 4234 Email: Ellel Ministries South Africa Tel: +27 12 809 0031 / 1172 Email: Ellel Ministries Sweden Tel: +46 581 93140 Email: Ellel Ministries in Switzerland Tel: +41 61 645 42 17 Email: Ellel Ministries USA Tel: +1 813 737 4848 Email: Dear Friend, At the end of October 2014, Ellel Grange celebrated its 28th birthday as the headquarters of Ellel Ministries. As the team cut cake and reminisced over tea and coffee, it was amazing to think how quickly those twenty-eight years have rolled by, but, at the same time realise what a long period of time that is! If you think of the UK as a nation, there have been some pretty radical developments over the last 28 years. Back in 1986 a mobile phone was the size of a large brick, and DVDs, Twitter, Facebook and the internet weren't even thought of! Some developments have been exciting and innovative, bringing real improvements and ease into people's lives. Other changes that we have seen here in the UK break our hearts, as we see the decline of Christian values and the increase of a society that relies so heavily on having quick fixes and instant gratification. We chose the Scripture on the back of the Handbook as a reminder to us all that no matter what we see going on around us in the UK in this coming year - 2015 - we can rest secure in the wonderful knowledge that God never changes! His laws, His love, His holiness, His care for each one of us never wavers, sleeps or evolves to meet changes in fashions. No government rules or legislations can change who God is and His heart for His children. Isn't that such wonderful news? In the UK alone there are many broken, dysfunctional, hurting and struggling people. We meet these people in our churches, neighbourhoods, families and work places. Good people who simply struggle in their walk with the Lord and need a safe place to meet with Him, where He can bring His healing and freedom to a much deeper place in their lives. This is why we are passionate at Ellel to provide a safe place at all our centres for training, equipping and prayer for those who are looking to the Lord for His help in their lives. We will continue to provide this resource, in the UK, for as long as the Lord enables us to do so. God's message of healing and hope isn't a passing trend that was only for the early church - His heart for restoration is a message that is timeless and unchanging! As you look through this Handbook we hope you will feel inspired to come and experience something more of the Lord in your own life at one of our centres in the UK. Whether you are newly acquainted with Ellel and have never visited one of our centres before, or you are a long-standing friend of the ministry - there will always be a warm welcome for you at Ellel UK. May we all fall more in love with our Lord Jesus this coming year. With love and blessings, a personal note from Andy & Cath Taylor A Personal Note from Andy & Cath Taylor Andy and Cath Taylor UK National Directors Our Vision Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational Christian mission organisation with a vision to resource and equip the Church by welcoming people, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and healing those in need. Our Mission Our mission is to fulfil the above vision throughout the world, as God opens the doors, in accordance with the Great Commission of Jesus and the calling of the Church to proclaim the Kingdom of God by preaching the Good News, healing the broken-hearted and setting the captives free. We are, therefore, committed to evangelism, healing, deliverance, discipleship and training. The particular scriptures on which our mission is founded are Isaiah 61:1-7, Luke 9:1-2, Luke 9:11, Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:12 and 2Timothy 2:2. Our Basis of Faith God is a Trinity. God the Father loves all people. God the Son, Jesus Christ, is Saviour and Healer, Lord and King. God the Holy Spirit indwells Christians and imparts the dynamic power by which they are enabled to continue Christ’s ministry. The Bible is the divinely inspired authority in matters of faith, doctrine and conduct, and is the basis for teaching. 3 course index by topic 4 Course Index by Topic 20 Day School Abuse Understanding Abuse Accidents Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma Addiction Steps to Freedom from Addiction Regaining Freedom (Restoration week) Adopted or Fostered Given Away Anger Anger… How do we Handle it? AnxietyDealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout A Day Looking at the Early Roots of Anxiety Moving on from Anxiety BereavementDeath & Bereavement (Life Issues) Bible MeditationBe Still and Know Sitting at the Feet of Jesus Bible StudyEncounters with God Boundaries Godly Boundaries Boundaries (Life Issues) BreakthroughBreaking Through to Freedom (week) Brokenness Understanding Healing from Brokenness Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout Burnout Children How to Pray for Children Choices Choosing Life God’s Way ChristmasJesus, do we really know Him? Carol Services Church Life The Church (Life Issues) Cleansing Land Standing Firm on Shifting Sands A Day Looking at Claiming the Ground A Day Looking at the Early Roots of Anxiety Conception to Birth ControlFreedom from Ungodly Control A Day Looking at Domination & Control God’s Protection for Your Life Covering CreativityBridge from the Head to the Heart Creative Inspirational Weeks Healing Through Creativity CursesBlessings & Curses A Day Looking at Blessings & Curses See Discernment Deception DeliveranceDeliverance Ministry (1 & 2) Receiving Healing Through Deliverance Depression Moving on from Depression DiscernmentGrowing in Discernment A Day Looking at Discernment & Deception DiscipleshipRadical Discipleship - Preparation for a Supernatural Move of God DissociationGetting Behind the Mask Drama God’s Healing Through Drama EatingFreedom from Eating Disorders Food, Me & God A Day Looking at Eating EmotionsHealing Damaged Emotions Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness Failure Moving on from Failure Family Making Family Work Father Heart of GodStepping Stones to the Father Heart of God The Father Loves You Moving on with the Father FearSteps to Freedom from Fear A Day Looking at Fear Getting to the Root of Fear and Lies FlagshipFlagship Programme FoundationsFoundations for the Healing Ministry Rebuilding Lives (Restoration week) Fragmentation Understanding Healing from Brokenness Free EventsJesus Heals Today, Free Teaching Days, Open Days, Taster Days FreemasonryA Day Looking at Freemasonry Getting to the Root Getting to the Root of the Problem GuiltLiving Free from Guilt *Healing Healing Services Healing Retreats Breaking Through to Freedom (week) page 31 19 14 18 22 13 10 10 9 6 15 10 26 26 13 15 25 19 10 14 10 14 6 15 17 7 9 12 7 13 24 24 14 10 7 11 17 6 13 7 17 12 13 11 11 7 13 14 6 15 17 18 6 18 7 12 30 11 22 19 6 8 12 14 6 6 25 page *Healing (continued)Moving On with God 23 Healing (Life Issues) 15 Hearing from GodBe Still and Know 10 Holidays Creative Inspirational Weeks 24 Holy Spirit Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit 16 Human SpiritRestoring the Human Spirit 17 A Day Looking at Healing the Human Spirit 8 IdentityFinding Your Identity 11 Rediscovering Identity (Restoration week) 22 A Day Looking at Who Do You Think You Are? 9 Inner Healing Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness 14 Israel & the Middle EastIsrael Prayer Week 26 A Day Looking at Unpacking the Goings On in the Middle East 9 Jesus, do we really know Him? 14 The Life & Death of Jesus Unpacked 18 Jesus, Israel & the Kingdom of God 27 LeadershipChurch Leaders Conference 10 Time Out for Pastors & Leaders 19 Operation Blairmore 28 Leading from the Front 27 Loneliness Loneliness 14 LoveLove’s Healing Power 15 The Father Loves You 18 MarriageMinistry to Marriage 15 Making Marriage Work 15 MenMen for God 15 The General's Call 18 MicroNETS (9 days) 23 Modular School (series) 21 NETS (Never Ever The Same) 29 Parental Wounds Healing for Parental Wounds 14 Pastors See Leadership PornographyA Day Looking at Freedom from Pornography 8 Post-Traumatic Stress Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma 14 PrayerBe Still and Know 10 Intimacy with God through Prayer 14 Israel Prayer Week 26 Prayer Ministry TrainingPractical Prayer Ministry Training 16 Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry 16 Prayer Ministry School (series) 20 Rekindling God's Gifts 27 Modular, NETS, Flagship, 20 Day School 21, 29-31 RejectionAcceptance & Belonging 10 Freedom from Rejection 11 Rescue from Rejection (Restoration week) 22 RelationshipsThe Truth About Relationships 19 Reviving Relationship (Restoration week) 22 Renewing of the MindTransformed by the Renewing of the Mind 19 Moving on from Negative Thinking Patterns 6 RestorationRestoration Weeks 22 Moving into God's Rest 6 RevivalKeys to Revival & Community Transformation 26 Sex The Truth About Sex & Sexuality 19 Singleness A Day Looking at Singleness: Love it or Hate it! 9 Significance A Day Looking at Searching for Significance 9 StressDealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout 10 Getting to the Root of Stress 12 Time Out With GodBe Still & Know 10 Creative Inspirational Weeks 24 Moving On with God 23 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus 26 Still Waters retreat 25 Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma 14 Trauma WomenHealing for Women 15 Deeper Healing for Women 11 Moving On with God for Women 23 Mosaic 16 Discovering Your Beauty 24 Worship A Day Looking at Healing through Worship 9 *Most of our courses offer opportunities to receive prayer ministry in response to the teaching. Ellel Ministries offers a wide range of courses, varying in length from half a day to one year. Our teaching aims to equip, inspire and heal, so that you can live your life in freedom and relationship with God as He intended, and fulfil your destiny in Him. Courses are listed in this Handbook in the following order: ● Free events ● One day courses ● Weekend & short courses, including those which are part of a series ● One week and two week courses ● Events for leaders ● In-depth training The diagram below will help you find what you are looking for more easily and for quick reference we have included a list of courses by topic on page 4. Details of how to book are on page 39, and you can also browse and book courses online at Healing Discipleship Prayer Ministry Training 1, 3 and 4 day courses ● ● ● Healing Retreats, Moving On with God, Bridge from the Head to the Heart ● ○ Prayer Ministry School, Prayer Ministry Training ○ ○ Restoration Weeks, Breaking Through to Freedom ● ● ○ 22, 25 ○ ● 25, 26 ● 24 ● 23 ● = included ○ = some Encounters with God, Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Still Waters Retreat Leadership Church Resources Israel Time out with God ○ Creative Inspirational Weeks ○ MicroNETS ● ● ○ Modular School (series), 20 Day School ● ● ● Ellel 365 (online training) ● Church Visits Page 7-19 ● ● ● 6, 23, 24 16, 20 ● 21, 31 ● ● 18 ● ● ● 28 Leaders Events ● ○ Flagship (nine weeks) ● ● ● ● NETS stage 1 & 2 (six months) ● ● ● NETS stage 3 & 4 (six months) ● ● ● ● ● guide to our courses Guide to our Courses ● ● 28 ● ● 30 ● ● ● 29 ● ● ● 29 5 free events FREE Events When I came on a Healing Retreat my main concern was the struggle I’d had with internet pornography. But on the retreat God healed my broken heart caused by my relationship with my father. As far as the other problem is concerned, I have had no desire for it ever since my healing. I no longer need the false comfort pornography had provided. I feel truly set free. If you have never been to an Ellel Ministries event before and would like to find out more about our courses, or you would like to introduce your friends, family or church members, then come to one of our FREE introductory events. Healing Services Healing Retreats Many people have attended an Ellel Ministries Healing Retreat and have testified to the wonderful things God has done in their lives. The aim of a Healing Retreat is to offer individuals a period of time set apart to meet with God, to take a step forward in their Christian walk and to reach out to Him for healing. They provide a special opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry and teaching which covers key biblical principles related to receiving healing for spirit, soul and body. Healing Retreats are offered free of charge to delegates, although donations to cover the costs are much appreciated. Healing Retreats are available at all Ellel Ministries centres, varying in length from 1 to 3 days. For the Healing Retreat application form please contact your nearest Ellel Ministries centre. After receiving your application form we prayerfully consider your needs and will usually be able to offer a place on a Healing Retreat. In some situations a Healing Retreat may not be considered to be the best way forward and alternative advice may be given. Free Teaching Days at Glyndley Manor In a world full of lies, conflict and mistrust, how do we walk in truth, peace and harmony? These Free Teaching Days are intended to give you answers to some of your questions regarding Christian lifestyle in the 21st century. Booking essential. Bring a packed lunch or order a light lunch for £5 when you book. Moving on from Depression NEW Clinical depression is one of the biggest global health issues of our time. This teaching day will look at the symptoms and roots of this disorder in people's lives. The Bible has much to say on how this painful condition can get a grip through emotional and spiritual wounding, but it also gives direction for how God has made a remarkable way for restoration - a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness. Jesus is, today, the radical divine answer to the growing problem of depression. 6 These exciting days will include times of worship, Bible based teaching and opportunities for prayer ministry to bring healing and freedom in Jesus’ name. The teaching will bring keys to healing in spirit, soul and body, focusing on wholeness for the complete person. 7 Feb, 30 May, 4 Jul, 8 Aug, 3 Oct, 28 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont Monthly Healing Services are held at most centres and are open to all. They are usually held on a Monday or Tuesday evening and begin at 7:30pm. A small amount of foundational teaching is given before the Ellel ministry team spend time praying with individuals. See Ellel centre diaries on pages 32-36 for dates. 4 Feb 2015 at Glyndley Manor Jesus Heals Today! 15MFD01GM Free Taster Events Each of these introductory events includes short times of teaching giving a ‘taste’ of the foundational teaching of Ellel Ministries. For more details, contact the relevant centre. 7 Feb 2015 at Glyndley Manor 9 May 2015 at Ellel Grange 18 Apr 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont Free Teaching Days in Scotland One-day events, focused on bringing understanding of the healing ministry of Jesus for today’s Church*. These days bring understanding and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord. The teaching is offered free of charge and a buffet lunch can be booked for £5. The days run from 10am – 4pm. Please book in advance of the day. The office can be contacted for more information as most of the Free Teaching Days will have specific topics. * Except for the Free Teaching Day on 9th May which brings teaching on Israel. 31 Jan, 4 Apr, 9 May, 11 Jul, 12 Sep, 24 Oct 2015 at Ellel Scotland Christmas Celebrations You are invited to this open meeting with carol singing to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 7 Dec 2015 at Glyndley Manor at 7.30pm 8 Dec 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont at 7.30pm 14 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange at 7.30pm 15 Dec 2015 at Ellel Scotland at 7.00pm Moving into God’s Rest NEW What does it really mean to live in God’s rest? How do we move into His rest? Living out of God’s rest will transform our lives and give us the opportunity to know the abundant life that Jesus has provided for us. Moving into this ‘rest’ is about receiving the grace of God and finding freedom from guilt, anxiety, heavy burdens, ill health and so much more. 8 April 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MGR01GM Moving on from Anxiety NEW Many of us have struggled with anxiety at some time in our lives. Anxiety can be debilitating and controlling of our lives, relationships and walk with the Lord. For some who wrestle with anxiety it is a guilty secret we hide in our hearts afraid of what God and others would think. Yet God knows us, loves us and sees all the struggles of our hearts. His heart for us is huge and He longs to get right alongside us in our worries and bring His truth, His peace and His strength. 3 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MFA01GM Moving on from Failure NEW It seems to me that life is full of challenges! We try to do our best and strive for success but so often we live with a sense of failure that blights our selfconfidence. It may be rooted in past situations, in failed relationships, in our work, or even backsliding in our Christian walk, but with Jesus there is a way forward into a new confidence and peace of mind. 5 Aug 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MFF01GM Moving on with the Father NEW Many of us struggle to really understand or connect with our Heavenly Father. We may even long to do this but feel held back. During this day we will look at the character of Father God, how He longs to draw us closer so we can move on with Him and how we can deal with issues that stop us from entering into the fullness of relationship with Him. 2 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MWF01GM Moving on from Negative Thinking Patterns NEW How many of us live our lives with our glasses half empty? This teaching day will explore ways that our negative thoughts hold us back from living the fullness of life God intents for us. We will look at ways that these negative patterns get set up, and how they affect all our relationships and daily living. There will also be practical insights of how we can begin to “Take our thoughts captive” and live with our glasses half full. 4 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MNT01GM one day courses One Day Courses Flagship One Day courses As well as the courses listed below, we will be offering a selection of one day courses during the 2015 Flagship Programme (25 Apr - 27 Jun). These will be advertised closer to the time. These days were well attended last year and we look forward to welcoming you this year. Please contact Ellel Grange for more details. A Day Looking at Alternative Therapies NEW There are many alternative therapies available today - such as homeopathy, acupuncture, reflexology, reiki and a large variety of other alterative healing practices. What do we know about how they work? Are they spiritually safe? Are there any issues that Christians should be aware of? Come and join us as we look at the roots of these healing practices and explore together what the spiritual side effects can be. There will be time set aside for reflection and personal prayer ministry. 31 Jul 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DAT01EG A Day Looking at Blessings & Curses “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deut 30:19). God’s plan is for us to live a life of blessing, peace and closeness to Him, yet so often there are inexplicable recurring patterns of failure. Perhaps there are areas of your life where you feel you are doing everything right and yet everything seems to be going wrong! Perhaps you can see the same pattern in your wider family? On this one day course you will discover how to recognise curses and how to break their power in Jesus’ name so that you can walk in the blessings God intends for you. 11 Apr 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15BAC01PP A Day Looking at Breaking Free from Pride, Envy & Jealousy NEW Often it is not our lack of gifting that holds us back from fulfilling God’s plan for our lives; it is our character. Pride, envy and jealousy are like poison in our hearts – they will steal spiritual and emotional life from us and block us from receiving the fullness of God’s grace each day. The Bible says that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. On this one day course we will learn how to break out of these poisonous heart attitudes and into the peace and freedom that God intends for us. 7 Mar 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15BFP01PP A Day Looking at Claiming the Ground It is a biblical principle that when sin takes place, the ground on which it takes place is defiled (e.g. Leviticus 18:28, Jeremiah 3:9). This defilement gives openings for the enemy to influence the place for his purposes, in opposition to those of God. Join us for this interactive day of teaching and practical application as we learn the principles of claiming the ground back from the enemy and how to put these principles into practice. 19 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DCG01EG A Day Looking at Discernment & Deception Do you question whether the new fads, theories and trends of the world are acceptable for a believer to be involved with? Do you ever wonder if the things you are hearing, reading or getting involved in as a believer are pleasing to God after all? Scripture tells us that in the last days even the elect can be deceived. This day course will look at what the Bible teaches about discernment and deception; how deception can come in and how to use our discernment to test and judge what is of God. 2 Oct 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DIS01EG A Day Looking at Domination & Control Many of us have been affected by ungodly control and have come under the domination of others. We may also have learned to control things and even dominate others as a way of protecting ourselves. However, this is not God’s way. This day will unpack the issues surrounding control and domination and will provide you with a clearer understanding of the issues. There will be opportunity to receive prayer during the day. 7 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 22 Aug 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15DDC01EG 15DMI01PP A Day Looking at Eating Many of us do not like to admit that eating is an issue. We regret those extra chocolate bars or we are fussy about food or we may control what we eat and end up eating too little … but we don’t admit there is a problem. God’s plan for us is freedom in every area of our lives. This day course looks at some of the reasons why we have issues with food and why we respond in the way we do. There will be opportunity for time with God to reflect and to receive prayer. 30 Jan 2015 at Ellel Grange 15LAE01EG A Day Looking at Fear Fear is one of the most common and crippling experiences of life. This course seeks to provide understanding of the often deep-seated causes of fear and how they can affect our lives. However, we know that perfect love (God himself) drives out all fear. The course explores how God’s healing love can bring freedom, release and restoration. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 23 May 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 20 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 12 Dec 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15UFF01PP 15LAF01EG 15UFF02PP 7 one day courses One Day Courses A Day Looking at Freedom from Pornography Over recent years, rising internet use has seen pornography viewing increase at an alarming rate. How do we help someone in our local church who confesses an addiction to pornography? What do we do if we suspect that a member of our family or someone close to us has a problem with it? Where and who do we go to for help if we are hooked? Pornography is a tool that the enemy uses to bring much guilt and shame into the lives of many men and women, though it is rarely talked about in the church. This one day course will explain how we can minister into this area to bring wonderful freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. There will be opportunity for confidential personal prayer ministry during this course. 31 Jan 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 1 Aug 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 13 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15UFP01PP 15UFP02PP 15HFP01EG A Day Looking at Freemasonry On this day, we will unpack the basic ideas behind freemasonry and explain the effects of the rituals which are undertaken by those who join - effects on themselves and on their families. There will be opportunity to renounce the curses and to receive prayer. If you or your parents, grandparents or others on your generational line have been involved in freemasonry and you want to be freed of the negative effects, then this day is for you. 24 Jan 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 18 Jul 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 11 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange 15UCF01PP 15UCF02PP 15DLF01EG A Day Looking at Generational Iniquity & Soul Ties Of all the wounds we can receive throughout our lives, rejection is perhaps the deepest. If you struggle with rejection you will know that it affects the way you think, feel, the way you see yourself, and the way you interact with others. Rejection can have its roots right back when we were in our mother’s womb, or perhaps during childhood. For others it happens later in life through a deep betrayal or the breakdown of a marriage. It steals our ability to love life, to love ourselves and to love others and affects our ability to fully receive and embrace the love and acceptance that God has for us. Join us for this one day course to discover how God can bring deep healing to the roots of rejection and enable you to walk with joy and confidence – loving God, loving yourself and loving others. 21 Mar 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 24 Oct 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15HFR01PP 15HFR02PP A Day Looking at Healing the Human Spirit The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Ps 34:18 Our doctors are quick to tell us that illnesses such as diabetes can pass on from generation to generation. Do you know that this can happen with spiritual things in our lives too? Exodus 20:5-6 states that blessings will be poured out upon the families of those who obey God for a thousand generations, but that the iniquity (crookedness) of those who disobey God’s laws will be passed down to the third and fourth generation. Scripture also makes it clear that Godly relationships bring blessings into our lives and ungodly ones bring bondage. On this course we will unpack these often misunderstood topics and explain clearly how we can be set free from generational curses and be released from ungodly soul ties and their consequences. 27 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont A Day Looking at Healing from Rejection 15GIS01PP Scripture speaks of our spirits being crushed, but what does this really mean? A person with a damaged human spirit may feel they are weighed down on the inside or have a sense of inner turmoil. They may find it difficult to connect with God, especially in worship. Others may find their capacity to live and love is much lower than it should be, or feel they have a lack of creativity. When God brings healing to a person’s human spirit they are often amazed at the new sense of life, strength and vitality they feel on the inside. If you feel you might be damaged on the inside yourself, or if you want to learn to minister to others in this area – this course is for you. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 25 Apr 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15HUM01PP A Day Looking at Healing through Worship – with Jim Graham “God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24). This special one-day event with guest speaker Jim Graham will inspire you to worship God in a deeper, more real and more passionate way than ever before! As we give thanks to God for who He is, all He has done for us, and for the abundant life He so freely gives us, we find that our relationship with Him deepens. As worship becomes our lifestyle, a renewed and growing relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit can then bring new life and healing to our whole being. 6 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 8 15UHW01PP A Day Looking at No Longer a Victim Do bad things seem to repeat themselves even when you have sought God’s help? Do you focus on the bad rather than the good and expect things to go wrong? Do you find that things go well for others but not for you? Do you have negative thoughts about yourself and feel powerless to change them? These patterns in your life are not God’s will. This course will explore how they can change and how you can enter into the blessing and freedom of who you really are in Christ and find your true identity. There will be opportunity for reflection and to receive personal prayer. 27 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15NLV01EG A Day Looking at the Early Roots of Anxiety Do you struggle to connect with people at a really close level? Maybe you try to reach out to others but it seems difficult to form deep and lasting relationships. Do you sense a deep rooted anxiety in your life? From the moment you were conceived, your spirit was alive. Events which took place in the womb or soon after birth, can have a profound effect on your life, especially after separation from your mother, even if it was for a relatively brief time. This special day will explore these issues and provide opportunity to receive prayer. 21 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange one day courses One Day Courses 15ERA01EG A Day Looking at Unpacking the Goings On in the Middle East Join us for this fascinating day as Rev Murray Dixon, former Rector of Christ Church, Jerusalem and author of Israel: The Land of God's Promise, unpacks the prophecies of the Bible as they relate to the scenario unfolding in the Middle East. A rare opportunity to receive insights into how biblical prophecy relates to history happening before our eyes. Be prepared to have your eyes opened! 4 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DME01EG A Day Looking at Who Do You Think You Are? A Day Looking at Searching For Significance Do you feel deep down that you are insignificant and not worth loving? Do you find yourself a slave to seeking the approval of others, and striving to gain and maintain God's approval? Does the fear of punishment or rejection drive you to perform more and more? Does your value depend on outward appearances? If you are weary of being on this treadmill then why not come to this course and start breaking down some of these wellworn patterns and enter into the rest of God's unearned love and acceptance of you. 4 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange God has chosen us to be a royal priesthood and to represent Him to this world, but sometimes we have difficulty fully embracing who He has made us to be. As a result, we miss out on living the dynamic, fulfilled life He intended for us. Satan, the father of lies, uses people and circumstances in our lives to wound us and make us believe we are useless, rubbish, worthless - literally attempting to steal our true identity from us. Do not fear! As we begin to learn the truth of what God says about us and we believe it deep in our hearts and in our spirits, He restores our true identity in Him. Knowing who you are is the foundation of a fulfilled, passionate and fruitful life with Christ. This one day course is about discovering your true identity and being restored to be the person God made you to be. 10 Jan 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15WTA01PP 15SIG01EG A Day Looking at Singleness: Love it or Hate it! This enjoyable and practical course will explore the joys and challenges of being single, including the question of how to be prepared for ‘the right one’. We will look at living a fulfilled life as a single person, including how to deal with temptation and how we can live lives that are pure and pleasing to God. We will also explore the desire of many singles to be married, the issues that may be preventing this and what we can do about them, and how to be satisfied now, with Jesus as the true source of all our affection and contentment. There will be opportunity for reflection and to receive personal prayer. 6 Feb 2015 at Ellel Grange 15SLH01EG 9 weekend & short courses Weekend & Short Courses Acceptance & Belonging - healing from the wounds of Rejection Rejection is a very wounding experience because we all have a deep desire to belong and to feel accepted. God himself has given us this in-built desire to feel recognised, valued and accepted for who we are. When this need has not been met, we may reject ourselves, others or even God. God never rejects you and He longs to heal the wounds you carry because of past rejection. As we learn to know God as he really is, we can learn to accept ourselves and others as unique and precious children of God. This wonderful course is for all who want to escape the treadmill of rejection and move into the joy of feeling accepted and knowing that you belong. The teaching will also be very helpful for anyone who feels called to minister God's love to other people. There will be opportunity to receive some personal prayer. 13-14 Mar 2015 in Republic of Ireland 8-10 May 2015 at Glyndley Manor 4-6 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange 15AB101RI 15AB101GM 15AB101EG Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences. We have problems with our relationships if we express anger in ungodly ways, while physical illness and emotional problems occur if we just suppress anger instead. This helpful teaching will help you identify the hidden roots of your anger, whilst the practical teaching on godly expression of anger shows how to bring the most powerful of emotions back under godly control. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 15ANG01GM 15ANG01EG Be still and know… Why not take some time out from your busy, stressful or painful life and spend time with Jesus? In the Scriptures we are called to “Be still and know that I am God”. Being still is a choice and a discipline. Come and spend time at Ellel Grange for these few days. There will be short times of worship and guidance to lead you into quietness and rest before God. Be still away from the pressures of life and encounter a loving, caring God. As we draw close to Him, He promises to draw near to us. 17-19 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange 4-6 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 15BSK01EG 15BSK02EG This course is vital for anybody who truly wants to fulfil the Great Commission, to heal the sick and cast out demons, and who wants to see the power of the name of Jesus clearly demonstrated in these days, for His glory. 14-16 Aug 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15BEP01PP Are you living today with the effects of past bad choices? Are your choices today leading you to a more godly lifestyle? On this course we will consider why we live the way we do, the reality of family life, how to do time management God’s way, how to interface with the world and the church, handling crises and confrontation, food, diet and exercise, dealing with money and how to prepare for the future. 13-15 Feb 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15CLG01GM Church Leaders’ Conference This three day conference, for pastors or senior church leaders and their spouses, gives you the opportunity to have quality time with God, to allow Him to speak into your life and to attend workshops and sessions designed to strengthen you as a precious leader of the church. We have experience in getting to the roots of people's problems so that issues don't come back! Let us share how that can transform your congregation. You will also have the opportunity to receive confidential prayer ministry, to spend time in worship and to enjoy our beautiful 35 acre grounds. 23-25 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15PLC01PP Blessings & Curses Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout Are you constantly frustrated by things going wrong? It could be recurrent sickness, accidents, problems with finances or in relationships. God’s plan is for us to live a life of blessing, peace and closeness to Him, yet so often there are inexplicable recurring patterns of failure in our lives. It may be that you are living under curses instead of God’s blessings. This biblical teaching will show you how to recognise a curse at work and will reveal how Jesus died to bring you release and healing. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer. Do you find that stress and tension is sucking up your energy and even causing a sense of overwhelm? The world tells us to relax more, but God’s way is to treat the cause, not just the symptoms. This much-needed ministry course looks right down to the root causes of stress and why we get anxious. We will look at how these roots can be dealt with as God brings healing. Why "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deut 30:19 NIV) 3-5 Jul 2015 at Ellel Grange 10 Jesus said that we will “trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy”, but often as Christians we are ill-equipped to deal with the strongholds of the enemy. Some Christians are afraid or ignorant of the spiritual world, whereas others have had bad experiences of deliverance ministry and seen people more harmed than healed. God’s plan is that the church would rise up with faith, authority and understanding to do greater things even that Jesus did on the earth. On this weekend course we will lay a clear and biblical foundation for overcoming the enemy’s power in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to. Choosing Life God’s Way Anger... How do we handle it? 26-28 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 11-13 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange Breaking The Enemy’s Power NEW 15B&C01EG not enjoy this Bible-based teaching and discover the true peace that comes only from Jesus? There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 27-29 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor 23-24 Oct 2015 in Northern Ireland 4-6 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange 15SAB01GM 15SAB01NI 15SAB01EG Deeper Healing for Women Issues of the past rob women of womanhood as God intended. God created women with a heart to give and receive love but inner struggles with fear, anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty and loss act as thieves that steal the joy, peace and happiness which God designed women to enjoy. Present pain can be rooted in wounds, often parental wounds, that go a long way back causing emotional, spiritual and sometimes physical sickness. The course aims, through teaching and ministry, to bring women to the place where they have a heart fully surrendered to God; to live in their God-given femininity and to grow in godliness and holiness. There will be some opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 25-27 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DHW01EG Deliverance Ministry 1 This four day course examines deliverance ministry, an integral part of the healing ministry of Jesus, from both scriptural and practical perspectives. It explains how demonic footholds can be established in a person’s life and presents key principles by which the captives may be set free. There will be some opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. * To attend this course you will be asked to submit an endorsement from your church leadership. 5-6 Jun 2015 in Republic of Ireland 16-19July 2015 at Glyndley Manor 5-8 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15DM101RI 15DM101GM 15DM101EG Deliverance Ministry 2 This specialist course is for those who have an understanding of the healing and deliverance ministry but are seeking keys to particular problems. Subjects include: claiming the ground; alternative medicines; martial arts; freemasonry; cults and false religions. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. * We recommend attendance on ‘Deliverance Ministry 1’ prior to coming on this course. 9-11 Jan 2015 at Ellel Grange 17-19 Apr 2015 at Glyndley Manor 18-19 Sep 2015 in Northern Ireland 15DM201EG 15DM201GM 15DM201NI Finding your Identity (Healing & Identity) Have you ever asked questions such as: Who am I? What am I? Who cares? This course is designed for you if you have ever struggled with the difficult issue of who you really are. God created you to have a special and unique identity, but life’s circumstances can shape and distort the understanding we have of ourselves and others. The good news is that our true identity can be discovered and restored. Find out more on this special weekend. 28-30 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 9-11 Oct 2015 in Ireland (Venue to be announced - please contact Ellel Ireland for details) For some of us, food is one of the few things we can control in our lives. For others our eating is out of control and is a form of comfort. Whether you are a fussy eater, an over eater, a yo-yo dieter, someone who controls their eating, someone who denies yourself food or someone for whom food is an issue in any way, the Lord wants you to have freedom in this area of your life. This course looks into the reasons why we have issues with food and respond in the way we do. It will also unpack real kingdom answers. Are you looking for freedom yourself? Are you supporting someone who needs freedom? This course is for you. 28-30 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 15FMG01EG weekend & short courses Food, Me & God Foundations for the Healing Ministry Too much choice? This is an ideal place to start if you are not sure which course would be best for you. It is also the place to start if you have an interest in the healing ministry or are involved in pastoral ministry or you want to grow in Christian discipleship and fulfil your potential in Jesus. Discover the difference between soul and spirit and why it matters; the 5 major blocks to healing; how Jesus healed people; what is really going on when we pray; and much more. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. This is also the first course of the Modular School. 9-10 Jan 2015 in Republic of Ireland 6-8 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor 10-12 Jul 2015 at Ellel Grange 15FHM01RI 15FHM01GM 15FHM01EG Freedom from Eating Disorders Eating problems blight many people’s lives. If you are trapped in the bondage of some form of eating disorder, this course will help you to make meaningful steps into freedom. You will gain understanding of what is really going on - the root causes - and begin to overcome the painful damage from the past. We will consider the truth of the extent of inner damage and the gnawing pain it causes, control and how it relates to eating patterns, the deception and power of the enemy and how to receive God’s healing in recovery. 22-24 May 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15FFE01GM Freedom from Rejection We have all experienced rejection in our lives and for many this has had a deep impact on who we are and how we live. Rejection has become part of our identity and influences our relationships and our view of ourselves. This weekend course will explore how we are affected by rejection, how we respond to rejection, God’s perfect plan for us and His truth and how to find our true identity. If you have already attended the Acceptance & Belonging course and would like to gain more understanding of this issue, then this course is for you. It is also a stand alone course. As well as benefiting yourself, this course will also be helpful for those wanting to minister to others. There will be the opportunity to respond to the teaching and to receive personal prayer. 21-23 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 15AB201EG 15FYI01EG 15FYI01RI 11 weekend & short courses Freedom from Ungodly Control Do you feel you are always being controlled by others? Or has anyone ever suggested that you are a ‘control freak’? The damage caused by ungodly control ruins many lives but this course will teach you how to take steps into freedom from control. We will explore God’s gift of freewill, the nature of authority and power and how control can defile families, the workplace and the church. We look at control in our own lives, the enemy’s tactics, the example of Jezebel, and how to receive freedom and wholeness. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 10-12 Jul 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15FUC01GM Gathering to Pray with Ellel Ministries and ASK Prayer Network If you love to pray or feel you (might) have a calling as an intercessor, this weekend is for you. We are coming together at Ellel Grange to pray for our nation, the Middle East and other relevant issues and we would love you to be a part of this gathering. For those of you who joined us for the first ‘Gathering to Pray’ event in 2013, and who asked for it to be run again, we know you will be delighted to see this inspiring and informative event back! This prayer event will be led jointly by the Ellel Grange leadership and the ASK Prayer Network leadership. We are also inviting informed guest speakers to speak on interesting topics, including UK government and Israel/the Middle East . More details will follow but for now, please put it in your diary and book a place so that you can join us for this second ‘gathering to pray’ event at Ellel Grange. 20-22 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15GTP01EG Getting Behind the Mask Do you sometimes feel there’s a gap between the person you present on the outside and the ‘real you’ on the inside? Are there areas in your innermost being where you long to experience the security and peace that God’s love brings? The Bible tells us that ‘we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us’ (Romans 8:37), yet many of us are trying to live the ‘Christian life’ whilst still struggling with hidden areas in our lives, where we cannot seem to get the victory. On this course we will be sharing vital keys the Lord has revealed as we have sought to help those who have dissociated from themselves and been desperate for connection to their ‘innermost self’. There is a real message of hope here if you are seeking breakthrough to the freedom of living the 'abundant life' that comes through truly knowing Him and His all-sufficiency at the core of your being. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 16-18 Oct 2015 at Ellel Grange 15GBM01EG Getting to the Root of the Problem Do you feel that you go round and round the same problem in your life without it being resolved? Many people have received prayer for the symptoms of their problems but have never really got to the roots. God knows the foundations of your being and the key areas that have affected your life, and on this course you will learn how to get to the bottom of life’s issues. Only when God goes to the root of the problem and brings healing will you truly be free from the fruits that plague your life. There will be multiple opportunities to receive personal prayer ministry on this course. 27 Feb – 1 Mar 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 12-14 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 4-6 Sep 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15GRP01PP 15GRP02PP 15GRP03PP 15GRP04PP Getting to the Root of Fear & Lies Do you have a particular fear that often stops you doing things you would love to do or feel God might be calling you to do? Most of us know that God doesn’t intend us to live with these fears or with the lies that have distorted our thinking and stolen our ability to fully trust Him. The problem is that we often don’t know how to get free from them. This course looks in depth at how fear and lies enter our lives, how they control us and how we can be totally free in Jesus' name. You will be able to receive personal prayer ministry from our trained ministry team who will be asking God to reveal the roots of your issues and then seeking to deal with them effectively to bring long lasting freedom. 24-26 Jul 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15GFL01PP Getting to the Root of Stress & Anxiety Is stress stealing your peace? God’s Word says that He can keep us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3) so it clearly is not His will for us to be stressed! However, many of us still suffer stress and also from many of the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of it. On this weekend course you will learn to identify the roots of stress in your life & discover that, when the roots are uncovered and you allow God to minister His love and truth into those areas, complete freedom from stress and worry is possible. 4-6 Dec 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 12 15GSA01PP This special course explores the ways in which being given up for adoption or being handed over to someone other than their birth mother can deeply affect a child. Despite the very best loving care of those welcoming the little one into their home, a child will often demonstrate symptoms of inner damage later in life which can cause great distress and confusion for everyone. There will be opportunities for prayer ministry and healing for those suffering from their own past history, as well as assisting those who want to know how to help others. This weekend is also ideal for those who have adopted or fostered children or who hope to do so. 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15GAW01GM Godly Boundaries Do you find it hard to say ‘no’ because of guilt and a fear of letting people down? Do you wonder why people are sometimes upset by what you do, when your actions make perfect sense to you? If so, you are probably struggling with setting boundaries in your life. God established boundaries for Adam and Eve, for the Israelites and for us. However, some of us have not learnt how to set or respect and maintain Godly boundaries and so are suffering the consequences of this in our lives. This course will help you to understand and establish Godly boundaries, which will improve your relationships as you put the teaching into practice. There will be the opportunity for group work, reflection and personal prayer. 20-22 February 2015 at Ellel Grange 15GBD01EG God’s Protection for Your Life Have you ever wondered why some people appear to have ‘nothing but trouble’ while others seem to be more protected? Perhaps you have wondered whether it is really possible ever to find a place that offers real protection for you? This course will give you the answer to that heartfelt cry. God’s spiritual covering is a place of protection and provision for all those in covenant relationship with Him. Through the issues of life, many of us have been spiritually exposed and deeply damaged. God’s heart is to restore His covering to you and to bring His healing so you can live in a new sense of security in the coming years. 27-29 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15GPL01GM Growing in Discernment Do you wonder why so many strange things are happening, some of which may leave you feeling confused and unsure? Jesus said even the elect would be deceived in the last days, but by definition, if you are deceived, you won’t know that you are! So what can we do? This course will help you grow your discernment by bringing understanding about the nature of deception, the conflict between the soul and the spirit, walking in the gift of discernment, the enemy’s strategy and tactic and the power of agreement. We will also consider some deceptions affecting the church today, ways to avoid being deceived and finding freedom and healing from the effects of deception. 20-22 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15GID01GM Healing Damaged Emotions * No previous experience of drama is necessary; all are welcome to come and to join in the fun. Are people always telling you that you are 'too shut down', or that you are 'all over the place' or that you are being 'overemotional'? Extremes in the way we deal with our emotions will often point to the fact that we have been wounded and have not had the opportunity or the understanding to know how to handle strong feelings. Through this course you will understand some of the ways we sustain damage to our emotions, gain clear biblical teaching about emotions and how to express them safely and will get keys for receiving the healing love of Jesus for yourself. 21-23 Aug 2015 at Glyndley Manor 27 Feb – 1 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor God’s Healing Through Drama This exciting course gives an opportunity to explore how performing arts can play a dynamic role in the healing and restoration of the person God created you to be. Although there are some teaching sessions this course is mainly practical and interactive. 15GHD01GM weekend & short courses Given Away – Healing for those Adopted or Fostered 15HDE01GM 13 weekend & short courses Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness Many of us struggle with painful feelings. Sometimes we have over-the-top emotional reactions or we find our emotions do confusing things, like laughing when we should cry. What is going on? Can emotions be healed? Jesus shows in His healing ministry that inner healing is a vital part of the process of becoming healthy. This very popular course explains how inner damage happens and how you can know God’s healing love for yourself. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. Healing for Parental Wounds Our lives are significantly affected by the way our parents related to us and raised us. Many of us carry wounding from our fathers and mothers which directly affects the way we behave and relate to others, including our own children. This powerfully impacting weekend explores these issues. You will be encouraged as you find yourself drawing closer to your perfect parent – your Heavenly Father. There will be opportunity to receive prayer ministry. 23-25 Jan 2015 at Ellel Grange 15HPW01EG Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma Post-traumatic stress and the consequences of accidents continue to affect many people's lives, even years after the event. The result may be chronic pain, fears, sleep problems, low level constant anxiety and much more. If you have suffered an accident, an emotional trauma or other type of trauma in the past and are seeking God's healing touch, then this course is for you. There will be time for you to receive God's healing. This is also an excellent course for those involved in ministry to others, to learn how to pray for them and bring God's healing. Many people have experienced dramatic physical and emotional healing, both on this course and through applying what they learned here. 15-16 May 2015 in Northern Ireland 14-16 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 20-22 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15HAT01NI 15HAT01EG 15HAT01GM Healing for Women This ministry course is especially designed to bring healing to women of all ages and backgrounds. The sensitive teaching reveals the Father heart of God for women and their unique role and identity. Teaching on emotional wholeness and the issues of rejection, fear, sexuality and submission to authority is followed by opportunities to receive prayer ministry. 5-7 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 31 Jul – 2 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 15HFW01GM 15HFW01EG Healing Through Creativity God wants to surprise you with His joy, His goodness and His gift of life. This is not so much a course but an experience! The healing of the freedom to ‘be’ rather than to do is very profound. This course is about receiving God’s love. 26 Feb – 1 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange 28-31 Aug 2015 at Glyndley Manor 8-11 Oct 2015 at Ellel Grange 7-9 Aug 2015 in Northern Ireland 15HTC01EG 15HTC01GM 15HTC02EG 15HTC01NI 15IHE01RI 15IHE01GM 15IHE01EG Intimacy with God through Prayer Do you feel your prayers sometimes stop at the ceiling? Is your prayer life dry and your relationship with God more distant than you would like? This course explores prayer and how it deepens relationship with the Lord to bring healing from past hurts and restoration for the future. There is opportunity to look at those things that affect our relationship with God, restrict our prayer life and rob us of both intimacy and effectiveness. With the help of the Lord, this course will revive and transform your prayer life! 20-22 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15INP01GM Jesus – Do we really know Him? As we prepare for Christmas and as we seek Jesus for healing, a question is - do we really know Him? Join Murray Dixon, former Rector of Christ Church, Jerusalem and author of ‘Israel: Land of God’s Promise’ as he takes us on a journey through Scripture, looking at who Jesus is as revealed through his mother, as revealed through the eyes of the disciples and as revealed in Revelation. Do we really know Jesus? Have we really seen Him? Bring your Bible and come prepared to study, to reflect and to have your eyes opened. 4-6 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange 15JSK01EG Living Free from Guilt – God’s Amazing Grace Do you feel there is always more you could do to please God or others? Come and discover freedom! This exciting course is for all who want to be free from guilt and discover that ‘Life is for living’. We do not have to live with a constant and crushing sense of guilt. False guilt acts like a curse, bringing shame, condemnation, fear, defilement, control, a sense of injustice and more. We will explore together how Jesus can expose the false guilt in our lives and set us free to enjoy abundant life. 20-22 Feb 2015 at Glyndley Manor 31 Jul - 2 Aug in Republic of Ireland 11-13 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange 15LFG01GM 15FFG01RI 15LFG01EG Loneliness (God’s heart of healing for the lonely) This course will explore how to pray for children to bring God's wholeness and healing in a way that is appropriate and safe. It considers the important issues of authority and covering, when and how to pray, who should do the praying and much more. Learn how God can use you to bring His love and healing to children! Loneliness can be deeply painful, yet it is rarely talked about. Many struggle with loneliness and most people have tasted its bitter fruit at some stage in their lives, while for some it can seem like a lifelong curse. Is there a solution? Join us on this new course to discover what the Bible says about loneliness, explore reasons for loneliness and hear God’s heart and His real answers for our needs. God is interested in this problem and He offers healing from the wounds of loneliness and new hope in meaningful relationship with Him and others. We see too how God can use times of loneliness to achieve His purposes in our lives. Personal prayer ministry is offered. 27-29 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 18-20 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor How to Pray for Children 14 24-25 Apr 2015 in Republic of Ireland 12-14 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 2-4 Oct 2015 at Ellel Grange 15HPC01GM 15LON01GM As a consequence of not being loved in the way that God intended, many people do not understand what real love involves. This life-enhancing course is for all who long to know more of God’s love. 18-20 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange 9-11 Oct 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15LHP01EG 15LHP01GM Making Family Work NEW Have you had a good experience of being in a family? What is God’s design plan for families? On this course we will look at what God says about his heart for the family. We will look at boundaries, what tough love means and how to keep on loving even through difficult times. Children, adults and the elderly all need to receive love and we will explore how to do this and the challenges we face in learning to make families work across the generational lines. Come and join us for a great course. 1-3 May 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MFW01GM Making Marriage Work NEW Have you been married a long time, just become engaged or just thinking about being married? Do you know what God says about being married? How can we protect our relationships, deepen the love between us and understand each other? Come on this course and explore the mystery of marriage, what helps and what hinders a marriage. 11-13 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15MMW01GM Men for God (The Men’s Weekend) 15TMW01GM 15TMW01EG Ministry to Marriage This course is for all married or engaged couples who want to enjoy their lives together and enter more fully into God’s plans and purposes for their marriage. It is specifically designed to strengthen your marriage as well as to restore and heal those that are struggling. Along with the teaching there will be opportunity to receive prayer. 28-30 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange (Sat - Mon) 11-13 Dec 2015 at Ellel Grange Jim Graham brings a wealth of experience from many years of Christian Leadership. Having led one of the UK’s largest Baptist churches for many years, Jim's teaching is full of biblical integrity but is delivered with a compassionate pastoral heart. Jim has been described as a gentle giant of the Christian faith - he speaks in an authoritative way and with a real sense of fun and humour. Life Issues 1: Dealing with Disappointment Have you ever had your heart set on something and then been deeply disappointed when it did not come to pass? Perhaps it was a relationship, a job, or something you desperately wanted to achieve that was just outside of your grasp? Perhaps someone made you a promise and did not fulfil it, or maybe you were deeply betrayed by a loved one? How do we cope when life deals us a difficult blow? On this one-day course Jim will speak from personal experience, offering encouragement to us that no situation is beyond God’s ability to bring restoration. 17 Jan 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15MTM01EG 15MTM02EG 15DWD01PP Life Issues 2: God’s Plan for Your Retirement You may have heard it said ‘there is no retirement in God’s Kingdom’, but what does it mean in practice? As we get older, we sometimes wonder what our place is in society and, perhaps in the Church. Though our physical strength may not be what it used to be, we feel we have so much to give to the younger generation, and God’s plan is that this experience would be effectively passed on. Join us for this oneday course as Jim addresses the challenges of this season and imparts enthusiasm for the vital work that God wants to do with us in these later years. 14 Mar 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15GPR01PP Life Issues 3: Death & Bereavement Death is something that we all face. However, in our culture, we are uncomfortable talking about it. Those who have lost a loved one know how difficult it is, particularly if that person was a spouse or if the death was untimely. Most of us fear death, but as Christians that need not be so! On this one-day course, Jim will speak about what the Bible says about death, and will offer encouragement and insight (from first hand experience) for those who have suffered bereavement. 16 May 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont Come and join us for a challenging and lifechanging weekend exclusively for men. This course is about moving on with God. We will look at relevant men’s issues such as headship, the call to manhood, overcoming sexual temptation, the godly expression of emotions, including anger and restoration from failure. Prepare to be challenged and transformed. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry during this course. 5-7 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 25-27 Sep 2015 at Ellel Grange Life Issues with Jim Graham weekend & short courses Love’s Healing Power 15DAB01PP Life Issues 4: Boundaries The increasing pressures from the world we live in can affect our family and personal relationships, and even our Christian service. Many Christians are confused about how to have godly boundaries in their lives. This one-day course, with guest speaker Jim Graham, will look at the boundaries that are set by Scripture especially in the areas of relationships, holiness and service. Come and discover God's answers and freedom to this vital life issue of – Boundaries! 27 May 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15LIB01GM Life Issues 5: Healing Does God still heal today and how can we receive this healing? Are there reasons why we aren’t healed and what can we do? Where does the place of doctors and modern day medicine fit into the healing ministry of Jesus? On this one-day course, Jim Graham will be sharing from his own personal experience and how honesty is so important in receiving healing, and find out what the greatest healing of all is for Christians! 26 Aug 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15LIH01GM Life Issues 6: The Church Who or what is ‘the Church’ and what is its purpose? What is a ‘church member’? Do we fully know what God’s plan is and what does the Bible say about how the Church relates to the Kingdom of God? This exciting and challenging one-day course with Jim Graham will unpack God's heart and vision for the Church. Come and be refreshed and inspired! 28 Oct 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15LIC01GM 15 weekend & short courses No Longer a Victim NEW with Margaret Silvester Mosaic (Women’s Weekend) NEW Women come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, each with amazing talents and abilities. Together, we form a unique mosaic called ‘womanhood’. Genesis 1:27 makes it clear that men alone cannot reflect God’s image. Without a display of authentic, God-ordained womanhood, the church will be unable to represent Jesus accurately to this world. God has designed each individual woman to have unique emotions, experiences, hopes and dreams that come together to make her the person God has called her to be. On this weekend you will discover some of the vital keys to flourishing as a woman so that you can fulfil your unique place in the beautiful mosaic that God wants to show off to the world! 28-30 Aug 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15MOS01PP Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit Experience more of God’s presence and power in your life! Learn how to receive the Holy Spirit's empowering for God's works of service and how to discern the difference between true and false anointing. Explore the gifts, fruit and character of Holy Spirit and how to be guided and empowered to minister God's love to others. The weekend will help you to enter into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and exercise and grow in your spiritual gifts. There will be opportunity to receive prayer to release blockages and obstacles that may be hindrances to you being released in the Holy Spirit. This dynamic course will help you to move into God’s purposes and plans for your life. 13-14 Feb 2015 in Republic of Ireland 10-12 Apr 2015 at Glyndley Manor 7-9 Aug 2015 at Ellel Grange 15MUA01RI 15MUA01GM 15MUA01EG Do bad things seem to repeat themselves even when you have sought God’s help? Do you focus on the bad rather than the good and expect things to go wrong? Do you find that things go well for others but not for you? Do you have negative thoughts about yourself and feel powerless to change them? These patterns in your life are not God’s will. This course will explore how they can change and how you can enter into the blessing and freedom of who you really are in Christ and find your true identity. There will be opportunity for reflection and to receive personal prayer. 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2015 in Republic of Ireland 15NLV01RI Practical Prayer Ministry Training NEW Be equipped to pray effectively for people in your family or church! You will learn about key subjects such as soul-ties, belief systems and deliverance, looking at principles for prayer ministry rather than just techniques. You will benefit from many practical insights gained through years of experience ministering to those in need. There will be group work and discussion of case studies as well as opportunity for you to give and receive personal ministry. If you are part of a church prayer ministry team or if you have a desire to minister to others, then this special course is for you. 28 Jul - 2 Aug 2015 at Glyndley Manor 13-20 Jun 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15PPM01GM 15PPM01SC (Each centre structures its courses differently, hence the difference in course lengths and prices. The teaching remains the same for both events.) Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry This interactive course looks at what it means to be involved in helping others through prayer ministry. Who we are and our heart attitudes are more important than what we know. Relational skills are discussed and demonstrated, with an opportunity to use them in practical workshops. 6-8 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange 6-7 Nov 2015 in Republic of Ireland 4-6 Dec 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15PCM01EG 15PCM01RI 15PCM01GM Glyndley Manor Cottages Set in the beautiful, peaceful grounds of the Manor, the perfect place to rest and be restored. Enjoy the quiet, or explore the many historical sites in the area. Studio, 2 and 3 bedroom self-catering cottages, some equipped for disabled users and some dog friendly Special discounts for church groups and full-time ministry workers Tel:+44 (0) 1323 843481 email: 16 Glyndley Manor Cottages 2015 is a very special year for Ellel Pierrepont as we celebrate 20 years of ministry! Please do join us to hear the stories of God’s miraculous provision and the incredible way in which He has established Pierrepont and used this 35-acre estate to bring healing and equipping to people from over 75 nations. With sessions from Ellel’s Founder & Director Peter Horrobin and Pierrepont Centre Director Jill SouthernJones as well as testimonies of God’s mighty work, this promises to be an unforgettable weekend! If God has used Pierrepont to bless you, and you like cake, see you in February! 20-22 Feb 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont **** Radical Discipleship – Preparation for a Supernatural Move of God NEW with Jim Graham Standing Firm on Shifting Sands (from Breakdown to Breakthrough) with Alistair Petrie In the Western Church we don’t have a missional problem, a leadership problem or a healing problem – we have a discipleship problem. When we begin to disciple people properly we will always get mission, we will always produce leaders and we will see healing follow. Jesus hasn’t called us to build His Church. He has called us to make disciples. Come and join us for this exciting weekend and be prepared for a supernatural move of God. In the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented shift away from the Word of God in nations around the world, and in every area of life – politics, economics, schooling, health issues etc. 17-19 Apr 2015 in Ireland (Venue to be announced - please contact Ellel Ireland for details) Receiving Healing Through Deliverance This practical course gives foundational teaching on deliverance ministry. It will be beneficial to those who know that the enemy has been given a foothold in their lives through their own ungodly behaviour or that of their ancestors. It will also help those who have received a measure of inner healing but still struggle to walk in victory in their Christian lives. 24-26 Jul 2015 at Ellel Grange 15HTD01EG Restoring the Human Spirit This course is about discovering who you really are and how God truly can meet your innermost needs. The Bible teaches that your spirit is a vital part of you. It can be hurt, crushed, grow faint or even be broken. If this happens, then your health and wellbeing will be affected (a crushed spirit dries up the bones Prov 17:22) as well as your ability to connect fully with God. This exciting course will be of great help to you if you feel hurt in your spirit yet you would love to have a closer walk with God and improved relationships with others. Those who want to help others will also find this course extremely valuable. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 4-6 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor 2-3 Oct 2015 in Republic of Ireland 27-29 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15RHS01GM 15RHS01RI 15RHS01EG weekend & short courses Ellel Pierrepont’s 20th Anniversary! As Alistair unpacks the extent and impact of these changes, he will bring teaching on how we can stand firm as the world around us goes into breakdown, and how we can breakthrough into truly being salt in the world, bringing Christ’s light to shine in the darkness. 20-22 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15CTL01PP Stepping Stones to the Father Heart of God Many of us have a longing for love which never seems to be satisfied. What we lack is that revelation of God’s heart for us as a father. This course will take you on a journey of stepping stones to His father heart. It will help you to leave behind the distorted selfimage based on neglect, rejection, abandonment or abuse and move to an image based on the word of God and revelation from the Holy Spirit. As you take these steps, your distance from God will get smaller. Experience the love and freedom that can be yours through a heart revelation of the Father's love for you. Each stepping stone will paint a true picture of what God is really like. This will bring healing to some of the inner wounds which may have left a very different picture of God in your heart. If you have a longing to really know God, to experience His unconditional love and acceptance, if you yearn for the head knowledge you have of Him to become a heart experience, this course is for you. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 30 Jan – 1 Feb 2015 at Ellel Grange 15SFH01EG 17 weekend & short courses Steps to Freedom from Addiction The General’s Call (Men’s Weekend) NEW This course has been a turning point to lasting freedom for many people. It offers hope and help if you are struggling with any kind of addiction or if you are seeking to help someone else. We look at the root causes of the addiction and not just the behavioural outworking. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:4). 16-17 Jan 2015 Northern Ireland 29-31 May 2015 at Glyndley Manor 13-15 Nov 2015 at Ellel Grange 15FA01NI 15SFA01GM 15FA01EG Steps to Freedom from Fear Fear is one of the most common and crippling experiences of life. This course seeks to provide understanding of the often deep-seated causes of fear and how God’s healing love can bring freedom, release and restoration. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 6-8 Feb 2015 at Ellel Grange 4-5 Sep 2015 in Republic of Ireland 13-15 Nov 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15SFF01EG 15SFF01RI 15SFF01GM The Father Loves You “How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). God’s love for His children is lavish, but for many people knowledge of God as Father never goes beyond theory. We know that God is our Father from our reading of Scripture, but we find it difficult to experience the intimacy that He longs to have with us, or to know His amazing unconditional love in our lives. This can be because of experiences we had in childhood with our human fathers or with other people in positions of authority, or because of other wounds and rejection we have received in our lives. These experiences can distort our understanding of God as Father and cause blockages which make it difficult for us to receive love from Him. This course will help to identify these blockages and to release us to know and understand more of the lavish love that Father God has for His children. 1-3 May 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 13-15 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont “Ellel365 has radically changed my understanding of God, who He is and who I am in Christ. God has reached into my very being, spoken into my heart, brought me to repentance and loved me through it all. The Son has set ME free!” 18 15FLY01PP 15FLY02PP The role God has given to men on the earth is so vital in establishing and building God’s Kingdom that it is always under serious attack. Satan will use every trick in the book to undermine male leadership, such as holding us into passivity or bondage to sin, or simply distracting us from the true call on our lives. As iron sharpens iron, so we will gather at Ellel Pierrepont to sharpen each other on this men’s weekend. We will explore what it means to be a true solider in God’s army, how to overcome issues such as passivity and lust, and most importantly, how to stay on track to fulfil the plan God has for each one of us. 11-13 Sep 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15TGC01PP The Life & Death of Jesus UnpackedNEW As we prepare to reflect on the death of Jesus and celebrate his resurrection, do we understand the fuller picture? Do we really understand the context of Jesus’ ministry – the attitudes of the religious leaders of the day, the religious and cultural context and the order of events? Who was pushing the agenda? Come and join Rev Murray Dixon, former Rector of Christ Church Jerusalem and author of ‘Israel: the Land of Promise’ as he unpacks the cultural, religious and chronological context of the ministry of Jesus, his road to the cross and his resurrection. 13-15 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange 15JLD01EG The Promise of the Holy Spirit Today NEW with Jim Graham "On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:36-38) Probably no doctrine has been more confused than the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has come to make actual what Jesus made possible on the Cross. He has come to credit us with the risen life of the Lord Jesus. Fear and misunderstanding have surrounded the precious reality of the third person in the Trinity. Let us recognise who He is and respond to His gracious and lifetransforming ministry. Come and join us for this precious weekend as we explore and experience the truth about the Holy Spirit. 25-27 Sep 2015 in Republic of Ireland ******* Ellel 365 Personal Transformation - One Day at a Time ONLINE Discipleship, Healing & Training • 365 Daily Lessons • Community Forum • Question & Answer Forum • Nearly 100 Audio & Video units • 15% Online Discount on Ellel books TOTALLYLIFECHANGING–AMAZINGVALUE Have you ever said, ‘I feel so guilty about these thoughts’, ‘I wish I didn’t react this way’, or ‘people think I’m all right but inside it’s a different story’? This helpful course provides answers for the struggles we often have in our Christian walk and our relationships with others, so we can enjoy life free from guilt, fear and conflict. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 25-27 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor 13-15 Feb 2015 at Ellel Grange 19-20 Jun 2015 in Northern Ireland The Truth about Relationships Although God has created us to relate with others, our relationships are often flawed and can become a source of pain and misery. This much needed course will help us understand what goes wrong and gives practical help to improve relationships and even restore those that seem beyond repair. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 30 Jan-1 Feb 2015 at Glyndley Manor 17-19 Jul at Ellel Grange 15TAR01GM 15TAR01EG The Truth about Sex & Sexuality When two people have sexual relations, God says that 'the two become one'. What are the consequences? And if this happens outside of marriage, can anything be done to put things right? God’s word has much practical teaching on the subject of sex and sexuality. This vital course offers a safe place to explore this relevant subject sensitively and to learn and apply principles for healing and restoration. There will be opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. 15TRM01GM 15TRM01EG 15TRM01NI Understanding Abuse Lives controlled by confusion, guilt and self rejection are often the consequence of abuse of some kind. This course is designed to train and equip anyone who may care for and minister to those who have been abused. The sensitive teaching will also help those who have been abused to understand some of the difficulties they experience. This can be a vital key to healing. Although in-depth ministry cannot be offered, there will be an opportunity to receive personal prayer. 13-15 Mar 2015 at Ellel Grange 6-7Mar 2015 in Northern Ireland 23-25 Oct 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15UNA01EG 15UNA01NI 15UNA01GM Understanding Healing from Brokenness This is a special free opportunity for leaders and their spouses, a time for recharging batteries with personal ministry available for those who desire it. As well as times of worship and rest, there will be practical teaching and opportunity to share on relevant topics, including the forgiveness issue, how to deal with difficult people in the church, the place of the healing ministry in the local church and how to deal with addiction and mental illness in the church. Many people feel broken down inside and live lives that are dysfunctional. Beside them are often Christian brothers and sisters who long to be able to help them. This course will give much needed understanding of the effect of extreme wounding and how we react to life threatening situations and events. You will learn how to handle the process of revelation and assessment of the damage, the difference between full and partial brokenness and the power of our ability to dissociate as an ongoing lifestyle. This course will also give understanding about the healing process and the pitfalls to avoid in ministry. * It is strongly recommended that delegates on this course should have previously attended ‘Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness’ and ‘Restoring the Human Spirit’ or be actively involved in the healing ministry. 16-18 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor 18-20 Sep 2015 at Glyndley Manor 16-18 Jan 2015 at Ellel Grange 17-18 Jul 2015 in Republic of Ireland 2-4 Oct 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15TSS01EG 15TSS01RI 15TSS01GM Time Out for Pastors & Leaders 15PLC01GM weekend & short courses Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind 15UHB01GM • FREE daily devotional written by Ellel Ministries team members • Daily inspiration, encouragement, teaching and challenge by email • All based on the Word of God “Thank you for these daily notes – how excellent they are. I wonder if I’m the only recipient who feels almost as though they are being written for me personally!” “God uses these devotionals to speak to me almost every day.” Sign up now at: 19 Prayer ministry school Prayer Ministry School One of the benefits of the Prayer Ministry School series is that it will teach you how to pray into root issues, not just the presenting symptoms. The series will give you the training, experience and confidence to minister in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit to the individual or to the group. Personal prayer ministry is not included, except as part of group training sessions. You will come away with a fresh vision for the hurting and broken and the call of God on your life to impart the compassionate love and healing of Jesus. Prayer Ministry School 1 Advanced Prayer Ministry School The first course introduces an overview of the different areas of ministry likely to be encountered. Specific areas covered will include: the plan of salvation; lordship and discipleship issues; baptism of the Holy Spirit; dynamics of co-counselling; qualities of a prayer minister; listening skills; forgiveness and bitter root judgements; and generational iniquity and soul-ties. The Advanced Prayer Ministry School Series has been designed as a follow on for those who have completed Prayer Ministry School (1 - 4) or an Ellel training school. 9-11 Oct 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15PM101PP Prayer Ministry School 2 This weekend looks at further keys to effective prayer ministry. Topics covered will include: understanding belief systems; breaking curses, pronouncements and vows; inner healing; the sinful, wounded and godly heart; rejection; defence mechanisms and behaviour cycles; and how to make an assessment. 6-8 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15PM201PP Prayer Ministry School 3 During this weekend there will be time for prayer and discussion in groups, and teaching into ministry keys for areas such as: freedom from fear; healing the human spirit; physical healing; deliverance ministry; and godly sex and sexuality. 11-13 Dec 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15PM301PP Prayer Ministry School 4 During this final part of the series, there will be a review of previously learnt skills and time set aside for group work and demonstration ministry. Further teaching will be given into specific areas of ministry and teaching topics will include: involvement in the occult and false religions; accidents and trauma; loss and depression. 16-18 Jan 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15-17 Jan 2016 at Ellel Pierrepont Please contact Ellel Pierrepont for full details: Tel: +44 (0)1252 794060 Email: 20 15PM401PP 16PM401PP This series aims to go deeper into known subjects as well as looking at further areas of ministry. It will include time to practically apply the skills previously learned as well as the opportunity to grow in confidence in prayer ministry. Each weekend will include question and answer times, ministering in groups and demonstration ministry. There will also be a further opportunity to participate in a Healing and Deliverance Workshop at the end of this series. Advanced Prayer Ministry School 1 13-15 Mar 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15AM101PP Advanced Prayer Ministry School 2 17-19 Apr 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15AM201PP Advanced Prayer Ministry School 3 15-17 May 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15AM301PP Advanced Prayer Ministry School 4 19-21 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 15AM401PP Healing & Deliverance Workshops Designed to provide further training in the healing and deliverance ministry, the workshops enable participants to apply the basic ministry skills learnt during Prayer Ministry School (PMS) and the Advanced series. The emphasis during this 4 day course is on ministering in small groups, under the direction of experienced Ellel Ministries team members. There will be opportunities during these workshops both to give and receive ministry. The completion of an Ellel training school, Prayer Ministry School 1 to 4 or Advanced Prayer Ministry School 1 to 4 is a prerequisite to attending the workshop. 12-15 Feb 2015 (Prayer Ministry School only) 9-12 Jul 2015 (Advanced Prayer Ministry School only) 11-14 Feb 2016 (Prayer Ministry School only) The Modular School is a series of inThe Modular School is a series of indepth training courses covering depth training courses covering important keys that will equip you with important keys that will equip you with prayer ministry skills to help others prayer ministry skills to help others whilst encouraging personal growth whilst encouraging personal growth and healing in your own life. and healing in your own life. The courses provide many opportunities to receive prayer The courses provide They manywill opportunities to receive prayer ministry for yourself. also transform your ministry ministry yourself. They will also yourand ministry to others.forThe Modular School is a transform place of love to others. The Modular School is a place of love and acceptance where people often find deep friendships as acceptance people deep friendships as well as beingwhere a place whereoften yourfind relationship with Jesus well as from beingthe a place your relationship with Jesus moves head where to the heart. moves from the head to the heart. Modular A is a series of ten weekend courses run over Modular A is a seriesB of weekendseries. courses run over one year*. Modular is ten a follow-on one year*. Modular B is a follow-on series. The first five modules of Modular A are progressive in The five modules Modular are progressive their first teaching content of and shouldAideally be taken ininthe their teaching content and shouldSchool ideally culminates be taken ininthea established order. Each Modular established order. Each Modular School The culminates in ain practical application Healing Workshop. emphasis practical application Healing Workshop. The emphasis these workshops is on ministering in small groups underinthe these workshops is on ministering in small team groups under the supervision of experienced Ellel Ministries members, supervision of experienced Elleland Ministries members, with opportunities both to give receive team ministry. with opportunities both to give and receive ministry. “I can’t even get my head around how “I can’t even get my head around how different I am and how different a place I different I am and how different a place I have reached in the last 10 months in Mod have reached in the last 10 months in Mod A. God has really pushed the boat out for A. God has really pushed the boat out for me, indeed for both of us as a couple, and me, indeed for both of us as a couple, and also begun a process of deeper healing.” also begun a process of deeper healing.” Mod A Student Mod A Student the modular school the themodular school2015 2015 modular a modular Foundationsafor the Healing Ministry Foundations HealingofMinistry Moving Underfor thethe Anointing the Holy Spirit Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit Acceptance & Belonging Acceptance Inner Healing& &Belonging Emotional Wholeness Inner HealingMinistry & Emotional Wholeness Deliverance 1 Deliverance Ministry The Truth about Sex 1& Sexuality The about Sex & Sexuality StepsTruth to Freedom from Fear Steps to Freedom from Fear Restoring the Human Spirit Restoring the Human Spirit Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry Healing Workshop Healing Workshop modular B modular B Relationships The Truth about The Truth Relationships Healing forabout Victims of Accident & Trauma Healing Victims Accident Anger…for how do weofhandle it? & Trauma Anger… how do we handle Healing through Creativity it? Healing Creativity Steps tothrough Freedom from Addiction Steps to Freedom from Addiction Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout Dealing with Ministry Stress, Anxiety & Burnout Deliverance 2 Deliverance Ministry 2 Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind Transformed the Renewing of the Mind UnderstandingbyAbuse Understanding Abuse Healing Workshop Healing Workshop modular c modular c Modular A and Modular B, Ellel Grange If you have done Ifand youGlyndley have done Modular A and Modular B, Ellel Grange Manor offer further training on and Glyndley Manorcontact offer further training on to Modular C. Please your local centre Modular C. Please discuss the your local centre to discuss the options. dates & location modular a in 2015 starts: dates & location in 2015 starts: 9 - 10 January 2015 in modular Republic of aIreland 96 -- 10 January 2015 in Republic of Ireland 8 March 2015 at Glyndley Manor 610-12 - 8 March 2015 at Glyndley Manor July 2015 at Ellel Grange 10-12 2015 at Ellel Grange *Talk to July your Centre Director for more information *Talk to your Centre Director for more information As a Modular student, you will benefit from a discount on the normal advertised price for each course “I have learnt so much about ministering to others as well as receiving ministry for “I have learnt so much about ministering to others as well as receiving ministry for myself! I feel so much more alive in Christ after this course, and cannot wait for Mod C, myself! I feel so much more alive in Christ after this course, and cannot wait for Mod C, God Willing.” Mod B Student God Willing.” Mod B Student 21 restoration weeks Restoration Weeks at Glyndley Manor Damage of whatever sort can stop us functioning as God intended. We may live in a throw-away society but God never gives up on anyone. He is the God who gently restores and brings all He has made back to full beauty and into real fruitfulness. Restoration Week Format All Restoration Weeks at Glyndley Manor have a similar format. The first three days major on teaching so we understand the relevant issues. There are also creativity workshops, where we can experiment with new ideas, and times of fellowship. After a free day on Sunday for rest and assimilation of the teaching, the second half of the week is made up of shorter teaching sessions with time to receive personal ministry after each session. Rediscovering Identity Rebuilding Lives Do you know who you are? Are you living as the person God made you to be? If your answer to these questions is “no”, then this week is for you! In this foundational Restoration Week we will be discovering how the principles of disorder, spiritual bondage and wounding have affected our lives. In particular we will consider how fear, rejection and trauma have destroyed our foundations and how the lack of godly covering has exposed us to the work of the enemy in this fallen world. This week is especially suitable for you if you feel you need to establish, or re-establish, a solid footing in your Christian life. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32) During the week there is teaching to understand the principles of how our God-given identity can get crushed, distorted or hidden and how, with God’s restoration of our innermost being, we can find the truth of our unique personhood. With this new revelation you can move into your full potential and so fulfil your personal destiny. I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are your works (Psalm 139:14) 11-18 Mar 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15RWI01GM with Italian translation Rescue from Rejection For many Christians there remains an ongoing issue which blights their life and robs them of joy and of the confidence that they are truly loved by God. It is the present effect of past rejection. During this week the teaching will give us understanding of the causes of these rejection issues, how we have tried to solve our own problems and how we can receive God’s antidote to the poison of rejection: His covenant of unconditional acceptance. With God’s revelation, His healing of the past wounds and with release from present unhelpful behaviours, you will be able to move on into your true identity as a secure, accepted and loved child of God. See I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands (Isaiah 49:16) 12-19 August 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15RWR01GM 14-21 Jan 2015 at Glyndley Manor 1-8 Jul 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15RWL01GM with French translation 15RWL02GM with German translation Regaining Freedom If you are one of the many people who long to experience true freedom in everyday life, yet feel continually held back by compulsive thoughts or unable to break free of old habits, this is the Restoration Week for you! The teaching looks at how and why we become trapped and it explores specific issues that hold us in captivity, such as fear, addictive behaviour and relationship problems. This course provides valuable keys to unlocking these confining prison doors. God can release you! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1) 14-21 Oct 2015 at Glyndley Manor 15RWF01GM Reviving Relationship God made us for the blessing of relationship, firstly with Him and then with those around us. Although human relationships can bring us enormous joy, when they go wrong, sadly they can also inflict deep wounds. God’s invitation is to grow in a new depth of intimacy with Him out of which a whole new way to relate to others can flow. This is a week to take stock of all your relationships, to move forward into a deeper intimacy with God and to learn how to revive and restore relationships with those near and dear to you. 13-20 May 2015 at Glyndley 15RWX01GM Please contact Glyndley Manor for the programme leaflet. Tel: +44 (0)1323 440440 Email: 22 with god 2015 ‘MovingonwithGod’isanintegrated10or11dayprogramme forthosewhohavenotbeenona3dayHealingRetreatbefore. (ThereisnochargeforHealingRetreats).Theybringtogether inasinglepackagetwoofEllelMinistries’shortcoursesandthe opportunitytoattendaHealingRetreat.Itisespeciallysuitable forthosewhocomefromoverseasorhavetotravellongdistances toanEllelMinistries’centre. nB: All bookings for these courses include an application for a healing Retreat. Places will be confirmed once the healing Retreat application has been processed. Please do not pay until notification is received. ‘Moving on with god’ 1 6 - 15 February 2015, Ellel grange • StepstoFreedomfromFear • TransformedbytheRenewingoftheMind page18 page19 ‘Moving on with god’ 2 20 February - 1 March 2015, Ellel grange • GodlyBoundaries • HealingthroughCreativity page13 page14 page10 page11 page11 page11 page10 page15 page15 page11/15 page14 page12 ‘Moving on with god’ 3 3 - 12 July 2015, Ellel grange. • Blessings&Curses • FoundationsfortheHealingMinistry ‘Moving on with god’ 4 21 - 30 August 2015, Ellel grange. • FreedomfromRejection • FindingyourIdentity ‘Moving on with god’ 5 11 - 20 September 2015, Ellel grange. • Anger...HowdoweHandleit? • Love’sHealingPower ‘Moving on with god’ 6 18 - 27 September 2015, Ellel grange. • Love’sHealingPower • DeeperHealingforWomen/MenforGod ‘Moving on with god’ 7 8 - 18 october 2015, Ellel grange. • HealingthroughCreativity • GettingBehindtheMask ‘Moving on with god’ 8 5 - 15 november 2015, Ellel grange. • DeliveranceMinistry1* • StepstoFreedomfromAddiction MicroNETS 9 days of life-transforming Christian training Take some time out to spend with God and allow His truth to transform, equip and envision you for breakthrough in your Christian life. Each day starts with a time of worship and a Bible study, then teaching, discussion groups and ministry during the day. Evenings begin with another opportunity for worship, followed by teaching, demonstration ministry or a social event. You will learn the keys to significant breakthrough in your Christian life as you get a taste of the year-long NETS Programme. Relaxation time is included too, to give you a chance to visit the surrounding countryside or just take time out to sit and watch the river go by! 31 Jan - 8 Feb 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 23-31 May 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 1-9 Aug 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont 21-29 Nov 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont page11 page18 *WewillneedaletterfromyourMinister/PastorsupportingyourappliationforMWG8 Please contact Ellel grange for full details: tel: +44 (0) 1524 751 651 email: 15WMN01PP 15SMN01PP 15SMN02PP 15WMN02PP MicroNETS Track 2 Exclusively for those who have done MicroNETS, Track 2 is your opportunity to take another step on your journey of personal transformation. We will cover new teaching topics that will reveal more of the keys that have led to significant breakthrough in the lives of countless Christians, as well as the usual times of worship , fellowship, group work and relaxation that make MicroNETS so special. The 9 days you spent on MicroNETS were some of the best invested days of your life. Imagine the difference 9 more would make. 26 Sep – 4 Oct 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont Moving On with God / micronets Moving on 15MT201PP £45 early bird discount available. Check for details. or tel: +44 (0)1252 794060 email: 23 Creativity in Scotland Creativity in Scotland Creative Inspirational Weeks Opportunities to discover and improve your creative gifts whilst allowing God to speak through both His creation and your creative expression. Led by highly experienced tutors, the events will encompass plenty of tuition and time for practical workshops that explore various aspects of the subject. Through gentle devotions and a special spiritual environment, these times enable God to minister to individuals whilst they enjoy themselves; allowing a free and unique expression of their heart. Indeed, our experience of past events shows that God can break through in lives in surprising ways! All necessary materials are provided (excluding cameras on the photography week). These events are run simultaneously in pairs, with some joint fellowship and devotional times. Painting With expert tutors at hand, you can explore mixed-media (including water-colour and acrylic) painting and develop existing artistic skills or even start a new hobby in a safe and loving environment. No previous experience is necessary – just turn up and enjoy art! 16 - 23 May 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15CIP01SC Walking From mountains to sea, moorland to rivers, this is an amazing opportunity to explore the awesome beauty of the Scottish Highlands and its abundance of wildlife. Come along and enjoy friendly fellowship and plenty of fresh air! 16 - 23 May 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15CIK01SC Photography A wonderful way of improving your observation of creation with tuition on artistic composition and on the technical know-how that will help you get the best out of your camera. Bring whatever digital camera you and we will help you make the most of it! 7 - 12 Sep 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15CIH01SC Discovering your Beauty NEW! A chance to discover both your inner and outer beauty and how to embrace both! During the event, there will be guidance on colour and styles that suit you, a hair-cut / style from a professional hairdresser, manicures and make-up tuition; as well as plenty of fun as we explore our beauty together. 7 - 12 Sep 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15CIB01SC Bridge from the Head to the Heart Experience the love of God through a gentle blend of teaching, creativity and ministry in a safe, loving and family environment. This week mixes inspirational teaching and creativity workshops to bring healing to those who know the love of God in their head, but long for it to reach the depths of their heart, so they can enter the fullness of life with Christ Jesus. This course has been designed to provide a safe place to allow God to move in your life, building a bridge from the head to the heart. The morning and evening teaching sessions will help you understand the blockages between the head and the heart and how to break through. The afternoons are set aside to allow God to move deeply - through a trip out and a variety of optional creative workshops. 1-8 Aug 2015 at Ellel Scotland 24 15BHH01SC Moving on from damage, despair and sorrow and growing into freedom, joy and peace This unique event is much more than just a training course. Alongside the relevant teaching, it offers real-life discipleship keys, personal mentoring and creative opportunities as well as some quality time set aside just to enjoy yourself. Led by experienced members of the Ellel International ministry team, you will be given time and space to work through issues that have been holding you back from finding freedom. The teaching serves to impart biblical truth which aids the group discussions and times of fellowship, creativity and sharing. The personal times of mentoring guide the prayer ministry sessions which will assist you in your personal healing and discipleship journey, both on the course and on your return home. Held at Ellel Scotland, the beauty and tranquillity of the Scottish Highlands is the perfect setting for this unique event. If you have reached an impasse in your journey with Christ, need someone to help you see the wood for the trees or some prayer into something specific, then this event is for you! It will be particularly helpful to those who have a difficulty with the following: • Receiving love, relational and intimacy issues • Loss of personhood and identity • Comfort and security • Mistrust and betrayal • Abandonment and isolation • Victim and orphan issues • Co-dependency / independency issues Addictive and compulsive behaviour • • Feelings of guilt / shame Breaking Through to Freedom / Still Waters Retreat Breaking Through to Freedom This incredibly special event aims to equip and encourage you to press forward to find freedom, healing and breakthrough in your life. In order to keep this event as personal as possible, places are limited so early booking is highly recommended. Previous attendance on an Ellel Ministries Healing Retreat is required for booking on this course. 7 – 14 March 2015 at Ellel Scotland 25 April – 2 May 2015 at Ellel Scotland 19 – 26 September 2015 at Ellel Scotland 21 – 28 November 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15BTF01SC 15BTF02SC 15BTF03SC 15BTF04SC Still Waters Retreat Personal Retreats of time out, rest and recuperation. You decide how long you stay! Still Waters is the perfect antidote to life’s constant demands. There is no programme of events or heavy teaching schedule, only a gentle, themed devotional time each morning and a fellowship time each evening. The rest of the day is free for you to focus on God, to listen to His voice and to enjoy some time to yourself. What better location for such an event than in the amazing beauty and peace of Blairmore House? With spacious and luxurious accommodation, nestled in a large woodland estate, surrounded by the stunning vista of the highlands of Scotland; Blairmore can easily boast comfort, seclusion and creative inspiration. Each event allows for focussed personal time with God and our well equipped Creativity Room will be available for those who wish to enjoy some time of creative expression. Our prayer is that Still Waters will offer you the spiritual and physical nurture you need to continue on in life, with a renewed vision and heart for God’s purposes in your life. God can do wonderful things when we dedicate quality time to being with Him! You choose how long you stay between these dates (2 nights minimum) 21-28 February -15SWR01SC, 3-10 June - 15SWR02SC, 17-24 August - 15SWR03SC 25 special events at Ellel Scotland Special Events at Ellel Scotland Please contact Ellel Scotland for full details: Tel: +44 (0)1466 799102, E-mail: Prayer Keys to Revival and Community Transformation with George Otis Jr. Israel Prayer Week A wonderful opportunity to hear messianic leaders from Jerusalem sharing biblical insights and to intercede for God’s plans and purposes with Israel. The mornings will be times of guided strategic intercession that focus on the Covenants that the Lord has made with Israel. The evenings will be spent both exploring the current political situations as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the Scriptures in a highly relevant way. 4 -11 May 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15IPW01SC Many Christians talk longingly about revival, but then get lost in the fog of doubt and uncertainty. They grieve over the condition of their community, but can’t seem to find the pathway to genuine change. They suspect that God is concerned about their plight, but are conflicted over his apparent reluctance to intervene. Even though ministry programs abound, their lives and communities remain strangely unaffected. They feel like they aren’t making a difference. Perhaps you have discovered these longings and frustrations in your own heart. You want to experience the transforming power of God in your community, but are unsure if there is anything you can do to bring this blessed condition about. The Journey to Transformation is a powerful four-day course that tackles this question head on. Presented by revival documentarian, George Otis Jr., the teaching represents a distillation of nearly two decades of research in scores of awakened communities. 26 - 29 Aug 2015 at Ellel Scotland Sitting at the Feet of Jesus Rest Encounters With God – with Jim Graham Jim will be leading this inspirational holiday week with an insightful journey to a deeper understanding of the Word of God that will both challenge and encourage you. The afternoons will be kept free for you to enjoy the stunning beauty of the surrounding Scottish countryside. 25 Jul - 1 Aug 2015 at Ellel Scotland 26 15JTT01SC 15EWG01SC A unique opportunity to spend personal time waiting on God and learning to hear his voice more clearly. Learn how to combat stress through meditating on Scripture. This special course aims to bring you to the place where you can clearly hear the voice of God, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. It is a gentle paced event, with plenty of time set aside for personal biblical meditation and time with God, alongside the teaching. We will be exploring life-changing keys of how to really sit at Jesus' feet and wait on Him. This course will be led by Andreas and Ria Hefti (Directors of Ellel Germany). 14 - 24 April 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15SFJ01SC Jesus, Israel and the Kingdom of God NEW An Inspirational Teaching Event with Murray Dixon This new and fascinating event seeks to recover much of the Bible’s understanding on topics which have been ignored at times in our Church history. Murray Dixon will bring wisdom and understanding, drawing from his lifelong experience of serving God, both in the land of Israel as well as itinerant bible teacher. This weeks’ timely, intriguing and significant material will seek to help you understand more of God’s perfect plan for the destiny of His world, which revolves around the Person of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah and the Eternal Son of God. Where did He come from and what does the Old Testament reveal about Him? How can we better understand His works and words by appreciating the historical context in which he moved and ministered? What happened to the nation of Israel after the crucifixion? What roles do Israel and the Kingdom of God play in the Lord’s return to reign on earth in Zion? What does the modern State of Israel have to do with this? If you are interested in understanding more of God’s Word and God’s plans and how to live a life in tune with the way God is moving today than this course may be just for you. 5-10 Oct 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15JIK01SC A special event for previous trainees who want to more effectively implement Ellel teaching in life and ministry With advanced teaching subjects, this course challenges your perception of the healing ministry and builds on the foundation you have received to enable you to work out your own salvation effectively as well as bringing hope and healing to a needy world. Having received the keys taught through the previous events, it is easy to let those keys lie partially dormant as life moves on. Perhaps we have even classified them as only suitable for Christian ministry settings and we struggle with applying them into everyday life. This course sets out to break down the barriers that prevent us from being effective both inside and outside the church walls, making the healing ministry of Jesus relevant and accessible to all. special events at ellel scotland Teaching & Training Rekindling God’s Gifts Alongside the teaching, there will be plenty of group discussions, as well as times of question and answers with the teaching team. Teaching topics include: The Role of Mentoring and Discipleship; How to Handle Rejection and Misunderstanding; True and False Responsibilities; The Power of Guilt and Shame; Breaking through Core Lies; The Importance of Connections; Equipping for the Future; Ministry in the Real World. Pre-requisite for attendance. This is a specialist training event that requires a strong foundational knowledge of Ellel’s teaching. We therefore have set a pre-requisite of having completed one of the following: Modular A, Flagship, NETS Stage 1, 20 Day School or Prayer Ministry Skills 25 - 30 May 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15RGG01SC Practical Prayer Ministry See page 16 for details of this course which will equip you to pray effectively for people in your family or church! 13-20 Jun 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15PPM01SC Leading from the Front Equipping effective Christian Leaders for church and business With Peter Horrobin and Alistair Petrie This concentrated training programme is ideal for busy people who are determined that their lives and ministries should really count for the Kingdom of God. Alistair and Peter have extensive first-hand leadership and ministry experience in many different areas of both the business and local church environments. Their cutting edge, dynamic teaching includes: • Strategy for Effective Leadership • Reclaiming Ground & Spiritual Warfare • The Weapons of Spiritual Warfare • Identifying & Breaking Ungodly Soul-Ties in Business & Church • Running a Kingdom Business in a Secular World • Learning How to Push Through Obstacles & Persevere • The Joys and Pitfalls of Obedience to One’s Calling! The programme will be a mixture of teaching sessions and workshops with plenty of interaction. 7 - 14 Nov 2015 at Ellel Scotland 15LFF01SC 27 events for leaders Events for Leaders Church Visits We would be delighted to bring a team to your church for a weekend of teaching and ministry – at the invitation of the church leader. Our desire is to share with local churches some of the wonderful truths of the kingdom, which God has given us during many years of ministry. Please contact your nearest centre for details. Events for Leaders An introduction to Ellel Ministries, time with God, personal space, teaching and confidential prayer ministry. We’d love to welcome you to one of our special events for church leaders and their spouses, for a few days of teaching, workshops and fellowship, with opportunity for confidential personal ministry, if desired. Church Leaders Conference at Ellel Pierrepont 23-25 Jun 2015 at Ellel Pierrepont. See page 10 for details. (A small charge of £50 pp is made for this event to cover costs) Time Out for Pastors & Leaders at Glyndley Manor 16-18 Jun 2015 at Glyndley Manor. See page 19 for details. (For first time attendees, this event is free. Those wishing to attend a second time are asked to pay £50pp) Leading from the Front: Equipping effective Christian leaders for church & business With Peter Horrobin & Alistair Petrie 7-14 Nov 2015 at Ellel Scotland: 15LFF01SC. Caring for the Shepherds Operation Blairmore at Ellel Scotland “We arrived at Blairmore in a state of weariness and nearexhaustion, buffeted by 13 years in church ministry involving three church plants. Concerned that we might be faced with a packed programme of events and hordes of new people to relate to, we were greatly relieved to be warmly welcomed into a truly beautiful home and to learn that our time was our own. As we relaxed into the peace of the safe environment Blairmore provides, we began to allow God to restore our souls and touch our spirits. The surrendering of various wounds, relationships and circumstances to the authority of Christ brought us a new spiritual freedom and the lightness of forgiveness and Father’s love.” 28 Personal Retreats for Pastors & Leaders Ellel Ministries in Scotland is a place of retreat, healing and restoration for pastors and leaders from around the world, especially those who are struggling in difficult personal situations or have been wounded in the battle and are at the point of exhaustion. Operation Blairmore is a 10-12 day retreat to give opportunity for complete rest, support, care and personal prayer ministry for those in key, full-time positions of leadership within a church, organisation or business. All places on these retreats are offered on a personal application basis and all applications are treated confidentially. For a preliminary application form, please contact Ellel Scotland. Tel: +44 (0)1466 799102 Email: 29 the nets programme the 9-week flagship programme the 9 week flagship programme 25 April - 27 June 2015 Ellel Grange This dynamic 9 week programme is Ellel Ministries’ core training programme. It presents the foundations of the discipleship, healing and deliverance ministry in a clear, hands on and relevant way. If you want to develop your relationship with the Lord, be further equipped in your existing ministry (pastor, missionary, Christian responsibility) or be equipped to follow the Lord and bring His Kingdom wherever you are on the earth, then this is for you. The programme is practical in nature. The teaching is based on the Bible. It also draws from much experience gained from praying with people and seeing God work powerfully in many lives. You will hear many exciting stories as well as seeing demonstration during teaching. As a delegate on this programme, you will have the opportunity to receive for yourself as you learn more about true discipleship, apply it to your own life, take part in tutorials and group work and receive personal prayer. At the same time, you will be mentored in how to come alongside others and to pray for their healing as you watch and learn and then put what you have learned into practice. ‘Flagship has been the best investment I have made in my Christian walk. I am a youth pastor and have trained as a psychologist and completed a diploma at Bible college in youth ministry but 9 weeks at Ellel surpassed it all. Flagship WILL change your life for the better. There is is nothing more amazing than sitting at the feet of Jesus for 9 weeks’ Flagship Delegate 2012 TEACHING AND CONTENT The programme reveals the foundations of the healing ministry and also looks into specific aspects of healing such as inner healing, emotions (anger, fear), creativity, recovery from accident and trauma, abuse, addictions and many more. FREE TIME AND RECREATION An important part of the programme is rest, relaxation and fun. As well as fellowship evenings and BBQs, there are optional outings, beautiful surroundings to enjoy, film nights and our traditional English afternoon tea and games. PRICES (Ellel Grange Only) Non-Residential Multiple Occupancy (6-8 per room) Shared Bedroom - Standard (3-6 per room) Twin Room Twin Room En-Suite Single Room (Limited Availability) £1,795 £2,695 £2,985 £3,095 £3,495 £3,780 There is an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT of 5% available for those who apply, are accepted and pay in full before 18th December 2014. Note: The Flagship is an intensive programme covering the equivalent teaching and practical application of the Modular A and B courses or NETS stage 1. The Grange has good quality accommodation and prices include the cost of accommodation, all meals and tuition notes offered during the programme. 30 Please contact Bookings for more information on The Flagship Programme: +44 (0)1524 751651 or Email: 20 Day School at Glyndley Manor It is primarily designed for those who want to be further equipped to minister to people in need of the healing touch of Jesus and who want to take up this significant opportunity for residential training. 20 day school The The 20 day course is a concentrated programme of teaching and practical ministry experience, designed to equip you to fulfil Jesus' commission to bring healing others, as well as to experience greater personal wholeness in your own life. In addition, many Christians who are struggling to serve the Lord because of personal difficulties will find that as they apply the teaching on this course, it will help bring wholeness into their own lives, thus moving them forward in finding and fulfilling their calling. The first part of the school provides core biblical teaching on the healing ministry of Jesus. This lays an essential scriptural basis for understanding Kingdom principles relating to healing. The practical application of these principles to common problems in people’s lives is then explored. The second part of the school provides practical teaching and experience of healing ministry under the supervision of the Ellel prayer ministry team. Foundational truth covered: • The authority and power of Jesus • Moving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit • Wholeness in body, soul and spirit. Applying these truths to the common experiences of life: • Healing from rejection - acceptance and belonging • Healing from emotional damage • Restoring the human spirit • Renewing of: mindsets, belief systems and behaviours • Accident and trauma (post-traumatic disorders) • Generational iniquity and ungodly relationship ties • Deliverance ministry • Fear and anxiety • Right relationships • Godly sex and sexuality • Principles of prayer ministry • Prayer and intercession There is considerable focus on practical experience of prayer ministry, through giving to others, receiving healing for oneself and interceding for those receiving ministry. During this time delegates will work alongside experienced Ellel prayer ministry team members. Glyndley Manor provides a safe environment for learning to move under God’s authority and power in healing and discipleship. 7 - 26 November 2015 at Glyndley Manor 1520D01GM 31 ellel grange diary Ellel Grange 2015 Centre Directors: Paul and Anne Lawrence Ellel Grange is a beautiful country house, easy to reach just off the M6 near Lancaster. It is surrounded by extensive grounds and pleasant wooded areas, with one of the finest collections of trees in the area. The house has a welcoming atmosphere with spacious lounges, a well-stocked Christian bookshop, a snooker table and an indoor swimming pool. Ellel, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 0HN Tel: +44 (0) 1524 751 651 Email: January 9-11 16-18 23-25 26 27 30 30-1 Feb page Deliverance Ministry 2 (Mod B) The Truth about Sex & Sexuality (Mod A) Healing for Parental Wounds (Mod C) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) A Day Looking at Eating Stepping Stones to the Father Heart of God 11 19 14 6 37 7 17 February 6 6-15 6-8 13-15 20-1 Mar 20-22 26-1 Mar A Day Looking at Singleness: Love it or Hate it! Moving on with God 1 Steps to Freedom from Fear (Mod A) Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind (Mod B) Moving on with God 2 Godly Boundaries (Mod C) Healing through Creativity 9 23 18 19 23 13 14 March 6-8 Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry (Mod A) 13-15 Understanding Abuse (Mod B) 13-15 NEW The Life & Death of Jesus Unpacked 17-19 Be Still & Know… 28-30 Ministry to Marriage (note: runs Saturday to Monday) 30 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 31Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 16 19 18 10 15 6 37 April 9-12 Healing & Deliverance Workshop (Modular A only) 21 16-19 Healing & Deliverance Workshop (Modular B only) 21 25 Start of Flagship Programme 30 28Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 May There will be a series of one day courses running during Flagship – to be announced at a later date. 9 Free Taster Day 6 25 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 6 26Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 June 27 End of Flagship Programme 30 30Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 July 3-12 Moving on with God 3 23 3-5 Blessings & Curses 10 10-12 Foundations for the Healing Ministry (Mod A) 11 17-19 The Truth about Relationships (Mod B) 19 24-26 Receiving Healing through Deliverance (Mod C) 17 27 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 6 28Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 31 NEW A Day Looking at Alternative Therapies 7 31-2 Aug Healing for Women 14 32 August 4-6 7 7-9 14-16 21 21-30 21-23 28-30 28-30 page Be Still & Know… A Day Looking at Domination & Control Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit (Mod A) Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma (Mod B) A Day Looking at the Early Roots of Anxiety Moving on with God 4 NEW Freedom from Rejection Finding your Identity (Mod C) Food, Me and God 10 7 16 14 9 23 11 11 11 September 4 A Day Looking at Searching for Significance 9 Acceptance & Belonging 10 4-6 A Day Looking at Freemasonry 8 11 11-20 Moving on with God 5 23 10 11-13 Anger... How do we handle it? (Mod B) 15 18-20 Love’s Healing Power (Mod C) 18-27 Moving on with God 6 23 25-27 Deeper Healing for Women 11 25-27 Men for God (The Men’s Weekend) 15 6 28 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 29Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 October 2 2-4 8-18 8-11 16-18 A Day Looking at Discernment & Deception Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness (Mod A) Moving on with God 7 Healing through Creativity (Mod B) Getting behind the Mask (Mod C) 7 14 23 14 12 November 5-8 Deliverance Ministry 1 (Mod A) 11 5-15 Moving on with God 8 23 13 A Day Looking at Freedom from Pornography 8 18 Steps to Freedom from Addiction (Mod B) 13-15 19 A Day Looking at Claiming the Ground 7 20 A Day Looking at Fear 7 20-22 Gathering to Pray 12 24Prayer Support Group & Communion (Open meeting from 9.00am) 37 27 A Day Looking at No Longer a Victim 9 17 27-29 Restoring the Human Spirit (Mod A) 6 30 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) December 4A Day Looking at Unpacking the Goings on in the Middle East 4-6 Jesus – Do we really know him? 4-6 Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout (Mod B) 11-13 Ministry to Marriage 11-13 Living Free from Guilt (Mod C) 14 Christmas Celebration (Open meeting starting at 7:30 pm) 9 14 10 15 14 6 Centre Director: Robert Steel Glyndley Manor is an attractive country house which accommodates up to 50 guests. It is surrounded by parkland and gardens, with an outdoor swimming pool, a fishing lake and a well-stocked Christian bookshop. The grounds contain Glyndley Cottages which are mostly two bedroom, self-catering holiday cottages available for short term rent throughout the year. Some are equipped for wheelchair users and some are dog-friendly. Stone Cross, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 5BS Tel: +44 (0) 1323 440 440 Email: January 8-11 12 14-21 26 30-1 page Modular Workshops (Modular School only) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Restoration Week: Rebuilding Lives (French Translation) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) Truth about Relationships (B1) February 4 7 9 13-15 20-22 25 27-1 March 6-8 9 11-18 20-22 20-22 27-29 April 1 8 10-12 13 17-19 29 May 1-3 8-10 11 13-20 22-24 25 27 29-31 June 3 5-7 5-7 8 12-14 16-18 26-28 29 21 6 22 37 19 Moving on from Depression (Free Teaching Day) Free Taster Day (Open to all, booking necessary) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Choosing Life God’s Way (C1) Living Free From Guilt Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) Healing Damaged Emotions 6 6 6 10 14 37 13 Foundations for the Healing Ministry (A1) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Restoration Week: Rediscovering Identity (Italian Translation) Growing in Discernment (C2) Intimacy with God through Prayer Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout (B2) 11 6 22 13 14 10 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) Moving More into God’s Rest (Free Teaching Day) Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit (A2) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Deliverance Ministry 2 (B3) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) 37 6 16 6 11 37 NEW Making Family Work Acceptance & Belonging (A3) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Restoration Week: Reviving Relationship Freedom from Eating Disorders (C3) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) NEW Life Issues 4 – Boundaries Steps to Freedom from Addiction (B4) 15 10 6 22 11 37 15 18 Moving On from Anxiety (Free Teaching Day) Healing for Women Men for God Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness (A4) Time Out for Pastors and Leaders Anger…How do we Handle it? (B5) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) 6 14 15 6 14 19 10 37 July 1-8 10-12 13 16-19 28-2 August 4 5 10 12-19 21-23 26 28-31 page Restoration Week: Rebuilding Lives (German Translation) 22 Freedom from Ungodly Control (C4) 12 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 6 Deliverance Ministry 1 (A5) 11 Practical Prayer Ministry Training 16 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) Moving On from Failure (Free Teaching Day) Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Restoration Week: Rescue from Rejection God’s Healing through Drama NEW Life Issues 5 – Healing Healing Through Creativity (B6) September 2 4-6 11-13 14 18-20 18-20 24 25-27 Moving On with the Father (Free Teaching Day) Restoring The Human Spirit (A6) NEW Making Marriage Work Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Understanding Healing from Brokenness (C5) Loneliness Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind (B7) October 2-4 9-11 12 14-21 23-25 26 28 30-1 ellel glyndley manor diary Ellel Glyndley Manor 2015 The Truth about Sex & Sexuality (A7) Loves Healing Power Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Restoration Week: Regaining Freedom Understanding Abuse (B8) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) NEW Life Issues 6 – The Church Given Away 37 6 6 22 13 15 14 6 17 15 6 19 14 37 19 19 15 6 22 19 37 15 13 November 4Moving On from Negative Thinking Patterns (Free Teaching Day) 7-26 NEW 20 Day School 9 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) 13-15 Steps to Freedom From Fear (A8) 20-22 Healing for Victims of Accident and Trauma (B9) 25 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) 27-29 God’s Protection for Your Life (C6) 27-29 How to Pray for Children December 4-6 7 16 Principles for Care & Prayer Ministry (A9) Christmas Celebration (Open meeting starting at 7.30pm) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 2pm) 6 31 6 18 14 37 13 14 16 6 37 For information about Prayer Support Group meetings, please contact Glyndley Manor by emailing or by phone 33 ellel pierrepont diary Ellel Pierrepont 2015 Centre Director: Jill Southern-Jones Ellel Pierrepont is close to London, yet comprises 35 acres of restful rural countryside. The grounds contain a beautiful river walk, tennis courts and an outdoor swimming pool. It offers a variety of pleasant accommodation for more than 100 guests, ranging from single en-suite rooms to shared dormitory accommodation. Pierrepont has a large library and a well-stocked Christian bookshop. Frensham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3DL Tel: +44 (0) 1252 794 060 Email: January 10 13 16-18 17 24 27 31-8 31 page A Day Looking at Who Do You Think You Are? Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Prayer Ministry School 4 NEW Life Issues 1 – Dealing with Disappointment A Day Looking at Freemasonry Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) Winter MicroNETS (Track 1) A Day Looking at Freedom from Pornography February 7 Jesus Heals Today! – FREE Event 10 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) 12-15Prayer Ministry School – Healing & Deliverance Workshop 20-22 Pierrepont 20th Anniversary Conference 24 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) 27-1 Getting to the Root of the Problem 9 6 20 15 8 37 23 8 6 6 20 17 37 12 March 7A Day Looking at Breaking Free From Pride, Envy & Jealousy 10 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Advanced Prayer Ministry School 1 13-15 14 NEW Life Issues 2 – God’s Plan for Your Retirement 20NETS Celebration. End of NETS 34 Stage 4, NETS 35 Stage 2 21 A Day Looking at Healing From Rejection Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) 31 April 11 14 14 17-19 18 25 28 May 1-3 12 15-17 16 23 23-31 26 30 June 6 9 12-14 19-21 23-25 27 30 34 7 6 20 15 29 8 37 A Day Looking at Blessings & Curses Start of NETS 36 – Official Welcome Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Advanced Prayer Ministry School 2 Free Taster Day A Day Looking at Healing the Human Spirit Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) 7 29 6 20 6 8 37 The Father Loves You Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Advanced Prayer Ministry School 3 NEW Life Issues 3 – Death & Bereavement A Day Looking at Fear Spring MicroNETS (Track 1) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) Jesus Heals Today! Free Event 18 6 20 15 7 23 37 6 A Day Looking at Healing Through Worship Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Getting to the Root of the Problem Advanced Prayer Ministry School 4 Church Leaders Conference A Day Looking at Generational Iniquity & Soul Ties Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting 8:30 am) 8 6 12 20 10 8 37 July page 4 Jesus Heals Today! – FREE Event 9-12Advanced Prayer Ministry School – Healing & Deliverance Workshop 14 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) 18 A Day Looking at Freemasonry 24-26 Getting to the Root of Fear & Lies 28 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) August 1 A Day Looking at Freedom from Pornography 1-9 Summer MicroNETS (Track 1) 8 Jesus Heals Today! – FREE Event 11 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Breaking the Enemy’s Power 14-16 22A Day Looking at Domination & Control 25 Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) Mosaic (Women’s Weekend) 28-30 September 4-6 8 11-13 18 26-4 29 Getting to the Root of the Problem Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) The General’s Call (Men’s Weekend) NETS Celebration End of NETS 35 Stage 4 MicroNETS (Track 2) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) October 3 9-11 13 13 24 27 30-1 Jesus Heals Today! - FREE Event Prayer Ministry School 1 Start of NETS 37 – Official Welcome Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) A Day Looking at Healing From Rejection Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) Getting to the Root of the Problem November 6-8 10 13-15 20-22 21-29 24 28 Prayer Ministry School 2 Healing Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) The Father Loves You Standing Firm on Shifting Sands Autumn MicroNETS (Track 1) Prayer Support Group (Open meeting starting at 8:30 am) Jesus Heals Today! – FREE Event December 4-6 8 11-13 12 Getting to the Root of Stress and Anxiety Carol Service (Open meeting starting at 7:30pm) Prayer Ministry School 3 A Day Looking at Fear 6 20 6 8 12 37 8 23 6 6 10 7 37 16 12 6 18 29 23 37 6 20 29 6 8 37 12 20 6 18 17 23 37 6 12 6 20 7 For more details of courses and to book online, go to: Centre Directors: Peter Brokaar & Johann Hanekom Blairmore House in Aberdeenshire is a place of refreshment and ministry situated in the heart of north-east Scotland, near Huntly. An hour from Aberdeen, it is ideally situated for both ease of access and for the stunning beauty of the house and its surroundings. The lovely antiques and elegant décor all work together to give the feeling of a loving family home, and the drawing room becomes a welcoming focal point with cosy log fires during the winter months. Blairmore House, Glass, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4XH Tel: +44 (0) 1466 799 102 Email: January 31 Free Teaching Day page 6 February 21-28 Still Waters Retreat 1 (2 days or longer) 25 March 7-14 Breaking Through to Freedom 1 25 4 Free Teaching Day 14-24 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus 25-2 May Breaking Through to Freedom 2 6 26 25 April August 1-8 17-24 26-29 page Bridge from the Head to the Heart Still Water’s Retreat 3 (2 days or longer) Keys to Revival & Community Transformation 4-11 Israel Prayer Week Free Teaching Day 9 16-23Creative Inspirational Week 1: Painting & Creative Inspirational Week 2: Walking 25-30 Rekindling God’s Gifts 26 6 24 27 24 25 26 September 7-12 Creative Inspirational Week 3: Photography & Creative Inspirational Week 4: Beauty 12 Free Teaching Day 19-26 Breaking Through to Freedom 3 October 5-10 24 Jesus, Israel & the Kingdom of God Free Teaching Day November May ellel scotland diary Ellel Scotland 2015 7-14 21-28 Leading from the Front Breaking Through to Freedom 4 December 15 Christmas Carol Evening 24 6 25 27 6 27 25 6 June 3-10 13-20 Still Waters Retreat 2 (2 days or longer) Practical Prayer Ministry Training 25 16 July 11 Free Teaching Day 25-1 Aug Encounters with God 6 26 35 Ellel ireland diaries Ellel Ireland 2015 Centre Leaders: Jim & Irene Murdock Ellel Ministries was established in Northern Ireland in 2009. Since then the work has developed and extended into the Republic of Ireland. Ellel Ireland is located in a peaceful rural setting on the edge of Lisburn, County Antrim. Lisburn is on the rail and motorway networks just 8 miles south-west of Belfast and is easily accessible to the two Belfast airports. 35, Beanstown Road, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT28 3QS Tel: +44 (0) 2892 607 162 / (0) 7545 696 750 Email: For details on prices and booking of courses in Northern Ireland (NI) and in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), please contact the Northern Ireland Office on 0044 (0) 7545 696 750 or January 9-10 16-17 August page 7-9 Foundations of the Healing Ministry - Mod A1 (ROI) 11 Steps to Freedom from Addiction - Mod B3 (NI) 18 September February 13-14Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit - Mod A2 (ROI) 27-1 Mar No Longer a Victim (ROI) March 6-7 13-14 Understanding Abuse - Mod B4 (NI) Acceptance & Belonging - Mod A3 (ROI) Healing Through Creativity - Mod B7 (NI) 4-5 18-19 25-27 16 16 Steps to Freedom from Fear - Mod A7 (ROI) Deliverance Ministry 2 - Mod B8 (NI) The Promise of the Holy Spirit Today (ROI) 2-3 9-11 23-24 19 10 Restoring the Human Spirit - Mod A8 (ROI) 17 Finding Your Identity (Healing & Identity) (TBC) 11 Dealing with Stress, Anxiety & Burnout - Mod B9 (NI)10 November 17-19Radical Discipleship – Preparation for a Supernatural Move of God (TBC) 17 24-25 Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness - Mod A4 (ROI) 14 6-7 27-29 May 4-6 15-16Healing for Victims of Accident & Trauma - Mod B5 (NI) June 5-6 Deliverance Ministry 1 - Mod A5 (ROI) 19-20Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind - Mod B6 (NI) July 17-18 The Truth About Sex & Sexuality - Mod A6 (ROI) 31-2 Aug Living Free from Guilt (ROI) Principles of Care & Prayer Ministry - Mod A9 (ROI) 16 Healing Workshop - Mod B10 (NI) 21 December Healing Workshop - Mod A10 (ROI) 14 11 19 19 14 in the Midlands at Red Hill Christian Centre Vital Keys to Christian Healing Five one day courses with Ellel teachers Stepping Stones to the Father Heart of God Breakthrough in Personal Struggles (sins and wounds) Freedom from Pornography (helping those in need) God’s answer to Failure Godly Boundaries Each course begins at 9.30am with worship and ends at about 5.00pm. Course cost including lunch, coffee and tea is £25. To book on these courses please contact: Red Hill Christian Centre, Snitterfield, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 0PQ Tel: 01789 731427 Email: Web: 36 18 11 18 October April 21 Feb 18 Apr 23 May 20 Jun 12 Sep 14 21 Supporting Ellel Ministries Thank You! Thank you is a small thing to say when your support makes such a difference! Whether you have donated, volunteered, prayed, been part of the prayer ministry team, an associate teacher or in whatever way you have helped, you play a really special part in what God is doing to restore people’s lives. So THANK YOU for your generous support! We so appreciate you! • If you would like to donate to Ellel Ministries, please contact the centre of your choice, or go to and click the Get Involved tab • If you would like to offer your time to help us, please contact the centre of your choice to find out how you can help. • If you would like to pray for Ellel Ministries, we would love to welcome you to one of the Prayer Support Groups. Or contact your nearest centre to receive prayer news. Centre contact details are on the inside front cover. The Ellel Ministries Young People’s Team The Young People's Team is a gap year opportunity for those aged 18-25 who have a heart to come and serve God at one of the Ellel Ministries centres. For many this is a life changing time to deepen their relationship with God and make friends for life from around the world. “Through the work in the kitchen, outside, in house etc, in contact with the guests, in fellowship with the other YPTs and leaders, through the times of worship and prayer and team time, the biblically profound teaching, having fun together, meeting good friends with whom I could cry, laugh, be honest and the awesome nature (grounds and fields with rain and sunsets), yes, through so many things God showed His loving FATHER Heart to me!” Glyndley Manor YPT member See and apply online Prayer Support Groups Ellel 365: Personal Transformation - One Day at a Time Prayer support is at the heart of Ellel Ministries. We deeply appreciate the work of our intercessors. Some live close enough to one of our 23 UK Prayer Support Groups to be able to meet with others on a regular basis to pray for the work. Each of our centres hosts times of prayer which are open to the public (see pages 32-36 or contact the centre for details). We would love to welcome you to one of these groups. Alternatively you will find our Seven Day Prayer Diary online at under the Get Involved tab or contact your nearest centre to request regular prayer news. “Ellel 365 is the most important thing I’ve ever done - it’s reality!” “My relationship with God is going from strength to strength - I just love it.” “It all makes perfect sense. I’m amazed at the things I am learning – I wish I’d had this when I first became a Christian.” “The teaching is extraordinary and beautiful. I am amazed at what I am learning.” “This journey becomes more exciting every day. I have dealt with so many issues in my own life.” Sign up now for your free trial at 37 website & Online presence / Booking deposits & Cancellations Ellel Ministries Online Find a wealth of resources online at the click of a button! Peter’s blog – “I’m astounded...what Peter just shared is what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about during the last couple of days.” “A real beacon in a sea of confusion.” “I cannot express how overwhelmingly glad I am to have experienced your ministry.” Main website – Visit to find: Here you will find far more than we can possibly fit into the Handbook, including teaching to download, CDs, books, DVDs and a host of valuable resources for yourself and others. • Teaching on a particular subject - download hundreds of teachings on a vast array of topics in an instant. Book online for life-changing courses and find out more about the many opportunities to receive personal help. Seeds of the Kingdom is our online daily devotional, bringing you a nugget of inspiration every day. Sign up FREE at “Thank you for these words, I am almost blinded by tears as I read them. They have broken through my wall.” “Brilliant! Thank you for this great Seed, it is a really practical one. The Seeds are really a blessing to me.” “Today I have been mightily blessed. Thank-you!” •D VDs to share with your church or small group. Living the Life and Truth and Freedom are tailor made for this purpose and will teach, train and stimulate your group. • Ellel Ministries books on our key teaching subjects, available for more in depth understanding. L ife-transforming online training is available through Ellel 365. Start your free trial at To stay up to date with recent developments, follow us on Facebook or Twitter: Want next year’s Handbook? To join our mailing list or to request more copies of this year’s Handbook, email or phone 01524 751 651 Booking Deposits & Cancellations Should you need to cancel your booking for a course, please note the following: Deposits: To book most courses you can either pay in full, or pay a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit. The full balance is due no later than two weeks before the start of the event. Deposit amounts (per person) are: One day courses must be paid for in full. 3 and 4 day courses – £50* 5 day Courses – £75 One week to 10 days – £100 Two week courses – £140 * Exceptions apply to 3 and 4 day courses booked at Ellel Pierrepont, which must be paid for in full to secure the booking. Cancellations: Should you need to cancel your attendance on a course, the following applies: • Up to two weeks before the start of the event fees paid over and above the deposit will be refunded; • From two weeks up to 48 hours before the start of the event 50% of the fees minus the deposit are refundable. Alternatively (but not at Pierrepont), you may be able to transfer to another course at the same centre, instead of the 50% refund. • No refunds are normally given for cancellations made less than 48 hours before the start of an event. • It doesn't happen often but if it should become necessary for us to cancel a scheduled event, we will happily refund any money you have paid for the event. Or if you prefer we can transfer your payment to another course. Separate conditions apply to the Modular School, the Flagship Programme and NETS. Please contact the relevant centre for full details on the deposits and cancellation terms for these programmes. 38 There are 2 ways to make a booking for an event: Web: Visit to book an event using our secure online booking system. Online bookings require full payment and are subject to availability of requested accommodation. Phone: You can make your booking by phone or request an application form for an in-depth training programme or a Healing Retreat. Simply telephone the relevant centre. For more information on any course, please contact the relevant centre. All UK centre contact details can be found on the inside of the front cover or on the diary pages. Abbreviations: EG = Ellel Grange GM = Ellel Glyndley Manor PP = Ellel Pierrepont SC = Ellel Scotland For prices and to book courses in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland please contact the Ellel Northern Ireland office 0044 (0) 7545696750 Event NonResidential Budget (up to 9 sharing) (EG, PP) Standard (3 - 6 sharing) (PP) Standard (3 -6 sharing en-suite) (EG, GM) 1-Day Courses (EG/GM/SC) Twin (EG, PP) Twin / Double en-suite (EG, GM, PP) Premium (SC)† Single (EG) Single (PP) Single en-suite (GM, PP) £250 £255 / £280 £290 £295 £40 inc. lunch 1-Day Courses (PP) £35 (plus £5 lunch) 3-Day Courses £130 £165 Be Still & Know / Gathering to Pray £65 £80 4-Day Courses* £160 £205 Prayer Ministry Training (SC/GM) Standard (3 sharing en-suite) (SC) £200 £240 £260/£190 £200 £215 £230 £255 £100 £105 £115 £125 £240 £255 £270 £295 £320 £400 £430/£350 Breaking Through to Freedom £260 £400 £430 Bridge from the Head to the Heart £280 £420 £450 Creative Inspiration Week 1 Walking £260 £400 £430 Creative Inspirational Week 2 Painting £320 £460 £490 Creative Inspiration Weeks 3&4 £230 £320 £350 Encounters with God £260 £400 £430 Israel Prayer Week £260 £400 £430 Journey to Transformation £190 £270 £300 Leading from the Front £400 £550 £600 MicroNETS £305 £450 £470 £495 Ministry to Marriage £385 £525 £595 £655 £350 per couple Moving On with God** £305 £360 Operation Blairmore £385 £405 £440 £500 per person / £800 per couple Re-kindling God's Gifts £190 Restoration Weeks £250 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus £495 Still Waters Retreat 20-Day School (GM) how to book, prices & accommodation How to Book, Prices & Accommodation £280 £360 £310 £390 £690 £425 £740 £420 per week or £70 per night (minimum 2 nights) £650 £1000 † Premium accommodation at Ellel Scotland consists of large 2 and 3-bedded rooms * +£10 for Healing through Creativity at EG ** Additional charge for packages 2 ,7 & 8 £1100 £1200 See page 38 for information about deposits and cancellations. 39
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