Ellington Women’s Club Next meeting Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM The CT Trolley Museum May 2015 Editor: Joan Robinson Distribution: Annette Ouellet 58 N Rd, East Windsor SPRING! IT'S HERE!!! May 6 Club Meeting Can we finally put away our shovels and snow blowers in favor of gardening tools??? The evening will include museum history, current exhibits, trolley ride along with our monthly meeting. First, a huge "Thank You" to Denise for the use of her beautiful home for our April meeting. For those of you who were not able to attend, signup sheets were passed around for Hospitality and Committees. Those will be recirculated in May so that everyone will have an opportunity to join a commitee, assist with hospitality or volunteer to chair a committee. It would be wonderful to see more of you volunteering and getting involved. As we prepare for the coming year, we have many things to discuss and I hope to have some good news regarding a fundraising event. It was decided at the April meeting to go out for dinner in June for our June Banquet and Installation of Officers. We'll decide where to go in May. Our choices are: Basils, Copper House Tavern and Jonathon Pasco. Feel free to Google to see online menus. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the next page for more info from our club members regarding Tussie Mussie, Hospitality and Food Pantry. Hope to see all of you at the CT Trolley Museum! Karen 6:30 - 8:30 pm at The CT Trolley Museum Per everyone's agreement, the cost is $8.00 pp. As of the mailing of this newsletter only 16 members have contributed to this Club outing. Please send your check to Ann Berak ASAP. 2015-2016 Slate of Officers At the April meeting, Denise Archibald and Ann Williams agreed to fulfill positions of a Nominating Committee. Denise and Ann have acquired a Slate of Officers to present for nomination. Our May 6th meeting will provide everyone an opportunity to vote on the names who will be installed at the June 3 meeting. Please note the names and positions listed below and attend May's meeting prepared to vote. Presdient: Karen Antonetti Vice President: Joan Robinson Recording Secretary: Lois Goodin Corresponding Secretary: Denise Archibald Treasurer: Ann Berak Auditor: Pat Clapp It’s time once again…..club dues need to be paid. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM _____ Please renew my membership. Enclosed is my check for $30.00 made payable to: Ellington Women's Club. _____ Please accept my resignation. _________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Date Dues must be paid by the June 3, 2015 meeting. Please bring to the June 3 meeting or mail to: Ann Berak, 4 Windmill Road, Ellington, CT 06029. www.ellingtonwomensclub.weebly.com ELLINGTON WOMEN’S CLUB 23 TOMOKA AVENUE ELLINGTON, CT 06029 E-MAIL: ELLINGTONWOMENSCLUB@YAHOO.COM HOSPITALITY CORNER TUSSIE MUSSIE A big "shout out" of thanks to Janet Wieliczka for serving as cohostess with me for the April meeting. And an equally big vote of thanks to Denise for providing the location in which to serve our goodies. I visited the Herb Garden and the cleanup doesn’t look too bad but I think we will need to replace some plants. If you have a favorite you would like to contribute, please bring it to the luncheon along with your receipt. The May meeting at the CT Trolley Museum provides the opportunity for Ann Berak, Carol Hagopian and Annette Ouellet to dazzle us with their culinary abilities. Given the limitations of the location for our meeting, we will provide cold drinks only hot coffee and tea will not be available - I hope everyone will survive this minor inconvenience. One last thought - we are soliciting hostesses for next year. If you have not already done so, please consider adding your name to the list when it is next circulated, or call me with your availability. Thanks. I am planning the cleanup pot luck luncheon for Thursday, May 14 at noon with a rain date of Friday, May 15. I chose Thursday so that we have access to water at the museum. Ann Williams Diane Harrington Please let me know if you plan to attend and the “taste delight” you would like to bring. As always, please bring your garden tools. FOOD PANTRY, Pat Tardif At our April meeting you donated 59 lbs. of food as well as toothpaste, tooth brushes and mouthwash. Someone donated a bag of "samples" to the point that we have 17 vials of shampoo & conditioner each, 9 vials of body lotion, shower gel and dental floss that will be given to homeless shelters. We also gave $50 to each pantry for Easter specials. The pantries really appreciate your generosity. If you want to leave your donation at the Senior Center, the yellow box will be there from Tuesday afternoon, May 5 until Thursday morning, May 7. When we go to the CT Trolley Museum please give me your donations. Besides food, the pantries appreciate household items like paper towels, bath tissues, and dish & laundry detergents as well as toiletries.
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