2015 4-Corners Horse Bowl Contest Saturday, April 4, 2015

2015 4-Corners Horse Bowl Contest
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Durango, CO
The contest will be held in the Extension Building at the La Plata County Fairgrounds, 2500 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301
Registration Deadline: Contest Registration must be received no later than March 27, 2015. (Late Registration Fee: $ 15.00)
Entry Fee $30 per team– make checks payable to La Plata County 4-H
All registrations to be emailed or mailed:
Angela Fountain
fountainaj@co.laplata.co.us or 2500 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301
Phone: 970-382-6465
Schedule: Saturday, April 4th – Horse Bowl Contest
8:00 am – Check-in Seniors at the Extension Building, Animas Room
10:00 am – Check in Juniors at the Extension Building, Animas Room
8:30 am – Senior Contest to begin, Junior Contest to immediately follow, no sooner than 10:30 am
Horse Bowl
This contest will follow the rules and resources allowed as set forth in the Colorado State University’s Equine Extension Website:
Junior questions will be age/level appropriate from the Colorado Horse 4-H Manual & 4-H Horse Rule Book.
Senior Questions will come from these resources:
Horse Industry Handbook, The Horse (2nd Edition, Evans), Feed and Feeding by Lon Lewis, 4-H Horse Project Manual, 4-H Horse
Rule Book, Dictionary of Equine Terms, 4-H Youth Leaders manual and AQHA rule book
Teams: There will be two divisions, junior (8 to 13 years of age) and senior (14 to 18 years old). Each team shall consist of four
members with 1 alternate. All contestants will be eligible for individual awards. There is no limitation on the number of team
entries from a county. Counties with insufficient members are encouraged to combine members with other counties to form
teams. Counties with insufficient Sr. members may place up to 2 Jr. members on a Sr. team. (Sr. team members may not compete
in Jr. competition). Members may only play on 1 team (Jr.’s playing on a Sr. team may not return to the Jr. division for this contest).
Youth having won a State Contest, while members of a Horse Bowl Team, are not eligible to compete.
Holding Room: Talking will be permitted in the holding room, however if any discussion of a previous horse bowl round is heard,
the team(s) involved will be disqualified. The holding room will be the Animas room, in the Extension Building. Coaches will choose
to either stay with their teams during the entire contest or monitor the rounds, coaches will not be allowed to monitor the contest
(except when their teams are competing) and have interaction with their team. Contestants (and coaches in holding room) are not
allowed to have cell phones at any time during the contest, disregard of this rule will mean disqualification.
Questions: As at National and Colorado State Contests, questions will be written and provided by the management of the La Plata
County Horse Bowl Contest, no questions will be provided by participating teams. The La Plata County teams will not have
access/exposure to the questions.
Awards: Awards will be presented in both Junior and Senior divisions after tabulations are finished in both divisions.
1st – 10th ribbons for high point individual, Award for 1st place individual.
1st – 5th ribbons for all team members, Award for 1st place team.
Overall highpoint team members & overall individuals will receive an award. Reserve overall highpoint team members will receive
For more information contact:
Please call or email Lisa Marie Jacobs 970-903-6818 or lmjacobs64@gmail.com with all questions/concerns regarding the contest.
2015 4-Corners Horse Bowl Contest
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Durango, CO
Entry Form due by March 27, 2015
County: _____________________________________________
Coaches’ Name(s): ___________________
Coaches’ Email: __________________________
Coaches’ Phone: _______________________________
Senior Team A (14-18 as of 12/31/2014)
Senior Team B
1. _____________________________Age______
1. _____________________________ Age______
2. _____________________________ Age______
2. _____________________________ Age______
3. _____________________________ Age______
3. _____________________________ Age______
4. _____________________________ Age______
4. _____________________________ Age______
Alternate _______________________ Age______
Alternate _______________________Age______
Junior Team A (8-13 as of 12/31/2014)
Junior Team B
1. _____________________________Age______
1. _____________________________ Age______
2. _____________________________ Age______
2. _____________________________ Age______
3. _____________________________ Age______
3. _____________________________ Age______
4. _____________________________ Age______
4. _____________________________ Age______
Alternate _______________________ Age______
Alternate _______________________Age______
Volunteers: (each county is expected to provide volunteers as needed on Contest Day)
Name: _____________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________
Name: _____________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________
Name: _____________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________
Entry Fees
Team Entry Fee
Late Fee (after March 27th, 2015)
Make Checks Payable to La Plata County 4-H
--------- Total