full Portfólio

This document includes examples of the following:
Copywriting - Articles
Public Relations
Copywriting - Newsletters
Sales and Marketing
Digital Marketing
Event Planning and Management
Work Recommendations
“At the end of the day the core of marketing and communications is all about who, what, when, where,
and how you find what you need, what you do with what is found, and how you make sure that these
findings are discovered, favoured, desired and bought by the public.”
– Elvera Strydom, 14 April 2015 @ Oubos Nature Reserve
Finding words…
I’ve been writing for various publications since my first day at school and while studying psychology at
the University of Pretoria I was part of the BAT editorial team. BAT was the ‘entertainment, lifestyle and
leisure’ section of the University’s newspaper, Die Perdeby. Here I wrote various reviews on new CD
releases, films, shows, and other activities that were favoured by students.
This example, REALITY BITES, was published on 26 February 2001.
Finding facts in farming…
While employed as Research and Communications Officer at Farmsecure Holdings, the majority of my
time was spent on researching industry related topics and compiling relevant reports, writing designated
articles for web and press release.
Herewith examples of three articles I wrote for the company:
FARMSECURE GOES MOBILE – Scroll down to view article
BIEN DONNÉ IS BACK – Stroll down to view article
Schalk Lubbe
“ExperiCo is a long
established and
successful business,
and we want to assure
ExperiCo clients all
around the world that
we are fully committed
supporting and further
the business.”
Schalk Lubbe, CEO of Farmsecure Technologies, said that
Farmsecure was delighted and honoured to welcome the
ExperiCo team to the family. “ExperiCo is a long established and
successful business, and we want to assure ExperiCo clients all
around the world that we are fully committed to supporting and
further strengthening the business.”
Farmsecure Agri Science focuses on empowering farmers with
agricultural knowledge and precision farming skills through
the latest available global technologies, research, skills and
experience available in agriculture, to achieve input efficiency
while achieving exceptional quality and yield. FAS is largely able
to provide a service from “soil to shelf”. However, the company
would like to strengthen their pre- and post-harvest research
and development function. This is critical if FAS is going to
establish the cause of many of the problems associated with
fruit and other fresh produce, as well as testing of varieties
and cultivars amongst other agriculturally related research and
development, including packaging and post-harvest storage to
prolong quality. With the acquisition of ExperiCo and its more
than 30 years’ post-harvest research and development services,
this vital gap will be filled in full.
Written by: Elvera Strydom
Edited by: Chantal Yazbek and Schalk Lubbe
On Tuesday the 1st of November 2011, Farmsecure announced
that Farmsecure Agri Science (FAS) expanded its technology
services through the acquisition of ExperiCo, the research and
development division of Capespan. All current ExperiCo staff,
assets and facilities were included in the transaction and there
is an exciting and positive buzz at both FAS’ and ExperiCo’s
staff about this new relationship. Erik de Vries, Managing
Director of FAS, confirmed the mutual feeling and said “I am
excited about the opportunities for both FAS and ExperiCo and
welcome all the staff to the Farmsecure family.
I am looking forward to working with the team – there are
huge opportunities.”
“Farmsecure Agri Science would like to extend
our sincere welcome to the ExperiCo family.
Through the acquisition, Farmsecure Agri
Science will realise the opportunity to expand
its current service portfolio in pre-harvest
services, but, more importantly and more
significantly, develop our offering into postharvest related services, including research
and development. This will complete the FAS
vision in offering a service from “soil to shelf”.
Likewise, we are equally excited about the
cross selling opportunities that are going to
emerge for ExperiCo as a result of merging
with the Farmsecure
Group of companies and the path ahead
looks rewarding.”
James Moore, FAS General Manager
James Moore
General Manager
Agri Science
ExperiCo was established more than thirty years ago under the
Deciduous Fruit Board, and on deregulation in 1990, became
Unifruco Research Services, which was subdivided into Hortec
and Capespan Technology Development in 1997. Capespan
is one of the leaders in global fruit marketing and it provides
supply chain solutions as well.
In 2004 the name changed to ExperiCo. ExperiCo has since
become an established research and development facility,
with its primary services being focused on pre- and post-
harvest fruit related technologies. Specialising in commercial
quality maintenance research involving harvesting, packaging
and storing fruit destined for local and offshore markets, it
also commercialises innovative fruit-related technologies in
collaboration with global clients, partners or investors. The client
base includes a wide range of South African and international
businesses with direct or indirect interests in the fruit or
horticultural industry, including producer trusts, new variety
developers, chemical companies, packaging manufacturers
and universities.
ExperiCo’s success is built on a highly dedicated scientific team with a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
This enables the division to successfully combine scientific research and development with the realities
and complexities of commercial fruit handling. Because it has an extensive global network, it is strongly
positioned in terms of aligned technology support and communication. This enables ExperiCo to enhance its
culture of developing deep client relationships.
Dr Martin Taylor
General Manager
ExperiCo Fruit Technology Solutions obtained its ISO 9001:2008 certification the first time round. The
General Manager of ExperiCo, Dr Martin Taylor said, “The fact that it was achieved at the first attempt is
testament to the ExperiCo team’s dedication and certainty that implementing ISO 9001:2008 will assist in
optimizing our business focus. There aren’t many fruit technology research organisations with this ISO
certification, so the standard will be an advantageous discerning factor for us, which will further assist in
developing our business.”
Over the years ExperiCo has made huge contributions towards
technologies adopted by the South African fruit business,
thereby assisting in maintaining a competitive edge. In the case
of table grapes ExperiCo has over the years played a pivotal
role in the development of technologies aimed at improving
post-harvest quality maintenance. This includes research on
SO2 sheet technology, implementation of perforated outer bags
to manage moisture in the grape packs and to control berry
split, as well as development and implementation of moisture
absorbing pads, also for moisture management. Working
together with various clients, the table grape research team
has also made good progress in research aimed at reducing
browning as well as colouration of red and black grape cultivars.
The pome fruit research programme run by ExperiCo has also
been successful, most noticeably due to the work done on
SmartFresh™. This technology is now used very successfully
by South African producers and packhouses to improve storage
potential of apples in particular. From a stone fruit research point
of view, the team has developed a new penetrometer method for
determination of optimum harvest maturity, been instrumental in
developing liner wrapper and bag technologies to control shrivel.
It also played a major role in development of decay control
practices on pack-lines using atomiser systems.
In addition to fruit specific research, ExperiCo has
comprehensive programmes, which are also conducted on a
user pay basis to evaluate new fruit varieties and to conduct
packaging related research. The variety evaluation team focus
mainly on establishing optimum maturity windows, storage
regimes, packaging formats and market potential for multiple
fruit kinds. In the case of packaging, while some work is
focussed on structural packaging, most of the research relates
to fruit quality maintenance. With the fruit industry facing
pressure from retailers to reduce
packaging and related carbon
footprints, plus rising electricity
costs and power cuts that hit the
Western Cape in 2008, ExperiCo
felt prompted to develop a new
table grape packaging system to
reduce the required cooling period.
V-Channel Air Flow
Patented technology to
The V-Channel air-flow system
reduce CO2 emissions
shown here was consequently
and reduce cooling
developed and patented by
times of grape boxes
ExperiCo, for use by table grape
packers as required.
ExperiCo has an impressive staff complement of scientists including six M.Sc. / Ph.D.’s who have been with the company for 15 to
25 years, all of whom are highly experienced in the fruit industry. The total staff complement is made up of 12 scientists, 5 technical
support staff and 3 administrators / general assistants.
Dr Martin Taylor would like to thank all the loyal clients who have helped make ExperiCo the successful commercial research
business which it is today. He also thanks Capespan for their support over the years. He said that “the ExperiCo team is extremely
excited about joining the Farmsecure family and that everyone is looking forward to all the exciting new challenges which lie ahead.”
For more information please visit www.farmsecure.co.za or www.experico.co.za
Experico Fruit Technology Solutions a division of Farmsecure Agri Science (Pty) Ltd
Written by:
Edited by:
Designed by:
“We’re more than a
business, we’re a
message of hope.
We are here to achieve
something and that
something is prosperity
for all involved.”
Jerome Yazbek
Farmsecure CEO
Elvera Strydom
Chantal Yazbek
Davida Smith
Farmsecure’s vision is to be a meaningful contributor to securing
the world’s food supply by creating sustainable and profitable
agricultural enterprises, where the process is optimized from
‘farm to shelf’. Farmsecure envisions that the rural sector can
play a great role in food security for South Africa’s agricultural
industry and the profitability of the nation going forward.
Farmsecure’s Enterprise Development team identified KwaZuluNatal and the Eastern Cape as regions that hold enormous
economic potential and opportunities with livestock. For this very
reason Farmsecure’s Enterprise Development livestock programme,
now registered with a BEE grading, is the vehicle that will make
Farmsecure a partner to the sustainability of rural communities and
help them build viable economies for themselves.
and and
Farmsecure Media
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
The Mobile Model Solution
Rural livestock programmes generally lack veterinary
assistance, knowledge and management skills and there
is usually a poorly developed market opportunity to sell
these animals at fair market prices. Part of Farmsecure’s
solution to this problem is the development of Mobile
Units, or ‘mobile clinics’. The units travel from village to
village on a regular basis and advise livestock owners
on monitoring their animal’s health as well as general
livestock management.
Div Bosman, Farmsecure’s Enterprise Development
Manager, summarised the initiative’s aim by saying that
“Farmsecure’s goal is to create profitability within these
communities so that they can be sustainable.”
A local herd boy, Niklaas Diya, in the Quebecci area sees
the model’s potential and understands how the Mobile
Unit will inform and help him improve his livestock’s
condition. “I am aware that my flock’s quality is not right, it
is in a poor condition at the moment and I like what I hear
about Farmsecure getting involved.”
Mobile In Motion
Months of hard work, planning and efforts with various
departments, communities and other role-players in
KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, saw the first of two
Mobile Units officially launched on Monday 7 November
2011 in Greytown, followed by a number of introductions
in other areas.
and and
Farmsecure Media
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
CD Naudé, Operational Manager of Farmsecure’s Enterprise
Development, told us that “the reaction on the unit,
from all the role-players as well as the community, was
overwhelming. There is great excitement in the regions
where it was exhibited. We are also delighted to have two
new team members working in the field. Daniel Chabana
is the Project Manager in the Eastern Cape and Herbert
Mokoena is the Project Manager in KwaZulu-Natal.”
Div reported that when looking at the expression on
people’s faces when they actually saw the Mobile Unit
for the first time, confirmed that this initiative can really
be life changing for millions of people in rural areas in
South Africa.
The second unit was launched in the Eastern Cape on
Tuesday 22 November 2011.
Div said that “both Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape’s
Departments of Agriculture and Veterinarian Science are
very supportive of Farmsecure’s programme because
they saw that the work being done will support their
efforts. Furthermore, the MSD Animal Health organisation
bought into the model as well because they believe that
it works. They provide the mobile units with the necessary
medication and assistance with their support system
across the country in terms of training, technology and
the printing of pamphlets in all 9 national languages.”
It is indeed exciting that this pilot project is in place
and the model has the potential to be rolled-out in the
rest of Africa where livestock is an important part of
the continent’s livelihood. Farmsecure is continuously
building good relationships with all parties involved,
including government and animal health bodies, to
achieve something truly beneficial for South African
agriculture and the country’s future – a true beacon of
hope and sustainability.
and and
Farmsecure Media
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
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Bien Donné is Back!
The Bien Donné Agri Cape Week has
been one of the biggest agricultural shows
in the Western Cape and with the 69 held
this year it is back in full swing! It originated
in 1942 and was formerly known as Bien
Donné Farmer’s Day. The ARC’s
(Agricultural Research Council) Bien Donné
Research Farm in Simondium, Paarl,
hosted this special event from the 19th to
21st of April 2012... Farmsecure was there
to support the event.
Farmsecure’s Sponsorship
The expo’s 2012 theme, ‘Change for Sustainability’, fits right in with Farmsecure’s vision of
creating sustainability and profitability in agriculture. The Farmsecure Group, through companies
such as Kynoch, Farmsecure Agri Science, Colors, Prisma and Terason, services the majority of
farmers in the Western Cape. Farmsecure is not only a prominent player in this province’s
agricultural sector, but owns and farms with fruit in the area as well.
Farmsecure made the decision to become a co-sponsor of the event as the company wants to
participate in value-adding exhibitions in agriculture. The show draws together the farming
community, where the industry can share ideas, knowledge and information on new, sustainable
farming practices and technology. With Farmsecure’s sponsorship of the event, the Group
reiterated its support of the farmers and the sector in the province.
Schalk Lubbe, CEO of Farmsecure Technologies, says that “Farmsecure values its partnership
with the Agri Mega Group and believes that Bien Donné Agri Cape Week will once again be a
leading and internationally recognised exhibition, particularly for the fruit industry.”
Peter Adolphs, Farmsecure’s Audio and Visual Manager, says that Farmsecure’s presence at the
event was a very successful first venture in the Group’s sponsorship of the exhibition. “We had
decent exposure and it looked like the expo went really well with many of the prominent players in
agriculture being represented.”
Farmsecure’s business has grown exponentially over the past couple of years and the company
will become al the more visible at both local and international exhibitions that support the
agricultural industry. The company is represented throughout the entire value chain of farming
operations and started its business in grains and oilseeds. It then moved on to include livestock,
and during the past few years expanded its optimisation model to the fruit industry as well.
The vision of Farmsecure is to create sustainability and profitability in agriculture and at the core
of this lays its holistic approach to agriculture. The theme of Bien Donné Agri Cape Week was a
perfect fit to the principles on which Farmsecure was founded.
Re-launching Bien Donné
Since its conception in 1942, the much
celebrated and internationally acclaimed
Bien Donné Farmer’s Day focussed on the
fruit industry as well as the industry’s
research and development. Unfortunately,
the event lost a bit of momentum over the
years. But in 2010 the Agri Mega Group
became its organisers and their vision is to
restore the exhibition to its former glory.
It now has a new face and is destined to take primarily fresh produce to unchartered territories.
This is the result of a series of extremely successful and productive consultation processes
between the Agricultural Research Council and Agri Mega. Until recently, the latter was the proud
host of the very successful Agri Cape Week Expo - held annually at the Boland Agricultural High
School outside Paarl in the Western Cape.
Orton King, Executive Director of the Agri Mega Group, says, “Bien Donné Agri Cape Week
maintains the historic nature and exceptional standard of the old Bien Donné Expo where it
remains a showcase of the ARC’s research. It is now the second year in a row that the ARC
collaborated with Agri Mega in presenting the exhibition. This partnership resulted in a new
opportunity, rooted in decades of tradition while focussed on the future and sustainable change in
Whilst Bien Donné Agri Cape Week now preserves the historic and traditional values of Bien
Donné Farmer’s Day’s character, the ‘new’ expo also focuses on the future, sustainable
production and food security. It is now fitting the event with a new jacket to serve the current
needs of agri producers, processors and consumers.
Dr Johan van Zyl, ARC’s Research Institute Manager, said that he is very excited about the expo’s
future and that the 2012 week exceeded all his expectations.
Nature of the Expo
The organisers of Bien Donné Agri Cape Week 2012 decided to highlight the importance of
sustainability in the agricultural industry. This decision was made to give both visitors and all
exhibitors an insightful glimpse into the complex branches of agriculture and how they all work
together for a better future.
Jerome Topley, AMG Investment’s MD, commented that “each of the 185 exhibitors has to be
commended for their commitment to the cause, i.e. improving sustainability by affecting change
and promoting food security.” According to Mr Topley, the ARC and the Agri Mega Group will be
strengthening their strategic partnership in 2013 with Standard Bank, Farmsecure, Hortgro,
Vinpro, the Red Meat Organization (RPO) and SA Machinery Association. This will enable an
enhanced Bien Donné Agri Cape Week in all facets.
The agri-showpiece was a successful and unique opportunity for cross-pollination and information
exchange. It managed to address topical issues that affect the relevant agriculture disciplines.
Numerous indabas, workshops, conferences and other interactive platforms were hosted that
involved esteemed industry leaders, leading academics, agri-businesses, government, financial
institutions, commercial/small-scale agriculture and farm labour.
The exhibition’s atmosphere was that of excitement, interest and expectation and welcomed
young and old from both the agricultural industry and general public.
Farmsecure will continue to support entities and institutions that are catalysts for positive change
in agriculture, of which Farmsecure believes Bien Donné Agri Cape Week is and will be an
important influence.
Credits: Written by Elvera Strydom, Edited by Chantal Yazbek, Designed by Davida Smith
Finding freedom in press…
When Rosendal Winery & Wellness Retreat appointed me as its Marketing Campaign Manager there
was much to say about this special company. It was great fun to promote its offerings and with a limited
budget at the time I used free PR websites to do so. Note that publications’ (digital and print) rates are
sky high and the best way to arrange exposure via them is for example to run a promotion or
competition that will benefit both sides – think of it as a type of ‘trade exchange’.
See link for examples of a couple of Press Releases I wrote for Rosendal Winery & Wellness Treat:
Finding family in farming…
When you were employed by one of Farmsecure’s 32 subsidiary companies you were known to be part
of the Farmsecure Family! There was a great sense of community. In order to keep all ‘family members’
connected the company published three monthly staff newsletters. I was responsible for these
publications – sourcing the information, writing all copy and working with the design team to produce a
beautiful end product.
Herewith an example of each company’s staff newsletter:
FARMSECURE DIRT – Scroll down to view newsletter
COLORS B_INFORMED – Scroll down to view newsletter
KYNOCH BULLETIN – Scroll down to view newsletter
29 June 2012
Seeds of Survival
Who’s New
Farmsecure Cares
Farmsecure in the Media
Out and About
From the expansion of communities out of
Babylonia, to the development of language
and the rise and fall of great empires that
have and are to come, one factor can
arguably be said to have stood at the middle
of human sustainment and development:
Man’s ability to trade and barter. Today the
grain markets represent one of the largest
and most important commodity markets
in the world and are depended upon by
everybody on the planet for efficient pricing,
production, transportation and delivery of
food and other grain-derived goods.
Because it plays such a massive role not
only in our line of business but also in your
personal life (price of food and petrol, to
name but a few), we dedicate this month’s
DIRT main feature to the Grain Market.
Modern Grain Trading History
Sunflowers in bloom
According to fundinguniverse.coma, the
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), now known
as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
, is an American financial and commodity
derivative exchange based in Chicago. The
CBOT was founded in 1848 by 25 Chicago
businessmen who wanted to bring order to
the USA Midwest’s chaotic grain market.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Harvested grain
The Board of Trade offered farmers a way to
get a guaranteed price for their goods ahead
of time by offering ‘to arrive’ contracts, or
futures, meaning that at planting time a
farmer could negotiate the price he would
get at harvest time. The establishment of the
CBOT in 1848 led to what we know today
as grain trading.
What affects
the price?
In the trading industry, careful calculations
are made by all involved to ensure that
they make the best trading decisions when
buying or selling grain. According to Michael
J. Mcfarlin, the two major factors affecting
Grain Market prices include:
Harvesting Grain
How does it work?
Michael J. Mcfarlin writes in a
Futures Magazine articlec “Grain
trading basics”, that grain has been
traded a long time and is a market
that has continued to evolve with
the world. People need to eat,
and pretty much all foodstuffs can
trace their way back to the grain
market in one way or another. The
grain market is driven by supply
and demand, and demand trends
are analysed by looking at forward
and future markets. Prices are low
when demand is low and supply is
high, and vice versa.
The more risky way of dealing
with the surge in demand is to
take a speculative approach and
store grain without a contract
commitment in hopes that the
markets will go higher. A safer way
is using futures contracts.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Stock Exchange
1. Weather trends: Weather is the primary
factor affecting supply, as floods,
droughts or unexpectedly good weather
can drastically alter grain output from
what was expected, whereas geopolitical,
economical and demographic factors tend
to be the primary influencers of demand.
2. The role of emerging markets: Emerging
markets are playing an increasingly
important role in both the supply and
demand side of the grain markets as the
populations of these countries expand and
their political climates become more open
to international trade.
Alexander Sarrisd, Director of the Trade and
Markets Division, FAO (Food and Agriculture
Organization) of the United Nations states
the following factors will affect agricultural
commodity prices in the near future:
1. Petroleum prices
3. Developments in exchange rates
4. Developments in financial markets and
speculative fund positions, and
5. New investments in agricultural
2. Biofuel policies and technology
Current SA Grain Market
The production of maize and tonnages
expected in 2012 are less than 2011. Petru
Fourie, Agricultural Economist: Inputs &
Production at Grain SA reportse that the
fourth production forecast for summer crops
was released on 24 May. The size of the
expected commercial maize crop has been
set at 11,056 million tonnes, which is 0,59%
or 65 500 tonnes lower than the previous
forecast of 11,121 million. This prediction of
less tonnages of maize in 2012 will have a
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
definite impact on trading prices, less supply
means more demand and more demand
equals an increase in price. That being
said, the grain market is very volatile and
changes on a day to day basis, which also
contribute to variations in trading prices. For
more information on day to day grain and
other agricultural commodity market prices
please go to http://www.landbou.com/
markte/safex/ .
• a http://www.fundinguniverse.com/companyhistories/chicago-board-of-trade-history/
With this quick overview you can see that trading
grain is not easy at all. There are so many factors at
play, influencing prices from hour to hour. Michael
J. Mcfarlin hits the nail on the head with saying that
“While other markets may be sexier to trade and
appear more significant, food is a necessity of life.”
• b http://www.marketswiki.com/mwiki/CME_
Thank you to all at Farmsecure Global Markets who
trade our farmers’ grain to best prices possible.
We now have new respect for all your hard work!
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
• c http://www.futuresmag.com/2011/06/01/
• d http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/esa/
• e http://www.grainsa.co.za/
Out and About
FSH Grain SA Membership
We are very excited to announce that Farmsecure, through
Farmsecure Global Markets as legal entity, is now an official
member of Grain SA.
Grain SA was established on 10 June 1999 and was formed
out of NAMPO (maize), NOPO (soyabeans, sunflowers and
groundnuts), the WPO (wheat, barley and oats) and the
SPO (grainsorghum). The mission of Grain SA is to provide
commodity strategic support and services to South African
grain producers in order to support sustainability.
Please see the link below for more information on Grain SA:
FSF in Japan
In last month’s DIRT we informed you about Farmsecure
Fruit’s cartons selling in France and tracked across
Europe. The great news is that this month we can add
that they are now found in Japan as well ... taking the
world by storm!
AV Team’s Travels
During the month of June, Farmsecure’s Audio & Visual
team was on the road again with a very busy schedule.
During their travels they captured SITCO’s operations
in Durban, visited Theewaterskloof farm, FAS’ office in
Somerset West, and gained more knowledge on how
the FAS team prepares the soil for optimized growth.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
up and running!
Since the appointment of Annette Blackie,
Farmsecure’s HR Manager: Training and
Development, there has been a lot of
action all around Farmsecure’s various
companies and offices. Please see below
a list of T&D that has already taken place.
Training Course
First Aid Training Level 1
Fruitgro Science
Technical Symposium
Speed Reading Workshop
Premier HR Job &
Employee Management
Executive PA Seminar
First Aid Training Level 1
Annette B
Training Date
28 May 2012
5 & 8 June 2012
7 June 2012
13 & 14 June 2012
Cape Town
14 June 2012
14 & 15 June 2012
Personal Assistants
Prisma and Cape
Speed Reading Workshop 22 June 2012
Development programme June - Aug 2012
for emerging / new
We look forward to feedback on all staff training and development taking place in the
near future.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
As stated in the recent SHEQ Profile published on 22 June,
the Farmsecure Group is taking health and safety very
seriously and is in the process of implementing standards
and procedures to the benefit of all. A couple of Prisma
Packaging and Farmsecure Cape Town staff attended a First
Aid Training (Level 1) course at Prisma Packaging in Paarl on
the 14th and 15th of June.
We would like to share some of the feedback received.
“The First Aid Training was
very informative and the
facilitator was good, she
was very knowledgeable.
I can use this training
not just at work, but also
in my home and at an
accident scene.” – Donavan
Govender, FSF Assistant
Health and Safety Officer
“It was an excellent team
experience. The course provided
basic knowledge, which will enable
attendees to manage a crisis until professional
help arrives.” – Karen Reid, FSF Logistics
and Contract Administrations Manager
“Don’t learn safety by accident. Take some
time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives,
it works and it’s simple!” – Carien Klopper,
SITCO Admin Clerk
“What a fantastic course.
It was fun, learned a lot
and now I feel I could
handle injuries well.” Elmarie Burke, Prisma
Packaging Creditors
“This training was very
insightful and I am glad to have
the knowledge to help others if
required. This type of training should
be made compulsory in schools.” – Peter
Adolphs, FSH Creative Production
tref Bethlehem
Op Saterdag 23 Junie het Bethlehem
deurgeloop met ‘n tornado wat die distrik
getref het. Kommunikasie lyne is wel
beskadig maar ons was verlig om te hoor
dat Farmsecure personeel in Bethlehem
ongedaan is.
Die “Bethlehem lek wonde na tornado”
artikel is in die Maluti koerant gepubliseer
op 27 Junie.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
for Lunch
With the recent successful audit of
Farmsecure, the accounting team,
together with the relevant auditors, enjoyed
a celebration lunch on Wednesday 13
June at the Harbour House restaurant,
V&A Waterfront. The evening was ended
in style by riding on the ‘Wheel of Cape
Town’, with a view of the ocean, the city
lights and Table Mountain.
“The venue and company was great,
everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
The celebratory ‘Wheel of Cape Town’ride was an experience and a special
thanks to ‘dirty Pete’s’ very entertaining
running commentary!!” – David Briscoe,
FSH Management Accountant: Group
The Farmsecure Media and Communications
team shared some quality time together
while enjoying an Ethiopian feast at Addis in
Cape Town on Friday 15 June.
Clothing Range
Farmsecure’s Winter Clothing
Range has arrived and we invite
staff to contact Louise Storm for
more information and orders.
(021) 974 1964
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
We are very interested to see where you are
and what you do on a daily basis and invite
all staff to send us photos of your work in the
field. Each month’s winner will be announced
in the following edition of DIRT with the best
photo published as well.
Please e-mail your photos to
Congratulations to Henrietta Bamonika and
her husband with the birth of their baby boy,
Jason Trevor, on the 6th of June.
We would like to congratulate Chantal
Gebhardt and her husband Edrich on
the arrival of their baby girl Chenél.
May she fill your lives with joy and
love each day!
You are welcome to e-mail staff related stories and information
to elvera.strydom@farmsecure.co.za
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
From the Farmsecure family, we would like to congratulate the
following staff on their birthdays during the month of July:
David Dobrowsky
Louis Strydom
Marlise Delport
Jacobie van der Westhuyzen
Andeline Buitendag
Elize Reichel
James van Zyl
Tania Kleynhans
Karyn Hendricks
Cynthia Dumisana
Deon van Zyl
Francois Lourens
Lomé de Vries
Réonie van den Burgh
Heleen Bergman
Isabelle Barnard
Hendrik Rabie
Maisie Yazbek
Annemarie Gresse
Karin Fourie
Rajen Naidoo
Hermanus Blackie
Anthony Fevrier
Chris Louw
Nicoline Erasmus
Jackie Bester
Retief Uys
Natasha Auret
Rassie Erasmus
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Niel Barnard
Rainer Eckhardt
Michelle Bruyns
Riaan de Villiers
Trevor Francis
Molleen Marais
Tiaan Potgieter
Johan de Vries
James Tshabalala
Orsila van der Merwe
Sonja Fevrier
Emsie Stoltz
Sophia Tolken
Grant Schroeder
Pierre de Klerk
Suenette Fouché
From all at Farmsecure we would like to welcome the new staff
that joined the Group since the beginning of June 2012:
Daniël Koegelenberg
Harry Pieters
Landau Kilian
Marlene van de Vyver
Nicolene Erasmus
Rodger Farrell
Tinus Rossouw
Whitney Tennant
Francois Lourens
PJ Gouws
Charlene Jacobs
Hermanus Blackie
Dilene Beetge
Kobus Uys
Maria Khanye
Ruan Erasmus
Simoné van Zyl
James Tshabalala
Werner Schulz
Peter Nienaber
Stephan Fouché
Annerette Immelman
Juanita Knoetze
Zaid Khan
Assistant Financial Manager
Field Operator
Administration Clerk
Administration Assistant
Field Operator
Operations Coordinator
GIS Programmer
Soil-survey Operator
Projects Manager
Administrator: Input
Building Maintenance
Assistant Administrator
Depot Manager
General Worker
Trader Assistant
General Worker
Company Pilot
Senior Accountant
Assistant Administrator: Admin
Legal Advisor
HR Manager: FST Southern
Senior Inspector
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Agri Science
Farmsecure Carbon
Farmsecure Fruit
Farmsecure Fruit
Farmsecure Fruit
Farmsecure Global Markets
Farmsecure Global Markets
Farmsecure Global Markets
Farmsecure Global Markets
Farmsecure Grains
Farmsecure Grains
Farmsecure Livestock
Farmsecure Livestock
Farmsecure Technologies
Farmsecure Technologies
Kingdom Kiddies
Carine Uys, van Kingdom Kiddies, deel ondergaan het.
hierdie maand met ons die afgelope 6
maande se nuus en die wonderlike werk wat Jennica, ons blanke “Shaking Baby
Syndrome” dogtertjie (2jr), is Januarie
hulle doen.
in pleegsorg by ons geplaas a.g.v haar
Daar was verskillende behoeftes by die omstandighede. Ons moes haar neem vir
kindertjies geïdentifiseer wat ons aan oogtoetse by ‘n spesialis wat ‘n brilletjie
aandag moes gee. Ons het Yiva (6jr) nog ‘n voorgeskryf het aangesien sy skeel geraak
jaar teruggehou en begin met spraakterapie het. Na 6 maande gaan hy besluit of dit
om hom reg te kry vir hoofstroom gewerk het en of ‘n operasie nodig sal wees.
onderwys. Einde van hierdie kwartaal het sy Ons is baie bekommerd oor haar spraak. Ek
spraakterapeut gevoel dat hy nou reg is vir wil haar neem vir evaluasies by kundiges om
die eise van formele onderwys en sy terapie te bepaal wat die volgende stap gaan wees
om haar te help.
is beëindig.
Klein Colin (6jr) het Februarie begin met
arbeidsterapie. Ons gaan hom hierdie jaar
ook terughou, sodat hy sy terapie kan voltooi
en dat daar dan behoorlik besin kan word
oor sy toekoms wat onderwys aanbetref aangesien hy ‘n Fetale Alkohol Sindroom
baba was en reeds ‘n ope hartoperasie
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Jason (4jr) en Sharney (2jr), ‘n kleurling boetie
en sussie, is nou al ‘n jaar by ons en daar word
nog nie vordering gemaak met hul huislike
omstandighede nie. Die mamma het darem
nou as skoonmaker by ‘n gastehuis begin
werk, maar daar is nog steeds niemand wat
na die kinders kan omsien as sy werk nie.
Kingdom Kiddies
Die mamma en ouma wil nie dat hulle in die kleintjies versorg. Die laaste 3 maande
pleegsorg geplaas word nie, maar het ook het ons darem weer standvastige en goeie
werkers. Tydjies om weg te breek vir ‘n
geen ander moontlikhede nie.
naweek of ‘n week is baie moeilik.
Linomtha het as ‘n pasgebore baba na
ons gekom einde November 2011. Ons is Kingdom Kiddies is totaal afhanklik van
verheug om te sê dat sy 25 Junie aangeneem fondse om ons taak te verrig. Ons kon nog
is deur ouers wat baie mooi na haar gaan elke maand deurkom en sê dan ook baie
omsien. Haar nuwe naam is Nina Linomtha dankie aan Farmsecure wat ons so mildelik
seën elke maand. Ons weet dat daar ‘n baie
groot visie voor ons is om Kingdom Kiddies
Ons ‘nannies’ het taamlik gewissel, wat dit uit te brei en dat ons almal deel is van iets
baie moeilik gemaak het vir die kindertjies baie groter.
en ook vir ons. Ons kan nooit regtig vooruit
beplan nie, want as een nie opdaag vir werk
nie moet ons as gesin maar inspring en
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
that the Farmsecure Media and
embracing the FSH FIKS campaign
and will be taking part in the PnP
Argus Cycle Race in 2012. Training will
commence shortly for the BIG day!
Have you decided what and where
your team will take part in? Keep us in
the loop and let the race to being FIKS
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
FARMSECURE in the media
RSG Landbou onderhoud met Erik de Vries oor Presisie Boerdery
RSG Landbou onderhoud met Dr Ida Paul van ExperiCo
oor Swamdoders
SA Fruit Journal
“Programme Manager and Leader of the
Post Harvest Programme for Fruitgro
Science”, article published on 1 June
SA Fruit Journal
“Farmsecure Agri Science implements
specialist Crop Working Groups”, article
published 1 June
Elgin Grabouw Directory
FAS Advert
Leuen, Waarhe
en Oplossing
sie, grondchemie
Die Leuen
ntjies van grond
dery mooi pre
Dat Presisieboer
gewasbeelde is.
deur spesialist
e wanneer dit
Compiled Die
by mo
theoi Farmsecure
prentjies kry wa
omgewing te ver department.
die invloed op
sisieboerdery se
etkostes en
Copyright Pre
© 2012
rpreteer word om
Seeds of Survival
Could the most innocuous species
hold the key to the future of humanity?
Paul Kirika is the son of the famous
Kenyan botanist, the late Mzee Kajui,
and is now himself considered one of the
most knowledgeable field botanists in
East Africa. His work has taken him from
the coastal forests to the mountaintops,
from the humid lake region to the dry and
remote northern areas and the dwindling
forests around Nairobi.
Together with Tim Pearce, a botanist from
the UK, he has been struggling to find rare
plant species in the mountains of Kenya
that could hold the key to human food
Please see the link below for more
The next Farmsecure DIRT will be published on the 3rd of August
Credits: Sourced, Compiled & Written by Elvera Strydom Edited by Chantal Yazbek Designed by Hestia van Wyk
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Staff Newsletter | 30 March 2012
Fruit Logistica Berlin at the beginning of February was only the first stop of many
for Marché van Zyl (Colors Fruit FBU Head: East), Liezel Kriegler (Colors Fruit
Director) and Riaan van Wyk (Colors Fruit CEO). On their return Marché presented
their findings and experiences to the office staff in Paarl, but we would also like to
give some feedback to staff that could not attend the occasion.
From Berlin the team travelled to the Far East and their first stop
was in Japan. In 2011 SA exported 3.5 million cartons to Japan. South
Africa is only allowed to export oranges, lemons and grapefruit
to Japan.
Japan has a population of 127 million. The Japanese culture is very
conservative. Communication was an experience in itself because they
don’t give a direct “yes” or “no” to a question and mostly answer with
“I’ll find out”. All signage is in Japanese and luckily the team had a
guide that made travelling a lot easier.
Currently the 5 big exporters in citrus to Japan are Goldspan, Union,
Royal, IPM and Dole. The good news is that the team had successful
meetings with 2 potential importers and 1 retailer. The top line strategy
for Japan is to get market exposure through these new contacts, with
the distinguishing factors for Colors being that Farmsecure’s volumes
makes Colors one of the 4 big players in Grapefruit. Colors’ Grapefruit
varieties are also available early and late in the season which gives
Colors an advantage in this market, because fruit imports early in the
season provide an entry opportunity to the market.
Apples packed in ethylene absorber bags
keeping fruit fresh and crisp for longer
Cara Cara is very popular in South Korea
South Korea
South Korea has a population of 49 million and the
only allowed commodity from SA is oranges with the
varieties Navels, Valencia and Cara Cara. Cara Cara
is very special for this market because their interior
is a distinctive pinkish red, it has an exceptionally
sweet flavour with a tangy cranberry-like zing and
they are seedless.
In this country fresh produce sales on fruit are made
up by 65% wholesale and 35% retail, with the 3 largest
retail markets being Lotte Mart, E-Mart and Home
Plus (Tesco).
South Korea is a very big consumer of oranges with
33% of the USA’s oranges being exported to the
country. You really have to love oranges, because you
will have to empty your purse when reaching for R50
for oranges. Lemons and grapefruit are currently in
the final approval phase for import from South Africa.
Promising meetings were held with 1 importer
and 1 retailer showing great interest with Colors’ 3
differentiating factors namely volumes, early and late
opportunities to export (as with Grapefruit in Japan)
and very importantly the Cara Cara variety.
A very interesting finding was that retailers go out of
their way with display and make huge efforts to lure
interest to their products due to the fact that the fruit
in South Korea is so expensive.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Mainland China has a population of 1 338 million and Hong Kong 7
million. Commodities imported directly to Hong Kong include oranges,
lemons, novas, grapes (especially new varieties) and apples and pears
that are only allowed to be imported through Hong Kong.
Tourist ‘Survival Ticket’
The taxi drivers don’t understand a word of English and even hand
gestures will not get you far. For this reason, each team member received
a ‘survival ticket’ with the words “take me home” printed on it together
with the name of the hotel they stayed at.
While in China, the team met with three importers and one retailer that
has indicated interest.
Singapore has a very small market with a
population of only 5 million. Previously it was the
import hub to Malaysia and Indonesia.
Exciting news on this front is that the team met
with a new client that now wants to expand on fruit,
where 70% of its business is currently focused on
vegetables. Very important factors for this market
are competitive pricing and good quality.
When not in meetings, Riaan & Liezel were found in
the retail and fresh produce shops inspecting what
shops had to offer.
Travelling in the taxis around the city had the Colors
team confused as what we South Africans would
expect on a table at your grandmother’s, was
neatly draped over all the seats as .... embroidered
seat covers?
All in all, the team saw this as a great experience in
strange countries with a lot of potential.
Taxi’s embroidered seat covers
Ready to eat
peeled pineapple
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Riaan and Liezel
visiting retail and
fresh produce shops
Interesting packaging of flowers
The time has come to pick this season’s citrus. With
Colors Fruit’s citrus producers all over South Africa, a lot
of hard work lies ahead in terms of logistics, packing and
export. We wish everybody involved the best of luck.
As reported in the previous B_Informed a team consisting of brave
colleagues, their spouses and a couple of the Farmsecure Fruit team, took
on the challenge of riding in this year’s 109 km Pick n Pay Argus Cycle Tour
on 11 March 2012. They were:
Riaan van Wyk
Elsuna Nel
Ina Koegelenberg
Erietha Nel
Neil Smith
Mieke Smith
Ewan Smit
Erna Smit
Sila Louw
Sarel Botha
Liezl Conradie
Charl Classen
Lize van der Merwe
Debbi Boonzaaier
Gerrit Niewoudt
Johannes Brand
Pieter Buckle
Margot du Preez
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Gerhard Verster
Elmarie Burke
Marianne Rousseau
Bradley Yazbek
Dylan Martin
Kemp Nel
Ian Carstens
Richard Frowein
Congratulations to the whole
team who completed the race
in style and raising funds for
the Colors Academy!
Congratulations to Francois & Surien Viljoen with the
birth of their baby girl Mieke on Tuesday, 13 March 2012.
Congratulations to Cornelius de Villiers who
married Eliza on the 10th of March.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Suzette Anthony who recently
joined Colors as an Office Assistant.
It is our pleasure to announce that Marthinus (Thinus)
Smuts, who joined Colors on 1 November 2011, has
taken over from Wil Lemmer as our Stonefruit
Evaluator. After completing his B.Sc. Agricultural
Degree (Soil Science and Horticulture) at the
University of Stellenbosch. Thinus worked for Goede
Hoop Citrus during his university holidays. During his
probation period at Colors, Thinus showed such a
keen interest and passion for the role that we decided
to appoint him permanently in this capacity. Servicing
his role as Stonefruit Evaluator, Thinus shows a lot
of insight and eagerness in developing this position
towards a higher level. Colors will therefore grant
Thinus the necessary exposure and opportunity to
fulfil these goals, reflecting Colors’ commitment to
expand and strengthen relationships with cultivar
owners, producers, service providers and clients. We
would like to take the opportunity to congratulate
Thinus and wish him the best of luck in the Colors
Group and his career going forward.
We hereby wish to congratulate Carel van der Walt, who has now been permanently
transferred to the Topfruit team as Quality Controller. Carel successfully completed
the three-month probation period in this position and will be based at Novo.
We thank you for your contribution to date and wish you all of the best with your
career within the Colors team.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Sadly we will be saying
goodbye to Nica du Toit,
Junior Commercial Manager:
Grapes, on 11 April 2012.
Nica joined in June 2009
as Technical Coordinator.
Although she resigned from
this position mid 2010, she
later rejoined the Grapes
team for the 2010/11 season
in a temporary capacity.
When offered a permanent
position, she decided to
stay on and later took on the role as Junior Commercial
Manager. Nica’s team described her as very friendly and
a positive team player who enjoys all the good things
life has to offer. She has a good sense of humour and is
always willing to give a comforting word when needed.
Nica often treated her team by leaving something to
snack on on their desks.
Nica will be dearly missed but we wish her and Pieter all
the best with the future and the arrival of little Nina.
We are also saying goodbye
to Rosa van der Mescht at
the end of March 2012. Luckily
for us, Rosa is not leaving
the family as she will transfer
to Sun Citrus effective the
1st of April 2012. We would
like to thank Rosa for her
contribution to the Citrus
team and wish her all the
very best for her future with
Sun Citrus.
Lee Peters and Neil Ashworth will sadly be
leaving Colors UK with immediate effect.
Lee Peters joined Colors UK as Quality Manager,
after working in the fresh produce industry in
Peterborough. Lee has been with Colors UK
for more than 3 years, where he has managed
the QC team through a steep learning curve
when the UK office took over the Morrisons’
account. Lee was instrumental in setting high
quality management standards within the UK
operation, which saw our service levels improve
dramatically. Lee’s management skills made for
a well balanced and hard working team. Nothing
was ever too much for Lee. Lee leaves us to
join another local fruit business as a Quality
Controller. We are sad to say goodbye, but we
wish him and Louise all the best.
Neil Ashworth, will be leaving Colors UK after
a period of three years as Quality Controller.
Neil has been a valuable member of the team,
competent, efficient and very good company.
Neil has contributed significantly to the
Technical / Quality team of Colors UK and we
will miss having him around in the office. We
would like to wish Neil the best of luck in his
new role as Quality Controller for MMUK and
wish him and his partner Katherine all of the
best for the road ahead.
We would like to take this opportunity to
thank both Lee and Neil for their contribution,
dedication and loyalty to Colors UK and
the Colors Group. We wish them a very
blessed career and only the best for their
future endeavors.
van der Mescht
Colors/Sun Citrus
Colors Packhouse
du Toit
Colors Packhouse
Colors Packhouse
du Toit
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Wash and dry grapes. Mix sour cream, sugar and vanilla together.
Pour cream mixture over grapes and stir gently. Pour into a
9x13cm pan. In a saucepan, bring butter and brown sugar to a boil.
Immediately pour over grapes. Don’t stir. Chill for 3-4 hours.
5 cups seedless red or green grapes
2 cups sour cream
Use this beautiful and interesting garnish on puddings to tickle the
taste buds of your dinner guests.
1/2 cup sugar
Please see the link below for more information and other
delicious recipes:
2 tbsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
If you’ve missed the exciting news, Monique
le Grange, Fund Development Manager
at Colors Academy informed us that the
Colors Academy (soon to be known as the
Colors Foundation) is getting with it!
“We are now on Facebook! When you log
on next time, head on over to our page and
‘like’ us if you like us!”
Please see the link to access the profile:
Please spread the word amongst your
friends and stay in touch with what is
happening within the Foundation!
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Date: 25 – 27 March 2012
Fresh Produce India, India’s only international fresh produce event,
came to New Delhi, India, on 25-27 March 2011.
Following from its successful launch in Hyderabad in 2007 and its
relocation to Mumbai in 2009, Fresh Produce India is set to attract
more than 250 buyers and suppliers from India and the rest of the
world in 2011.
Organised by Asiafruit Magazine, the congress focused on key
trends emerging in India’s fresh produce market.
Please see the link below for more information:
Date: 2 – 4 April 2012
This 13th biennial Conference, now in its 24th year,
will once again be held in historic Stellenbosch, the
university town with scenic oak-lined streets, elegant
old architecture, a wonderful climate, magnificent
tourist destinations and, of course, the world-famous
wine estates, from which the Conference takes
its name.
The Winelands Conference, with its essentially
public leadership and governance focus, is held
every second year in Stellenbosch in South Africa’s
Western Cape province. The Conference always
attracts an accomplished range of international
participants – not least because of its stimulating and
collegiate ambiance.
The 13th Winelands Conference proposes to address
the contribution of various research disciplines
towards solving particular social and administrative
problems. To this end the Conference will focus on
three inter-related themes:
“What’s wrong? Corruption in Governance”
2. “What’s good? Good Governance in the public
and non-profit sector”
3. “What’s next? Innovations in governance
and research”
Please see the link below for more information:
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
research set to pay off” Article published on
12 March 2012
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Pierre Picouit and Andreas Landl from IRTA-TA fruit
processing and engineering in Spain explain how new
technologies such as radio-frequency, high pressure
and microwave, can be used to produce processed fruit
products of a higher quality and with a longer shelf-life.
Their research is part of the European project ISAFRUIT,
which aims to increase fruit consumption in Europe
by increasing the quality of fresh and processed fruit
products according to consumers’ wishes.
Please see the link below to view the full video:
Sourced by Elvera Strydom & Cherise Collins • Written & Compiled by
Elvera Strydom • Edited by Chantal Yazbek • Designed by Davida Smith
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
The next B_Informed will be
published on the 4th of May.
Staff Magazine | 30 March 2012
In the previous Bulletin we told you how “Amiplus™ klop KAN” and in this edition we share the power of another Kynoch product
called Oemff™. The Oemff™ range of products include Maize-, Sunflower- and Soya Oemff™.
Dr Johan van Biljon says that Kynoch’s Oemff™-product range does exactly what its name says. It is foliar feed which contains macroand micro-elements that enhances the plant’s metabolism in order to deal better with conditions that cause stress.
“Farmers must remember that the Oemff™-range is crop specific custom-made products, with maize, sunflowers and soya having
their own specific Oemff™ composition,” says Dr Van Biljon. Now it can simply receive the necessary ‘oemf’ early in the season.
Maize Oemff™
In maize, cobb and tassle initiation occurs in the
first six weeks after emergence. From six weeks
onward the maize plant grows and develops
very quickly, which means that any deficiencies
including nutrient deficiencies during this
growth phase can have a significant impact
on the yield potential. Maize Oemff™ is not a
generic foliar feed. It is specifically formulated to
meet the specific needs of a maize plant.
The farmer and Farmsecure staff is very
satisfied with the Maize Oemff™ results
Big and healthy leaves thanks to
Maize Oemff™
In the jungle of Maize Oemff™
Sunflower Oemff™
Sunflowers are an oil-rich broad leafed crop, and are
more sensitive to specific micronutrient deficiencies
than other crops. While some deficiencies can be
seen from a young age, others, although present, only
manifest themselves at a later stage, when it is too late
to do anything about it. Sunflower Oemff™ is a foliar
fertilizer that is specifically formulated for sunflowers
and which can be sprayed early in the season.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Puna Maree
FAS Agronomist
Soya Oemff™
A soya bean is a legume crop that can bind the air’s nitrogen
through Rhizobium bacteria. Furthermore, a soya bean is also a
protein- and oil-rich crop that has distinctive nutritional needs.
Soya Oemff™ is specifically formulated to meet the needs of
the bean. Through the correct nutrition, including especially
foliar nutrition, on the right time, the binding of nitrogen and
production of protein and oil can be improved. Put Oemff in
your Soya beans!
Keeping all this technical information in mind, there is no better
way to show the success of a product than giving feedback
from the field. The following information was sourced from
agronomists working with Farmsecure farmers where Oemff™
proved how it can make the quality and yield of crops a very
exciting topic.
Vilhelm planted approximately 200 ha soya and has always
applied a calcium product just before flowering. He started
using Oemff™ upon the recommendation of Farmsecure’s
experts and says that “the colour of the crop looks good and
that the pods have set very well. Many of the flowers ablactated
with the recent drought but we hope to see a difference in the
yield come harvest time.”
Agronomists Hantie Reed and Willem Eigenhuis from Farmsecure Agri Science, admires the
soya beans on Vilhelm Erichsen’s farm that received Soya Oemff™ just before flowering.
Fact of the matter is that plants need water and that the drought
seen in many parts of the country can have an impact on yield.
For this very reason it makes sense to give your plants the best
chance of survival possible. Dr Van Biljon commented further
that “a healthy and strong plant has an edge, a better chance to
survive stress conditions and they offer more resistance against
insects and diseases, which attacks when all is not well. He says
that the Oemff™-range will perform especially when temporarily
waterlogged or after a hailstorm. In the end it is all about
increasing the efficiency of plant nutrition via the use of the right
product in the right combination and amounts. “If used correctly,
the plant’s own efficiency (its metabolism) will also improve.”
With all this said and shown we can truly say that the
‘Proof is in the Oemff™ and even better, ‘The ‘Oemff’ is in
the End Product’!
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Soya Oemff™ applied land with the untreated strip in the
middle clearly visible
Photos: Puna Maree
‘The Kynoch Shuffle’
During the last couple of months Kynoch saw quite a few changes in management
and staff. As a reminder of these changes, please see below a quick summary:
Eugene Muller, Managing Director of
Farmsecure Carbon was appointed as
General Manager Kynoch North. He is
taking over operational duties for the
region and will be reporting to Gordon
Hesom who will take up additional
responsibilities at corporate level.
Bruce Shuker has been appointed as
Kynoch’s Commercial Manager and will
report to Eugene Muller. Bruce will now
be responsible for all commercial aspects
of the Sales function, with Peter Plint,
Tjaart Booyens, Robert Beer and Diddle
Mahabir reporting to him. Bruce will still
be the custodian of the Key Accounts
function and nurture those relationships.
Team Optimizers
Farmsecure’s intensified approach towards scientific farming
has reached another milestone with the establishment of the
“Optimizers Team”. This team will focus on further development
and extension of the on-Farm solution offered by Farmsecure.
They will also support Kynoch’s mission of transforming from
a Commodity Fertilizer Distributor to a Differentiated Fertilizer
Company that completes the offering together with NPK’s at the
farm gate.
The combined and consolidated products and technologies now
available to the Group, has necessitated a focused and dedicated
strategy to develop and grow this exciting market opportunity.
The “Optimizers Team” will work in close collaboration with the
agronomists and sales force, guided by the overall strategy of a
differentiated, unique, scientifically backed and supportive onFarm solution.
We are proud to announce that from 1 June 2012, Kynoch,
and other Group companies namely FOF, FFG, Terason and
Technichem, its staff, area managers and sales force, will be
offered a more comprehensive and holistic on-Farm solution
which will be enhanced by the Optimizer products. The purpose
of this team is to establish and grow Kynoch as the leading
differentiated plant nutrition solution provider in South Africa.
We are privileged to have an excellent team of experts that will
support the field personnel who need to sell and work with these
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Kevin du Plessis (previously at
Farmsecure Global Markets) is now
Kynoch North’s Supply Chain Manager.
He took over the planning, logistics
and distribution duties for the region
from Mike Koller and will be reporting
to Mike. In conjunction with Gordon
Hesom, Kevin is still involved in the
Group’s logistics and supply chain
optimization. Kappie van Wyk reports
to Kevin.
Erik de Vries will remain responsible for
the development of new products and
offerings, as well as helping Bruce with all
Marketing aspects such as promotions,
new campaigns and demand creation.
products in terms of information, demand creation, distribution,
latest products and research requirements.
We are very happy to announce that the following individuals
have agreed to take this opportunity for the Farmsecure Group
and develop this exciting new venture where Optimizers,
plant enhancers and supplemented plant nutrition products
contribute towards optimized production. The team will consist
of the following members:
1. Head of Optimizers: Erik de Vries
2. Manager Optimizer product development, innovation and
marketing: Rian Briedenhann
3. Manager Optimizer product development, training and
registration: Duane de Swardt
4. Procurement Manager Optimizers: To be announced
We are proud to be moving forward in the field of scientific
farming in order to maximise profits for our producers. The team
looks forward to working with and supporting you in the future.
They will be in close contact with you shortly to implement,
coordinate and develop the marketing plan for “Optimizers”.
Kynoch Shines at FST Conference
The Farmsecure Technologies Conference was held on 1-2
March at Ongegund Lodge, Sir Lowry’s Village. This was FST’s
yearly conference where all the management teams of FST
businesses met and looked back on the year gone by and
discussed plans for the one ahead, to interact in terms of
finding synergies in activities between die various companies,
to utilise these synergies and to make sure that we help and
support each other where necessary. Terason, Technichem,
ExperiCo, FAS Irrigation and Farmsecure XcLNT Cultivars
management attended for the first time as businesses which
joined the family over the past year. Representatives from
Holdings, Grains, Livestock, Fruit and Colors attended as well.
Approximately 25 short, internal presentations were given, as
well as one by Eileen Herreilers on the topic “Discover your
strengths”. In between and overnight there was a real buzz
between old and new colleagues. Rumour has it that the
shuttle bus between the main venue and accommodation
was pre-booked until 3 a.m. but was needed until 5 a.m (!!!) so
it was certainly not a dull affair.
After the official conference Kynoch’s staff won 2 from the 4
Individual Staff Awards and 1 from the 3 Team Awards that
were presented. Congratulations to all winners and thank you
very much for your hard work and dedication!
Individual Staff Awards
Team Award
• Simon Girdlestone from Kynoch – Simon is the Manager
of Kynoch’s international business. During the past year
he had the difficult task to establish the Kynoch brand in
SADC countries outside of South Africa, where the brand is
new (unlike South Africa where it is over a century old). He
received the award because all his hard work paid off and the
business performed excellently during the past year.
• Kynoch South – This team is the leading supplier of
fertilizer in the Western Cape and had a very good year
despite several challenges.
• Bruce Shuker from Kynoch – Bruce, now Kynoch’s
Commercial Manager, was the Key Account Manager for
wholesale business. This is a tough market segment with
large clients whom everybody wants to supply. Bruce
was very successful in marketing innovative value-added
products to these clients, which they would not have
considered in the past.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
“I am proud and excited about all the innovation and
developments in the different businesses, the quality and
passion of our people and teams and also about what we can
achieve as a family of businesses to change the face of agriculture
in the world.” – Schalk Lubbe, CEO Farmsecure Technologies
with Kynoch
Oemff™ Gifts
from the field
Peter Adolphs, Farmsecure
Holdings Audio Visual Manager,
and his crew is currently doing
their rounds in the field. They
recently visited a farmer, Jaap
van der Westhuizen from
the Sasolburg area, who is
really excited about using
Kynoch’s products.
Een van Kynoch se kliënte wat
in Februarie ‘n Oemff pakkie
ontvang het, het met ‘n groot
glimlag aan sy agent genoem
dat dit “punt in die wind is.”
Bemarking Suid
Bou Span!
Die jaarlikse Spanbou/Bemarkingsvergadering vir Kynoch Suid
was hierdie jaar weer gehou te Nortier aan die Weskus op 9 - 10
Februarie 2012.
Gedurende die geleentheid word daar gewoonlik erkenning gegee
aan die afgelope jaar se beste presteerders. Die volgende persone het
sertifikate ontvang:
Johan van der Merwe
Hoogste Netto Verkoopswaarde vir 2011 (Graan Segment)
Hoogste Netto Verkoopswaarde Yara Vita 2011
Bertelo Visser
Hoogste Netto Verkoopswaarde 2011 (Intensiewe Gewas Segment)
Hoogste Marge Waarde 2011
Casper Gous
Hoogste Marge Waarde per ton 2011
Gerhard Uys
Hoogste % “Better/Best” verkope (Graan Segment)
Geldenhuys Visser
Hoogste % “Better/Best” verkope (Intensiewe Gewas Segment)
Barnie Niemand
Grootste groei in Volume 2011 vs 2010
Burden, Japie
Swanepoel, Jannie
Niemand, Barnie
Liebenberg, Marais
Le Roux, Jacques
Du Toit, Johan
V.d. Merwe, Johan
Gous, Casper
5 Uys,
Visser, Geldenhuys
V.d. Heever, Frank
V.d. Merwe, Dirk
Smith, Jaco
Louw, Paul
Du Toit, Gillie
Lötter, Barnie
Kriel, Cobus
Bester, Jannie
Smith, Wian
Visser, Bertelo
Kriel, Daneil
Van Zyl, Gideon
Vollgraaff, Andries
Visser, Bertie
7 Saayman, Herman
V.d. Westhuizen, Deon
Matthee, Jacques
Na die vergadering is ‘n veld “rally” gehou waaraan sewe spanne deelgeneem
het en daarop gemik was om spanwerk en bemarkingsvaardighede te toets.
Die geleentheid is afgesluit met ‘n gesellige braai langs die see waartydens
pryse aan elk van die wenspanne van die dag, uitgedeel is. Die volgende spanne
het as wenners uit die “stryd” getree nl. Blou Bulle (Rally Wenners); Cheethas
(Spangees) en Stormers (Weskus Toerismeroete Bemarkers). Pryse was geborg
deur SA Kalk & Gips, SQM, Yara en K+S Kali.
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Farrell has done it again!
Farrell Kotzé received a very special gift and note to thank
her as a Kynoch Customer Service representative for her
dedication and service. This is definitely an inspiration for all
other Kynoch employees. Keep up the good work!
Farrell asked us to share the following quote with the
rest of her colleagues:
“If you plant hard work, you will reap success.”
From all at Kynoch we would like to extend
a very warm welcome to Najuwa van
Rheede who recently joined our team as
Assistant HR & PR Administrator at Kynoch
in Fourways.
We would like to encourage all staff to contact Elvera Strydom,
elvera.strydom@farmsecure.co.za, if you would like to contribute anything for
future publications ... the Bulletin is for Kynoch staff by Kynoch staff.
in April
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
From all at Kynoch, we wish you a
very happy and blessed birthday!
Malene Mouton
Dave Boshoff
S Peko
Sajay Ramjee
Farrell Kotze
Tjaart Booyens
Bennie de Villiers
Rajin Govender
Rene Reynolds
Japie Burden
Robert Beer
Peter Plint
Richard Reynolds
Terason recently held a conference with
the theme ‘Intelligent Growing’. The event
took place from 14 - 16 March at Mofam
in Grabouw. The main focus of the 3 days
revolved around Changing Agriculture,
Farmsecure Integration and Synergies as
well as Technology Support.
Approximately 80 people attended, including all
of Terason’s office personnel and crop solution
specialists as well as the marketing department.
Presentations were also given by people from outside
of Terason including:
Antonie Delport, MD of SYNGENTA
Ian Mansfield, Sales Manager of SYNGENTA
Ernst Myburgh, Regional Manager of SYNGENTA
Gordon Hesom, CEO of Kynoch
Schalk Lubbe, CEO of Farmsecure Technologies
Erik de Vries, MD of Farmsecure Agri Science
Johnny Maass, CEO of Farmsecure Fruit Growers
Jerome Yazbek, CEO of Farmsecure
Johan Hanekom, MD of Terason, gave us the following
Terason held an extremely successful annual conference from
14-16 March 2012 at Mofam River Lodge, Grabouw where a
good balance between work and play was maintained.
In a fast changing agricultural environment we used the
opportunity to clearly outline the Terason vision, goals for
2012 and synergies that can be obtained with the Farmsecure
Syngenta, as core agrochemical supplier, shared their
international and national strategic positioning and planning,
which will ensure their position as market leader in the supply
of agrochemical and seed solutions. A number of speakers
presented new technology support systems which can be used
to optimize production and reduce risks.
Presentations by Gordon Hesom, Schalk Lubbe, Erik de Vries
and Johnny Maass clarified uncertainties and questions on the
Farmsecure structures as well as the road ahead. The conference
was neatly rounded off by Jerome Yazbek in giving us a fantastic
insight on how and why Farmsecure was established and
what his philosophy is towards life and the Farmsecure family
of companies.
On the recreational side we had lots of fun and laughter during
a team building session and a hugely enjoyable ‘medieval
evening’ with Wikus van der Merwe as comedian/singer.
Terason’s batteries are charged and we look forward to a very
exciting and eventful 2012!
NAMPO Harvest Day 2012
The annual Nampo Harvest Day, South Africa’s biggest agricultural show, is just around the corner
held from 15 - 18 May. Kynoch’s representation at the expo is currently in the planning phase and
to give you a sneak preview, this year’s theme is “Ervaar on sukses verhaal”. The theme is based on
the fact that Kynoch is selling more than fertilizer, it provides clients with a complete solution by
incorporating Farmsecure Agri Science’s expertise and advise. Kynoch will, as it did in 2011, present a
competition with the prize being HUGE and POWERFUL.
Experience our
success formula
Unlock your crop pro
with Kynoch at Namp
(stand number 33)
More information on the preparations for the event will be given in the next Bulletin ... watch this
For more information please visit the following website: www.grainsa.co.za/nam_index.php
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Kynoch Fertilizer
Kunsmis (Edms)
(Pty) Ltd
Fourways Golf Park •
Selborne Building
Gebou • 1ste
• 1st
Floor •• Roosstraat
1016 Roos 1016
Street• Fourways
• Fourways
Kynoch Website
“Looks great. Now we
will build on this.”
- Erik de Vries
Kynoch’s website is alive and kicking, streaming the Kynoch
message and brand across cyberspace! A lot of work went into
building it according to what the company is all about. In the
long run it is also representing you as a Kynoch employee and
we do hope that you are proud to be part of it.
“It looks fresh and clean, very nice. I like the simple layout but
with a lot more info than before. A very good basis from which
to develop the site further with more product and services
info. Overall a vast improvement on the old site but we need to
ensure the site is updated regularly.” - Peter Plint
As always we welcome suggestions of information you want to
see on it.
“This is a huge improvement on the old site and a move in
the right direction. We can work on the products, product
descriptions and services. Also important that it is regularly
updated and outdated information/articles are removed. Well
done on the progress so far.” - Bruce Shuker
We received some feedback about the new website
and would like to share it with you:
“Looks great. Now we will build on this.” - Erik de Vries
Kynoch goes Liquid in Kimberley
As you would have read in a recent notice sent to staff on
the 16th of March, Kynoch acquired Sasol’s Kimberley Liquid
Fertilizer business.
We would like to share a couple of words from management on
what the acquisition means to Kynoch’s business and why is it
“When Yara sold the Kynoch business to Farmsecure, the
Northwest and Northern Cape region was serviced by a Joint
venture with GWK. This JV was not included in the Farmsecure
acquisition, so liquid fertilizers factories in the region were
not acquired. Kynoch has now successfully acquired the Sasol
Liquid fertilizer factory in Kimberly which now makes it possible
to supply the complete range of products to Producers in the
Northwest and Northern Cape region. We have put together
very comprehensive Crop Working Groups, who recommend
complex Plant Nutrition Solutions. These require custom
mixtures, which can now be produced in the heart of the region
completing the offering to producers in those regions.” – Gordon
Hesom, CEO Kynoch
Please see the link below to access the Press Release for further
w w w. f a r m s e c u r e. co. z a / i m a g e s / u p l o a d s /
Groente & Vrugte Tydskrif
“Nuwe Kynoch produkte in aartappel en groente
produksie” article and advertisement was
published in the February/March 2012 edition
focused on Fertilizer and Irrigation
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Nourishing the Planet:
Staying Tuned for More Innovations
Nourishing the Planet research intern, Abisola Adekoya,
explains how Farm Radio International is taking advantage
of radio’s popularity throughout sub-Saharan Africa to give
farmers programming worth tuning in for. By broadcasting
shows about improved composting methods and organic
fertilizer, for example, Farm Radio International programs in
Mali are helping to repair degraded soil, increase harvests,
and improve livelihoods.
Please see the link to view the video:
Credits: Sourced, Written & Compiled by Elvera Strydom • Edited by Chantal Yazbek • Designed by Davida Smith
Compiled and published by the Farmsecure Media and Communications department.
Copyright © 2012 Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Finding the real deal…
Being Rosendal Wines’ Marketing Campaign Manager included working with the company’s Wine
Merchants. Each had an established customer base but did a lot of cold calling as well. For this reason
we had to make sure that all existing and potential customers’ exposure to the company was tip top –
copy and visual. In order to do so I had to arrange both printed material and documents that could be
emailed and/or delivered. The job included copywriting as well as working with photographers,
designers and printers to produce beautiful marketing material.
Herewith a couple of
Rosendal’s Wine
Promotions –
Documents used by
the Wine Merchants to
sell wine specials
Rosendal’s Product
Leaflets – Tasting
Notes included with
each wine ordered
(Scroll down to view)
Rosendal’s Biltong &
Wine Pairing Special Printed tasting notes
found with each
delivery (Scroll down
to view)
Rosendal’s Wacky
Wine Promotion Flyer
– Promoting the Wine
Farm with indulgence
(Scroll down to view)
Rosendal’s Tasting
Room Newsletter –
Printed and delivered
with the quarterly
Tasting Room (Scroll
down to view)
Reserve Hilltop Merlot 2012
This Merlot has an intense dark colour with a brick red rim. Ripe
Plum and Cranberry aromas on the nose with whiffs of Chocolate
and Cinnamon. These aromas give way to beautiful Black Fruits
on the palate that are matched with rich and savoury notes of
Black Olives, Liquorice and spicy tannins. A richly-layered wine
with plenty of backbone and structure.
mm per annum
metres above sea level
Rainy Seasons
Apr | May | June
July|Aug | Sept
Grape Varieties
Apr | May | June
July | Aug | Sept
Hand Picked
French: 100%
Bottles: 4 100
100% Merlot
Harvest: The 2012 season was characterised by healthy, ideal growing conditions and
a cool, lengthened, harvesting period without rain or prolonged heat. This and slow
ripening, resulted in smaller berries with intense colour and exceptional flavours, as well
as optimal ripeness levels at lower sugars, leading to lower alcohol levels.
On the Nose
On the Palate
Plum, Cranberry
Black Fruit
Black Olives
Scan for more
info and recipes
Winemaker Notes
Serving Suggestion
The name Merlot is
thought to be a
diminutive of merle,
the French name
for the blackbird
- probably a
reference to the
colour of the grape.
A bold and rich wine
that deserves hearty
meals. Serve with
Roasted Lamb, flavourful
Beef Casseroles or try
with grilled Rosemary
Pork Chops.
Visit Robertson’s
premium wine, spa
and food experience!
Rosendal Winery and Wellness Retreat offer the discerning traveller a unique
country guesthouse and spa experience. Renowned for its warm hospitality,
pristine mountain setting, excellent cuisine and award-winning wines.
Rosendal is an oasis of calm, conveniently located near Robertson, amidst
the many attractions of Route 62, less than two hours drive from Cape Town.
The award-winning wines from Rosendal are recognised among the leading
premium products in the market. We deliver door-to-door all over South
Africa and Namibia, and offer export opportunities around the world.
Rosendal offers great value, all inclusive packages, for your convenience.
Our packages include the two nights Romantic Treat with spa, meals,
activities and a romantic turndown service included. The Rosendal de-stress
package offers you recommended spa treatments, meals and relaxation at
the farm. The Rosendal Golf package includes green fees, accommodation,
meals and some spa treatments for sore muscles at the end of the day.
Finding a following…
Digital marketing can be found in all forms and fashions. What is important is to make sure that you
utilise the platforms that will best reach your audience, your target market. Once you’ve reached them
you need to make them curious about you - so that they follow you SMPs, open your mailers and read
your newsletters and blog posts, spread your word! All in all you must entertain while informing them
about your service or product, selling it first to the eyes (and ears), then to their minds, and most of all
to their pockets.
The following are examples where I was responsible for implementing various forms of digital
Daily Facebook Posts – See Link: https://www.facebook.com/rosendalwinery
Daily Tweets – See Link: https://twitter.com/RosendalWinery
Daily Google+ Posts – See Link:
Weekly Blog Posts – See Link: http://www.rosendalwines.com/blogs/news
Weekly Promotion
Monthly Newsletters
Finding facts online…
Management SA – See Link: http://managementsa.co.za/
Being employed at Topco Media as Marketing Coordinator of their eight B2B publications was extremely
informative and stimulating. Every day was filled with news from various industries, interesting
personalities and tonnes of emails and meetings. The best part of it all was launching its new monthly
publication called MANAGEMENT SA. Taking into account the readership it was designed and marketed
as a digital magazine, with a very small print run as well. With market research complete it became clear
that the publication’s website was vital to build, monitor and communicate the brand to the target
audience. Part of its success was the weekly digital newsletter, aka Bulletin. I arranged the site and
newsletter’s content with the editor, managed its social media, marketing and PR, and arranged its
official release at one of Topco’s annual award events.
Finding things to buy…
Rosendal Wines – See Link: http://www.rosendalwines.com/
I entered a new world when it was decided to take Rosendal Wines’ offering online. At the time
ecommerce with wine was widely used abroad but not a well-established sales avenue in South Africa.
Thus it was very exciting to research, conceptualise and orchestrate the site’s design. It was completed
with a freelance developer and I was responsible all copy, visual implementation, promotions, content
management and marketing.
… finding magic and money with online sales…
The first day the site was published was magical! We spoke a ‘new’ language to a new audience and
made money without picking up the phone, driving around or attend marketing/sales events.
Finding fun…
Planning and managing company events are a lot of fun! You can be creative in every sense of the word
– from location, to communication and the final offering. It is also a very fulfilling job because you
entertain people at a social level where they also have the opportunity to engage about business, form
relationships and simply enjoy the occasion. If used for business purposes it is a fabulous way to market
and build your brand.
Here are a couple of examples where I planned and managed company events:
Farmsecure Holdings’ Year-End Functions
Imagine hosting 32 companies’ employees at one gala dinner! They came from far and wide, all around
the country, to attend these special events.
Rosendal Wines’ Exclusive Wine Tasting
The tasting’s attendees included press, bloggers (food, lifestyle and leisure) as well as the company’s
most important customers.
Rosendal Wines’ Virtual Wine Tasting
I arranged this tasting with the company’s
Tasting Room members and winemaker. It was
streamed live via Google’s Hangouts on Air.
Received from colleagues at various companies – also available on LinkedIn
Position: Marketing Campaign Manager
Company: Rosendal Winery
“Elvera is a focused professional with a dogged determination to adhere to her tasks and projects given.
Her gentle and calm people skills will be an asset to any meeting.”
Johann Venter, Wine Merchant at Rosendal Winery
July 3, 2013, Johann worked directly with Elvera at Rosendal Winery
“Elvera is humble, patience and lovely woman. She is always helpful and willing to assist at any time
without complaining. She gives all to her job and she does the best in the company. I appreciate to work
with her.”
Phindiwe Tom-Magida, Administration Assistant at Rosendal Winery
November 6, 2013, Phindiwe reported to Elvera at Rosendal Winery
Position: Marketing Coordinator - Publications
Company: Topco Media
“Elvera is always helpful and willing to assist in her area of expertise at any time without hesitation. She
does so with a pleasant smile and is always approachable and well informed about social media tools" Gretchen Bloemetje, Educator at Western Cape Education Department and qualified PR Specialist
March 11, 2013, Gretchen worked directly with Elvera at Topco Media
“Elvera is a bright and cheerful person to work with. She is very process driven and possesses skills that
stretch far beyond the humble demeanour that you encounter when you first meet her. Elvera is
dedicated and extremely hard working and proves time and time again that she is somebody that you can
always rely on. Elvera will succeed at any task she takes on and will complete any job with a smile on her
face with a refreshingly thorough approach. Elvera conducts herself professionally and with grace, a true
pleasure to be around.”
Donovan Winterburn, Head Of Sales @ Carrol Boyes
February 6, 2013, Donovan managed Elvera at Topco Media
Position: Research & Communications Officer
Company: Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
“Elvera is well-educated and highly-qualified in her field of expertise. Although trained as a psychologist
she has excelled in the media environment because of her ability to engage with people and interact with
her peers. She has a sparkling personality, is talented, even-natured and extremely efficient at whatever
she sets her hand to do. I would recommend Elvera to anyone who wishes to employ her. She would be a
valuable asset to any person/organisation.”
Annelie Jordaan, Chief Executive Officer: at South African Technology and Training Platform
November 1, 2012, Annelie worked with Elvera at Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
“I worked with Elvera where she was part of the media team. She did articles on the work that my
department did in rural areas. She was extremely helpful and did proper research of the area before
doing the articles to put the work that we do in perspective of the specific area. I was very proud of the
work she did for my department.”
Div Bosman, Director and Founder Member at Themba Enteprise Development
October 31, 2012, Div worked with Elvera at Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
“I found her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile. Besides
being a joy to work with, Elvera is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and
communicate the benefits. During her time at Farmsecure she was always on time punctual and
polite. Though she was an asset to our marketing efforts, Elvera was also extraordinarily helpful in other
areas of the company. In addition to writing effective articles in communication, Elvera assumed a
leadership role in inspiring and motivating other employees. I highly recommend Elvera for employment.
She is a team player and would make a great asset to any organization.”
Dieter Strumpher, Art Director / Creative Graphic Designer Owner of Color.creative
October 31, 2012, Dieter worked directly with Elvera at Farmsecure Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Course: Certificate in Major Event Management
Institute: University of Buckingham (Validator of European School of Economics’ Academic Programmes)
“Elvera is an excellent team player. I had the opportunity to work with her on an academic project and she
proved to be highly responsible and committed besides showing outstanding mediation skills.”
Marta Lasen, Community Catalyst & Facilitator for Social Change
August 20, 2010, Marta studied with Elvera at University of Buckingham
Position: Market Research Executive
Company: Synovate SA
“I admire Elvera's attitude to work. She is extremely dedicated and has always been going the extra mile
while working at Synovate SA. She can be trusted to take accountability for anything she is trusted with
and she can be trusted with a lot. Elvera always tries to see the bigger picture and understands business
implications of her decisions. She will fit well into any team - sociable and adding the extra spark to any
environment, lighting it up with her presence. If I were in a position to hire Elvera, I would do so without
hesitation - she is a definite asset to the team possessing strong skills and vast knowledge.”
Artyom Shirin, Head: Collections and Recovery Strategy at WFS
August 28, 2009, Artyom managed Elvera at Synovate SA