TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY Term of Reference for PHIL Baseline Survey PARTNERS: Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL) and Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) I. BACKGROUND Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL) with funding from Open Society Initiative from Africa (OSIWA) is implementing a project titled Promoting Accountability in Health Service Delivery targeting health services for women youth and children under the Essential Package of Health Services at the Community Health level across two health districts each in 4 counties (Bong, Nimba, Bassa and Rivercess) As part of assessing the impact of this project a baseline survey has been designed. The survey will review the knowledge and practice of the, project communities on health services for women, youth and children in the project targeted communities. Project Objective: to improve health outcomes for youth, women and children by enhancing social demand for accountability and strengthen public service delivery in the health sector at the community level by 2015 within eight health districts covering four counties (Nimba, Bong, Bassa and Rivercess Counties). Specific Objective 1: To measure access and availability of health services of target groups through the conduct of survey on knowledge, attitude and practice across 8 health districts within 4 counties. Specific Objective 2: Facilitate capacity building of stakeholders at the county, district, health facility and community levels to participate in the execution and monitoring of the health services for youth, women and children by demanding accountability within the health sector. Specific Objective 3: Develop accountability and transparency tools for monitoring, tracking and disseminating access and availability of services for youth, women and children under the community health system using the Essential Package of Health 1 TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY Services (EPHS) four counties using community radios, social media and structured questionnaires. Specific Objective 4: To conduct health promotion activities for uptake and demand of health services for youth, women and children using posters, wall murals, billboards and mothers’ clubs. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES Conduct one day Stakeholders and project sensitization meeting in each project county Identify and establish 8 Health Accountability Committees for monitoring of health services provided according to the EPHS for youth, women and children Conduct baseline and endline surveys Partner with Accountability Lab and iLab to develop accountability and transparency tool to track health service delivery for youth, women and children using structured questionnaires, social media and open data source platform; Setup 80 Mothers’ club to conduct health awareness towards behavior change and improve health services outcomes for women and children. Conduct training for 8 HACs and 80 Mother’s club using accountability and transparency tracking tools developed; Conduct quarterly monitoring feedback meetings at the county level to share findings from monitoring; Collect and share quarterly data on health services for youth, women and children using community radios and social media platforms and open data source portals; Develop and print information, education and communication materials (posters, T-shirts, billboards, wall murals); Produce radio jingles to increase demand for health services targeting youths, women and children; and Air radio jingles on community radios for health services for youth, women and children over 6 months period 2. Survey Objectives The main objective of the baseline study is to establish baseline data and indicators for the project based on the health services under the EPHS for Women, Youth and 2 TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY Children and the monitoring and evaluation framework. These same indicators will be re-assessed in the end-line surveys to be conducted at project completion to measure changes in knowledge and behaviors of beneficiaries based on the project intervention. Additionally the survey is to lay a premise for whether the PHIL/OSIWA project increases access to health information and improve community dwellers health status and whether PHIL plays a role in improving essential health related knowledge and behavior change in target communities towards uptake of services for Women, Youth and Children. PHIL and OSIWA will use results of the evaluation to make programmatic decisions and measure impact of the program. 3. Baseline Survey design The questionnaires are to be designed and selected by the project team including the consultant relying primarily on closed-ended questions to measure the Key indicators (Annex 1). Questions are intended to measure the indicators listed in the project Log frame based on the priority health issues identified by the communities. 4. The Sampling Frame and design The sampling frame will consist of 8 health districts covering the project area in Bong, Nimba, Bassa and Rivercess counties. The target population is composed of household members in the selected project location. Within each community, a cluster consisting of 10 households will be randomly selected from a listing of all households. Within each cluster (group), the sample design should be “self-weighting” in that every household domain (area) meeting the inclusion criteria will have an equal probability of selection. The target sample of 368 in each domain should allow sufficient precision for meaningful analysis and with enough power to detect changes in key indicators at baseline and end line. 5. Key Activities A. B. C. D. E. F. Establishment of Survey coordinating committee Identification of Resource person (Consultant) Revision of survey tools and development of questionnaires Training of PHIL staff and volunteers in data collection Survey Conduct of Survey Debriefing of PHIL and OSIWA as well as Partners on the survey Available documents Project Document Community Health policy and Strategy (2011) Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS-2011) National Health Plan and Policy (2011-2021) 3 TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY 1. Resource Persons Executive Director-PHIL Program Coordinator Program Officer PHIL Technical consultant 2. Key Informants Community Focal Persons Mothers Club Leaders Health Accountability Committees Focus groups Community Leaders 3. Field Team Composition Consultant/technical support person Survey Coordinator Team leaders Interviewers Annex 2– Composition of Survey Coordinating Committee (Proposed) PHIL Executive Director Technical Consultant PHIL Community Health Service Director MoH Task and Output Suggested Frame Inception meeting with project managers and a review of key background documents Detailed inception report including detailed draft methodology and sampling approach for quantitative data collection, quantitative and qualitative tools finalized in agreement with the Project Manager and Executive Director Recruitment and training of additional data collectors/enumerators, ensuring all enumerators sign contracts Detailed work plan Quantitative data collection and data entry. There will be xx persons for qualitative data collection, xx persons for quantitative data collection and xx persons for data entry. This is given as an approximate guideline only 4 Time TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY Data analysis and draft baseline study report submitted for comments – written in line with guidance given in Annex Project staff comment on first draft Final baseline study, responding to comments above All raw data (quantitative data files, notes from all focus group meetings/key informant interviews etc.) Suggested Total Skills and qualifications of consultants We are looking for a consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications: Track record in developing and conducting various types of evaluation including qualitative and quantitative data collection Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies Strong quantitative data entry and analysis skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English Application process and timeline We invite interested individuals and companies to submit the following application documents: Expression of interest outlining how the consultant(s) meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR and methodology; A proposed activities schedule/work plan with time frame; Copy of CV of the consultant(s) who will undertake the evaluation; One recent example of similar evaluation report written by the applicant; Financial proposal detailing consultant(s) itemized fees, data collection and administrative costs 5 TERM OF REFERENCE OF PHIL/OSIWA SURVEY Ownership and Disclosure of Data/Information All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of PHIL be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant(s) formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of PHIL be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of PHIL. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by PHIL and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to PHIL upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it shall remain the property of PHIL. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of PHIL. Please send application to: phealthliberia@gmail.com Deadline for application is Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 5pm. 6
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