April 2015 Newsletter - Emerald Heights Elementary School

The Hawk Herald
Emerald Heights Elementary
1260 NW Pinnacle Court
Principal –Greg Cleven
Assistant Principal – Jerry Cornell
Silverdale, WA 98383 (360) 662-8500
Office Manager – Darlene Russell
APRIL 2015
“When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and
must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will
happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how
to fly.” Patrick Overton
Dates to remember:
21: 6th Grade Parent Night at the Junior Highs
21: 2nd Grade, Concert 6:30PM Performance
23: 5th grade Concert 6:30PM
23: Volunteer Luncheon
30: Spirit Day “Rainbow Day”
20: 1st Grade 6:30PM Performance
25: NO SCHOOL-Memorial Day Holiday
28: Parent Lunch/BBQ
31: EM Choir performs at Mariner Game 1:10PM
2: Orchestra Concert 6:00PM
Band Concert 7:00PM
3: Choir Concert 6:00PM
4: EM Senior Breakfast
11: 6th Grade Recognition 9:25AM
12: Awards Assembly 9:30AM
15: Field Day
16: Last Day of School - 11:45 dismissal
6th Grade - Parent Night - Junior High
CKJH - Fairview – Klahowya
Ridgetop – Starts 6:30
Find out about:
1. Curriculum
2. Course Selection Overview
3. Bell Schedules
4. Athletics and Activities
5. Special Programs
6. Life in the Junior High
Month of the Military Child
Saturday, April 11th 10:00am-8:00pm
Bangor Plaza Ballroom!!!
Call (360) 535-5928 for more information
Games, crafts, Reptile Man, Magic Show
Immunization Requirements for 2015-2016th 6th Graders
The Washington State Department of Health requires all students entering the sixth grade provide
proof of the date (month, day and year) your child received one dose of the varicella vaccine or a
history of chicken pox disease and appropriate date or age at the time of the disease. Also, required will
be the TDaP vaccine if your child is 11 years old and it has been five years since receiving a tetanus
containing vaccine (DTaP, DT, or Td). Your child will not be placed on a class list for school next year
until we have received notice of the dose, the date of the shots/disease. Please have your child
immunized and return this completed form to school by August 26, 2015. Families who oppose
vaccinations for religious, philosophical or medical reasons may be exempted. This, too, must be
documented by August 26, 2015. A physician’s signature is required on a Certificate of Exemption that
is available in the school office.
STUDENT NAME: __________________________________________________________________
MY CHILD RECEIVED THE VARICELLA VACCINE ON:________________________________
MY CHILD RECEIVED THE TDaP VACCINE ON: _______________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________
If you are planning to move out of Central Kitsap School District this summer or transfer to
another school within the district, please fill out this form and return it to the Emerald Heights
School office as soon as possible. Thank you!
Student Name:___________________________________________ Current Grade:______
Current Teacher:_____________________________________________________________
______ We will be leaving CKSD and moving to_____________________________________
______ My student will remain in CKSD transferring to:__________________________
______ Plans are uncertain, but there is a possibility that we will be leaving the district. Parent
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________
The Kitsap Family Fun Run & Fitness Fair will be
held on Sunday, April 12, 2015, at the President’s
Hall at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds from 11:30
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Questions? Contact KCMSF at:
(360) 689-2928 or email kcmsmed@gmail.com.
Information is also available on our website:
We invite you to experience the joys of being
physically active as a family.
A commitment to daily physical activity and a
balanced diet - including plenty of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains and water - is the best investment you
and your family can make for better health.
Great Job Students! Mr. Cleven recognizes several students daily for their
efforts at Emerald Heights by awarding them with an Emerald Heights pencil.
The following students were honored for the month of March 2015
Ian Bertnik
Kasha Bissell
Samuel Braun
Brahm Thompson
Sophia Mills
Nicholas Frascone
Sean Burt
Bryce Wyatt
Stella McCurdy
Elijah Le
Madallina Garcia
Jessica Pritchett
Kyle White
Jerakye Hasty
Joseph Field
Hunter Wallis
Oriana Noket
Baylor Stewart
Christian Thompson
Emily Burch
Jadon Alina
Rylie Seyboldt
Frank Nelson
Angiela Cuison
A’Jahnee Hudson
Somer Davis
Mateo Castro
Bryson Beaver
Nadia Barry
Dylan Curley
Logan Buyserie
Gage Berk
Callie Cole
Destiny McKenzie
Matthew Willis
Raejah Cannon
Ariana Becker
Elle Gimlin
Kaemon Gerardino
Aizlin Allen
Nathan Lander
Shaila Santander
Alex Swift
Ailianna Sandoval
Natalie Story
Joshua Lizon
Jamie Beltran
Zachary Allen
Mercedes Brown
Emma Caballero
Lilian Halterman
Ethan Delgado
Reed Sanders
Taylor Andrews
Cooper Wallace
Zoey Tucker
Josiah Turull
Angelina White
Thayer Gudger
Cooper Daigle
Darin Brion
Collin Toda
Tyler Cannon
Hailey Slate
Julian Schiess
Jessica Loehrs
Evangeline McLaughlin
Rylie Buyserie
Kailee Andrade
Landon Lee
Thien Martinez
Kamri Rudofski
Jake Wiler
Meredith Pascual
Michaela Lueck
Finley Stewart
Megan McKee
Tyson Thompson
Natalia Nelson
Avery Suggs
Annalise Imperato
Austin Richard
Mizuki Snavely
Halli Wilkerson
Titus House
Jaylynn Payne
Natalie Suggs
Lily Selby
Courtney Olson
Lilli Richardson
Mollie McKee
Bruce Marcotte
Zoe Pacella
Donavin Kinsey
Margaret Luff
Francisco Roberto
Charlize Tran
Joshua Lynch
Tyler Houldsworth
Colin Moriarty
Trevon Simmons
PI Day was celebrated at Emerald Heights!!!
Emerald Heights' staff and students were so lucky to have author Jennifer Lynn Alvarez come to our
school from northern California. She arrived on Monday, March 23 with a warm reception from staff
and students. We were all so excited to see a real author!! Jennifer held an assembly for K-3 and 46. She spoke about her Pet Washer book and the first book in her Guardian Herd series Starfire. Student made art was hung throughout the building inspired by each of the books. We ended
the visit with a book signing by Jennifer. Each student was able to bring their book to have her
personalize and autograph it. She also loved making time to chit chat with each student. We were so
honored to have her come to our school. Jennifer Lynn Alvarez said, "I have never received such a warm
welcome at a school before. I was blown away!" We are all looking forward to the arrival of the second
book in her series called Stormbound on April 21!
Mrs. Fleck’s Robotics Club is making progress on their projects, and having a lot of fun!!!
Thursday, May 21, 6 PM -Ridgetop Junior High School
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of Asians and Pacific
Islanders in the United States. Asian-Pacific encompasses all of the Asian
continent and the Pacific Islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.
Please join us at RIJH for cultural foods, performances and activities. Everyone
Learn to Speak a Foreign Language
Foreign Language for Youth is offering language classes to students at Emerald Heights
Elementary, beginning October, 2015 and ending in spring, 2016. Classes meet at Emerald
Heights. Tuition is $369 (less than $9.25 for a 40 minute lesson). If you are interested, please
visit us at https://www.foreignlanguageforyouth.org/emeraldheights to view a schedule of
class offerings and register. Classes are being planned now and students can get a $25 discount if
they Pre-register before June 30. For more information, contact us at info@fl4y.org or 425420-2854 or visit www.foreignlanguageforyouth.org
Thank you volunteers!! - Marifi Parker, Kathy Mulligan, and Kara Parpart for Author Visit Potluck
Congratulations to all of our Science Showcase participants this year. Students and their
families enjoyed an evening of science fun. Everyone was impressed by all of the hard work
and effort that students put into their projects. Thank you to Mr. Cleven, Mrs. D'Arienzo, Mrs.
Huckaba, for all of their help presenting awards and ensuring that the evening ran smoothly,
and Mr. Hidalgo-sub custodian for helping clean up. A big thank you to parents who stepped in
and helped out with running the engineering challenges and for various tasks throughout the
evening and of course for the delicious treats that provided sustenance for our budding
scientists. A great evening was had by all!!!
Here are some of the engineering design challenges: the Roller Coaster Marble Run, the
Humpty Dumpty Wall and the Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower
Science is fun!!!