EU VICTIMS’ DIRECTIVE NOVEMBER DEADLINE FOR NEW EU VICTIMS’ DIRECTIVE Despite improvements of victim support services throughout the European Union, challenges remain in many member states, according to the first comprehensive assessment by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. All 28 member states now have until November to transpose the EU Victims’ Directive into national law. W ell-resourced, well-aimed victim support is vital to ensure that victims of crime have real access to justice for the suffering they have been caused and ensure their rights are respected, according to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). “Assistance must be made available to victims before, during and after criminal proceedings, and not only legal support, but also psychological and emotional,” says FRA Director Morten Kjaerum. EU member states have until November 2015 to transpose the EU Victims’ Directive into national law, and he claims a lot of work has to be done. “FRA research has consistently found that under-reporting is a major obstacle to ensuring victims have full access to their rights. Targeted and practical victim support systems are a crucial element of any strategy to increase trust in the authorities and increase reporting rates, without which it’s impossible to improve the investigation and prosecution of crime.” Member states must transpose the articles of the Victims’ Directive by 16 November 2015. The Directive establishes minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. The subject of victim support is closely linked to FRA’s other work on access to justice, discrimination and hate crime, and particularly to the findings of the Agency’s large-scale surveys of people who are most often victimised. POSITIVE DEVELOPMENTS Data collected by FRA from all 28 member states to provide information and analysis on current procedures at national level demonstrates a number of positive developments: REPORT’S RECOMMENDATIONS To help ensure effective support for victims throughout the EU, FRA makes a number of suggestions in the report: To view the report online visit • Some EU member states such as Belgium, Estonia or Finland ensure that victim support organisations are run either directly at police stations or in their immediate vicinity, making referrals easier. • In several member states, including Denmark, Poland and the UK, money is raised for victim support services through a fund paid into by people on conviction of a criminal offence. • Apps have been developed in some states such as Spain or Sweden that provide details on court procedure, as well as on locations and contact details. The Victims’ Directive is just one element of the broader Victims’ Package. Two other pieces of legislation entered into force on 11 January 2015, to ensure crime victims who are granted protection in one EU country, will be eligible for similar protection in another member state. • Member states need to ensure the provision of targeted support services, including trauma support and counselling, for victims with specific needs, for example victims with a disability, victims of sexual violence, or irregular migrants who become victims of crime. • Member states must ensure they comply with obligations in the Victims’ Directive to train police officers and court staff, and make available the additional resources needed to implement these measures. • Bureaucratic hurdles should be removed so that legal aid is made available to victims who are party to criminal proceedings in the same way as it currently is to defendants. • Member states should introduce measures that ensure victims have access to information about their rights and available support services, as well as to relevant information about their case. • To encourage more victims to come forward and report crimes, member states should ensure that information about victim support is immediately available from all authorities and public services with which victims come into contact, including the health services.
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