Paper K LINCOLNSHIRE LOCAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON 22nd April, 2015 10am-12 noon Board Room, Robey House, Lincoln County Hospital PRESENT Jane Lewington (Chair) Mr Sunday Ikhena Helen Smith Ruth Allarton Debra Burley Julie Stevens (JuSt) Vicki Sharpe Katherine McMillan Tracey Pilcher Sharon Black Maz Fosh Dr Isobel Perez Chief Executive ULHT Director Medical Education, ULHT Transformation & LETC Lead (HEEM Lincolnshire) Head of Department AHP, Sheffield Hallam University Chief Executive LMC Deputy Director of Workforce, LCHS Strategic People Management Advisor, LCC Training & Development Pharmacist, ULHT Chief Nurse, Lincolnshire East CCG Director Nurse Education & Deputy Head of School, University of Lincoln Director HR & OD, LCHS Public Health Consultant IN ATTENDANCE Julie Seddon (JuSe) Anne Symon Jeanette Shepherd (minutes) (JeS) HEEM Workforce Transformation Manager Urgent Care Strategy Manager, LHAC Administration Team Leader (HEEM Lincolnshire) Action 1. Welcome, Introductions and apologies Apologies were received from:Gary Thompson, Michele Duggan, Nicky Fothergill, Elaine Stasiak, Liz Ball, Sara Owen, David Knight, Tony Kavanagh, Andrew Dickenson, Melanie Weatherly, Yee Cho, Sarah Furley. As JL was delayed, MF began the meeting with introductions and item no 2. Developing people for health and healthcare East Midlands Local Education and Training Board @EastMidsLETB 2. Minutes of the previous meeting Accuracy Page 2 – Medical Workforce Training. Should read “JuS to enquire of Richard Whittle.” (Not a formal meeting). Done. Page 3 – ULHT revalorisation: should read “ULHT Social Role Valorisation – Training to develop a values based approach to understanding the service user experience of those in our care” (NB: this was business case no 11). With the above amendments, the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2015, were agreed as a true and accurate record. 3. Matters arising/action log 4. UoL did not wish to deliver a Health & Social Care Foundation Degree. Dialogue still on-going with Bishop Grossteste University. There may be some options around the results of the Shape of Care Review. The Wider Workforce Strategy Group had been disbanded, therefore, it was agreed that a Task and Finish group takes this piece of work forward. TP TP to arrange first meeting. Members to include:o Sharon Black (was happy to host at the Think Tank) o Ruth Allarton o Tracy Pilcher o Liz Ball o Plus other nursing leads LBR for Occupational Therapy: DK to check with Jane Tuxworth. On- DK going. Return to Practice national campaign: At the moment we were not able to publicise any events due to restrictions around Purdah. However, there was a very positive interview recently on Radio Lincolnshire from someone who had participated in Return to Practice. SHU on-line course around EOL care: RA to send out link when RA available. Chair’s update JL reported on the following: An appointment had been made for the Chair of HEEM, but no announcement would be made until after the election. Janice Stevens was now on secondment; Paul Holmes was the interim National Director (Midlands and East). EM Leadership Academy: HEEM had made contributions to the EM Leadership Academy each year, but their objective now was to move to a more commissioning relationship. There was a push away from product delivery and more into the workplace and ways of supporting joint working within the LETB. “Love our Learners”. Progress had been made over the last year. Share outcomes to date and think if we want to support a Lincolnshire HS “Love our Learners” campaign. How would it be evaluated? Was there support from organisations? “Love our Educators” was the next stage. LHAC – aiming towards a public consultation in autumn 2015. PWC had been re-engaged by the Joint Commissioning Board to support progress on each of the work streams and detailed strategic 2 5. business cases, and to support ULHT around acute services. ULHT Clinical Strategy event was held last week. 70 people attended. Very engaging, and now with a clear timeline. A similar session to be held at the end of June to firm up what services each of the sites would deliver. Finance continues to be a challenge in the Lincolnshire economy. ULHT was at present in arbitration. Depending on the outcome, the deficit would be either £37 million or £45 million. This reinforced the need for a Lincolnshire plan and changes. System Resilience Group (SRG): Looking at operational pressures around social and urgent care. What were the workforce implications around intermediate care? When the commissioning strategies around health and social care become clear, what will we need to support? TP TP/DB and DB to discuss and speak with Gary James, Chair of the group. Current crisis around staffing pressures – we need to scope as a LETC and identify where the immediate pressures are, to help the LETC support providers. Joint proposals and urgent joint work required to HS identify workforce “hotspots”. Anne Symon commented that there was a huge nursing issue in care homes. University of Lincoln attrition rates for current years 1 and 2 were well within acceptable limits. How do we work with the UoL to help with attrition and to increase application rates from the east of the county? HS advised that £24,000 had been awarded to fund the development of schools engagement work; particularly to encourage students in deprived areas, and to attract higher achieving students. Need to map all issues so we take a systemic approach. Attraction strategy – The market research company, which focused on Acute & Primary Care drs and nurses, had provided preliminary verbal feedback, awaiting formal report. DB reported that the LMC were using a BMJ marketing scheme to attract GPs. LCHS holding a meeting next week to discuss/scope their attraction strategy. We need a common branding that Trusts can use in their individual campaigns. What are we trying to achieve and by when? Scope and identify “hotspots”. Need to explore the potential of new roles and use innovative approaches to how we attract, especially increasing numbers of applications to the east coast. Beyond Transition HS had been successfully appointed as Transformation and LETC Lead for Lincolnshire, and Julie Seddon as Workforce Transformation Manager. There was a 0.6 vacancy in the team for a Workforce Transformation Manager; unfortunately, the team was losing Sharan Watkinson. The 8c 0.5 wte post was out for advert, and would be based at Ruddington. JL expressed concern on how a 0.5 post, based in Ruddington, would be able to support us locally. JL to write to David JL Farrelly regarding this. Andrew Dickenson, Post-Grad Dental Dean, had been aligned to Lincolnshire, along with a Workforce Intelligence Manager. Jane Johnson had been appointed as Executive Lead for Transformation and Innovation across the LETB. The next phase of re-structuring had begun; “Continual Improvement” 3 and would affect the Education and Commissioning, and Quality teams. 6. LETC 2015/16 Work Plan and Priorities 7. Finance 8. There was a desire, from HEE, that all LETCs across the East Midlands operate in a similar fashion. Therefore, the revised Terms of Reference would be set from HEE. HS outlined 5 main themes. However, following discussion it was agreed that we also had urgent workforce needs that should be addressed, and an additional theme (no 2) was added. 1. Effective workforce planning and implementation 2. Working as a Health and Care Community to address existing workforce issues 3. Attracting, recruiting and retaining the right people 4. Improving the quality of the education experience 5. Health and Care integration 6. Measuring the impact of our interventions It was agreed that a “Plan on a page” be developed under each of these HS themes, outlining clear deliverables, timescales, outcomes, and KPI’s. Under each theme would sit Task and Finish Groups with identified senior leads reporting back to the LETC with RAG rated reports on a regular basis. HS Delivery Plans required for each theme; be realistic! Development of new roles spanning a number of responsibilities a key element– think about how we can move our current workforce into those new roles. How do you build virtual teams around certain pathways? Need to be reflected under these themes. The OD Plan has been delivered and reported into the Workforce & OD Programme Board. Affects staff in all organisations currently. Look at the sustainability and delivery of that. Anne Symon – workforce challenge along the whole pathway; admission/attendance/avoidance. New workforce, different skills. We need shared processes and systems, ie, shared bank staff; conversation has already started. Recognise that last year we hadn’t supported some of the transformation activities envisaged or some of our priorities. We don’t know our share of this year’s flexible funding yet. It was recommended that the funding be linked to the agreed 6 themes and be divided 4 ways rather than 3, to reflect Primary Care. HS proposed that allocation was calculated on headcount of the three trusts plus GP practice staff, once numbers confirmed. Agreed. There would be a clear governance framework around spend. Supporting service transformation monies, in the medical pot: see paper “Supporting service transformation with changing education and training models” embedded in Paper D, Finance Framework. All agreed this was a sensible option. Risk The highest risk was still insufficient workforce supply. It was suggested that Paul O’Neill, from The East Midlands Leadership Academy, talk to the Workforce and OD Programme Board around the 4 9. Nurse Revalidation 10. pro-active and urgent care stream. MF and HS to speak with Paul HS/MF O’Neill about attending the next Workforce & OD programme board. Health Visitor recruitment exceeded targets – now closed. HS HS to check with DK the name of the lead for IAPT risk. MF provided an update from HRDs, 22nd April. Nurse revalidation pilot running across England, Wales, and Scotland. KPMG review of the Pilot; producing documents describing revalidation. Nottingham Healthcare was involved in the pilot, led by their senior matron. The NMC would be sending more information to the Trusts from summer to October, to commence next April (moved from January). It was the nurse responsibility to embed this. The challenge would be how to implement; electronic or written? The NMC website was useful for resources; templates; reflective and feedback. Organisations need to consider how the appraisal process could be used to obtain feedback. There may be implications on “Fitness to Practice” issues. Big concern would be the smaller/3rd sector employers. Need to think about dual roles and consistency across organisations and regions. The NMC is regulatory; not taking accountability. Shape of Caring HS advised that the Shape of Caring document was out for consultation, although it was not clear that this was a consultation document or where to send comments! Maybe due to Purdah restrictions? HEE Mandate 11. Any Other Business 12. JL asked if there were any national issues that would have implications for us:o Mental Health – IAPT waiting times/capacity/new targets. o Veterans Health – both mental and physical. MF provided an update on streamlining work commissioned by HRD’s:o Training – amber o Recruitment – green o Occupational Health – amber o Medical workforce – amber The streamlining work would have workforce implications. HEEM agreed to finance for 2 years. Date and time of next meeting May 11th 2015, 2pm-4pm, Board Room, Robey House, Lincoln County Hospital 5
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