Emma`s CV - Geologica Consult

Emma F Rehnström
Skegrie Kyrkväg 4A
SE-231 93 Trelleborg, Sweden
mobile: +45 3120 5162
e-mail: emma.f.rehnstrom@gmail.com
skype: efrehnstrom
Born: 7th December 1972 in Malmö, Sweden
Civil status: Married to Sebastian Ravn Rasmussen,
3 children- Jonathan (22/7 2005), Matilda (25/1 2008), Victor (9/4 2009)
My working career has so far spanned fields of academic research, governmental institutions and
privately owned businesses. The projects I have been managing have succesively grown in size and
complexity; from helicopter supported 2-person research based minimum budget fieldcamps in
northern Sweden to 2 M$ base metal exploration campaigns in northern Greenland. I have for most
projects I have been involved in have had full budget responsibility, both planning, follow-up and
reporting and, where applicable, personel responsibility. I am very experienced with field logistics,
in the Arctic in particular, with 6 field seasons in northern Scandinavia and 9 in Greenland. I am organised and pay attention to detail, but also keep an overview in any project.
I am a very able synthesizer of large amounts of information and I take pride in completing my tasks.
I have worked professionally in most countries in Scandinavia and I have a formidable geoscience
network that span both the industry, government institutions and academia.
I am an open and honest person and I look for pragmatic consensus solutions to problems, but I
do not hesitate to take leadership when needed. I am loyal and dedicated to my work and I am not
afraid of taking on challenges or responsibility. Basically, what you see is what you get.
I enjoy out-door activities and have a physically active life, including running, swimming and skiing.
1989-08 — 1991-06 1993-09 — 1998-06 1998-08 — 2003-03 Katedralskolan, Lund, Sweden Lund University, Lund, Sweden Lund University, Lund, Sweden Baccalaureate
M.Sc. in Geology
Ph.D. in Geology
2015-01 —
Geologica Consult Sweden
Principal consultant, Owner
2011-03 — 2014-12 Avannaa Resources Ltd., Denmark
Senior Geologist, Project Manager
2007-02 — 2011-02 National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
Researcher, Project Manager
2003-05 — 2007-01 Department of Geosciences, University in Oslo, Norway
Post Doctoral research position
1998-08 — 2003-04 Department of Geology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Graduate position
1991-08 — 1993-08 E. Anderssons Trafikskola, Lund, Sweden
1998 J. Holmqvist, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology
Quantitive ocular mineral analyses, other lab. work
1989 — 1991 Studentlitteratur AB, Lund, Sweden
Summer holiday work at the staff canteen
1993 — 1998 Papegojlyckans Servicehem, Lund, Sweden
Weekend job in the kitchen
1996 — 1998 Studentlitteratur AB, Lund, Sweden
Proof reading and reviewing of educational material for
upper-secondary to under-graduate level in medicine and
natural sciences. Illustrating course books in medicine.
Kapisillit 1:100 000 map sheet
Planning and budgeting fieldwork (2M DKK), expedition
leader for 20 people, 6 weeks mapping campaign in Archaen terranes in West Greenland, organising pre- and
post-field international workshops, personel responsibility, compiling and synthesizing all geological field information, analysing geological data, QA/QC of geochemical
and other data, HME, map compilation
Hagen Fjord sedimentary copper
(Avannaa Resources)
Planning and budgeting, expedition leader of a 16 persons, 6 weeks exploration field campaign in eastern north
Greenland, personel responsibility, QA/QC of geochemical and remote sensing data, target generation, GIS manager, data analyses, compilation and reporting, HME
Washington Land carbonate-hosted
(Avannaa Resources- Boliden Mineral)
Project planning and budgeting (2M$/year), personel
responsibility, QA/QC of geological, geochemical and remote sensing data, GIS management, target generation,
expedition leader of two exploration field campaigns in
western north Greenland (2012-16 people, 5 weeks,
2013-20 people, 7 weeks), data analyses, compilation
and reporting, HME, project administration
I have Swedish as my first language and use English, Danish and Norwegian with professional working proficiency. I understand written and some spoken German and I make myself understood.
As a professional geologist I have worked in the following areas: mineral exploration, sedimentary
base metal ore systems, sedimentology, geological mapping, structural mapping, remote sensing
data analyses, mineral exploration target generation, geochemical sampling (rocks and sediments),
geochemical data analysis, geological map compilation, magmatic and metamophic petrology, geochronology, whole rock and isotope geochemistry, tectonics, palaeomagnetism, palaogeography,
sediment provenance, GIS, Palaeozoic tectonics, orogenesis, basin evolution and plate reconstructions, Archaen rock formation and tectonics. Graphic design and desktop lay-out. Advanced wilderness first aid, field work HSE
• Project leader course, Copenhagen, May 2007
• Wilderness Emergency Medical Services Institute (WEMSI)
- Wilderness First Responder (WFR), Glenmore Lodge May, 2011
- Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician (WEMT), Glenmore Lodge, November 2012
• MapInfo/ Discover/ Discover 3D course, Copenhagen, January 2012
I usually work in Windows environment, but I also used to work with Apple. I am an advanced
user of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PP). I am also an advanced and experienced user of Adobe
(Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) and I have had graphical design jobs for several smaller
companies. I am an advanced user of MapInfo and Encom Discover and basic user of ArcGIS.
1998-2003 Responsible for microscopy practicals for two years (1st year-Master course level), including planning courses, revising teaching material and curating microscopes and collections. For five years also teaching practical mineral identification, structural geology
and field courses.
2003 Field course at the Geographical Department at Oslo University.
2012-2014 Guest lecturer, GEO303 “Geological Resources” at the Dept. of Geology, Lund University.
I have conducted teaching in Swedish, English and Norwegian. Mineral- & rock identification (241
hours), Field courses (270 hours), Structural geology (6 hours), Petrographical microscopy (258
1995 - 1996 Elected member of the board in LUNA (Lund Science Student Union)
1998 - 2002 Elected doctoral student representative in several different committeés and working
groups at Lund University at departmental and faculty level
1999 Co-organiser of STENO’99- a Scandinavian student symposia in Geology held in Lund
2004-2005 External examinator for the graduate level course “Geometry and kinetics of foreland
fold and thrust belts” at UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
2009-2011 External advisor for the Ph.D. student Tomas Næraa, Copenhagen University
2013-2014 External advisor for the M.Sc. student Andreas Frandsen, Copenhagen University
Invited reviewer for Precambrian Research, Chemical Geology and Norwegian Journal of Geology
Between 1998 – 2002 I received a total amount of SEK 108.100 in research and travel grants from
the following different funds: Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet, J C Mobergs travel grant, Landshövding Per Westlings minnesfond, Fredrika Bremer Förbundet, Wahlbomska fonden, European
Science Foundation.
Rehnström, Emma F., 1998: Tektonostratigrafi och strukturgeologi i Ålkatj-Tielmamassivet, norra svenska Kaledoniderna. Examensarbete No. 97, Geologiska institutionen, Lunds Universitet, 29 s
Rehnström, Emma F., 2003: Geography and geometry of pre-Caledonian western Baltica: U-Pb geochronology and Palaeomagnetism. Litholund thesis No. 1, Doctoral thesis, Dept. of Geology, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden, 29 pp.
Peer reviewed articles
Torsvik, T.H., Rehnström, E.F., 2001. Cambrian Palaeomagnetic data from Baltica: implications for true polar
wander and Cambrian Palaeogeography, Journal of the Geological Society, 158, 321-329.
Rehnström, E.F., Corfu, F., Torsvik T.H., 2002. Evidence of a Late Precambrian (637 Ma) deformational event
in the northern Swedish Caledonides, Journal of Geology, 110, 591-601.
Torsvik, T.H., Rehnström, E.F., 2003. The Tornquist Sea and Baltica-Avalonia docking, Tectonophysics, 362,
Rehnström, E.F., Torsvik, T.H., 2003: Cambrian sediments and Proterozoic granites in the Dividalen- Torneträsk
area, northern Scandinavia: palaeomagnetism and U-Pb geochronology. GFF, 125:3, 131-138.
Roberts, R.J., Torsvik, T.H., Andersen, T.B., Rehnström, E.F., 2003. The Early Carboniferous Magerøy Dykes,
Northern Norway: Palaeomagnetism, Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate. Geological Magazine,
140:4, 443-451.
Rehnström, E.F., 2003. Geochronology and petrology of the Tielma Magmatic Complex, northern Swedish
Caledonides- results and tectonic implications. Norwegian Journal Geology, 83, 243-257.
Rehnström, E.F., Corfu, F., 2004. Palaeoproterozoic U-Pb ages of autochthonous and allochthonous granites
from the northern Swedish Caledonides― regional and palaeogeographic implications. Precambrian
Research, 132:4, 363-378.
Andresen, A., Rehnström, E.F., Holte, M.K., 2007. Evidence for simultaneous contraction and extension at
different crustal levels during the Caledonian orogeny in NE Greenland. Journal of the Geological
Society, 164, 869-880.
Rehnström, E.F., 2010. Prolonged Palaeozoic Magmatism in the East Greenland Caledonides: some constraints from U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes. Journal of Geology, 118, 447–465.
Steltenpohl, M.G., Kassos, G., Andresen, A., Rehnström, E.F., Hames, W.E., 2011. Eclogitization and exhumation of Caledonian continental basement in Lofoten, North Norway. Geosphere 2011;7, 202-218.
Næraa, T., Kemp, A.I.S., Scherstén, A., Rehnström, E.F., Rosing, M.T., Whitehouse, M. 2014. A lower crustal
mafic source for the ca. 2550 Ma Qôrqut Granite Complex in southern West Greenland. Lithos, 192–
195, 291-304 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2014.02.013).
Rehnström, E.F., 2011. Geological map of Greenland 1:100 000, Kapisillit 64 V.2 Syd. Copenhagen. Geological
Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
Graham, S., Rehnström, E.F., Andersen, T., Andresen, A. 2006. U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope ratios in zircons from
North Sea sediment cores. Report Zircon 2006/01, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo, pp. 15.
Rehnström, E.F., Andresen, A., Graham, S., 2006. Zircon age populations and source areas of Upper Cretaceous sediments from North Atlantic drill cores. Report Zircon 2006/02, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo, pp. 101.
Rehnström, E.F., Thrane, K., Kokfelt, T.F., Frei, D. 2010. Age distribution of detrital zircon grains in sandstones
and stream sediments from East Greenland north of 70°N -A contribution to the project: Provenance
study of possible reservoir sandstone units in East and North-East Greenland. Danmark og Grønlands
Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2010/130. Pp. 139.
Knudsen, C., Rehnström, E.F., Keulen, N., Alsen, P., Esbensen, K., Frei, D., Kokfelt, T.F., Larsen, L.M., Schjøth,
F., Steenfelt, A., Thrane, K., 2011. Provenance study of possible reservoir sandstone units in East and
North-East Greenland: Integration and interpretation of results from detrital zircon ages, heavy mineral distribution analysis and bulk rock chemical compositions -A contribution to the project: Provenance study of possible reservoir sandstone units in East and North-East Greenland. Danmark og
Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2011/9. Pp. 110.
Rehnström, E.F., 2012. Geological report from the 2011 field program. Work carried out under licenses
2010/32, 2010/35 and 2011/30: Sediment hosted copper mineralisations in eastern North Greenland. Report to the BMP by Avannaa Resources Ltd. 52 pp. + 11 appendices.
Sabra, H.E., Rehnström, E.F., 2012. Technical report on satellite imagery and remote sensing. Work carried
out under license 2011/29: MVT zinc-lead mineralisation in Washington Land, western North Greenland. Report to the BMP by Avannaa Resources Ltd. 8 pp. + 2 appendices.
Rehnström, E.F., 2013. Geological report from the 2012 field program. Work carried out under exploration
license 2011/39 and prospecting licence 2010/35: Carbonate hosted lead-zinc mineralisation in western North Greenland. Report to the BMP by Avannaa Resources Ltd. 49 pp. + 8 appendices.
Rehnström, E.F., Vaughan, A.P.M. 2014. Geological report from the 2013 field program. Work carried out
under exploration license 2011/39 and prospecting licence 2010/35: Carbonate hosted lead-zinc mineralisation in western North Greenland. Report to the BMP by Avannaa Resources Ltd. 53 pp. + 10
Thomassen, B., Rehnström, E.F., 2014. Geological prospecting work for sedimentary copper in Scoresby Land,
Central East Greenland. 50 pp.
Rehnström, E.F., 2014. Geological report from the 2014 work program. Work carried out under exploration
license 2011/39 and prospecting licence 2010/35: Carbonate hosted lead-zinc mineralisation in western North Greenland. Report to the BMP by Avannaa Resources Ltd. 47 pp. + 5 appendices.
Rehnström, E.F., Thomassen, B. 2014. Canning Land, central East Greenland: Geology, mineralisation and
geochemical anomalies. Internal Avannaa report. 30 pp. + 2 appendices
Rehnström, E.F., 2015. Geological description of the meteorite impact structure in the Siljan area, central
Sweden. Report for application to ‘Svensk Geopark’. 70 pp.
Conference contributions (after 2007)
Rehnström, E.F., Andresen, A., Graham, S. 2007. Zircon ages, Hf-isotopes and provenance of Upper Cretaceous sediments from drill cores of the North Sea: an LA-ICP-MS pilot study. Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway 1:2007, p. 80.
Rehnström, E.F., Husdal, T., Hetherington, C.J. 2007. U-Pb geochronology of the Tysfjord Granite and the Hundholmen Pegmatite: crystallisation, recrystallisation and ages of exotic U-bearing minerals. Abstracts
and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway 1:2007, p. 80-81.
Rehnström, E.F. 2007. Two generations of Palaeozoic calc-alkaline magmatism in the central E Greenland Caledonides: constraints from U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes. Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological
Society of Norway 1:2007, p. 79-80.
Rehnström, E.F. (compiler) 2011. 64 V.2 Syd. Kapisillit: A new geological 1:100 000 map sheet in the Nuuk
area, SW Greenland. Geophysical Research Abstracts,Vol. 13, EGU2011
Rehnström, E.F., Persson, M.F., Vaughan, A.P.M. 2014. Zinc potential in the high Arctic- exploring the Franklinian Basin. Nordic Geological Wintermeeting N:o 31, Lund, Sweden, 8-10 January, p. 59.
Næraa, T., Kemp, A.I.S., Scherstén, A., Rehnström, E.F., Rosing, M.T., Whitehouse, M. 2014. On the petrogenesis of the late Neoarchaean Qôrqut Granite Complex in the Nuuk region of southern West Greenland.
Nordic Geological Wintermeeting N:o 31, Lund, Sweden, 8-10 January, p. 91.
Vaughan, A.P.M., Rehnström, E.F. 2014. Ellesmerian-aged reactivation of soft-sediment deformation struc-
tures in the evaporite-rich Cape Webster formation of the Franklinian Basin, Washington Land, North
Greenland. NAC, St. Andrews.
Popular science
Rehnström, E.F., 2000. Urtidskontinent blev söndermanglad i Sarek, In: Ögonblicket Evigheten…och allt däremellan. An information brochure from Lund University, p. 21-23.