meeting at Johnson-Williams Middle School 200 Lincoln Ave - Berryville, Virginia 9:30 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship June 21, 2015 Introducing people to Jesus ... TODAY HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Pre-Service Groups Worship FISH: Food Collection Wednesday High School Outreach at Rose Hill Park Prayer Service at the Walraven’s Sun, July 5 Graduation Sunday Sun, July 12 Outdoor Worship/Baptism Service Visitors WELCOME Thank you for joining us this morning, we are so glad that you are here! At Emmaus, we are committed to living out and teaching God’s truth in very practical ways. Jesus’ life and truth are the center and source of our lifestyle. Our mission is to introduce people to Jesus and life as it was meant to be! As we let Jesus work inside our lives, loving one another and serving together, we will experience this life. More and more we will see real changes in our lives, our families, our communities, our nation and our world! COFFEE TIME Stick around after the service for some coffee, tea or yummy snacks. We’d love to get to know you and there is no better time than now! CHILDREN We love kids! They are welcome to stay in the auditorium during the entire service, if you like. However, we do provide a nursery for infants and toddlers up through 3 years old. Also, we have Children’s Church for 4 years old through 5th grade. They will be dismissed right before the pastor’s sermon. PRAYER!REQUESTS If you have request or praise report, place it in the box on the welcome table and we will see to it that you are being prayed for. You may also send requests to to be sent out to the Emmaus E-mail list. What’s Happening? PRE-SERVICE GROUPS Contact Holly for more details: and fellowship at Chris’ house. Greg Gum will be sharing his testimony. ! 9:30! Adult Class led by Tom Lee !10:00! - What Now? led by Seth Dean ! ! - Prayer Group led by Briana Nei GRADUATION SUNDAY BLAZE YOUTH EVENT If you are a 2015 graduate, we would like to honor you with some accolades and a slide show! Contact Briana Nei or Jeanne Dean. The July BLAZE Youth Event is for both Middle & High School teens. Contact: Briana Nei (540) 550-7534 Sunday Mornings during Summer WHAT NOW? Sundays at 10:00 am A class for anyone who struggles with the question, “Well, I’m a Christian, so … what now?” By addressing this with Biblical truth, we will start discovering how an individual who has decided to follow Christ can function in today’s world. Contact: Seth Dean, SUMMER DISCIPLESHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Tuesday mornings, 10 am beginning June 16th at the home of Holly Blevins. Sunday, July 5th WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Wed, July 8th, 7 pm at Sharon Harrison’s Theme: Housewarming We will be meeting at Ben & Sharon’s new home that is still under construction. Samantha Walraven will be sharing her testimony. MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, July 11th, 8 am at Chris White’s Men, come enjoy a country breakfast Saturday, July 11th, 6-9 pm at J-WMS OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICE WITH RIVER BAPTISM Sunday, July 12th, 11:00 am at the Old Penn National Golf Course Anyone who wishes to be baptized, please contact Pastor Dean, Tim Walraven or Briana Nei. If you can’t make this one, there is another baptism scheduled for August 16th at the Berryville pool. Services and More SUNDAY!SCHOOL Does not meet during Summer. We will resume in the Fall on August 30th. Dean. (540) 550-1617 or PRE-SERVICE GROUPS Wednesdays, 4:30 pm at Rose Hill Park Senior High meets every Wednesday. Contact: Tim Walraven (540) 746-2774. OFFERING ! 9:30! Adult Class led by Tom Lee !10:00! - What Now? led by Seth Dean ! ! - Prayer Group led by Briana Nei MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE Amount Needed Weekly: $2600 May Offering: $17628.10 Sunday Mornings during Summer CHILDREN’S CHURCH During the Sermon Kids 4 years old through 5th grade are welcome to join in fun and kid style worship during the 11:00 service in the cafeteria. Pastor Dean will dismiss after praise and worship. For questions or to serve in Children’s Church contact Jeanne teens. Contact: Briana Nei (540) 550-7534 or HIGH SCHOOL OUTREACH Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. The Mid-week Prayer Service is held at the home of the Walraven’s in Berryville. Pastor Dean leads this service. YOUTH The BLAZE Youth Event is held the second Saturday of each month and is for both Middle School and High School June 14 $1483.26 BULLETIN PICTURES Today’s photo was taken by Jeanne Dean. If you’ve taken a picture we might like to use on our bulletin, email it to Our Church Family JUNE BIRTHDAYS !2! Madelyne Cabrera! !3! Noa Smallwood !5! Caleb Nei !8! Sharon Smith !9! Margaret Dodson" !10! Lisa Gum !12! Sharon Harrison !13! Kip Walraven" !16! George Estep !24! Ariel Nei !26! Chris Mason SERVING THIS WEEK 6/21/2015 Sound — Jeffrey Walraven Projector — Andrew Walraven Hospitality — Donna & Rachel Hess Nursery — Denise Steyaert & Jessica Gonzalez Greeters — The Lanham’s MC — Kip Walraven Offering — Victor Hess & Kip Walraven Set-up — Gary Buck Children’s Church — Kortney Teike & Andy Hagen SERVING NEXT WEEK 6/28/2015 Sound — Dan Clark Projector — David Gum Hospitality — Kim Estep & Rita Lee Nursery — Amy Chapman & Abby Mason Greeters — The Lanham’s MC —George Estep Offering — Victor Hess & Jim Mason Set-up — Ben Harrison Children’s Church — Jeanne Dean & Ellis Nei Having a birthday this month? Not on here? Want to be? Email: Contact Us HOSPITALITY Donna Hess. 540-771-7515 or WORSHIP ARTS Caleb Nei. 540-550-4731 or BULLETIN & ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeanne Dean, 540-550-1617 or LIVING BREAD BASKETS & FISH Vicki Trapnell. 540-931-7430 or YOUTH, MIDDLE SCHOOL Briana Nei at 540-550-7534 or CHILDREN’S CHURCH Jeanne Dean. 540-550-1617 or MEN’S MINISTRY Mike Dean 540-550-4739 or YOUTH, SENIOR HIGH Tim Walraven at (540) 746-2774 or COUNSELING Mike Dean. 540-550-4739 or MISSIONS Victor and Donna Hess. 540-771-7515 or 540-550-4739 or FINANCES Julie Dodson 540-539-4939 or WOMEN’S MINISTRY Jeanne Dean. 540-550-1617 or Web: Email: PASTOR MIKE DEAN MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 1, Berryville, VA 22611 CHURCH OFFICE 104 Cattlemans Lane, Berryville
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