Sunday, May 24, 2015 Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday http://www
Office: 701-336-7172,
Pastor ................................... Rev. Jason R. Signalness, 336-7172
Priest in Residence............... Rev. Leonard A. Eckroth, 336-7926
Sts. Peter & Paul Secretary ................. Alice Ryckman, 336-7172
Sts. Peter & Paul Dir. of Religious Ed. ....Kathy Nagel, 336-4607
St. Mary Secretary .................................. Karen Keller, 336-7456
St. Michael Dir. of Religious Ed............. Gerri Horner, 332-6617
St. Michael Secretary ................................ Barb Vetter, 782-4389
From the Pastor’s Desk
Last week, as we celebrated the Ascension, we pictured the
Apostles staring up in the sky, looking to the spot where they
lost sight of Jesus. Jesus had left them, but he left them with a
promise: that he would send the Holy Spirit. Today, we
remember that Jesus kept that promise and that God still pours
out the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon us today so that we, like the
Apostles, can continue the mission Jesus entrusted to the
Church. At Pentecost the Apostles were given incredible
courage, along with the other gifts of the Holy Spirit, to help
them get out there and share the truth of Jesus Christ with
everyone. That’s why this day is often called the “birthday” of
the Church. We see that first Pentecost as the beginning of the
new “Age of the Church,” when Christ lives and acts in and
with his Church (CCC 1076). May we all be open to receive
these gifts, and put them to good use, as we live our Christian
lives and share the truth of the Gospel with those we encounter.
Please note that I will be gone next weekend. Fr. Ed Wehner
and Bishop David Kagan will be covering the weekend Masses
in my absence. Bishop Kagan will be celebrating Mass at St.
Mary’s Church in Hague at 5 p.m. for the Eugene Geffre
Family. There will be no 8 p.m. Mass at Hague. Twenty years
ago during Memorial Day weekend, George Geffre and his
daughter, Gina Marie Geffre, and Rosetta (Geffre) Delaney, and
her son Brian William Delaney, all of Colorado Springs, CO,
were killed in a plane crash on their way home from Hague, ND.
The Geffre Family would like to invite the public to attend this
Mass. Following the Mass, everyone is invited to the Amvets
Hall in Hague for a meal. This is open to the public and the
family would be honored to have you attend the Mass and meal.
-Fr. Jason Signalness
News and Events
Sympathy & Prayers to the family, relatives, and friends of
Allan Seaman, Jr. (brother & brother-in-law to Howard & Cil
Seaman). May he rest in peace. Amen.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday
The Week’s Schedule
May 24 8:45 a.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
Joni Miller+ & Family
11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Michael
All Parishioners
May 25
No Mass
May 26 4:00 p.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
May 27 8:00 a.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
May 28 8:00 a.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
Andy+ & Regina Senger & Family
Theresa Wagner Family
Ray Wikenheiser+
9:15 a.m. Mass at Strasburg Care Center
Helen Kramer+
May 29 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary
Victor+ & Sally Schall & Living &
Deceased Family
May 30 4:00 p.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
Albert J. Feist+
5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Mary By Bishop Kagan
Eugene Geffre Family
May 31 8:45 a.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul
Magnus & Helen Heidrich+
11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Michael
Intention of Celebrant
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: The sacrament is available in
Strasburg from 3:15-3:50 p.m. on Saturdays, in Hague from 7:15
-7:50 p.m. on Saturdays, and at St. Michael’s Church 10:3010:55 a.m. on Sundays. The sacrament is also available about 15
minutes prior to each weekday Mass and can be scheduled at
your convenience by calling the parish office.
Root Beer Floats and Cookies will be available following the
weekend Masses in Strasburg this Saturday and Sunday. Small
floats are $3; large floats are $5; and cookies are $0.50. All
proceeds go to the Christian Youth Experience Group. Laura
Huber and the Christian Youth Experience Group are going to
Peru for a mission trip, but they need your help to support the
work of the mission. Enjoy a float and support the group as they
work to spread their faith and to exercise Christian charity.
The 58th Annual God’s Share Appeal is underway. No gift is
too small and every gift is sincerely appreciated. If you did not
receive an envelope in the mail, use a plain envelope and mark it
“God’s Share”, along with your name so credit can be given.
Please do this before May 31st.
The St. Mary Parish Pastoral Council needs one new
member, elected from among the parishioners. If you would
like to nominate someone for the position, please contact Fr.
Jason this week. Dennis Hummel will rotate off of the council
and be replaced by a new member who will serve a three year
term. Please thank Dennis for his years of service on the
council. The election will be held on Saturday, June 6th.
St. Mary’s Annual Church Fair is on Sunday, Sept. 13th.
Anyone wishing to donate a prize for the raffle, please contact
Karen Keller at 336-7456. If she is not home, leave a message
and she will return your call. Karen’s address is: PO Box 23,
Hague, ND 58542.
Memorial Day is Monday, May 25th. VFW Post 6264 and
Auxiliary will honor the memory of those who served. They
will be offering programs the following Cemeteries: Hague—
9:30 a.m., Hull—10 a.m., Westfield—10:30 a.m., Strasburg
Pilgrim Home—11:15 a.m., and Sts. Peter & Paul at
Strasburg—11:30 a.m. Noon lunch will be served at the Sts.
Peter & Paul Church basement by the VFW Auxiliary with a
short program and a meeting to follow. Everyone is welcome.
Young Adults Gathering will be on Friday, May 29th, at
the Jon and Jackie Grunefelder residence 12.5 miles west of
Napoleon (1955 Hwy 34 SE Kintyre, ND 58549). The gathering
will begin with a social time at 7:15 p.m., a speaker at 8:00 p.m.,
and further social time afterwards. Our guest speaker will be
Monsignor Chad Gion. Free daycare will be offered. If you
plan on bringing children, please RSVP to 754-2925 prior to
4:00 p.m. on May 29th. For more information, please contact
Sheldon and Angie Gerhardt at 754-2925 or Fr. Laframboise at
754-2860 (
Strasburg Cemetery Notes: This time of year we ask for a $25
donation from all parishioners to help with the Sts. Peter & Paul
Cemetery upkeep. Because of these donations we are able to
afford work like that being done right now. Jack Wilkerson’s
crew has been hard at work doing $9,000 worth of repairs to the
grave markers and the Rohrichs have been hard at work on the
mowers. Please remember your donation so our cemetery can
be maintained for generations to come.
There are 9 families who have not yet paid their children/
students CCD Tuition Fees in Strasburg & Hague. Can’t
remember if you paid? Call Alice at the office at 336-7172.
Please pay in the next week. The fee is $30 per child/student.
Benefit for David Knapp, husband to Cabrini (Jangula) who
was originally from Zeeland, ND, who is battling stage 5 kidney
failure and is in need of a kidney transplant. The Benefit will
take place at St. Mary’s Church Basement in Grand Forks on
Tuesday, May 26th, from 4:30—7:30 p.m. A donation can also
be sent to NDAD, c/o David Knapp Fundraiser, 2660 S.
Columbia Road, Grand Forks, ND 58201. Please make checks
payable to NDAD and write “David Knapp” on your check’s
memo line.
Support for Michelle Duppong: Michelle is the Director of
Faith Formation in the Diocese of Bismarck. She was
diagnosed with stage four colon cancer on Dec. 29, 2014.
Michelle has faced many challenges in the past few months, but
through it all has remained steadfast in faith and been a beautiful
witness to us all. As treatments and travel continue, so does the
increase of expenses. Now is an opportunity to give back in the
smallest way to Michelle who has never hesitated, even for a
moment, to give of herself. If you feel called to support
Michelle, your donations will go toward the cost of medication,
travel to and from the Cancer Treatment Center of America in
Chicago, and so on. Donate by going to
thank-you-michelle. Michelle and her family thank you for
your prayers and support. They consider themselves truly
blessed to walk with each and every one of you on this journey
of faith and offer prayers of gratitude on your behalf every
single day!
Read Michelle’s journal online at http://
Pray for the sick: Mary Theisgen, Deb Schumacher—sister-inlaw to Rose Hulm, Clarence Heier, Peter & Ben Wald, Leo
Lacher, Albert Masset, & Michelle Duppong.
Pray for the deceased: Allan Seaman, Jr., Valerie Heim, &
Mike Gabriel.
Liturgy Assignments
Sts Peter & Paul, Strasburg
Weekday Lector: Mae Bosch
May 30th at 4:00 p.m. – Saturday
Servers: Miranda Huber & Abby Scherr
Lector: Judy Gabriel
Head Usher: Larry Schwab
Giftbearers: Robert Heidrich Family
EMHCs: Nicole Grove, Irene Herr, Irene Rohrich
May 31st at 8:45 a.m.— Sunday
Servers: Jadyn Ternes & Rebecca Wikenheiser
Lector: Joanne Ternes
Head Usher: Steve & Kelly Bosch
Giftbearers: Ron & Deloris Volk
EMHCs: Joanne Ternes, Dennis & Karen Hulm
St Mary, Hague
May 30th at 5:00 p.m.— Saturday
Servers: Corey Hulm & Andrew Hulm
Lector: Dion Eberle
Head Usher: Andy Hulm
Commentator: Dennis Hummel
Greeters: Marissa & Sarah Eberle
Bell Ringers: Ben Hulm & Adam Schaefbauer
EMCHs: Karen Keller, Victoria Volk, Andrea Hulm Dion Eberle
St. Michael, Rural Linton
May 31st at 11:00 a.m.– Sunday
Servers: Dean Vetter & Logan Gross
Lector: Greg Bosch
Giftbearers: Dorothy Naumann
Sacristan: Tom Bernhardt
Money Counters: Arnold Vetter, Denette Jacob, Corey Vetter
Rosary: Isadore Gross