Howard County Schools are CLOSED NEXT FRIDAY, May 1st For a

 Good afternoon to the EMMS community!
As we head into the homestretch of the school year and warmer weather, I wanted to
take a moment to touch upon the dress code expectations. If you have questions or
concerns regarding the dress code please refer to HCPSS policy 9210 or page three of
the Student Agenda Book. Some of the issues we are seeing early on are connected to
t-shirt logos/sayings, length of shorts, and "spaghetti straps". Thank you for your
assistance as we continue to provide an instructional environment that concentrates on
academics and not fashion distractions.
I want to apologize for the last minute change to the April Principal's Coffee and
Conversation. Due to scheduling conflicts, we have moved the date to Tuesday, May
5th, at 7:00 pm. In addition to the date change, there has been a shift in the focus of the
meeting. This meeting will focus on gaining parental and community insight on the
2015-2016 School Improvement Plan. I will be asking the participants to review the
current goals and give their perspective on areas of focus to help build the best possible
instructional program and school environment for our students. If you are interested,
please see the sign up information below under "Upcoming Events".
As always, thank you for all you do help support your students and our school
Mr. Rattay
EMMS Important Dates:
Tuesday, April 27, 28: PARCC Testing, Continued – See Article for Times, BELOW
Tuesday, April 28: Memory Book Order Forms DUE
Friday, May 1: Schools CLOSED for Students - Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, May 5: Coffee With the Principal… NEW Format
Friday, May 15: Student Fun Night and Dance, 7:00-9:00pm
Tuesday, May 19: 5th Grade Visits EMMS, 9:45 – 10:45
Concussion Testing 3:15 – 6:00 **see article under HHS News
Thursday, June 4: 8th Grade Picnic
Wednesday, June 10: STEM/Enrichment Fair Night
Friday, June 8: Grade Celebration
Howard County Schools are CLOSED NEXT FRIDAY, May 1st
For a Professional Learning Day
Time to Order 2014-2015 Memory Books J
Don’t Miss Out!!! Orders will now be accepted for the 2014-15 Student/Staff Memory
Book. This is a super value. For just $20 you will receive a color photo album that
contains pictures of all EMMS students and staff, and serve as a reminder for you and
your students of many activities throughout the school year. The window to order
Memory Books is only open until April 28 – send in your order form today, along with
$20 cash or check made out to EMMS.
Coffee with the Principal
Coffee with the Principal, will be held May 5th, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Media Center.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP by Friday, May 1, to Fawzieh Whyte at We look forward to seeing you at this special event!
Note From Student Services:
If you are moving over the summer, please call Karen Surdu at 410-313-2844. There
are Change of Address forms available in Student Services.
If you have an 8th grade student, your address impacts where your child will attend high
school. After the last day of school, your child's records will be sent to the high school
your address is assigned to. If your child will be attending a private high school, please
let us know which high school so the records can be sent to the appropriate school.
PARCC Testing Times by Grade – Monday and Tuesday
Thank you for working to ensure students are present during assessment periods by
rescheduling avoidable absences. This means that orthodontist appointments, checkups, and other similar tasks should be scheduled outside of the regular school day. If
you already know your child will be absent for any part of the testing window, please
contact his or her school counselor immediately. Thank you.
Grade 6
• April 27th periods 1&2
• April 28th periods 4&5
Grade 7
• April 27th periods 6&7
• April 28th periods 1&2
Grade 8
• April 27th periods 4&5
• April 28th periods 6&7
NEW: Coffee With the Principal
On May 5, Mr. Rattay will hold a “Coffee with the Principal” with a new format. This
"Parent Forum" invites input on some of the activities and procedures at EMMS that
involve parents and students. Look for more information to come!
JROTC Anniversary 5K Run
Join Howard High School JROTC in celebrating its 99th/49th Anniversary on April 25,
2015. To register, go to For more information call 410-313-2878 or
email HHS JROTC:
ImPACT Concussion Testing at Howard High School
ImPACT concussion baseline test is a test of cognitive function including memory and
reaction time. The purpose of the testing is to determine normal brain function levels
that later can be used to help determine when it is appropriate for the athlete to safely
return to play in the event of a head injury.
The Howard County Public School System procedures require all student athletes who
wish to try out for a contact/collision sport to take ImPACT prior to trying out. Even if a
student is considering trying out for a fall sport, he/she should take advantage of testing
in May. If a student does not take the ImPACT test prior to trying out this could
jeopardize his/her chances of making the team.
Fall Contact/Collision Sport is considered one of the following:
Field Hockey
Students and/or Parents must sign up for testing HERE:
May 19- 3:15 pm at EMMS in the Media Center Lab
May 26- 4:00 pm Howard High School
May 27- 4:00 pm Howard High School
***Students may only test at Ellicott Mills; if all spots are taken there will be spots open
at Howard HS in late May, and early August. Signing up will guarantee a spot for
testing. A direct link can be found on the Howard High School Athletics webpage.
Bingo Night And Silent Auction, TONIGHT, 4/24 6:30-9:30pm, CHS Cafeteria
Come support the CHS Music Programs and try to win some fabulous prizes at this
family fun event. $10 entry includes bingo card (3 plays) and an ink dauber. Purchase
family (max. 5 people/household) tickets and save - just $40! Concessions will be
available for purchase and you won’t want to miss the CHS Jazz Band performance.
See link for more details:
Contact: Terri-Ann Chiu
College Admissions Seminar, Saturday 4/25 9:00-10:30am, CHS Auditorium.
Parents of 8th -11th graders, come join us for “Secrets of College Admissions: 101”
presented by Collegewise. Seminar will cover all college admissions elements,
emphasizing strategies for making your student a stronger applicant and helping to
avoid the most common application mistakes. On-site registration fee: $10. Event
proceeds to benefit the CHS PCBS scholarship fund. CONTACT: Greta Joseph (
CHS Marching Band Interest Meeting Tuesday, 4/28
Any student enrolled in Symphonic Band or Symphonic Winds for the 2015-2016
academic year is eligible to audition for the CHS Marching Eagles. Interested students
and parents are required to attend an interest meeting on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00PM
in the CHS auditorium. If you are interested but unable to attend, please contact Mr.
Matchim at This meeting is optional for returning Wind
Ensemble students, but new members for the 2015-2016 academic year are
encouraged to attend.
CHS Color Guard Interest Meeting Tuesday, 4/28
Any CHS student is eligible to join the CHS Marching Eagles Color Guard. Interested
students and parents are encouraged to attend an interest meeting on Tuesday, April
28 @ 7:00PM in the CHS Band Room. For more information, email
Annual 5K/1 Mile Fun run
Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are invited to join us for a morning of fun,
fitness, food, and prizes! Last year, we hosted over 500 participants from THES and
surrounding communities and we are looking to another fantastic year.
When: Saturday, May 16, 2015, 8:30 AM
Where: Thunder Hill Elementary school and the surrounding neighborhood
Registration for the 5K/1 Mile Fun Run is now open! Register for this event online:
WEEKLY TRAINING RUNS - Join us for weekly group runs. All ages, paces, and
experience levels welcome. Group runs will meet at Thunder Hill ES and take place
Wednesdays after drop-off at approximately 9:20 am AND Saturday mornings at 7:30
am. Download and read the 5K Training links document for more information.