2015 Outdoor Season U10 – U18 Coaches Information Handout www.emsamillwoods.com Email: socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com Phone: 780-468-5233 ext. 2 Fax: 780-461-1745 #84 4003 98 Street Edmonton AB T6E 6M8 1 MWSA Board Members 3 MWSA President’s Welcome Message 4 U10 – U18 Coaches Checklist 5 Equipment & Pick Up 6-7 Helpful Hints for a successful parents meeting 8-10 Season Start Date, Refund & Withdrawals, Pictures, Additional Costs 11 Security Clearance Forms, Outdoor Field Addresses, Field Closure Line Rules of the Game, Dispute Resolution 12 Lightning & MWSA Cancellation Policies, If caught outdoors 13 If Caught Outdoors, Games & Practices, Bench Requirements 14 Uniforms, Jewellery, Eye Glasses 15 Head coverings, Casts, Splints & Athletic Braces, Smoking & Alcohol 16 Guidelines for Fundraising/Sponsorship, City of Edmonton Dog Policy #2202 17 EMSA Schedule Pick up 18 Selects FC 19 Technical Training, Rules of the Game & Dispute Resolution 20 Referees & Referee Liaison 21 Outdoor Provincials, Post Season Play Kick-off Classic Tournament 22 Coaches, Players & Parent Code of Conduct 23 Kickoff Classic May Tournament 24 Important Dates 25 Keep MWSA Up to Date, Did we miss something? MWSA Website, U10 Mini Fest 26 Coaches Appreciation Party 27 Thanks to our Sponsors and Volunteers 28 Team Jersey Record 29 2 Your Community Rep’s job is to be your first point of contact. The Community Chair will be your second point of contact. They can help you deal with problems or concerns that arise throughout the season. They are also people you must contact in the event of a protest or appeal. Listed below are their emails. MWSA Board Members Position Name President Vern LeMoignan 1 Vice President nd 2 Vice President Treasurer Executive Director Office Assistant Equipment Director Referee Assignor Selects Director imy.bhatty@gmail.com nav.dhaliwal@hotmail.com socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com execdir@millwoodssoccer.com socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com equipment.mwsa@gmail.com rlodhar9@telus.net dclark.4@shaw.ca Technical Director Selects Technical Director Tournament Chairperson Gaming Chairperson Community League Chairperson Burnewood Rep. U14 B Burnewood Assistant U8B. Ellerslie Rep. MM Fulton Meadows Imy Bhatty Nav Dhaliwal Vacant Angie Sych Cheryl Brodeur Cindy Breadner Ricardo Lodhar Diana Clark Will McNeil Nav Dhalilwal Jorge Rojas Dennis Pajo Cindy Breadner Patti Little Tanya Russel Terryl Brosda Roger Pelletier Imy Bhatty Vacant Knottwood Rep.U4 Lakewood Rep.(acting) U6 Leefield Rep(acting) Meadows Rep. U8Jr Cindy Breadner Lesli Battistoni Tracy Lehmann Nav Dhaliwal cindy.breadner@gmail,com leslibattistoni@shaw.ca socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com Millhurst Rep. U4 Jorge Rojas Will McNeil Tammy Clarke Canute Cupid Doris Oullet coachjorgerojas@gmail.com st Jr Selects Committee N. Millbourne Rep. u14 G Ridgewood Rep. U10 B Southwood Rep. U12B Email Addresses arrow1701@gmail.com juniorselects.mwsa@gmail.com communitytechnical@gmail.com fctechdennis@gmail.com tournament.mwsa@gmail.com moorhouse.little@shaw.ca tanya.l.russell@hotmail.com tbrosda7@telus.net rcpelletier@shaw.ca imy.bhatty@gmail.com socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com nav.dhaliwal@hotmail.com nmcl.soccer@gmail.com Summerside Rep. Vacant canutecupid2@shaw.ca doriso7@telus.net socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com Woodvale Rep. U16-U18 B&G Past President Tanya Russell Imy Bhatty tanya.l.russell@hotmail.com imy.bhatty@gmail.com www.emsamillwoods.com Consider joining the MWSA Board! 3 On behalf of the Mill Woods Soccer Association (MWSA) Board and Staff, I would like to welcome you to the 2015 Outdoor Soccer Season. MWSA exists to promote, develop and govern the soccer program in the communities that make up the Mill Woods Zone (Burnewood, Ellerslie, Knottwood, Lakewood, Leefield, Millhurst, The Meadows, North Millbourne, Ridgewood, Southwood, Summerside, Woodvale and Beaumont). We strive to provide for all children and youth in the Mill Woods Zone the opportunity to enjoy the “beautiful game.” We endeavour to develop all our players, regardless of initial skill, to their full potential as soccer players, encouraging the values of good sportsmanship and of course having fun. Our Board members are committed to improving our programs so they are more enjoyable for our Players, Coaches and Parents. We are also determined to better manage these programs by increasing efficiencies and accountability to you. MWSA is a community volunteer driven organization. This means with a few exceptions, our program is organized and run by a group dedicated volunteers from the communities of the Mill Woods Zone. We appreciate all our volunteers from Coaches and Managers working directly with the teams to the Board Members working to improve the program and the countless volunteers that help with registration, preseason camps, inventory, tournaments, equipment, evaluations, and so much more. All these people contribute well over 300,000+ volunteer hours each year to ensure our youth have the opportunity to play soccer. Please show them respect and gratitude, for without these generous volunteers, we would not be able to offer this program. Also, if you are not already involved, please consider volunteering some of your time to make your and all our children’s soccer experience a great one! We welcome your comments, concerns or suggestions at any time, and if there is a problem, please contact us sooner rather than later, so that we might be able to help you. Feel free to relate them to your community league representative or the MWSA office socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com or 780-468-5233). For more information, I invite you to visit our new website at www.emsamillwoods.com I hope you have a fantastic season! Vern LeMoignan MWSA – President 4 U10 – U18 Coaches Checklist Outdoor 2012 1. Pick up my Equipment on Saturday, April 18th, U10-U18 at the storage facility (99 St&71 Ave). 2. Please read this entire handout 3. Call and/ or email my players to introduce myself by April 12th 2015. 4. Meet with parents and players to review rules and expectation and hand out jerseys. 5. Find myself an Assistant Coach and Manager if not already assigned. 6. Ensure Coaches Application Form has been filled out http://emsamillwoods.com/coachref/pdf-forms/ 7. Check with the team if they are interested in the Mill Woods Tournament and register on line www.mwkickoffclassic.com tournaments tab. 8. All Premier teams & community U16 –U18 Make sure all players coaches, assistants and managers needing player cards do so on the selected EMSA dates (see attached). 9. U10-U12 Community schedules will be emailed April 28th and posted on the website. 10. All Premier Teams & All U14-U18 community teams must pick up schedules April 29th 10:00 am – 6:30 pm at the South Soccer Centre. You must bring your completed coach information form as well as your Team Participation Acknowledgement Form to be filled in online and printed off. http://emsamain.com/coachref/coaches-kit/ 11. Arrange for pictures to be taken if your team wishes 12. Fill out Coaches Appreciation Night RSVP form and return it to the office by June 05th, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact your Community League Representative. Have a Great Season!!! 5 Equipment – U10 to U18 Each coach is required to submit a $200.00 equipment deposit cheque to the equipment director when he/she receives the equipment. Equipment will not be handed out to any coach unless a deposit cheque has been received. Please date your equipment deposit cheque for July 01 2015. Equipment deposit cheques will not be cashed, they will be returned to the coaches once the Equipment Director receives the equipment on or before the last scheduled equipment return dates. If you or someone from the team is unable to pick up your equipment please call your Age Rep to make alternate arrangements. A team jersey record form must be completed for the team and along with the players jersey deposit cheques be dropped off at the MWSA Office by May 1st, 2015. 1. Equipment Handout For U10 to U18, equipment handout will take place: Saturday April 18, 2015 and the times for the age groups are: U10 – U12 - 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM U14 – U18 – 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM 2. Team Equipment Manager – During the season you will need a volunteer for this position so please recruit a parent on your team if there isn’t one already assigned to this position to oversee the team’s equipment. The volunteer for this position will have their volunteer commitment met by managing the team’s equipment throughout the season at the game or practices. The equipment is for the players on the team, so if siblings wish to play soccer while watching a game, please request the parents bring their own balls for them. 3. Equipment Return For MM to U8, the players jerseys are sponsored and therefore a keepsake for the players. All other team equipment MUST be returned to the MWSA Equipment warehouse on one of the following Equipment return dates: June 27th, 2015, Saturday, from 10 AM to 2 PM – All teams where their season has ended July 8th, 2015, Wednesday, from 6 PM to 9 PM – All teams where their season has ended July 29th Wednesday, from 6 PM to 9 PM – Last Outdoor Equipment return for U10 to U18 teams ***** PLEASE NOTE: All team equipment and Players Jerseys MUST be returned, by July 29th, 2015. For any unreturned team equipment after July 29th, 2015 where alternate arrangements have not been made the coach’s equipment deposit cheque and or players jersey deposit cheques will be cashed ***** 6 Please direct any equipment questions or concerns to the MWSA Equipment Director, by email equipment.mwsa@gmail.com or call 780 297-2800. Our equipment storage facility is located by the Joey Moss Mural (between 71st and 72nd Avenue & 99 Street), next to Russel Metals. All equipment handouts and returns will take place here. Here are some suggestions to help MWSA re-establish its excellent return rate! Please retain the Keeper jerseys (if supplied) with the equipment as a designated goalkeeper will occasionally show up at a game without the jersey or will be unable to attend. Older soccer balls sometimes leak air. To re-inflate soccer balls, use a moist valve needle and reinflate to the appropriate pressure, (8 to 10 lbs for size 3, 4 and 5 balls and 6 to 8 lbs for size 2 balls). Valve needles are not provided with your equipment. Return all of your equipment, including flat balls, on the scheduled equipment return dates. If you are unable to attend our equipment return dates, please have a trusted member of your team return the equipment on time. A good turn out on scheduled dates means less work for everyone involved. Return your team’s equipment on or before July 29th, 2015 7 Helpful Hints for a Successful Parents Meeting When you first attend the MWSA Coaches meeting and receive your team list you should CALL each parent within the next few days and introduce yourself. You can also let them know that the Outdoor Season begins on the week of May 1st, 2015. Please remember to give them YOUR telephone number. The next important step (after picking up your equipment) is to hold a parents’ meeting, and that is when you can hand out the players jerseys, that they get to keep after the season is over! Every MWSA Soccer Coach should hold a meeting with all the parents on the team as soon as possible after receiving his/her team. You may also book time at your local community league or the food court at your local mall. However, one of the easiest ways to do this is to hold the parents meeting during the very first ‘get-together’ at a field/park. Introduce yourself to your new players and then throw them a soccer ball and let them play while you meet with the parents. Here are some suggested to points to be covered: Introduce yourself. Tell them about your coaching experience and a little about your life – job, family, etc. Talk to them about the MWSA philosophy of playing each child equally regardless of their skill level. Let them know that the MWSA has made every effort to form these teams of players of relatively equal skill and ability. Confirm phone numbers and email addresses from your registration forms. Email is the easiest way to contact the team members, so you’ll want to make sure your contact information is correct. Advise the parents that it is the belief of Mill Woods Soccer and your own that school and homework come before soccer! If a child gets home from school at 3:30 PM, they should make every effort to get their homework done BEFORE a 6:00 p.m. Game. If they wait until after the game (7:00 PM or later), they will simply be too tired. Seek the parents support on this issue! And tell the parents that you WILL send this message to the children often. Let them know that you need at least 1-2 Assistant Coaches and one Team Manager. Explain to them that you simply cannot do the job alone. It is a “team” that includes the parents! Assure them that the assistant coaches need not know a lot about the game of soccer, although that would certainly be a bonus. The assistant coaches help to make sure that each child plays equally. Assistant coaches would also assist with the warm-up prior to games. They may also help supervise the players when they prepare to play. Split fields require 2 coaches! 8 The Team Manager would be in charge of arranging photos, organizing snack rotations, optional yearend gifts for coaches/players etc. The Team Manager would also be the ‘gobetween’ in the event that someone had trouble speaking with a coach. The team manager could prepare a phone list for the team, and be the phoning/email contact person, to take that responsibility off of the coaches shoulders. Explain the MWSA policy of playing each child equally. This does not mean that you will have a stop watch and time this to the second. But every effort should be made to play the children equally, and that while winning is important, it is not the primary goal. Advise the parents that your goal as a coach is to have the players improve their soccer skills while having fun. The ONLY exceptions to this are injury/sickness and discipline issues. Discipline issues may include being disrespectful to team mates, other players, coaches, parents or referees. When a child is disciplined, his/her parents should be informed of this. All discipline should be progressive and should be in proportion to the “wrong” that was done. (I.e. if a child was disrespectful to a referee, the coach may decide to bench him for a shift. If the player does it a second time, the benching may be for a couple of shifts. And so on.) Each time this occurs the coach MUST explain to the child the reason for the punishment and that this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated. Tell the parents that they will need to bring their children to the games at least 15 minutes BEFORE game time. This is necessary so that the players can warm up properly and receive instructions. Parents should attend ALL of their children’s games and practices! The coach is NOT a baby-sitter. Your child will know if mom brings them to the game 5 minutes before it starts and then races back 5 minutes after it is over. These young people have a relatively short playing career. Be there for THEM! Of course there are some occasions where a parent has no choice but to leave (other children in soccer, etc.). If a parent MUST leave for a while, they MUST inform the coach and manager that they have to leave and they MUST inform the coach and manager when they will return. Provide the parents with a list of parents/players names, addresses and phone numbers. Make sure that no one has any objections to this. If they need someone to give their child a ride, they should phone someone that lives close to them. They should NOT always call you! They should also not always rely on the same person for a “ride”. Encourage them to ask other people that live close to them. Due to infectious diseases like spinal meningitis, and even colds and flu’s, advise the parents that players should have their OWN water bottle (an empty “Power Aid” bottle will suffice). Each water bottle should be clearly marked with the player’s name! 9 Explain to the parents that Mill Woods Soccer conducts security checks on its entire coaching staff. Mill Woods Soccer is doing everything it can to screen out any sex offenders or child abusers. Ask the parents to ensure that their child does not bring or wear jewelry of any kind to the games. Earrings, necklaces, etc. should be left at home or with the parent. Ask the parents to be positive role models. They should cheer, not jeer. They should NEVER yell at Coaches or other players. Tell them that YOU are responsible for not only the players on the team, but also the parents. Tell them that if they cannot behave themselves on the sidelines, you may have to ask them to leave – in order to cool down. . . Tell them that Mill Woods Soccer WILL support you on this issue! Advise the parents that if a player gets hurt during a game, they should NOT immediately scream at a Referee if he/she does NOT immediately blow the whistle. The Referee is not supposed to do this! Often such incidents involve a minor injury (two players jostle for the ball and one player goes down). The Referee is supposed to allow the play to continue – especially if the ball is played to a team mate of the injured player. The Referee may call, “Advantage – Play on!” If the Referee were to blow the whistle immediately, the advantage would be lost. Having said this, if there was a foul, the referee should blow the whistle immediately - not because of the injury, but because of the foul. Remember, it is the Referee’s discretion as to whether a foul occurred, NOT the parents or coaches. If the injury is clearly and obviously serious in nature (and the vast majority are NOT) the Referee can and should blow the whistle and stop play. o In the case where the injury is NOT serious, but the player is down and “hurting”, proper soccer etiquette is for the opposing team to kick the ball out of play at the next earliest opportunity. A “restart” then occurs by the team with the injured player. In keeping with the etiquette, the player making the throw-in then throws the ball to the opposing team. It is important for all coaches and player to know this so they DON’T scream at a Referee who is only doing what he/she is supposed to do! Advise the parents that you will need one of them to act as a “Bench Parent” for each game. It doesn’t have to be the same parent for each game. Make sure that both parents know what their responsibilities are before EACH game! ALL teams must have at least one adult who is the same gender as the players. For example, if the coach, Assistant Coach and Manager of a GIRLS team are all male, then they must include a fourth person – one of the parents, to have as a “Bench mom” who would be present on the bench at all games. The same, in reverse, applies to the BOYS team that requires a “Bench Dad”. 10 2015 Outdoor Season Start Date The approximate start date for all age categories is the first week of May (TENTATIVELY May 03, 2015). We plan for each team to play 12-14 regular season games, however we can NOT guarantee this. Refunds and Withdrawals There will be NO refunds after April 1st, 2015. A $35 administration fee will be deducted from all refunds. NSF fees are nonrefundable. Refunds may no longer be available due to the timing of the withdrawal. Players may withdraw at any time. A form can be found on the website. To request a refund, parents/guardians must notify MWSA in writing, either by regular mail, office delivery or via email to socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com. Messages cannot be relayed through coaches. It is also the parents’ responsibility to ensure that all jerseys are returned to MWSA or your $200.00 jersey deposit will be cashed. Pictures Teams that wish team pictures must arrange this on their own. It’s a very short season so you’ll want to schedule your team pictures as early as possible. The MWSA office has a list of the photographers we used in the past. Additional Costs Please be advised that, in addition to registration fees, coaches may request additional fees to pay for tournament entry costs, practice space (i.e. Centre Time), or other various team expenses (e.g. pictures, team party, etc.). 11 Security Clearance Forms Each year MWSA requires an Edmonton Police Service Criminal Record Check from all volunteers who are in regular contact with our players. This means all coaches, assistant coaches and team managers. MWSA conducts these record checks at no cost to our volunteers. You just need to fill them in and drop them off at the MWSA office and they will be sent to the Police Head Quarters on your behalf, free of charge. Outdoor Fields Outdoor field maps can be found on under Play-Fields http://emsamillwoods.com/play/fields/ Field closure phone lines Edmonton (updated at 4 pm daily): Sherwood Park: Spruce Grove: Beaumont: 780-496-4999 ext. 1 780-467-5800 ext. 3314 780-962-7602 780-929-6811 www.edmonton.ca http://coewebapps.edmonton.ca/external/facilitynotifications/default.aspx?args=4 Rules of the Game Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their spectators. Complete Rules for outdoor soccer can be found on the following websites: Edmonton Minor Soccer Association – http://emsamain.com/coachref/rulesdiscipline/ Dispute Resolution In case of disputes between you and your child's coach or other team officials please handle them with dignity and serve as a good role model to your child and others. If your effort to correct the situation directly with the coach or team officials fails, please relay your concern to your Community Soccer Representative. If still not satisfied, contact the MWSA President, 1st VP, or 2nd VP. 12 Lightening and MWSA Cancellation Policy As you may know, the City of Edmonton occasionally closes access to some or all its fields. When that happens you must not go on these fields. If caught on them by City representatives, YOU will likely be fined $250 and will have to cover the cost yourself. Otherwise, as long as the fields are open you have to go to the field and play your game. You could find out whether City fields are “open” by calling 311 after 4 p.m. (i.e., after field closure details are updated). When at the field, you MUST suspend (or possibly terminate) your game for lightning as it is required you stop playing for a time, not that you must end the game. In case of actual or the threat of lightning, Canada Soccer Association (CSA) directs that: Before the game - If lightning is sighted within 6 miles (i.e., 30 seconds between lightning and thunder) delay game start until 30 minutes after last lightning strike. After game start – If the time between the lightening and its thunder is LESS than 30 seconds suspend the game for 30 minutes after the last lightning strike. If the “30-30 Rule” (see bullets below) applies, cancel and reschedule the game as per rain out procedure, listed at the bottom of your game schedule. Take shelter when you count 30 seconds or less between lightning and thunder. Remain sheltered for 30 minutes after the last thunder. Notes: Games are considered finished and results are final if 75% of game is completed. Minimum official time required for game to be considered complete: U10 - 45min U12 - 52.5min U14 - 60min U16/U18 - 67.5min If caught outdoors: Keep a safe distance from tall objects, such as trees, hilltops, and telephone poles. Avoid projecting above the surrounding landscape. Seek shelter in low-lying areas such as valleys, ditches and depressions but be aware of flooding. Stay away from water. Don't go boating or swimming if a storm threatens and land as quickly as possible if you are on the water. Lightning can strike the water and travel some distance from its point of contact. Don't stand in puddles even if wearing rubber boots. Stay away from objects that conduct electricity (e.g., metal stands or fences, bicycles) Avoid being the highest point in an open area. Swinging a golf club or holding an umbrella could make you a lightning target. Remove shoes with metal cleats. 13 You are safe inside a car, but don't park near or under trees or other tall objects which may topple over during a storm. Be aware of downed power lines which may be touching your car. You are safe inside the car, but may receive a shock if you step outside. In a forest, seek shelter in a low-lying area under a thick growth of small trees or bushes. Keep alert for flash floods, sometimes caused by heavy rainfall, if seeking shelter in a ditch or low-lying area. If caught in a level field far from shelter and you feel your hair stand on end, lightning may be about to hit you. Kneel on the ground immediately, with feet together, place your hands on your knees and bend forward. Don't lie flat. If you are in a group in the open, spread out, keeping people several yards apart. Note: Persons struck by lightning receive an electrical shock. They do not carry an electrical charge and can be safely handled. They may be suffering from burns or shock and should receive medical attention immediately. If their breathing stopped, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should be administered. If breathing and pulse are absent, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is required. Games and Practices Players should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of all games and practices. This allows the coaches time to give instructions to the players prior to the game or practice. Parents should stay for all practices and games so that they could enjoy observing their child’s activities and be present if they are needed by the child or coach. The Coach is NOT a babysitter and will not automatically assume the task of transporting your child to/from fields, or caring for your child beyond practice or game time. If you need help work something out with another parent. Bench Requirement ALL teams must have at least one adult that is of the same gender as the players. For example, if the Coach, Assistant Coach and Manager of a GIRLS team are all male, then they must include a fourth person - one of the parents, to be a “Bench Mom” and present on the bench. This is required for all games. The same, in reverse, applies to the BOYS team that requires a “Bench Dad”. 14 Uniforms Under 10, 12, 14, 16, & 18 In these age groups, children are issued a jersey to use throughout the season. A deposit cheque of $200 postdated for May 01, 2015 must be given to your coach or manager. They do not get a jersey without a deposit. Because of the rule regarding matching shorts and socks, all players are required to wear black shorts and socks. Shin pads are mandatory for all players. Players without shin pads will not be permitted to play. All players should have their own labeled water bottle. Cleats are recommended in these age groups. Players are not permitted to wear pants during a soccer game unless the referee of that game allows it. Home Team = White Jerseys Away Team = Blue Jerseys Jewellery Jewellery (earrings, necklaces, etc.) is NOT allowed when playing soccer. FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association – the world governing body for soccer) and the CSA are clear in this regard. A player cannot wear something that can hurt themselves or anyone else on the field, i.e. jewellery. Medical-Alert jewellery or clothing required by player’s religion may be worn only if the referee deems it safe and does not give the player an unfair advantage. Medical-Alert jewellery can normally be made safe by wrapping it with tape, with the necessary information showing. A Player refusing to remove any type of jewelry at the request of the referee (including all external body piercing(s)) will not be permitted to play. Eye Glasses Eye glasses are allowed ONLY if they are prescription and ONLY if they are made of plastic and are non-shattering lenses. Sunglasses are NOT permitted unless they are prescription lenses. Sport glasses and sport glass covers are permitted. 15 Head Covering "Hijab" The wearing of sports type hijab will be permitted upon a satisfactory pre-game inspection by the referee, as mandated by FIFA rule four, which states all items of clothing or equipment other than the basic equipment must be inspected by the referee and determined to be safe. The wearing of other forms of the hijab will also be permitted at the discretion of the referee, but only after a pre-game determination that the hijab does not pose a danger to the wearer or any other player. The objective in developing clear guidelines and communicating same is to ensure continuity of implementation across the province. Casts/Splints/Athletic Braces Hard casts (plaster) are NOT permitted – even if padded. Soft Casts – if adequately padded will be allowed if the Referee approves it. Braces are permitted – but if it is a hard brace or has edges – it must be padded. If a player has a cast or brace and uses it to intimidate or shows intent to injure – they will be cautioned and sent off the field. Smoking and Alcohol MWSA is concerned about the health of our youth and young players. We ask that smoking be restricted around the soccer field. Those wishing to smoke are asked to be considerate and smoke in areas downwind from the field and at least 20 yards from where the players are, or the edge of the field. As of April 4, 2012 The Edmonton City Council has passed a bylaw banning smoking within 10 metres of a playground, outdoor rink, skate park, sports field or spray park. Anyone caught violating the bylaw will face a $250 fine. According to City of Edmonton Bylaw, alcohol is NOT permitted at the soccer fields. MWSA asks all coaches to be careful or sensitive about the ‘image’ of drinking around their players. This could become an issue particularly during tournaments and team parties, and MWSA asks all its coaches to be particularly careful not to place their players or team in a compromising position. 16 Guidelines for Fundraising/Sponsorship No Teams may use “Mill Woods Soccer” on any bank accounts. All raffles require an ALGC License. The office must receive a copy of this license for our records. Guidelines: Donations, contributions, etc. will not be accepted from companies that may deter From youth organization (i.e. Tobacco, liquor, energy drinks, etc.). Mill Woods Soccer requests to see a sample of any tracksuit, hats, etc. to maintain the Associations integrity. Teams may not change standard uniforms however, the addition of matching shorts and socks is acceptable. All teams in Mill Woods are equal and are equipped in such a manner. No teams in Mill Woods community soccer are to become “elite” teams Due to exclusive sponsorships for certain age groups, Mill Woods Soccer and EMSA must approve any Private sponsorship crests. Please contact the office for further details. DOG Policy - City of Edmonton Bylaw #2202 Dogs are not permitted to accompany their owners when their owners are viewing their child’s soccer game on a city field, even if leashed. The Parkland Bylaw governs the regulations regarding animals on school grounds, because school grounds are classified as parkland. There is a fine of $100 if this occurs. For more information, contact the City of Edmonton Bylaw Coordinator Here is the section that applies: 1) Unless otherwise permitted by this bylaw no person shall allow any animal under their control, or for Which they are responsible, to be on Parkland. b) A person may have a Dog on Parkland so long as the Dog is: (a) leashed and on an Improved Trail or an Unimproved Trail; (b) leashed and on a Boulevard; (c) leashed and in an area governed by signage permitting Dogs; or (d) in an Off Leash Area; but only if the Dog is, at all times, kept at least 10 metres from any developed playground or picnic site. (2) Notwithstanding this section, a person having a Dog on Parkland remains subject, at all times, to every provision contained in the Animal Licensing and Control Bylaw. (3) While on Parkland no person shall: (a) Kill, injure, trap, tease or disturb any animal, bird or other wildlife; or (b) Touch, damage, disturb or remove any nest or egg therein. 17 Schedules Coaches Schedule Pick Up ALL Premier Teams & & ALL U16 & U18 Community TEAMS As well as U14 Community teams from South West, South East, Mill Woods and North MONDAY, APRIL 29th –10:00am – 6:30pm SOUTH SOCCER CENTRE (6520 Roper Road) A Coach or Team Representative may attend the schedule pick up session. This is not a meeting; you just simply drop by and pick up your schedule. EMSA staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Your schedules will not be ready any earlier than this so please don’t come early or call to request an early pick up. OU YOU MUST BRING YOUR COMPLETED TYPED “Coach Info Form” WITH YOU TO HAND INTO THE EMSA STAFF along with the Team Participation Form”. YOUR SCHEDULE WILL NOT BE RELEASED UNTIL YOU HAND IN BOTH FORMS. Both forms can be found in the coach information on line at http://emsamain.com/coachref/coaches-kit/ 18 Selects FC The Selects FC teams are MWSA Zone Representative teams at the U10-U18 age groups, playing in Tier 1, 2, and 3 City Wide. They play against other zone representative teams in a citywide program that is guided by EMSA rules and regulations. The Selects Program is a developmental program, which requires higher commitment levels (by players, their parents, and coaches), and some additional costs: Selects shorts & socks ($28.00) Tournament expenses, in and/or out of town Expenses to attend Provincials that alternate between Calgary and Edmonton A track suit (optional) for approximately $110 Team Picture (optional) Socks, shorts, jackets, pants and bags are NO LONGER available in the MWSA office however all of our stock is now on sale at the KICKS store located at 2027-111 St. Selects FC Trialists (U10+) “Trialists” are players that are invited to play on an older-age or higher-tier team. Often, teams invite trialists when the team is shorthanded or would like to explore different players. MWSA supports the use of trialists for a variety of reasons: It gives the trialists experience at a more demanding level, it motivates trialists and their teammates, it showcases our talent, it ensures that our teams have a way to overcome being shorthanded, and it fosters a stronger (MWSA) program. Recognize that being asked to send a trialist is a compliment to the player asked, and to you – the player’s Coach. Note that trialists may only play a maximum of FIVE league games for any one team. MWSA Keeper Training We will be continuing our Keeper Trainer for the Outdoor Season. If you are interested in trying the position for the first time or you’re an experienced keeper our dedicated, trained volunteer coaching Staff would love to see you out. For more information please contact Jorge Rojas at communitytechnical@gmail.com . 19 Technical Training Beginning in early 2010, MWSA developed and now implements a Coaching Skills Development Program. It will be made available for all who wish to coach in Mill Woods. The program (and its clinics) will be mandatory but there will be several dates available to suit your schedules. It will guide the appointment of coaches and assistant coaches. It aims to make your coaching role easier, more enjoyable and successful, and will focus on: The nature of “Stage Development” (providing age appropriate coaching) Developing balance and coordination (through exercises or drills) The Coach’s role Tips on the conduct of practice sessions Contact Technical Via email at communitytechnical@gmail.com ***Please keep checking your email boxes and the MWSA website for Upcoming dates for your age categories Technical Camps and Clinics Rules of the Game Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their spectators. Complete Rules for outdoor soccer can be found on the following websites: Edmonton Minor Soccer Association – www.emsamain.com Alberta Soccer Association -- www.albertasoccer.com Dispute Resolution In case of disputes between you and your child's coach or other team officials please handle them with dignity and serve as a good role model to your child and others. If your effort to correct the situation directly with the coach or team officials fails, please relay your concern to your Community Soccer Representative. If still not satisfied, contact the MWSA President, 1st VP, or 2nd VP. 20 Referees Referee abuse and harassment by spectators, players or coaches will NOT be tolerated! Game officials (i.e., Referees) are critical to the sport of soccer and without them there would be no game. Please treat them with respect and recognize that they too are learning and improving with experience. Anyone found guilty of harassing game officials will be disciplined and may be barred from games. Referee Liaison Background: Referee abuse and harassment by spectators and coaches is the main reason why referees, particularly those in their early teens, drop out of the development program resulting in severe shortages of officials at all levels. This unacceptable behavior towards our youth must be addressed as a priority particularly if soccer is to have an adequate supply of referees. In addressing this problem it is now a requirement of every team to designate an individual to act as a referee liaison. The referee liaison of each team shall be a person who is not an official of that team and their main role will be to act as a deterrent to possible acts of misbehavior by spectators or team officials. The referee liaison will also be available to the referee should a request to do so be made or if a potential problem exists. Description of duties: Each team shall provide a referee liaison that shall: Be identified with a referee liaison armband provided by the team Introduce themselves to the referee prior to the start of the game Locate themselves on the spectator side of the field Monitor the behavior and deal with inappropriate comments, gestures and/or general unsporting behavior directed at the referee, players or any other individual by their teams’ spectators Quickly diffuse potential problems before they arise by being visible or calmly speaking with the individual(s) involved Be visible and available to assist the referee particularly at half time and full time Submit a brief report in writing of any incident that they deem the MWSA should be aware of involving inappropriate behavior by ANY individual If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the Referee Program, please call Ricardo Lodhar @ 780-721-5710. 21 MWSA’s Kickoff Classic Tournament May 22-24th, 2015 Teams in U10 – U18 Community and Tier 1-3 play in this tournament, So please keep this weekend available. Outdoor Soccer Provincials Each year some U12 to U18 MWSA teams will qualify to participate in Inter-Cities or win a Provincial berth for their age level. Provincial games are held in late July to mid-August. Regularly check www.edmontonsoccer.com or www.albertasoccer.com for information regarding provincials. Post Season play dates are as follows: City Finals (U10 Premier-teams): June 29th-5th 2015 City Finals (U10-U18 Tiers 4-9): June 29th-5th 2015* Inter Cities (U12-U18 Tier 5-9): July 18-19 2015 *Boys in Calgary - Girls in Edmonton Tier 4 Provincials (U12-U18) July 24-26, 2015 * ASA to announce locations Tier 3 Provincials (U12-U18) August 14-16, 2015 * ASA to announce locations Tier 2 Provincials (U12-U18) August 14-16, 2015 * ASA to announce locations * Tier 1 Provincials (U12) August 14-16, 2015 * ASA to announce locations * Tier 1 Provincials (U14-U18) August 22-23, 2015 * ASA to announce locations * *Tentative dates only 22 Coaches Code of Conduct 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Head Coaches in MWSA are fully responsible for all activities of their team. They shall demonstrate leadership, commitment, compassion, and fairness when interacting with their team’s players and their parents/guardians. All MWSA coaches (Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers) are representatives and agents of MWSA. They shall demonstrate respect to its values and expectations, despite Their interests/involvement in a specific MWSA team; Any personal interest as an individual consumer of MWSA services; Like or dislike they may have for Board members, coaches or volunteers MWSA coaches are trustees of public confidence. They need to serve as role models for the youth under their care, to develop soccer skills, good sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, and fair play. MWSA coaches should avoid actual or the perception of conflict of interest. They shall not use their position or role to gain advantage for their child (or another player on the team), or gain financially from the team’s resources. Coaches may speak for their team, but not for MWSA. Coaches must demonstrate respect for and adherence to the rules of soccer, assigned referees, and related MWSA Policies and Procedures. Coaches must strive to extend each of their players to his/her full potential, and play hard towards the highest possible reach of their team. However, coaches should never forget that in the end Soccer is only a game. Players’ Code of Conduct 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do your best! Your behavior reflects on you, your team, your coach, MWSA, and the sport of Soccer. Your behavior impacts all of these. Be a good sport Play hard, but play fair Play strong but have compassion for those who lose the game Play to win but remember that “winning” is doing your best against all odds Be respectful Of people (i.e., of coaches, your teammates, other players, and referees) Of rules (i.e., the rules of soccer and their application by referees) Of existing policies and procedures (i.e., MWSA, EMSA, ASA) Support your team Participate in practices and drills. They are important for skill and team development Work with the coaches to improve your and the team’s skills Be a team player, not a lone hero Play safe! Ensure that your equipment and how you play the game are safe for you and all other players in the game. Enjoy Soccer fully, but remember that in the end Soccer is only a game. Parents’ Code of Conduct Your child’s coach is a volunteer giving up valuable personal time to guide your child’s recreational activity. The Coach is NOT a babysitter and will not automatically assume the task of transporting your child to/from fields, or caring for your child beyond practice/game time. Please help the Coach to better meet your child’s needs: Avoid being a sideline coach. It confuses the players and frustrates coaches. Respect the coach's position as the team leader by not undermining his/her instructions to players. Support your child. Give praise not only for scoring, but also for doing his/her best and contributing to the team Treat the coach with respect. Help your child's team and MWSA whenever and wherever you can. Your support and much needed assistance make the difference between a rewarding, productive season and a mediocre, frustrating one. Alert, as early as possible, your child’s coach or team official of your concerns Accept responsibility for your child's behavior at all team activities. In case of disputes between you and your child's coach or other team officials, handle them with dignity. (You are a role model to your child and others.) If your effort to correct the situation directly with the coach or team officials fails, please contact one of the following: The appropriate Community League soccer representative (as listed above) or the Community Chair Person. As a last resort, feel free to contact the MWSA President, 1st VP, or 2nd VP. I agree to abide by the principles of this code as approved and supported by the MWSA to the best of my abilities. Coach____________________________ Parent________________________ Player_______________________ Date ____________ 23 Mill Woods Soccer Association Kickoff Classic Tournament May 22-24, 2015 For more information and/or to register visit www.mwkickoffclassic.com Entry deadline May 10th @ 5pm The MWSA tournament is open to all Youth teams U8 City Wide, U10, U12 and U14 to U18 Girls and Boys: Tier 1 to 8 And Women and Classics teams Tier 3 and 4 “Kickoff Your Shoes and Have Some FUN!” 24 Important dates Date/time Description Location/Details April 07 Coaches Meetings U10 -6:00 U12- 7:00 U14-U18- 8:00 April 12 ALL Players should have been contacted ASA Learn to Train #754 ASA Soccer for Life #770 April 18 April 18 April 18 April 18 April 25 April 25 Equipment Pick Up Pre-Season Coaches Session ASA Soccer for Life #773 ASA Soccer for Life #784 By email or phone Beaumont North Zone J. Percy Page Gymnasium North Zone South West Zone ASA Learn to Train #783 Season Start Date South Soccer Centre 1:00 pm – 4:00pm South Soccer Centre 1:00 pm – 4:00pm South West Zone Weather permitting May 22-24 Kickoff Classic Tournament U10 –U18 June 5 - 7 2015 MWSA OMBRELLE ACTIVE START MINI FESTIVAL MM-U8 June 13 Tim Horton’s U6 Jamboree South Soccer Centre June 20th Coaches Appreciation Leefield Community Hall June 27th Equipment Return Equipment Warehouse - located on the West side of 99 st between 71 & 72 Ave beside Russel Metals between 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM July 8th Equipment Return Equipment Warehouse-as above July 18-19 Inter Cities (U12-U18 Tier 5-9 Girls-Calgary Boys-Edmonton July 24-26 Tier 4 Provincials Calgary/Edmonton July 29th Equipment Return Equipment Warehouse- as above August 14-16 Tier 2 &3 Provincials (U14-U18) TBA April 25 EMSA Level 2 April 26 EMSA Level 2 May 02 * May 03 & U12 T1 25 Keep MWSA Up-To-Date If your phone number, cell numbers, mailing or e-mail addresses change please keep us up to date by emailing the changes to socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com We use our website and email as one of the primary methods of communications to parents and coaches. Did we miss something? We want to hear from you if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improving the MWSA soccer program, this information manual, or our website, if you like what we are doing, Please let us know that too. Please email your questions, comments and suggestions to execdir@millwoodssoccer.com www.emsamillwoods.com The MWSA website is designed to be a major source of information to our parents and coaches. Please visit our website at least weekly because we update it frequently. The website is your source for MWSA forms, rules and regulations, policies and other important information about soccer in Mill Woods. If you have suggestions or needs for additional information to be put on our website, please let us know at socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com 26 Mill Woods Soccer Association Coaches Appreciation Night Mixer RSVP Once again it's time to kick up your feet and get off of the soccer field to relax and enjoy our Coaches’ Appreciation Night. As a thank you for your time and dedication this season, we host a night of great food, great fun, door prizes and friends. We would love to appreciate everyone that helps out, but unfortunately due to limited space at the hall, each team is allowed to have a maximum of three volunteers attend this appreciation night. Please keep the top half of this sheet for your information and return the bottom information to the Mill Woods Soccer office no later than June 5, 2015. ** If anyone attending has an allergy, is a vegetarian, requires a gluten free diet or cannot eat a certain type of meat, please indicate this below beside their name. ** So, here's the information: When: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 Where: Leefield Community Hall 7910-36 Avenue Who: Coaches, Assistants, and Managers for all the Community and Select teams Why: Because you're dedicated and you deserve our appreciation and recognition. 27 Thank You Mill Woods Soccer Association would like to acknowledge and thank all of our generous Sponsors including; Russel Metals for the donation of our Equipment Storage Facility. Tim Horton’s for sponsoring our U6 program. Hertz Equipment Rental for sponsoring Tournament Generators and Gator Special thanks go out to all of our dedicated Volunteers, Coaches, Managers, and MWSA Board We couldn’t run our programs without your support! Would You Like to Become a Sponsor? MWSA is a volunteer driven non-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with a quality outdoor soccer program. Sponsorship and donations help us to keep our fees low while we put forth a fun and educational soccer program. If you, or someone you know, can sponsor one of our soccer programs please talk to Cheryl in the office or email her at socceroffice@millwoodssoccer.com 28 MWSA Team Jersey Record For U10 to U18 teams, a Team Jersey Record is required for each team. Please fill in the information below and return a copy to the Equipment director at equipment.mwsa@gmail.com and to the MWSA office by May 1st, 2015. *A jersey deposit cheque MUST be received by the Coach/Team Equipment Manager from each player before issuing a set of jerseys to a player. The player jersey deposit is to be a postdated cheque, for the date of July 1 2015, made out to “Mill Woods Soccer Association’ for the amount of $200. The team jersey record form and all players jersey deposit cheques must be turned into the MWSA office by May 1, 2015 All jerseys are to be returned to the Coach/Team Equipment manager. The teams’ jerseys MUST be laundered and clean upon return of the teams’ equipment to the Equipment warehouse. Please note any returned unclean teams’ jerseys will be subject to a $50 laundry service charge. After July 29, 2015 for any team equipment or players jerseys that have not been returned their deposit cheques will be cashed. Season: _______________ Age Group: _________ Gender: __ Coach: ____________________ Manager: __________________________ Coach Phone #: _____________ Manager Phone #: ________________ JERSEY # PLAYER’S NAME CONTACT # & EMAIL Cheque # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 29 30
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