BUDAPEST BUSINESS SCHOOL COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, CATERING AND TOURISM Subject Outlines of the COMMERCE & MARKETING BA MAJOR Module C in the 2015/2016. academic year Budapest, May 2015. Contents CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 C. MAIN SUBJECTS OF THE COMMERCE & MARKETING BA MAJOR ......................................................... 3 C.1. COMMON MODULE OF THE MAJOR .......................................................................................................................... 4 C.1.1. Market Research (PIKU1K0AKMP) ............................................................................................................... 4 C.1.2. Sales Management (ELME1K0AKMP) ........................................................................................................... 5 C.1.3. Marketing Communication (VKAMCA1BSC) ................................................................................................ 6 C.1.4. Basics of Logistics (VKABLO1BSC) ............................................................................................................... 7 C.1.5. Quality Management (VKAQUM1BSC) .......................................................................................................... 8 C.1.6. International Trading Techniques (NKER1K0AKMC)................................................................................. 10 C.1.7. Consumer Behaviour (FOGM1K0AKMP) ................................................................................................... 11 C.1.8. Product Assortment and Pricing Policies (TAPO0KAAKMP) ..................................................................... 12 C.1.9. Introduction to Retailing Management (BVKG0KAAKMC)......................................................................... 13 C.1.10. International Marketing (NMAR1K0AKMP) ............................................................................................ 15 C.1.11. Professional Business Language (VKAPFL1BSC) ..................................................................................... 16 C.2.1. INSTITUTIONAL MODULE OF THE MAJOR ............................................................................................................ 17 C.2.1.1. Services and B2B (SZBB1K0AKMP) ......................................................................................................... 17 C.2.1.2. Marketing and Company Strategy (MARS1K0AKMP) ............................................................................... 18 C.2.1.3. Public Relations (PUBR1K0AKOT) ......................................................................................................... 19 C.2.1.4. Project Management (VKAPMA1BSC) .................................................................................................... 20 C.2.1.5. Controlling of Trading Companies (KONK1K0APZC) ............................................................................. 21 C.2.2. PROFESSIONAL ALTERNATIVE MODULES. (TWO MUST BE CHOSEN) ................................................................... 22 C.2.2.1. Marketing Consulting (1+1) (MART1V0AKMP) ..................................................................................... 22 C.2.2.2. Trends & breaking points in economic growth (GANT1K0AEMT ............................................................ 23 C.2.2.3. International Relations and Institutions (NEKI1K0ATTN ......................................................................... 24 C.2.2.4. Direct and Database Marketing DABM1X0AKMP ................................................................................... 25 C.2.2.5. Online Marketing (1+1) (ONLM1X0AKMP) ........................................................................................... 26 C.2.2.6. Policies and Rules of the EU in Commerce (EUKP1X0AKMC ................................................................. 27 C.2.2.7. Price Risk Management (ARKO1V0AKMC................................................................................................ 28 C.2.2.8. Environment sensible corporate management (KBVI1X0AKMC) ............................................................. 29 C.2.2.9. Setup and market introduction of trade firms KELP1X0AKMC) .............................................................. 30 C. Main Subjects of the Commerce & Marketing BA Major In Module C - the Main Subjects of the Commerce & Marketing BA Major, are the common core and alternative elective members of all Commerce & Marketing Curricula in the undergraduate Bachelor Level Education Programmes of the Hungarian Higher Education System. It contains the following essential subject groups: The C.1. Common Module of Commerce & Marketing BA Major contains all those subjects, which must be taken by students gradually in the second and third academic year of their BA studies. All these subjects should be present in all Commerce & Marketing BA Curricula in Hungary, and students must take them to achieve the BA degree in this major. In these subjects students learn essential business topics, like market research, consumer behaviour, marketing communication, marketing strategy and international marketing. They get important knowledge about product assortment & pricing, quality management, logistics and the introduction to retailing management. They have to accomplish the basics of marketing, product assortment & pricing policy and the introduction to retailing management subjects, and achieve altogether more than 100 ECTS at the end of the 4. semester, They have to fulfil these requirements to get the opportunity and choose the preferred specialisation within the major. In the C2.1 Institutional Module, the subjects are an obligatory add-on subset determined by the Senate of the Budapest Business School. The subjects of this group are: “Services and B2B”, “Marketing Strategy”, “Public Relations”, “Project Management” and “Controlling of Trading Companies”. We strongly believe, that these subjects should be taught to reach the required level of knowledge and skills for the BA degree. In the C.2.2. Professional Alternative Modules students have to extend their knowledge by choosing at least two of the offered subjects. Attention please! 1) Read carefully the information in which semester (fall or spring) are the subjects offered in English. You can find them in the 4. row of the identification section of the outline. The majority of subjects are offered either in the 1.; 3.; 5; or 7. (fall semester) or in the 2.; 4. or 6. (spring semester). We can offer some of them in every semester. If you not only failed the exam, but the teacher has denied his signature for the subject, you must retake it in a special course. Please, read therefore the curriculum map carefully and choose those subjects into your individual study time-table, which help you to avoid unnecessary delays or bad lucks in the study sequence of subjects. 2) Read carefully the prerequisites of subjects to avoid situations in which you can’t pass exam successfully, because of the lack of exam from previous subjects. Even ERSAMUS students should think on this issue, because they may take subjects totally free, but the lack of prerequisite subject knowledge might cause difficulty to pass the exam, and get the necessary ECTS. 3) Read also the language knowledge requirement of the various subjects. This might cause also problems, especially if some ERASMUS students are coming mainly to learn English language during their stay at BBS. This is an important objective of ERASMUS mobility, however some courses in the main study require a C2 level of English language knowledge. This requirement is only indicated implicitly in the identification section of the subject outline. You find hints on it by investigating the semester number of the subject offered. Subjects usually offered in the 5.; 6. or 7. semester require C2 level of English language skills. C.1. Common Module of the Major C.1.1. Market Research (PIKU1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: Market research Subject’s code: PIKU1K0AKMP Type of subject: Obligatory subject in Module C.1. Level of the subject: BA level; offered in semester 4. Credit points: 6 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. Hlédik Erika Subject’s instructor: Dr. Ákos Kozák; Ms. Judit Papp Contact hours: Lecture: 2 Practice: 2 Total: 4 Consulting hours: by appointment Language of education: English Type of exam: Project work and oral final exam Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Marketing Short description of the subject; aim: Students have to prepare project as a pair work and defense it orally. Plus there is a final oral exam concerning the theory of Market research. The aim is to be able to design, carry out and evaluate the results of a short individual market research. The theoretical aim is to know, understand and be able to use the different market research methods. Knowledge acquired by the middle of the term: Naresh Malhotra: Marketing research chapters I-II. Required background reading materials: Compulsory reading: Naresh Malhotra: Marketing research Recommended reading: Lectures’ consultation hours availability: Others: C.1.2. Sales Management (ELME1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Sales Management ELME1K0AKMP Obligatory subject in the Module C.1. BA level, offered in semester 5. 3 ECTS Dr. Gedeon Totth CSc. Dr. Tamás KOZÁK PhD. dr. Patricia NÉMETH PhD by appointment English 2 hours/ Lecture: 1 hour/week Seminar: 1 hour Total: week 5 hours per week Students learning hours: Total: Lectures and seminars biweekly Subject’s schedule: Written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Marketing Short description of the subject: Objectives: This subject describes the nature of personal selling and the changes brought about by moving business to a customer orientation. We will outline the role of the sales force in relationship with the marketing mix factors. We will trace the process of how sales management has changed in recent years. We will describe the critical role, tasks, and activities of a field sales manager, and present to students the sales management training and development activities in real business life. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: ⇒ Topics are covered by lectures and seminars. Students are required to make notes during the Power Point lectures. Appropriate case studies are also used. Case studies will also help students in the seminars to understand the role of personal selling and relationship management. ⇒ Students will understand the role of personal selling and relationship management and to identify market situations in which sales representatives should find the most effective means of reaching and influencing potential customers in target. ⇒ We will show how the professional salesperson contributes to the modern marketing and outline the steps involved in making a sales action. We explain why marketing processes do not finish, when sales have been made. ⇒ We will classify the various forms of sales representatives’ compensation, and help students to explore and identify some of the ethical issues, sales personnel have to face. Students s tudy t o identify the purposes of sales promotion. Home assignment: 3-4-students have to create a working-team in the first seminar. The exact task will be given by the teacher for the team-members and they have to write a study and make a Power point. presentation by team members on the (agreed date of) seminar. Compulsory reading: 1) Eugene M. Johnson-David L. Kurtz - Eberhard E. Sheuing: Sales Management. Concepts, Practices, and Cases. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1994. ISBN 0-07-032652-5 2) Dalrymple's Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, 3) Philip Kotler: Marketing Management. Publishing House of Hungarian Technics. Budapest, 1998 4) Nándor Komáromi: Marketing Logistics. Ways to the customers. Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2006 C.1.3. Marketing Communication (MAKO0KAAKMP) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Marketing Communication MAKO0KAAKMP Type of subject: Obligatory subject in the Module C.1. Level of the subject: BA level, offered in semester 4. Credit points: 3 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. Gedeon Totth CSc. Subject’s instructor: Dr. László Kárpáti CSc. Consulting hours: By appointment Language of education: English 1 h/w Practice: 1 h/w Contact hours: Lecture: hours per week Students learning hours: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Fulfillment of all the previous compulsory subjects Total: Total: 2 h/week Short description of the subject; aim: To make the students capable of decision-making in connection with marketing communication. Knowledge acquired by the middle of the term: Knowledge in connection with basic communication methods. Required background reading materials: Compulsory reading: Kotler – Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, 11th ed. Pearson Books, NJ, 2006. Recommended reading: Kotler: Marketing Management. Pearson books, NJ. 2005. - C.1.4. Basics of Logistics (VKABLO1BSC) Subject’s title: Basics of Logistics Subject’s code: VKABLO1BSC Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Obligatory subject in Module C.1. BA level; offered in semester 4. 3 ECTS Dr. Anna Tátrai Mr. László Sebestyén By appointment English 2 per Lecture: Practice: week hours per week Students learning hours: Subject’s schedule: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: 0 per week Total: 2 per week Total: Short description of the subject: This course deals with the logistics from a systems perspective. Aims: To enable the student to describe, understand, analyze and recommend enhancements to the logistics functions within a trade environment. To provide the student with an overview of the larger issues associated with Supply Chain Management. To develop an understanding of analytical tools useful in logistics and skill in using these tools. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: We will be using a combination of lecture, case studies, class discussions, class exercises and student presentations to cover the required material. Home assignment: As directed, students will complete these assignments individually. There will be directions for completion of the assignment. The written homework and the guidelines for the homework will be distributed in the week after the midterm break. Compulsory reading: Ronald H. Ballou: Business Logistics Management Recommended reading: Donald J. Bowersox, David J. Closs: Logistical Management Douglas M. Lambert, James R. Stock: Strategic Logistics Management C.1.5. Quality Management (VKAQUM1BSC) Subject’s title: Quality Management I. Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: VKAQUM1BSC Obligatory subject in Module C.1. BA level offered in semester 4. 3 ECTS Dr. Antal Tóth. Mr. László Sebestyén. by appointment English 2 per Practice: …per Lecture: Total: week week hours per week Students learning hours: Total: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Basic knowledge of management science, finance, marketing and statistics Short description of the subject: This course discusses quality as a business strategy for development of value added activities, through continuous improvement of business processes Aims: Its aim is to – review history of quality – explain and describe core concepts of quality management – show cultural background, philosophies and typical styles of quality management – discuss current quality initiatives (ISO 9000, TQM, 6 Sigma, Kaizen, etc…) – present some simple practical tools for quality management – identify and analyse operational connections of quality management – highlight relevancy of process orientation, communication and teamwork – assess effectiveness of quality management in different business environments – consider ways of quality management in global supply chains and networks Learning outcomes: knowledge Students will understand why quality is essential factor of competitiveness. They will be able to assess overall cultural level and effectiveness of organisations, people and processes in context of quality. They will have strategical view of quality management, to find practical ways for system development. They will be able to solve problems and improve processes using quality management tools and techniques. They will understand human aspects of quality management, regarding communication for fact finding, and motivation for improvement. Learning outcomes: skills Problem solving, process improvement, simple management tools, PDCA, fast finding auditing analysis statistics fact inding, auditing, analysis, statistics. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lectures and seminars by lecturer or by guest speaker. Student reading, presentation and discussion. Home assignment and presentation. Students are encouraged to make short 5-15 minutes presentations. These are to be based on literature (including compulsory), on research (e.g. internet), on real life observations, on case studies or on statistics. Home assignment: Home assignment and presentation (teamwork of 3-4 students. Home assignments will provide the opportunity to students to show their independent strategical thinking, data collection, interviewing, and analytical skills. Formal requirement of Home Assignment is to submit max. 5-10 pages report / study, including self made tables, graphs, and figures, excluding attachments. Brief summaries (max. 10 minutes) will be presented in class. Students’ ideas for topics will be approved, or topics will be given by lecturer. Compulsory reading: Frank M. Gryna, Richard C. H. Chua, Joseph A. DeFeo: Juran's Quality Planning and Analysis for Enterprise Quality, McGraw-Hill 2007. Fifth Edition Recommended reading: Dale H. Besterfield: Total Quality Management Prentice Hall 2003. Third Edition Evans, J R and Lindsay W M: The Management and Control Of Quality South Western 2002. Other learning sources: C.1.6. International Trading Techniques (NKER1K0AKMC) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: International Trading Techniques NKER1K0AKMC Compulsory subject in C Module BA level; offered in semester 5. 3 ECTS Dr. László Kozár PhD. Dr. László Kozár PhD. By appointment English Lecture: 2 hours/w Practice: 0 h/w Students learning hours: Lecture: 2 Subject’s schedule: seminars: Written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: hours per week Total: 2 hours/week Total: Short description of the subject: Aims: The main aim of the Subject to introduce the types, participants, documents, terms, rules and risks of international business. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Home assignment: Compulsory reading: International Trading Techniques Abstract, presented by the instructor of the subject in downloadable form. Recommended reading: C.1.7. Consumer Behaviour (FOGM1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s professor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Consumer Behavior FOGM1K0AKMP Obligatory subject in the Module C.1. BA level; offered in the semester 5. 3 ECTS Dr. Mónika Fodor PhD. Dr. Ákos Kozák PhD. By appointment English Lecture: 2 Practice: 0 Total: 2 hours/week 2 hours per week Students learning hours: Subject’s schedule: Written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: none Total: 2 hours/week Short description of the subject: The aim of the course is to have a closer look at the underlying behavioural processes of judgement, choice, purchase, involvement described in one word as consumption. The main focuses are on cognitive factors (information processing, memory) of choice behaviour, personal values, lifestyles and cultural influences on consumption and decision making processes. How motivation, emotion, mood and personal involvement do influences judgement and choice. How do broader culture and other reference groups influence attitudes toward consumption and effects involvement? During the semester we focus on understanding consumer behaviour, whilst we get a closer look at psychological processes underlying consumer behaviour. Aims: My aim is to show students those psychological mechanisms and processes which can be applied in interpreting and understanding consumer behavior. Learning outcomes: knowledge - Broad view of applied psychology and its relevancy consumer behavior, - Alternative interpretations of human behavior, - Widespread application of abstract psychological constructs in concrete behavior. Learning outcomes: skills - Practical tools for interpreting consumer behavior, - Those who are interested in marketing get to know many practices and getting ideas for researching market from behavior standpoint. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lecture: presentation with preferred activation from the students. Home assignment: None Compulsory reading: Slides Recommended reading: Solomon, M. R. (1996) Consumer Behavior, buying, having and being. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Schiffman, L. G. and Kanuk, L. L. (2000) Consumer Behavior. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. All sorts of Journal articles in relation with the presentations. C.1.8. Product Assortment and Pricing Policies (TAPO0KAAKMP) Subject’s title: Product Assortment and Pricing Policies Subject’s code: TAPO0KAAKMP Type of subject: Obligatory subject in Module C.1. Level of the subject: BA level; offered in semester 2. Credit points: 3 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. László Kopcsay Subject’s instructor: Csaba SÓLYOM, Dr. Patrícia NÉMETH PhD. Consulting hours: by appointment Language of education: English 1 h/w 2 h/w 3 h/w Contact hours: Lecture: Practice: Total: hours per week Students learning hours: Total: Project work and presentation, mid-term test written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Marketing Short description of the subject; aim: Students have to prepare project as a pair work and defense it orally. The aim is to be able to design, carry out and evaluate the companies’ product purchasing and pricing policies. The theoretical aim is to know, understand and be able to use the different product purchasing and pricing methods. Knowledge acquired by the middle of the term: Allen-Semenik: Integrated brand promotion, Required background reading materials: Compulsory reading: Dr. Rekettye Gábor: Pricing in Marketing Allen-Semenik: Integrated brand promotion C.1.9. Introduction to Retailing Management (BVKG0KAAKMC) Subject’s title: Subject code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s professor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Introduction to Retailing Management BVKG0KAAKMC Obligatory subject in Module C.1. BA level; offered in semester 3. 6 ECTS Dr. Tamás Kozák PhD. Dr. Patricia Németh PhD, Csaba Sólyom by appointment English 2 h/w 2 h/w Lecture Practice Students learning hours: 5 hours per week Lecture, and seminars: Subject’s schedule: Oral Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Marketing, Accounting, Finance Short description of the subject: Total 4 hours/week Total: The first aim of the subject is to let students get acquainted with the specialities of the sector commerce in the national economy and the macro-economic relationships of commerce to the GDP production and final use, the interrelationships of income, purchasing power, consumption of the population and retail turnover influencing the development of commerce. Students will also study the environmental factors influencing the trade development on macro- and micro-economic level. The 2. block comprises the analysis of basic merchandizing processes and their interrelations within trading firms. These issues contain the sales analysis and forecasting, the inventory control and purchasing management. Students will understand the effects of these processes on the profitability, liquidity (payment capability of liabilities) and capital needs of the retailing firms. In the 3. block the definitions and management of prices, costs, mark-ups, gross- and contributionmargin are given, how to achieve profitability and ensure positive cash-flow of the trade company. Finally we deal with labour resources and fixed assets, and summarize the course with business Aims: planning the tradeobjective firm. The mostof important is to help students in understanding the relationships among processes of the trading company, and develop skills and knowledge in analysis, forecasting and in elaborating arguments for negotiating with trade partners. We try to wake up students’ interests in understanding business relationships as much as possible. Learning outcomes: knowledge Students should understand business processes, know and measure the interrelations among them, understand the usage of figures to be calculated and their interpretation in trading environment. Learning outcomes: skills Students should get skills in commercial calculations, analysis and planning Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lectures are presented by Power Point. In seminars we deal with practical application of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the implementation of theory. Home assignment: Students teams consisting of maximum 4 students have to present home assignment: ⇒ Evaluation and comparison of per capita GDP, purchasing power and the level of living standard with retail service level of two EU member countries and Hungary ⇒ Sales analysis of a retail company ⇒ Purchasing and inventory control analysis of a retail firm Compulsory reading: All ppt presentations and PDF materials of the subject are on the Coospace of the BBS CCCT. Michael Levy – Barton Weitz: Retailing Management (McGraw Hill, 2012) Ronald J. Ebert – Ricky W. Griffin: Business Essentials (Pearson 2013) Recommended readings: R.F. Lusch-P.Dunne: Retail management (South Western Pub. Co 2001) Chikán Attila: Vállalatgazdaságtan (AULA,2003) K.Barth et al: Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Handels (Gabler, Wiesbaden 2007) Henner Schierenbeck: Grundzüge der Betriebswitschaftslehre (Oldenbourg, 2003) Other learning sources: Dr. Gábor M-Sólyom Cs: A kereskedelmi vállalkozások gazdálkodása és vezetése II. (Főiskolai jegyzet, Budapest 2002) C.1.10. International Marketing (NMAR1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: International Marketing Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: NMAR1K0AKMP Obligatory subject in Module C.1. BA level; offered in semester 6. 3 ECTS Dr. Szilvia Szántó PhD. Dr. László Kárpáti CSc. By appointment English 2 hours/w Practice: Lecture: Students learning hours: Subject’s schedule: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: hours per week 0 Total: 2 hozrs/week Total: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Fulfilment of all the previous compulsory subjects Short description of the subject; aim: To make the students capable of understanding the international relationships of marketing. Required background reading materials: Compulsory reading: Kotler – Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, 11th ed. Pearson Books, NJ, 2006. Laszlo Karpati: International Business. Electronic lecture notes, 2009. Recommended reading: Kotler: Marketing Management. Pearson books, NJ. 2005. Lectures’ consultation hours availability: Thursday 1-2 p.m., Room 16, Marko Street Others: C.1.11. Professional Business Language (VKAPFL1BSC) C.2.1. Institutional Module of the Major C.2.1.1. Services and B2B (SZBB1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: Services and B2B Subject’s code: SZBB1K0AKMP Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Obligatory subject in Module C.2.1. BA level; offered in semester 5. 3 ECTS Dr. Katalin Jäckel Dr. László Kárpáti CSc. By appointment English 2 h/w Lecture: Practice: Students learning hours: Subject’s schedule: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: hours per week -------------Short description of the subject: B2B marketing specialities Aims: Clear distinction between consumer and industrial marketing Learning outcomes: knowledge Business marketing Learning outcomes: skills Presentation Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Textbook based lecturing and discussion of the presentation Home assignment: Presentation of practical examples by student teams Compulsory reading: Kotler-Armstrong: Principles of marketing 13 Edition Paul Hague: The Power of Industrial Brands Recommended reading: Kotler: Marketing management Other learning sources: Practical examples from business journals Way of student’s legal redress: 0 h/w Total: Total: 2 h/w C.2.1.2. Marketing and Company Strategy (MARS1K0AKMP) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s professor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Marketing strategy MARS1K0AKMP Obligatory subject in Module C.2.1. BA level, offered in semester 6. 3 ECTS Dr. Katalin Jäckel Judit Papp by appointment. English 2 per 56 Lecture: .2..per Practice: Total: week week 56 Students learning hours: hours per week Total: Lecture: 28 hours in the semester Subject’s schedule: seminars: 28 hours in the semester final exam Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Writing the Mid-term test for min. of. 61% Short description of the subject: Aims: By the end of the course students should have a general knowledge concerning the extended definitions of marketing; and have a strategic market oriented way of thinking. They should get to know the decision processes, the information background and techniques. This course is going to be the synthesis of their marketing studies. Learning outcomes: knowledge Marketing, marketing-mix, MIS, 7Ps, product policy, pricing policy, supply chain management, product and services development, marketing strategies, ATL, BTL communication. Learning outcomes: skills Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lectures and seminars Home assignment: none Compulsory reading: Philip Kotler: Marketing management, Józsa: Marketing stratégia Recommended reading: Ries and Trout: The 22 laws of Marketing, 22 Laws of Branding Other learning sources: Handouts, Internet C.2.1.3. Public Relations (PUBR1K0AKOT) Subject’s title: Public Relations Subject’s code: PUBR1K0AKOT Type of subject: Obligatory subject in Module C.2.1. Level of the subject: BA level; offered in semester 5. Credit points: 3 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. Gáborné Nyárády Subject’s instructor: Dr. László Kárpáti CSc. Consulting hours: By appointment Language of education: English 2 h/w Practice: 0 h/w Contact hours: Lecture: hours per week Students learning hours: written Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: -------------Short description of the subject: PR marketing specialities Aims: Areas of the Public relations Learning outcomes: knowledge Public relations Learning outcomes: skills Presentation Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Textbook based lecturing and discussion of the presentations Home assignment: Presentation of practical examples by student teams Compulsory reading: P. Kotler - Armstrong: Principles of marketing 13 Edition Public Relations Handbook Recommended reading: Philip Kotler: Marketing Management Other learning sources: Practical examples from business journals Assessment and grading: 60% based on the written exam and 40 % on the presentation Way of student’s legal redress: Total: Total: 2 hours/w C.2.1.4. Project Management (VKAPMA1BSC) Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Project Management VKAPMA1BSC Obligatory subject in Module C.2.1. BA level ; offered in semester 4. 2 ECTS Dr. Richárd Kása Dr. Németh Patrícia, PhD by appointment English 0 hours Total: 2 hours Lecture: 2 hours Practice: /week /week /week hours per week Students learning hours: Total: Lecture: Subject’s schedule: seminars: Written exam + team work paper and presentation Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Short description of the subject: The course provides basic knowledge about the project management, and its theoretical background. It covers the nine functions of project management (cost, time, quality, scope, risk, communication, human resource, procurement and integration) as defined by the Institute of Project Management. Aims: The aims of the Project Management subject is to give the basic knowledge of the project cycle and its detailed steps – and with this theoretical knowledge the students make their own small projects in the practice in small teams, and present it. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lectures with PPT presentation Home assignment: Team work – written document and a presentation of a concrete project. Maximum 3 students in a team. Compulsory reading: Lecture materials, PPT Handouts A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide); Project Management Institute, Pennsylvania USA Recommended reading: Paula Martin and Karen Tate, Wiley e-book: Getting started in Project Management, 2001. Gary R. Heerkens: Project Management (Briefcase books; McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002. 20 C.2.1.5. Controlling of Trading Companies (KONK1K0APZC) Subject’s title: Controlling of trading companies Subject’s code: KONK1K0APZ Type of subject: Obligatory subject in Module C.2.1. Level of the subject: BA level; subject offered in semester 6. Credit points: 3 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. Tamás Kozák PhD. Subject’s professor: Dr. Tamás Kozák PhD. Consulting hours: by appointment Language of education: English 2 2 hours/week Contact hours: Lecture Practice Total: 3 hours per week Students learning hours: Total: Written examinations Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Accounting Short description of the subject, learning objectives: The Controlling subject gives a complete overview of the multifaceted job of the controller, the planning process and the main methods of analysing the company performance. From describing essential competencies to detailing the more sophisticated skills like activity-based and target costing, disaster recovery planning, and outsourcing, The Controlling subject offers numerous real-world examples, expertly balancing both the technical and managerial sides of the job. Students can quickly access the information on: * Controls best practices * Shared services trends * Outsourcing implications * Performance measurements * Cost of capital * Tax strategy Aims, learning outcomes, knowledge and skills: The nature and purposes of controlling Analysis, checking • Actual (past) orientation, How business according to plan, Management accounting, Ratio analysis, Costing, Risk analysis Planning • Future orientation, Strategic planning, Annual planning, Operational, divisional planning • Stuff targeting, CAPEX return, Company, business valuation Reporting • Actual (present) and plan orientation, Income, asset, gearing calculation • Variance analysis, Pricing, Transfer pricing, Break-even analysis, Performance analysis, Cash management, Sensitivity analysis Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Theory and case studies Compulsory reading: Steven M. Bragg: The Controller's Function: The Work of the Managerial Accountant, Recommended reading: Controlling: Concepts of Management Control, by Thomas Reichmann / Springer, Other learning sources: Presented examples in lecturers 21 C.2.2. Professional Alternative Modules. (two must be chosen) C.2.2.1. Marketing Consulting (1+1) (MART1V0AKMP) Subject’s title: Subject’s code Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s instructor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Marketing consulting MART1V0AKMP Professional Alternative subject in Module C.2.2. BA level; offered in semester 5. 2 ECTS Dr. Gedeon Totth Judit Papp by appointment English Lecture: 2 per Practice: 0 per Total: week week 4 hours per week Total: Students learning hours: Lecture: Subject’s schedule: seminars: Type of exam: Oral exam and written project Prerequisites to qualify for subject: Attendance, writing the project, oral exam Short description of the subject: Acting as a marketing consultant and solving a company’s marketing problem Aims: To be able to detect and solve even complicated marketing problems 2 per week 6 Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Lectures, presentations, personal consulting, individual research Home assignment: Project Compulsory reading: Naresh Malhotra: Marketing research, Allen-Semenik: Advertising and integrated brand promotion Recommended reading: Handouts and company related documents 22 C.2.2.2. Trends & breaking points in economic growth (GANT1K0AEMT This subject is offered in Hungarian language courses only. 23 C.2.2.3. International Relations and Institutions (NEKI1K0ATTN This subject is offered in the Hungarian language courses only. 24 C.2.2.4. Direct and Database Marketing DABM1X0AKMP This subject is offered in the Hungarian language courses only. 25 C.2.2.5. Online Marketing (1+1) (ONLM1X0AKMP) Subject’s title Online marketing Subject’s code ONLM1X0AKMP Type of subject: Professional Alternative subject in Module C.2.2. Level of the subject: BA level, offered in semester 5. Credits 3 ECTS Subject’s leader: Dr. István Eszes Subject’s instructor: Judit Papp Consulting hours: by appointment Contact class/week Lecture 2 h/w Seminar 0 h/w Total 2 hours/week Exam written exam Language of education: English Prerequisites Marketing Aim of course: To get to know one of the most fastly growing industries' specialities. The course presents the various possibilities of using the Internet; it aims to share the most significant and interesting results of the marketing professionals' and the course expects the students to aim creative thinking. Compulsory reading: - lectures - Bányai-Novák: Online üzlet és marketing, Akadémiai kiadó 2011 - Advertising and brand promotion Recommended: - Kevin Roberts: Lovemarks (Magyar Könyvklub, 2005.) 26 C.2.2.6. Policies and Rules of the EU in Commerce (EUKP1X0AKMC Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s professor: Consulting hours: Language of education: Contact hours: Policies and Rules of the EU in Commerce EUKP1X0AKMC Professional Alternative subject in Module C.2.2. BA leve; offered in semester 5. 2 ECTS Dr. Eszter Merliot-Almássy PhD. Dr. Eszter Merliot-Almássy PhD. Consulting hours are by appointment. English .2.per - per 2 per week Lecture: Practice: Total: week week hours per week Total: Students learning hours: Subject’s schedule: oral Type of exam: Prerequisites to qualify for subject: General knowledge of commerce, European policy and economy. Short description of the subject: The subject gives a comprehensive overview of the policy and tendency of the European Union in commerce. Aims: The aim is to develop general knowledge and understanding of European policy and rules in commerce, understand its problems and perspectives. At the end of the course students will be able to analyze trade policy, find relations within trade policy, multilateral trade liberalization. Teaching strategies and method of delivery: Topics are covered in lectures and in seminar presentations with Power Point Presentations. Appropriate videos, Internet websites are used during the lectures. EU experts may be also invited to present certain practical topics. Home assignment: Students are required to prepare presentations Compulsory reading: - Handouts PowerPoint Slides - Handbook on the European Union 2011, 5th Edition by Zoltán Horváth Other learning sources: Students are expected to follow current news on the European Union from websites, newspapers and magazines throughout the semester. Websites: EUROPA, European Navigator, EU Tube News: EurActive , EU Observer , European Voice , Europe’s World , EU Business , TV news channel: Euronews, Way of student’s legal redress: 27 C.2.2.7. Price Risk Management (ARKO1V0AKMC Subject’s title: Subject’s code: Type of subject: Level of the subject: Credit points: Subject’s leader: Subject’s professor: Language of education: Contact hours: Price Risk Management ARKO1V0AKMC Professional alternative subject in Module C.2.2. BA level 2 ECTS Dr. László KOZÁR PhD. Dr. László KOZÁR PhD. English 2 per 0 per Lecture: Practice: Total: week week hours per week Students learning hours: Total: Lecture: Subject’s schedule: seminars: Type of exam: Written exam Prerequisites to qualify for subject: 2 per week Short description of the subject; aim: Trading of commodities like essential raw materials (crude oil, natural gas, iron ore, copper, steel, gold etc) or basic agricultural products (like wheat, barley, coffee beans, cocoa beans etc.) are strongly influencing the international trade and also the economic development of the world. In this respect trading means a huge volume of goods. In this subject students get acquainted with the players, organizations and processes of this big business. They get to know what are prompt and termin contracts, how try partner to reduce business risk and speculate. They also get to know how public warehousing one of the most important techniques of financing the agricultural production and trade ensuring raw materials for the breeding of animals is assured on micro- and macroeconomic level. Finally students recognize the importance of the Stock Exchange as the most important instrument and organization of the market economy. Required background reading materials: Learning resources: Lectures dditional reading indicated on the course website 28 C.2.2.8. Environment sensible corporate management (KBVI1X0AKMC) This subject is not offered in the English language course 29 C.2.2.9. Setup and market introduction of trade firms KELP1X0AKMC) This subject is offered in the Hungarian language courses only. 30
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