Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 6870–6874 Use of Carbon Mesh Anodes and the Effect of Different Pretreatment Methods on Power Production in Microbial Fuel Cells Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 28, 2009 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): July 17, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/es900997w XIN WANG,† SHAOAN CHENG,‡ Y U J I E F E N G , * ,† M A T T H E W D . M E R R I L L , ‡ TOMONORI SAITO,‡ AND B R U C E E . L O G A N * ,†,‡ State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, No 73 Huanghe Road, Nangang District, Harbin 150090, China, and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University, 231Q Sackett Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Received April 2, 2009. Revised manuscript received June 15, 2009. Accepted July 7, 2009. Flat electrodes are useful in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as close electrode spacing improves power generation. Carbon cloth and carbon paper materials typically used in hydrogen fuel cells, however, are prohibitively expensive for use in MFCs. An inexpensive carbon mesh material was examined here as a substantially less expensive alternative to these materials for the anode in an MFC. Pretreatment of the carbon mesh was needed to ensure adequate MFC performance. Heating the carbon mesh in a muffle furnace (450 °C for 30 min) resulted in a maximum power density of 922 mW/m2 (46 W/m3) with this heat-treated anode, which was 3% more power than that produced using a mesh anode cleaned with acetone (893 mW/ m2; 45 W/m3). This power density with heating was only 7% less than that achieved with carbon cloth treated by a high temperature ammonia gas process (988 mW/m2; 49 W/m3). When the carbon mesh was treated by the ammonia gas process, power increased to 1015 mW/m2 (51 W/m3). Analysis of the cleaned or heated surfaces showed these processes decreased atomic O/C ratio, indicating removal of contaminants that interfered with charge transfer. Ammonia gas treatment also increased the atomic N/C ratio, suggesting that this process producednitrogenrelatedfunctionalgroupsthatfacilitatedelectron transfer. These results show that low cost heat-treated carbon mesh materials can be used as the anode in an MFC, providing good performance and even exceeding performance of carbon cloth anodes. Introduction Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that produce electrical energy from organic wastes using exoelectrogenic bacteria on the anode (1-3). The application of MFCs for wastewater treatment or bioenergy production requires the use of inexpensive electrode materials that are electrochemically and biologically stable, and that have a high specific surface * Address correspondence to either author. B.E.L. e-mail: blogan@ psu.edu; phone: (1)814-863-7908; Y.F. e-mail: yujief@hit.edu.cn; phone: (86)451-86283068. † State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment. ‡ Penn State University. 6870 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 17, 2009 area and electrical conductivity. Many carbon-based materials have been used as the anode, including carbon paper, cloth, felt, or foam (4-6); reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) (7); graphite sheets, rods, and granules (8-10); and graphite fiber brushes (5). The best performance of these materials depends on many factors, including electrode spacing, solution conductivity, and substrate (4, 11, 12). Brush electrodes provide a high surface area for bacteria and high electrode porosities. One limitation of the brush architecture is that the minimum electrode spacing is constrained by the brush size, which can lead to larger electrode distances and thus higher ohmic resistances than more closely spaced flat electrodes. With flat carbon cloth electrodes, it has been shown that reducing electrode spacing from 4 to 2 cm increased power from 720 to 1210 mW/m2 (18 to 60 W/m3) (11). Using brush electrodes treatment with an ammonia gas treatment further increased power production to 2400 mW/m2 (normalized to the cathode projected surface area) at a similar (4 cm) electrode spacing (brush core to cathode) (5). Power production based on liquid volume was 73 W/m3. By placing two flat electrodes on either side of a cloth separator (to provide insulation between the electrodes and to reduce oxygen transfer from the cathode to the anode), the volumetric power density was increased to 627 W/m3 by using a very small volume reactor made possible by the flat electrode architecture (fed-batch mode) (13). While high volumetric power densities can be achieved using flat carbon electrodes and close electrode spacing, the cost of carbon cloth used in previous tests has been too high for practical applications. For example, the cost of carbon cloth commonly used in MFCs costs between $100 and $1000 per m2 (BASF, USA; depending on quantity ordered). Creating a reactor with the specific surface area used by Fan et al. of 280 m2/m3 at $100/m2 would therefore cost ∼$28,000/m3 (anodes only). The use of brush electrodes for the anode on the basis of 9600 m2/m3 (16 kg graphite fiber per m3) would cost only ∼$270/m3, but a disadvantage would be lower power production on a volumetric basis. Carbon mesh is a possible alternative material for an MFC anode. It has a more open structure than cloth electrodes due to a more open weave, which could help with reducing biofouling, and it has a low cost of ca. $25 per m2 as purchased here (Gaojieshi Graphite Products Co. Ltd., Fujian, China; Figure 1) although we estimate costs could be as low as $10 if bought in bulk from other vendors. We investigated the performance of this carbon mesh in comparison to the best performing carbon cloth material treated with a high temperature ammonia gas process (14). We used membraneless (separatorless) MFCs so that the performance of the MFC was not affected by other materials. To maintain low treatment costs of materials, we explored alternative methods to ammonia gas treatment to improve carbon mesh performance, and explored reasons for changes in performance by examining the surfaces of these materials using cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Materials and Methods Anode Materials. Carbon mesh was used as received (without pretreatment; CM) or treated by cleaning (CM-C), heating in air (CM-H), or heating with an ammonia gas atmosphere (CM-A). All mesh were cut into circles 4-cm in cross section area (Figure 1). CM-C mesh was cleaned using acetone (soaking overnight), and then it was rinsed 5 times in ultrapure water. CM-H meshes were prepared by heating in 10.1021/es900997w CCC: $40.75 2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/17/2009 TABLE 1. Voltage Produced by MFCs with Different Anodes in MFCs Inoculated with Domestic Wastewater: Ammonia Treated Carbon Cloth (CC-A), Ammonia Treated Carbon Mesh (CM-A), Heat-Treated Carbon Mesh (CM-H), Cleaned Carbon Mesh (CM-C), and Original Carbon Mesh (CM) (1000 Ω Resistance; Error Bars ± SD Based on the Voltages from Duplicate Reactors) Vmax (mV) Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 28, 2009 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): July 17, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/es900997w FIGURE 1. Carbon mesh (A) and carbon cloth (B) without bacteria and with bacteria (C, D). a muffle furnace at 450 °C for 30 min (TGA results provided in Supporting Information (SI)). CM-A and carbon cloth (BASF Fuel Cell Inc., Somerset, NJ; CC-A) were treated using a high-temperature ammonia gas process previously described (700 °C for 60 min in 5% ammonia gas) (14). MFC Configuration and Operation. Air-cathode cubicshaped MFCs having a cylindrical chamber 7 cm2 in projected area, with an electrode spacing of 2 cm, were constructed as previously described (12). Cathodes were made of carbon cloth (30% wet proofed, BASF, US) containing a Pt catalyst (0.35 mg/cm2, BASF) on the water-facing side, with four PTFE diffusion layers and one carbon base layer on the air-facing side (15). MFCs tests (duplicate reactors) were inoculated either with domestic wastewater (Pennsylvania State University Wastewater Treatment Plant; 50%, v/v) or a preacclimated suspension of bacteria. Reactors were fed a 50 mM nutrient buffer solution (NBS; Na2HPO4 4.09 g/L, NaH2PO4 · H2O 2.93 g/L, trace minerals 12.5 mL/L, vitamins 5 mL/L) (16) containing 1 g/L sodium acetate as substrate. The inoculum was omitted from the solution when the maximum voltage output was similar for at least two consecutive cycles (1000 Ω fixed external resistance). The preacclimated inoculum was obtained by using a suspension of bacteria obtained from a mixture of the reactor effluents that had been operated for >30 days. All the tests were performed in a 30 °C constant temperature room. Electrochemical and Material Analysis. Electrochemical active surface area of different anode material was estimated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) using a ferrocyanide solution (17, 18). A deoxygenated solution of 5 mM K4Fe(CN)6 containing 0.2 M Na2SO4 was placed in the MFC reactor containing a new plain or treated anode (working electrode) and a Pt/C cathode (counter electrode) that was sealed on the air-facing side with a silicon gel (all preparations done in an anaerobic glovebox). The reactors were then removed from the glovebox, and CVs were conducted over the range of -0.2 V to +1.0 V. The peak current, ip (A) and effective area of the working electrode was obtained using Matsuda’s equation: ip ) 0.4464 × 10-3n3/2F3/2A(RT)-1/2D1/2C *Rv1/2 (1) where n ) 1 is the number of electrons transferred, F ) 96487 C/mol is Faraday’s constant, R ) 8.314 J/mol · K is the gas constant, T ) 303 K is the temperature, and CR* (mol/L) is the initial ferrocyanide concentration, and v ) 0.05 V/s is the scan rate. The effective diffusion coefficient of K4Fe(CN)6 was calculated as DR ) 5.79 × 10-6 cm2/s from the value of cycle CC-A CM-A CM-H CM-C CM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20a 5(2 12 ( 3 87 ( 23 300 ( 26 479 ( 30 508 ( 8 553 ( 2 549 ( 3 551 ( 1 - 8(1 12 ( 3 138 ( 38 460 ( 32 487 ( 26 556 ( 6 560 ( 2 562 ( 1 564 ( 3 - 18 ( 2 77 ( 3 109 ( 7 183 ( 17 342 ( 56 495 ( 7 546 ( 5 548 ( 3 545 ( 6 - 7(3 41 ( 1 200 ( 8 457 ( 37 507 ( 2 514 ( 3 528 ( 4 528 ( 2 524 ( 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 245 ( 9 437 ( 3 a Polarization curves were performed on MFCs with CC-A, CM-A, CM-H, and CM-C anodes. ip using eq 1 with a flat sheet of stainless steel as the working electrode (A ) 7 cm2) (19), which is comparable with that previously reported (∼8 × 10-6 cm2/s; 35 °C) (20). The stainless steel was cleaned prior to tests using 0.5 M H2SO4. Based on these values, the electrochemical active area (cm2) is simplified to A ) 1.395 × 103 × ip. The Butler-Volmer equation is: i ) i0{exp[βnF∆V/(RT)] - exp[-(1 - β)nF∆V/(RT)]} (2) where i0 (A) is the exchange current, β is the transfer coefficient, and ∆V (V) is the voltage change. The last term in eq 2 describes the cathode, but because we were only assessing the anode this term was excluded. For the given conditions, the transfer coefficient of the anode can be determined from the slope of a V-log i curve using logi ) logi0 + 16.63β∆V. For an example of this process, see Figure S2B. Maximum power densities were obtained from polarization curves using a single resistor (1000 Ω to 50 Ω) over a complete fed batch cycle (∼1 day per cycle). Ohmic resistances were determined from Nyquist plots using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) performed at the open circuit voltage (OCV) over a frequency range of 105 to 0.1 Hz with a sinusoidal perturbation of 10 mV in amplitude (5). The composition of the anode materials was examined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS; PHI model 5600 MultiTechnique) with a monochromated Al KR X-ray source. Before each analysis, the carbon samples were dried under vacuum at 80 °C. Spectra obtained over a scan range of 1350-0 eV were recorded and stored using the PHI ACCESS data system, and analyzed using CasaXPS software (Version 2.3.12Dev9). All peaks were identified except Auger peaks. Results Electricity Generation Using Different Anode Materials. Approximately 200 h after inoculation with domestic wastewater, stable voltages were produced from MFCs with all anodes except the untreated carbon mesh (CM). The cleaned and heat-treated anodes produced voltages (CM-C, 528 ( 4 mV; CM-H, 546 ( 5 mV) only slightly less than those of the ammonia treated electrode materials (CM-A: 560 ( 2 mV; CC-A: 553 ( 2 mV) (Figure S3, Table 1). Voltage was eventually VOL. 43, NO. 17, 2009 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 6871 Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 28, 2009 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): July 17, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/es900997w FIGURE 2. (A) Polarization and power density curves, and (B) electrode potentials (vs Ag/AgC/l electrodes) as a function of the different anodes for reactors inoculated with domestic wastewater. increased for the untreated carbon mesh, but after 400 h the voltage was still much less than that of the other anodes. The maximum power density of the MFCs with the different types of anodes, obtained from polarization data, show that the heated carbon mesh produced 720 mW/m2 (36 W/m3), which was 15% larger than that of the mesh chemically cleaned with acetone (624 mW/m2; 31 W/m3) (Figure 2A). Ammonia treatment of the carbon mesh produced the highest power density of 801 mW/m2 (40 W/m3), which is 7% higher than that obtained with the ammonia treated carbon cloth (749 mW/m2; 37 W/m3). Measurement of the electrode potentials shows that the differences in power production were due to performance of the anodes and not the cathode (Figure 2B). The open circuit potentials (OCP) of both electrodes were the same independent of the type of anode (anode: 503 ( 4 mV; cathode: 324 ( 3 mV; Ag/ AgCl). MFC Performance with Pre-acclimated Inocula. The use of preacclimated inocula for the MFCs with the different anodes further increased power densities by 27-43% compared to the reactors inoculated with domestic wastewater. The overall trend in power generation with material type was the same as that previously obtained with the wastewater inoculum, with the maximum power densities decreasing in the following order: 1015 mW/m2 (51 W/m3; CM-A); 988 mW/ m2 (49 W/m3; CC-A); 922 mW/m2 (46 W/m3; CM-H); and 893 mW/m2 (45 W/m3; CM-C) (Figure 3A). This effect of increased power through acclimation in MFCs was consistent with that found by others using different types of MFCs (9, 21). Coulombic efficiencies (CEs) ranged from 22% to 76%, and increased in all cases with the current density (Figure 4). This increase in CE with current has been shown in previous studies (11, 12) and is due in part to the reduction in the loss of substrate to oxygen diffusing into the reactor due to a decreased cycle time at higher current densities. There was no observable trend in CE with the carbon mesh treatment, consistent with our expectation that the CE would primarily be a function of the cathode performance and cycle time (1). These CEs were similar to those obtained in previous studies using the same reactor configuration and medium (CE of 30-60%) (14). 6872 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 17, 2009 FIGURE 3. (A) Polarization and power density curves, and (B) electrode potentials (vs Ag/AgC/l electrodes) as a function of the different anodes for reactors with preacclimated inocula. FIGURE 4. Coulombic efficiencies (CEs) of MFCs using difference anode materials (preacclimated inocula). TABLE 2. Electrochemical Active Area and Transfer Coefficients of Carbon Meshes Estimated by CV (1, 2 were Two Paralleled Measurements) CM-A1 CM-A2 CM-H1 CM-H2 CM-C1 CM-C2 CM-1 CM-2 ip (A) A (cm2) 0.0382 0.0391 0.0412 0.0423 0.0145 0.0141 0 0 53 55 57 59 20 20 0 0 average A (cm2) 54 58 20 0 slope β 13.14 14.37 8.16 7.13 5.17 5.34 - 0.79 0.86 0.49 0.43 0.31 0.32 - average (β) 0.83 0.46 0.32 0 Carbon Mesh Characteristics after Treatment. Several different methods were used to examine the reasons for the different characteristics of the carbon mesh. EIS was used to measure the ohmic resistances of the different reactors, and 36 ( 1 Ω was obtained for all carbon mesh materials. This shows that there was no difference in architecture or solution chemistry that could have affected power production by the different reactors through changing the ohmic resistance. Thus, the observed differences in the power production were due to the anode material. The peak currents obtained from CV varied from 0 to 0.42 A with the K4Fe(CN)6 solution, with electrochemical active areas that ranged from 0 to 59 cm2 (Figure S2A, Table 2). The untreated carbon mesh did not have any current response FIGURE 6. Correlation of the maximum power density with the charge transfer coefficient for different anode materials as a function of the two different inocula: green triangle, domestic wastewater; red dot, preacclimated inocula. Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 28, 2009 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): July 17, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/es900997w Discussion FIGURE 5. Overall elemental analysis of XPS spectra from different carbon mesh materials (auger peaks were not marked). TABLE 3. XPS Atomic Fractions, N/C Ratios, and O/C Ratios of Carbon Mesh with Different Pretreatments mesh C (%) O (%) N (%) N/C (%) O/C (%) CM CM-C CM-H CM-A 80.8 84.7 90.7 92.3 17.6 13.2 6.7 3.5 1.7 2.2 2.6 4.2 2.0 2.6 2.9 4.6 21.8 15.5 7.4 3.8 in the CV tests showing that without treatment the surface of this material had little activity toward electron transfer with the K4Fe(CN)6 solution. Following cleaning with acetone the carbon mesh active surface area increased to 20 cm2, and the charge transfer coefficient increased to 0.32 (Figure S2B, Table 2). The active area and charge transfer coefficients were further increased to 58 ( 1 cm2 and 0.46 ( 0.03 by heating. The active surface area measured for the high temperature ammonia gas treatment of the mesh (54 ( 1 cm2 for CM-A) was similar to the heat treated mesh despite having a much larger transfer coefficient of 0.83 ( 0.03. XPS analysis of the different carbon mesh showed the presence of C (BE ≈ 284.5 eV), N (BE ≈ 400 eV), and O (BE ≈ 531.5 eV) atoms on the surface (Figure 5). A small amount of Zn (<0.01%) was found on the ammonia treated mesh, likely due to contamination by the container used for the ammonia treatment process. The most noticeable change in the surface composition was the relative oxygen to carbon ratio that decreased with the different treatments, from 21.8 for the untreated mesh to 3.8 for the ammonia treated mesh (Table 3), with maximum power densities increasing as a result of these changes. This indicates that the different treatment methods reduced the concentration of oxygen material from the surface, with the ammonia treated materials having the lowest O/C ratios. A substantial change was noted in the nitrogen to carbon ratio for the ammonia treated mesh (N/C ) 4.6%) compared to the other materials (2.0-2.9%). The ammonia treatment therefore increased the nitrogen content of the surface by ∼100% compared to the cleaned electrode, and the maximum power densities increased by ∼28%. Treated carbon mesh anodes had improved electrochemical activities as determined by K4Fe(CN)6 oxidation, and produced power densities comparable to those of much more expensive carbon cloth (Table 2). A simple heat treatment and inoculation with a preacclimated inoculum produced 922 mW/m2, compared to 720 mW/m2 with a wastewater inoculum. Previous tests with a plain carbon cloth anode produced 811 mW/m2 using the same solution in a reactor with the same configuration and a wastewater inoculum (12). Ammonia treatment increased the power output, by 10% to 1015 mW/m2 for the carbon mesh, and to 988 mW/m2 for the carbon cloth. This shows the ammonia gas treatment works for a variety of materials (including brush anodes) (5, 14), but it is not clear that the cost of this ammonia treatment process would be warranted (based on costs and complexity of the process) when building much larger reactors. The success of the different anode treatments was observed to be correlated to a decrease in the O/C ratio for the cleaning, heating, and ammonia gas treatments (Table 3). This suggests that there was material on the surface that could be removed as a result of these different treatments. The change in the electrochemically active surface area was important, as the active area increased to 20 cm2 with cleaning. The active area was further increased to 54-58 cm2 for ammonia treated or the heat treatments, with no difference in power density that could be attributed to differences in effective area. While the various treatments did change the surface area as measured by CV, they had a more apparent and consistent change in the charge transfer coefficient as indicated by power production that followed a saturation kinetics of the form P ) Pmax β/(Ks + β) (3) where Pmax (mW/m2) is the maximum power output and Ks is the half-saturation constant. This relationship varied for the two different inocula, with the Pmax ) 967 mW/m2 for the wastewater inoculum, and Pmax ) 1102 mW/m2 for the acclimated inoculum (Figure 6). The correlation of power with the O/C ratio and the charge transfer coefficient suggests these are useful parameters for evaluation other carbon electrode materials. The increase in power generation achieved with ammonia gas treatment, compared to heating, was primarily associated with an increase in the N/C ratio as shown by XPS analysis (Table 2). Previous tests with ammonia treated carbon cloth showed that this process also increased surface charge (14), making bacterial adhesion more favorable to the surface. While adhesion could explain a more rapid acclimation time, it does not directly explain the 10% increase in power densities. Others have reported that amine groups, including C-N and CdN, were detected after high-temperature amVOL. 43, NO. 17, 2009 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 6873 Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 28, 2009 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): July 17, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/es900997w monia treatment was performed on active carbon by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (22, 23). FTIR analysis of the carbon mesh and cloth used here, however, was inconclusive relative to the presence of nitrogen bonds (data not shown). Thus, it seems likely that amine groups were produced on the surface that facilitated electron transfer from bacteria to electrodes (24). Future Use of Carbon Mesh Anodes in MFCs. The low cost and good performance of the carbon mesh could allow for close placement of the anodes next to the cathodes. Closely placed carbon cloth electrode spacing, coupled with the use of a cloth separator, has resulted in very high volumetric power densities. While the carbon mesh could replace the carbon cloth as the anode, it does not appear possible at this time to use the carbon mesh as a cathode. Preliminary experiments in our laboratory showed that the carbon mesh did not perform well when coated with several layers of PTFE (unpublished results). The use of a specialized membrane or separator is needed to prevent water leakage from flat electrodes, or alternatively cathode tubes can be used (25). An optimized cathode structure remains a need for reducing the costs of MFCs while maintaining or increasing power production (26). Acknowledgments We thank Tad Daniel and Josh Stapleton from MRI for their help on XPS and other surface measurements. This research was supported by Award KUS-I1-003-13 from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), the U.S. National Science Foundation (CBET-0730359), National Science Foundation of China (50638020), the National Creative Research Groups of China (50821002), and a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Supporting Information Available Additional text and graphics. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. Literature Cited (1) Logan, B. E.; Hamelers, B.; Rozendal, R.; Schrorder, U.; Keller, J.; Freguia, S.; Aelterman, P.; Verstraete, W.; Rabaey, K. Microbial fuel cells: Methodology and technology. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40 (17), 5181–5192. (2) Lovley, D. R. Bug juice: harvesting electricity with microorganisms. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 2006, 4 (7), 497–508. (3) Rabaey, K.; Verstraete, W. 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