DARE GREATLY TEAM CHALLENGE FOUR RUNNERS. FOUR DISTANCES. ONE TEAM. MARCH 22, 2015 Holder Mine Recreation Area Citrus Tract, Withlacoochee State Forest Inverness, Florida NEW IN 2015! Here is your opportunity to challenge yourself and your friends and compete at the Citrus Trail Runs in a new way! Register as a team of four with a different person running each of the distances (one person runs the 4-miler, one person the 10-miler, one person the marathon and one person the 50K). We'll have categories for co-ed, all-male and all-female teams of four. We'll have awards three-deep in each category based on the cumulative time of the team members in each distance. In addition, Dare Greatly Team Challenge participants will also receive: A unique Dare Greatly Team Challenge race shirt A unique Dare Greatly Team Challenge finisher's award Dare Greatly Team Challenge participants will still be eligible for individual awards (overall and age group) and receive an additional finisher's award for their distance. So, gather your friends or family, create a cool team name, register today and start training! www.endeavorracing.com 2015 Citrus Trail Runs * DARE GREATLY TEAM CHALLENGE Application Form 4-MILE RUNNER INFORMATION Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ___________ Zip _________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Birthday ___________________Age ___________ Sex _____________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________________________ Relationship to Contact _________________ Emergency Contact Phone _____________________________________________ T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL 10-MILE RUNNER INFORMATION Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ___________ Zip _________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Birthday ___________________Age ___________ Sex _____________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________________________ Relationship to Contact _________________ Emergency Contact Phone _____________________________________________ T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL www.endeavorracing.com 2015 Citrus Trail Runs * DARE GREATLY TEAM CHALLENGE Application Form MARATHON RUNNER INFORMATION Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ___________ Zip _________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Birthday ___________________Age ___________ Sex _____________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________________________ Relationship to Contact _________________ Emergency Contact Phone _____________________________________________ T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL 50K RUNNER INFORMATION Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ___________ Zip _________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Birthday ___________________Age ___________ Sex _____________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________________________ Relationship to Contact _________________ Emergency Contact Phone _____________________________________________ T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL www.endeavorracing.com 2015 Citrus Trail Runs * DARE GREATLY TEAM CHALLENGE Application Form TEAM CAPTAIN NAME __________________________________________________________________ TEAM NAME ___________________________________________________________________________ Pre-registration is required for the Dare Greatly Team Challenge. At least one team member must be listed on the application form. Additions and substitutions can be made up until March 1, 2015. Please contact us at info@endeavorracing.com with any additions or substitutions. Payment in full must accompany this mail-in entry form. There are no refunds on race entry fees. PRICING Dare Greatly Team Challenge $232 until 10/29/14; $263 until 1/31/15; $289 until 3/5/15; Amount Enclosed: $____________________ Make checks payable to: Endeavor Racing, LLC Mailed entries MUST BE RECEIVED BY March 5, 2015. Mail completed forms and check to: Endeavor Racing, LLC 277 Sunlit Cove DR NE St. Petersburg, FL 33702 NOTE: There will be no race-day registration for the Dare Greatly Team Challenge. DARE GREATLY TEAM CHALLENGE www.endeavorracing.com
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