Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 26, No. 2, p. 236–245, April 2015 Printed in China DOI: 10.1007/s12583-015-0535-x ISSN 1674-487X The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis and Implications on Defining the Early–Middle Triassic Boundary in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China Chunbo Yan1, 2, Haishui Jiang*1, 3, Xulong Lai*1, 3, Yadong Sun1, Bo Yang1, 2, Lina Wang1, 3 1. State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China, 2. Wuhan Center of Geological Survey, Wuhan, 430205, China 3. School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China ABSTRACT: The Triassic “Green-bean Rock” (GBR) layers were widely recognized around the Early–Middle Triassic boundary interval in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China. To determine the precise relationship between the GBR layers and the first appearance datum (FAD) of the conodont Chiosella timorensis, four Lower–Middle Triassic sections from the Nanpanjiang Basin, including the Gaimao, Bianyang II, Zuodeng and Wantou sections have been studied in detail. Detailed conodont biostratigraphy convinces us that there is no exact temporal relationship between the GBR layers and first occurrence of Ch. timorensis. Moreover, the numbers of the GBR layers are different from the place to place within the Nanpanjiang Basin, and the time span of the GBR layers was much longer than previously estimated. Global correlations show that the FAD of Ch. timorensis is contemporaneous basinwide and worldwide and more suitable marker defining the Olenekian-Anisian boundary (Early–Middle Triassic boundary) than any other proxies. KEY WORDS: Early–Middle Triassic boundary, Green-bean Rock, Chiosella timorensis, Nanpanjiang Basin. 0 INTRODUCTION The complete Lower–Middle Triassic marine successions are well exposed in South China, especially in the Nanpanjiang area, which provide useful materials for studying the biostratigraphy and eventstratigraphy of the Lower–Middle Triassic and biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction (Chen and Benton, 2012). High-resolution U-Pb dating on zircon from the volcanic ash beds near the Permian-Triassic boundary has played an important role in constraining the age of the Permian-Triassic boundary and associated bioevents as well as the duration of some key conodont zones (e.g., Burgess et al., 2014; Shen et al., 2011; Bowring et al., 1998). Similarly, several volcanic ash beds, used for the U-Pb dating test on zircon, can also be found from the Lower–Middle Triassic interval. Previously, one or more special layers of these volcanic tuff beds, traditionally named the “Green-bean Rock”, was referred to as the marker of the Olenekian-Anisian boundary (OAB) in the Yangtze Platform region and Nanpanjiang Basin (Yao et al., 2011; Lehrmann et al., 2006, 2005; Wang et al., 2004; Yin and *Corresponding author:; © China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Manuscript received December 20, 2014. Manuscript accepted February 25, 2015. Tong, 2002; Guan et al., 1990). The so-called “Green-bean Rock” (GBR) was named for containing the bean-like quartz particulates (Guan et al., 1990). In fact, the GBR is the light yellow or yellow green volcanic potassic crystal pyroclastvitroclastic tuff produced by acidic volcanic eruption, containing illite and a small amount of quartz, montmorillonte, and also a little bit volcanic glass, muscovite and kaolinite (Wang et al., 2004; Guan et al., 1990). However, the bean-like quartz particulates are not usually present in the GBR in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The light yellow or yellow green volcanic ash beds were also referred to as the GBR in the Nanpanjiang Basin (Lehrmann et al., 2006). Biostratigraphically, the conodont Chiosella timorensis has long been considered as the index taxon for determining the OAB (e.g., Grãdinaru et al., 2007, 2006; Orchard et al., 2007a, b). Up to date, the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the OAB, however, has not been determined yet, although the conodont evolutionary lineages as the important biostratigraphic criteria defining the OAB have been well studied in the Deşli Caira Section of Romania (Grãdinaru et al., 2007, 2006; Orchard et al., 2007a) and Guandao Section of Luodian, Guizhou (Orchard et al., 2007b; Wang et al., 2005). Interestingly, abundant Chiosella timorensis and other conodonts are commonly present in these so-called GBR layers in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The former is accepted widely as a lithostratigraphic marker of the base of the Anisian in the field, while the latter is the potential biostratigraphic marker of the Yan, C. B., Jiang, H. S., Lai, X. L., et al., 2015. The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis and Implications on Defining the Early–Middle Triassic Boundary in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 26(2): 236–245. doi:10.1007/s12583-015-0535-x The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis OAB. Then, what is the precise relationship between the GBR layers and the first occurrence of Ch. timorensis? Lehrmann et al. (2005) reported for the first time the U/Pb age from several layers of GBR near the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary interval in the Guandao Section. Of these five GBR layers in the Lower Guandao Section, the radiometric age of the uppermost GBR layer is 246.5±0.14 Ma. The first occurrence (FO) of Ch. timorensis in the Upper Guandao Section is 3 m lower than the third GBR layer, which was dated as 247.8±0.074 Ma, indicating that the FO of Ch. timorensis is earlier than 247.8±0.074 Ma. Subsequently, Lehrmann et al. (2006) reported the U/Pb age from four GBR layers in the Lower Guandao Section: 247.38±0.10, 247.32±0.08, 247.13±0.12, and 246.77±0.13 Ma in an ascending order. The FO of Ch. timorensis is located between Tuff-2 and Tuff-3 (Lehrmann et al., 2006), implying an age of between 247.32±0.08 Ma and 247.13±0.12 Ma. Bucher et al. (2007) has calibrated the U-Pb dates derived from these GBR layers to the evolutionary sequences of Ch. timorensis, and estimated that the FAD of Ch. timorensis in the Lower Guandao Section was about 247.2±0.2 Ma. In contrast, Ch. timorensis occurred earlier than 247.8±0.074 Ma in the Upper Guandao Section. Bucher et al. (2007) interpreted these conflicted occurrences of the FAD of Ch. timorensis to come forth due to the following three reasons. Firstly, the U/Pb age yielded from the GBR layer is correct, while the FAD of Chiosella timorensis is diachronous; secondly, some U/Pb age values are incorrect while the latter is isochronous; thirdly, the worst situation is that both have problems. Given the phenomenon that the horizons of the first appearance of Ch. timorensis does not coincided with the zircon U-Pb dating of the GBR layers in the Nanpanjiang Basin areas, some researchers (Ovtcharova et al., 2010; Bucher et al., 2007) therefore questioned if the FAD of Ch. timorensis can be used as the marker of the OAB (e.g., Goudemand et al., 2012a; Ovtcharova et al., 2010). However, detailed conodont stratigraphy have been proved that can play very important roles in determination of the Permian-Triassic boundary (e.g., Zhang et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2011, 2007) or the age of microbialite deposition in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction in South China (Jiang et al., 2014). Here, we document the detailed stratigraphic distributions of Ch. timorensis and associated conodonts near the OAB from four Lower–Middle Triassic sections in the Nanpanjiang Basin areas. The detailed conodont biostratigraphy provides determination of the precise relationship between the GBR layers and the FAD of Ch. timorensis. Moreover, the potential of the FAD of Ch. timorensis as the marker defining the OAB is also assessed in a global context. 1 GEOLOGICAL AND STRATIGRAPHIC SETTINGS OF THE STUDIED SECTIONS These four study sections are all located in the Nanpanjiang Basin, southern Guizhou and northwestern Guangxi regions, South China (Fig. 1). The Gaimao Section (26°26'48.59''N, 106°44'36.83''E) of the Huaxi District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province is located at the northern edge of the Nanpanjiang Basin. The Gaimao area was situated at the southern part of the Yangtze Platform 237 during the Early–Middle Triassic (Feng et al., 1997). Thus, the Early–Middle Triassic successions comprise platform facies carbonates. The OAB succession is dominated by dolomitic limestone and dolomite. One GBR layer (5 cm thick) is present near the Early–Middle Triassic boundary (Figs. 2a (close range), 2b (distant view)). Previously, the Early Triassic trace fossils (Luo et al., 2007; Wang, 1987) and the earliest Triassic chert event (Yang et al., 2012) were reported from this section. The Bianyang Section (25.6446°N, 106.6191°E) of the Luodian County, Guizhou Province is located at the northern part of the Nanpanjiang Basin during the Early–Middle Triassic (Feng et al., 1997). The Bianyang II Section and the Bianyang Section (in term of Yan et al., 2013) are located in the same place, but the former is usually covered by vegetation and cropland resulted undiscovered before. The OAB succession at the Bianyang II Section is dominated by bioclastic limestone, siliceous nodular limestone, striated limestone, chert and calcareous mudstone (Figs. 2c, 2e). A total of five GBR layers (Figs. 2c, 2e) and two tuffaceous sandstones are exposed near the OAB. As in a basin facies (Lehrmann et al., 2003; Feng et al., 1997), the Bianyang area has been relatively detailed researched, including conodont sequences from the uppermost Permian to Middle Triassic (Yan et al., 2013; Jiang, 1980), microfacies and biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction (e.g., Song et al., 2011), inorganic carbon isotope in the whole Early Triassic (Sun et al., 2012; Meyer et al., 2011), and conodont oxygen isotope data and their indication for the sea water palaeotemperature in the Early and earlier Middle Triassic (Sun et al., 2012). Nevertheless, no conodonts were found around the OAB succession in this area. The Zuodeng Section (23.4537°N, 106.9933°E) of the Tiandong County, Guangxi Autonomous Region is located southern part of the Nanpanjiang Basin. As in a basin facies (Lehrmann et al., 2003; Feng et al., 1997) too, the Zuodeng Section has been reported conodont sequence and correlated ammonoid zones in the Early Triassic before (Yang et al., 1986). The Zuoden II Section, equivalent to the upper part of Zuodeng Section in Yang et al. (1986), is dominated by striated limestone and silty mudstone. The GBR layer with silty mudstone above it lied at the upper part of this section. It is a pity that few conodont materials were obtained from the upper part of this section. And more, the FAD of Ch. timorensis was marked by a question mark in Yang et al. (1986). Subsequently, carbon isotope data (Tong et al., 2007) and conodont oxygen isotope curve in the Early Triassic (Sun et al., 2012) concerning this section have been reported. The Zuodeng III Section, locating about 150 m on the southwest of the Zuodeng II Section, is dominated by striated limestone, silty mudstone and chert. One GBR layer (2 m thick) is present near the Early–Middle Triassic boundary (Fig. 2d). Another basin facies section, the Wantou Section (24.5915°N, 106.8625°E) of Jinya, Fengshan County, Guangxi Autonomous Region is located middle part of the Nanpanjiang Basin (Lehrmann et al., 2003; Feng et al., 1997). This section is dominated by striated limestone, chert, siliceous nodular limestone, siliceous banded limestone and so on (Fig. 2f). There are five GBR layers appeared around the OAB successions. While conodont sequences are absent in this section. Zhang (1990) 238 Chunbo Yan, Haishui Jiang, Xulong Lai, Yadong Sun, Bo Yang and Lina Wang Figure 1. Paleogeography of the study region during the Early Triassic. (a) Paleogeography of the Yangtze Platform and Nanpanjiang Basin; (b) paleogeography location of the Gaimao, Guandao, Bianyang II, Ganheqiao, Wantou and Zuodeng III sections in the Nanpanjiang Basin during the Early Triassic. GBG. the Great bank of Guizhou, modified from Lehrmann et al. (2003). first reported the conodont zonations in this area. Recently, a series of reports about the Early Triassic and Lower–Middle Triassic boundary in this section and surrounding area have made a lot of achievements (Goudemand et al., 2012a; Ovtcharova et al., 2010, 2005; Galfetti et al., 2008, 2007a; Brayard et al., 2007). A series of zircon U-Pb dating from the volcanic tuff beds during the Lower and Middle Triassic strata have been reported and the correlated chronostratigraphic framework of the Early Triassic was set up (Ovtcharova et al., 2010, 2005; Brayard et al., 2007). Based on the established high-resolution ammonoid biostratigraphy, Galfetti et al. (2008, 2007b) discussed the climatic change in the later period of Early Triassic. Moreover, Goudemand et al. (2012b) have reported conodont clusters from Lower Triassic strata in this area. 2 CONODONT OCCURRENCES Total 67 limestone samples (each weighting about 5–8 kg) were collected from four sections. All samples were broken into small fragments. Then they were dissolved by diluted acetic acid (~10%). Subsequently, heavy liquid separation was used to concentrate conodonts (see Jiang et al., 2007). A total of 16 128 conodont elements were obtained, including 3 137 P1 elements, among which, these elements can be identified belong to genera Chiosella, Icriospathodus, Neospathodus, Novispathodus, Triassospathodus, etc. (Figs. 3 and Fig. 4). At Gaimao, four important conodont species: Icriospathodus collinsoni, Icriospathodus? crassatus, Triassospathodus homeri and Novispathodus abruptus are identified (Fig. 4). However, the limitation of this section is lack of Ch. timorensis. These conodonts are typical of the latest Spathian conodont faunas in South China (i.e., in the Chaohu Section, Zhao et al., 2007; the Qingyan Section, Ji et al., 2011; the Bianyang Section, Yan et al., 2013). As demonstrated in the Gaimao Section (Fig. 4), these conodont species were derived from the beds aroud the GBR layer. The latter therefore are latest Spathian in age at this section. At Bianyang II Section, the important conodont species include Nv. abruptus, Tr. homeri, Tr. brevissimus, Tr. symmetricus, Ns. curtatus, Tr. brochus, Ic.? crassatus, Ch. gondolelloids, and Ch. timorensis (Fig. 4). The key conodont species, such as Tr. homeri, Tr. brochus, and Ch. timorensis constrain the GBR layers as the latest Spathian (Olenekian) to earliest Anisian in age. Eight conodont species Nv. pingdingshanensis, Nv. abruptus, Tr. symmetricus, Ic. collinsoni, Ic.? crassatus, Ns. curtatus, Tr. homeri and Tr. brochus are identified at Zuodeng II Section (Fig. 4). Five conodont species: Nv. abruptus, Tr. symmetricus, Tr. brochus, Ch. gondolelloids and Ch. timorensis are identified at Zuodeng III Section (Fig. 4). Of these, Nv. pingdingshanensis, Ic. collinsoni, Tr. homeri and Tr. brochus are normally index species defining the Spathian, while Ch. timorensis marks the beginning of the Anisian worldwide (Grãdinaru et al., 2007, 2006; Orchard et al., 2007a, b) (Fig. 4). Accordingly, the GBR layers range from the Spathian (Late Olenekian) to Anisian in Zuodeng. Previously, no Middle Triassic conodonts have been reported from the Wantou Section although ammonoid biostratigrphy has been well studied, and radiometric ages have also been obtained from the GBR layers near the Lower– Middle Triassic transition. Some important conodont species: Nv. abruptus, Tr. symmetricus, Ic.? crassatus, Ns. curtatus, Tr. homeri, Tr. brochus, Ch. gondolelloids, and Ch. timorensis are first reported from this section in this study (Fig. 4). Of these, Ns. curtatus, Tr. homeri, Tr. brochus, and Ic.? crassatus constrain the studied interval as the late Spathian in age, while the presence of Ch. timorensis suggests an earliest Anisian age. The GBR layers therefore are Late Spathian–earliest Anisian in age in Wantou. The combination of ammonoid zones, conodont The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis 239 Figure 2. Photographs and details of outcrops. Green pentagons and red triangle stand for the position of the GBR layers and the FAD of Chiosella timorensis, seperately. (a)–(b) Lime dolomite and dolomitic limestone around the GBR layer, Gaimao Section;(a) close range, (b) distant view. (c), (e) Striated limestone, chert and calcareous mudstone, Bianyan II Section. From the (c) and (e), we can see the first to third and fifth GBR layer. (d) Striated limestone, chert and silty mudstone, Zuodeng III Section. The GBR layer is about 2 m thickness. (f) Striated limestone, chert, siliceous nodular limestone and siliceous banded limestone, Wantou Section. The third to fifth GBR layers are been marked in the picture. zones and radiometric ages from the Wantou Section enables us to define precisely the OAB. 3 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 3.1 The Relationship between the GBR Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis Here, we combined all biostratigraphic data obtained from the four study sections and some typical sections already reported from the Nanpanjiang Basin areas (Fig. 4). At the platform facies Gaimao Section, no Ch. timorensis was found in association with the GBR layers, instead, a lot of elements belonging to Icriospathodus (Ic.)? crassatus, Ic. collinsoni, Tri- assospathodus (Tr.) brevissimusi and Tr. homeri have been recognized. Correlated with the Early Triassic conodont sequences worldwide (e.g., Yan et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2008; Krystyn, 2005; Sweet et al., 1971), these conodont species suggest that this strata interval should correspond to the middle and late Spathian substage of the Olenekian Stage, but not Anisian. At the Bianyang II Section, the FAD of Ch. timorensis is 50 cm high above the fifth GBR layer. At the Zuodeng II Section, Ch. timorensis is not present near the GBR layer. While at the Zuodeng III Section, the FAD of Ch. timorensis is 2.5 m lower than the bottom of the 2-m-thick GBR layer. At the Wantou Section, five GBR layers (labelled Tuff-1, Tuff-2, Tuff-3, Tuff-4, and 240 Chunbo Yan, Haishui Jiang, Xulong Lai, Yadong Sun, Bo Yang and Lina Wang Figure 3. SEM photos of conodonts from the Early–Middle Triassic boundary interval of Gaimao, Bianyang II, Wantou and Zuodeng sections in the Nanpanjiang Basin. All specimens are preserved in the School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Scale bar=400 µm. 1–2. Novispathodus pingdingshanensis (Zhao and Orchard); 1a) lateral view, (1b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY0328; 2a) lateral view, (2b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY0330; 3. Novispathodus radialis (Zhao et al.), lateral view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY1070; 4. Triassospathodus brevissimus (Orchard), lateral view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY1069: 5–6. Icriospathodus collinsoni (Solien), upper view, 5. from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY0340; 6. from Huaxi Formation of Gaimao Section, GMY21011; 7. Icriospathodus? crassatus (Orchard), upper The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis 241 view, from Anshun Formation of Gaimao Section, GMY2047; 8–9. Triassospathodus homeri (Bender), 8. lateral view, from Luolou Formation of Bianyang II Section, BYY6008; (9a) lateral view, (9b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY3057; 10. Neospathodus pusillus Orchard, (10a) lateral view, (10b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Bianyang II Section, BYY5097; 11–12. Neospathodus curtatus Orchard, (11a) lateral view, (11b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Wantou Section, WTY2212; (12a) lateral view, (12b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY0370; 13. Novispathodus abruptus (Orchard), (13a) lateral view, (13b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng II Section, ZDY0357. 14. Triassospathodus symmetricus (Orchard), (14a) lateral view, (14b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Wantou Section, WTY2216; 15–17. Triassospathodus brochus (Orchard), (15a) lateral view, (15b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng III Section, ZDY2127; (16a) lateral view, (16b) lower view, from Luolou Formation of Wantou Section, WTY2202; 17. lateral view, from Xinyuan Formation of Bianyang II Section, BYY6024; 18–19, 24. Chiosella gondolelloides (Bender), (18a) lateral view, (18b) lower view, from Wantou Section, WTY2140; 19. lateral view, from Luolou Formation of Wantou Section, WTY2203; 24. lateral view, from Wantou Section, WTY2138; 20–23. Chiosella timorensis (Nogami), 20. lower view, from Luolou Formation of Zuodeng III Section, ZDY1075; (21a) lateral view, (21b) lower view, from Xinyuan Formation of Bianyang II Section, BYY6015; (22a) lateral view, (22b) lower view, from Wantou Section, WTY2132; 23. lower view, from Xinyuan Formation of Bianyang II Section, BYY6022; 25. Neospathodus clinatus Orchard, (25a) lateral view, (25b) lower view, from Wantou Section, WTY2137. Tuff-5; Lehrmann et al., 2006) and a 2.6 m thick igneous clastic sandstone cropped out in the field. The FAD of Chiosella timorensis is situated between Tuff-3 and Tuff-4. In addition, the Ganheqiao Section of Wangmo, Guizhou, locating in the Nanpanjiang Basin during the Early–Middle Triassic (Fig. 1) also yields conodont Ch. timorensis near the GBR layers. Here, the FAD of Ch. timorensis is 50 cm lower than the base of the GBR-bearing interval, which is up to 6.1 m thick (Yao et al., 2011, 2004). Although the thickest GBR layer or its equivalent igneous clastic sandstone has been treated as the marker the base of the Anisian Stage, their correlations with the FAD of Ch. timorensis are still disputed. At Ganheqiao and Zuodeng III sections, the FAD of Chiosella timorensis is beneath the thickest GBR layer or its equivalent the igneous clastic sandstone. The opposite situation occurs in the Wantou Section (Fig. 4). Therefore, several primary conclusions could be reached. Firstly, numerous GBR layers were deposited during the Early–Middle Triassic boundary interval. Secondly, there is no compliance order between the GBR layers and the FAD of Ch. timorensis. The FAD of Ch. timorensis could occurred before the GBR layers (Ganheqiao and Zuodeng III Section), or after the latter (Bianyang II Section), or within the sedimentation of numerous GBR layers (Guandao (Orchard et al., 2007b; Wang et al., 2005) and Wantou Section). Ovtcharova et al. (2010) argued that the GBR layer is not suitable to be treated as a standard defining the OAB in the Nanpanjiang Basin, because the GBR layers possess a rather long duration (>0.4 Ma). In fact, the duration of the GBR layers (from 248.12±0.28 to 246.77±0.13 Ma) lasted probably extended to about 1.5 Ma. Is the FAD of Ch. timorensis synchronous in the Nanpanjiang Basin? Lehrmann et al. (2005) has pointed out that the U/Pb age values of the GBR layers in Lower and Upper Guandao sections were just preliminary results. It required further complementarity and improvement to confirm the stratigraphy boundary finally. After that, Lehrmann et al. (2006) has published new U/Pb age data only in Lower Guandao Section. Therefore, it could be deduced that the age value of 247.8±0.074 Ma from the Upper Guandao Section need to be reconsidered. Bucher et al. (2007) has inferred that the FAD of Ch. timorensis occurred in 247.2±0.2 Ma. This result is reinforced by the occurrence of both radiometric ages and Ch. timorensis in the Wantou Section. If combining a series of U/Pb age obtained from the GBR layers and other volcanogenic rocks of the Jinya region, Fengshan County, Guangxi (Galfetti et al., 2008) with the updated conodont biostratigraphy documented in this study, clearly, the GBR layer yielding U/Pb age of 248.12±0.41 Ma is 1.5 m below the FAD of Ch. timorensis, while the GBR layer 1.5 m above the FAD of the same conodont species is 246.83±0.31 Ma. Lithology of this interval remains unchanged. Thus, their sedimentation rate should be stable. Consequently, the date of the FAD of Ch. timorensis is estimated as 247.43±0.36 Ma. Considering the error range, this age value could correlate well with that (247.2±0.2 Ma) from the Lower Guandao Section. Therefore, we considered that the FAD of Ch. timorensis should be isochronous and some radiometric ages from the GBR units require further study. 3.2 The Definition of the Olenekian-Anisian Boundary Although conodont Chiosella timorensis has been widely accepted as one key index taxon defining the OAB (Ji et al., 2011; Grãdinaru et al., 2007, 2006; Orchard et al., 2007a, b), three approches have been proposed to define this boundary. Firstly, ammonoids zonation is an important auxiliary index defining the OAB (Grãdinaru et al., 2007). Secondly, the systematic magnetostratigraphic study at Deşli Caira Mountain Section of Romania, a candidate stratotype section of the OAB, shows that this boundary is placed between two short normal magnetic polarities (Grãdinaru et al., 2007; Orchard et al., 2007a), while the FAD of Ch. timorensis also appears in this part of the strata. Ammonoid Paracrochordiceras-Japonites assemblage has been recognized from the bottom of Anisian Stage (Grãdinaru et al., 2007). This is also true that the FAD of Ch. timorensis appears the negative polarity strata in Guandao. Paleomagnetism variation trend of these two sections correlate well with that of West Tethys regions, including Bulgaria (Muttoni et al., 2000) and Poland (Nawrocki and Szulc, 2000). Thirdly, since a relatively detailed conodont sequences have already been established in all kinds of lithology (especially the limestone), conodont evolutionary lineages are very significant for defining the OAB. Figure 4. The relationship between the conodont sequences and the GBR layers at Gaimao, Bianyang II, Wantou and Zuodeng sections in the Nanpanjiang Basin (the age value and ammonoid Zonations at Wantou Section from Galfetti et al. (2008, 2007b); green and black pentagon standing for “Green-bean rocks” and grey white-grey black tuff or volcanogenic sandstone). ①. Ch. timorensis; ②. Tr. brochus; ③. Tr. homeri; ④. Ic. collinsoni; ⑤. Nv. pingdingshanensis. 242 Chunbo Yan, Haishui Jiang, Xulong Lai, Yadong Sun, Bo Yang and Lina Wang The Relationship between the “Green-Bean Rock” Layers and Conodont Chiosella timorensis In some sections, Ch. timorensis occurs in the ammonoid haugi Zone, diagnostic of the latest Spathian substage. For these reasons, Goudemand et al. (2012a) considered that Chiosella timorensisis was not fit for confirming the base of the Anisian Stage, and expected the possibility of diachronous FAD of Chiosella timorensis worldwide. However, Sun et al. (2013) has discussed the flaws of ammonoid zones in Early Triassic. It is not common to use this defective zonation scheme to question a more reliable conodont zonation scheme. The FAD of key fossil is normally used to define the boundary for the synchrony of that in geological scale. It should be noted that some species have wide stratigraphic distributions and probably extended to a high stratigraphic level. This is probably due to the mixture of relic species with nascent species, for example of the occurrence of conodont Ch. timorensis in the ammonoid haugi Zone. To date, no ammonoid fossils were found around the OAB in the Guandao sections, which have detailed conodont biostratigraphic control (Orchard et al., 2007b). Alternatively, abundant conodonts were newly obtained from the Wantou Section (Figs. 3, 4) from which abundant ammonoids have been reported from the Lower–Middle Triassic strata (Galfetti et al., 2007a). As a result, the occurrence of both conodonts and ammonoids can be correlated with one another (Fig. 4). Clearly, the FAD of conodont Chiosella timorensis is about 0.5 m higher than the top of the hauzi Zone. Accordingly, we suggest that the FAD of Ch. timorensis is still an appropriate mark defining the OAB. The reasons are as below. (1) At Deşli Caira Mountain Section of Romania (Grãdinaru et al., 2007, 2006; Orchard et al., 2007a), Guandao Section (Orchard et al., 2007b; Wang et al., 2005) and the four sections studied in this paper, accompanying with the appearance of Ch. timorensis, Triasspathodus elements disappeared gradually. This conodont faunal turnover occurred clearly around the OAB. (2) The strata yielding elements of Ch. timorensis are usually equivalent to the relatively positive range of carbon isotope curves. This trend is not only reflected at Bianyang II Section and Wantou Section (Sun et al., 2012), but also the Gandao Section (Sun et al., 2012; Meyer et al., 2011; Payne et al., 2004) and Desli Caira Mountain Section of Romania (Grãdinaru et al., 2007). (3) As mentioned above, the FAD of Ch. timorensis, with the age of 247.2±0.2 Ma, is better to define the OAB than the GBR layers in the Nanpanjiang Basin. 4 TAXONOMIC NOTES Chiosella gondolelloides (Bender, 1967) (Fig. 3: 18–19, 24) 1967 Spathognathodus gondolelloides n. sp.-Bender, p. 529–530, Pl. 5, Figs. 17, 19, 20. 2005 Neospathodus gondolelloides (Bender)-Wang et al., p. 621, Pl. 1, Figs. 13, 15. 2007a Chiosella gondolelloides (Bender)-Orchard et al., p. 345, Fig. 5, Figs. 13–15, 23–25. 2007b Chiosella gondolelloides (Bender)-Orchard et al., p. 353, Fig. 6, Figs. 22–29. Diagnosis This speices is characterized by a relative elongate and asymmetric segminate P1 element. A low lateral rib developed along most of its length in later growth stages. Denticles fused moderately, increasingly reclined posteriorly. The oval 243 basic cavity expanded beneath the posterior 1/3 to 1/2 of the element. Remarks Ch. gongolelloides can be distinguished from the similar Tr. symmetricus and Tr. brochus by the former having a lateral rib. Additionally, Tr. symmetricus is shorter and higher than this species. Ch. gongolelloides also can be distinguished from Ch. timorensis by the latter having a very narrow or rudimentary platform, which could extends to the posterior edge of the element. Chiosella timorensis (Nogami, 1968)(Fig. 3: 20–23) 1968 Gondolella timorensis n. sp.-Nogami, p. 127, Pl. 10, Figs. 17–21. 2005 Neospathodus timorensis (Nogami)-Wang et al., p. 621, Pl. I, Figs. 14, 17, 19. 2007a Chiosella timorensis (Nogami)-Orchard et al., p. 345, Fig. 5, Figs. 16, 17, 31–34. 2007b Chiosella timorensis (Nogami)-Orchard et al., p. 353, Fig. 6, Figs. 32–34, 36–38. 2011 Chiosella timorensis (Nogami)-Ji et al., p. 218, Fig. 4, Figs. 10–11. 2012 Chiosella timorensis (Nogami)-Goudemand et al., p. 203, Fig. 2, Figs. 1–14; Fig. 3, Figs. 1–8. Diagnosis This speices is characterized by an asymmetric segminate or segmiplanate P1 element with a very narrow or rudimentary platform, which could extends to the posterior edge of the element. A distinct rib through its length can be seen in lateral view. The relatively high carina bears six to seventeen denticles. Remarks Orchard (1995) did not consider that the Ch. gongolelloides is an early growth stage, or junior synonym of Ch. timorensis. He pointed out that the stratigraphic position of the holotype of Ch. gongolelloides is beneath that of the first of Ch. timorensis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by 973 Program (No. 2011CB808800), the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41172024, 41272044, 41402005), and the “111” project (No. B08030), the ‘Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences (No. GBL11202). Thanks are also due to Xiaodan Liu and Zhiguo Li for their assistance in field work. All SEM pictures were taken at the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources (China). We thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and constructive suggestions. REFERENCES CITED Bender, H., 1967. Zur Gliederung der Mediterranen Trias II. Die Conodontenchronologie der Mediterranen Trias. Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, 19: 465–540 Bowring, S. A., Erwin, D. H., Jin, Y. G., et al., 1998. 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