Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer Professor for Solar Economy, LUT Lappeenranta, May 21, 2015 What is the Vision? 3 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► What is the key problem? “Climate Change presents a unique challenge for economics: it is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.” N. Stern, Economics of Climate Change, 2006 4 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► What is the task? source: IPCC, 2014. 5th AR – Synthesis Report 5 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► Key insights: GHG emissions in the power sector to be zero by 2050 ALL new investments MUST fulfill this requirement quite soon What is the pathway? (as defined by Fortum) Fortum’s compass Energy is an enabler Solar Economy High Efficiency Solar based production with high overall system efficiency Wind Geothermal CHP Advanced energy production Ocean Bio Interconnectors Energy efficient and/or low-emission production Low Efficiency Storage Nuclear tomorrow Traditional energy production 6 Sun Hydro Exhaustible fuels that burden the environment Oil Coal Gas Solar HighEconomy Emissionsto Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► Demand Response Active Consumer Smart applications CCS Nuclear today source: Brunila A., 2012. Fortum – Power andfree heat company in Emission the Nordic countries, Russia, Poland and the Baltics Are there limitations in resources? Key insights: • no lack of energy resouces • limited conventional resources • solar and wind resources need to be the major pillars of a sustainable energy supply Remark: • conventional resources might be lower than depicted by Perez 7 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► source: Perez R. and Perez M., 2009. A fundamental look on energy reserves for the planet. The IEA SHC Solar Update, Volume 50 What are the real low carbon investments? 8 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► source: Schneider M. and Froggatt A., 2014. The World Nuclear Industry Status Report What are the expectations till 2030? Solar PV CSP Wind 9 1764 GW 714 GW 2908 GW Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► 1840 GW 20 GW 1318 GW 1721 GW 261 GW 960 GW NPS 450 647 GW 856 GW 42 GW 86 GW 982 GW 1288 GW source: Greenpeace, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, IEA What’s about the economics of solar PV? 10 Solar to Solve all our Challenges source:Economy ITRPV, 2015. International Technology Roadmap for Christian Photovoltaic Breyer ► – 2014 Results, ITRPV supported by semi benefits What are the CO2 reduction costs of PV? download at: e_change_mitigation_The_case_of_greenhouse_gas_emission _reduction_benefits_enabled_by_solar_photovoltaic_systems 11 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► What’s about the PV economics in Finland? source: REC Solar, 2014. Study on the Profitability of Commercial Self-Consumption Solar Installations in Germany; Italy and Turkey (only in German available) Lappeenranta University of Technology • both systems on the right are part of a 220 kWp commercial solar PV system • it is financially beneficial for the university source: Kosonen A., Ahola J., Breyer Ch., Albó A., 2014. Large Scale Solar Power Plant in Nordic Conditions, 16th EU Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, August 26-28 12 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► How progressive is Finland within in Europe? 13 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► What if …? What if per capita solar PV would be in Finland comparable to South Germany? … then we would have 3.7 GW installed solar PV capacity. … then we would have an additional source of income for farmers. … then we would have created 23000 jobs. … then we would have a higher tax income. … then we would have reduced the societal cost of CO2 emissions. … then we would have active participation of citizens in the energy transformation. … then we would have the basis for new business opportunies arising, such as storage. … then we would have less dependency on foreign energy imports. … then we would have an improved trade balance. … … BTW, Finns wonder how Germany can afford all these New Renewables. Germans wonder how Finland can still afford old nuclear energy. 14 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► Is there a revised energy vision for Finland? A very first fully sustainable and holistic view on the Finnish Energy System will be published in June It is fully cost competitive Key technologies are: wind energy, bioenergy, solar PV, heat pumps, EV, batteries, power-to-gas Zero CO2 emissions are possible New business opportunities all around Fully inline with latest findings for Denmark, Germany, Ireland and France 15 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► Thanks for your attention! Cost of ’cleantech’ solutions Key insights: PV-Wind-Gas is the least cost option nuclear and coal-CCS is too expensive nuclear and coal-CCS are high risk technologies high value added for PV-Wind due to higher capacities needed 18 source: Agora Energiewende, 2014. Comparing the Cost of Low-Carbon Technologies: What is the Cheapest option; Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Grubler A., 2010. The costs of the French nuclear scale-up: A case of negative learning by doing, Energy Policy, 38, 5174 Christian Breyer ► What’s about subsidies? Key insights: there are subsidies for RE subsidies for fossil-nuclear are higher nuclear got AND get the highest subsides per kWh of all technologies subsides in total are 649 b€ (fossilnuclear) plus 102 b€ (RE) in 1970-2014 total societal costs of of RE are lower than those of fossil-nuclear energy 19 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► source: FÖs, 2014. Was Strom wirklich kostet 100% RE in Germany – Fraunhofer ISE 20 Solar Economy to Solve all our Challenges Christian Breyer ► source: Henning H.-M. and Palzer A., 2012. 100 % Renewables for Electricity and Heat – a Holistic Model for a Future German Energy System , 7th IRES, Berlin
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