energy-exemplar-revista-electricidad-fullpage.pdf 1 28/04/2015 3:49:36 PM Leading the field in Energy Market Modelling C M Y CM MY CY CMY K PLEXOS In teg rat ed Energy ® Mo del PLEXOS ® Integrated Energy Model is tried-and-true simulation software that uses mathematical programming combined with the latest data and distributed computing methods, to provide a high-performance, robust simulation platform that is both leading edge and transparent. PLEXOS meets the demands of energy market participants, system planners, investors, regulators, consultants and analysts alike with a comprehensive range of features seamlessly integrating electric, gas, water and heat production, transportation and demand over simulated timeframes from minutes to 10’s of years, all delivered through a common simulation engine with easy-to-use interface and integrated data platform. PLEXOS is the fastest and most sophisticated software available today, and also the most cost-effective. Worldwide installations of PLEXOS exceed 1085 at more than 175 sites in 37 countries. e n e r g y e x e m p l a r. c o m
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