EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR APPOINTMENT AS EXTERNAL AUDITORS OF PUNJAB POWER DEVELOPMENT BOARD ENERGY DEPARTEMNT, GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB Punjab Power Development Board (PPDB), Energy Department, Government of the Punjab intends to hire services of a top rated Chartered Accountancy Firm in order to conduct its External Audit for Financial Years 201112 through 2013-14 in line with the requirements of PPDB Act-2011. ________________________________________________________________________________________ o Interested Audit Firms qualifying to take up the audit under the eligibility criteria defined in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 may apply in line with the stipulations of Pre-qualification Document (PQD). o The bidders should submit a single package containing two separate sealed envelopes in accordance with Section 38(2) (a) of Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. One envelope should contain the Technical Proposal and the other envelope should contain the Financial Proposal. The envelopes should be marked as “Technical Proposal” and the “Financial Proposal”. o The Technical Proposal will be opened in the first instance for evaluation on 30th April 2015 in the presence of the bidders. The Financial Proposals of bidders whose Technical Proposals are accepted will be opened in the presence of bidders on the date and time to be communicated to them in advance. o PPDB reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any and/or all the bids without justifying any reason thereof before accepting any bid. o Essential data/information with respect to PPDB, its Act-2011, EOI and PQD providing details about TORs and Evaluation Criteria for selection of Audit Firm is available at and as well. o Proposals prepared in line with the PQD shall be delivered to PPDB, on or before 30th April 2015 at the following address. ________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGING DIRECTOR PUNJAB POWER DEVELOPMENT BOARD ENERGY DEPARTMENT 1ST FLOOR, IRRIGATION SECRETAIAT OLD ANARKALI, LAHORE TEL: 92-42-99213877 FAX: 92-42-37336655 E-Mail:
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