NAE Members/Invited Guests Only NAE Regional Meeting at Texas A&M University Tuesday, March 31, 2015 10:00am NAE Member Check-in Opens Lobby Area – Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (Building located adjacent to George Bush Presidential Library. Map available at 10:30am NAE Members-Only Meeting Presidential Dining Room 11:30am – 12:30pm NAE Members/Invited Guests-Only Luncheon 1:00pm SYMPOSIUM – Open to the Public Cyber-Physical Systems: Implications and Societal Applications Room 1011 B/C Hagler Auditorium– Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Welcome – Dr. P.R. Kumar, Regional Meeting Chairman, Texas A&M University Greetings – Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr., President, National Academy of Engineering 1:10pm-1:45pm Cyber-physical Systems Dr. David Corman Program Director Division of Computer and Network Systems National Science Foundation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1:45-1:55pm Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2:00pm-2:45pm Aerial Robot Swarms Dr. Vijay Kumar UPS Foundation Professor University of Pennsylvania Autonomous micro aerial robots can operate in three-dimensional, indoor and outdoor environments, and have applications to search and rescue, first response and precision farming. I will describe the challenges in developing small, agile robots and the algorithmic challenges in the areas of (a) control and planning, (b) state estimation and mapping, and (c) coordinating large teams of robots. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2:45-2:55pm Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3:00pm-3:45pm Snapshot of Technical Challenges for Cyber Physical Systems Dr. Jack Stankovic BP America Professor University of Virginia The term Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) is being too broadly applied, and consequently, it covers a vast spectrum of systems. This serves to dilute the visibility of the new and exciting technical challenges. This talk first articulates where and why new challenges exist for CPS. Then, examples of challenges are discussed including the need to create principles, architectures, and solutions for physically-aware and run-time validate-aware cyber. Fundamental challenges for mobile and wireless home health care CPSs are presented. As the world becomes covered by more and more CPSs there are many fundamental challenges in the areas of detecting and resolving unintended interdependencies among independently developed systems, and how to synergistically leverage characteristics of the systems-of-systems. Finally, problems and opportunities that exist for increased inclusion of humans-in-the-loop are discussed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3:45-3:55pm Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4:00pm-4:45pm Fundamental Challenges in Cyber-physical Systems Dr. P.R. Kumar Engineering Chair in Computer Engineering Distinguished Professor Texas A&M University Cyber-physical systems represent a third generation platform enabling large scale control systems, after the earlier two generations of analog control and digital control. This new platform poses multiple challenges at many levels to building reliable systems, both at the level of enabling mechanisms as well as in application design and analysis. We will address several problems related to providing guarantees on timeliness of communications, proofs of safety, and design of distributed systems. 4:55pm Closing Remarks 5:00pm Wine and Cheese Reception Lobby Area – Annenberg Presidential Conference Center 6:00pm Reception Concludes 2
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