Exploring Pathways Towards Heterostacks of Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Jürg Osterwalder, Physics Department, University of Zürich, Switzerland US-EU Workshop on 2D Layered Materials and Devices Arlington, VA, April 22-24, 2015 Collaborators External Collaborations Current: Carlo Bernard Thomas Kälin Huanyao Cun Elisa Miniussi Single-Crystal Metal Films Michael Weinl Stefan Gsell Matthias Schreck / University of Augsburg Thomas Greber Former: Adrian Hemmi Silvan Roth 2D Materials Preparation of artificial 2D materials and devices r olaye n o M fer trans h-BN Exfoliation metal metal metal MoS2 K. S. Novoselov and A. H. Castro Neto Phys. Scr. T146, 014006 (2012). NbSe2 metal 3 Our approach: single-crystalline metal substrates at the four-inch wafer scale Goals: <110 > • single domain growth of h-BN and graphene using UHV-CVD • explore growth modes of heterostacks 4” Si(111) wafer with 150 nm Rh(111) film (from Matthias Schreck, University of Augsburg) … same for Ir(111), Ni(111), Ru(0001), Pt(111)… 4 • transfer and stack single layers with defined lattice orientation Contents • single-layer CVD growth on metal surfaces • single crystal substrates for wafer scale 2D films • CVD growth of g/h-BN heterostack on (111) surfaces • transfer of single crystal 2D films 5 Growth of a h-BN monolayer on Ni(111) leak valve CVD under UHV conditions pump base pressure: 2x10-10 mbar borazine exposure: 5x10-6 mbar glas tube cont. liquid borazine borazine (BN)3H6 XPS B 1s 1050 K Borazine+Ni(111) h-BN on Ni(111)+3H2 6 Nagashima, Oshima et al., PRB 51, 4606 (1995) h-BN on Ni(111) - perfect monolayer growth on Ni(111) upon exposure to ~100 L of borazine - good match of lattice constant (mismatch=+0.8%) - atomic and electronic structure well known recipe by Nagashima et al., PRB 51, 4606 (1995) I=1nA, V=0.1V 7 200 nm 26 Å I=9nA, V=-23mV W. Auwärter et al., Surf. Sci. 429, 229 (1999) Chemically sensitive structure probe (probing depth ~ 1nm) Can identify different phases at the interface countintensity rate (arb. units) X-ray photoelectron Diffraction (XPD) experiments: N1s 20 B1s 1340 1346 1544 1550 10 B N 0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 electron kinetic energy (eV) N 1s __ (1342 eV) [112] B 1s (1550 eV) __ [112] XPD signals: forward scattering: - B to N n.n. - N to B n.n. A=48% A=36% -> interference fringes absence of peaks near center => single layer W. Auwärter et al., Surf. Sci. 429, 229 (1999). A (12x12) h-BN/Rh(111) superstructure Single h-BN layer - 13x13 h-BN on 12x12 Rh units - periodicity: 3.2 nm - not a simple moiré pattern - pores of ca. 20 Å diameter of strongly bonded h-BN - wires of weakly bonded h-BN A boron nitride nanomesh ! 9 LEED: superstructure M. Corso et al., Science 303, 217 (2004). Single-layer model for h-BN nanomesh 13 BN 12 Rh pore wire (NB)=(top,fcc) 10 R. Laskowski, P. Blaha et al., PRL 98, 106802 (2007) Pentanone as a precursor for graphene growth g/Rh(111) 11 S. Roth et al., Surf. Sci., 605, L17 (2011). Contents • single-layer CVD growth on metal surfaces • single crystal substrates for wafer scale 2D films • CVD growth of g/h-BN heterostack on (111) surfaces • transfer of single crystal 2D films 12 Single-crystalline metal films on 4 Si wafers Group of Matthias Schreck Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg Single-crystalline Ir films for epitaxial diamond growth PVD, 800°C, micrometers e-beam evaporation, 650°C, 100 nm PLD, 750°C, 20-40 nm Works for (001) growth … 13 S. Gsell, M. Schreck et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4541 (2004) Single-crystalline metal films on 4 Si wafers … but also for (111) growth: XPD -> twin-free diamond nucleation 14 XRD pole figures -> twin free, low mosaicity M. Fischer, M. Schreck et al., J. Appl. Phys. 104, 123531 (2008) Single-crystalline metal films … and also for Rh(111) growth: 15 S. Gsell, M. Schreck, unpublished. The four-inch wafer growth chamber at UZH Cleanroom ISO 8 + flow box inside 16 A. Hemmi et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 035101 (2014) Quality control of h-BN growth across wafer surface 60 eV LEED patterns at 65 eV Use LEED superstructure as a quality measure for h-BN film (after transfer through air + annealing) 17 A. Hemmi et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 035101 (2014) Contents • single-layer CVD growth on metal surfaces • single crystal substrates for wafer scale 2D films • CVD growth of g/h-BN heterostack on (111) surfaces • transfer of single crystal 2D films 18 CVD growth beyond the monolayer: g/h-BN/Cu(111) LEED: lattice constants h-BN / Cu(111) 5x10-6 mbar borazine Careful analysis of LEED spots: • each layer has a different lattice constant graphene / h-BN / Cu(111) 2.2 mbar 3-pentanone • the peak positions are consistent with the intrinsic lattice constants of h-BN and graphene (2.50 Å and 2.46 Å) => Only small angle domains in both layers (~ 2°). 19 S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) Characterisation by quantitative XPS Composition and coverage: graphene / h-BN h-BN After borazine exposure: fairly stoichiometric, single layer of h-BN After pentanone exposure: h-BN still stoichiometric, single layer, intensities slighly attenuated by single graphene layer on top 20 carbon – h-BN intensity ratios increase towards grazing emission => graphene layer is on top of h-BN layer S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) XPD from the heterostack – a puzzle ! N 1s C 1s B 1s SSC theory (free-standing) ⇒ Single layer of h-BN ⇒ Single graphene layer Both well ordered. But: Why no forward scattering of the B and N signal through the graphene layer? Answer: Because the layers are incommensurate ! 21 S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) XPD: commensurate vs. incommensurate overlayer commensurate incommensurate N 1s N 1s strong forward scattering signal 22 forward scattering signals smear out completely S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) Confirmation: STM sees a moiré pattern Moiré pattern on most of the terraces Periodicity ~ 9 nm 100 nm 8 Å Regular ribbons (>100 nm x 9 nm, ca. 0.8 nm high): => formation of grafolds ? 23 K. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. B 83, 245433 (2011). S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) ARPES data: the π bands of h-BN and graphene g/h-BN/Cu(111) h-BN/Cu(111) graphene Cu sp Cu 3d h-BN h-BN π band h-BN σ band Γ In the heterostack, we observe the π bands of both individual layers. • h-BN maintains a large band gap • graphene shows linear dispersion up to EF • the two layers are electronically decoupled (exhibit slightly different BZ) K 24 S. Roth et al., Nano Lett. 13, 2668 (2013) Contents • single-layer CVD growth on metal surfaces • single crystal substrates for wafer scale 2D films • CVD growth of g/h-BN heterostack on (111) surfaces • transfer of single crystal 2D films 25 A refined ‘bubbling’ method using hydrogen intercalation Approach similar to that used for graphene in E. Koren, P. Sutter at al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 121602 (2013) Schematic potentiostat set-up for the bubbling transfer process. Solution: 0.1 M HClO4 Hydrogen intercalation prior to bubbling weakens the bonding to the metal substrate 26 B 1s Si 2s Si 2p N 1s O 1s Rh 3d XPS analysis of transferred h-BN monolayer 27 Conclusions Single-layer CVD growth on metal surfaces: • We can grow large domains of high quality h-BN and graphene Single crystal substrates for wafer scale 2D films: • Single layer quality approaching that of single crystal substrates • Scalable approach CVD growth of g/h-BN heterostack on (111) surfaces: • Growth beyond single layer difficult to control • Quality inferior to single layer growth Transfer of single crystal 2D films: • Transfer of h-BN single layers appears to be more difficult than graphene – optimization in progress (collaboration within Flagship) • Can get aligned flakes 28 Collaborators External Collaborations Current: Carlo Bernard Thomas Kälin Huanyao Cun Elisa Miniussi Single-Crystal Metal Films Michael Weinl Stefan Gsell Matthias Schreck / University of Augsburg Thomas Greber Former: Adrian Hemmi Silvan Roth
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