Air Force Research Laboratory Basic Research Initiative (BRI) & Related Programs in 2D Materials Beyond Graphene 23 Apr 2015 Integrity Service Excellence Gernot S. Pomrenke Ken Goretta Program Managers AFOSR Air Force Research Laboratory DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution Background -AFOSR Supports basic research – sole manager of AF basic research (inc. London, Tokyo, Santiago Offices) -Small, light, and low-power-consumption communications, computing and sensing components are critical to aerospace systems -In 2012 it was observed that no US funding agency has programs on heterostructures of 2D layers -AFOSR-NSF joint workshop on 2D Materials and Devices Beyond Graphene held 30-31 May 2012 with ~100 attendees - AFOSR BRI on 2D was briefed on 6 Aug 2012 & funds were made available for FY14 (1 Oct 2013) (main thrust 2D heterostructures) -AFOSR BRI coordinated with NSF Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI – 2DARE) (EFRI-2014/2015) -AFOSR BRI grants in place late 2014 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 2 BRI National Teams 2 interdisciplinary teams each at approx $1M/yr Electronics & Materials Team: Science and Emerging Technology of 2D Atomic Layered Materials and Devices, with Prof Pulickel Ajayan of Rice Univ as the lead, Co-PIs: (J. Lou, Rice) (J. Hone, Columbia) (T. Heinz, Columbia) (J. Shan, Penn State) (J. Kono, Rice) (K. Banerjee, UCSB) (P. Kim, Harvard) (PM Ken Goretta) Optoelectronics Team: 2D Heterostructures for Integrated Nano-Optoelectronics, with Prof Xiadong Xu, Univ of Washington, as the lead, Co-PIs: David Cobden (U. Washington), Fengnian Xia (Yale), Di Xiao (Carnegie Mellon), Zhixun Shen (Stanford), Mo Li and Steven Koester (Univ Minnesota) (PM Gernot Pomrenke) Emails: & DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 3 International Performers AOARD PM - Ken Caster - Bottom-up Syn, Reactivity, and Simulation of 2D TM Nanostructures; Cheon, Jinwoo, Yensei University – Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation - Heterostructures from Monolayers - Electronic/Spintronic Properties, B. Jonker – NRL AOARD PM - Seng Hong - P Synthesis of Large-Area 2D layered Materials and Their Heterostacking - Li, Lain-Jong, Academia Sinica AOARD PM - Misoon Mah (Director AOARD) - Science & Emerging Technology of 2D Atomic Layered Materials and Devices – Angel Rubio, UNIV. DEL PAIS VASCO - EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITTEA - Science & Emerging Technology of 2D Atomic Layered Materials and Devices - Tonouchi, Masayoshi, Osaka University DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 4 Example BRI Project: 2D Materials & Devices Beyond Graphene Project Awarded: FA9550-14-1-0277, start 9/15/14 Title: 2D Heterostructures for Integrated Nano Optoelectronics Prof Xiaodong Xu, Univ of Washington lead Website: Four Publication 2014: Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals. Ultra-low threshold monolayer semiconductor nanocavity lasers. Single Quantum Emitters in Monolayer Semiconductors. Two-dimensional material nanophotonics. - Cavity quantum electrodynamics dictates that the spontaneous emission rate of a nanoscale light emitter can be significantly enhanced through engineering its electromagnetic environment by a photonic nanocavity in Purcell regime. - Observed such Purcell effect by integrating a monolayer semiconductor WSe2 with a photonic crystal cavity (PhCC) Photonic nanocavity in Purcell regime 5 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution Planar Photonics & Membranes - 2D Materials Materials Beyond Graphene - BRI – Prof Xu, Univ of Washington Complex Nonperiodic Nanophotonics MURI – Prof Fan, Stanford VECSEL LRIR Program – Dr Bedford, AFRL/RY - Metasurfaces: Controlling light in the 2D - Metasurface MURI – Prof Capasso, Harvard Nanoantennas For Engineering Waves on the Surface Prof Hossein Mosallaei, Northeastern - Silicon Nanomembranes MURIs (2008-2013) - Flexible Hybrid Electronics & Photonics - AFOSR FY15 MURI-Membrane-Based Electronics: Foldable & Adaptable Integrated Circuits DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 6 Flat Photonics MURI: Active Metasurfaces for Advanced Wavefront Engineering and Waveguiding Objective: Explore new metasurfaces & their breakthrough applications in photonics, in particular active Metasurfaces that are reconfigurable and/or tunable in real time with external control of their optical characteristics <> Federico Capasso Marko Loncar Mark Brongersma Nader Engheta Nanfang Yu Alexandra Boltasseva Vlad Shalaev Lars Samuelson Kristjan Leosson Univ of Iceland Nikolay Zheludev 23 April 2015 5 Dec 2014 Kick-Off PI: Federico Capasso DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 7 Conclusion Opportunity for fundamental studies (ex. exciton BE) Understanding the numerous heterostructure systems Lateral structures Planar Photonics Tunneling Device possibilities Scalability/Manufacturability 23 April 2015 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A – Unclassified, Unlimited Distribution 8
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