221412558 . Kasetsart University Webmail :: [Chonbuk Nationla LJniversity]2015 GKS for ASEAN countries SCIence and ENgineering Students Subject [Chonbuk NationlaUniversity]2O15 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students I <admissionG@chonbuk.ac.kr> Sender 01OU Recipient 0I10 <admissionG©chon buk.ac.kr > Date 22.04.2015 16:16 1(11 mttWebmjl fi tkilvt7Jt WthrnIt - I ..................... ................... • Application Form for 2015 GKS SCIENS.f (205 KB) • ICBNU] 2015 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students.doc (121 KB) • ADolication Guide.odf (305 KB lull International Cooperation Office 'ull Chonbuk National University 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu a •• t a' a' •' J9 . 2 LJL ....2550 LQ:.Ls....' .......... Jeonju-si Jeollabuk-do 561-756 Republic of Korea 22th of April, 2015 Letter of Request Dear Sir or Madam Warmest Greetings from Chonbuk National University, Korea! I am Professor, Myeong-sook Yoon, Vice-President for External Cooperation, Chonbuk National University, Korea. I am writing to you today to invite your talented students to join us in our latest exciting international programmes. Chonbuk National University established in 1947, is one Korea's flagship national universities. The main campus of the university is located in Jeonju, a beautiful and traditional city with a rich history. It also has a specialized campus for agricultural and veterinary science in Iksan, and additional specialized campuses for academic-industry cooperation in several other cities. As a renowned global university, Chonbuk National University offers 4-year comprehensive academic courses covering 122 majors across 14 colleges and 4 graduate schools. Currently, it has around 1,100 professors and 32,000 students, including more than 1,000 international students from 50 different countries. Chonbuk National University has received excellent evaluations for its educational environment and various commendations from the Korean https:/lwebrnaii.ku.ac.tt-Vroundcubel?_task=mail&_action=print&_uid= 10042&_mbox=INBOX 1/3 )t iL1 I (U 3 MflJ CLL) 23 I?J , I1c • .c,A j 1 fjrJu. 22/4/255& Kasetsart University Webmail :: [Chonbuk Nationla University]2015 GKS for ASEAN countries SCience and ENgineering Students government. It was ranked as 5th in 'Best Teaching University' by the Ministry of Education in Korea and has been selected for the 'Advanced College Education Program' for 4 years consecutively. It was ranked as 1st in 2014 for student satisfaction (Service Quality Index) by the Korean Standards Association. Among Korea's flagship national universities, CBNU has received the most research grants for the last four years and currently ranks as 11t domestically for its rate of increase in the publication of SCI papers. At this time, I am pleased to announce that Chonbuk National University has been selected for participation within a new national programme that will specifically support students who are excelling in the fields of science and engineering in ASEAN countries: The aforementioned programme is made possible by the Korean Ministry of Education's National Institute of International Education. The '2015 GKS for ASEAN Countries' Science and Engineering Students' will run for 6 weeks from July 6th to August 14th, 2015 and will provide specialized education for information & communication in the field of Electronic Engineering. The programme will include lectures, laboratory classes and, additionally, field trips to industrial facilities & research institutes will be offered. Participating students will also have various opportunities to experience Korea; CBNU will provide Korean language and cultural exchange experiences so that students can make the most of their time in Korea and in order to foster friendship between our two countries. The Department of Electronic Engineering, which is responsible for the programme's lectures and laboratory classes, is one of the biggest and most distinguished departments of Chonbuk National University. The department was established in 1978 and today has 25 research professors that engage in all areas of education and academic-industry cooperation. To maximize the effectiveness of the training programme, all lectures will be taught in English and one-to-one mentoring by graduate students will also be provided. Upon completion, a participating student will earn credits and receive certification as an Honorary Student of Chonbuk National University. Furthermore, outstanding students will be selected for scholarship eligibility should they chose to apply for graduate studies at Chonbuk National University. To secure the health and safety of visiting students, dormitory rooms will be provided. Moreover, the Office of International Cooperation, the Department of Electronic Engineering and all members of the CBNU community will work closely to guarantee comfortable and enjoyable participation for all students from entry to departure. It is my hope that this programme will be of interest to your esteemed https:llwebmail.ku.ac.thlroundcubel?_task=mail&_action=print&_uid= 10042&_m box= INBOX 2/3 22/41255a Kasetsart University Webmail [Chonbuk Nationa University)2015 GKS for ASEAN countries SCience and ENgineering Students uniVersity and to your excellent students. Please find the attached an 'information guide for the programme. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your kind consideration. Thank you Yours sincerely Myeong-sook Yoon Vice-President for External Cooperation Chonbuk National University Tel. +82 (0)63 270 2060 Fax. +82 (0)63 270 2099 E-mail. yoon64ibnu.ac.kr https://webmaii.ku.ac.th/roundcube/?_task= mail &_action=print&uid=10042&mbox=INBOx 313 -I> APPLICATION FORM for GKS ASEAN SCIENS NIIED - GKS for ASEAN countries SCIence and ENgineering Students I. Personal Information Last Name First Name Name in Passport color photo 35x45 cm (within 6 months) Gender Date of Birth (MM/DDIYY) (MorE) Citizenship (Nationality) Passport No. Home Address (Street Name, City, Province, Country) Home Phone Contact (+ Mobile Phone ) (+ Email First Name Last Name Relationship to You Home Phone Mobile Phone Email Emergency Contact II. Educational Background Institution Name of Univ./College Currently Major Enrolled ___________ Address I Current Year nd 4th) (2 3'or Overall G.P.A. i III. Institution and the Field that You Apply For University Name Field of Study Chonbuk National University Information and Communications Engineering * You can choose only one institution out of the following 5 designated universities. ® Dankook University (Mobile Systems Engineering), ® Chungnam National University (Applied Biology) 0 Sun Moon University (Mechafronics), ® Chonbuk National University (Information and Communications Engineering), ® Chonnam National University (Intelligent Materials & Component) GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students Self Introduction & Research Plan Two pages of narrative essay (A4 size, one sided)) .XTyped, not hand written. Should be written by the applicant. Should be written in either Korean or English. I. Introduce yourself. (Please briefly introduce yourself and give reasons why you want to participate in this program.) II. Research Plan (Please state what area or topic you would like to do research on during the program. Please be specific.) (Written Date, MM/DDTYY) (Name in Full) GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students Letter of Recommendation Name Applicant's Information University! College Major Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) * Recommendation I I (Written Date, MM/DDIYY) (Name in Full) (Signature) * Referee's Information Place of Work Phone Email Position/Title Address FAX 2015 GKSfor ASEAN count ries'SIence and ENgineering Students, Clionbuk National University 2015 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students - 1. Timeline Schedule Date Notification April 13, 2015 Application April 13-May 8, 2015 09:00-18:00 Remarks - On the website - By post Documents Screening May 11-13, 2015 Interview May 11-12, 2015 Recommendation Deadline May 14, 2015 Final selection May 19-20, 2015 - NIIED Result notice May 22, 2015 - NIIED Entry to Korea July 6, 2015 Orientation July 6, 2015 -To NIIED - NIIED 2. Available Slots: 25 slots (4 slots per country) 3. Courses: 10 designated ASEAN Countries * Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam 4. Majors : Information and Communications Engineering 5. Eligibility for Application * Basically the same with the one set by NIIED 1) Be a citizen of one of the 10 designated ASEAN countries* -1- 015 GKS for ASEAN countries 'SCIence and ENjineering Students Glwnhtsk National University 2) Be enrolled in the second to fourth year as an undergraduate student who majors in science or engineering in the university/college located in one of the 10 designated ASEAN countries 3) Be fluent in either English or Korean * Priority will be given to the applicants with Korean fluency. 4) Be mentally and physically healthy 5) Have the ability and willingness to adapt to Korean culture and life in Korea 6. Required Documents * Documents must be original * Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution 1) Completed Application Form 2) Self-Introduction and Research Plan 3) Proof of Enrollment from Currently Enrolled 4) Original Sealed Transcript from Currently Enrolled University 5) A Letter of Recommendation from an Academic Source 6) A Copy of the Passport Information Page * Note: For documents 1), 2) and 5), you should use the provided template. 7. Benefits from NIIED 1) Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket. * The fees for domestic travel within a scholar's home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided. 2) Accommodations *Students will stay in university dormitories (2-3 persons per room, mostly Korean food will be provided). 3) Medical Insurance * Participants will be responsible for transportation fare in his/her country, visa fee, etc. 8. Admissions Criteria: Documents Screening and Interview - All documents including transcript, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, etc., will be evaluated. -2- 2015 GKSfor ASEAJ\T eoizntries'SCIencc and ENgineering Students Chonbuk National University 1) Documents Screening and Interview Assigned Evaluation Rubric Criteria Points Applicant's Extracurricular interests during Enrollment Self-Introduction, Study Plan (Student organizations, social activities, community service, arts and physical activities, leadership roles etc.) Academic achievement, completion of advanced courses, Transcript Letter of Recommendation 20 pts 20 pts improvement rate of grades Academic Abilities, and Achievements 20 pts Language Proficiency: Practical use and fluency of Korean Language Proficiency and English 20 pts Grades for Language courses Future Contribution Potential: Potential to contribute to Potential society, potential to act as liaison between Korea and 20 pts applicant's home country 100 pts Total 9. International Cooperation Office 1) Mailing Address: International Cooperation Office Chonbuk National University 567 Baekje-daero Deokjin-Gu Jeonju-si Jeollabuk-do 561-756, South Korea 2) Office: +82-(0)63-270-4382 3) Fax: +82-(0)63-270-2099 4) E-mail: admissionGjbnu.ac.kr 5) Homepage of International Affairs Office: http://ioffice.cbnu.edu -3--- Appliced 2015, lencke.,. and ENgineering Students The Korean Government invites excellent students who are majoring in the fields of science and engineering at the universities and colleges of the 10 designated ASEAN countries. This training program is designed to provide students with an in-depth academic training in the science and engineering fields and invaluable experience in Korea . This program seeks to nurture future leaders who will contribute to the development of global society and further friendship between Korea and their home country. Students who are interested in this training program are welcome to apply. 1. Title : 2015 GKS for ASEAN countries' SCIence and ENgineering Students 2. Period : July 6th [Monday] - August 14th [Friday] 2015 [6 weeks] 3. Number of participants: 25 undergraduate students in total 4. Host organization : National institute for International Education [NIIED], Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea 5. Eligibility a. Be a citizen of one of the 10 designated ASEAN countries* * Brunel , Cambodia, Indonesia , Laos, Malaysia , Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore Thailand and Vietnam b. Be enrolled in the second to fourth year as an undergraduate student who majors in science or engineering in the university/college located in one of the 10 designated ASEAN countries c. Be fluent in either English or Korean * Priority will be given to the applicants with Korean fluency. d. Be mentally and physically healthy e. Have the ability and willingness to adapt to Korean culture and life in Korea 6. Training Fields : Information and Communications Engineering 7. Application a. Application Offices • Office of International Cooperation • Chonbuk National University http://ioffice.cbnu .edu • Ms Hana Lee - admlSSionG+(018bnu . ac k r- Tel. [+82)63- 270-4382, FAX. [+82)63-270-2099 b. How to Apply ® Submit required documents to the application office. © If you pass the document screening / you will be invited for an interview from your application office. Interviews will be conducted by either Skype or phone. c. Application Deadline : May 8th 8. Required Documents © Completed Application Form © Self-Introduction and Research Plan ® Proof of Enrollment from Currently Enrolled University @3 Original Sealed Transcript from Currently Enrolled University © A Letter of Recommendation from an Academic Source © A Copy of the Passport Information Page * Note : For documents ©, © and ®, you should use the provided template. 9. Benefits a. NIIED and/or the training institutions will be responsible for round trip air ticket , room and board during the duration of the program , and traveler'5 Insurance b. Participants will be responsible for transportation fare in his/her country, visa fee, etc. 10. Program Orientation Lectures Experiment at the Laboratories Field Trip Introduction to the overall program Networking with participants Specific field of study Korean language, history and culture Conduct specific research projects along with mentoring from Korean graduate students Related laboratories, research institutes and/or industrial sites Cultural or historical sites Presentation of research results Closing Awards to the outstanding performances Formation of Alumni network 11. Others a. The program will be offered in English b. Students will stay in university dormitories {2-3 persons per room , mostly Korean food will be provided I. c. The program staff will be with students during the whole program. d. All lectures/events for this program will be mandatory. Participation during the weekend may be req 0I red. e. It is desirable that students make efforts to understand Korean language, education , culture and etc. by visiting our website [www.studyinkorea.go.krl before their arrival in Korea f. For further information / please contact one of the application offices in the 5 designated Korean universities
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