Terms and Conditions - English Exam Centre

Trinity College London Website Terms
on your behalf, and us (collectively, the parties)
and Conditions for Booking Secure
whether or not the booking of your SELT is carried
out by you personally or for you by a third party acting
English Language Tests (SELTs)
on your behalf. By booking any of the SELTs offered
on this Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms.
You should print a copy of these Terms for future
These are the online booking terms and conditions
(Terms) of supply for www.trinityselt.co.uk (Site). The
website Terms of Use.
Site is operated by Trinity College London (Trinity,
There are a number of policies that may also apply to
we, us and our).
the provision of SELTs, including, for example, our
We are regulated by the Office of Qualifications and
Malpractice Policy. Our policies are located on our
Use of the site itself is subject to our
organisation responsible for maintaining standards
Policy page.
across general and vocational qualifications in
We reserve the right to change these Terms from
England and vocational qualifications in Northern
time to time by changing them on the Site, although
Ireland. For further information, please go to:
no such change will affect any SELT you have
already booked with us. These Terms were last
Any reference to a secure English language test (a
updated on 1st May 2015.
SELT) in these Terms is a reference to the following
Choosing the correct SELT
language exams taken at a Trinity SELT centre: our
Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE
Exam) and/or our Integrated Skills in English (ISE
It is your sole responsibility to check that you are
taking the correct SELT for the purposes for which
you intend to use it. As every candidate’s individual
circumstances and immigration status requirements
Any reference to an entry application (Entry) means a
will vary, it is essential that you make your own
request by a candidate named in the application form
enquiries about which level of SELT you should take.
(you and your) for a SELT to be arranged by us and
We strongly recommend that you check which SELT
for your performance at that SELT to be assessed by
you require with your sponsor (your employer or
one of our examiners in accordance with our
educational institution), the Home Office website or
assessment criteria. For further information about the
with an immigration adviser/solicitor before booking
content and format of our exams, please refer to the
your SELT.
GESE Exam Information Booklet and/or the ISE
Exam Information Booklet (ISE I, ISE II, ISE III)
(collectively, the Regulations).
Please note that we are unable to provide immigration
advice and that any information provided by us on
SELTs is for general guidance purposes only. We
The Regulations form part of these Terms. Where
accept no responsibility that your choice of SELT is
applicable, we will refer you to the Regulations
correct for the purposes for which you intend to use it.
throughout these Terms, but this should not be taken
as a substitute for reading the applicable Regulations
document in full.
The contract (Contract) is made between you or, if
you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian acting
Booking a SELT
In order to book a SELT with us you must first make
an Entry by completing the application form on the
Site which will require you to follow the prompts that
when we send you an Entry Confirmation. After
will appear on-screen.
entering into the Contract, we will be under a legal
You must ensure that any details you provide are
duty to provide the SELT as agreed in the Contract.
accurate. To book a SELT with us, you must provide
The Contract will relate only to the SELT that we have
us with accurate contact information, including your
confirmed in the Entry Confirmation. We will not be
name, postal address, telephone number and email
obliged to arrange, or assess you, in any other SELT
address. You are responsible for the information you
which may have been part of your booking until your
provide to us and for ensuring that the details you
Entry to that other SELT has been confirmed in a
provide us with are correct and complete, and for
separate Entry Confirmation.
informing us of any changes to the information you
have provided.
Please note that you will not be able to make multiple
live Entry applications for the same level of SELT. If
Please note that the information you provide about
you need to book a SELT again because, for
your identity in your Entry application must match the
example, you did not pass at the first attempt or you
identity information you bring on the day of the SELT
had to cancel your booking, you will only be able to
or you will not be able to take the SELT. For further
re-book the SELT once the first SELT has taken place
information about identity information, please refer to
or your original booking has been cancelled.
our Candidate Identification and Security Policy for
If you pass the SELT, you will not be entitled to retake the SELT or a lower level of SELT for a period of
You may check and correct any input errors in your
two calendar years from the date when you took your
Entry up until the point at which you submit your Entry
to us by clicking the "Pay Now" button on the
checkout page.
UK only, at the locations stated on the Site.
Following your Entry application, you will receive an
e-mail from us acknowledging receipt. Please note
that this does not mean that your Entry application
Our SELTs are currently available to be taken in the
constitutes an offer to us to book your Entry at a
You are normally able to book a SELT until 9 AM
(GMT) on the day before such SELT is due to take
place, as long as there is availability for the particular
SELT you wish to book. However, you are advised to
book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
SELT on a specified day at a specified location. All
Entries are subject to approval by us in all cases, and
SELT date and location
we reserve the right, in our sole and absolute
When you make your Entry on the Site, you will be
discretion, to decline any Entry, without giving a
asked to request a SELT date. The SELTs are run on
fixed days of the week, as detailed on the Site, and
You do, however, acknowledge that by clicking on the
"Pay Now" button, you enter into an obligation to pay
you will be asked to select the day and date of the
SELT that you wish to sit.
for the SELT in the event that your Entry is accepted
Please note that we reserve the right to cancel or
by us. Where we accept your Entry, we will confirm
postpone a SELT date at short notice or to change
such acceptance by sending you an e-mail that
the SELT location, in which case you will be entitled,
confirms that we have accepted your Entry to your
at your discretion, to take the SELT at a proposed
later date, or to receive a full refund of any
Contract will only be formed between the parties
examination fee (an Entry Fee) you have paid to
may be subject to change from time to time. Changes
book the SELT on the original date and/or location.
to our Entry Fees will not affect those SELTs in
Acceptable Behaviour
respect of which we have already sent you an Entry
If you display threatening, abusive or dangerous
behaviour towards us or any of our staff or personnel,
then we reserve the right to refuse to allow you to
take the SELT. In such circumstances you will not be
entitled to a refund of the Entry Fee and we reserve
the right to prevent you from sitting any SELT in the
future if we feel that is necessary for the protection of
our staff or personnel.
Booking through our Site may also incur credit card or
other transaction charges which are as quoted on our
Site at the time of booking, and which may be liable to
change from time to time. In accordance with our
Privacy Policy, you agree in particular that we may
disclose your personal details to our banking
suppliers so that they may process your payment in a
secure online environment.
About us
The relevant Entry Fee must be paid in full by credit
We are a private company limited by guarantee
registered in England and Wales (registered number
02683033) whose registered office is at the Blue Fin
Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0TA,
United Kingdom. We are also a registered charity in
or debit card at the time of making your Entry
application. This can be done by following the
prompts that will appear on-screen on the Site or by
contacting us at the phone number provided on the
England and Wales under number 1014792. Our UK
VAT registration number is 680767793.
If your credit or debit card is declined, your Entry
application will not be processed. You will be
Your personal information
When you book a SELT with us on the Site you will
need to provide us with certain personal information
to enable us to process your application.
responsible for making a new Entry application using
a valid form of payment.
Entry Fees at present do not include VAT or other
sales tax. However, if VAT or any other sales tax
Our Privacy Policy sets out how we use any personal
becomes applicable between the date of your Entry
information you give us.
Confirmation and the date of the SELT, we reserve
Age of consent and entry
the right to add the VAT or other sales tax due by
If you are making an Entry on your own behalf, you
confirm that you are 18 years of age or older and that
you are legally capable of entering into binding
contracts. If you are under 18 years of age and you
wish to enter a SELT, you must get your parent or
legal guardian to agree to these Terms and make the
Entry and payment on your behalf.
In order to sit a SELT, you must be aged 5 years or
above at the time of the SELT.
SELT price and payment
All of our SELTs are subject to an Entry Fee, the
prices of which are stated on the Site. Entry Fees
transactions are subject to validation checks by your
card issuer and we are not responsible if your card
issuer declines to authorise payment for any reason.
Taking a SELT
All information about SELTs can be found online on
the Site and/or in the applicable Regulations.
On the day of taking the SELT, you will need to bring
a form of identity specified in our Candidate
Identification and Security Policy for SELTs. This is
for identification and registration purposes and must
match the ID details you registered via the Site.
or outside the Cooling-Off Period, subject to our terms
technology will also be used for identification
To cancel a Contract, you must clearly inform us (at
Trinity College London, Recycling Lives Building, 1a
Please note that the SELT will be recorded using
Essex Street, Preston, Lancashire PR1 1QE or at
CCTV for identification verification, standardisation,
selt@trinitycollege.co.uk) of your decision to cancel
examiner training purposes and to ensure that
the Contract by a clear statement or you may
malpractice does not take place. Further information
complete our Cancellation form available on the Site
about this can be found in our Privacy Policy and in
and returning it to the address specified in that form.
the applicable Regulations booklet. If you are a parent
or legal guardian contracting on behalf of a minor, you
consent to the minor being recorded in accordance
with the provisions above.
Details of the consumer rights described above, and
an explanation of how to exercise them, are provided
in the Entry Confirmation.
Nothing in this section
affects your legal rights.
If, due to the time period between booking a SELT
If you pass the SELT you will receive a certificate
and taking the SELT, you are due to take the SELT
(Certificate). You may get an indication whether you
before the expiry of the Cooling-Off Period, then you
have passed the GESE Exam or not on the day of the
expressly request that we begin the supply of
GESE Exam but we cannot guarantee this.
services (i.e. the provision of the SELT) before the
We will send you the Certificate by first class post or
you can pay when booking your SELT to have it
delivered to you securely.
end of the Cooling-Off Period.
Our refunds policy
If you cancel your Entry, we will reimburse payments
If you pass the SELT, it does not mean that you will
received from you, subject to our statutory right to
be successful in your
retain a portion of the Entry Fee to cover our
application for a visa,
immigration or citizenship. The exam result and
Certificate indicate your aptitude for the language
reasonable costs as follows:
If you cancel your exam more than 3 Working
Days before the exam is due to take place,
application process but do not guarantee that you will
we will charge 50% of the Entry Fee;
otherwise be successful in applying for a UK visa,
immigration status or citizenship.
If you cancel your exam within 3 Working
Days of the exam taking place, we will charge
Consumer and cancellation rights
You have a statutory right to cancel a Contract within
a period of 14 days after the day on which the
Contract is entered into (Cooling-Off Period) without
100% of the Entry Fee.
A Working Day means Monday to Friday, 9:00am –
5:00pm GMT and excludes public holidays in
giving any reason subject to our right to retain a
reasonable portion of the Entry Fee to reflect the work
If you cancel and reschedule your SELT (the same
undertaken by us up to the point of cancellation
exam as previously booked) on the same day as
(please see our refunds policy below).
your cancellation then we will not charge you the
reasonable costs incurred as a result of your
We extend the right to cancel to all bookings of
SELTs, whether or not the cancellation is made within
cancellation and we will charge you a reduced Entry
Fee to re-schedule your SELT (Re-Entry Rate) as
are foreseeable where they could be contemplated by
you and us at the time your Entry is accepted by us.
If you re-book a SELT that is scheduled to
We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to
take place more than 3 Working Days after
perform, or delay in performance of, any of our
your cancellation, we will charge a Re-Entry
obligations under any Contract that is caused by
Fee of £30 ;
events outside our reasonable control.
If you re-book a SELT that is scheduled to
take place within 3 Working Days of your
You may not transfer or assign any or all of your
cancellation, we will charge a Re-Entry Fee of
rights or obligations under any Contract.
All notices given by you to us must be given in writing
If you book a different SELT or if, on a different day
to the address set out at the end of these Terms. We
than the day of your cancellation, you re-schedule the
may give notice to you at either the email or postal
same SELT, you will not be entitled to benefit from
address you provide to us when submitting an Entry.
the Re-Entry Rates above and will be charged the full
Entry Fee.
If we fail to enforce any of our rights, that does not
result in a waiver of that right.
We will process any refund due to you as soon as
possible and, in any case, not later than 14 days after
the day on which we were informed about your
decision to cancel the Contract.
We will refund any money received from you using
the same method originally used by you to pay for
Entry, unless agreed otherwise.
Our liability
If any provision of these Terms is found to be
unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain
These Terms may not be varied except with our
express written consent.
These Terms and any document expressly referred to
in them represent the entire agreement between you
and us in relation to the subject matter of any
Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude our
liability to you:
These Terms shall be governed by English law. You
for death or personal injury caused by our
acknowledge and agree that the place of any service
provided by us as a result of entering into a Contract
for fraudulent misrepresentation;
under these Terms is the United Kingdom. You
for breach of any obligations implied by section
further agree that any dispute between you and us
12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of
regarding them or any Contract will only be dealt with
the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982;
by the English courts, provided that, if you live in a
under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act
part of the United Kingdom other than England, the
1987; or
applicable law of that part of the United Kingdom will
for any other liability that may not, under English
govern and any dispute will only be dealt with by the
law, be limited or excluded.
courts there.
Subject to this any liability we do have for losses you
suffer arising from any Contract shall not exceed the
Entry Fee of the relevant SELT and is strictly limited
to losses that were reasonably foreseeable. Losses
Contacting us
If you have any questions about these Terms or an
Entry you have made or if you have any questions or
selt@trinitycollege.co.uk, or by telephone on
011 5183 between the hours of 7.30am to 7.30pm,
Monday to Thursday, 7.30am-5.45, Fridays or 9am3pm Saturdays (please check up to date opening
times, including availability over public holidays here:
write to us at:
Trinity College London,
Recycling Lives Building,
1a Essex Street,
PR1 1QE,
United Kingdom.
Alternatively, you may