The Legal Agenda invites you to a Rountable Discussion entitled: "You Should be Strong, Strict, and Firm": Women Lawyers and the Challenges of Legal Practice in Lebanon When: April 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm. Where: “Université Pour Tous” Building, 107 Saint Joseph University Street, Entrance through St. Joseph Church parking lot. The number of women lawyers in Lebanon has increased significantly in recent decades, with the percentage of female lawyers reaching almost half the total workforce. This seminar is an attempt by the The Legal Agenda to address the structural and daily challenges facing women lawyers in the justice arena in Lebanon. Given that all the judicial and security sectors were male-dominated in the past, what are the experiences of women lawyers in the palaces of justice, civil, military, and religious courts, as well as at the police stations and security centers they frequent as part of their litigation duties, particularly in relation to criminal cases? How are they treated by other male lawyers and judges, male personnel, members of the judicial police, officers and members, or even by litigants? How do women lawyers deal with gender discrimination they may face in their careers in all these areas? What about their presence, role, and representation in the bar associations of Beirut and Tripoli given the very little representation of women on the board of both associations?Does the increase in the number of women lawyers impact on the perceptions and terms of practice for this profession? These issues, among others, will be addressed during a presentation by researcher Maya El Helou, along with testimonies by lawyers Fidaa’ Abdel Fattah and Clara Najem. Testimonies of other lawyers and concerned citizens will also be heard. The seminar will be moderated by researcher Samer Ghamroun, chair of The Legal Agenda’s administrative committee. The seminar will be conducted in Arabic.
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