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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer journal homepage: Field-synergy analysis of viscous dissipative nanofluid flow in microchannels Tiew Wei Ting, Yew Mun Hung ⇑, Ningqun Guo School of Engineering, Monash University, 46150 Bandar Sunway, Malaysia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 28 October 2013 Received in revised form 2 February 2014 Accepted 17 February 2014 Available online 14 March 2014 Keywords: Field synergy Microchannel heat sink Nanofluid Viscous dissipation a b s t r a c t Field-synergy analysis is performed on the viscous dissipative water–alumina nanofluid flow in circular microchannel heat sinks to scrutinize the synergetic relation between the flow and temperature fields for both heating and cooling processes. By varying the Reynolds number and the nanoparticle volume fraction, the effect of viscous dissipation in the convective heat transfer of nanofluid is investigated based on the field synergy principles. For the heating process, under the effect of viscous dissipation, the degree of synergy between the velocity and temperature fields of nanofluid flow deteriorates, leading to a dwindled heat transfer performance of the nanofluid. Due to the presence of two difference heat sources, the synergy angle and field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow are defined to characterize the synergetic behavior. The field synergy in the nanofluid is greater at low-Reynolds-number flow due to the reduced effect of viscous dissipation. By reducing the size of the nanoparticle and increasing the diameter of the microchannel, the degree of synergy between the velocity and temperature fields of the nanofluid flow in microchannel can be intensified, yielding convection heat transfer enhancement. On the other hand, for nanofluid cooling process, the presence of viscous dissipation would augment the field synergy of the flow. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The enhancement of convective heat transfer has been an everlasting research area aiming to create high thermal performance and energy efficient devices. Various techniques are utilized to enhance the convective heat transfer such as employing fin attachments, rough surfaces or inserts, by increasing the heat transfer area or the heat transfer coefficient. However, there is no unified theory to understand the essence of heat transfer enhancement of these techniques. Guo et al. [1] proposed a novel concept known as the field synergy principle [2] to analyze the mechanism of convective heat transfer based on the flow and temperature fields, as well as the synergy between them. This principle reveals that the convective heat transfer can be enhanced by reducing the intersection angle between the velocity and the temperature gradient vectors. The field synergy number was later introduced to indicate the degree of synergy between the velocity and temperature fields of the flow [3]. The field synergy principle was first proposed based on the parabolic fluid flow [1] and later its application was also validated in elliptical flow condition [2]. Various simulations and ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 5514 6251; fax: +60 3 5514 6207. E-mail address: (Y.M. Hung). 0017-9310/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. experimental studies have been conducted to verify the significance of the synergetic relation between the flow and temperature fields in characterizing the convective heat transfer of the flow [4–15]. Hence, the field synergy principle serves as an effective tool in the design of heat transfer devices involving convective heat transfer. The micro-scale convective heat transfer has been a topical subject due to the miniaturization of the electronic devices. The thermal management in such devices has become a challenging issue. Due to its large area-to-volume characteristic, microchannel heat sink appears to be one of the potential solutions to increase the thermal performance in a confined space. However, the choice of working fluid is also of great importance. The low thermal conductivity of the fluid poses a primary limitation to the development of high-performance heat transfer fluid. By suspending ultra-fine nanoparticle in the conventional fluid, the effective thermal conductivity of fluid is increased tremendously even with a small volume fraction of the nanoparticle, where Choi [16] first coined this kind of fluid as ‘‘nanofluid’’. Nanofluids have been reported to be able to enhance the convective heat transfer of the flow [17,18]. However, the heat transfer performance of nanofluid flow in the microchannel heat sink deteriorates when the effect of viscous dissipation is significant [19]. In low Peclet number flow, the suspension of nanoparticle increases the effect of streamwise conduction Author's personal copy 484 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 Nomenclature Br0 Ck Cl cp D dp Fc k Kn L Pe Pr qw r r9 Re T u modified Brinkman number thermal conductivity ratio viscosity ratio specific heat (J kg1 K1) inner diameter of microchannel (m) diameter of nanoparticle (m) field synergy number thermal conductivity (W m1 K1) Knudsen number length of the microchannel (m) Peclet number Prandtl number heat flux (W m2) radial coordinate (m) inner radius of microchannel (m) Reynolds number temperature (K) fluid velocity (m s1) and intensifies the entropy generation in nanofluid in the presence of streamwise conduction [20,21]. Mah et al. [22] reported that both the thermal performance and the exergetic effectiveness of the viscous dissipative nanofluid flow in microchannel dwindle with nanoparticle volume fraction. In addition to the heat transferred from the channel wall, viscous dissipation manifests itself as a heat source in the fluid flow producing appreciable rise in the fluid temperature due to the conversion of kinetic motion of the fluid to thermal energy. Such effect is more significant in microchannel due to its large length-to-diameter ratio, leading to drastic changes in the flow and temperature fields of the fluid. The effect of viscous dissipation is further enhanced in fluids of low specific heat and high viscosity, such as nanofluids of which the specific heat is reduced and the viscosity is increased due to the suspension of solid nanoparticle in the fluid [23]. Judging from this, it is instructive to investigate the synergy between the velocity and temperature field of nanofluid flow under the effect of viscous dissipation. The field-synergy analysis on nanofluid flow is not available in the up-to-date literature. The present study, a basic investigation in filling this gap, emphasizes the investigation of the synergetic relationship between the velocity and the temperature gradient fields of the nanofluid flow by incorporating the viscous dissipation effect. The deterioration of the heat transfer performance in viscous dissipative nanofluid flow as reported in [19,22] is analyzed from the field-synergy point of view. An analytical model is developed based on the first-law principles for fully developed nanofluid flow in a circular microchannel heat sink under the uniform wall heat flux condition by considering the viscous dissipation effect. The effects of viscous dissipation on forced convection of nanofluid heating and cooling are scrutinized. In addition, the effects of nanoparticle suspension and microchannel’s geometry on the field synergy of the flow are analyzed and discussed. 2. Mathematical formulation x longitudinal coordinate (m) Greek symbols b synergy angle / nanoparticle volume fraction h dimensionless temperature l dynamic viscosity (N s m2) q density (kg m3) k molecular mean free path (m) Subscripts eff effective f of base fluid nf of nanofluid p of nanoparticle vd of viscous dissipation 1 of Model 1 2 of Model 2 thermal conductivity of water–Al2O3 nanofluid can be estimated as [24] keff ¼ C k kf ; ð1Þ where Ck is a constant coefficient defined as 1=3 C k ¼ ð1 þ ARem b Prf /Þ jð1 þ 2aÞ þ 2 þ 2/½jð1 aÞ 1 : jð1 þ 2aÞ þ 2 /½jð1 aÞ 1 ð2Þ The parameter j = kp/kf is the thermal conductivity ratio of the particle thermal conductivity kp to the base fluid thermal conductivity kf, Prf = cp,flf/kf is the Prandtl number of the fluid, / is the nanoparticle volume fraction, a = 2Rbkf/dp is the nanoparticle Biot number, where dp is the nanoparticle diameter and Rb is the interfacial resistance. The Brownian–Reynolds number is defined as qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Reb ¼ 18kb T=pqp dp =mf , with kb as the Boltzmann constant and mf as the fluid kinematic viscosity. For the suspension of Al2O3 nanoparticles in water, it is reported that Rb = 0.77 108 m2KW1, m = 2.5 and A = 40,000 [24]. The effective viscosity of water–Al2O3 nanofluid can be modeled using a modified Einstein model by taking into account the slip velocity between the nanoparticles and the base fluid, given by [25] leff ¼ C l lf ; ð3Þ where lf is the dynamic viscosity of the base fluid and the ratio Cl is defined as " # 2e dp 2=3ðeþ1Þ : C l ¼ ð1 þ 2:5/Þ 1 þ g / D ð4Þ In Eq. (4), e = 1/4 and g = 280 are the empirical constants for Al2O3 nanoparticles and D is the inner diameter of microchannel. Eqs. (2) and (4) can be easily replaced with other felicitous correlations associated with the suspension of nanoparticle in the conventional fluid. The effective density of nanofluid is taken on the basis of volume average as [26] 2.1. Thermophysical properties of nanofluid qnf ¼ qf ð1 /Þ þ qp /; Nanofluid exhibits distinctive thermophysical properties from the conventional fluid due to the suspension of ultra-fine nanoparticles in the base fluid. Water–Al2O3 nanofluid is selected in the present study. By taking into account the Brownian motioninduced convection from multiple nanoparticles, the effective while the effective specific heat, which is more accurate on the basis of mass average, is given by Bergman [27] cp;nf ¼ qf cp;f ð1 /Þ þ qp cp;p / : qf ð1 /Þ þ qp / ð5Þ ð6Þ Author's personal copy 485 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 2 ^ 1 d dh du ^ Br0 ¼ ð1 þ 8Br0 Þ u R ; R dR dR dR 2.2. First-law formulation The nanofluid flow with low concentration of nanoparticle can be treated as a continuous medium and the continuum modeling approach is applicable for channels larger than 1 lm [28]. Viscosity measurements show that most of the nanofluids manifest themselves as Newtonian fluids [29,30]. For a steady axisymmetric flow in a microchannel with internal radius ro, the equation of motion can be written as 1 @ @u 1 @p ¼ : r r @r @r leff @x ð7Þ " ð8Þ is the mean velocity of the nanofluid over the cross section where u area of the microchannel. The fluid phase and the nanoparticle are assumed to be in thermal equilibrium with constant thermophysical properties and the energy equation is given by 2 @T k @ @T @u þ leff r qnf cp;nf u ¼ eff ; @x @r @r r @r ð9Þ where T is the temperature of the nanofluid. The viscous dissipation term is incorporated in the energy equation as the second term of the right hand side of Eq. (9). Uniform heat flux qw is applied on the microchannel wall and the radial thermal boundary conditions are expressed as @T keff ¼ qw ; @r r¼ro @T ¼ 0; @r r¼0 ð10Þ For fully developed flow with isoflux boundary condition in the present study, the temperature gradient along the axial direction is a constant given by @T dT ¼ ; @x dx ð11Þ where T is the bulk mean temperature defined as T¼ 2 r 20 u Z ro uTr dr: ð12Þ dhð0Þ ¼ 0: dR hð1Þ ¼ 0; ð18Þ Substituting the dimensionless velocity profile into Eq. (17) and solving it with Eq. (18) yields the closed-form dimensionless temperature profile in the radial direction as ð19Þ Eq. (19) is substituted into the non-dimensional form of Eq. (15) to obtain the dimensionless temperature profile as h1 ðR; XÞ ¼ 2LX 1 2 1 þ R ð1 þ 8Br0 Þ ð1 þ 16Br0 ÞR4 ro Pe 2 8 3 16 0 1þ Br 8 3 ð20Þ where X = x/L is the dimensionless axial distance, L is the micro D=leff is channel length, Pe = Re Pr is the Peclet number, Re ¼ qnf u the Reynolds number and Pr = cp,nfleff/keff is the Prandtl number. For the case where the viscous dissipation effect is neglected, i.e. Br0 = 0, the dimensionless temperature profile becomes h2 ðR; XÞ ¼ 2LX 1 4 1 2 3 R þ R : ro Pe 8 2 8 ð21Þ For the purpose of comparison, the case where the viscous dissipation effect is incorporated in the energy equation is denoted as Model 1 (with subscript 1) while the case where the viscous dissipation effect is neglected is denoted as Model 2 (with subscript 2). The Nusselt number characterizing the heat transfer rate between the microchannel wall and the water–Al2O3 nanofluid can be derived as hD 48 ¼ : keff 48Br0 þ 11 Nu ¼ ð22Þ where h ¼ qw =ðT w TÞ is the heat transfer coefficient between the wall and the nanofluid. 0 In Eq. (12), T is independent of the radial direction. Integrating Eq. (9) over the cross section of the microchannel yields @ qnf cp;nf @x Z 0 ro r Z ro 2 @T o @u uTr dr ¼ keff r þ leff r dr: @r 0 @r 0 dT 2 2 Þ ¼ w ¼ constant; ¼ ðq r þ 4leff u r 2o w o dx qnf cp;nf u qnf cp;nf keff ðT T w Þ h¼ ; qw D Z ro ðV rTÞrdr ¼ keff Z 0 0 ro ðr2 TÞrdr þ leff Z ro 0 2 @u rdr: @r By utilizing Eqs. (8) and (10), Eq. (23) is reduced to qnf cp;nf ð16Þ where Tw is the temperature of the microchannel wall, Eq. (9) can be nondimensionalized as Z 0 ro 2 : ðV rTÞrdr ¼ r o qw þ 4leff u ð24Þ By introducing the dimensionless vectorial variables V ¼ ð15Þ where f(r) can be obtained by solving Eq. (9). By utilizing Eq. (14) and the following dimensionless variables u ^¼ ; u u The vector form of energy equation, when integrated over the cross section of microchannel, can be expressed as ð23Þ ð14Þ which demonstrates that the axial temperature gradient is inherently a constant. Following this, it can be deduced from Eqs. (11) and (14) that the nanofluid temperature distribution takes the form of Tðr; xÞ ¼ f ðrÞ þ wx; 2.3. Field-synergy principle ð13Þ By utilizing Eqs. (8), (10), and (11), Eq. (13) can be simplified as r R¼ ; r0 2 =qw D is the modified Brinkman number based on and Br0 ¼ leff u the isoflux condition. The dimensionless boundary conditions can be written as 1 1 3 16 0 1þ Br : hðRÞ ¼ ð1 þ 16Br0 ÞR4 þ ð1 þ 8Br0 ÞR2 8 2 8 3 The velocity distribution yields the Hagen–Poiseuille profile as 2 # r ; u ¼ 2u 1 ro ð17Þ V ; u rT ¼ rT ; ðT w TÞ=r o ð25Þ and applying the definition of Nusselt number as shown in Eq. (22), Eq. (24) can be written as Pe Z 1 ðV rT ÞRdR ¼ Nuð1 þ 8Br0 Þ; ð26Þ 0 where the viscous dissipation term appears as the second term on the right hand side of the equation. In Eq. (26), the dot product of the dimensionless velocity and temperature gradient vectors is Author's personal copy 486 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 V rT ¼ jV jjrT j cos b; ð27Þ ⁄ ⁄ where b is the synergy angle between the vectors V and rT . In order to enhance the convective heat transfer in the flow, the convection term on the left hand side of Eq. (26) needs to be as large as possible. Hence, the synergy angle b has to be as small as possible in order to obtain cos b 1, which is the ideal case where the velocity and temperature gradient vectors are in full coordination with each other. The synergy angle can be derived as b ¼ cos1 0 1 V rT @T=@x B C ¼ cos1 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA; jV jjrT j ð@T=@xÞ2 þ ð@T=@rÞ2 ð28Þ which is a function of both the axial and radial temperature gradient of the nanofluid. Eq. (28) can be nondimensionalize as 0 1 0 1 þ 8Br B C b ¼ cos1 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA: 2 2 0 2 ð1 þ 8Br Þ þ ðPe=2Þ ð@h=@RÞ ð29Þ Evidently, b varies only along the radial direction due to the fact that the axial temperature gradient is a constant. The integral in Eq. (26) is denoted as field synergy number which represents the degree of synergy between the velocity and temperature gradient fields for the entire domain, given by Fc ¼ Z 1 ðV rT ÞRdR ¼ 0 Nuð1 þ 8Br0 Þ : Pe ð30Þ The field synergy number which is proportional to the Nusselt number is associated with the enhancement of the convection heat transfer. 3. Results and discussion The input parameters of the water–Al2O3 nanofluid used for the computation are listed in Table 1. We have assumed that the nanofluid in the microchannel is regarded as a continuum. This assumption is validated with the Knudsen number which is defined as Kn ¼ k ; D in water. For Re = 500, the water–Al2O3 nanofluid with / = 4% induces a viscous dissipative heat rate which is 2.7 times of the heat input from the channel wall. This is more than sufficient to trigger motivation to investigate the effect of viscous dissipation on the nanofluid flow field synergy due to the alteration of the velocity and temperature fields induced by the nanoparticle suspension. Fig. 1(a) and (b) illustrates the isotherms and streamlines of water–Al2O3 nanofluid flow with / = 8% and Re = 2000 for Model 1 (with viscous dissipation) and Model 2 (without viscous dissipation), respectively. Ideally, vertical isotherms indicate the best synergy between the velocity and temperature field of the flow. In fully developed flow, the velocity profile is not changing in the streamwise direction and the streamlines are parallel to the axial direction of the channel. The radial temperature gradient at the center of the channel is zero for the case of fully developed flow with uniform wall heat flux condition. Both models show that the isotherms are in orthogonal to the streamlines at R = 0, indicating a good synergy of the velocity and temperature field at the center of the channel. Furthering away from the proximity of the center of the channel, the isotherms lose the orthogonality with respect to the streamlines, showing reduced synergy of the flow and temperature fields in the region. However, when the effect of viscous dissipation is considered, the isotherms at the channel wall regain the orthogonality with respect to the streamlines with a decreasing trend of the synergy angle as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 2 depicts the synergy angle between the velocity vector and the temperature gradient vector of water–Al2O3 nanofluid flow with / = 8% and Re = 2000. The angle is relatively small at the center of the channel, implying the synergy between the velocity and the temperature fields is optimal at this location. Further away from the center, the degree of synergy decreases as the angle increases. When R 1, the effect of viscous dissipation reduces the synergy angle of Model 1 in this region, while this phenomenon is not observed in Model 2. Fig. 2 concurs with the isotherm and the streamline plots in Fig. 1 with a lower synergy angle for Model ð31Þ where k is the fluid molecule mean free path. The effective size and the mean free path of the water molecules are both of the same order of 0.3 nm [28]. Similarly, the mean free path of the Al2O3 nanoparticle is regarded to be of the same order with its effective diameter of 60 nm. For the microchannel of interest with an inner diameter of 50 lm, the Knudsen number is relatively small with the value of Kn = 1.2 103, justifying the continuum assumption. In the present study, the effect of viscous dissipation in the microchannel is augmented due to the suspension of Al2O3 nanoparticles Table 1 Input parameters used in the analysis. Parameters Values Bulk mean temperature, T Uniform heat flux Channel inner diameter Channel length Particle diameter Base fluid density Base fluid conductivity Base fluid viscosity Base fluid specific heat capacity Particle density Particle conductivity Particle specific heat capacity 300 K 1 105 W/m2 50 lm 0.02 m 60.4 nm 997 kg/m3 0.613 W/mK 8.55 104 Ns/m2 4179 J/kg K 3975 kg/m3 36 W/m K 778.6 J/kg K Fig. 1. The isotherms and streamlines for fully developed water–Al2O3 nanofluid flow with / = 8% and Re = 2000 for (a) Model 1, and (b) Model 2. Author's personal copy 487 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 excluded the viscous dissipation. Following this, a synergy angle for viscous dissipative flow is derived as 0 1 1 B C b0 ¼ cos1 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA: 1 þ ðPe=2Þ2 ð@h=@RÞ2 ð34Þ The corresponding average synergy angle over the cross section is given by b0 ¼ Fig. 2. Local synergy angle of water–Al2O3 nanofluid flow with / = 8% and Re = 2000. 1, indicating that the heat transfer rate is enhanced in the viscous dissipative nanofluid flow. This finding contradicts the results reported in [19,22], where a lower heat transfer rate is observed with the incorporation of the viscous dissipation effect. In such case, the synergy angle of Model 1 is expected be higher than that of Model 2. This contradiction can be explained from Eq. (26) that the convection term on the left-hand side is associated with the combined effects of two heat sources, i.e. the wall heat flux and the viscous dissipation, which are the first and the second terms on the right-hand side of the equation, respectively. It is worth pointing out that the field synergy principle correlates the velocity and the temperature gradient vectors in the convection term to a heat source term. Conventionally, without the viscous dissipation, the heat source is comprised of the wall heat flux transported from the microchannel wall to the nanofluid. The convection heat transfer and the field synergy can be enhanced by raising the strength of the heat source term [1]. The viscous dissipation acts as an extra heat source and the magnitude of the heat source term is increased. This leads to a decrease in the synergy angle, contradicting the findings of the previous studies [19,22]. Therefore, by incorporating the viscous dissipation effect, we redefine the synergy angle and the field synergy number in the next section that follows. Z 1 Ac b0 dAc ¼ 2 Ac Z 1 b0 RdR; ð35Þ 0 And it is evaluated numerically using the Simpson’s rule for the sake of simplicity and accuracy. By recasting Eq. (33), the field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow can be obtained as Fc0 ¼ Z 0 1 ½V ðrh rhvd ÞRdR ¼ Nu : Pe ð36Þ It is evident that when Br0 = 0, the synergy angle and field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow are reduced to their respective original values in Eqs. (29) and (30), respectively. When Br0 > 0, the effect of viscous dissipation is incorporated in the temperature distribution and the Nusselt number which are functions of Br0 . Fig. 3(a) and (b) illustrates the variations of synergy angle for viscous dissipative flow, b0 , in the radial direction for the flow with / = 0% and / = 8, respectively, with Reynolds number as a parameter. For both cases, the b0 values of Model 1 is greater than those of Model 2, indicating that the presence of viscous dissipation attenuates the strength of the synergy between the velocity and temperature fields as well as the convection heat transfer. This concurs with the findings reported in [19,22]. The use of the synergy angle for viscous dissipative flow is appropriate to correlate the convection term in viscous dissipative flow. It is observed that the deviation between the two models is more significant in the proximity of the center of the channel. The viscous dissipation effect incurs higher b0 in the region of R 0 due to the superposition 3.1. The synergy angle and field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow In order to relate the field synergy analysis to the Nusselt number, the viscous dissipation term is combined with the convection term on the left-hand side of Eq. (26). By imposing adiabatic boundary condition at the wall in Eq. (24), the viscous dissipation term can be analogous to an equivalent convective term in vectorial form as qnf cp;nf Z 0 ro 2 ; ðV rT vd Þrdr ¼ 4leff u ð32Þ where rTvd is the equivalent temperature gradient vector contributed solely by the viscous dissipation in the flow. The left-hand side of Eq. (32) is the equivalent convective vectorial form of the viscous dissipation term. Substituting Eq. (32) into Eq. (24) and performing the nondimensionalization yields Pe Z 0 1 V ðrT rT vd Þ RdR ¼ Nu: ð33Þ In Eq. (33), the viscous dissipation term in the form of temperature gradient vector rT vd is now incorporated in the convection term. It can be observed that the field synergy term (the integral term) in Eq. (33) which characterizes the convection heat transfer has Fig. 3. Local synergy angle b0 of water–Al2O3 nanofluid flow, the Reynolds number as a parameter for (a) / = 0%, and (b) / = 8%. Author's personal copy 488 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 of the two temperature gradient vectors in Eq. (33). Higher values of b0 are observed for nanofluid, implying that with the suspension of nanoparticles in the base fluid, the synergy between the velocity and temperature fields declines. The obvious decline in the field synergy as observed in Fig. 3(b) is due to the changes in the thermophysical properties of nanofluid which alters the flow and temperature fields of the fluid as depicted in Eqs. (7) and (9). Fig. 4 plots the average synergy angle for viscous dissipative flow, b0 , as a function of nanoparticle volume fraction /, with Reynolds number as a parameter. The b0 values of Model 1 are higher than those of Model 2. The deviation between the two models increases with the increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. Therefore, the effect of viscous dissipation in the flow is more significant in the presence of nanoparticle suspension due to the increase of the nanofluid effective viscosity [31]. It is observed that b0 increases with the Reynolds number. Therefore, the field synergy of the flow is attenuated by the suspension of nanoparticles, as well as the increase of the Reynolds number. Fig. 5 depicts the variations of the field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow, Fc0 , with respect to the nanoparticle volume fraction /, with Reynolds number as a parameter. The field synergy declines with increasing Reynolds number and the addition of nanoparticle in the fluid. In addition, the viscous dissipation further reduces the synergy of the flow. As depicted in Eq. (36), the viscous dissipation term induces a decrease in the temperature gradient vector and hence reduces the field synergy of the flow. 3.2. Effect of nanoparticle diameter As depicted in Eqs. (2) and (4), the thermal characteristics of the nanofluid are intimately influenced by the size of the suspended Fig. 4. Average synergy angle b0 as a function of nanoparticle volume fraction, the Reynolds number as a parameter. Fig. 5. Field synergy number Fc0 as a function of nanoparticle volume fraction, the Reynolds number as a parameter. nanoparticle. A decrease in the diameter of nanoparticle causes an increase in the Nusselt number of the nanofluid flow [32]. It is instructive to investigate the effect of nanoparticle diameter on the field synergy of the nanofluid flow. Fig. 6(a) depicts the variations of b0 as a function of nanoparticle diameter dp for water–Al2O3 nanofluid with / = 1% and / = 8%. It is observed that a decrease in the nanoparticle diameter reduces the synergy angle of the flow, indicating a better coordination between the velocity and the temperature fields. Correspondingly, the field synergy number increases as the nanoparticle diameter decreases as illustrated in Fig. 6(b). The decrease of the nanoparticle diameter results in the changes of the thermophysical properties of the nanofluid that lead to enhanced field synergy. The field synergy number decreases with the Reynolds number and the nanoparticle volume fraction. The effect of viscous dissipation is more significant at high Reynolds number flow, rendering a higher value of b0 and a lower value of Fc0 . The effect of nanoparticle volume fraction on b0 and Fc0 is less significant at high Reynolds number flow. Fig. 6(c) plots the variations of Nusselt number with respect to the nanoparticle diameter, with Reynolds number as a parameter. Evidently, the decrease of the nanoparticle diameter increases the Nusselt number and hence the convection heat transfer. When the Reynolds number and the nanoparticle volume fraction are increased, the viscous dissipation effect is magnified and consequently the synergy angle increases while the field synergy number and the Nusselt number are reduced. The trends of the Nusselt number in Fig. 6(c) concurs with those of the synergy number in Fig. 6(b), suggesting that the heat transfer enhancement for smaller nanoparticles diameter is due to the improved synergy between the flow and temperature fields. 3.3. Effect of microchannel diameter The aspect ratio of the channel has significant impact on the thermal performance of the micro-scale heat sink. The decrease in the microchannel diameter increases the value of Brinkman number which characterize the significance of viscous dissipation [33]. Higher value of Brinkman number indicates a greater magnitude of the internal heat generation due to the viscous dissipation. Fig. 7(a) depicts the variations of b0 as a function of microchannel diameter for water–Al2O3 nanofluid with / = 1% and / = 8%. The increase of the microchannel diameter decreases the synergy angle and a greater magnitude of decrease is observed at low-Reynolds-number region. As the decrease in synergy angle implies enhanced field synergy, Fc0 increases with increasing microchannel diameter as depicted in Fig. 7(b). When the microchannel diameter increases, the Brinkman number decreases, indicating the reduced effect of viscous dissipation. It can be deduced from Eq. (36) that when the viscous dissipation effect is reduced, the magnitude of the temperature gradient vector is higher and hence a greater value of Fc0 is obtained. The variations of Nusselt number as a function of microchannel diameter, with Reynolds number as a parameter are illustrated in Fig. 7(c). It is observed that the Nusselt number increases with the increasing size of the microchannel, attesting the fact that the increase of the microchannel diameter enhances the convection heat transfer which is justified by the intensified synergy between the velocity and temperature fields of the flow. It is noted that for a fixed value of input heat flux and nanofluid volume fraction, the microchannel diameter, D and the temperature difference between the wall temperature and the bulk mean temperature, T w T, determine the Nusselt number of the flow based on Nu ¼ qw D=keff ðT w TÞ. Fig. 8 depicts the temperature difference T w T as a function of Reynolds number for nanofluid of / = 1%, with D being a parameter. We can observe that when the viscous dissipation effect is neglected, the temperature Author's personal copy T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 Fig. 6. The effect of nanoparticle diameter on the (a) average synergy angle b0 , (b) field synergy number Fc0 , and (c) Nusselt number, the Reynolds number as a parameter. difference is insensitive with the variation of Reynolds number but increases with the microchannel’s diameter. However, when the effect of viscous dissipation is incorporated in Model 1, the temperature difference increases with Reynolds number. For lowReynolds-number flow, as the effect of viscous dissipation is insignificant in this region, the temperature difference increases with the channel’s diameter, similar to the trend of Model 2 when viscous dissipation effect is neglected. As the Reynolds number increases, the effect of viscous dissipation intensifies. Viscous dissipation features as a source term in the fluid flow incurring an appreciable rise in the wall temperature due to the frictional heating of the flowing fluid with the wall. This results in appreciable increase in the temperature difference. For higher Reynolds number, opposite trend is observed where the temperature difference increases with decreasing channel’s diameter. This result is in accordance with the intensification of viscous dissipation in smaller channel. It has been verified that the effect of viscous dissipation is insignificant when the Brinkman number is sufficiently small. When the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number do not change significantly, small values of Brinkman number do not affect the Nusselt number considerably [33]. Typically, the viscous dissipation incurs pronounced impact on the convective heat transfer 489 Fig. 7. The effect of microchannel diameter on the (a) average synergy angle b0 , (b) field synergy number Fc0 , and (c) Nusselt number, the Reynolds number as a parameter. Fig. 8. Temperature difference between the microchannel wall temperature and the bulk mean temperature of nanofluid with / = 1% as a function of Reynolds number, the microchannel diameter being a parameter. characteristics when the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number are high [23]. Based on the fact that the viscous dissipation is a function of multiple parameters, the Nusselt number and the field Author's personal copy 490 T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 synergy number which include most of the pertinent parameter, manifest themselves as better performance indicators in characterizing the viscous dissipation effect on the convection heat transfer in microchannels, in comparison with that by unilaterally analyzing the temperature difference between the fluid and wall temperatures. 3.4. Field synergy analysis of nanofluid cooling So far, our analysis is restricted to the nanofluid heating process in microchannel heat sinks. It is instructive to investigate the field synergy between the flow and temperature fields in the nanofluid cooling process to distinguish the difference in the synergetic behavior. The cooling process here comport with the case where the fluid is being cooled, with a negative heat flux applied at the wall of the microchannel. From Eq. (19), the negative Brinkman number corresponds to the cooling process when the sign of the heat flux is negative. As commonly exhibited in the conventional heating and cooling processes, the wall temperature is lower than the fluid temperature for a cooling process. Fig. 9 depicts the variations of synergy angle for viscous dissipative flow, b0 , in the radial direction for nanofluid cooling flow with / = 1%. When Re = 50, Re = 100 and Re = 500, the b0 values of Model 1 is smaller than those of Model 2, indicating that the presence of viscous dissipation enhances the degree of the synergy between the velocity and temperature fields. The deviation between the two models increases with increasing Reynolds number due to the intensified effect of viscous dissipation. However, exception is observed for Re = 2000 where the b0 value of Model 1 is larger than that of Model 2. This is because the viscous dissipation as internal heat generation has balanced out the output heat flux at the channel wall at high Reynolds number flow and the role of convection diminishes. The variations of field synergy number as a function of Reynolds number, with the nanoparticle volume fraction being a parameter, are depicted in Fig. 10(a). For a fixed nanoparticle volume fraction, a singularity in the field synergy number is noticed at a particular value of Reynolds number, denoted as critical Reynolds number, Rec. Similar trend is also observed when the Nusselt number is plotted as a function of Reynolds number, as shown in Fig. 10(b). The underlying physical significance of Rec indicates the situation where the heat output from the nanofluid is balanced out by the internal heat generation due to viscous dissipation. The bulk mean temperature approaches the wall temperature, leading to no significant heat transfer between the nanofluid and the wall, and thus the field synergy number approaches infinity. In this case, the wallfluid temperature difference T w T in the denominator of the heat transfer coefficient is equal to zero. The existence of singularity in the field synergy number (or Nusselt number) is subsequent to a change of sign of the wall and bulk mean temperature difference [19,34,35]. The existence of singularity in the field synergy number Fig. 9. Local synergy angle b0 of water–Al2O3 with / = 1% for nanofluid cooling process. Fig. 10. (a) Field synergy number Fc0 , and (b) Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number for nanofluid cooling process. (or Nusselt number) is only applicable to cooling process when the internal heating effect of viscous dissipation is considered. It is noticed that there are two distinct ranges of Fc0 (or Nu) for cooling process. In the range of 0 < Re 6 Rec, the field synergy number (or Nusselt number) gradually increases with increasing Reynolds number and in proximity to Rec, the field synergy number (or Nusselt number) increases tremendously. This is due to the decrease in the temperature difference until it comes to a change of sign. In the range of Re > Rec, the field synergy number (or Nusselt number) approaches zero from a negative infinite value. This is because the internal heat generation by the viscous dissipation overcomes the heat output from the wall, and higher Re translates into higher internal heat generation leading to higher temperature difference and subsequently lower field synergy number (or Nusselt number). 4. Conclusions Field-synergy principle is used to investigate the convection heat transfer of viscous dissipative nanofluid flow in microchannel heat sinks under the uniform wall heat flux condition. Due to the presence of two heat sources in the flow, we define the synergy angle and field synergy number for viscous dissipative flow to investigate the relationships of the velocity and temperature fields associated with the convection heat transfer enhancement. Under the effects of viscous dissipation, the synergy angle is increased and the field synergy number is decreased, leading to the deterioration of synergy between the velocity and temperature fields. The suspension of nanoparticle in the fluid leads to further decrease in the field synergy. By reducing the size of the nanoparticle and increasing the diameter of the microchannel, the degree of synergy between the velocity and temperature fields of the nanofluid flow in microchannel can be intensified. On the other hand, the field synergy in the nanofluid cooling improves in the presence of viscous dissipation. Similar to other passive heat transfer enhancement technique, the suspension of nanoparticles alters the synergy between the velocity and temperature fields, leading to Author's personal copy T.W. Ting et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 73 (2014) 483–491 the distinctive heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids compared to those of conventional fluids. References [1] Z.Y. Guo, D.Y. Li, B.X. Wang, A novel concept for convective heat transfer enhancement, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 (1998) 2221–2225. [2] W.Q. Tao, Z.Y. Guo, B.X. Wang, Field synergy principle for enhancing convective heat transfer – its extension and numerical verifications, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 3849–3856. [3] Z.Y. Guo, W.Q. Tao, R.K. Shah, The field synergy (coordination) principle and its applications in enhancing single phase convective heat transfer, Int. J. 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