EE 818 - 02 (3L) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Winter 2014-15 Description: The fundamentals of electromagnetism and its applications. Includes Maxwell's equations, multi-pole fields, electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction, retarded potentials and radiation, dipole antennas, antenna arrays, rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, and microwave circuits. Prerequisites: with approval of the instructor Instructor: Robert E. Johanson, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Office: Room 3B36, Engineering Building Phone: (306) 966-5392 Email: Lectures: Tuesday Thursday, 2:30 p.m.–4:20 p.m., Room 2C88 Website: The website is only used for lecture notes an assignment solutions. All announcements will be made in class or by email. Course Reference Numbers (CRNs): 22625 (lectures) Textbook: Umran Inan and Aziz Inan, Electromagnetic Waves (Prentice Hall, 2000) The textbook is recommended but not essential. Office Hours: There are no formal office hours. Students are welcome and encouraged to stop by the instructor's office at any time for help. A student can also send email to make an appointment. Reading List: none Assessment: The methods of assessment and their respective weightings are given below. Final Grades: Assignments 20% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 60% Note that to pass the course you must pass at least one of the final or midterm examinations. If you fail all exams and your numeric mark evaluates to 50 or higher then the mark will be reduced to 49. Final grades will be based on the numeric assessment given above. However, the final grades might be adjusted to be consistent with the “literal descriptors” specified in the university’s grading system. For information regarding appeals of final grades or other academic matters, please consult the University Council document on academic appeals. Course Content: The course presumes completion of an undergraduate course in electric and magnetic fields at the level of EE 301. Brief review of basic electromagnetism static electric and magnetic fields time varying fields Maxwell’s equations Electromagnetic waves wave equation electromagnetic plane and nonplanar waves polarization and energy flow (Poynting vector) interaction with materials (conductors and dielectrics) reflection and transmission at interfaces Waveguides metal rectangular waveguides cylindrical waveguides dielectric waveguides cavity resonators Radiation retarded potentials dipole antenna antenna radiation pattern, gain, and radiation resistance dipole arrays and high gain radiation from accelerated charges (synchrotron radiation): qualitative Assignments: There will be about one six or seven assignments. The purpose of the assignments is to reinforce the material and give practice in manipulating the equations. The assignments should be handed in when completed. Solutions will be provided and are distributed on the course website. Exams: There will be a midterm examination given after the module on metallic waveguides. The midterm exam will either be a two hour in-class exam or a 24 hour take-home exam depending on the number of students registered and the wishes of the students. The instructor prefers the take-home exam for three or fewer students. Solutions to the midterm exam will be posted. The final examination will be a three hour examination at the time scheduled by the university or another time with the agreement of all the students. All exams are open textbook and open notes (both the student's own notes and the instructor's lecture notes); calculators (any type) are allowed. Important Dates: Student Conduct: start of class this year is delayed; contact the instructor. about mid-March Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Thursday, April 9, 2015 first lecture Midterm exam final lecture final exams begin Ethical behaviour is an important part of engineering practice. Each professional engineering association has a Code of Ethics, which its members are expected to follow. Since students are in the process of becoming Professional Engineers, it is expected that students will conduct themselves in an ethical manner. The APEGS (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan) Code of Ethics states that engineers shall “conduct themselves with fairness, courtesy and good faith towards clients, colleagues, employees and others; give credit where it is due and accept, as well as give, honest and fair professional criticism” (Section 20(e), The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Regulatory Bylaws, 1997). The first part of this statement discusses an engineer’s relationships with his or her colleagues. One of the ways in which engineering students can demonstrate courtesy to their colleagues is by helping to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, and minimizing disruptions in class. This includes arriving on time for lectures, turning cell phones and other electronic devices off during lectures, not leaving or entering the class at inopportune times, and refraining from talking to others while the instructor is talking. However, if you have questions at any time during lectures, please feel free to ask (chances are very good that someone else may have the same question as you do). For more information, please consult the University Council Guidelines for Academic Conduct. Academic Honesty: The latter part of the above statement from the APEGS Code of Ethics discusses giving credit where it is due. At the University, this is addressed by university policies on academic integrity and academic misconduct. In this class, students are expected to submit their own individual work for academic credit, properly cite the work of others, and to follow the rules for examinations. Academic misconduct, plagiarism, and cheating will not be tolerated. Copying of assignments and lab reports is considered academic misconduct. Students are responsible for understanding the university’s policies on academic integrity and academic misconduct. For more information, please consult the University Council Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct and the university’s examination regulations. Safety: The APEGS Code of Ethics also states that Professional Engineers shall “hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment and promote health and safety within the workplace” (Section 20(a), The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Regulatory Bylaws, 1997). Safety is taken very seriously by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students are expected to work in a safe manner, follow all safety instructions, and use any personal protective equipment provided. Students failing to observe the safety rules in any laboratory will be asked to leave. Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to 1. derive the wave equation from Maxwell's equations, 2. demonstrate that a plane traveling wave solves the wave equation and identify the wavelength, frequency, wavevector, electric and magnetic field amplitudes, polarization, and power density, 3. demonstrate that a spherical wave solves the wave equation, 4. derive the exponential decay in an absorbing medium and relate the complex dielectric constant to the complex wavevector, 5. calculate the absorption coefficient and the skin depth for an absorbing medium including a metal, 6. state the boundary conditions for the electric and magnetic fields, 7. derive and calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for a plane wave incident on a boundary, 8. derive and use the field formulae for rectangular and cylindrical metallic waveguides and calculate the cut-off frequency for each mode and the power loss, 9. derive and use the field formulae for rectangular and cylindrical metallic cavity resonators and calculate resonance frequency for each mode and the Q factor, 10. derive and use the field formulae for a dielectric slab waveguide and calculate the cutoff frequency of each mode, and 11. calculate the radiation pattern, radiation resistance, and gain for a dipole antenna or multiple dipole antennas. Assessment Mapping: Component Weighting Methods of Feedback*** Assignments 20% Midterm Exam 20% S+F Final Exam 60% ***Methods of Feedback: F – formative (written comments and/or oral discussions) S – summative (number grades) Learning Outcomes Evaluated 1–11 1–8 1–11 (more weight on 8–11)
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