Support to Rehabilitation of Yolanda-affected Areas in the

Environment and Rural Development (EnRD) Program Philippines
Support to Rehabilitation of Yolanda-affected
Areas in the Visayas
Since more than 20 years, GIZ has been supporting sustainable development in the
Visayan Islands of Leyte, Samar, Cebu, Bohol, Negros and Panay in close cooperation
with National Government Agencies as well as Provincial and City/Municipal Local
Government Units (LGUs) on behalf of the German Government. Prior to typhoon
Yolanda, GIZ through the Environment and Rural Development (EnRD) Program
supported a total of 155 municipalities and cities in 12 provinces in the Visayas.
Today, the program continues its support to 18 municipalities in Leyte and Samar,
and maintains office in Tacloban City.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
has granted over 1.7 million Euros to GIZ to provide technical assistance to support
the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the areas in the Visayas affected by Typhoon
Yolanda. The Environment and Rural Development (EnRD) Program is implementing
this technical assistance for a 2-year period from January 2014 to December 2015.
Activities have already started and include:
Formulation of rehabilitation and reconstruction plans of local government units in
Leyte, Samar and Antique (assistance extended to 21 municipalities)
Assistance to implementation of immediate priorities of LGUs, especially to promote
livelihood of farmers and fisher folks
Conduct of participatory disaster risk and vulnerability assessments
Review of comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs) and integration of disaster
preparedness plans into zoning provisions (including those assisted prior to Yolanda)
Support to information sharing and coordination between local governments, national
government agencies and the donor community
Support to Regional Development Council in addressing perennial socio-economic
issues to achieve Inclusive Growth and align Comprehensive Recovery and
Reconstruction Plan to the Regional Development Plan
GIZ Assistance to Rehabilitation and Land Use Planning in typhoon
(Haiyan) affected areas
Panay Island
Eastern Visayas
Department of Agriculture
(DA) - Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources (BFAR),
Department of Agrarian
Reform (DAR), Department
of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), Department
of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG), Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB) and selected Local
Government Units (LGUs) and
Target Groups
Vulnerable communities of
Yolanda-affected areas in the
Visayan Island
Region 8
January 2014 - December 2015
German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ)
Max-Johannes Baumann
Program Director and Principal
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) GmbH
2B PDCP Bank Center
V.A. Rufino corner L.P. Leviste
Sts., Salcedo Village, Makati City
Phone +63 2 651 5144
Fax +62 2 892 3374
The support to rehabilitation planning builds on the existing capacity of GIZ-supported
partner LGUs in land use plan formulation. Of the 21 municipalities and cities currently
assisted, 16 LGUs (including Tacloban City) have been assisted to formulate their CLUPs
and zoning ordinances prior to typhoon Yolanda. Four LGUs had finished their plans,
while eleven towns are currently preparing their final draft plans.
These LGUs were trained in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and various
technologies needed in land use planning, such as disaster risk management and climate
change adaptation, conflict management and resolution, forest and coastal management,
and many other specialty topics.
Based on the existing capacities and achievements, this technical assistance directly builds
on the gains of the LGUs in land use planning, hazard mapping and disaster preparedness
to support the reconstruction planning and implementation efforts. A detailed review of
these plans including the disaster risk management and preparedness components will be
conducted. LGUs will also be supported to design and implement sustainable livelihood
support programs to poor farm and fisher folk households.
Results achieved so far
n 24 rehabilitation plans formulated in Antique, Samar and Leyte; all plans submitted
to respective authorities including the Office of the Presidential Assistant for
Rehabilitation and Recovery (OPARR)
n Conduct of detailed damage assessment in 10 coastal municipalities in Leyte
n Provision of multi-hazard and other thematic maps and data to LGUs and other
donors in support of reconstruction and recovery measures
n Identified hazard-specific evacuation centers in 2 municipalities
nOn-going rehabilitation of Local Flood Early Warning System (LFEWS) for 8
watersheds in Leyte and Samar
n Development of school-based DRM plans for 14 high schools in 2 municipalites
n Assisted the formulation of 12 new climate resilient construction designs in various
municipalities through coordination with the Alliance for Safe and Sustainable
Reconstruction (ASSURE Inc.)
n Distribution of the following items:
o 8,000 bags certified rice seeds, 1,000 bags registered rice seeds, 3,500 bags urea,
35,000 bags organic fertilizer were distributed to 6,514 beneficiaries in 15 Irrigators
Associations, 3 Seed Grower Associations in 21 municipalities
o 1,350 fisher boat repair kits and 1,200 fishing gear sets to fisher households
o 107 solar lamps, 8 chain saws and 7 boat engines (15hp) for immediate relief
o IT equipment for LGU planning offices (24 laptops, 40 GPS receivers, 18 sets of
printers, desktop computers and digital cameras)
n Conduct of 2 donors fora in Leyte and Antique to match rehabilitation projects with
donor resources (national govement, foreign donors)
GIZ is a federally-owned enterprise that supports the German government in the field of international
development cooperation. For more than 30 years now, GIZ has been cooperating with Philippine partners in
strengthening the capacity of people and institutions to improve the lives of Filipinos in this generation and
generations to come. Together we work to balance economic, social and ecological interests through multistakeholder dialogue, participation and collaboration.