April2015 - ENRICHri

N e w s
f r o m
y o u r
E N R I C H r i
April 2015
h o m e s c h o o l
Volume 6 Issue 8
F r o m t h e S t a t e C o o r d i n a t o r ’s D e s k
We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.
c o m m u n i t y
Major Event!
Spring is here! It is time for buds and renewal and changes. A time for a fresh perspective on all things that
seem to weigh us down during this very long winter.
I spent four glorious days in Vermont at the end of March at a writer’s retreat. It was much needed time
away from the State Coordinator role and time to breathe. My days were filled with writing and in the
evening I met with other authors and had one on one time with an editor. I made much progress on my
book and it was good to be with others who shared my goals. This shift in my life, of doing something that
calls you so strongly, is a good one. “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are”.
Writing is self-care time as well and it’s important that we all take time away from the busyness of life to
refresh and renew.
In my last newsletter article I wrote about mercury in retrograde and making changes. Change is inevitable
in a group of our size and ENRICHri has done well to address the shifting needs of the homeschool
community. There is a lot happening behind the scenes at ENRICHri.
Our thanks to Rema Tomka who helped navigate the real estate in our search for a new rental facility. We
hope to have news very soon for our community on the results of this search.
In the past months, the Board has taken a very hard look at the structure of both staff and Board positions
to help address the needs of our fast growing community. We recently passed policy that volunteers may
not hold both staff and Board positions simultaneously. This small change will allow more opportunities for
volunteerism from our community and assure sustainability of staff and Board positions as we continue to
To that end, both our Class Coordinator and Membership Coordinator positions have been moved off the
Executive Board and instead, will be staff positions. Melissa Robb as Class Coordinator and April Olmstead
as Membership Coordinator, will both continue to work in these areas, but in the role as staff member.
Melissa and April both have considerable skills and passions for their volunteer work and we look forward
to still seeing them in our community and their continuing to help our members navigate membership,
classes and field trips. April and Melissa have served on the Board for many years in various roles and we
thank them for their leadership, dedication and continued commitment to ENRICHri. Do take a few minutes
to view our Board and staff page on the website to see the amazing talent of all of our volunteers at
ENRICHri. The Board will continue to explore other leadership roles and make changes as needed to Board
and staff positions to meet the needs of our growing organization.
In this issue:
From the State
1, 2
Coordinator’s Desk
Class Dismissed
Teen Corner
ENRICHri Pinterest 5
How to Build an
Air Raid Siren
Intro to
ENRICHri Photos
A+ Rewards
PO Box 1151
Coventry, RI 02816
Visit us at
Continued on page 2
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
F r o m t h e S t a t e C o o r d i n a t o r ’s D e s k ( c o n t i n u e d )
Continued from page 1
This past February at the ENRICHri Town Hall Meeting, many of you expressed concern about our technology. Frustrations included managing the forum, access to available volunteer positions, being overwhelmed with the
number of events, lack of mobile access, desire for a membership directory and a unified place to find all things
about ENRICHri. The Board too has recognized these frustrations and is pursuing a cohesive system for our members that will eliminate the need for so many applications and will make finding everything you need at ENRICHri
much easier. We’ll have much more news coming out about this as we begin those first steps of reviewing potential technology packages.
Goal setting has also been our mind. As we look toward big picture thinking and reaching out to our members, we
also recognize that our volunteers are paramount to making our organization run smoothly. Many more hands are
needed on special committees and to help run events. All of ENRICHri is a cooperative and with almost 350 members we are in need of many, many more helpers than the handful of people who are currently giving of their volunteer time. Part of our technology upgrades will include ways to connect our members to service within ENRICHri. We look forward to working with you!
All of our programming will be getting a full evaluation this year too. Where are we doing too much or too little
and what else might we try that our community would be willing to help with? A new rental property may bring
excellent opportunities for our group so keep that in mind when the time comes.
The Board has also shored up several financial policies. We will no longer be giving credits for classes that have
been canceled due to low attendance and per our policy, your money will be refunded. Please be sure that when
you are paying for classes and field trips that you are accurate on the total amount due. Overpayments for events
will not be accepted.
We hope you can join us for some upcoming events like the Class Dismissed Movie on April 21st at Providence
Place Mall. This fundraiser will help to support our programming and new building costs so we do hope you purchase tickets and invite family and friends to the event. Spreading the word about ENRICHri is a great way to support our organization.
If you are a teen who is graduating homeschool this year and want to participate in our promotion ceremony, do
contact me. This will be our first ENRICHri graduating class of 2015 and we want to be sure to celebrate this magnificent event with you. At a later date, we will accepting names of younger children who also would like to be
I hope your springtime is full of hope and promise. We know it is for ENRICHri!
Beverly Burgess
ENRICHri State Coordinator statecoordinator@enrichri.org
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
Invitation to C la ss Dismissed
Join ENRICHri for a special screening of the new movie, Class Dismissed. Come learn about homeschooling
and national resources, as well as Rhode Island-based support and resources.
Tuesday, April 21 from 7-9pm
Providence Place Mall – Showcase Cinema
1 Providence Place
Providence, RI 02903
This film is 90 minutes and we include a 30 minute discussion for the audience at this event.
LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE!! All seats are $10 (on 4/7 tickets will go up to $12). Small fee added to tickets
purchased. Children and adults are welcome and encouraged to attend. Invite your family, friends, neighbors, anyone interested in learning about homeschooling. If you are traveling from a distance or coming with a group, why
not have a “dinner and a movie” night or plan shopping at the Providence Place Mall!
This movie explores the alternative education options in America and asks big questions like:
What does it mean to be educated in the 21st Century?
Is it possible to get an education without attending school?
Can learning outside of the classroom really provide a nurturing and educationally rich experience in which children can grow and blossom?
Class Dismissed follows a family in Los Angeles who decide to pull their two children out of a traditional school
system. The parents navigate a variety of options to educate the children and the film explores the growing population of parents in America today pursuing an alternative education for their children.
Click here to buy your tickets!
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
Teen Corner
by Marcia Pedini
"I like going to teen group because I met lots of really nice
people there. Others should come because they can meet new people
and have fun!" Violet
“It’s cool to have a great group of friends to hang out and do
things with.” Gideon
“It’s totally fun to hang out with my
totally awesome friends. Totally
radical, brah!” Kiara
"I love Teen Group and I think everyone
should join because it's amazing! It is so
much fun and everyone is so nice. We do fun
In an effort to keep give our teens greater opportunities to
things and have a great time together." -
socialize with each other, please check out these upcoming
trips and events! All of these listings are on the forum
(click links below), please read their full descriptions there
and RSVP/sign-up via the PayPal links if indicated.
If you have any ideas or want to help plan a teen activity,
please feel free to contact Marcia .
April Activities That Teens May Enjoy!
Friday 4/10/15
Teen Movie Night Meet Up
Warwick Mall Showcase Cinema
Tuesday 4/14/15
Teen Group (free)
Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun (did we mention FUN?)
Monday 4/20/15
Mystery of the Crooked Cell (sign up by April 3rd)
Science Lab at Bridgewater State University
You may have heard of the wonderful science classes that Bridgewater State University offers to
middle and high schoolers. This year is the final time that we can take these classes without the
parents being required to first attend a class themselves. So, this is it, last chance.
I took the opportunity to arrange for 3 of the classes. The first one did not get the required 12
student minimum so it was canceled. We have one planned for April and one for May.
Please take a look at the classes and sign up your child if you can. We’ d hate to miss the last
chance we have to do this. If transportation is an issue there may be parents able to carpool.
Tuesday 4/28/15
Teen Group (free)
Wednesdays April/May Runway Fashion Basics (currently 3 spots left!)
Watch for more TEEN activities coming in May!
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
by Alyssa Crowder (ENRICHri Pinterest gal!)
The ENRICHri Pinterest page is bursting with ideas for local fun and field trips, curriculum, learning
resources, and so much more! Click on the photos for more information.
Follow us at http://www.pinterest.com/enrichri/
Free Curriculum!
Here is a round-up of a few great
Daffodil Days!
free resources I recently found.
Welcome spring at Blithewold
Mansion and Gardens in Bristol,
during their April Daffodil Days.
The gardens are open Tuesday
through Saturday and special
events include afternoon teas,
daffodils at dusk (with a spring
This NASA site may be goscavenger hunt for kids), and the
ing away soon due to budget
fairy festival on April 26th.
cuts but before it does
check out the wealth of
math and space materials for
Gr 3-12 .
This fantastic set of Art
History lessons for Grades
1-8 comes from Concordia
Simplify Your Life
Are you looking for a way to
streamline your homeschool days
and organization? Sarah Mackenzie
provides some inspiration for taking
the complications out of tracking
daily assignments in this post on her
blog Amongst Lovely Things
Board of the Month – Homeschool Organization!
A collection of resources to
go along with the popular
Magic School Bus series.
Warmer weather and fresh spring air
inspire many of us to air things out,
change things up, and reorganize. Our
Homeschool Organization Pinterest
board has ideas for organizing your
files, your library, your homeschool
room, and your days. There’s something for every type of homeschool
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
You can find details for these activities, and more, on the members forum. All members should
have access to the forum. Contact Melissa Robb if you do not. classcoordinator@enrichri.org
April 2015
Art Show
Set Up
Logan Airport
STEM Event
Intro to
All About Me Books
Nerf Wars
Save the Bay
Guitar VI
Zoo School
Teen Movie Meet Up
Mr. Molecule
Teen Group
Nerf Wars
Guitar VI
Mounted Police
BSU City Lab
Chess Day
Pirate and
Princess Day
Nerf Wars
Class Dismissed
Earth Day Activity
Runway Fashion
Slater Mill
Arbor Day - Swan
Chess Day
Teen Group
Intro to
Nerf Wars
Runway Fashion
Whole Foods Tour
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
H ow t o B u i l d a n A i r R a i d S i r e n
by Tae Burgess
An air-raid siren is an early warning device, which usually emits a
high decibel sound. They are still in use today, mostly warning the
public of tornadoes and more. An electro mechanical siren consist
of a rotor (chopper) turning inside a stator. The chopper, which is
rotational, pulls air in through the intake pipe. The stator, which is
stationary, has a number of slots. The chopper has either the same
or more slots than the stator. When air is pushed out of the very fast
turning chopper’s slots, it gets “chopped” and create a pulsating
To construct an air-raid siren, you are going to need to build a very
powerful motor. Most companies use top of the line products for their sirens, because they last a long time. You
need a heavy duty steel, don’t paint it yet because you are going to melt it.
First, you need to melt the steel until it turns to molten, then pour the molten into a cast-iron stator mold. Let the
casting dry. Then you need to prepare your motor. Take the motor’s shell out of the packaging. The motor will not
come with stator bars. The bars are what makes the high-voltage electromagnetic rotation, so buy them, and then
place them on in the marked areas. Your motor casing may vary.
Take the motor shaft out of the separate packaging. Depending on your motor’s specifications, select the correct
AWG wire gauge. With an automated coiling machine, wrap the needed amounts of copper wire to code. Transport
the motor windings onto the rotor, don’t forget to insulate each winding. Solder
the ends of the windings together, respecting polarity. To check polarity, use a
multi-meter, in the future, it is highly recommended to tag (positive) and
(negative). These ends with be lugged and used for the 3 phase power input.
Heat the bearings to a high temperature to expand them so they will fit on the
motor shaft. Move the bearings onto the end and front of the motor shaft. Dry-fit
the shaft into the motor stator, if it is a good fit let the rotor sit inside the motor
while the bearings shrinks tightly onto the housing.
Now is time to prepare the fan, the fan sits on the back of the motor (connected to
the shaft) to cool down the motor’s electrical contacts. Now that the stator is now
cooled, balance the shaft opening on a weigh beam. If the stator tips, cut small
holes to balance it. It is extremely important that the stator be balanced perfectly, because it will be spinning faster
than 100,000 RPM.
Now you can melt more steel and pour it into a rotor mold. Please remember that the motor’s rotor and stator are
completely different than the siren’s, except than the physics. Once the rotor cools off, do the same balancing
technique. Then submerge both pieces into a weather proofing sealant. Then paint it with any color you would like.
The last step. To assemble the siren, take a shaft key, and place a temporary adhesive on the stator. Bolt the stator
onto the motor face (front of the motor). Now place the XJ lubricant to slide the rotor on. Insert the shaft key into the
rotor to ensure it won’t fall off. Install a utility pole mount on the bottom of the siren, and pull the input cables through
the maintenance hole. Connect the wires, and you are done!
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
B ox To p s f o r E d u c a t i o n
Erika Iannella is managing our Box Tops for Education program. PLEASE MAIL YOUR BOX TOPS
TO ENRICHri or give them to Erika or any ENRICHri board member. Don’t
forget, mail them today!
ENRICHri, P.O. Box 1151,
Coventry, RI 02816
Introduction to
Did you know?
Each month in 2015 ENRICHri is holding
Introduction to Homeschooling sessions.
These sessions, held across the state, are
free and open to the public. Please let us
know if you plan to attend one of the
sessions (and bring a friend!).
If you don’t see a scheduled session that
you can attend (date or location) please
help us plan a session at a library near
you! Contact Barbara Winkler
at Barbara@enrichri.org
to make that happen!
Upcoming Sessions:
April 2nd Cumberland Library
April 28th Newport Library
May 13th Attleboro Library
June 4th South Kingston Library
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
ENRICHri Photos
Pancake Luncheon - Yum and Fun!
Activities for ages 6
and under (this group
meets twice a month,
see forum for details)
Maple Sugar Days
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
ENRICHri Photos
of the
Series Church of
Latter Day
ENRICHri Public Relations:
Sharing Homeschooling Info
with the Community
ENRICHri Chorus parents joined in for Old
Danny Boy
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
ENRICHri Photos
Teen Group
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8
E N R I C H r i E xe c u t i v e B o a r d
State Coordinator: Beverly Burgess statecoordinator@enrichri.org
Secretary: Eva Sasa homeschoolmamma4@gmail.com
Treasurer: Megan Donovan Mdmullaley@verizon.net
Business Manager: Jamie Glowacki glittergirlwacki@gmail.com
Member at Large: Stacey Gorbachev stacey_gorbachev@yahoo.com
ENRICHri Staff
Webmaster: Jess Trabulsie webmaster@enrichri.org
Community Class Coordinator: Melissa Robb classcoordinator@enrichri.org
Members Coordinator: April Olmstead membership@enrichri.org
Newsletter: Melissa Robb newsletter@enrichri.org
Co-op Director: Celeste McClure coopdirector@enrichri.org
Assistant Co-op Director: Marcia Pedini marcia@enrichri.org
Special Events Coordinator: Maggie Maroney specialevents@enrichri.org
PR and Marketing: Jenn Curtis jenn@enrichri.org
Barbara Slover barbara@enrichri.org
Pinterest Editor: Alyssa Crowder alyssacrowder@gmail.com
Reference Librarian: Alyssa Crowder alyssacrowder@gmail.com
ENRICHri Mission Statement
ENRICHri is a secular community which
provides support and guidance in a
welcoming environment for homeschooling
families in Southern New England.
We will Promote: Life Long Learning,
Community involvement, Cooperative
classes, Active Membership, Cohesiveness
and connection within the homeschool
ENRICHri is a nonprofit 501C3 tax exempt
ENRICHri does not discriminate based on
race, gender, age, sexual orientation, faith,
home education philosophy or methodology,
physical or other challenges.
Stop and Shop A+ Rewards
If you shop at any Stop & Shop, you can now earn rewards for ENRICHri! Just register your
Stop & Shop card, and you can start to earn points with each purchase. The money we earn
can be used to fund co-ops, field trips, classes, programs, materials: whatever our group
like to use it for!
All you have to do is:
Log on to www.stopandshop.com/aplus to register online using your Stop & Shop Card. Once
there, register your Stop and Shop card. When it prompts you to select a school, scroll down
to Coventry, RI and find ENRICHri.
If you use Peapod, you can earn points, as well. Just remember to register your Stop & Shop card on your Peapod
Q. One of the kids in in school and we are signed up for our points to go to that school. Can I sign up for both?
A. Yes! You can have up to two schools on your account. Points will be equally divided.
Q. I already get gas points with my Stop and Shop card. Will this program subtract from the gas points program?
A. No, you will earn points in both programs every time you shop.
Q. Can relatives and friends sign up for ENRICHri points?
Questions? Contact Erika :
A. Yes, please invite your family and friends to participate!
April 2015 Volume 6 Issue 8