Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Energy Saving Policies and Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme D7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd Version Project Coordinator: Joint Implementation Network - JIN Work Package 7 Leader Organization: UPRC Authors: Chara Karakosta, Katerina Papapostolou (UPRC) March 2015 The sole responsibility for the content of this [webpage, publication etc.] lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Preface ENSPOL is an EU-funded project targeting the effective and proper implementation of Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive in all Member States and beyond. Major objective of ENSPOL is the establishment, revision and implementation of robust Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes or alternative policy measures to each Member State. At the same time the project envisages the provision of appropriately refined information and supportive strategic tools to all targeted stakeholders. The project is coordinated by the research organization Joint Implementation Network. The strong involvement of all relevant stakeholders will enable a more thorough understanding of the variables at play, an identification and prioritisation of necessary policy prerequisites. The dissemination strategy lays a special emphasis on reaching European-wide actors and stakeholders, well, beyond the target area region. PROJECT PARTNERS No Participant name CO1 Joint Implementation Network CB2 Short Name Country code JIN NL Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving CRES EL CB3 Italian Federation for Rational Use of Energy FIRE IT CB4 Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek VITO BE CB5 Polish National Energy Conservation Agency KAPE PL CB6 Energy Saving Trust EST UK CB7 Austrian Energy Agency AEA AT CB8 University of Oxford OUCE UK CB9 University of Piraeus Research Center UPRC EL CB10 Stockholm Environment Institute/ University of York SEI UK CB11 Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies ABEA BG CB12 Danish Energy Association DEA DK CB13 French Environment and Energy Management Agency ADEME FR D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Partners’ logos Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 4 2 INFORMATION MATERIAL OVERVIEW ........................................................................ 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 ENSPOL Logo ....................................................................................................... 6 Templates ........................................................................................................... 6 Leaflet................................................................................................................. 7 Poster ................................................................................................................. 8 Factsheet ............................................................................................................ 8 Newsletters ........................................................................................................ 9 Articles and Press Releases ................................................................................ 10 Social Media ..................................................................................................... 10 References to ENSPOL project ........................................................................... 13 ENSPOL EVENTS & TARGETED PRESENTATIONS ........................................................ 15 3.1 3.2 ENSPOL Participation in External Events ............................................................ 15 ENSPOL Events .................................................................................................. 19 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................ 21 D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 1 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Figures Figure 1: Target groups .............................................................................................................. 4 Figure 2: ENSPOL Graphic Guidelines Handbook ....................................................................... 6 Figure 3: ENSPOL Templates ...................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4: ENSPOL Leaflet ............................................................................................................ 7 Figure 5: ENSPOL Poster ............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 6: ENSPOL in FIRE & JIN newsletters ............................................................................... 9 Figure 7: ENSPOL Social Media Accounts ................................................................................. 11 Figure 8: ENSPOL posts in Social Media ................................................................................... 12 Figure 9: ENSPOL Account in webpage ......................................................... 12 Figure 10: References to ENSPOL project ................................................................................ 14 Figure 11: ENSPOL participation to the workshop “Implementing the EU 2030 climate and energy framework: A closer look at renewables” in Brussels, Belgium .................................. 15 Figure 12: ENSPOL participation to the BETTER EU Parliament event and Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium...................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 13: ENSPOL participation to the workshop “European stakeholders’ perspectives on the EU ETS” in Brussels, Belgium ............................................................................................. 16 Figure 14: ENSPOL participation to the Energy Technologies Conference (ENTECH) 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey ........................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 15: ENSPOL participation to “Climate Change: Past, Present, Future”, International Conference in Athens, Greece ................................................................................................. 17 Figure 16: ENSPOL participation to “Climate and Finance: Financing Renewable Energy for Europe”, 2nd POLIMP Stakeholders Workshop in London, UK ................................................. 18 Figure 17: ENSPOL participation to the event “What Role for Targets in EU Climate and Energy Policy? - Lessons from the APRAISE project for Improved Environmental Policy Making in Brussels, Belgium ..................................................................................................... 19 D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 2 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Figure 18: ENSPOL Workshop on Article 7 of the EED: Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (EEOs) and alternative measures, Brussels, Belgium ............................................................... 19 Tables Table 1: ENSPOL Dissemination Tools ........................................................................................ 5 Table 2: ENSPOL Social Media Accounts. ................................................................................. 11 Table 3: Websites with reference or link to ENSPOL project ................................................... 13 D.7.3 Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 3 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 1 INTRODUCTION Promotional and informative material related to the ENSPOL project has been produced and published in order to give a comprehensive review of the activities that have been completed and, also, communicate and interact with the wider public and promote the main targets of the project. Different web communication and dissemination techniques have been used for the information material to reach the public. The produced information material had a very positive impact and attracted a significant number of interested stakeholders. The feedback taken from the public is positive in both dissemination and interaction with the public targets. Based on the ENSPOL outputs and the knowledge obtained, specific communication actions have taken place for each of the different target groups engaged to the programme. Figure 1: Target groups The present deliverable describes all the information promotion and dissemination material designed and agreed on during the period September 2014 - March 2015 months, in order to present the knowledge transferred during the ENSPOL project. ENSPOL dissemination material is online at both ENSPOL website and social media accounts, and, also, printed – if appropriate. D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 4 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 2 INFORMATION MATERIAL OVERVIEW For the implementation of contacts and discussions with interested stakeholders, during distant communication (e-mails, post, telephone etc.) and face-to-face meetings for various discussions, the partners disseminated promotional and information material related to tie ENSPOL project. Within ENSPOL project duration several channels have been and will be used to disseminate and constantly make available all the project findings, as well as to exchange information with each target audience. In particular, the dissemination activities that have been organized in the context of ENSPOL are listed in the following table: Table 1: ENSPOL Dissemination Tools Dissemination Tool April 2014 – March 2015 Design of the ENSPOL logo Graphic Guidelines Templates Leaflet Factsheets Newsletters 4 Poster Articles and press releases 1 Social Media Tools ENSPOL Regional Workshop in Vienna Interventions / announcements at international conferences / forums / events D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 5 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 2.1 ENSPOL Logo The official ENSPOL logo was designed and chosen, after a selection procedure, by incorporating the preferences of all consortium members in the beginning of the project. ENSPOL logo is a graphic design that is used as a continuing symbol for the project in conjunction with the project’s name. Moreover, the graphic guidelines handbook of ENSPOL logo was developed and is included in the 1st version of “D7.3. Information packs of ENSPOL”. The graphic guidelines handbook is a useful document that analyzes the logo configurations and its options designed in order to meet various applications. Figure 2: ENSPOL Graphic Guidelines Handbook 2.2 Templates Templates for ENSPOL have been prepared for all the reports/deliverables and presentations by UPRC. In addition, an “institutional” presentation of the project has been developed to provide an overview of the total set of relevant dissemination actions. This presentation is considered to be a prototype to be adapted by each partner according to the audience of each event, special targets, etc. ENSPOL templates and institutional presentation are available in the 1st version of “D7.3. Information packs of ENSPOL”, as well as in ENSPOL website and members area. D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 6 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Figure 3: ENSPOL Templates 2.3 Leaflet A short project description has been prepared for dissemination among stakeholders, at conferences and to other interested parties. The 1st ENSPOL promotional leaflet briefly describes the project’s aims, objectives, contents, expected results and participants. The ENSPOL leaflet has been printed and distributed to various events including ENSPOL “Workshop on Article 7 of the EED” organized in February 2015 in Brussels, as well as in external conferences where project partners participated in order to present ENSPOL activities and scope. The leaflet can be found in the 1st version of “D7.3. Information packs of ENSPOL”. Figure 4: ENSPOL Leaflet D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 7 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 2.4 Poster An ENSPOL poster for dissemination purposes has been developed including general info regarding project objectives and expected results. The poster will be also used as a template for dissemination activities by incorporating necessary information according to the audience, scope of each event, etc. Figure 5: ENSPOL Poster 2.5 Factsheet The first ENSPOL factsheet was published within the first six months of the project duration and published on Intelligent Energy Europe website. It included all the basic information about ENSPOL project, ENSPOL partners and their contact information, as well as information about the budget. The first ENSPOL factsheet is available in D7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL-1st version. The 2nd ENSPOL factsheet (ANNEX A) was developed in March D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 8 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 2015, including the first lessons learned and expected results. It also includes links to the project media, photos from ENSPOL events, as well as key document. It is available for download at the Intelligent Energy Europe Website: 2.6 Newsletters The first ENSPOL Newsletter was published in early December 2014 (ANNEX B) and included a small introduction to the project and its objectives, the launch of the ENSPOL website, photos and links for the ENSPOL kick - off event, as well as announcement and invitation for registrations for the February 2015 event in Brussels, about EED Article 7. The following newsletters will include information on project progress, the initial results of the actions and potential impacts and benefits. Further information for the forthcoming events and initiatives will also be included to encourage participation. ENSPOL newsletters are electronically disseminated through mailchip template via email to about 1,500 stakeholders and published on the ENSPOL website, as well as through the ENSPOL social media accounts. In addition, the “Joint Implementation Quarterly” e-magazine was circulated in July 2014 disseminating, among other issues, ENSPOL project and its objectives and consortium. The FIRE Italia newsletter (issue September 2014) mentioned ENSPOL project as a part of the EED and included a link to the ENSPOL website, while the December 2014 issue of the “Joint Implementation Quarterly” e-magazine included the February 2014 workshop on Article 7 of the EED, officially organized by the FP7 of ENSPOL project, in its “JIQ Meeting Planner” column. Figure 6: ENSPOL in FIRE & JIN newsletters D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 9 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Apart from newsletters, several news regarding ENSPOL activities and events were announced to an important number of stakeholders related to the fields of climate and energy policy through ENERGY-L and CLIMATE-L mailing lists. ENERGY-L and CLIMATE-L are community announcement lists for policy makers and practitioners involved in sustainable energy policy and climate change policy respectively. ENERGY-L and CLIMATE-L are peer-topeer services meant to advance understanding of issues related to sustainable energy and climate change respectively by allowing subscribers to post announcements related to activities with a strong focus on sustainable energy and climate change policy. 2.7 Articles and Press Releases A press release (ANNEX C) has been published after the workshop on Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. It included information about the successful completion of the workshop that took place in Brussels on the 5th of February and also all the necessary information material that the workshop included (agenda, presentation, photos etc.). The press release was circulated to more than 1,500 stakeholders through mailchimp, as well as through the ENSPOL website and social media accounts. 2.8 Social Media As mentioned in the first version of “D.7.3. Information packs of ENSPOL” social media tools have the ability to reach out and communicate on a personal level with their target audience on a daily basis. Also the access of the public to the social media is increasing over time, so the project is be able to enhance its web publishing actions to non-technical users in a costeffective and efficient way. Furthermore, ENSPOL social media accounts encourage users to visit the ENSPOL website which concludes to more traffic and views of the articles, the press releases, events etc. ENSPOL has created accounts in the following social media. D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 10 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Table 2: ENSPOL Social Media Accounts. Facebook 85 Likes Twitter 80 Followers LinkedIn 129 Members Figure 7: ENSPOL Social Media Accounts It is worth mentioning that the Twitter account offers an important opportunity, as the majority of the tweets implemented by ENSPOL are being retweeted by its followers, which apart from project partners, they also comprise stakeholders and other interested parties. ENAPOL is often tagged in its followers’ tweets. In addition, several posts in ENSPOL D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 11 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Facebook page have been reached by an important number of users, indicating the strong effectiveness of social media in ENSPOL promotion. Figure 8: ENSPOL posts in Social Media ENSPOL project has also created an account in the Public Group: Environment in the EU’s Eastern Neighbours in European Commission website in capacity4dev webpage. This group provides a common space to facilitate collaboration and exchange of knowledge for professionals, including those working in EU institutions and countries' institutions, civil society, academia and the private sector, who work on regional environmental issues in the Eastern Neighbourhood region. Figure 9: ENSPOL Account in webpage D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 12 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 2.9 References to ENSPOL project The link of the ENSPOL website has been included in the “Useful Links” section of several project websites (DIA-CORE, POLIMP, Towards2030-dialogue, BETTER, APRAISE). There are also various websites that make reference to the ENSPOL project. In these sites, ENSPOL is featured as a project that many countries and organisations participate. There are brief descriptions of the project and links to the ENSPOL website. Table 3: Websites with reference or link to ENSPOL project Website Link Intelligent Energy Europe Programme Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) ManagEnergy Joint Implementation Network (JIN) Energy Saving Trust -projects-energy-saving-trust KAPE PL University Of York FIRE Slideshare HighBeam Research TheFreeLibrary ency+Obligation+Schemes...-a0362292843 Tendersinfo World Sustainable Energy Days .pdf DIA-CORE POLIMP D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 13 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Website Link Towards2030-dialogue BETTER APRAISE ISERD - Israel & Europe R&D Directorate Energy_Efficiency_Directive_Concerted_Action_Lucinda_Maclagan.pdf Figure 10: References to ENSPOL project D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 14 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 3 ENSPOL EVENTS & TARGETED PRESENTATIONS 3.1 ENSPOL Participation in External Events Project partners have made several interventions regarding the ENSPOL targets and functioning role. The interventions included brochure/leaflet distribution, presentations etc. to a series of events, as follows: “Implementing the EU 2030 climate and energy framework: A closer look at renewables”, Towards2030-dialogue Workshop (18 March 2015, CEPS, Brussels, BG). Project partner Ms. Aikaterini Papapostolou (UPRC) participated to the event further promoting ENSPOL through the distribution dissemination material (brochures, poster) and networking with relevant stakeholders. See more: Figure 11: ENSPOL participation to the workshop “Implementing the EU 2030 climate and energy framework: A closer look at renewables” in Brussels, Belgium BETTER European Parliament event and Final Conference (3-4 March 2015, Brussels, BG) Participation of UPRC in BETTER EU Parliament event entitled ““How Can EU and Third Countries Benefit from Cooperation on Renewable Energy” and BETTER Final Conference entitled ““Renewable Energy Cooperation by 2020 and beyond: Open Stakeholder Consultation Workshop of the BETTER Project” in order to promote further ENSPOL activities implemented so far and interact with other relevant D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 15 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 projects/institutions/initiatives. More information about the two events is available here: and Figure 12: ENSPOL participation to the BETTER EU Parliament event and Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium “European stakeholders’ perspectives on the EU ETS”, 3rd POLIMP Stakeholder Workshop (11 February 2015, Brussels, BG) Participation of Dr. Chara Karakosta (UPRC), in order to promote and disseminate ENSPOL objectives and core activities, through the distribution of information material. See more: Figure 13: ENSPOL participation to the workshop “European stakeholders’ perspectives on the EU ETS” in Brussels, Belgium D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 16 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Energy Technologies Conference (ENTECH) 2014 (22-24 December 2014, Istanbul, TR) Participation of ENSPOL partner Ms. Aikaterini Papapostolou (UPRC) and promotion of ENSPOL through the distribution of information material, as well as discussions and networking with stakeholders relevant to the field of energy. More information is available here: Figure 14: ENSPOL participation to the Energy Technologies Conference (ENTECH) 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey “Climate Change: Past, Present, Future” International Conference at Goulandris Natural History Museum (21 November 2014, Athens, GR) ENSPOL participation in "Climate Change: Past, Present & Future" conference at Goulandris Natural History Museum held on the 21 November 2014 in Athens, Greece. Dr. Chara Karakosta (UPRC) had the opportunity to transfer the objective and ideas of ENSPOL to various experts and stakeholders. All the information of the conference is available at: Figure 15: ENSPOL participation to “Climate Change: Past, Present, Future”, International Conference in Athens, Greece D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 17 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 “Climate and Finance: Financing Renewable Energy for Europe”, 2nd POLIMP Stakeholders Workshop, (15 October 2014 London, UK). ENSPOL partner Dr. Chara Karakosta from UPRC participated in the “Climate and Finance: Financing Renewable Energy for Europe” in London further promoting ENSPOL project by presenting general information about the project. Find the agenda and the presentations of the event here: Figure 16: ENSPOL participation to “Climate and Finance: Financing Renewable Energy for Europe”, 2nd POLIMP Stakeholders Workshop in London, UK “What Role for Targets in EU Climate and Energy Policy? - Lessons from the APRAISE project for Improved Environmental Policy Making”, APRAISE Final Conference (24 September 2014, Brussels, BG), organized by CEPS. Dr. Chara Karakosta (UPRC) participated to the APRAISE Final conference disseminating ENSPOL core objectives through the distribution of information material (e.g. ENSPOL brochure). ( D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 18 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Figure 17: ENSPOL participation to the event “What Role for Targets in EU Climate and Energy Policy? - Lessons from the APRAISE project for Improved Environmental Policy Making in Brussels, Belgium 3.2 ENSPOL Events The ENSPOL “Workshop on Article 7 of the EED: Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (EEOs) and alternative measures” was held on the 5th of February 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. The objective of this workshop was to bring together policy makers and stakeholders from EU Member States (MS) to discuss the implementation of Energy Efficiency Obligation schemes (EEOs) and Alternative Measures delivering Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The following issues were addressed: What considerations lead to the choice of a certain implementation option in different Member States? What are the key methodological and policy design features adopted to comply with Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both - EEOs and alternative measures? What are the next steps to successfully implement Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive? Figure 18: ENSPOL Workshop on Article 7 of the EED: Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (EEOs) and alternative measures, Brussels, Belgium D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 19 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 The results of this workshop contributed to a better understanding of what works and what does not work in relation to the implementation of the EEOs and alternative measures under Article 7, and how to overcome the barriers associated to both approaches in order to reach the required energy savings targets by 2020. The event’s participants were more than 70 including members of ENSPOL consortium, Members of the European Parliament involved with energy policy, other policy representatives and relevant stakeholders from ministries, energy agencies, NGO and academia. The event was further promoted through posts in social media, a newsletter and a press release sent to ENSPOL stakeholders contact list (Annex B & C). In addition, invitations were sent to several stakeholders related to the field through email (Annex D). More information regarding ENSPOL Workshop (agenda, photos, presentations etc.) are available in event’s webpage. The agenda and the list of participants of the workshop are also available in Annex E & Annex F of the present report. D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 20 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEXES D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 21 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 Annex A – 2nd ENSPOL Factsheet D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 22 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 23 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 24 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEX B: ENSPOL Newsletter D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 25 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEX C: ENSPOL Press Release D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 26 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEX D: Workshop on Article 7 of the EED - Agenda D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 27 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEX E: Workshop on Article 7 of the EED - Agenda D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 28 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 ANNEX F: Workshop on Article 7 of the EED - List of Participants D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 29 Co-funded by the IEE Programme of the EU Contract N°: IEE/13/824/SI2.675067 D.7.3: Information packs of ENSPOL - 2nd version Page 30
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