F. No. 22-Ot | 2014-CS(Tax) Government of India Ministrv of Environment and Forests (CS.I-Division) Subject: Engagement of Project Assistant in All India Coordinated Project on Capacity Building in Taxonomy (AICOPTAX) Scheme on contract basis. The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India is operating All India Coordinated Project on Capacity Building in Taxonomy (AICOPTAX) Scheme. In order to ensure smooth functioning of the Scheme, a Project Assistant is proposed to be hired purely on contract basis for a period of 6 months with the qualification, experience, remuneration and Task and responsibilities are as prescribed below: Qualification: Bachelor Degree preferably in Science or equivalent. Experience: Past working experience (3 - 4 years) in the field. Remuneration: {20,000/month (fixed). Tasks and Responsibilities: o . . . . o To assist in coordination work with Coordinating Centres and Collaborating Units under the AICOPTAX Scheme; To assist in compilation of and preparation of research project proposals received under the AICOPTM Scheme; To assist in preparing Agenda for the Steering Committee/Exped Group meetings and in circulation of the minutes to all concerned; To assist in preparing financial balance data sheets and in review of progress reports and Final Technical Repofts etc.; To assist in collection, compilation and collation material for the preparation of Annual Repoft, Annual Action Plan and other miscellaneous matters; To assist the Senior Officers looking after the Programme for the effective implementation of the AICOPTAX Scheme. Interested individuals fulfilling the requisite qualification and experience as stated above are requested to submit the application in the proforma given below and clearly super scribing on envelope "Engagement of P@ect Assistant" to Dr. Tashi Wangdi, Director, 1$ Floor, Agni Wing, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi-110003, either by post or by hand, latest by 5.00 PM of 31st March 2015. Only candidates whose candidatures have been provisionally accepted shall be called for interview. . . . . . . Applications received after the due date, unsigned applications, applications not filled in correctly will not be considered. Only Indian Nationals need apply. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification It may be noted that if, at any stage, it is discovered that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, his candidature will be summarily rejected or his employment terminated. Applications received after the due date will not be considered. No TA/DA will be provided for appearing for Interview )t*** PROFORMA FOR APPLICATION 01. Post applied for 02. Name (in block letters) 03. Date of Birth (Christian era) 04. Nationality 05. Father's /Husband's Name 06. Address for correspondence 08. Whether SC or ST or OBC or PH 09. Educational Qualifications 10. Secondary and Tertiary skill, if any 11. Total experience directly relevant to the post applied (in months) (attested copies of cedificate indicating the period to be attached) 12. If selected, minimum time required to join the post 14. Any other information related to the post DECI.AMTION I affirm that information given in this application is true and correct. I also fully understand that if at any stage it is discovered that any attempt has been made by me to wilfully conceal or misrepresent, my candidature may summarily be rejected or employment terminated. (Signature of the applicant) Place: Date:
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