rfud REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 €o So.Rqo-33004199 ffi 'iGr\ iIS. rEilg .'. 15t Y |rqt{lEf EF'1 Uhe 6oz elte of gndio qRIq(lT f,XTRAORDINARY qFI II--.qu! 3-3rt-quc (ii) PART Il---Section 3jutssectlon (ii) rfr6nnyqftrd PUBIISHED BY AUTHOPJTY cfffi,*cfi,cr{ C.6roL No.620l zs,zots.&z'tsgt NEW DELHI, MONDAY' MARCH 23' 20IyCHAITRA 2' l9l7 cqfdr"r, T{ qh qffirg cR-{d-q q-troq qfuqs-.rt r* ffi. zs qr{, zots - or.ei. ar+(o).- Qffiq TrcF.|T, Etlr (r{wr ft*nq mr F{'5s0 qftfrqq, ff rra s ak qnr s ff scqra (6) dra T<t crffi +l Ffrrr fi 1974 (1974 lfr 6) 6q dt< urct c<mn * irorfr{ ZZ ftiT(, 2006 +, s{+ {rdt + srt qfuqqqT ri. +r.qr. 1621(q) mftc qqf{(tT dfr Ern {q|-dq fu{rq, FR tfr qfuffrr fr $ frqrrar t qr Rq qri 6r dc fr.qrrcr t, we*t't ytrs'r-q ff ilftq ry.r'mli.r.+S sr g{'fa}rf,r t qk irscr + s{ cft{q-{r * aqRild d F{s t sc fr ircRffEe rcft Q, ffi ,cct{(or, m *r rfi rg qF:T+q {Trdrq dr{ qwr' fiscqra (2) 3 rsnT,ilsfqq(frqfqfi :- +dE (O h rqqcrcdR{ra),cr{€tft rrs{Trirc' g*nft,ttgm cr.3rR-drrcr<, {gR trm.l, w rteuq qn riln {{sl'r fir(c, gs.\rs. qt{tt, qc{ {Trrrq. T€Fd * ffimdr<vr+rgvir*<{rrw scsrtr tz) + qs (q + qfr-{ r6vw ft{eurct€, ee<-s 3TErr, sRR q,iirt r{qq F{qqr *€' ;irr{€ , cqs, um +.rq iltq {drs, <T. ?F-f,IIlT {ET. 1358 0120ls q?nr, g fi ilrrcJr$q (l) gW' +m t ffifuc J THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY tn sL t.T, ffi, qwfi, gqfff, tsrF *tffiffi, frti"sr <tS, qi* rtr< i.ra rflrq, qETIq r$q rrcr a + wwr<r E<qrqin 12. qr<eTq, [PART 1z) + liT n$lwryar, cgvftr m F<FT t qfr{ ilfi-f, F<R qrcfr, Ei+flqnqrsAn, viitl T€Rd 1r{€T fr *T{ fr€ +€rl, urq {+c{T, R-dr +frrd, Efrlnn T frtn n<n"t ftqqqm, l-:n, rrn ftrrq, r+rftq{, ccs cttT 13. 14. F(FT wm affv.rrm 121 ttislT,o<fr'tmF-<r<s (ilrfifi1 ttqiR"rftfrs, +ffircl frqr{ SqR, frt{rfi iftq-c artcq 6Rft{f{ RR}s, Ti Rd @ sr(I 3 ffsqsrRr (2)*ds (O is*{qfu!"R q.ft. t*dqr, v<s qR-{, ++c vflol fr{lsl +S, frld - IF 16. 17. -6*c qF-i ii{q'oi 21 RiiT{, 1974 fr r6rf{re ff,It frqrr{r qr *1 fi+ siifi {q 3freqsnr irric= fi {!!? ff qt( *frc Td,tr{ irftqfir dtqi6 6r.qr. 1621(!0 i€ (<er q<eT r<qqfr{ /2009-Sfie-q ; fi. qftr<{s-{, rqr6rc (frff) {qi6 qr.si.fr. 996(..), Tm<- td.. ftqq: II_SEC. 3(ii)] q1i<l so1 4,"1 ffftg. 27 RiiT(, 2006 ar(I r MINISTRY OF EIWIRONMENT, FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 23rd March,2015 s.o. tt4(E),- In exercise of the powers confened by section 3 and sub-section (6) of section 5 of the Water @revention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974), and in supersession of the notification of the Govemment of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number S.O. 1621 (E), dated the 27s September, 2006, except as lespects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Govemment hereby reconstitutes the Central Pollution Control Board and nominates the following persons as its members, with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the Ofticial Gazette, namely :Sl. No, 2. 5. 6. 7. Name and Address Shd Shashi Shekhar, Special Secretary, Ministry of Envfuonm€nt, Forcsts and Climate Chance. and Chaiman. Central Pollution Conhol Board, Delhi Members nominated under clause (b) of sub.section (2) of section Shri Praveen Prakash, Joint Searetary (Works and Swachh Bharat Mission), Minisw of Urban Development, New Delhi Shri Anil Kumar Singh, Joint Seuetary (Thermal), Ministry of Power, New Delhi Dr. Amiia hasad, Joint Secretary (A), Minisfy of Water Resowces and Ganga Reiuvenation. New Delhi Shd S.S. Mohanty, Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser, Ministry of Environment. Forests and Climate Chanae. New Delhi Dr. Rashid Hasan, Adviser, CP Division, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, New Delhi Members nomitrated under clause (c) of sub section (2) of section 3 Sbri Syed Jav€d Abbas, ChairmarL Unar Pradesh, Pollution Contol Board, Renarks Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Luclnow t. Dr. Ayi Vaman N. Acharya, Chairman, Kamataka Pollution Control Boarq Member 9. Bensaluru Dr. Kalvan Rudra- Chairman. West Bensal Pollution Control Board. Kolkata Dr. K. U. Mistrv. Chairman. Guiara( Pollution Control Board, Gandhi Nacar Member 10. Memb€r -l I I i lqn II*s!-s qK{ q'I lFirl'X : oT{tF[{ut 3 corPorarion' Maharashtra @al Mayor: t"tuniciPal Corporation, Gwalior, ofsub-section (2) of section 3 I tmian Oit Corporation Limited, New [No. Q-l s014212009-CPW] Dr. RASHID HASAN, Adviser (CP) was Published in the Gazette of contol Board Pollution Note: The Principal notification constituting the central vide notification n'mber rccons'tiitiiEd iasi and i974 September, the 2 Inrtin virte n mher G.S.R. 99E(E). datecl t; S.O. l62l(E), dated the 27o S€prember, 2006. Roa4-M9{Ee.u1i-f cw D€lhi- 1 10064 @ -a"potti*.d Uv tttt Contollcr of Publicdtions' Delhi'l10054'
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