r{r{( TF{IFTT qq \zi q6€rg cMq {?roq E-mail: sanchita@nic.in sansom-2859@Yahoo.co.in Telefax: 0tL-24695402 ffi i-d+{ i c{i GOVERI{i'ENT OF INDIA NISTRY OF ENVTRON ENI FORESTSANO CLI|ATE CHANGE gFvt qqfqrur ryqq. ailr sFr +s, srtriq, r{ ffi-troooo INDIRA PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, JOR BAGH ROAD, AL|GANJ, t{EW DELHt.ll0 003 Webslt€ ; moot.nlc.ln 2nd F. No. L-11011 /2t/20t4'tLt Level, JAL Block {T) Date: 13th April, 2015 Subiect: Advisory regarding Implementation of Notification No' and Use of G.S.R. 02 (E) dated 2"d January, 2O14 lor Supply CoalwithAshContentnotexceedingS4o/ofortheGoalbased Thermal Power Plants. vide the The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 2014 as above mentioned Notification No. G.S.R. 02 (E) dated 2nd fanuary, supply Environment (ProtecrionJ Amendment Rules, 2014 has mandated content not and use of raw or blended or beneficiated coal with ash exceeding34o/o,onquarterlyaveragebasisforcertaincategoriesofcoal basedThermalPowerP|ants'ThesaidNotificationisavailableonthe Ministry's website at hnp://www'moef'nic'in/amendments-to-principalrules. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that the Collieries ,o-u of the Thermal Power Plants are not complying with the saidis of this Notification "nd Notification. The subject matter of non-compliance 2. No'79/20L4 [WZ)' The also being heard by the Hon'ble NGT in Application has earlier also Ministry ,ria. it, O.M' of even number dated 25'o9'2014 the said Notification' advised to all concerned for strict compliance to again advised to all Therefore, in view ofthe above matter' it is once comply with the said Coal based Thermal Power Plants to strictly on ash content ofthe Notification and submit the data on a quarterly basis' Contd... 3. .@ -2coal used by them to the Regional Office of this Ministry, concerned SPCB and CPCB. In case of any non-compliance by the Collieries, the matter shall be reported immediately to t}tis Ministry. This is issued with approval of the competent authority. Scientist'F' & Director (T) To The Joint Secretary (Thermal), Ministry of Power (Shri Anil Kumar Singh), Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- with the request to kindly issue the above advisory to aU concerned Thermal Power Plants. The Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- with the request to kindly issue the above advisory to all concerred Thermal Power Plants. with the request to kindly issue the above State Polludon Control Boards to ensure the 3. The Chairman, CPCB- advisory to dl implementation of the above Notification. all SPCBs/ UTPCCs - with the implementation of the above 4. Chairpersons/ Member Secretaries of request to kindly ensure the Notification. 5. All R.Os. of MoEF&CC- with the request to kindly monitor Ore implementation of the above Notification. Copy to: 1. PS to MEF & CC 2. PPS to Secretary (E,F&CC) 3. PPS to SS (SS) a. PPS to AS (SKJ A Website of MoEF&CC 5. Guard File
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