2015 Webinar Series Biochemical Genetic Test Establishment and Verification 4/8/2015 Speakers Tina M. Cowan, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology and Director, Clinical Biochemical Genetics Laboratory, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Tina Cowan is an Associate Professor of Pathology at Stanford University Director of the Stanford Clinical Biochemical Genetics Laboratory. She received her PhD in Genetics from UCLA and postdoctoral fellowship training in Medical Genetics at the Universtiy of Maryland Baltimore. She is certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics in Clinical Biochemical Genetics, has served on a number of national committees and boards for medical genetics, education, and laboratory quality. Chunli Yu, M.D., FACMG, Associate Professor, Director of Biochemical Genetics Division, Mount Sinai Genetic Testing Laboratory, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Dr. Yu is currently an Associate Professor of Genetics and Genomic Sciences Department at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Director of Biochemical Genetics Division at Mount Sinai Genetic Testing Laboratory. Dr. Yu was board certified in clinical biochemical genetics in 1999 and has extensive experiences in directing large academic biochemical genetics laboratories. Dr. Yu’s professional career has been focused on the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of patients with inborn errors of metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids, and organic acids, as well as porphyrias and lysosomal storage diseases. She is particularly interested in applications of LC-MS/MS technology in biochemical genetic testing and new assay development. Objectives At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to: Describe the basic elements of analytical test validation and their application to biochemical genetics testing. Recognize the importance of addressing clinical validity in addition to analytical validity in the development of new biochemical genetics tests. Continuing Education Credit 4/8/15 – 10/8/15 The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program. Participants who successfully complete each program will be awarded 1.0 ® contact hours. P.A.C.E. is accepted by all licensure states except Florida. APHL is a Florida and CPH-recertification approved CE provider; each course has been approved for 1.0 contact hours. 10/9/15 – 4/8/16 No CEU credit, but after completing the evaluation you will receive a certificate of attendance. Evaluation/Printing Certificate 1. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/588-622-15nd and complete the evaluation. 2. Select: P.A.C.E.®, Florida or CPH-recertification credit. 3. Complete the survey. 4. Certificate printing d. 4/8/15 – 10/8/15 i. PACE or Florida Certificates: add your information in the boxes and click on Submit. If you are requesting Florida CEU, you must submit a valid Florida license number for the certificate and for us to enter your information into CE Broker. 1. Please review your certificate. If you need change any information, go to the bottom of the page and click on here to go back and edit. IMPORTANT: Enable printing of background images in the print (Firefox) or page setup (Internet Explorer) dialog options. 2. Certificates are available only by selecting the Print button. They will not be emailed or mailed. a. Print the certificate. b. We recommend that you also print the certificate to an adobe file and save. There is a $15 fee if you request a duplicate certificate later. Webinar certificates will no longer be saved in the Continuing Education Center (CEC). ii. CPH-recertification credit: you must submit a valid certification number on the evalulation. Your information will be forwarded to the National Board of Public Health Examiners. At the end of the evaluation, you will be able to print a Certificate of Attendance. Copy the Certificate of Attendance URL to you browser, then in the next screen print your certificate. e. 10/9/15-4/8/16 i. When the evaluation will close to the Certificate of Attendance. Type your name into the file and print. Archived Program The archived streaming video will be available within one day after the live program. Anyone from your site can view the Web archived program and/or complete the evaluation and print the certificate for free. Registration is not necessary for the archive program. For Live or archived site registrations, the URL will be sent to the site representative who is responsible for distributing the URL. Comments, opinions, and evaluations expressed in this program do not constitute endorsement by APHL. The APHL does not authorize any program faculty to express personal opinion or evaluation as the position of APHL. The use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the program sponsors. © This program is copyright protected by the speaker(s) and APHL. The material is to be used for this APHL program only. It is strictly forbidden to record the program or use any part of the material without permission from the author or APHL. Any unauthorized use of the written material or broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording constitutes an infringement of copyright laws. Faculty Disclosure Analysis. Answers. Action. www.aphl.org Biochemical Genetic Test Establishment and Verification The Association of Public Health Laboratories adheres to established standards regarding industry support of continuing education for healthcare professionals. The following disclosures of personal financial relationships with commercial interests within the last 12 months as relative to this presentation have been made by the speaker(s): “Nothing to disclose” Chunli Yu, MD Tina Cowan, PhD Analysis. Answers. Action. 1 Objectives 2 www.aphl.org Regulations and Guidelines for Test Establishment • Describe the basic elements of analytical test validation and their application to biochemical genetics testing. • Recognize the importance of addressing clinical validity in addition to analytical validity in the development of new biochemical genetics tests. CLSI CLIA ACMG CAP MMWR Analysis. Answers. Action. 3 www.aphl.org LDTS: Validation vs. Verification www.aphl.org ANALYTIC VALIDATION: 1. Establishment of performance specifications: A type of in vitro diagnostic test that is designed, manufactured and used within a single laboratory • Validation Process to confirm with objective evidence that a laboratory-developed or modified FDA-cleared/approved test performs as intended • Verification a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Accuracy Precision Analytical sensitivity Analytical specificity to include interfering substances Reportable range of test results for the test system Reference intervals (normal values) Any other performance characteristic required for test performance 2. Determination of calibration and control procedures 3. Documentation Process to confirm with objective evidence that performance claims of a test have been met 5 4 Test Establishment: 42 CFR §493.1253 • Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) Analysis. Answers. Action. Analysis. Answers. Action. [68 FR 3703, Jan. 24, 2003; 68 FR 50724, Aug. 22, 2003] www.aphl.org Analysis. Answers. Action. 6 www.aphl.org Test Validation Elements Clinical validity Analytic validity Analysis. Answers. Action. • • • • • • • • Clinical Validity – MMWR Guidelines Laboratories should ensure that tests are clinically relevant and can be interpreted for specific clinical situations Sensitivity Specificity Positive predictive value Negative predictive value • Documentation of clinical validity from available information sources • Establishment of clinical validity based on internal studies using previously characterized positive and normal samples Accuracy/Precision Analytic sensitivity Analytic interference Reportable range 7 • Determination of test results that suggest imminent or potentially life-threatening conditions, or of critical values or alert values that warrant immediate medical attention www.aphl.org Clinical Validity Elements Analysis. Answers. Action. 8 www.aphl.org Definition of Terms accuracy with which a test identifies a particular condition Sensitivity • proportion of people with condition who test positive Specificity • proportion of people without condition who test negative Test Result Positive Positive of people with positive predictive value • proportion result who have the condition (PPV) Test Result Negative Negative of people with negative predictive value • proportion result who do not have the condition (NPV) Analysis. Answers. Action. 9 Burke W. Clinical validity and clinical utility of genetic tests. Curr Protoc Hum Genet. 2009 Jan;Chapter 9:Unit 9.15. www.aphl.org Condition Positive Condition Negative True Positive False Positive PPV False Negative True Negative NPV Sensitivity Specificity Analysis. Answers. Action. 10 www.aphl.org Factors Influencing Clinical Performance Genetic Influences on Test Performance • Analytic test performance (more later) • Intermittent or subtle nature of some abnormalities Certain fatty acid oxidation disorders (MCAD, VLCAD) Intermittent maple syrup urine disease Glutaric acidemia type I (low-excretor variant) • Other clinical considerations Diet (e.g., TPN, protein restriction, MCT) Medication (e.g., antibiotics, antiepileptics) Other therapies (e.g., dopamine, arginine, IVIG) Clinical status (e.g., hypoxia, renal or hepatic failure, pregnancy, catabolic state) Analysis. Answers. Action. 11 • Enzyme pseudodeficiencies e.gαglucosidase, β-hexosaminidase www.aphl.org Analysis. Answers. Action. 12 www.aphl.org The Interpretation – General Guidelines F1.2 In most cases, the analytical methods used by biochemical genetics laboratories are similar to those of standard clinical chemistry laboratories. Accordingly, procedures for test validation, quality control, quality assurance, and monitoring of safety and equipment performance are generally the same in both settings. https://www.acmg.net/ Importantly, the biochemical genetics laboratory differs from the clinical chemistry laboratory in the extent of interpretation required in order to provide a valid and meaningful result. Interpretation of biochemical genetics tests should be provided by an American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG)certified clinical biochemical geneticist, ideally taking into consideration the clinical history, results of other tests, and other relevant parameters. Ensuring a Meaningful Interpretation Information provided to the laboratory • Indication for testing – Clinical presentation, abnormal NBS, positive family history, follow-up of known condition • Clinical history – Diet, medications, nutritional status, other relevant factors • Labs should seek information when needed Knowledge of normal and disease states • Elevated BCAA in catabolism vs. MSUD • Enzyme pseudodeficiency • Experience with as many conditions as possible – Testing a broad range of known positives (challenging) – Staying current with literature – Collaboration is essential! Analysis. Answers. Action. 13 www.aphl.org Recognition of a Medical Emergency MMWR: Determination of test results that suggest imminent or potentially life-threatening conditions, or of critical values or alert values that warrant immediate medical attention • Setting guidelines (vs. critical values) – Determined by Medical Director – Examples: • New diagnosis in a previously unknown patient • Elevated galactose-1-phosphate in a newborn • Very high leucine or citrulline Analysis. Answers. Action. 15 www.aphl.org Pre-Validation Considerations (LC-MS/MS) • Thorough optimization of LC and mass spec parameters • Qualifier/quantifier SRM transition ratios • Selection of appropriate internal standards and concentrations – Stable isotope labeled – Structural analog • Evaluation of carryover • Evaluation of background noise level 17 Analysis. Answers. Action. CLSI C62-A www.aphl.org 14 Analysis. Answers. Action. www.aphl.org Analytic Validity performance characteristics with which a test measures a particular analyte or analytes Accuracy Precision • Closeness of agreement between an individual value and a true value • Closeness of agreement between multiple independent test results Analytic sensitivity • Lower limit of detection (LLOD) • Lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) Analytic interference • The laboratory must be aware of common interferences by performing studies or having available studies performed elsewhere Reportable range • Analytic measurement range (AMR), the range of analyte values that a method can directly measure on the specimen without any dilution or concentration Analysis. Answers. Action. 16 CLSI Statispro software www.aphl.org Quantitative Evaluation of Matrix Effects (LC-MS/MS) • Matrix effects (ME) ME (%)= B/A x 100 • Recovery (RE) RE (%) = C/B x 100 • Process efficiency (PE) PE (%) = C/A x 100 • A: Neat standards • B: Standards spiked to the extracted matrix • C: Standards spiked to matrix and then processed Matuszewski BK, et al, Strategies for the assessment of matrix effect in quantitative bioanalytical methods based on HPLC-MS/MS. Anal Chem. 2003; 75 (13): 3019-3030. Analysis. Answers. Action. 18 www.aphl.org Analyte and Matrix Stability Analytic Accuracy • No absolute guidance on experiment design • Stability of analyte and sample matrix from collection to result • Testing homogenous aliquots under different conditions over time e.g. extreme temp, room temp, 4C, -20C • Amino acids • Acylcarnitines Analysis. • Enzymes Answers. Action. – Biotinidase, GALT closeness of agreement between an individual value and a true value • Approaches to evaluating accuracy: – Measure recovery of spiked samples – Split samples with an established laboratory (CLSI EP09-A3: n = 40) – Test known PT samples, compare to participant consensus ERNDIM (http://www.erndimqa.nl/) CAP BGL (carnitine) CDC NSQAP • Evaluate throughout entire analytic measurement range Low (near LLOQ), mid, and high (near ULOQ) 19 www.aphl.org Analytic Precision Analysis. Answers. Action. 20 www.aphl.org Analytic Sensitivity closeness of agreement between independent test results • Lower limit of detection (LLOD) Signal/noise ratio >3.0 • Repeat testing over time Patient samples, standards, QC material • Lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) • Within-run precision (repeatability) 20% precision; 20% bias e.g., 20 replicates of same prep (CLSI EP17-A2) • Between-run precision (reproducibility) e.g., repeat entire testing process daily for 20 days • Calculation of coefficient of variation (CV%) • Clinical implications of LLOQ Careful validation of metabolites with clinical significance at very low concentrations (e.g., citrulline in proximal urea cycle defects) = SD/mean x 100 • Comparison to acceptance criteria e.g., 10-15%, 20% at LLOQ or ULOQ Analysis. Answers. Action. 21 www.aphl.org Reportable Range Analytic Measurement Range (AMR) Analysis. Answers. Action. 22 www.aphl.org Analytic Interference • Identification and characterization of interferents • Analyze replicates throughout concentration range • Calculate precision and bias at each concentration level Acceptance criteria, e.g., CV 20%, Bias 20% • Evaluate linearity, compare to criteria e.g., R2>0.995 Literature search Testing samples with known or potential sources of interference Hemolysis, icterus, lipemia, various collection tube additives • Specific examples for biochemical genetics: Amino acid analysis Hemolysis (glu, asp, tau); ampicillin (phe) • Other considerations Matrix effects Clinical reportable range Dilution protocol 23 Analysis. Answers. Action. Acylcarnitine profile Pivalic acid containing antibiotics (C5); cefotaxime and IV dextrose (C16-OH) Biotinidase Sulfa drugs www.aphl.org Analysis. Answers. Action. 24 www.aphl.org Considerations of Enzyme Testing Reference Interval • Analytic specificity • Pediatric samples might be challenging to obtain • Certain specimen types are difficult to obtain – CSF, muscle, fibrablasts • Normal ranges vs disease ranges – Affected range (enzyme) – Carrier range (Hex A%) • Comparing to published literature ranges • Periodic verification after test implementation Analysis. Answers. Action. 25 – Use of specific inhibitors • Pompe disease - acarbose • Fabry disease – α-N-acetylgalactosamine • Interference from clinical status – Pregnancy, diabetes, prematurity • Reference interval – Normal range and affected range – Non-carrier range and carrier range www.aphl.org Test Implementation – The Basics • • • Clinical validity (literature references or internal studies) Analytic validity Quality plan • • • • Standard operating procedure Proficiency testing procedures Personnel training and competency Documentation and review of validation study Analysis. Answers. Action. www.aphl.org Test Implementation – Other Details • • • • • • – QC material, frequency, thresholds, QA review and documentation 26 Practitioner and patient education materials Sample collection and handling instructions Test requisition form Billing codes Lab website, test directory, CAP activity menu Results reporting – Format – Disclaimer (COM.40630) Reports for laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) contain a statement that the assay was developed by the laboratory. Example: "This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by <Laboratory X>. It has not been cleared or approved by the FDA. The laboratory is regulated under CLIA as qualified to perform high-complexity testing. This test is used for clinical purposes. It should not be regarded as investigational or for research.” Analysis. Answers. Action. 27 www.aphl.org Last But Not Least…. www.aphl.org • New tests must be completely validated, even if they have already been validated by another laboratory There is a summary statement, signed by the laboratory director (or designee who meets CAP director qualifications) prior to use in patient testing, that includes the evaluation of validation/verification studies and approval of each test for clinical use. The summary statement must include a written assessment of the validation/verification study, including the acceptability of the data. The summary must also include a statement approving the test for clinical use with the approval signature such as, "This validation study has been reviewed, and the performance of the method is considered acceptable for patient testing." For … LDTs, the summary must address analytical sensitivity, analytical specificity and any other parameter that is considered important to assure that the analytical performance of a test (e.g. specimen stability, reagent stability, linearity, carryover, and cross-contamination, etc.), as appropriate and applicable. If the laboratory makes clinical claims about its tests, the summary must address the validation of these claims. 29 28 In Summary COM.40000 Method Validation/Verification Approval Analysis. Answers. Action. Analysis. Answers. Action. www.aphl.org • The laboratory is responsible for assuring and documenting clinical claims and analytic performance • Clinical validation should be performed and documented wherever possible, but can be challenging for some areas of biochemical genetics • Analytic validation requirements do not differ from other laboratory sections, but approaches for implementation may be unique Analysis. Answers. Action. 30 www.aphl.org Analysis. Answers. Action. www.aphl.org Thank you!! 31 Comments/concerns about this program? Email webinar@aphl.org
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