Nomor Klasifikasi Lampiran Perihal Yth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. : DL.202/416a/KDL/VI/2015 :: 1 (satu) berkas : Informasi Beasiswa dari PAGASA Philipina Jakarta, 1 Juni 2015 Kepala Pusat Meteorologi Penerbangan dan Maritim; Kepala Pusat Meteorologi Publik; Kepala Pusat Iklim, Agroklimat dan Iklim Maritim; Kepala Pusat Perubahan Iklim dan Kualitas Udara; Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan; Kepala Balai Besar Wilayah I s.d V; Ketua STMKG; Kepala Stasiun Meteorologi dan Klimatologi BMKG seluruh Indonesia Di Tempat Berdasarkan surat dari Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) nomor 4222-15 ETR/FEL tanggal 21 April 2015 perihal Fellowships Opportunities for RA V Countries at The Regional Training Centre of PAGASA, kami menginfokan bahwa PAGASA akan menyelenggarakan Meteorologist Training Course. Training course ini akan dilaksanakan di PAGASA Philipina dari tanggal 20 Oktober 2015 sampai dengan 30 September 2016, dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta terkait proses dan fenomena atmosfer dalam rangka meningkatkan keahlian peserta dibidang operasional dan prediksi serta analisa cuaca dan iklim. Kriteria peserta adalah memiliki latar belakang pendidikan teknik, matematika, fisika, meteorologi atau klimatologi. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut terkait training course ini dapat dilihat pada lampiran. Bagi pegawai BMKG yang berminat dapat menyerahkan berkas pendaftaran ke Pusdiklat BMKG selambat-lambatnya tanggal 27 Juli 2015. Untuk informasi lebih jelas terkait beasiswa ini dapat menghubungi Pusdiklat cp. Nina A. Sasmita (HP 08119444115 email atau Ratih Prasetya., SSi (HP 089698104529 email Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk dapat menginformasikan kepada seluruh pegawai yang berada di unit kerja masing-masing. Demikian disampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan DR. Hendar Gunawan, M.Sc NIP. 19550928 197901 1 001 Tembusan Yth.,: 1. Kepala BMKG; 2. Plt. Sestama BMKG; 3. Para Deputi BMKG; 4. Kepala Biro Umum BMKG. Lampiran 1 Surat No. DL.202/416a/KDL/V/2015 A Meteorologist Training Course • • • Pelaksanaan : 20 Oktober 2015 s.d.30 September 2016 (keterangan lebih lengkap lihat lampiran 2) PAGASA hanya akan membiayai biaya akomodasi dan transportasi lokal selama di Philipina. Sedangkan untuk tiket pulang pergi dari negara asal tidak ditanggung oleh PAGASA. Beasiswa penuh dapat diberikan oleh WMO pada kandidat terpilih dengan mengisi form beasiswa pada lampiran 3. Persyaratan utama : a. Mengisi Form pendaftaran (lihat lampiran 2) b. Mengisi form untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dari WMO (lihat lampiran 3) dan melengkapi berkas yang disyaratkan. Persyaratan berkas tambahan untuk mendaftar beasiswa PRESTASI: a. Foto copy SK CPNS dan SK PNS b. Foto copy DP-3 selama 2 (dua) tahun terakhir c. Surat Keterangan Dokter d. Foto copy ijazah terakhir yang sudah dilegalisir e. Foto copy transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir f. Surat pengantar dari atasan g. Sertifikat toefl dengan nilai toefl minimal 450 Pendaftaran Beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui Pusdiklat BMKG. Paket aplikasi pendaftaran harus tiba paling lambat hari Senin, 27 Juli 2015. Dokumen yang datang terlambat atau tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses. Sangat dianjurkan untuk mendaftar lebih awal. Paket aplikasi harus dikirimkan melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke: Nina Amelia Sasmita / Ratih Prasetya., S.Si PUSDIKLAT BMKG Gedung A Lt.9 Jl. Angkasa I Nomor 2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10720 Pengumuman pegawai yang lulus seleksi instansi akan diumumkan oleh Pusdiklat melalui website BMKG selambat-lambatnya tanggal 31 Juli 2015. Sedangkan untuk kandidat yang terpilih akan diinfokan kemudian menunggu hasil dari PAGASA dan WMO. Our ref.: 4222-15 ETR/FEL E GENEVA, 21 April A 2015 Annexes: 2 Fellowships Opportunities s for RA V Countries C at the Regional Training g Center of Subject: eophysical and a Astronomical Serrvices Admiinistration (PAGASA), ( the Philippine Atmosspheric, Ge Philippines Madam, Dear Sir/M I would like to infform you that t the Re egional Tra aining Center of the Philippine Atmosphe eric, Geoph hysical and Astronomical Servvices Adm ministration (PAGASA A) will be conducting g a Meteo orologists Training Course C tha at aims to o give bro oad knowle edge and understanding of diffferent atm mospheric processes p a and pheno omena and skills in performing p al duties in weather, w flo ood and clim mate analyssis and fore ecasting (se ee annex I). It will also operationa boost capacity of trainees in research and d development and oth her non-operational acctivities. In on of the fruitful coope eration betw ween WMO and PAGA ASA on fello owships acttivities, the continuatio course inccluding two months On-the-Job Training T willl be held in n PAGASA A, Philippine es from 20 October 2015 to 30 September S 2 2016. As a cou urse entry re equirement, applicantss should havve a Bache elor of Scien nce degree in Enginee ering, Mathe ematics or Physics P or physical p sciiences (see e annex 1). A will provid de the acco ommodation n for the enttire duration n of the cou urse for up PAGASA to 6 selected particip pants from RA R V. The tuition fee will w also be e waived an nd local tran nsportation ovided by th he agency during its conduct c of the t On-the--Job Trainin ng. WMO would w meet will be pro the cost o of a round trip ticket, stipend and a medica al insurance e for the selected s felllows. Any candidate interested in being considered d for WMO O fellowship ps should complete the WMO ps Nomination Form with w their offficial academ mic recordss and forwa ard it to WM MO through Fellowship the Perm manent Representative e of his/h her countryy with WM MO before e 14 August 2015. WMO N Nomination Form m can n be d on Felllowship found ages/prog/d dra/etrp/GuiidelinestoFe ellowshipAp pplications.p php http://www ed applican nts should d also com mplete the e attached d PAGASA A Training Intereste Application n Form (an nnex II), and d send together with a copy of their t transcript of reco ords before 14 Augustt 2015 to: ebre Dr. Cyntthia P. Cele Chief, Re esearch and d Developm ment and Trraining Divission (RDTD D) Philippine Atmosph heric, Geophysical and Astrono omical Serrvices Adm ministration A) (PAGASA P.O. Boxx 3278, Man nila Tel: +63 929 4865/+ +63 434 267 75 3 929 4865/+63 434 26 675 Fax: +63 E-mail: cynthia_cele c ANNEX I COURSE INFORMATION Meteorologists Training Course (WMO RTC - PAGASA) 1. Course Objective The objective of the course is to acquire broad knowledge and understanding of the different atmospheric processes and develop skills in performing operational duties in weather, flood and climate analysis and forecasting as well as in research and development and other non-operational activities. 2. Course Methodology The course shall utilize the lecture- discussion approach. Examinations, practical, exercises and on-the job training shall be part of the learning activities. 3. Course Contents The course shall be composed of theoretical and practical phases. The theoretical phase consists of two (2) terms. PAGASA will provide statement of compliance of the course with the Basic Instruction Package – Meteorology (BIP-M). 1. Term I Subject Unit 1.1 General Meteorology 3 1.2 Physical Meteorology I 3 1.3 Dynamic Meteorology I 5 1.4 Synoptic Meteorology I Lecture 3 1.5 Synoptic Meteorology I Laboratory 2 1.6 Methods of Observation 3 1.7 Meteorological Instruments 2 1.8 Methods of Research 2 1.9 Special Topic (Disaster Management, Radar Meteorology) 1 Total 24 2. Term II Subject Unit 3 2.1 Physical Meteorology II 2.2 Dynamic Meteorology II 5 2.3 Synoptic Meteorology II 3 2.4 Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory II 2 2.5 Hydrology 3 2.6 Climatology and Meteorological Statistics 3 2.7 Computer Programming 3 2.8 Aeronautical Meteorology 2 Total 24 4. On-the-Job Training (12 weeks) 5. Course Dates and Venue 20 October 2015 to 30 September 2016, PAGASA, Quezon City, Philippines. 6. Medium of Instruction English will be the medium of instruction. 7. Qualification of Participants a. Participants should not be more than 35 years of age, physically and mentally fit. b. Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following: 1. Engineering 2. Mathematics with at least ten (10) units in physics and chemistry 3. Physics or physical sciences with units in mathematics up to integral calculus and chemistry 4. Other fields with units in mathematics up to integral calculus, chemistry and at least 10 units in college physics. 8. Deadline for Nomination The course shall be limited to 30 participants, 10 from PAGASA, 14 non-PAGASA and 6 from the Regional Association (RA) V members. Interested candidates are requested to complete the attached nomination form (Annex II) and return it to PAGASA with a copy to the WMO Secretariat not later than August 14, 2015. 9. Payment of Registration or Tuition Fee Tuition fee will be waived and all administrative expenses will be covered by the PAGASA. 10. Air fare Costs The international travel expenses between the Philippines and home country of the participants will be borne by the participants or by their government. PAGASA will not provide travel support. 11. Study Tour A study tour for the participants will be organized by PAGASA after the theoretical phase and expenses will be shouldered by PAGASA. 12. Insurance Participants are fully responsible for any expenses in the event of death, illness or injury attributable to the attendance of the course and for arranging for such life, health and other form of insurance as they consider appropriate. The participants are highly recommended to make travel insurance, which covers their travel and visit period. PAGASA will not be responsible for compensation in such events. 13. Contact Person Dr. CYNTHIA P. CELEBRE Chief, RDTD, PAGASA Tel. +63 929 4865/+63 434 2675 Fax: +63 929 4865/+63 434 2675 E-mail: ANNEX II APPLICATION FORM Meteorologists Training Course (WMO RTC - PAGASA) PARTICIPANT NOMINATION FORM Personal Data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Last Name First Name Middle Name Gender Civil Status Religion Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality Passport Number Place of issue Date of issue Passport Expiry Date Organization Address Tel. No. Fax E-mail 10. Education and Profession 11. Mother Tongue 12. Contact Person in case of emergency Name Address 13. Statement of Present work Name of Present Institution Position Held Brief Description of Duties 14. Previous Employment History Date Institution 15. Educational and/or Professional Qualification Date University Position and Duties Degree/Diploma 16. State why you wish to attend the course and indicate the practical use of the course to your work in the future. Name and Signature Permanent Representative WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION FELLOWSHIP NOMINATION FORM REQUEST FOR A WMO FELLOWSHIP Issued by the Permanent Representative of the nominating Member with WMO (Instructions for the completion and submission of this form are given under Section VII) I. 1. PROPOSAL, REQUIREMENTS and OBLIGATIONS (to be completed by the Permanent Representative) The Government of (Recipient WMO Member country): nominates (Name of the candidate; last, first and other names; please underline the family name by which the candidate will be referred to): for a fellowship (Proposed host country, and duration - in months (#)): to study (Field(s) of study requested): 2. The Permanent Representative of the Recipient WMO Member certifies that: (a) The information provided by the nominee is complete and correct; (b) The nominee satisfies the entry requirements in terms of academic qualifications and experience for the programme of study; (c) The nominee has adequate knowledge, appropriately tested, of a language that can be used for working purposes in the proposed host country; (d) The nominee has the commitment, adaptability and capability to successfully complete the proposed programme of study; (e) The criteria for the award of a WMO fellowship approved by the WMO Executive Council are satisfied; (f) A plan will be put in place to ensure that his/her Service gains the planned benefits of the fellowship; (g) The required post-fellowship reports will be provided; (h) The absence of the nominee during his/her studies abroad will not have any adverse effects on his/her status, seniority, salary, pension and similar rights. II. EXPECTED BENEFITS (to be completed by the Permanent Representative) 1. In what way will your Service benefit from the fellowship? (Identify the way in which the fellowship fits in with the human resources development plan of your service and its strategic aims, and the specific benefits coming from the fellowship). 2. How will the fellow be employed at the end of the fellowship? (Be as specific as possible in terms of the title of the post and the associated responsibilities). 3. How will the expertise gained from the fellowship be spread within your Service? (Identify ways in which others within your service will benefit from the fellowship). Place and date: Signature of the Permanent Representative (Specimen signature of the PR should be available in WMO. For signature on behalf of PR, “delegation of authority to sign” should also be available in WMO). (#) The WMO reserves the right to propose an alternative host country if in its judgment the desired facilities are equally or more satisfactory in such a country; or if the desired facilities are unavailable in the country proposed by the candidate. The length of time required for study may also be adjusted by WMO in accordance with its own judgment and the available budget. III. CANDIDATE INFORMATION (to be completed by the candidate) Family name (use capital letters): Country of birth: First and other name: Date of birth: Mailing address: Nationality: Home address: Marital status: Telephone: Gender (M/F): Fax: Name and address of person to be notified in case of emergency: Email address: Have you any *near relatives employed in WMO, another public international organization or in the Meteorological Service of your own country? Yes No If the answer is “Yes”, please provide the following information: Name: ___________________________________________ Relationship: ______________________________________ International Organization: ____________________________ Meteorological Service: ______________________________ Read Languages Excel Good Write Fair Excel Good Speak Fair Excel Good Fair Residence in foreign countries in relation to the applicant’s study or professional interests Year(s) Country Education (start with last attended institution and work backwards) Name of institution and place of study Years of study: from – to Major fields of study Degrees/ Diplomas Employment record (Give complete information, details of your duties and responsibilities for each post you have occupied). 1. Present or most recent post: Years of service: from to Description of your work, including responsibility: Title of your post: Name and address of employer: Name of supervisor: 2. Previous post: Years of service: from Title of your post: to Description of your work, including responsibility: Name and address of employer: Name of supervisor: ______ *Near relative means the spouse, parents, brothers, or sisters of the applicant. IV. PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME (to be completed by the candidate) 1. What is the training need for which a programme of study is required? Indicate why your programme of study is required to meet the training needs of you and your Service. 2. What are the key components of a training programme required to satisfy the training need? Give as much detail as possible about the main components of the required training programme 3. What training programme would meet your requirements in a cost-effective way? Indicate the country of study, institution, and content and length of the training programme. Give two options in order of preference. 4. What are the entry requirements for the proposed programme of study? Specify the entry requirements and explain the extent to which you satisfy them. 5. What practical uses you will make of this study on your return home? Indicate how you and your Service will benefit from the programme of study. 6. What fellowships or scholarships have you been awarded? Indicate any fellowships or scholarships that you have held in the past or hold at present, and any for which you are presently a candidate. 7. What have you done to gain information about the training programmes available to meet your needs? Indicate how you have gone about identifying the proposed training programme. 8. Any other matters you consider relevant (e.g. if you are awarded a fellowship, are there any periods when you cannot be absent from your home country). V. CERTIFICATION (to be completed by the candidate) I certify that my statements in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If selected as a WMO Fellow, I undertake to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Conduct myself at all times in a manner compatible with my status as holder of the WMO Fellowship; Spend full time during the period of the award on the study programme as directed by the agency in the country of study and by the WMO; Refrain from engaging in political, commercial, or any other activities other than those covered by my work programme; Submit reports in accordance with the arrangements made by the WMO; Return to my home country at the end of the Fellowship. Place and date: Signature of the candidate VI. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE (To be completed by the Chairman of the Committee) 1. Comments on the education and qualifications of the candidate, and his experience (if any) in the subject to be studied: 2. Comments on the linguistics ability in the language of the course, age, personality and motivation of the candidate: 3. Comments on proposed country of study, preferred institution(s) in that country and duration of fellowship: 4. Comments on use to which Fellow’s training will be put on his return home, in the context of national plans for human resources development: Place and date: Signature of the Chairman of the Committee: Official position and address: VII. INSTRUCTIONS on the COMPLETION and SUBMISSION of this FELLOWSHIP NOMINATION FORM 1. This Fellowship Nomination Form (FNF) will be completed as follows: - 2. Selection Committee - 3. - The Permanent Representative will forward by post the ORIGINAL of this FNF to the WMO, Geneva. Advanced copies may be submitted to WMO by fax, in order to launch the FNF processing. However no implementation action will be taken until the signed ORIGINAL version of the FNF is received in WMO. Specimen signature of the Permanent Representative and/or of the person authorized by the PR to sign on his behalf must be (made) available to WMO prior to the posting of the FNF. Additional documents required: - 5. This is a generic name for a body, which oversees, directly or indirectly, the human resources development planning for meteorology and hydrology. In the absence of such body, the authority supervising the NMHS may designate a local Selection Committee to this effect. Submission of FNF: - 4. Sections I and II by the Permanent Representative of the nominating Member with WMO Sections III, IV and V by the Candidate Section VI by the Chairman of the Selection Committee In case of requests for attendance at WMO training events of less than one-month duration another (simpler) form is to be used. Medical Clearance Certificate Recent Chest X-Ray Copies of relevant diplomas, certificates. Note: - - Following the receipt of FNF completed, WMO approaches relevant training institutions in order to tentatively identify costeffective options for the delivery of the requested training. Upon the receipt of replies from the concerned institutions, the FNF and the potential training offers, are submitted to the Fellowships Committee, which meets once every three months in order to screen every candidature versus the EC Criteria for the Award of WMO Fellowships. The Committee thoroughly examines the FNF’ information, in particular the arguments related to the training needs of the Candidate in the context of the human resources development plans of his Service. The Chairman of the Fellowships Committee submits all the candidature recommendations made by the Committee to the WMO Secretary-General, for his review and approval. It is only after the approval by the Secretary General that will start the actual processing for any fellowship award. Accordingly, the time lapse from the FNF submission to the actual implementation of the fellowship may require 5-8 months. Criteria for the Award of WMO Fellowships (As approved by EC-LVIII, June 2006) (1) The aim of the WMO Fellowship Programme is to support the education and training of qualified and suitable candidates, particularly from developing countries. Applications from women are especially encouraged. Fellowships should benefit both the individual candidate and the candidate’s institution, usually the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS). (2) WMO may award both short-term (less than 6 months) and long-term fellowships, based on recommendations of the Fellowships Committee. The emphasis will be on the awarding of fellowships for continuing education and training in meteorology and hydrology rather than acquisition of basic education. Very short-term fellowships (less than one month) may also be awarded for specially tailored individual- and group-training programmes, in particular programmes on management of NMHSs and familiarization visits for senior NMHS personnel. (3) Candidates applying for a WMO fellowship must complete a Fellowship Nomination Form (FNF), which must be certified by the Permanent Representative (PR) of the recipient WMO Member. The PR will specify, amongst others, the expected benefit to the individual (e.g. to produce a qualified workforce), and the benefit to the nominating institution (e.g. to assist in the organizational development of the NMHS in the light of the changing needs of the services required to meet the evolving needs of users). (4) To be considered by the Fellowships Committee for a fellowship, candidates must: (a) Be of sound health as confirmed by their completed medical certificates; (b) Be proficient in the language of study; (c) Possess the required qualification and/or relevant experience for the proposed course of study; (d) Only apply for courses of study directly applicable to meteorology or hydrology. Newly appointed directors of NMHSs are also eligible for very short-term training programmes in the management of NMHSs and for familiarization visits of one-two weeks duration. (5) In awarding a fellowship, priority will be given to candidates who: (a) Come from countries with the least developed NMHS as well as developing countries, countries with economies in transition and countries more vulnerable to natural disasters; (b) Request only partial support (e.g. when a requesting country meets the travel costs and/or the host country waives tuition fees); (c) Apply for courses at WMO-RTCs or other training institutions in their own Region; (d) Apply for short-term fellowships or long-term fellowships not exceeding 18 months in duration; very long-term fellowships lasting more than 18 months may be granted in special circumstances acknowledged by the PR in the FNF, and confirmed by the WMO Regional Office; (e) Are expected to continue to work in their country, preferably in their NMHS in a suitable post on completion of the fellowship; (f) Not have been awarded a long-term WMO fellowship within the previous four years. (6) In awarding a fellowship, account will be taken of: (a) Whether the candidate comes from a country that has not recently benefited from a WMO fellowship; (b) The need for regional proportional balance; (c) Whether the candidate has been awarded a fellowship in the past; (d) The extent to which the course of study is relevant to the national development objectives and the human resources development priorities identified by the PR in the FNF; (e) The need to practice equal opportunity policies. (See Resolution 33 (Cg-XIV) – Equal opportunities for participation of women in meteorology and hydrology); (f) Whether the Permanent Representative from the candidates’ country has provided WMO with the required report from any previous fellowship.
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