APRIL 2015 FROM THE EAST My Dear Brothers, I want to start out by thanking our Brother the Junior Warden for setting up an EA Degree last month that not only allowed us to bring four new Brothers into our Lodge, but also gave us to opportunity to do one of our fellow Lodges a favor by initiating a candidate for them. At our next Stated Communications (if I can make it), we will discuss some of the things that we’d like to do this summer with regard to cleaning and fixing up the Lodge so that we can rent the hall. We will also be discussing our fund raising efforts for the year as well as straightening up the Lodge Committee assignments to get done the things that Grand Lodge want us to work on. Please call or text me if there is anything you’d like to discuss. God Bless you all. Fraternally, W:.Frank A. Hudson Worshipful Master FROM THE WEST My Brothers, Spring is here! I hope everyone has been enjoying our Stated Communications for the year. We have a great Month ahead of us starting on April 7th. Don’t forget to attend Masters and Wardens at Pinecastle Lodge #368 on Saturday, April 4th, at 8am, and the District School of Instruction on Wednesday, April 8th and 22nd at 7:30pm. See you in the Light, Eola held the 1st EA degree of the year on 3/25/2015. Five (5) brothers have been added to the roles of Masonry. Four new brother came into our lodge with one courtesy initiation for Orange Lodge No. 36 or as they say there “The Lodge”. Please introduce yourselves to Joseph, Bryand, Jason, and Corey when you see a new face in the lodge. Br. Gaston A. Texier Senior Warden FROM THE SOUTH Brothers, Life is a continual learning process. To learn is to grow and we all continue to grow. If you are interested in or have a question about something please ask. Brothers stop by for the meeting or just stop in and say HI. If you have not been in a while, are new, or something else then now is a good time to visit. Most people show up around 6:00pm to talk and meet others. We can always use the help with mentors and other items. Education/Mentoring Instruction for our new EA’s and FC is now set for 6:00 PM each Tuesday and Thursday at the lodge. Classes may from time to time be held by each individual instructor outside this allotted time and will be coordinated by the individual instructor. In order to provide the best possible instruction, additional instructors are needed. In the event the lodge is in-use by other bodies, we will meet in the anti-rooms of the lodge. With the instructors we currently have this schedule is going to be hard to keep, If you can make yourself available to assist, get with Troy, or Fred. Br. Troy McQuagge Junior Warden This was also a proud evening for W:. Val McLaughlin (1981 Miami Temple #247) as he had the pleasure of seeing his grandson initiated into the fraternity. A good time was had by all. Br. Fred Moore BAHIA DeMOLAY Greetings, If you know of a young man between the ages of 12 and 21 who would be interested in becoming a member please let us know. Our stated meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. On the 4th Wednesday of every month we have a dinner before hand at 7:00pm with the meeting following at 7:30pm. Thanking you in advance and looking forward to seeing you soon. Athena Mock Secretary / Treasurer ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Orlando Chapter 131 Order of Eastern Star new officers for 2015-2016 were installed on March 21, 2015. The Officers and members of Orlando 131 look forward to working closer with the Officers and members of Eola Lodge in the coming months. 2015 LODGE COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Finance: Gaston Texier Sickness & Visitation: R. H. John B. Fletcher, Jr. Board of Relief: W. M. Frank Hudson Masonic Education: Troy McQuagge Charity: W.M. Frank Hudson Lodge Property: Troy Mcquagge Vigilance: Gaston Texier Petitions: W. Luis Nunez Fundraising:Gaston Texier Renewal: W.M. Frank Hudson EOLA LODGE No. 207 F&AM Chartered January 17, 1924 A.D., 6924 A.L. Lodge Building: 3200 East Grant Street, Orlando, FL 32806 Stated Communication every 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month Phones: 407-362-7902 / 321-285-6343 Website: www.orlandofreemasons.com E-mail: orlandofreemasons@gmail.com APRIL 2015 Chartered January 17th, A.D. 1924, A.L. 5924 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Orlando, Florida PERMIT No. 1018 Phone: 407-898-3200 Eola Lodge No. 207 F. & A.M. P.O.Box 560114 Orlando, FL 32856-0114 2015 LODGE OFFICERS Worshipful Master Frank Hudson 407-484-5022 frankorico44@aol.com Senior Warden Junior Warden Gaston Texier 407-312-1983 gastonantonio7@gmail.com Troy McQuagge 407-973-9279 tmcquagge@cfl.rr.com Treasurer Harry G Brumley, III 407-718-9858 hbrumley@aol.com Secretary Luis F Nunez, Sr. 407-761-0465 econunez@hotmail.com Chaplain John B Fletcher, Jr. 407-851-8456 majjbfletchjr@cfl.rr.com Senior Deacon Victor A Morales 321-246-0674 victormorales35@gmail.com Junior Deacon Edwin M Fernandez, Jr. 407-928-5966 efernandez4freemasonry@gmail.com Senior Steward Atiae “A.J.” Palata 407-484-0992 aj.palata@hotmail.com Junior Steward Daniel A Bernal 321-304-9748 danielandresbernal@outlook.com Marshall Roy E Campbell 321-443-1403 thejudgeroybean@earthlink.net Musician Jody A Fales 407-443-6759 jody.fales@yahoo.com Tyler Steven Soto 407-257-9595 stevensoto,jeg@gmail.com LIVING PAST MASTERS 1967 Woody D. Hutton 1969 Richard V. Strum + (1) 1970 John E. Cudd Jr. 1973 Frank G. Hutchinson (1) 1973 Paul B. Miller + 1975 Dwight G. Blair (1) 1975 W. Edward Cook 1976 John B. Fletcher Jr. = 1979 Blaine Hensley (1) 1982 Ronald G. Tenney (1) 1983 Kenneth A. Sikes 1984 Burton R. French 1984 John N. Dickinson (1) 1986 Clay H. Oehlert 1986 Melvin H. Little (1) 1989 I. Vance Henderson 1990, 2008 Martin D. Schwebel 1990 Frederick M. Oettel (1) 1991 Ronald R. Raymond 1992 Robert E. Burleson 1993 Jesse L. Williamson (1) 1995 Gerald H. Favor 1995 Wesley M. Jester (1) 1996 Keith W. Albright+ 1997 Richard I. Fox 1998 Phillip R. Fulmer 1998 Lloyd C. Davis (1) 1999 Gary A. Johnson (1) 2000 Thomas S. Rice 2001 Steve L. Allen (1) 2002 Toby M. Lev 2002 Melvin H. Roe (2) 2002 Ralph M. Valido (1) 2003 Michael T. Rudd 2003, 2009 Leslie R. Williams (2) 2004 Harry G. Brumley III 2004 Howard L. Polen (1) 2005 Robert Massey 2005 Rex C. Cain (1) 2005 Mark D. Griffis (2) 2006 Herbert W. King III 2006 Lawrence A. Williamson (1)+ 2006 Mark W. Plosila (2) 2007 Steven M. Jones 2007 Timothy L. Parnell (1) 2007 Robert N. Simmons (2) 2008 Thomas W. Davis (1) 2008 Thom H. Doran (2) 2009 Luis Nuñes 2009 Sean McNutt (1) 2010 James A. Palow 2010 Steven L. Allen (1) 2011 Jody A. Fales 2011 Adam Alvarez (1) 2012 Imre (Jim) Judovits 2012 Leibnitz Soares (1) 2013 Leibnitz Soares Jr. (1) 2013 Ken Virata 2014 Roy Campbell + District Deputy Grand Master = District Instructor (1) Composite Lodge (2) MM Lodge Design & Print: CF Developers Network, LLC
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