Jammu - The North Lines

Arun Jaitley quashes
rumour of disconnect
between RBI and govt
SNMB donates
Dy CM inaugurates
Police Public Mela
Why President Obama
is so keen on having a
nuclear deal with Iran?
The Newspaper of Substance
Vol No: XX
Issue No. 76
Jammu Tawi
Mon, Mar. 23, 2015 Pages - 12
Price ‘ 2/- www.thenorthlines.com, www.epaper.northlines.in Regd. No. JK/306/2014-16
Incentives for girl child, industries, smart cities
PDP-BJP Govt presents Rs 46,473 Cr maiden Budget
 Drabu discards Plan, Non-Plan jargons
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
The Jammu & Kashmir
government today unveiled Rs
46,473 crore budget packed
with a slew of schemes for
farmers, traders, women and
employees while stamping out
The first budget of the PDPBJP alliance government, led
by Chief Minister Mufti
Sayeed, projects a resource gap
of Rs 4,336 crore, which it
plans to finance with grants to
state under the 14th Finance
Commission and without
seeking any additional funding.
In his Budget speech, state
Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu
said: "This is not a good
position to be in. In fact, if
anything, it should be exactly
the other way round. But there
is no way I can help it as it is a
legacy of the last 30 years if not
"In 2015-16, the total public
expenditure is budgeted to be
Rs 46,473 crore. Of this Rs
11,246 crore is for building
No reduction in
retirement age
JAMMU: The Government
has denied any move aimed
at reducing the retirement
age of the employees from
the existing one.
The spokesman said that
certain sections of media
had carried a news
regarding reduction of the
retirement age from the
existing one of 60 years to
59 years. He further added
that no such order or
proposal has been either
issued or mooted by the
assets and infrastructure. The
remaining Rs 35,227 crore is
for current or revenue
expenditure," the former
economist said.
"The total revenue receipts
of the state in 2015-16 are
budgeted to be Rs 42,137 crore
leaving a resource gap of Rs
4,336 crore. This is going to be
financed by prepositioning of
the 14th Finance Commission
grants without seeking any
additional funding," Drabu
Drabu later told reporters
that the broad thrust of the
budget is on revival of Jammu
and Kashmir economy and it
has discarded old plan and nonplan classification, while the
focus is on a three-pronged
initiative of "government,
governance and changes".
Following the replacement
of Planning Commission by
NITI Aayog and the acceptance
Commission Award, Drabu
said, the state government has
structure of its budget.
"J&K is perhaps the first
state in the country to align its
budget to the changes in the
federal fiscal system," he said.
"The entire old classification
of the plan and non-plan has
been discarded. This is a major
change which has far reaching
implications on the allocation,
efficiency and monitoring of
public expenditure," he said.
"This change will demystify
the budget to a great extent.
Now there will be only two
categories of expenditure,
current and capital; the former
being what is spent to meet our
daily expenses and the latter is
what is spent on making assets
on the ground," he said.
"In the years to come, we can
start the mapping of asset
creation with money that has
impossible in the earlier
classification. In the next
budget we will provide this
House with the details of the
physical assets that have been
created on the ground by the
money that was spent".
He said total revenue
receipts has been estimated at
Contd... on P2....
India asks Pak to end ‘atmosphere
of terror’ along border
NL Correspondent
Attari | March | 22
India today asked Pakistan to
end the atmosphere of terror
along the border, saying that
New Delhi wants to maintain
friendly relations with the
neighbouring country.
"Pakistan should ponder as to
how long this atmosphere of
terror ('dehshat gardi ki mahol)
will continue. I want to ask
Pakistan, how long do you want
to keep the border red with
terrorism? It must come to an
end," Home Minister Rajnath
Singh said at a BSF function at
this border crossing point
between India and Pakistan near
JAMMU: The Legislative
Amritsar in Punjab.
Council today strongly
Recalling a statement by
condemned the twin terrorist
former Prime Minister Atal
attack in Kathua and Samba
districts of Jammu division.
The Chairman urged the
Government to take all
necessary measures to
prevent such attacks from
happening again so that
nobody is allowed to disrupt
the peaceful atmosphere in
the State.
LC condemns
terror attacks
BUDGET 2014-15
 Total expenditure Rs 43543 crore.
 Capital Expenditure Rs 10595 crore.
 Total receipts Rs 43543 crore.
 Revenue Receipts Rs 39221 crore.
 Capital Receipts Rs 4322 crore.
 Own Tax Revenue estimated at Rs 7496 crore.
 Share of Central Taxes up at Rs 5191 crore as against figure
of ` 4514 crore in Revised Estimates 2013-14.
 Central Non Plan Grant down to Rs 2096 crore as against Rs
2881 crore in 2013-14.
 Revenue Expenditure (RE) including Security Related
Expenditure (SRE) to touch Rs 32948 crore.
 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) accounts for Rs 10595 crore.
Non Plan Revenue Expenditure (NPRE) consumes ` 29553
crore, ofwhich ` 3470 crore on interest payment.
 The Non-Plan Salaries and Pensions at Rs 18445 crore
constitute 62.4%of total non plan revenue expenditure.
 Non Plan Capital Expenditure (NPCE) of the order of Rs
2090 crore, ofwhich Rs 1297 crore for loan repayment.
 Annual Plan size : Rs 11300 crore.
 PMRP at Rs 600 crore.
 Plan Revenue Expenditure (PRE) estimates at ` 3395 crore.
Plan Capital Expenditure (PCE) including PMRP : Rs 8505
 Rs. 273 crore to be devolved to PRIs under 13th FC grants.
 Earmarked provision of Rs 700 crore for DA to employees
and pensioners.
Contd... on P2....
Gupta presents
Budget in LC
JAMMU: Minister of State
for Finance, Mr. Pawan
Gupta presented the Annual
Financial Statement of
Expenditure for the year
2015-16 and delivered the
Budget speech in the
Legislative Council today.
He also presented the
supplementary statement of
Economic Survey
2014-15 laid in LA
JAMMU: Finance Minister,
Dr Haseeb Drabu, in the
Legislative Assembly, today
laid on the table of the
House, a copy of the
Economic Survey 2014-15.
Market Watch
GOLD (MCX) (RS/10G.)
High | Low
High | Low
25°C | 15°C 17°C | 5°C
Assembly and Council on
Sunday passed a resolution
condemning the recent twin
terror attacks in Samba and
Kathua districts of Jammu
region and asked Indian
government to "impress upon"
Pakistan to take measures for
preventing such "dastardly acts"
in future.
Both Houses of the state
unanimously to condemn the
attacks and appealed to the
Indian government to impress
upon Pakistan to take all
measures for preventing such
"dastardly acts" in future for a
lasting peace in the region so
that initiatives taken towards
peace are not "derailed."
In the Assembly, Chief
Minister Mufti Mohammad
Sayeed said that relations
between India and Pakistan
"will not improve" if such
incidents continue to happen.
He also said that such
"dastardly" acts are "timed" to
subvert the peace process that
 Reiterates terrorists as non-state actors
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Bihari Vajpayee, Singh said one
can change his or her friend but
not neighbours and that is why
the NDA Government wanted
friendly relations with Pakistan.
Lauding Vajpayee's peace
initiative with the neighbouring
country in the late 90s, Singh
said this was the same WagahAttari border from where the
former prime minister had
Contd... on P2....
Condemning the recent terror
attacks in Jammu and Kashmir,
Mohammad Sayeed on Sunday
said that it is a conspiracy to
derail the peace process in the
Sayeed further said that
Pakistan must control terrorism
if it wants peace and
Hoping that peace would
return to Jammu and Kashmir
soon, he said, "People of
Jammu and Kashmir have given
a mandate. My suggestion is to
 Nothing significant to offer: CPI(M)
presented by the Mufti
Mohmmad Sayeed government
as "damp squib", Congress
today said that there is nothing
substantial and new in it.
Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu
can be described in two words
as damp squib," Leader of
Congress Legislative Party
(CLP), Nawang Rigzin Jora told
reporters here today.
 Will defeat forces subverting peace process: Mufti
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Mufti now says Pakistan
should control terrorism
Congress calls state
budget a ‘damp squib’
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
J&K Houses condemns
Kathua/Samba terror strikes
"There is nothing substantial,
nothing new. It is new idiom
and new jargon. That is all," he
said, alleging, there is nothing
for remote regions like Ladakh,
Address promised equitable
development of all the three
"Let alone Ladakh, I am
afraid even Jammu and Kashmir
got nothing out of this budget.
The common people of Jammu
and Kashmir who had huge
expectation from this budget
cannot but feel let down," he
Hitting out at the chief
minister for failing to get liberal
funding from Centre, Jora said,
"One of the main reasons Chief
Minister Mufti Sayeed decided
to go with BJP in the
government formation was to
seek liberal funding from Prime
Minister Narendra Modi. The
budget does not reflect so".
"At the end of the day the
state has been left to fend for
itself. Mufti Sayeed's biggest
gamble in life in aligning with
Contd... on P2....
A parliamentary panel has
called for documentation of
militancy in Jammu and
Kashmir in the form of a White
Paper even as it dismissed the
state government's objections to
the suggestion as being
Committee on Home Ministry
has said that it felt that though
the various aspects of militancy
in Jammu Kashmir may have
been well documented, all the
facts should still be brought out
in the form of a White Paper as
part of a single document for
public information.
The panel did not agree with
the view put forth by the state
government that it was not
advisable at this stage to issue
any While Paper on militancy in
"The committee is not in
agreement with the view put
forth by the state government.
In the view of the committee, in
the age when movement for
momentum and the country has
witnessed a quantum leap in this
direction, such orthodox views
should not find place in
"When the whole world has
now begun to appreciate India's
views on terrorism and regard
the country as one of the worst
sufferers of terrorism, bringing
a White Paper should not be a
cause for concern," the standing
committee's 184th report said.
The panel also rapped the J-K
government for halting the
registration of Kashmiri Pandit
families who had fled the Valley
with the onset of militancy in
the early 1990s. It said that
several migrants' associations
have complained that there are a
large number of migrant
Though the Home Ministry
has claimed that all families
enemies of people will be
defeated, the resolution said.
Earlier, while speaking
during the Question Hour in the
Legislative Assembly as well as
in the Council, the Chief
Minister said that the terror
attacks "won't defeat and
weaken our resolve to bring in
lasting peace in the region."
"The relations between India
and Pakistan won't improve if
such incidents continue to
happen," he said.
Mufti also called for a greater
Contd... on P2....
Fresh terror attacks delay
withdrawal of AFSPA
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
The fresh terrorist attacks,
first on Rajbagh Police Station
in Kathua and later on the Army
camp at Samba during the last
24hours, in which five people
for fault were killed and four
terrorists responsible for the
mayhem were killed, have
further contributed to the delay
in lifting of AFSPA from
Jammu and Kashmir. Official
sources said that after the
incident-free Lok Sabha and the
Assembly elections in Jammu
and Kashmir were completed
Government had decided to
consider the process of
withdrawing AFSPA in a phased
manner but the recent ceasefire
violations and revival in the
activities of separatists had put
a brake in the process and that
government has decided to
favour partial withdrawal of the
AFSPA only after clearance
from the army authorities. The
twin terrorist strikes in Kathua
and Samba have forced the
central Government and the
Ministry of Defence to have a
second thought over the issue
related to partial withdrawal of
the AFSPA. Official sources
said that though all the four
militants, who were involved in
attack on Kathua police station
and the Samba Army camp had
been killed, the incident had
introduce a resolution to
condemn such attacks.
"The peace that was
witnessed by the state after
2003, similar peace will return
to Jammu and Kashmir, same
peace will be restored and the
forces which are doing this
(such attacks) that we should
send a message from the House
...Pakistan is also a victim and
their Prime Minister says he
cannot do anything to control
this," he said.
"We have a strong will, a
strong resolve to control to fight
terrorism, if they want peace
then they have to control them,"
he said.
He said during the tenure of
former Pakistan President
Pervez Musharraf "peace
prevailed" on both sides of the
border and Line of Control.
The Chief Minister again
termed the terrorists from
across the border as "non-state
actors" and asked, "Who were
the people who attacked
churches in Karachi, who
launched attacks in Peshawar,
who is Lakhvi?"
The Assembly Session of the
Jammu and Kashmir Assembly
today witnessed an uproar over
the attacks by militants in the
Contd... on P2....
2,22,180 youth
unemployed in J&K
Opening Ladakh's inner areas for foreign
tourists taken up with MHA: Govt
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
The Government today said
that 2,22,180 unemployed
themselves across the State.
However, unofficial sources
reported the unemployed
number over seven lac of youth
in the state as not all youth get
them registered with the
employment and counselling
In a written reply, the
Government said that 2,22,180
registered themselves with the
District Employment and
Counselling centres, as per the
Contd... on P2....
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
J&K Government has taken
up with the Centre the opening
of inner line areas of Ladakh
region for foreign tourists which
are till now out of bounds for
them as they are covered under
the protected areas regime, the
State Assembly was informed
today. Replying to a question in
the Legislative Assembly,
Agriculture Minister Ghulam
Nabi Lone said the Government
has taken up the matter for
permitting foreign tourists to
visit Panamik-Warshi, including
Yarma-Gonpa and Yarma
Gonboo Monastry in Ladakh,
Parl panel calls for White Paper on J-K militancy
New Delhi| March | 22
has recently been started
between the two countries.
This followed the Chief
Minister Mufti Mohammad
Sayeed's intervention in the
Legislative Assembly when
several Members, cutting across
party lines, expressed serious
concern over the two successive
attacks. The House, which is the
most legitimate democratic
institution representing the
aspirations of the people of the
state, resolves that the
movement for peace and
reconciliation will be carried
forward with full force and the
which fulfil the criteria have
been registered, the committee
is of the view that since there
are complaints by organisations
of non-registration of a large
number of families, the Home
Ministry should examine these
and draw up a mechanism
whereby families fulfilling the
criteria are registered without
much hassle.
The Home Ministry has told
the parliamentary committee
about the state government's
submission that with the
improvement in the ground
situation, it has stopped the
registration of migrants.
However, the Home Ministry
has again advised the state
government on August 25,
2014, to take necessary action
so that migrants can get their
migrant certificates and identity
cards in time.
The committee observed that
it was not at all convinced by
the stance taken by the J-K
government that the situation on
the ground has improved to such
an extent that there is no need
for registration of displaced
"In the view of the
committee, this is the height of
insensitivity as not only have
they been displaced, they are
also still unregistered, which
practically means that no
Contd... on P2....
with the Union Home Ministry
He said that these areas fall in
Northern Border Districts of
J&K and are covered by the
protected area regime for
foreigners. The issue was raised
by Congress member Nawang
Rigzin Jora in the Legislative
The minister informed that an
order has already been issued by
the Government under which
domestic tourists are now
permitted to visit places beyond
Panamik up to Warshi,
including Yarma-Gonpa and
Yarma Gonboo Monastry in
Nobra sub-division tourist
Contd... on P2....
He said that the Government
has identified tour circuits
including Leh-Kharu-ChanglaDurbuk-Tangse-SpangmikMaan-Merak,
Leh-UpshiChumathang-Mahey-PugaTsomoriri/Korzok, Leh-UpshiDeprin-Puga-Tsomoriri/Korzok
in Nyoma sub-division and LehKharzongla-Khalsar-Tirthi upto
Leh-KharzonglaKhalsar-Deskit-Kunder up to
Turtuk-Pachathank and LehSaboo-Digar-Lobab-KhyungruTangyar in Nobra subdivision
tourists are presently permitted
to visit with certain conditions
under the 'Protected Areas
Pak High Commissioner to meet
Hurryiat leaders tomorrow
NL Correspondent
New Delhi/Srinagar | March | 22
Pakistan High Commissioner
Abdul Basit will meet moderate
Hurriyat Conference chairman
Mirwaiz Umer Farooq on Monday
during which a host of issues are
expected to come up and he will also
be apprised of the "ground situation" in Kashmir.
A seven-member delegation of the separatist outfit led by the
Mirwaiz left Srinagar for the meeting at the invitation of the
Pakistan envoy on Sunday.
"The Hurriyat leaders will discuss various aspects of Kashmir
issue and apprise the Pakistan High Commissioner about the
ground situation in Kashmir," a Hurriyat spokesman said.
The meeting comes nearly a fortnight after Basit had gone to
Contd... on P2....
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Shamsher inaugurates KidZee
JAMMU, MAR. 22: Shamsher Singh
Manhas, MP today inaugurated Kidzee,
Asia's Best Preschool at Roop Nagar
Enclave, Jammu. R S Jamwal, GM,
JKSRTC and Sukhdev Singh Jamwal,
Sarpanch, Chinore, were the guest of
honour during the inaugural function. The
inaugural function was attended by
eminent citizens of the city, teaching
faculty, parents and students.
Manhas while inaugurating the school
appreciated the efforts of the management
team of the School to bring national level
quality education in the region. Sona
Jamwal, Principal of the School informed
that at Kidzee we believe that each student
at unique potential and that the pedagogy
approach adopted by the school helps in
developing capabilities that help to realize
their potential. Amit Pathania, Director,
Kidzee (Roop Nagar Branch) said that the
management team is committed to
constantly bring in best quality education
focusing on value based education.
Manish Pathania, Director, Care College
was also present at the function.
Contd from page 1...
Rs 37,814 crore and capital receipts at Rs 4,323 crore with own
tax revenue estimated at Rs 8,006 crore. The state's share of this
central taxes is up at Rs 8,088 crore as against the figure of Rs
4,477 crores in the revised estimates for the year 2014-15. Drabu
said revenue deficit grant is Rs 9,892 crore as against Rs 2,096
crore in 2014-15.
"Similarly, the revenue expenditure including security related
expenditure will touch Rs 35,227 crore with capital expenditure
account at Rs 11,264 crore," he said.
As many as Rs 499 crore is to be devolved to PRIs and ULBs
under 14th Finance Commission grants. The earmarked provision
of Rs 2200 crore is for DA to employees and pensioners, Rs 154
crore provision for 10 % employees share under new pension
scheme introduced from January 2010, Rs 1017 crore for
allocation for district sector capital expenditure.
Announcing new initiatives, he said that he waived off demand
charges on electricity for seven months from September 2014 to
March 2015. He announced exemption for passenger tax on
vehicles which remained off due to floods from September to
December 2014, remission of stamp duty on documents on fresh
loans to persons affected due to floods, exemption under GST in
respect of lodging services provided by hotels, lodges, guest
houses to be extended up to March 2016.
Similarly, he announced exemption to hoteliers from payment
of entry tax on goods imported from outside the state, waived off
of 50% of KCC loans for smallest and vulnerable farmers,
introduction of gold, silver loans for certain categories of
registered dealers/traders. Besides other announcements include
contemplating of amnesty under GST Act 1962 for waiving off
interest and penalty, setting up alternative dispute resolution
tribunal to speed up settlement of cases of traders, VAT exemption
on paddy, rice, wheat, pulses, floor, Maida, sugi and baisen till
March 2016, exemption of toll on fresh vegetables, VAT remission
for local industry.
To restructure ailing Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in the
state, he announced financial restructuring and administrative
reorganisation of all the ailing public sector undertakings besides
setting up of asset reconstruction company in partnership with
J&K Bank.
"Government to float Dal Development bond for restoration of
Dal, set up of pesticides revolution authority, (give) incentives to
any reputed international firm to set up a unit in Valley and
introduce loss of revenue insurance cover," he said.
To deal with the abysmal child sex ratio, he said, "Contribution
of Rs 1000 per month on the behalf of every new born girl child
for next 14 years and on reaching 21 years, she would receive
around Rs 6.5 lakh under a scheme. To begin with, a pilot in six
districts with the most adverse child sex ratio."
Besides this, a new scheme "Aasra" was announced only for
widows or destitute women with no source of income. There
would be a zero balance saving account, life insurance of Rs
25,000, an accident cover of Rs 25,000, sickness and disease
cover of Rs 5000 and maturity/survival benefits of Rs 25,000 after
five years, he said.
Similarly, he said there would be a scheme to provide succour
to 50,000 widows and destitute women of the state. An amount of
Rs 100 crore has been provided for this purpose.
Drabu proposed J&K state family benefit scheme, wherein
families whose income doesn't exceed Rs 75,000 per annum and
who lose their breadwinner and are not covered under any other
benefits, will get a one-time financial assistance of Rs 40,000. A
provision of Rs 20 crore is being made for this scheme, he added.
On taxation, he said that the existing rate of sales tax in lieu of
services is being enhanced by 2 %. There will be a levy of 5 %
VAT on computers and computer peripherals, a uniform tax rate of
VAT of 13.5 % on inverters and UPS and a modest increase of five
paisa per kilogram in the existing rates of toll.
"I...propose to enhance the existing rate of sales tax in lieu of
services by 2 % under the J&K GST Act, 1962. This measure is
expected to generate a revenue of Rs 150 crore...propose a levy of
5 % VAT on computers and computer peripherals. This is likely to
garner resources to the tune of Rs 10 crore," he added.
"Members are aware that Toll at Lakhanpur is charged on
weight regardless of value. I propose a modest increase of five
paisa per Kilogram in the existing rates of toll from the next
fiscal," he said. In view of the economic structuring, the
government also contemplates to outsource Lakhanpur toll plaza,
he said. On the issue of government employees, he said that the
DA (Dearness Allowance) pending March 31, 2015 shall be
credited into the GP fund account of the employees while DA will
be paid in cash from April onwards. All employees covered under
the NPS (National Pension Scheme) and pensioners will, however,
receive the arrears in cash, he said.
"The revenue component of erstwhile plan shifted on revenue
account addressing the long pending demand of employees borne
on plan budget," he said. "Women employees of the state should
be treated at par with central government employees with regard
to admissibility of child career leave," he added.
The government will announce a high powered committee of
ministers and some external experts, to tackle the gigantic
problem of regularisation of more than sixty one thousand
workers engaged on a casual basis, he added. Government also
proposed to provide Rs 2 crore for enhancement of the
retainership of various classes of law officers.
On a pilot basis, one village will be developed as a Model
Basmati village in Jammu Division. One Model Apple village and
one Model Saffron village will be developed in Kashmir Division.
Similarly, one village will also be developed in the Ladakh
region to demonstrate the use of solar dryers and modern
technologies for horticultural processing, he added. The
government proposes to give focus on construction of Model
Ethnographic Villages to showcase intrinsic cultural and heritage
strengths of our people, he said, adding the first pilot cultural
village will be the one that was inhabited by Kashmiri Pandits.
"We propose to have land bank of over 10,000 kanals across the
state which we propose to develop as Industrial Estates," he said.
On the new budgeting system, Drabu said: "Another benefit
...that I am introducing is that the large number of government
servants who would have to wait for months together to get their
salaries under plan head, will not have to wait any longer".
Birth anniversary of Mata
Nirmala Devi celebrated
JAMMU MARCH 22: Sahaj Yoga
Centre Jammu today celebrated the 92nd
birth anniversary of Shri Mataji Nirmala
Devi, spiritual teacher and founder of
Sahaja Yoga. President Rotary Club
Jammu Mr Rakesh Gupta while
speaking on the occasion said that Shri
Mataji dedicated her life to the spiritual
ascent of mankind, visiting every corner
of the world. Gupta said over a forty-
year period, Mataji's vision for a world
of peaceful, balanced, enlightened
people grew from a handful of followers
to an internationally recognized
movement, which led to her receiving
the United Nations Peace Medal and two
nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.
She has built hospitals, schools, music
and art academies, shelters for abused
women and children, as well as
"By shifting all the plan revenue expenditure onto the revenue
side from 2015-16, the hardships of these employees will be a
distant memory," he said.
"In the new system, we will formulate our own scheme of
financing the state budget. We will change the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act next year to
ensure that over the next three years, it is mandated that
borrowings are used only to finance creation of capital assets," he
"I hope to use the budget to enlarge the constituency of peace in
the state. I hope to use the budget to share with the people of J&K
the dividends of peace, something that they have been deprived of
for many years," he said.
Drabu said he hopes to use the budget as an instrument for
sustainable growth and balanced development within the state. In
the process, he hoped to have a budget in which the revenues
cover the expenditures of the state government.
"It is a tall order but I can assure this House that this
government will give it the best that we have with sincerity of
thought and honesty of purpose," he said.
"There are three main themes in my budget; first, build the
credibility and confidence of the government in itself and its
financial management," Drabu said.
"Let me do this by asserting in this House that I shall not seek
any financial assistance or grants from the Centre other than what
is provided for in the Constitution of India for all the special
category states as a part of the federal fiscal system," the finance
minister said.
"In common parlance, I am asserting that I shall not go with a
begging bowl to New Delhi. This despite the fact that we not only
have a friendly government at the Centre, we also have an
exceptionally sensitive and accommodating Union Finance
Minister," he said.
"By doing so, I do hope to restore the dignity of the people of
J&K who are forever being accused of surviving on subsidies and
largesse," he said.
"The goal of our government is economic self-reliance and
fiscal autonomy. All of us want the J&K government to be able to
pay not only for the salaries of its employees, but also for the
development of economy and prosperity of people. The fiscal
strategy and stance of this budget is expansionary. Not that I had
much choice in it. With the people of the state in distress and the
economy in shambles post the devastating floods last year, it is the
responsibility of the government not only to give relief but also to
rehabilitate and reconstruct", he said.
 Rs. 100 crore provision in 2014-15 for 10% Employer's share
under New Pension Scheme introduced from January, 2010.
 A provision of Rs 20 crore for meeting cost of VRS/GHS in
PSUs under Non-Plan.
 Starting with fiscal 2007-08, amount of Rs 4 crore is being
provided every year for settling outstanding of JAKFED towards
JCCB crystallized at 80 crore, Rs 4.00 crore provisioned for
2014-15 as well.
 Rs 47.50 crore for clearing statutory liabilities of corporations
during next year.
 Grant-in-aid (financial devolution) in respect of Local Bodies is
estimated to go up from ` 306 crore to Rs. 383 crore .
 Super Specialty Hospital, Jammu commissioned. Rs 2.8 crore
has been provisioned for Super Specialty Hospital Jammu for
current year and Rs. 5.8 crore for next year.
 Social Infrastructure
 Plan provision of Rs 321.40 crore proposed for Agriculture &
Allied Departments including Animal & Sheep Husbandry,
Floriculture and Cooperative.
 Plan provision of Rs 179.74 crore for Irrigation, Flood Control
& PHE Sector.
 Plan provision of Rs 106.20 crore for Tourism Sector.
Plan provision of Rs 179.82 crore proposed for industries sector
including Labour & Employment.
 Education and Health Sectors to receive allocations of ` 734.66
croreand ` 310.45 crore respectively under Plan.
 Proposed allocation of Rs 332.34 crore for Social Welfare
Sector under Plan.
Proposed Plan Allocation for Power Sector Rs 396.21 crore.
 PWD (R&B) Sector proposed to receive Rs 525.28 crore under
Housing & Urban Development Sector proposed to receive Rs
423.62 crore under Plan.
 Provision of Rs 484.42 crore for SSA & Rs 135.30 crore for
Plan provision of Rs 50.00 crore for Jammu, Rs 25.00 crore for
Leh and Rs 25.00 crore for Kargil regions.
 Rs 2053.51 crore allocation for District Plans.
 Provision of Rs 10.00 crore for critical needs of bad pockets.
 Provision of Rs 148.00 crore for Border Area Development
 Provision of Rs 46.00 crore for Honorarium to Sarpanches &
 VSA to 50647 youth (Rs 22.39 crore disbursed).
 Allocation of Rs 120.00 crore proposed for meeting
requirements of Seed
 Capital Fund, Youth Start-up Loan Scheme, Women
Entrepreneurs and VSA.
 Insurance Scheme for Sarpanchs/Panches in place at premium of
` 63.44 lakh.
 AP for 14-15 will subsume CSS (rationalised to 66 schemes)
 Rs 20 crore provision for creation of additional 1000 Anganwadi
Centers in a phased manner.
 Rs 25.00 crore for regularisation of Rehbar-e-Zirat.
 Provision of ` 3.00 crore for marriage of orphan girls belonging
to a BPL family.
 PSE loans and interest accrued thereon so far (more than ` 2000
crore) to be converted into grant in aid/written off.
 Plan loans to be converted into Equity on case to case basis.
 Beti Anmol benefit to be increased from ` 5000 to ` 10000 and
its coverage extended to all Blocks
 Tourism incentive package expiring on 31st December, 2014 to
be extended upto March, 2015.
 Increasing the Stamp Duty exemption on KCC loans from ` 1.50
lakh to\ Rs. 3 lakh, also on Artiisan Credit Cards.
 VAT remission for industry to continue for another year.
Jammu Sculptor to participate in National Camp
establishing the all-important centres for
meditation - all based on the techniques
of Sahaja Yoga.
During the program sweet bhajans
were sung by Suroon Ki Malika Mrs
Partima Sharma which was highly
appreciated by the audiences. The
program was organized by Cocoordinator Neelu Ji, Joohi, Ajay Ji and
all Sahaj Yogi's.
 Cashless system of VAT remission on purchases of raw material
made from SICOP adopted from the next year.
 Hotel Tariff Tax exemption to continue up to March, 2015.
 VAT exemption on atta, maida, besan etc to continue upto
March, 2015.
 Toll and VAT exemption on hand pump.
 VAT exemption on 'bee wax'
 VAT exemption on 'oil cake'
 VAT exemption on bone meal.
 Toll exemption on 'tootee basmati export'
 Toll exemption on import of husks of pulses and bran.
 Toll exemption on weight containers.
 VAT on shawls reduced to 5%.
 Audit limit of turn over for filing of VAT Returns from ` 60 lakh
to ` 10 lakh
 Threshold of ` 7.5 lakh increased to ` 10 lakh.
 TOT limit increased to ` 25 lakh.
 Rs 2 crore for pilot initiative for micro irrigation.
 War Veterans to get ` 3000 per month instead of ` 1500 per
 Rs 2.30 crore in Budget.
 Rs 1.40 crore for HIV/AIDS cases.
 Rs. 2 crore for the Cancer Treatment and Management Fund..
vigil on the borders to prevent such attacks.
Stating that such dastardly acts are timed to subvert the peace
process that has recently been started between India and Pakistan,
the Chief Minister said such forces which are desperate to disturb
peace in the region won't be allowed to succeed. He said if we
have to carry forward the process of reconciliation, such incidents
should not be repeated.
Urging Pakistan to rein in "subversive" elements operating from
within its territory, the Chief Minister said a message has to go to
it from our country's strongest and most powerful Assembly that
incidents like Samba and Kathua won't be tolerated in future.
The Chief Minister described the recently-held Assembly
elections as free, fair and transparent which he said restored the
faith of the people in the democratic institutions of the state and
the country.
"The roots of democracy have grown stronger in the State.
There were no incidents on borders in the State from Kathua to
Kargil between 2002 to 2008. We have invested a lot in the peace
process. There are some rogue elements which, in the name of
religion, are carrying out such acts. These elements will not be
allowed to damage the fabric of peace in the State," said the Chief
given indication of a bigger plan of agencies across the border
for destabilizing peace in Jammu and Kashmir.
Since intelligence agencies inputs reveal that groups of
militants had been brought on the launch pads across the IB in
Jammu for entering into the state for escalating the level of
violence troops, guarding the LOC and the BSF deployed on the
IB have been directed to further upgrade the security grid by
intensifying round the clock patrolling and by keeping all antiingress gadgets, including sensors, functional so that troops could
monitor the movement of militants in advance for initiating firm
anti-ingress measures. Intelligence agencies inputs also reveal
that in weeks to come the rate of infiltration may be pushed up in
order to ensure that peace was destabilized in Jammu and Kashmir
with militants attacking Government installations and political
leaders. Inputs said that hike in level of violence was being
contemplated to boost the sagging morale of Kashmir separatists
so that a fresh wave of scare was created among people that could
force them to respond to the separatists' calls for shutdown and
protest rallies.
However, the J&K Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed on
Sunday said his government would examine the need for
denotifying disturbed areas to initiate a phased withdrawal of
Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from there.
"Keeping in view the improving security scenario, the state
government will examine the need for denotifying 'disturbed
areas', which have been free from militancy-related incidents for
quite some time," Sayeed told the state Assembly in a written
"It will enable a phased withdrawal of AFSPA from such areas,"
he said.
JAMMU, MAR 22: A Jammu based sculptor, Vikas Khajuria
has been invited to participate in National Level Sculptors'
Camp at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath (KCP), Bengaluru.
The camp is a part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of
College of Fine Arts at KCP w.e.f. 23rd March to 1st April,
2014. He has done his BVA (Sculpture) from Institute of
Music & Fine Arts, Jammu and Masters Degree in Sculpture
from M S university, Baroda. Vikas Khajuria is actively
associated with sculpture and other related activities in the
region. He has participated in many All India Art Exhibitions
of Art in the different cities of the country. He has been
awarded with State Award by J&K Academy of Art, Culture
& Language, Jammu and Certificate of Merit by Indian
Academy of Fine Arts, Amritsar.
which should have been given incentives have been left high and
dry," he added.
"The state does not have heavy industries to talk of. In this
background, SMEs should have been helped out. This did not
happen," he added.
The former minister said, "Tourism portfolio has been kept by
Mufti Sayeed himself and the sector has got extension of
incentives as these would lapse this year. The incentives of
tourism sector should have been extended for the next 6 years.
This has not happened".
"The damage the tourism sector suffered on account of flood
last year should have weighed heavily on the finance minister's
budget but that hasn't happened. The finance minister himself
admitted to spend Rs 10,000 crore on works and capital
expenditure of Rs 30,000 crore is being spent on salaries and
establishment," he said.
"Nothing has been proposed to restructure this dubious
anomaly, he said, adding, apart from Srinagar and Jammu,
Anantnag, and Katra have been proposed for smart city. Leh, the
third most important city in the state with an airport and attracting
huge number of foreign tourist has been deliberately kept out, he
The CPI(M) on Sunday said the budget presented by the Jammu
and Kashmir government reflects "rosy figures" and has "nothing
significant" to offer.
"The budget 2015-2016 presented by the government reflects
rosy figures and is devoid of any relief for the common man,"
Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, an MLA and state Secretary
CPI(M) said on Sunday.
"This budget has nothing significant to offer and instead has
furthered desperation and disappointment for different sections of
society, be it the unemployed educated youth, people associated
with business, agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts, causal
labourers, daily wagers, Anganwari workers and helpers, ASHAs,
contractuals, SPOs, old aged, handicapped, Nambardars and
Chowkidars, Chopans, Gujjar and Bakerwal community," he said.
Tarigami further said, "There is no concrete respite for people
whose property including residential houses and agriculture lands
got damaged due to the devastating floods in September 2014
across the state". The budget is also silent about the delayed
payment of wages to the casual labourers working in different
departments for years together, he added.
Subsidisation of fertilizers, pesticides and farm equipment,
reducing the interest on farm loans, enhancing allocations for
irrigation sector have been totally ignored, he alleged. No big
initiatives find place in the budget for making crop and livestock
insurances schemes successful, he said.
live register as on ending December 2014.
'This figure may be even higher as the registration is a voluntary
process and not mandatory,' replied the Government to a question
asked by NC MLA Mian Altaf. On measures being taken to tackle
the problem of un-employment, the Government replied that in
order to tackle the unemployment problem, various initiatives
from time to time have been taken.
In addition to J&K Self Employment Scheme (JKSES)
introduced in 1995, the latest being the launch of policy document
on employment named Sher - e - Kashmir Employment and
Welfare Programme for the Youth at December 5, 2009.
Efforts of all departments to tackle problem of unemployment
youth on large scale on private sectors and self employment
ventures, the schemes like J&K Self Employment Scheme, Seed
Capital Fund Scheme, Youth Start-up Loan Scheme, National
Minority Development Finance Corporation, Women
Entrepreneurship Programme, Voluntary Service Allowance,
Udaan and Himayat are already in existence.
benefits will go to them. Immediate action should be taken in
this regard," the report said.
Due to onset of militancy in J-K in the early 1990s, most
Kashmiri Pandit families migrated from the Valley to Jammu,
Delhi and other places.
There are about 62,000 registered Kashmiri migrant families in
the country. About 40,000 registered Kashmiri migrant families
are residing in Jammu, approximately 19,338 in Delhi and about
1,995 families in other states.
As a result of packages offered to these families by the
government in 2008, one family has returned to Kashmir Valley
The functioning of the House was disrupted after Bharatiya while government jobs have been provided to 1,466 migrant
Janata Party leaders raised anti-Pakistan slogans in the Assembly. youths and 469 transit accommodations have been constructed in
National Conference (NC) leaders led by former CM Omar the Valley.
Abdullah staged a walkout from the Jammu and Kashmir
Assembly after their adjournment motion condemning twin terror
attacks in Jammu was rejected.
the Delhi residence of pro-Pakistan hardline Hurriyat leader
Two attacks by the terrorists have taken place in the last two Syed Ali Shah Geelani and updated him about the talks between
days in Jammu and Kashmir.
Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar and his Pakistani counterpart
Security forces gunned down two terrorist during an attack on Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry in Islamabad earlier this month to bring
Army camp in Jammu and Kashmir's Samba district yesterday.
back on track the stalled Indo-Pak dialogue process.
On Friday, Terrorists had attacked the Rajbagh police station in
"Yes, I will be meeting the Pakistani High Commissioner. We
Kathua district. Six people including two terrorists, two are very happy that the two countries have come back to the
paramilitary troopers, a policeman and a civilian were killed.
dialogue table," the Mirwaiz had earlier said. He said Hurriyat
Conference always wanted that the two countries should be
talking and resolving all outstanding issues including Kashmir.
started his peace initiative with Pakistan.
"We in Hurriyat believe that we can act as a bridge between the
"Vajpayee had offered the hand of friendship to Pakistan. He two countries in finding a lasting solution to the vexed Kashmir
not only wanted friendly relations with Pakistan but heart- to-heart issue," he had said in Srinagar.
relations between the people of the two countries.
The Narendra Modi government had cancelled Foreign
"But what did we get in return? Kargil war," he said.
Secretary-level talks in August last year after Basit had met
The Home Minister said India won that war and wants to move Kashmiri separatist leaders ahead of meeting, ignoring calls by the
forward and make friendship with Pakistan "but, so far, we have Indian government not to go ahead with it. However, after the BJP
not been able to achieve what we want".
entered into an alliance with PDP in Jammu and Kashmir, it was
agreed that every stakeholder "irrespective of their ideological
views and predilections" will be taken on board.
The alliance for agenda of the PDP-BJP said "coalition
BJP, does not seem to be paying fiscal dividends," he said.
Government will facilitate and help initiate a sustained and
"More than Rs 11,000 crore earmarked in the budget for capital meaningful dialogue with all internal stakeholders that will
expenditure is inclusive of the fiscal devolution under the 14th include all political groups irrespective of their ideological views
Finance Commission and will include such centrally sponsored and predilections. This dialogue will seek to build a broad-based
scheme that will not be funded anymore by Government of India," consensus on resolution of all outstanding issues of Jammu and
he said.
Kashmir". Another delegation comprising representatives of the
"As such the state will have lesser money in the kitty than general council of the Hurriyat will also leave for Delhi on
expected. The SME and the small and micro enterprise both of Monday to attend the Pakistan Day celebrations.
Mufti now...
Pak High...
India asks...
Congress calls...
Printer, Publisher & Proprietor Neelam Singh Gill. Published from Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu-180001 and Printed at Northlines Offset Printers & Publishers, Jeewan Nagar, Digiana, Jammu.
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JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Dy CM inaugurates Police Public Mela
Says it helps maintain better police-public rapport
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal
Kumar Singh, inaugurated Police
Public Mela at Gulshan Ground here
Being organized by Jammu and
Kashmir Police Wives Welfare
Association (JKPWWA), this was 25th
mela in which people from all walks of
life participated.
After inaugurating the event, the
Deputy CM described it as an effective
platform for the police and public to
further strengthen their relations and
maintain a good rapport. He appreciated
the efforts of JKPWWA and the Police
Organization for organizing such Melas
in a befitting manner since years.
Singh said that the event also
provides an opportunity to pay homage
to the sacrifices of Jammu and Kashmir
Police, they offered while ensuring
security and safety of the people. He
stressed that the supreme sacrifices of
security forces would be remembered
for times to come. He said that it was
due to the sacrifices of our martyrs that
peace has been prevailed and the people
of the State feel themselves in a secure
During the mela, 60 stalls were
established by different police welfare
units and products of different regions
of the State were put for sale. Besides,
Tambola and traditional cultural items
were the main attraction for the people.
Talking to media persons on the
sidelines of the Mela, DGP, Mr. K.
Rajendra disclosed that the receipts
Rs. 553 cr released under
NHM: Lal Singh
Minister for Health and Medical Education, Ch. Lal Singh
informed the House that Rs. 553.28 crore has been released under
National Health Mission (NHM) during last two years in the State.
He said out of this Rs. 468.81 crore released by the Centre and Rs.
85.47 crore released by the State during the period for
implementation of different schemes under NHM.
Replying to a question by Ch. Qamar Hussain in LA here today,
the Health Minister informed that Rs. 6.16 crore has been released
in favour of different health institutions of Rajouri constituency
for upgradation of health care facilities during last two years under
The Minister informed that a proposal for creation of additional
30 posts for SDH Thanna Mandi was taken up with the Planning
and Development Department. He said there is no proposal at
present under consideration for opening of new Block Medical
Office at Thanna Mandi. He, however, said that one Medical
Block is functional at Manjakote in Rajouri constituency on
internal arrangement basis.
Funds for HSD in Kargil being
arranged for PDD: DY CM
 Normal Power supply to be restored early
Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh while replying to a
question by Mr. Haji Anayat Ali said due to damage to the tower
of 66 KV Chutak-Kargil line and forced shutdown of Chutak
power house in the month of October 2014, the electricity to the
Kargil district was provide through DG set, which consumed 82
Kilo Litres High Speed Diesel (HSD) extra.
The Deputy Chief Minister said the unscheduled outage of
power house and running of DG sets for providing alternate power
supply caused shortage of the high speed diesel in district Kargil.
He said the Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LADHC, Kargil has been
advised to verify the claims and submit requirement of norms
fixed. He said the funds are being arranged to meet the
In reply to a supplementary raised to the main question, the
Deputy Chief Minister said that the power supply shall restored at
the earliest.
realized from the raffle draw tickets are
utilized for welfare of families of police
martyrs. He said that our aim is to
promote academic excellence, augment
facilities for education to cater the
needs of wards of police martyrs and to
add the infrastructure for a wholesome
atmosphere with all modern facilities.
He further said that the Organization is
providing facilities to the children of
police personnel and martyrs for
coaching in professional examinations.
Earlier, the Chairperson JKPWWA,
K.Vijaya Rajendra briefed the visiting
dignitaries about the objectives of
organizing such melas saying that we
have undertaken various fund raising
activities to fulfil of police families
with special emphasis on widows and
orphans. She informed that the
Association has been providing
vocational training to families of
policemen in order to provide support to
manufacture and market the products
through police families welfare centres.
Among others, the function was
attended by ADGPs, Mr. SP Vaid and
SM Sahai, DG Youth Services and
Sports, Mr. Navin Aggarwal, Divisional
Commissioner Jammu, Mr. Pawan
Kotwal, IsGP, Dr. B Srinivas, Mr. AK
Choudhary, Mr. HK Lohia, Mr. MS
Salaria, Mr. Yoginder Koul, Mr. Alok
Puri, Mr. MA Khan, Mr. Mukesh Singh,
Mr. Danish Rana, Mr. Sham Lal, Mr.
Jagit Kumar, Mr. SA Watali, Mr. MA
Ganai and Mr. JP Singh, besides Lady
members of PWWA, prominent
citizens, and police, civil administration
DIG launches Punarjagaran
Mass Awakening Campaign
NL Correspondent
Udhampur | March | 22
A month long Punarjagaran Mass Awakening Campaign for
Youth participation in National
Development was launched at
Udhampur district here today.
The progamme is being
organized by Nehru Yuva
Ministry of Youth Affairs and
Sports, Government of India.
Deputy Inspector
General of Police Udhampur Reasi Range, Surinder Gupta
who was the chief guest
formally launched the campaign
by flagging off three chariots
from old Town Hall for
highlighting the schemes and
programmes of government in
rural areas.
Calling the youth being the
most vibrant and resourceful
segment of the population,
Gupta exhorted upon the youth
to play a vital role in fostering
and strengthening the socioeconomic
Highlighting the role of NYK in
mobilizing, motivating and
organizing rural youth, he said
that such programmes would
not only generate awareness
among the common masses
about different governmental
schemes but also help in
channelizing their energies in
constructive and prospective
purposes rather than their
inclination towards anti-social
punarjagaran- mass awakening
campaign would also help to
strengthen and enhance existing
network of youth clubs and
representation from all sections
of the society. He urged upon
the youth to inculcate all
possible efforts to make the
campaign a grand success.
District Youth Coordinator,
NYK, Nissar Ahmed Bhatt gave
a brief resume account of the
activities to be carried out
during the month long
campaign. Bhatt disclosed that
the three chariots would cover
100 villages in 30 days and
generating mass awakening by
the groups of 60 trained youth
of NYK through nukad nataks,
skits, film shows, cultural
programme etc. There would be
lectures by experts and
discussion and question &
answer sessions, he added.
CM congratulates
Drabu on
presenting peoplefriendly Budget
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
congratulated Minister for
Finance, Dr. Haseeb A. Drabu, for
presenting a people-friendly
Budget in the Legislative
Assembly today. Describing the
Budget as all-inclusive that takes
care of core sectors of
development, the Chief Minister
hoped that the policies and
programmes adopted in the
Budget 2015-16 shall take care of
internal revenue generation and
cater to the needs of all
stakeholders in the State,
particularly farmers and small
and tiny traders, who have
suffered tremendously in the
worst-ever floods that took place
in J&K in September last year.
A musical event
organized at Raj
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
A musical programme to
celebrate the Women's Day was
organized here in the lawns of Raj
Bhavan. This event, hosted by
Mrs. Usha Vohra, First Lady, was
attended by women Legislators,
women officers, and wives of
officers of the civil, Police,
establishments. The programme,
including musical performances
presented by singers from within
and outside the State was
organized by Doordarshan
Kendra and Radio KashmirJammu.
Pawan Gupta
flags off Chountra
Mata pilgrimage
NL Correspondent
Udhampur | March | 22
Minister of State for Finance
and Information Technology,
Pawan Gupta, flagged off
pilgrimage from Vishakarma Ji
Temple M.H Chowk Udhampur
here today.
organized by Chountra Mata
Udhampur commenced with the
lighting of Akhand which
afterwards proceeded for the
holy shrine with traditional
fervour and gaiety.
While speaking on the
occasion, Mr. Gupta lauded the
efforts of Chountra Mata
administration and social
organizations for organizing
definitely help promote the
Shrine as a pilgrim tourism
JKATA protests against pending demands Unique tie-up between foe allies
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Association (JKATA), held one
day protest led by its state
president of kata Dr.Surinder
at press club jammu against
the unmet demands raised by
the association. JKATA raised
publication of the regularization
list of 2nd phase.of Rex's
Dr. Surinder Radotra state
president said that 2nd list of
rehber e ziraat must be
published as per cabinet
decision. Radotra said that the
cabinet order should be
followed in true letter and spirit.
All those who have completed
seven years of continuous
service should be appointed as
sincere efforts of those who
have given seven to eight
important years of continuous
service to the department. He
condemned the dishonest
approach followed by few and
consequences, who are hell-bent
in sabotaging the smooth
regularization process. He
warned those who have not
completed their seven years
with the department, for playing
with the future of those who
honestly devoted their seven
years of continuous service to
the department.
The JKATA members who
participated in the meet were
Sharma , Prakshveer Singh Raju
per cabinet order.
for Jasrotia ,Sanjeev Chib,Charanjit
Dr. Radotra mentioned that pursuing higher studies and Singh,Shakdeel Qazi and
those few who had left the research work cannot match the others.
Nav Varsh celebration by RSS
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Nav Varsh Vikrami samvat
2072 has been celebrated in
Ved Mandir Ambphala
Jammu Mahanagar wing of
RSS. In Which RSS
Swayamsevak from every
nook & corner of the city &
the whole of the Mahanagar
participated in the Utsav.
RSS Kshetriya Sangchalak
Bajrang lal Gupt
remembered the soldier who
sacrificed their lives in the
recent attack on 19th & 20th
march at kathua & Samba
He said that these
terrorists have chosen day on
which Shakas were badly
defeated by Smrat
Vikrmaditya &Vikrmi
samvat 2072 was came into
existence .As far as Indian
history is concerned this is a
very historic day.
Bajrang Lal Gupta said the
swayamsevaks to keep four
things in their minds to
strengthen the RSS. These
things are shuddh
Achar(Good character),
shuddh vichar(Great
vyavhar(Good Behavior )
and Karya Vistar ( Expension
of RSS work).
detrimental for J&K: Bunty
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
Strongly condemning twin
militant strikes in Kathua and
Samba Districts, NC Youth
Provincial President Surinder
Singh Bunty (Advocate)
coalition government for its
failure to contain growing
subversive activities by the
speaking during a joining
function organized here at
Gadigarh wherein scores of
youth joined the party.
Bunty expressed serious
concern over spurt in fidayeen
attacks since the present
dispensation took over. "These
frequent fearless strikes by
terrorists in several parts of the
state speak volumes about the
government to secure life and
property", he added. Scores of
youth from Gadigarh area who
were feeling disgruntled due to
directionless policies adopted
by PDP and its foe ally BJP that
have landed Jammu and
Kashmir in the middle of fuss
heightened national security
threat, inspired by the
motivation of NC Youth
Provincial President Surinder
Singh Bunty (Advocate) today
joined National Conference,
Elaborate arrangements at the
Chauntra Mata shrine such as
medical, water, electricity,
security were made by the
district administration for
smooth conduct of yatra.
A large number of pilgrims
from different areas paid
obeisance at the sacred shrine to
Durga temple, situated on a hill
top in between the village Rang
and Bulhand of district
Among others, Medical
Hospital, Dr. Chander Parkash,
President Santan Dharam
Sabha, Dr. Yogeswar Gupta,
President Adhi Shakti Sewak
Sanstha Pingla Mata, Mr. Ashok
senior officers of
various department, prominent
organization were present on
the occasion.
Surpal bags
award in
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
S u r p a l
Singh Slathia,
painter from
Music and Fine Arts, Srinagar
received first prize in state level
Dahanukar Art Foundation
Mumbai 2015.He did five solo
shows in different parts of the
country.A recipient of Camlin
Award 2003,participated in
numerous painters camps and
art exhibitions across the
Decision of holding Gurudwara election hailed
NL Correspondent
Jammu Tawi | March | 22
National conference minority cell has hailed the
decision of govt. for holding Gurdawara Prabandak
Committee elections in J&K state in July 2015 this year.
A meeting was held under the championship of N.C
minority cell unit president and district Srinagar vice
president Harmohinder singh .where he expressed
gratitude to the present govt. for this important
announcement .which was long awaited since 2008.
The Sikh community has particularly thanked the
Minister for Law , Justice and Parliamentary affairs Syed
Basharat Bukhari.
It pertinent to mention that, last time Gurudwara
management elections were held in2003 in J&K state for
five years tenure. There after these were scheduled for
2008.But due to some technical problems these were
deferred and the previous national conference govt. also
shown interest for holding Gurudwara prabandak
elections in January 2014. But some vested interests
created embarrassment and got deferred on one pretext of
winter in Kashmir or other. Besides this 8 new districts
were created in our state in 2005. Consequent upon this a
demand was raised by Sikh community for delimitation of
constituencies particularly for samba district were more
that 25(twenty five) thousand Sikhs are living and they
needed Separate eleven member committee in the district.
S. Harmohinder Singh appealed to the coalition partners
to consider the demand of Sikhs in J&K for granting
minority status as has already been envisaged in the
character of Minorities in the union ministry of minorities
in New Delhi. He has cautioned the govt. take extra
precautionary measures to prevent the terrorists at any
cost lest they should adopt school attack anywhere,
anytime like in Peshawar in Pakistan in Dec.2014 in
which so many innocent students were killed brutally. S.
Harmohinder Singh (N.C. minority cell unit president and
Distt. Srinagar Vice President).
DC tours holds
public darbar
To take stock of the damages
caused by the recent rains and
redress the grievances of the
Commissioner, Poonch, M H
Malik visited Chhamberkinari,
Galipindi, Chella Dhangri and
Azamabad villages of Tehsil
Accompanied by a team of
officers including Senior
Superintendent of Police, J S
Johar, Assistant Commissioner
Revenue, Shafiq Ahmed
Commissioner Development,
Shokat Mehmood Malik,
Mohammad Iqbal Zarger,
Chief Education Officer, Ch.
Lal Hussain, Tehsildar Mandi,
Amir Ayaz Rather, District
Panchayat Officer, Zaffer
Ahmed Banday, XENPWD, K
Manzoor Jagal, XEN PDD,
Mohammad Maqbool Naik,
Choudhary besides officers of
other departments, the Deputy
Commissioner visited the
remotest villages of the
district and interacted with
local residents to ascertain
their problems.
Situated in the upper
reaches of Pir Panchal, village
Chhamberkinari as a result of
recent incessant rains has
developed massive cracks and
caused panic among the local
triggering of landslides.
Interacting with the
villagers, district officers
assured that the administration
is fully aware of the situation
and has taken concrete
measures to resolve these
shortage of ration and understaffed schools apart from
frequent transformer damages
and erratic water supply
remained main issues for
Commissioner issued specific
instructions to the concerned
The officers of PHE were
asked to upgrade the water
supply schemes in these
villages whereas the CEO was
directed to monitor the
functioning of schools in these
far flung areas and ensure
action against the absent staff.
Malik conducted a public
darbar at Dhangri where
people in large number
problems pertaining to power
and water supply besides
issues related to availability of
ration and pending wages
patiently listened to the
demands and problems being
faced by the people and issued
on spot instructions to the
concerned officers.
He instructed all the officers
dedication for resolving the
issues of people leaving no
space for complaints and
assured the people that
needful in being done to
mitigate their sufferings. The
Deputy Commissioner also
inspected some developmental
works of RDD, PHE and
PMGSY and issued necessary
instructions to the concerned
Romeo force organises
health lecture
Rashtriya Rifles Battalion under
Romeo Force to actively pursue
measures towards welfare of
locals organised a lecture cum
awareness of Breast Cancer,
AIDS and Family Planning at
village Mangalnar. The idea
behind organising this lecture
cum interaction session was to
make locals aware about Family
Planning, Breast Cancer and
Medical Officer of Rashtriya
Rifles Battalion delivered the
lecture which was attended by
approx 120 locals of village
Mangalnar and adjoining areas.
The lecture was followed by an
interactive session which gave
opportunity to the locals to raise
queries on various medical
issues. During the talk issues
covered included prevention of
AIDS, early detection of Breast
Cancer and their treatment. The
subject of family planning and
its importance was also
The locals of village
Mangalnar were grateful for the
information provided by the
Indian Army on these life
threatening diseases. The
village Sarpanch Shri Abdul
Hussain said that he was
pleased with steps being taken
by the Indian Army for the well
being of the villagers.
Awareness programme held
under SVEEP
22- For the awareness of
general public and particularly
the pilgrims, an awareness
programme under SVEEP was
held at Chountra Mata Shrine
here today.
Sub Divisional Magistrate
Ramnagar, Kewal Krishan who
was the chief guest on the
occasion called upon the
general public for showing
maximum participation in the
generation corrected voter lists
and voter registration. He urged
upon the people to spread the
message for larger participation
for awareness of masses in their
surrounding Beti Bachao, Beti
generated among the people by
means of cultural programme
presented by Ramloo Ram and
party, organized by district
administration in local language
on the occasion.
Tehsildar Ramnagar, Dr.
Kavita Pandoh, SVEEP team
official and large number of
UDAAN recruitment drive
on March 23
REASI, MARCH 22Udaan, a special initiative
by the Ministry of Home
Affairs will organize a one
day recruitment drive in
Reasi on March 23, 2015
"The event will be held at
District Employment and
Counselling Centre, Reasi.
ReasiSushma Chauhan has called
graduates and post graduates
informed that large number
of corporates are expected to
candidates from
across various sectors like
banking, IT, ITES, Security
etc. Selected candidates will
then be trained by the
employers, added DC. Upon
successful completion of
training, they will be offered
jobs at locations across
India, she further added.
‘Sub-CCentre at Bainsta
inaugurated by Pathania’
BAINSTA (Ramnagar, Mar
22: Akhand Jyoti was today lit
from the ancient Devi Bani
Mandir at Manwal by Mr. R. S.
Pathania, MLA Ramnagar.
While greeting people on the
eve of ‘Navratras’ he said that
Manwal (Old name Bavour)
had been the Dogra capital and
the biggest developed city of
early medieval period. Given
the ancient temples and
excavations of manuscripts,
idols, instruments and other
articles, Manwal should be
developed as a theatre for
sculpture, stone-masonry and
practices’ of early medieval
Mr. Pathania also inaugurated
newly-sanctioned Health SubCentre at Village Bainsta which
shall benefit as many as 70008000 population of the area and
demand of the local people too.
sarpanch Karnail Singh, Hans
Raj, Rasaal Singh, Sher Singh
felicitated and thanked the local
MLA for the goodwill gesture.
Mr. Pathania enlisted measures
and efforts made by him while
propping up healthcare facilities
in the area.
Whereas BMO Ramnagar,
officers of PWD (R & B), RDD,
PMGSY, PHE, Education
Deptt., Soil Conservation wing,
Forests Deptt., Agriculture
Deptt., Horticulture Deptt.,
Sericulture Deptt., Floriculture
Sheep Husbandry
Deptt, Animal Husbandry
Deptt., Social Welfare Deptt.,
E m p l o y m e n t ,
prominent people/citizens of the
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Army conducts lecture on water
Growing demand as well as
factors like climatic changes,
pollution and depletion of
ground water is making fresh
water scarce specially during
hot summer months. It is
becoming very essential to
educate the population about
need for water conservation and
various methods to be adopted
to conserve this essential
A Rashtriya Rifles Battalion
located at Basoni under Romeo
Force conducted a lecture on
Government Middle School,
Goldh in area of Mendhar
Tehsil. During the lecture, the
Indian Army representatives
provided awareness to the locals
on water conservation.
A total number of 70
students, 02 teacher and 22
civilians attended the same. The
villagers were educated on
techniques involving reshaping
of surface soil and methods
which encourage moisture
storage in soil profile.
The other water conservation
methods on which villagers
spillways construction, off
stream storage and prevention
of seepage losses. The people
were made aware about the
possibility of ground water
recharge and water harvesting
with simple methods of
tunneling. It was an important
topic for the villagers and Shri
Zamur Hussan Khan, the
Sarpanch of village Goldh
thanked the Indian Army for the
assistance and awareness
Army organises vet aid rural
development camp
JKPPM to launch struggle
against anti-pahari elements
A meeting was presided over
by Doulat Ram Raina
organised by Rajiv Sharma &
attended by different Pahari
activist in which spokesman
JKPP, Adv R.K. Mehta, and
Chief Executive Shahbaz Khan
said that Govt must realize the
seriousness of issue and Grant
S.T. Status without wasting
more time. Everyone is aware
of the fact that economic
disparities and economic
discrimination have been
inaugurates 25 KV
Vijay Bakaya Senior Kashmiri
Pandit leader and NC MLC &
former Chief Secretary of
Jammu And Kashmir State
today inaugurated a 25 KVA
power sub-station and HT/LT
lines at Kalika Nagar installed
in the locality through his
Fund (CDF) at the cost of 9.38
lakhs. The area was without
HT/LT lines and a power
transformer making the life of
the residents miserable during
the summer season. The
residents had approached Vijay
Bakaya who instantly released
the required amount and got the
HT/LT lines and a 25 KVA
transformer installed in the
The residents also felicitated
senior journalist and prominent
social activist King Bharati,
senior NC leader MK Yogi,
Abhey Bakayaa and Dileep
Chirvi X.En on the occasion for
their help and support to
develop the colony.
major factor, in the J&K State
which resulted in anti national
activities on the provocation.
In a Press Conference
organized under the leadership
of M.A. Sagar, provincial
president of the forum and
Vijay Kochhar Provincial Gen.
Secretary they appealed to
Pahari Community to launch a
united struggle under aegis of
Cultural and Welfare Forum.
Shahbaz Khan and state
president Pahari youth Front,
Ab.Qadir khan said that Pahari
are striving for S.T. status for
last 30 years and any further
delay in this sensitive state like
J&K is not in the interest of
State and Center.
Despite recommendations
and reports, the government
has turned deaf ear to this
demand that annoyed the
people. Other those who spoke
on occasion are Susheel Datta,
R .S. Malla. Aijaz Khan, Javed
Mughal , Shieraz Shaikh ,
Ashwani Sharma.
JKP2LF holds meet
emergency meeting of All J&K
Plus 2 Lecturers' Forum was
held under the chairmanship of
its president NS Jamwal in the
central office today in which
various deliberations were held
regarding the celebration of the
annual Lecturer Day on April 9,
In the meeting core members
participated and discussed
about the preparation of the
same and various tasks were
assigned to the members.
Jamwal informed the house that
this day is the symbol of unity,
introspection day of the Plus 2
development of the school
education department.
He said that the Forum is
always at the forefront in
striving hard for in streamlining
department and very much
concerned about the long
pending demands of the Cadre
and also in this connection
Forum met Minister for
Education Department Nayeem
Akhtar recently, apprised him
about the main issues
concerning the Plus 2 cadre,
prominent of which were
regularisation of I/C Lecturers,
Directors, Non -Vacational
status to the Principals and reorganisation of the School
Education Department.
He further stressed upon to
implement rationalised transfer
policy so that the institutions
can function properly for the
real sense and Forum demanded
no midsession transfer should
occur as the institutions have
been suffering a lot due to such
transfers without having set nor
Education Minister assured the
delegation that the problems
being faced by Plus 2
community will be redressed on
Sahib Bandgi head delivers sermons
In connection with Guru
Purnima, Madhu Param Hans
Maharaj, the spiritual
Head of Bandgi panth, while
delivering his holy sermons to
the followers at Satwari
Chowk, Jammu, said that God
resides within us though we are
not in a position to have a
vision of Him.
Some fix their concentration
at a place in-between the
eyebrows, some do so in the
Sushumna nerve & so on. But
Kabir has asked us to fix our
concentration at a place 1¼
hands above our head. Therein
lays the 8th plexus. Param
Purush resides there. Balihari
guru aapne, Govind diyo
In such circumstances, how
can you come to Me when
Maya stands in-between . All
of us make use of code words.
God speaks in one language but
He can speak in any language
when a devotee succeedsin
having a vision of Him. One
devotee asked if one could then
talk to Him. I said that certainly
one could do so. He asked in
which language one could do
so. I said that He uses the
language you are familiar with.
Our brain, Indriyas, Munn &
intellect have no power to
understand it. It is beyond their
reach. We see with our eyes but
we won't be able to do so if we
try with our nose. Without the
real Nam, this Surti is like a
blind. Just as the coolness can't
be separated from water &
warmth can't be separated from
the fire, in the same manner,
God can't separate Himself
from the soul. The fact is that
God was neither away from
you nor He will ever remain so.
Veterinary Aid and Rural
Development Camps was
organized by Army’s Advance
Field Veterinary Hospital on
behalf of 71 Sub Area under the
village Hartyan, in district
Udhampur on 22 Mar 2015.
In addition to providing
treatment, animal husbandry
advice and specialist veterinary
cover with an aim at providing
farmers and ex-serviceman of
that region a single window of
opportunity to interact with
Army agencies like ExServicemen
Health Services (ECHS), ExServicemen (ESM) help line,
Resettlement (DGR) etc in
involved in rural development.
The Veterinary Aid and
Rural Development Camp was
organized in collaboration with
Husbandry authorities and
specialist teams from the
Faculty of Veterinary & Animal
Sciences, SKUAST, RS Pura,
Jammu. Specialist diagnostic
and treatment facilities was
provided free of cost to the sick
animals of the villagers.
Veterinary medicines were
issued free of cost.
The stalls established by
Resettlement, Ex-serviceman’s
Contributory Health Scheme,
Zilla Sainik Welfare board,
Civil Departments of Animal
Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry,
Floriculture, Fisheries, Social
Forestry, and other Rural
Developmental agencies. The
J&K Bank and State Bank of
India also participated in the
All these agencies exhibited
the various schemes of their
departments and distribution of
free animal feed packets.
A record number of 9740
sheep/horses/mules/camels and
dogs were treated/rendered
professional advice in the camp
by the Army and Civil
veterinarians present.
“Natrang presents "Entertainment Unlimited"
Natrang in its Sunday theatre
series presented a gut-busting
hilarious comedy in Hindustani
written by Dr Chandrasekhar
Phansalkar and directed by Anil
focuses on contra factual
thinking that leads to a state of
mind where negative feelings
lead to dark zone and that
feeling is sustained for a
moment only to feel the
immense relief of finding that
all the thoughts are unreal. The
story revolves around the life of
blind men whose life is full of
atrocities. Especially when they
have not been blind since birth
and have seen various colours
and varieties of of life. In such
situations the sudden darkness
is very depressing. The story
talks about four such blind men
who have not been blind by
birth and find it frustrating to
deal with the injustice in their
lives. In order to cope with the
frustration, one of them decides
to establish a club only for blind
men. This club believes in the
idea of living life to the fullest
with the help of dreamy
Imagination, the theme of the
play is used to an extent where
these four blind men use their
other senses to live in a world
according to their fantasies.
They believe that rather than
feeling unfortunate about their
condition they should live in a
make believe environment. The
play is seen through a
kaleidoscopic reality that uses
imagination as a tool to make
life interesting. They take
momentarily relief from the
mundanity of life by being
The stage action begins when
the forth blind joins the club and
is subjected to hell lot of
experiments by the rest of three
unlimited. Despite being a
comic play, the succeeding
situations transport the audience
to the harsh realities of life.
The role of the new blind
man who joins the club was
played by Pawan Verma whose
comic skills gave jitters to the
Another blind who used to be
a mechanic was played by
Mahikshit Singh gave a
Rajyan Thakyal played the role
of a body builder obsessed with
gym equipment also tickled the
funny bones of the audience.
Mudassir Ail, who played the
owner of the club, did a
commendable job making
everyone laugh. Pankaj Verma,
another blind man gave a
special entry in the play. The
lights and music was the inner
strength of the play and was
professionally done by Neeraj
Kant and Anil Tickoo and the
presentations were done by
Sumeet Sharma. The show was
coordinated by Aarushi Thakur.
SNMB donates Blood
Romeo force
health lecture
Rashtriya Rifles Battalion
under Romeo Force to actively
pursue measures towards
welfare of locals organised a
lecture cum interaction session
on awareness of Breast
Cancer, AIDS and Family
Planning at village Mangalnar.
The idea behind organising
this lecture cum interaction
session was to make locals
aware about Family Planning,
Breast Cancer and AIDS.
Medical Officer of
Rashtriya Rifles Battalion
delivered the lecture which
was attended by approx 120
locals of village Mangalnar
and adjoining areas.
The lecture was followed by
an interactive session which
gave opportunity to the locals
to raise queries on various
medical issues. During the talk
issues covered included
prevention of AIDS, early
detection of Breast Cancer and
their treatment.
The village Sarpanch Abdul
Hussain said that he was
pleased with steps being taken
by the Indian Army for the
well being of the villagers.
The blood donation camp
was inaugurated by R.C Puri
Regional Secretary Indian Red
Cross Society, Jammu Region.
Other Dignitaries Present in the
camp was Dr Vijay Sahwney
HOD Blood Bank, Dr Naveen
Akhtar, K.L Verma Social
Worker and several prominent
Tara Singh, Sanyojak Sant
Nirankari Mandal branch R.S
Pura Thanked all for organizing
a successful camp. Rev Ajit
Singh, Zonal Incharge, J&K
said that Sant Nirankari Mission
is a spiritual Mission which
provides God-knowledge to all
mankind. The blood Camp was
held in collaboration with Blood
& Transfusion Department of
Govt. Medical college, Jammu,
Indian Red Cross Society &
Huge influx of devotees
during Navratras
KATHUA, MAR. 22: In joist of
the Navratras festival, the different temples of the Kathua district witnessed a heavy rush of
devotees despite the recent terror
attacks. As part of preparations
for the Navratras, the decorated
temples with flowers and lights
are giving vivid looking.
Thousands of devotees visited
the historic Jasrota Kali Mata
temple, Mata Sukrala Devi at
Billawar, Mata Bala Sundri at
Sundrikot, Mata Bala Sundri at
Nagri, Jordian Wali Mata at Bani
and other shrines to offer their
prayers. Keeping in view the
prevailing situations due to the
recent militant attacks security,
is at high at the various religious
places. The paramilitary and
police personnel are patrolling
and frisking people at important
points in and around the temples.
Police arrests 2
carrying poppy
KATHUA, MAR. 22: Kathua
Police has foiled a bid of
narcotics smuggling with the
arrest of two culprits. Police has
also seized the vehicle involved.
According to sources, following
the recent militant attacks the
security forces are at high alert
and as part of this police had
deployed checking points at
National Highway. Today at
about 2100 hours', Flying-2 at
Palli Morh Naka stopped a
Santro car bearing registration
number CH-01-Z-9010 for
checking. During vehicle's
checking police party recovered
80 Kg of Bhukki (Poppy straw),
which was being smuggled from
Kashmir to Punjab. The police
had arrested two persons namely
Satnam Singh S/o Kashmir Lal
Mandeep Singh S/o Lashkar
Singh R/o Village Kadoo, Tehsil
Payal, District Ludhiana. Both
the persons stand arrested and
vehicle seized.
DC tours holds public darbar
POONCH, MAR 22: : To take
stock of the damages caused by
the recent rains and redress the
grievances of the people, the
Deputy Commissioner, Poonch,
M H Malik visited Chhamberkinari, Galipindi, Chella Dhangri
and Azamabad villages of Tehsil
Accompanied by a team of
officers including Senior Superintendent of Police, J S Johar,
Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Shafiq Ahmed Choudhary,
Assistant Commissioner Development, Shokat Mehmood Malik,
Chief Planning Officer, Mohammad Iqbal Zarger, Chief Education Officer, Ch. Lal Hussain,
Tehsildar Mandi, Amir Ayaz
Rather, District Panchayat
Officer, Zaffer Ahmed Banday,
PMGSY, Manzoor Jagal, XEN
PDD, Mohammad Maqbool
Naik, XEN I&FC, Mushtaq
Choudhary besides officers of
other departments, the Deputy
Commissioner visited the remotest villages of the district and
interacted with local residents to
ascertain their problems.
Situated in the upper reaches
of Pir Panchal, village
Chhamberkinari as a result of
recent incessant rains has
developed massive cracks and
caused panic among the local
villagers who feared triggering of
landslides. Interacting with the
villagers, district officers assured
that the administration is fully
aware of the situation and has
taken concrete measures to
resolve these shortage of ration
and under-staffed schools apart
from frequent transformer
damages and erratic water supply
remained main issues for which
the Deputy Commissioner issued
specific instructions to the
concerned officers. The officers
of PHE were asked to upgrade
the water supply schemes in
these villages whereas the CEO
was directed to monitor the
functioning of schools in these
far flung areas and ensure action
against the absent staff.
Malik conducted a public
darbar at Dhangri where people
in large number participated and
raised problems pertaining to
power and water supply besides
issues related to availability of
ration and pending wages under
MGNREGA. The Deputy
Commissioner patiently listened
to the demands and problems
being faced by the people and
issued on spot instructions to the
concerned officers. He instructed
all the officers to work with
utmost dedication for resolving
the issues of people leaving no
space for complaints and assured
the people that needful in being
done to mitigate their sufferings.
The Deputy Commissioner also
inspected some developmental
works of RDD, PHE and
PMGSY and issued necessary
instructions to the concerned
programme held
under SVEEP
Udhampur, Mar 22: For the
awareness of general public and
particularly the pilgrims, an
awareness programme under
SVEEP was held at Chountra
Mata Shrine here today.
Sub Divisional Magistrate
Ramnagar, Kewal Krishan who
was the chief guest on the
occasion called upon the
general public for showing
maximum participation in the
generation corrected voter lists
and voter registration. He urged
upon the people to spread the
message for larger participation
for awareness of masses in their
surrounding Beti Bachao, Beti
Padhao. Awareness was also
generated among the people by
means of cultural programme
presented by Ramloo Ram and
party, organized by district
language on the occasion.
Tehsildar Ramnagar, Dr.
Kavita Pandoh, SVEEP team
official and large number of
JKPPM to launch struggle
against anti-pahari elements
Sunder Bani :
A meeting was presided over
by Doulat Ram Raina organised
by Rajiv Sharma & attended by
different Pahari activist in
which spokesman JKPP, Adv
R.K. Mehta, and Chief
Executive Shahbaz Khan said
that Govt must realize the
seriousness of issue and Grant
S.T. Status without wasting
more time. Everyone is aware
of the fact that economic
disparities and economic
discrimination have been major
factor, in the J&K State which
resulted in anti national
activities on the provocation. In
a Press Conference organized
under the leadership of M.A.
Sagar, provincial president of
the forum and Vijay Kochhar
Provincial Gen. Secretary they
appealed to Pahari Community
to launch a united struggle
under aegis of Jammu Kashmir
Pahari Cultural and Welfare
Forum. Shahbaz Khan and state
president Pahari youth Front,
Ab.Qadir khan said that Pahari
are striving for S.T. status for
last 30 years and any further
delay in this sensitive state like
J&K is not in the interest of
State and Center.
Despite recommendations
and reports, the government has
turned deaf ear to this demand
that annoyed the people. Other
those who spoke on occasion
are Susheel Datta, R .S. Malla.
Aijaz Khan, Javed Mughal ,
Shieraz Shaikh , Ashwani
Leh highway remains closed,
one-way traffic on Kashmir road
The National Highway, connecting the Ladakh region with the
rest of the country, remained
closed since December last year,
forcing stranded passengers at
Kargil to protest against nonavailability of helicopter
Meanwhile, the SrinagarJammu National Highway was
through for one-way traffic and
up convoy was allowed today.
Dozens of far-flung and remote
villages, including those near
the Line of Control (LoC) in
north Kashmir, also remained
cut off with their respective
district and tehsil headquarters
due to accumulation of snow on
roads. Official sources said that
due to heavy snowfall and
slippery road condition, the
highway connecting Ladakh
region with Kashmir remained
closed since December last year.
However, the road from Drass
to Kargil and Leh was through
for traffic. But road from DrassZojila and Sonmarg remained
closed due to snow.
Organisation (BRO) had started
operation from Drass side to
clear more than 10 feet of snow
at different places, including the
Zojilla pass.
Despite repeated assurance,
the authorities have failed to
arrange air-lifting of passengers,
including students and patients,
stranded at Kargil since
February 10. The stranded
passengers yesterday staged a
protest demonstration at Lal
Chowk, Kargil, alleging that
government has not made
arrangement for their air-lifting
to Srinagar and Jammu.
They demanded immediate
airlifting from Kargil to save the
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Army organises vet aid J-K to launch 'Suuya Bhatt Energy
rural development camp
Efficient Consumer Scheme'
Veterinary Aid and Rural
Development Camps was
organized by Army's Advance
Field Veterinary Hospital on
behalf of 71 Sub Area under the
village Hartyan, in district
Udhampur on 22 Mar 2015, In
addition to providing treatment,
animal husbandry advice and
specialist veterinary cover with
an aim at providing farmers and
ex-serviceman of that region a
single window of opportunity to
interact with Army agencies like
Ex-Servicemen Contri-butory
Health Services (ECHS), ExServicemen (ESM) help line,
Resettlement (DGR) etc in
administration officials involved
KATHUA, MAR. 22: Sant
Nirankari Charitable Foundation organized a Voluntary
Blood Donation Camp on
Sunday, March 22, 2015, at Sant
Nirankari Satsang Bhawan, R S
PURA to serve the mankind and
to spread the message of Baba Ji
that "Blood should flow in veins
and not in drains". As many as
160 volunteers came forward to
donate their Blood.
future of their children and
patients. Meanwhile, SrinagarJammu National Highway, the
only road linking Kashmir
valley with the rest of the
country, remained open for only
one-way traffic. Hundreds of
vehicles, including those
carrying passengers and trucks
including vegetables, are plying
from Jammu to Srinagar today.
However, no vehicle was
allowed from Srinagar to
Jammu as only one-way traffic
will continue to ply on the
highway till further orders.
in rural development.
The Veterinary Aid and
Rural Development Camp was
organized in collaboration with
Civil District Animal Husbandry
& Sheep Husbandry authorities
and specialist teams from the
Faculty of Veterinary & Animal
Sciences, SKUAST, RS Pura,
Jammu. Specialist diagnostic
and treatment facilities was
provided free of cost to the sick
animals of the villagers.
Veterinary medicines were
issued free of cost.
A record number of 9740
livestock including cows/
horses/mules/camels and dogs
were treated/rendered profes
sional advice in the camp by the
Army and Civil veterinarians
Jammu Tawi, Mar 22: The State
Government today proposed to
launch a scheme to promote the
use of LED-lights by different
consumer categories. The
scheme, to be named after 9th
century engineer Suuya Bhat, will
be launched for promoting
efficient use of electricity,
Finance Minister Dr Haseeb
Drabu said in his budget address
here today.
"I announce a new scheme
called 'Suuya Bhatt Energy
Efficient Consumer Scheme' and
allocate an amount of Rs 5 crore
for it," he said.
Suuya Bhatt is a famous
engineer of ancient times. He got
silt and boulders removed from
Jhelum in 9th Century, because of
whom Sopore (Suyapur) got its
name. He also changed the course
of Jhelum through Wular, the
biggest fresh Waterlake of Asia.
He founded the city of
Awantipora near Srinagar, ruins
still existing.
Drabu further said, that the
Government proposes to lay
focus on construction of model
showcase intrinsic cultural and
heritage strengths of the Kashmiri
Pandits. "The first pilot cultural
village will be the one that was
inhabited by Kashmiri Pandits. It
will be re-built to recreate aspects
relating to the tradition and
culture of Kashmiri Pandits," he
said, adding, it will be set up in
Haal village of South Kashmir.
On the State Vigilance
Commission's functioning, he
said, it should act a transparency
commission and should both
award good and honest officers
and punish the corrupt.
He, however, rejected that
branding officers and removing
them as corrupt is not good and
Government will work to end
corruption by undertaking
reformative measures, laws and
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JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
"I have left orders to be awakened at any
time in case of national emergency, even if
I'm in a cabinet meeting."
- Ronald Reagan
Why President Obama is so keen on
having a nuclear deal with Iran?
For a free and fair
he indication from the government
of Karnataka that it would request
Investigation to go into the suspicious
circumstances of the death of the former
Deputy Commissioner of Kolar district,
D.K. Ravi, must be welcomed. This
belated decision by the Congress-led
government is an outcome of a huge
public outcry with both the polity and
civil society in the State playing a major
role in pressuring the government to take
the help of the CBI. After all, the
police’s and the Criminal Investigation
Department’s probes were hamstrung by
the undue haste shown by the State
government in declaring that Mr. Ravi’s
death was a case of suicide, and by
selective leaks from its officials ruling
out foul play in the death. Meanwhile,
the feeding frenzy of sections of the
media, and the Opposition’s reliance on
certainly not helped clarify the
circumstances leading to Mr. Ravi’s
death. Both the government and the
Opposition have rushed to conclusions
that suit their respective political
positions. Yet, in a roundabout manner,
the undue attention and political
bickering raised the pitch in getting the
State government to take the right step of
instituting an unbiased inquiry.
Whether the CBI can do a better job of
disentangling the complexities behind
the death will not be known
immediately, but the role of Mr. Ravi as
someone who took on powerful vested
interests in Kolar district must figure in
the investigations. Such a free and fair
investigation by the CBI will be helped
by the fact that it would be
unencumbered by the baggage of politics
in Karnataka, unlike in the case of a
probe by the State police and the CID.
Mr. Ravi clearly seems to have made a
lot of enemies out of powerful people in
Kolar by taking a conscientious position
in upholding the public interest as a civil
servant. His legacy — during a 14month tenure in Kolar — included
passing strictures against encroachment
of government land, and taking on
powerful real estate developers who had
close ties with political outfits in the
district. It is hoped that the outrage in
Karnataka is not limited to the
sensationalism that has been whipped up
around Mr. Ravi’s death. His passing
away should prompt us to hold a mirror
up to society and bring in scrutiny over
the actions of these vested interests
while encouraging other civil servants to
be as discerning and public-spirited as
Mr. Ravi was. Only this would be a true
tribute to the legacy left behind by the
civil servant.
resident Obama is a dreamer. In fact, a
great one! But is it good for the United
States? I cannot say for sure, though
most probably this is not always the case.
Sure, he is more than a dreamer and I respect
all American Presidents despite of having
partisan opinion in favor of Republicans.
When I previously used to think about a
nuclear deal with Iran, I used to think that
the President has great non-proliferation
concerns and he cares for the stability of the
region and beyond. The containment and
eventual roll back of Iranian nuclear
program; partial or full, to the desired level,
could set an example for other nations
wishing to somehow acquire nuclear
weapons and would help the cause of strict
implementation of nuclear non-proliferation
treaty (NPT). President Obama indeed has
many non-proliferation aims but then he is
probably targeting something else as well.
What should I call that? This could be a case
of a misfired missile targeted in wrong
direction since beginning. The probable
readers would get to know what I mean by
this as he, she, and others, go through it.
I think President Obama has larger Sunni
world in mind, particularly the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia (KSA). He believes, I think,
that a closer West-Iran relationship would
moderate the Sunni world in general and the
KSA in particular, as they may be compelled
to think selfishly. Many in the Obama
administrations used to believe and many
among them still believe that Sunni and
Shiite militancy would cancel each other,
much to the benefit of the West.
This is not the case as Sunni and Shiite
militancy would complement each other,
detrimental to the Western interests over the
middle-to-long terms. Similarly, no thaw in
the United-States-Iran ties can moderate the
KSA, if the latter does not wish to agree for
that. This is absolutely impossible. The KSA
is extremely sectarian and so is Iran. There
is no question of them coming together by
their conscious choice or even by default
option preset by the United States. In fact,
the deal with Iran, favorable to it, could
harden the positions of various Sunni
nations on many issues, including on
domestic ones, particularly about treatment
of fair gender and human right issues, and
could also exacerbate the sectarian situation
in the region and around the globe.
The fact is that the KSA and the Sunni world
could moderate themselves by spreading the
irreducibility about economics to the
maximum possible citizens and by becoming
more selfish and slightly individualistic: by
understanding that economics follows laws,
those which are different from religious
ones. The KSA and other conservative
Islamic societies need to understand the hard
reality of economics in order to upgrade
themselves without opting for full overhaul.
But such would require a higher dose of
Islam which for the KSA, though not
contradictorily, means higher adherence to
Wahhabism. Sure, Wahhabism may deny
consumption beyond a point and because of
this there may come the limit on the success
of Western attempts to convert Islamic
world economically. No body should
necessarily believe that only Wahhabis are
opposed to higher consumption; this could
be a trend among many different opinions in
other Islamic societies and this could also be
a proper defense mechanism for them in face
of inevitable end of oil and other fossil fuel
reserves in the Middle Eastern and the North
African countries or even, as is the case in
many places, in the absence of oil.
President Obama may be ready to give more
concessions to Iran than he would otherwise
but for his macroscopic vision for the
region. Those may include ignoring many
loopholes in the deal and some strategic
concessions granted to Iran as well. The
point is that such bounties are useless as
there is no question of the KSA agreeing for
reforms which it may not like at this moment
of time. Deal with Iran cannot induce
changes in the Sunni world as desired by
President Obama and the United States. Iran
is strict no-go imagination for most of the
Sunni world. Even in hyper-imagination, as
per Islamic standards, this is not quite
I repeat that Sunnis and Shiites cannot be
moderated by competitiveness or envy;
relative or absolute. Changing the Islamic
world would require a rational United States
policy to understand Islam from their
perspectives. The fact is that Muslims are
not Christians neither Islam is Christianity.
If the Western powers deal with them like
they deal with each other and with the other
parts of world then Islamic nations would
suffer but they would not relent on anything.
Their sufferings would harm the Western
geo-strategic and economic interests.
The United States should also understand
that there is no alternative to Islam in its
territories and that it cannot induce wishful
competitiveness in the Saudi Kingdom,
against the wishes of its ruling elites. It
would be foolish to distinguish among
Mecca Muslims, Medina Muslims, and
dissidents who are not infidels though some
of them can be apostates in conservative
Islamic societies. And in the KSA such an
attempt to challenge Wahhabism, would be
self-defeating and the United States would
loose many stakes, including many
economic ones. "I bear witness that there is
no god but Allah; and Mohammad is his last
messenger." This is the Shahada, the Muslim
profession of faith and there is no time that I
can think that such a faith is open for change
or conversion as desired by any power in the
world and possibly in the Universe, even if
Muslims globally are somewhat ready to
reform as per the wishes and even possibly
as per the diktats of the United States.
Other than understanding the compulsions
of economics, if KSA agrees for some
reforms, small though, particularly on
females' issues and over softening its stand
of exporting its religious ideology to other
nations; Muslims majority or otherwise, and
if such changes could be contagious and
cascading, which I believe they will be, then
that would be great achievements for
Americans. The KSA may not reform that
much but if it is able to induce much
required reforms in other Islamic societies
by slightly modifying its stands on host of
socio-economic issues, then such would
heavily reduce the cost to run missions
fighting against the radicalism and
extremism. Also, internal equations within
various Islamic societies would improve. In
summary, the KSA should diversify its
vision over and above that of a religious
state without in anyway affecting its
commitment towards puritan and sacrosanct
Islam. Thus the net attractor for Islamic
society is the KSA and not Iran
Why does this possibility come to my mind?
It is so because France, a close partner of the
KSA, has started objecting to viability of
deal with Iran. It says that the proposed and
much discussed deal does not have enough
safeguards to fully prevent Iran from making
a bomb in future. The KSA has already
registered its strongest possible opposition
to the deal and has officially stated it for the
first time that if Iran could have nuclear
bombs then it too could possess a few. I
think that this is a very destabilizing
unfolding of events in the region and such
could affect the stability of other regions
too. There is always a fear of the Russian
Federation and China becoming parts of
these proliferation efforts but mostly
because of strategic reasons and not for
economic gains. This does not bode well for
the sanctity of non-proliferation regimes.
There are many people, including many
Americans, who think that the United States
can only delay and disrupt the bomb making
capacity of Iran but cannot stop it from
making a nuclear bomb. Sure, hypothetically
for only academic consideration, if we
consider a war scenario then the Pentagon
can really stop the Iranian march towards a
nuclear weapon capacity at this moment of
time. Now suppose it delays and disrupts the
Iranian military nuclear weapon program for
say 5-8 years. Then it can re-attack Iran to
permanently take away the predatory powers
of Iranian military. Such would necessarily
accompany regime change, which even
Republican leaders, in my opinion, would
not wish in private. Suppose the deal does
not take off, then what would happen? Iran
would try to go nuclear, if it could. So would
it invite an American military action? For
President Obama 1-2 Iranian bombs would
not matter at all for Israel though they can
affect the KSA and other rich Sunni states
who may aspire to get nuclear weapons from
Pakistan. So, he may not take a military
action against Iran even then and thus the
situation is very complex though onus for
maintaining peace and stability lies on all
global and regional players, including on the
KSA and Iran. Now the KSA cannot pay the
excessive price for denying Iranian nascent
nuclear capability in form of reduced say in
the regional matters or by granting Iran
some veto powers over the regional matters,
for the very simple reason that the KSA is an
absolute Islamic state and no way close to
the West. If Iran makes a bomb the KSA
would import it from Pakistan and the
United States may not be able to stop that.
Now Iran does feel threatened by Israeli
nuclear power and its concerns on this
matter are genuine as well. But it does not
mean that it should opt for making few
bombs, in case the deal with the United
States fails to take off. First of all, it should
express its fear and anxiety for Israeli bombs
in public and should seek the United States
officials' good offices to work out a deal
with Israel. This is quite possible and Iran
should not take unilateral decisions. Iranian
nationalism and overstatements cannot
undermine the military power of Israel and
this fact, the former should understand.
However, President Obama cannot unite the
Islamic world and undo the sectarian divides
in the Islamic world by having a deal with
Iran. The United States cannot offer
something to all nations of the region by
having a deal with Iran. In fact, if the
President tries beyond a point he would
waste his efforts in those idealism which are
absent in the Middle East and the North
Africa. I think he should seek Republican
opinion again on the issue.
I hope that rationality will prevail and
President Obama and Secretary Kerry would
understand the limitation and also possible
failure of their approach. But I am in favor
of a deal with Iran-for the stability of the
region and beyond and for furthering the
non-proliferation concerns but not to change
basic equations in Islamic societies which
cannot take place though the West can think
so. If the United States-led West tries it very
hard then it is more likely to fail than
otherwise. Only thing is that the proposed
deal should have proper verifications and
safeguards put in place to assure the world
that Iran cannot have a bomb, at least in near
Managers vs. ideologues in AAP
hat looks like personality clashes
and bickering is really a difference
in vision between two key factions
in a nascent party that is still finding its shape
in the crucible
The open war of attrition in the Aam Aadmi
Party (AAP) merely days after its spectacular
triumph in the Delhi Assembly elections was
an unusual occurrence in Indian politics.
Political parties in India normally enjoy what
is called a “honeymoon period,” involving
internal bonhomie and consolidation of
success through party building following
facile victories — even if they are won by
simple majorities in polls.
In the case of the AAP, the party managed
the second largest Assembly election victory
in Indian history, grabbing more than 54 per
cent of the vote share and 95 per cent of the
seats on offer. The victory was made possible
due to an overwhelming desire among the
population of Delhi — especially the urban
poor — for a welfare and delivery-oriented
government that was not beholden to special
interests and directly reached out to their
The open squabble between a coterie of
leaders close to AAP convener Arvind
Kejriwal and the party’s ideologue-duo,
social scientist Yogendra Yadav and advocate
Prashant Bhushan, was, therefore, surprising.
Reports suggest that a truce seems to be in the
offing. But the question remains as to why
this difference — which apparently emerged
much before the elections — came up
between these leaders in the first place. The
reasons for the alienation of the two
dissidents seem to originate from two
different viewpoints. This is seen from the
joint letter sent by the two recently as a
riposte to a statement by the coterie that
suggested that the duo was working against
the interests of the AAP in the Delhi
Following protocol
“The AAP has to decide whether it will
follow the “pragmatist” line that its supremo
espouses or give more space to those in the
party who seek to carry forward some of the
legacy of their civil society days... ”
Mr. Bhushan, a vocal lawyer who has taken
up many cases against corruption, had serious
reservations with a set of candidates chosen
by the party for the Delhi elections, among
other issues. The set of candidates included
rent-earning speculators and local bigwigs,
defectors from the Bharatiya Janata Party and
the Congress. Mr. Yadav, on the other hand,
was not so critical of this “electoral
pragmatism”, justifying in an interview the
AAP’s decision to tap traditional patronage
networks in Delhi’s rural areas. His key
reason for dissent stems from his view that
the AAP has to have a pan-India strategy
beyond Delhi State, which is clearly at crosspurposes with party supremo Mr. Kejriwal.
The latter had vowed to consolidate his
party’s victory in Delhi, more so to mitigate
the widespread and well-deserved criticism
that his resignation from government last
year was a sign of political immaturity. What
binds Mr. Yadav and Mr. Bhushan’s
dissidence is their insistence on the AAP
consultation, collective decision-making and
internal democracy — diligently.
Political positioning
Proximate reasons apart, the recurring rifts,
resignations and defections from the AAP are
an outcome of the fact that the party is still
finding its feet, as it graduates from a sociopolitical movement to a political party,
currently saddled with the responsibility to
rule in Delhi. Its current positioning in the
political space traditionally occupied by the
Congress — a centre-left party that accrued
support from the poorer sections of society —
has been the result of shrewd electoral tactics
rather than any ideological vision.
The AAP’s volunteer and activist base is
primarily drawn from the middle classes and,
especially, among this section’s youth
cohorts. While they espouse an idealistic zeal
to change politics by joining the political
mainstream, they have no ideological
inclination except to support a solution-based
approach towards governance and public
policy. On the other hand, a small section of
activists derive their legacy from civil society
movements and agenda-driven, nongovernmental organisations. These activists
believe in a centre-left core and it is this set
of voices that is represented in the leadership
by Mr. Yadav, Mr. Bhushan and others. Mr.
Kejriwal himself belonged to this section of
civil society activists but has, since his entry
into politics, gravitated closer to the
“pragmatists” in his party.
A recent addition to the AAP’s core is a set
of media-savvy “leaders” — many of whom
served in the news media before — for whom
the line between public-mindedness and
publicity-seeking is a blur. They serve an
important role for the party by keeping it in
public consciousness through — largely
noisy and personalised — discussions in the
public sphere. This section has also been
useful for Mr. Kejriwal in managing the Delhi
elections and has established a firm presence
in the coterie that surrounds him.
In the initial phase of the party, the various
sections seem to have brokered an
understanding that the party would stand for
solutions and not for broad positions on
various issues. This has allowed the party
leadership leeway to maintain a noncommittal position on ideology while
offering ad hoc solutions on a case-to-case
basis. The ideologues of the party, including
Mr. Yadav, defended this approach in the
past, while putting the onus on a number of
theme-based committees in the party to
decide its overall positioning in the long run
beyond the limited agenda of instituting a
Lokpal. Many of these committees’ reports
— the economics and ecology committees’
for example — have been ignored or their
work is yet to be discussed by the coteriecentred leadership. It is no wonder that
several voices from civil society who
supported the AAP in its initial phase have
moved away from the party crying foul over
the lack of inner party democracy.
The coterie’s not-so-subtle claim that it is
only Mr. Kejriwal’s charisma and their
“winnable”candidates that helped the AAP
register its strong win is only partially
correct. After all, the AAP’s credibility lay in
the fact that the party took on the
establishment and had committed activists
from civil society taking part in its agitations.
These activists also played an important role
in firming up the party’s electoral strategy in
the run-up to the two State elections in Delhi
recently, apart from the general election in
2014. It is these leaders who offered a
dissenting position in the party.
A vision
In a nutshell, the differences in the AAP
basically boil down to the visions for the
party’s role in Indian democracy. Mr.
Kejriwal and others who support him seem to
believe that the AAP has to merely play a
non-corrupt and efficient role in power and
use this to delineate itself from other political
parties. In other words, their emphasis
remains on simply bettering other parties in
being conduits for public interest in a
welfare-oriented political system that is
“transaction-driven”. Political parties in this
view are only vehicles for providing services
to various interests in return for attaining
power through their support. Politics and
public policy in this view are reduced to
promises made during elections, welfare
delivered to voters and politicians acting as
managers of “public interest.”
Others in the AAP who belonged to civil
society movements, on the other hand, see a
more transformative role for the AAP. They
seek to not just adjust to welfarism in the way
it is extant today, but to bring about effective
changes in the system. They stop short of
claiming that they espouse a radical social
democratic vision — which is what their
views effectively amount to — but they see
clear differences between the “managers” in
the AAP and themselves.
In their view, their role is not that of
conduits or managers but catalysts for
substantive public participation in policy
setting and expansion of democracy. It is this
difference in vision that has come to the fore
in the squabbles in the party today, even if it
has taken the shape of personality clashes and
inner-party issues.
The AAP cannot live with these differences
forever and seek to expand as a political party
beyond its current stronghold in the capital
region of Delhi. It has to decide whether it
will follow the “pragmatist” line that its
supremo espouses or give more space to those
in the party who seek to carry forward some
of the legacy of their civil society days as
they consider their party to be a vehicle for a
political movement. The recent moves to
effect reconciliation within the party suggest
that Mr. Kejriwal is willing to reconsider his
current positions.
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Arun Jaitley quashes rumour of
disconnect between RBI and govt
New Delhi, Mar 22
Scotching murmurs of differences
between the government and the RBI over
regulation of money market, Finance
Minister Arun Jaitley said on Sunday that
there is no 'disconnect' between the two
and hoped banks would follow the central
bank in reducing interest rates.
Jaitley, who addressed the RBI board on
his proposals in Budget for 2015-16, said
there have been regular interactions and
the government often takes opinion and
suggestions of the central bank. On the
possibility of future interest rate cuts, RBI
Governor Raghuram Rajan said it would
depend on the pattern of inflation and
added that the central bank would
carefully watch the impact on unseasonal
rains and hailstorm on the price situation.
"We have complete free and frank
discussions and therefore there is no
question of any disconnect... between the
bank and the government, I have
repeatedly clarified that," Jaitley told
reporters after the meeting.
Jaitley in his budget had proposed to
shift powers to regulate trading in
Vandalisation at
churches a matter
of concern: Cong
Kanpur, Mar 22
Terming the attacks on churches a
"matter of concern", Congress
MP Rajeev Shukla on Sunday
alleged that people are being
served with "vandalisation, fightings, and rioting" instead of
"achhe din" as promised by the
BJP during campaigns in run up
to 2014 general elections.
"You (the BJP) had asked for
votes in the name of development
and promised that "achche din"
(good days) will come. There will
be development and betterment
for all citizens," Shukla said on
the sidelines of UP Cricket
Association Working Committee
meeting here. "But what happened - vandalisation, fightings, rioting... this is not what the people
had voted you (BJP) for," he said.
Targeting the BJP-led Central
government, Shukla said, "Attacks on churches are a matter of
concern. Nobody is happy knowing religious places are being
attacked or comments against the
religious places are being made.
No community is happy."
government bonds from RBI to capital
market regulator Sebi. "As far as
proposals in the Finance Bill are
concerned they are before Parliament.
Some of them we discussed earlier, we
discussed them even now ...I don't wish to
comment at this stage," he said.
He further said that discussion between
the government and the RBI always
continues. "They (discussions) have been
before the budget and have taken place
after the budget as well," he said. When
asked whether banks would be
pressurised to pass on rate cuts to
consumers, Jaitley said the government
doesn't put pressure but hopes and it is
hopeful that they would do it in line with
the RBI policies.
Jaitley said, "We do not put pressure on
them. We only expect and our
expectations come true." Despite RBI
cutting short-term lending rates by 0.50
per cent in quick succession, banks have
yet to reduce lending rates for borrowers.
As far as future rate cut by the RBI is
concerned, Rajan said it would primarily
depend on the domestic price situation
and partly on global factors, especially
hike in rates by the Federal Reserve.
"While external environment is a
constraint, a lot of what we need to do has
to do with the internal environment," he
said adding that the Federal Reserve may
take a little longer to raise interest rates.
However, he added, "that (Fed rate
hike) can't be the primary factor.
The primary factor in allowing for
greater monetary easing will be the
pattern of inflation and how that
proceeds." On the impact of unseasonal
rains and hailstorm on farm output, Rajan
said, "As far as rains go, there is no direct
one-to-one correlation between rains and
prices. It depends on what crops (are
"What it means is that we have to be
more careful in food management and
government has repeatedly said it is
looking at food prices and is engaged
actively in food management. It needs
greater vigilance." Answering questions
on the fiscal deficit situation, Rajan said,
the government has taken a number of
steps and much would depend upon the
external and internal environment,
especially the disinvestment programme
which is dependent on the markets.
"It (fiscal deficit) also depends on the
actions of the state governments. So, we
have to look at all these to see how much
fiscal consolidation is happening over the
course of the year given the intent that has
already been expressed," he said. The
government proposes to bring down the
fiscal deficit to 3.9 per cent of GDP in
2015-16 from 4.1 per cent estimated in
the current fiscal.
The 17-member RBI Board comprises
of Governor Raghuram Rajan, four
Deputy Governors, nominees from
Finance Ministry, industry representatives
and other experts
Jairam accuses PM of spreading
falsehood regarding Land Acquisition Bill
New Delhi, Mar 22
The Congress on Sunday accu-sed
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of
spreading falsehood in his
monthly 'Mann ki Baat'
programme which was addr-essed
to the farmers.
“PM today in his Maan ki Baat
programme has spread falsehood
and lied in a major way. I am
directly accusing him of this,” said
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh,
as per media.
He also said, “I am sorry to say
that he believes in falsehood.”
On his party's stand regarding
the contentious Land Acquisition
Bill, Ramesh maintained, “The
policy of Congress is clear. Apart
form the 2013 law, we do not want
Directly reaching out to
farmers over Land Bill, PM Modi
today asked them not to be misled
by "rumours and lies" as he
slammed the Opposition for trying
to create confusion for "political
With the government under
attack for bringing amendments to
the Land Act of 2013, he insisted
that the proposed new bill, which
has got stuck in Rajya Sabha after
passage in Lok Sabha, was an
improved version for the benefit
of farmers and villages.
Speaking on the issue over
radio in his monthly 'Mann ki
Baat' programme, he said the new
bill addresses "lacunae" in the
earlier law which was "enacted in
a hurry" but maintained that the
government is willing to accommodate any more suggestion in
farmers' interest. During the 30minute programme, the Prime
Minister said the states have
favoured changes in the Land Act
of 2013 but if any state wants to
go by the previous law, they are
free to do so. Making a veiled
attack on Congress, he said,
"those projecting themselves as
sympathisers of farmers and
undertaking protests" had been
using a 120-year-old law to
acquire farm land for over 60-65
years after Independence and
were now targeting his
government which is "trying to
improve upon the Act of 2013", as
per PTI.
He underlined that the new bill
has the same compensation
provisions as in the 2013 Act and
emphatically rejected allegations
that the new measure was aimed
at benefiting the corporates.
He also said that 'no consent'
provision in the proposed new law
applies to acquisitions by
government for government or
PPP projects and insisted that the
same clause exists in the previous
"I am surprised that all kinds of
misinformation is spread," the
Prime Minister said, focusing on
the issue over which his
government has come under
severe attack and uniting
opposition parties which have
stepped up campaign againt it.
"Our commitment is to ensure
benefits for farmers through the
Land Acquisition Act..So many
lies are being spread..It is my
fervent appeal to farmers not to
make decisions on the basis of
these lies. Don't be misled," he
said, adding, "You trust me, I will
not betray your trust."
He went on to add: "Rumours
are being spread that Modi is
bringing the law to reduce
compensation. I can't even think
of committing such a sin... Such
misinformation is being carried
out for political reasons. You have
to guard against them."
Parliament panel exploring scope for
simultaneous LS, Assembly polls
New Delhi, Mar 22
A parliamentary committee has
initiated the process of examining
the possibility of holding Lok
Sabha and Assembly elections
together, a practice which had
ended in 1967.
The Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Law and
Personnel will shortly write to
political parties to elicit their
views on the matter.
There have been demands to
hold the two elections together as
it can save money, time and
resources and Chief Election
Commissioner HS Brahma
recently said that he is not averse
to exploring the possibility.
The Committee has received
some inputs from the Election
Commission (EC) and the Law
Ministry in this regard.
Those who support the idea
point out that with 29 states and
seven Union Territories, some
part or the other of the country is
gearing up for an election at any
point of time. It forces political
parties to be perpetually in
election mode. Also, the Model
Code of Conduct restricts the free
functioning of governments at the
time of polls.
But critics say that the plan is
not practical. They have
questioned what would happen if
a state government were to fall
within a year of coming to
Law Ministry officials pointed
out that elections to Lok Sabha
and the Assemblies were held
together from 1951 to 1967, but
dissolution of some legislative
Assemblies between 1968 and
1970 changed the picture. The
term of the Lok Sabha too had
India can play a lead role
in Indian Ocean region:
Dharmendra Pradhan
Bhubaneswar, Mar 22
Seeking cooperation from the
Indian Ocean Rim Countries,
India on Sunday said it is prepared
to play a leading role in the affairs
of the Indian Ocean region for the
larger benefit of all stakeholders.
"India is prepared to play a
leading role in this context in the
affairs of Indian Ocean region for
the larger benefit of all countries
in our region," Petroleum
Minister Dharmendra Pradhan
said at the valedictory session of
an international conference,
"India and the Indian Ocean:
Renewing the Maritime Trade and
Civilisational Linkage."
Stating that the three-day interaction generated greater confidence to aim higher for stronger
cooperation in economic and
trade areas, Pradhan said, "The
whole region has the potential to
emerge as an economic powerhouse and spring board with
intense economic, energy and
trade activities." The conference
has aided in building in depth
understanding of several issues
and will strengthen the academic
and research resources on Indian
Ocean studies, he said.
"I am happy that several senior
ministers and leaders from the
Union and state governments
have actively taken part in the
conference and enriched us. I am
sure they would have taken back
distinguished speakers which will
be reflected in policy making on
Indian Ocean in coming days,"
Pradhan said. "We need to put our
acts together and the academics,
think-tanks, policy makers in both
central and state governments
should work together to reestablish the lost linkages,"
Pradhan said. Stating that the
government has a clear focus to
integrate India with the Indian
Ocean in trade, economic and
cultural bandages, he said the
Prime Minister's recent visits to
Mauritius, Seychelles and Sri
Lanka has strengthened this.
In fact the PM of Mauritius was
also invited to the swearing in
ceremony of the NDA
government where only head of
countries were invited, he pointed
out. Pradhan expressed hope that
the conference would help in
fostering cooperation in the area
of disaster management as the
region is prone to such calamities,
enhancing cultural and heritage
linkages among the Indian Ocean
Rim countries and promoting
tourism and people?to-people
contact with specific activities
like developing the Buddhist
Circuits and Regional Skill
Development Centres.
ended abruptly in 1970 and the
practice of simultaneous elections
had to be discontinued.
They said that if such a practice
is started again, then there is a
possibility that some state governments will have to sacrifice
their tenures mid way.
"Based on the recommendations of the parliamentary
committee, the government too
would like to discuss the issue
with stakeholders. There is a
distinct possibility that EC may
hold a similar exercise as the
conduct of elections is its
domain," a senior officer
explained, hinting that even if the
panel supports the idea, no quick
decision should be expected on
part of the government.
The Parliamentary Standing
Committee, headed by EMS
Natchiappan, would deliberate on
the issue in the coming month.
BJP questions Nitish's
sincerity to promote
in state
Patna, Mar 22
A day after Chief Minister
Nitish Kumar proposed to set up
a three-member committee to
promote entrepreneurship in
Bihar, BJP today questioned his
sincerity after joining forces
with RJD supremo Lalu Prasad,
saying his name is enough to
make investors "fear-stricken".
"How could Kumar promote
entrepreneurship in Bihar when
he has joined forces with RJD
leader Lalu Prasad for survival
of his fragile government in
Bihar?... Prasad's name is
enough to make industrialists
and investors nervous and fearstricken," former deputy chief
minister Sushil Kumar Modi
said in a statement.
Questioning the chief minister's
sincerity to take promotion of
entrepreneurship to its logical
conclusion, he wondered as to
how this government would
succeed in its endeavour when it
had only six months left in
If Kumar was really serious
entrepreneurship in Bihar, he
should have done it much earlier
during his nearly two terms in
power, Modi, who was the
second in command in the
erstwhile NDA government for
eight-and-a -half years, said.
India, China to hold Modi should admit if he is not strong enough
border talks on Monday
to stop communal incidents: Khurshid Somali pirates shifting location
New Delhi, Mar 22
National Security Advisor Ajit
Doval will sit down with China's
top diplomat, State Councillor
Yang Jiechi, for the 18th round
of Special Representative talks
on the boundary question here
on Monday.
For Doval, who was named
the Special Representative for
the talks last November, it will
be his first go at the border talks.
It will also be the Narendra Modi
government's first shot at the SR
level border talks since it came
to power last May.
According to a press
statement, Yang is visiting New
Delhi March 22-24 for the talks
at Doval's invitation.
Yang, who is China's Special
Representative for the border
talks, will meet Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Tuesday.
The Chinese state councillor
arrives Sunday night. He will
hold restricted level talks with
Doval and later delegation level
talks at Hyderabad House on
Monday. The around 4,000-km
boundary between India and
China has seen several incidents
of face-offs between the troops
of both countries.
External Affairs Minister
Sushma Swaraj, during her visit
to Beijing in February, said that
the Modi government "is
committed to exploring an early
settlement". Yang's visit also
comes ahead of Modi's visit to
China, being planned for May.
Yang also held the previous
round of talks on the long
running boundary question with
then NSA Shivshankar Menon.
Khattar helps out two
persons injured in accident
Karnal, Mar 22
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar
Lal Khattar on Sunday helped two
persons, who sustained injuries in
a road accident on the GT road
here,in rushing them to hospital.
Khattar, who was on his way to
Shahpur village in Karnal district,
saw a crowd gathered on the
roadside. He stopped his official
car to find out the reason, said an
official release. He then found that
two persons had sustained injuries
in a road accident after their bikes
collided. He made arrangements
to rush them to hospital before
resuming his journey and directed
the officials to provide the injured
best possible medical care, release
said. Meanwhile, Khattar visited
Shahpur village in Karnal district
to examine the arrangements
made for the operation of the
three-pond system. He interacted
with the Deputy Commissioner
Karnal, J Ganeshan and officials
of the Panchayati Raj Institutions,
and later briefed the residents of
the village on the benefits of the
system. The Chief Minister
discussed at length with officials
how to make the three-pond
system better and convert it into
five-pond system which would
help improve the quality of water.
He also spoke to Nirmalal Devi,
woman sarpanch of the village, on
how to increase the income of the
gram panchayat.
He asked the gram panchayat
about their annual income through
fish farming. He was told that fish
farming was done in a village
pond which has been given on
contract, and the income earned
from it was being utilised for
executing development works in
the village.
New Delhi, Mar 22
Khurshid on Sunday attacked the
Narendra Modi government over
the recent communal incidents in
the country saying the Prime
Minister should either admit to
not being strong enough to stop it
or being complicit. Khurshid,
who has just released his latest
book, 'At Home in India - The
Muslim Saga' - said the minorities
don't have to fear but have to be
"vigilant" under the Modi
Noting that Modi has always
projected himself as a strong
person, Khurshid said "either
Modi is not that strong as he
make himself out to be or that
Modi, is strong or not strong,
complicit in what is happening".
He further added that if Modi
claims to be strong, he must
explain why the attacks were
happening. "And if it is
happening, and he can't stop it,
then he must either admit to not
being strong or admit to being
complicit," Khurshid said in an
interview to PTI here.
Pointing out that India is not
Gujarat, he said, while Modi
would have gotten off in his home
state, he can't repeat the same in
the entire country.
"The game that he played in
Gujarat was I am not responsible.
I had tried my best but people
provoked violence and therefore,
violence has happened (Gujarat
riots). That may have worked for
him in Gujarat but is not going to
work in rest of the country," he
said. Without mentioning the
incident of burning of train in
Godhra that led to riots in 2002,
Khurshid said there is less
conditions now like the
"immediate situation in Gujarat
that made people think in a
particular manner".
Asked if a fear psychosis was
creeping into the minorities,
Khurshid said he hopes not.
"There is no need to fear. There
is a need to be vigilant but I don't
think there is need to fear in this
country because this country is
not made up of government
alone," he said.
Congress leader said India has
a large number of very sensible,
balanced and very secular people.
"And as long as those people
are there, I don't think any
section, including Muslims, need
to fear." Heated exchanges were
witnessed in Lok Sabha between
Opposition and Treasury benches this month over the "rising
number" of communal incidents,
as opposition accused the BJP of
creating an atmosphere of
"religious intolerance" despite
Prime Minister Modi's assurance
to minorities. Meanwhile,
optimistic that Congress will win
back the confidence of the people,
he refused a direct reply to a
question about Rahul Gandhi
taking over as Congress
President. Pointing out it was
Rahul Gandhi's decision to go
ahead or not, he said, "For me,
Sonia Gandhi is my party
President. Then comes Rahul
Gandhi and Manmohan Singh. If
Rahul in future needs any one of
us, we will be there to support
towards India: Parrikar
Bhubaneswar, Mar 22
Beaten back in their usual area of
operations, Somali pirates are
"shifting their location" towards
India, but the country is watchful
to deal with such threats, Defence
Minister Manohar Parrikar on
Sunday said. "Today's threats are
not traditional. Somali pirates,
after being neutralised by various
countries' navies, are shifting their
locations towards India. Because
their (shipping) lanes are heavily
guarded, they have moved 30-40
nautical miles, although they still
are 450 nautical miles away from
India. "They may not be next to
India but... We are watchful and
careful," Parrikar said at an
international conference on 'India
& the Indian Ocean: Renewing the
Maritime Trade & Civilisational
Linkages', organised by the
Institute of Social and Cultural
Studies (ISCS) jointly with
Research and Information System
for Developing Countries (RIS).
Calling for greater cooperation
countries, he said, "The Indian
Ocean can be an enricher and also
a destroyer, hence we should also
be prepared for disaster and
develop strong relationships and
communication with neighbouring
countries to avoid any kind of
disaster." Pitching for a creation of
a common platform for the Indian
Ocean rim region, he further said,
"We are in a common grid and are
tied to each other. If India
strengthens, being the focal point
and located strategically, it can
facilitate others." He also said that
India's strength lies in nonviolence, but it can be practised
only by those that are strong.
Stressing that the Indian Ocean
region is "very important for us",
Parrikar pointed out that it
"accounts for more than 50% of
the world's oil reserves and more
than 45% of the world's gas
reserves". Somali pirates have
been a threat to international
shipping in the Indian Ocean and
Arabian Sea, especially in the Gulf
of Aden, which is a busy route, and
have made millions of dollars in
ransom by seizing ships.
In 2011, there were 439 pirate
attacks and 45 merchant vessels
hijacked worldwide, of which 237
attacks and 28 hijackings occurred
in the Gulf of Aden, off the Somali
Backwards, dalits will ensure BJP comes to power in UP: Shah
Varanasi, Mar 22
Reaching out to backward and dalit
communities, BJP President Amit Shah
on Sunday said they should ensure that
the party comes to power in Uttar Pradesh
for it is only Prime Minister Narendra
Modi who can understand their plight as
he has risen from among them. "With
your support Narendra Modi became
Prime Minister of this country and BJP
gained full majority in Lok Sabha
elections and now again with your
support, the next government in UP is
going to be formed by BJP," Shah said
addressing a rally where local backward
caste leader from Samajwadi Party Anil
Rajbhar formally joined BJP.
The BJP President invoked Modi's
humble background, saying he faced
poverty in his life and sold tea in Gujarat
during his initial years, but has risen to
occupy the highest post today.
"The Bhartiya Janata Party made a
person, who belonged to the backward
caste, as the Prime Minister of this
country, who had faced poverty in his life
and sold tea. Our party respects
backwards, most-backwards and the dalit
communities," Shah said at the rally in
Modi's Lok Sabha constituency.
He targeted Congress president Sonia
Gandhi, SP chief Mulayam Singh
Yadav?and BSP supremo Mayawati,
without taking their names, holding them
responsible for wide spread poverty in the
state and elsewhere.
Appealing to voters from the backward
castes to lend their support to BJP to form
the next government in UP in 2017, he
reminded them that "it was this party
which had extensively worked for them
during its rule. "BJP government would
work for solving reservation issue in the
state. Our party does not play politics on
the basis of caste and religion rather
our?politics revolves on the agenda of
development," said Shah adding that "our
aim is to make Uttar Pradesh the most
developed state in the country."
"Those who ruled the country for the
last 67 years from Panchayat to
Parliament-- Congress and its allies-- they
always talked about eradicating poverty
from the lives of people, but it did not
happen. "The poverty of the countrymen
did not go away but the poverty of their
leaders had surely disappeared."
He lamented that six decade after
independence, nearly 40 crore poor
people did not have their bank accounts.
"I want to ask those who have ruled the
country for the longest period. Why didn't
you think about providing bank accounts
to poor, like us. Why it didn't come to
your mind." He said those who have
never faced poverty cannot understand its
suffering. "How will you understand the
pain of poverty when you have not ever
faced it in your life? Our PM had faced
it,so he is working in this direction to
improve the lives of poor people," Shah
He referred to the Jan Dhan yojna and
said "within six months period of
Narendra Modi's government, a large
number of bank accounts of these poor
people were opened".
"Besides this, a facility for availing
loan from Rs 5000 to Rs five lakh is also
being provided to poor people such as
farmers, vendors, rickshaw and auto
rickshaw drivers among others under
PM?s Mudra scheme,"said Shah.
Shah said earlier bank loans were only
given to rich and the corporates.
"Many bankers argued that distribution
of loans to poor people will lead to losses,
I told them that if a poor person takes
loans, he is the one who will surely repay
the amount," Shah said. Shah said the
NDA government wants to bring change
in the country and Modi is striving for it.
He attacked the Congress over the coal
bloacks and 2G spectrum scams and said
NDA government has filled government's
coffers by their auctioning. Along with
Rajbhar, a large number of people from
the backward caste?also joined the party.
The rally was organised in honour of Raja
Suheldev, a backward caste king.
Shah recalled the history of Suheldev and
said that during his time he had fought
against foreign invaders.
Police holds meet
SRINAGAR, MARCH 22: Srinagar Police
organised two police-public meeting in Nigeen
and Bemina area here today.
A police-public meeting was today held in
police station Nigeen that was chaired by SP
Hazratbal Sh. Rayees Mohammad Bhat
alongwith SDPO Sh. Zahid Ahmad, DySP
LAWDA, Tehsildar North City, Dy SP Traffic,
AEE PDD and SHO Nigeen Sh. Suhail Rasool.
Delegations of people from Hazratbal, Nigeen,
Ashai Bagh, Saida Kadal , Kanitar,
Saderbal,Habak and Tailbal attended the meeting
and interacted with the officials and highlighted
various public issues. The participants demanded
a Sewage water Treatment Plant at Hazratbal
Shrine to facilitate good quality water for the
worshipers. The flood affected people of Saida
Kadal area demanded fast track building
permissions to reconstruction of flood hit houses.
They also thanked SP Hazratbal and SHO Nigeen
for facilitating amicable solution of a recent
footbridge issue that was posing a serious law and
order problem in the area.
The participants also highlighted the issues of
Traffic in the area and requested Dy SP Traffic to
relocate the bus stand near Romi Gate University
to avoid undue traffic jam at the place. The
participants also discussed electricity problems,
Drug menace and eve teasing issues in the area.
SP Hazratbal assured them that close vigil and
swift action will be undertaken against such
elements and sought their cooperation in this
regard. The AEE PDD also assured the
participants that their demands regarding will be
taken up expeditiously.
Meanwhile, another police-public meeting was
held at Police Post Bemina that was chaired by
SDPO West Sh.Iftikar Talib and was attended by
DO Bemina Sh.Syed Wasim.
Large number of persons belonging to Boat
man colony, Mansoor Colony, LIG Colony
Bemina areas participated in the meeting .During
the meeting detailed discussion was conducted on
the issues like social evils, drug abuse, scarcity of
essential services etc.
SDPO West Sh. Iftikar Talib assured the
participants that police will take up their
grievances with the concerned authorities in civil
administration for immediate redressal and added
that with the cooperation of the people police will
try to develop the crime free society. He said that
police its drive has tighten its grip on drug
peddlers and strict action will be taken against
EJAC holds conference
JAMMU TAWI, MAR 22: A state level conference was held
on 21 March at Jammu University in which almost 400 scholars of
public administration participated under the leadership of
President Employees Joint Action Committee (EJAC) Abdul
Qayoom Wani.
He was flanked by Khujuria and other members from EJAC.
The conference was organized by J&K Public administration
forum which is comprised of 1142 scholars of Public
Administration in J&K.
The purpose of this conference was to stress the Government of
J&K to implement Public Administration at 10+2 level because
J&K is the only state of India where public Administration is not
being taught in schools and colleges. It is worthwhile to mention
that J&K public Administration Forum has taken this initiative
since 2009 but no fruitful results came out despite various
meetings and approaches with the concerned authorities to
implement public administration.
Wani addressed the scholars of public administration regarding
the need, importance and scope of public administration in present
era of education. He stressed the Government of Jammu and
Kashmir to implement Public Administration up to 8th April 2015,
if failed then all EJAC members will go for strike against the state
The other scholars who threw light on this conference were
President JKPAF Kashmir chapter Khursheed Butt and President
JKPAFJammu Chapter Gangandeep Singh and other members of
'Appoint Janak Raj Gupta as
provincial president of state Congress'
JAMMU, MARCH 22: Several Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh
Congress Committee (JKPCC) leaders, All India Masih Seva Dal
(AIMSD) and social activists have requested All India Congress
Committee (AICC) to appoint former MP and senior vice
president JKPCC, Mr Janak Raj Gupta as provincial president of
state Congress.
The demand was raised during a public function at Dogra Hall
here today wherein Mr Gupta was the chief guest. The function
was organised by AIMSD under the chairmanship of priest of
Church of God, Pastor Faras Mattoo to dedicate public
infrastructure to Christian community.
On the occasion, president AIMSD Camres David appealed to
President AICC Ms. Sonia Gandhi and vice president AICC, Mr
Rahul Gandhi besides Leader of Opposition Rajya Sabha, Mr
Ghulam Nabi Azad and president JKPCC, Mr GA Mir, former
Union Minister and senior leaders, Oscar Fernadies and Ms
Ambika Soni to appoint Mr Janak Raj Gupta as provincial
president of state Congress.
Prominent among others who were present on the occasion
included general secretaries of JKPCC, Meheshwar Singh and
Vinod Mishra, advocate Ashok Sharma, district president AIMSD
Titus Gill, president JKTUC, S Deedar Singh, senior vice
president DCC Jammu (Urban), general secretary DCC Jammu
(Urban) Ved Prakash Bhagat, president Safai Karamchari Union
Jammu Municipal Corporation, Rinku Gill, S Kirtan Singh,
Parshotam Mehra, Sunil Kumar Sharma and priests of several
other churches.
JKUF condemns terror attacks
JAMMU, MAR 22: Jammu and Kashmir Unity Foundation,
(JKUF) in a meeting held here under the chairmanship of Ajaat
Jamwal, Convenor here today strongly condemned the terrorist in
twin districts of Kathua and Samba and asked the Government of
India to strengthen the security grid along International border and
Line of Control.
Addressing the meeting here, JKUF Convenor blamed the
Pakistan Army trying to foment in this part of the state and lauded
the efforts of the security forces who neutralized the four terrorists
with minimum casualties.
He said that the Pakistan baffled by the peaceful conduct of the
elections in Jammu and Kashmir recently and the formation of a
Government in the state is trying to destabilize the peaceful
atmosphere in the state.
JKUF members condoled the martyrdom of the personnel of
belt forces and paid tributes. The members appealed to
Government to give full assistance to next of kin of the people who
sacrificed their lives.
Prominent among those present were Rajesh Sharma, Kuldeep
Singh, Shahid Hussain, S. Indervir Singh, Uday Sharma and
Prince Chandel.
1 dead, 3 injured in road mishaps
SRINAGAR, MARCH 22: One person died while three
other were injured in different road accidents across the valley.
A Tipper bearing registration number JK04C-0555 hit and
injured a pedestrian Zaina resident of Warapora Budgam at
Warapora Budgam. The injured lady was shifted to District
Hospital, Budgam where she succumbed to her injuries.
Budgam police has registered a case in this regard.
Meanwhile, a Tavera bearing registration number JK03D0451 and motorcycle bearing number collided at Buchoo
Kokernag Anantnag, resulting in injuries to the motorcyclist
Sameer Ahmad Parray resident of Mir Danter Anantnag. The
injured has been shifted to District Hospital, Anantnag for
treatment. Kokernag Police has registered a case in this regard.
A vehicle bearing registration number JK05D-0177 hit and
injured a pedestrian Abid Hussain Rather resident of Wahipora
Tangmarg at Faqirbagh Chandoosa. The injured was shifted to
hospital for treatment. Police has registered a case in this regard.
In another accident, a Tata Winger hit and injured a
pedestrian Nisar Ahmad resident of Kachapora, in the
jurisdiction of police station Qazigund, Kulgam near Bumthan
bridge. The injured has been shifted to District Hospital,
Anantnag for treatment. Kulgam police has registered as case in
this regard.
Valedictory function
of NDS week
BUDGAM, MARCH 22: The valedictory function of National
Drinking Water and Sanitation Week has been observed at
Sheikh-ul-Alam hall Budgam today in which various officers,
school children, Sarpanchs, Panchs, Anganwari and Asha
Workers participated.
On the occasion, the District Development Commissioner,
Budgam who was the chief guest on the occasion stressed upon
the participants that the National Drinking Water and Sanitation
Weeks should not be observed only for celebrating weeks but
for throughout the year as the water is basic requirement of a
common man in every respect. The pure water is essential to
everyone. He also directed executive Engineer PHE, Budgam to
furnishing the full details of the week long programme within
two days.
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
World Arbor Day
IGP-K launches plantation drive
To mark the World Arbor Day,
Inspector General of Police,
Kashmir, Sh. SJM Gillani
launched a plantation drive in
the Police Control Room
ground by planting the first
Conifer sapling.
The IGP has directed all
District Police heads to
promote tree plantations in all
police establishments across
the zone in a bid to contribute
in providing pollution free
environment to our future
IGP on this occasion
stressed the need to increase
the green vegetation in the
sprawling PCR complex
especially the Parade Ground
and the peripheral boundaries.
World Arbor day is observed
every year to promote tree
plantations so as to increase
the green cover as a major
environmental conservation
initiative with the aim to curb
the pollution.
Range of "Drink Pure Fruit"
juices launched
Speaker calls on CM
JAMMU, MARCH 22:-Speaker of the J&K Legislative
Assembly, Kavinder Gupta, called on the Chief Minister Mufti
Mohammad Sayeed at his residence today and discussed various
issues pertaining to the development and overall scenario of the
Lone reviews functioning
of Science, Technology
JAMMU, MARCH 22:- Minister for Science
and Technology, Sajad Gani Lone, reviewed the
functioning of Science and Technology
department in an officers meeting held here
The Minister informed that solar parks and
solar thermal bundling schemes would be
developed in the state under National Solar
Mission, which is being implemented for
development of 5000 MW in Leh and 2500 MW
in Kargil. "These projects have the potential of
employability coupled with economic activity",
he added.
Minister for Information Technology, Mr.
Imran Raza Ansari was also present on the
During the meeting, a Power Point
presentation was made in which J&K Energy
Development Agency (JAKEDA) highlighted
the implementation of small hydel power
projects of up to 2.0 MW capacity. It was
informed that 13 sites with an aggregate capacity
of 24.40 MW are being developed through
independent Power Producers (IPP) in the first
three phases of the project. Besides, during the
4thongoing phase, 11 sites with an aggregate
Jammu Lok Mela
inaugurated at Jhiri
Jammu Lok Mela was
inaugurated at Devsthan Bawa
Jitto, Jhiri by Soujanya Sharma,
Municipal Corporation here
today being organised by J&K
Academy of Art, Culture and
Speaking on the occasion,
complimented JKAACL for
organising the event which is
important for preservation and
promotion of our rich traditions
and heritage.
Dr Arvinder Singh Amn,
Additional Secretary, said that
this is the third Jammu Lok
Mela here at Jhiri while 4th
concluding Jammu Lok Mela
will be held at Ram Nagar,
Udhampur on 26th and 27th of
March, 2015.
Sunaina Sharma and SDM
Ashok Mahajan also spoke on
the occasion.
The proceedings of the
programme were conducted by
Ravi Kant and vote of thanks
was presented by Ashok Gupta,
Editor Dogri.
Shiv Das, senior folk artist,
Sarpnach, Ramesh Bakshi,
Tehsildar, Joginder Pal, Naib
Numberdar Jhiri.
The folk Parties who
programme included Ram lal
and Party, Billu Badshah and
party, Girdari Lal Dogra and
Party, Chagar Nath Jogi and
Party, Das Ram and Party,
Krishan lal and Party, Gharu
Ram Motan and party, Babu
Ram and party, Chaman mattoo
and Party, Omkar Singh and
capacity of 36.20 MW are being allotted to the
IPPs of the State. Another 59 sites also stand
identified with an aggregate capacity of 50 MW
which shall be taken up subsequently in a phased
The Minister stressed upon the need of
prioritization of implementation of Rural
Electrification Village programme in unattended
far flung areas of the state to bring about
qualitative change in the living standard of the
people of such areas.
It was informed that Department of
Biotechnology, GOI has sanctioned 2 Industrial
Biotechnology Parks one each for Srinagar and
Jammu which would come up with an estimated
cost of Rs.25 crore per park. Besides, a Science
Museum is coming up at Khimber, district
Srinagar at an estimated cost of Rs.6.0 crore
which would be a huge attraction for the student
and scientific community of the State besides it
would have recreational appeal as well.
The meeting was also attended by the
Secretary, Science & Technology, Saurabh
Bhagat, CEO, JAKEDA, Additional Director,
S&T Council and officers of JAKEDA and S&T
National Drinking Water,
Sanitation Week observed
RAMBAN, MARCH 22The PHE and Panchayat Raj
Departments organized an
awareness programme on
National Drinking Water and
Commissioner, Ramban, Farooq
Shah Bukhari was the chief
guest on the occasion. Farooq
Shah highlighted the aim of the
campaign besides elaborating on
programme and other issues
related to sanitation, drinking
water and water conservation.
It will be pertinent to mention
here that the week was
celebrated throughout the
country for sensitizing and for
making general public aware
about the ways and methods for
keeping the drinking water clean
environment by adopting
scientifically approved sanitary
A NRDWS van was also
moved throughout the week
across all the habitations of the
district for making the
objectives of the NRDWS
understandable to the general
Talks about resumption of
Indo-Pak dialogue mere
eyewash:Yasin Malik
Jammu Kashmir Liberation
Front (JKLF) chairman
Mohammad Yasin Malik on
Sunday said the rhetoric
about resumption of talks
between India and Pakistan
was "merely an eyewash"
aimed at fulfilling "hidden
"On one hand, they talk of
dialogue between Indian and
Pakistan or India and
Kashmiris and on the other
hand, they talk about
integrating Kashmiris with
India and no compromise on
national interests and so
eyewash," Malik said at a
rally in south Kashmir's
Kulgam district.
He said the statements by
various mainstream leaders
about resolution of the
Kashmir issue was limited to
integration of Jammu and
Kashmir with India.
"From state Governor (NN
Vohra) to BJP chief Amit
Shah and (Chief Minister)
Mufti Sayeed, all are saying
that they want to resolve the
Kashmir issue.
By saying so, these people
actually want to finish off
Jammu and Kashmir and
integrate it with the rest of
India," he said.
Malik alleged Sayeed's
statement to integrate the
people of the state with the
rest of India was "actually
RSS agenda".
Shruti International Pvt LTD.
Today launched a range of
Fruit Juices under the name
and style of " Drink Pure Fruit
" in a simple but impressive
function held at Press Club
Jammu this afternoon.
Ch. Lal Singh Honourable
Health Minister was given a
warm welcome & honoured by
Sandip Super Stockist for
Jammu & Kashmir State .
The launching ceremony
was graced by minister for
health Jammu and Kashmir
Government Ch. Lal Singh
who unveiled the juice and
extended his best wishes to the
company for the grand success
of its new product.
The juice will be available
in the six different flavours and
will be made available at all
the shops and retail outlets of
the state besides in the far
flung areas also through a wide
distribution network.
On the occasion member
manufacturing unit were also
present who cleared the
queries of various scribes
regarding the standard, quality
and contents of the newly
launched product.
Large number of the
distributers and wholesalers
also attended the function and
assured the distribution of
Juice in the length and breadth
of the state as it is fulfilling all
those criteria's which the
modern and educated customer
wants in the eatables and
consumables especially the
BJP MLAs shout anti-Pak
slogans in J&K Assembly
JAMMU, MAR 22: The
Jammu and Kashmir Assembly
on Sunday witnessed noisy
scenes after members of BJP
shouted anti-Pakistan slogans
condemning the twin terrorist
attacks in Samba and Kathua
and demanded a resolution in
the House declaring Pakistan a
"terrorist state".
The MLAs of BJP, a part of
the ruling coalition, stood up
from treasury benches and
shouted slogans "Pakistan Hai
Hai (down with Pakistan)" as
some of them batted for
bringing resolution in the
House to declare Pakistan as a
terrorist state.
"Pass resolution to declare
Pakistan as a terrorist state,"
said Ravinder Raina, an MLA
from Nowshera, amid noisy
However, this was countered
by the NC members, who
shouted that it was drama on
the part of BJP.
Later, speaking to media
outside the House, Raina
demanded that the state
assembly must pass a
resolution declaring Pakistan a
terrorist state.
"We condemned terror act
and Pak. We demanded that a
resolution against Pakistan and
declare it as a terrorist state,"
he said.
Raina also demanded calling
off all the dialogue with
Pakistan, saying "We keep on
offering a hand of friendship
and they (Pakistan) keeps on
stabbing us in the back".
Mohammed Sayeed had to
intervene and ask the members
of the ruling coalition partner
to sit on their chairs, so that he
can make a statement of the
Later while sending out a
message to Pakistan, Mufti
said, "If they want peace and
reconciliation, Pakistan PM
establishment must control
them (terrorists)."
At the same time, he
described Pakistan as a
"victim" of terrorism.
Raina said that if the
terrorists operating in Pakistan
were non-state actors, then
why Pakistan has failed to shut
down the terror infrastructure
operating on its soil.
"The terrorists and terrorism
needs to be dealt with an iron
fist, we will not allow and
never tolerate this back
stabbing," he said.
In Legislative Council,
BJP's Vibodh Gupta and
another member shouted antiPakistan slogans soon after the
House met amid chaos on
militant attacks in Kathua and
Earlier, NC and Congress
MLCs stage walkout after
uproar in the Upper House
shouting slogans against Modi
government and the state
government over the twin
terrorist attacks.
J&K industry gives mixed reaction
to PDP-BJP's first budget
JAMMU, MAR 22: The Jammu and Kashmir Budget on
Sunday received mixed reaction from the industry, with one
section terming the proposals to attract investment as positive
moves, while others said many demands have not been addressed.
"In short we can just say that it is very disappointing budget as
far as the industry is concerned," President of Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Jammu Rakesh Gupta said.
He said that the industry in the state that was expecting "a lot"
fro the new finance minister as they had suffered huge losses in the
devastating floods of September last year but they got "nothing."
"Not much has been given to the industry in this budget, not a
single demand that we raised during the pre-budget consultation
with the finance minister were addressed," Gupta said.
He said that he would hold a consultation of other office bearers
of the industry and would come out with a detailed reply.
However, the terming the budget as a "positive one" that would
have a long term impact on the growth of industries in the state,
chairman of the Bari Brahmana industries association, Annil Suri
said, "This is a positive budget and we welcome it."
"See a lot still needs to be done for the growth of industry in
Jammu and Kashmir, this budget which we consider to be a
positive one will also set in motion a positive change for the long
term growth of the industry in the state," he said.
Suri said that during the "pre budget" consultations with the
finance minister the industry had requested him to form a new
industrial policy for the state as the current one was about to expire
on March 31.
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Assembly -2015 - Question Hour
Opening Panamik to Warshi, Yarma-Gonpa, Gonboo Monastry
for foreign tourists taken up with Centre: Lone
JAMMU, MARCH 22: Minister for
Agriculture, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Lone informed the
House that the Government has taken up the
matter for permitting foreign tourists to visit
Panamik-Warshi including Yarma-Gonpa / Yarma
Gonboo Monastry in Ladakh with the Union Home
Ministry recently adding that these areas fall in
Northern Border Districts of J&K and are covered
by the protected area regime under the foreigners
(protected areas).
Replying to a question by Mr. Nawang Rigzin
Jora in LA here today, the Minister informed that
an order has already been issued by the
Government under which domestic tourists are
now permitted to visit places beyond Panamil upto
Warshi including Yarma-Gonpa / Yarma Gonboo
Monastry in Nobra sub-division tourist circuit.
The Minister informed that Government has
identified tour circuits including Leh-KharuChangla-Durbuk-Tangse-Spangmik-Maan-Merak,
Leh-Upshi-Deprin-PugaTsomoriri/Korzok in Nyoma sub-division and
Leh-Kharzongla-Khalsar-Tirthi upto Panamik,
Turtuk-Pachathank and Leh-Saboo-Digar-LobabKhyungru-Tangyar in Nobra sub-division where
foreign tourists are presently permitted to visit
with certain conditions under the Protected Area
In reply to another question by Mr. Daleep
Singh Parihar, the Minister informed that
construction of wayside amenities at Kharra and
construction of view point along Thathri-GandohKilothran road have been taken up at the total cost
of Rs. 7.84 crore under Bhaderwah-Bhallssa
Tourist Circuit Development project. He said
development of tourist infrastructure is undertaken
at potential tourist spots where suitable
communication facility is available.
Legislator, Mr. G. M. Saroori raised the
supplementary and demanded land compensation
for construction of Tourism Projects already
sanctioned by the Centre at various tourism spots
in Kishtwar and Doda districts.
Various initiatives underway to tackle unemployment problem: Veeri
Minister for Horticulture, Haj and Auqaf, Mr.
Abdul Rehman Veeri informed the House that
Government has taken various initiatives from time
to time to tackle the un-employment problem in the
State. He said besides J&K Self Employment
Scheme, the Sher-i-Kashmir Employment and
Welfare Programme for youth is also under
implementation in the State.
Replying to a question by Mian Altaf in LA here
today, the Minister informed that efforts of all
departments to tackle problem of un-employment is
being synergized further to ensure absorption of the
un-employed youth on large scale in private sectors
and self-employment ventures.
The Minister said that J&K Self Employment
Scheme envisages loan assistance to the educated
un-employed youth, with minimum qualification as
middle pass, within the age group of 18 to 40 years
in respect of general category candidates with 5
years of relaxation for SC/ST/Women/Exservicemen and physically handicapped candidates.
He said the scheme is operational at the district
level through employment department.
Mr. Veeri said that under Seed Capital Fund
Scheme (SCF) incentives in the form of nonrefundable seed money are being provided to the
eligible un-employed youth @ Rs. 3 lakh to 10+2
and Graduate candidates, Rs. 5 lakh in respect of
post-graduate candidates and Rs. 7.50 lakh in
respect of Doctors, MBAs and Engineers with the
age group of 18 to 37 years.
The Minister further informed that under Youth
Start up Loan Scheme Soft Loan carrying 6%
simple interest through the Entrepreneur
Development Institute is being provided to the
youth for establishing gainful enterprises within the
age group of 18 to 37 years with minimum
qualification for the projects upto Rs 8 lakh.
He said besides National Minority Development
Finance Corporation aims at promoting economic
and developmental activities for the benefit of
"Backward Sections" amongst the minorities,
preference being given to the occupational group
and women. He said the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs,
Buddhists and Parsis have been notified as
monitories by the Centre under the National
Minority Commission Act 1992.
The Minister said that Women Entrepreneurship
Programme envisages various welfare measures for
the socio-economic upliftment of women adding
that it provides for direct loaning facilities at a low
rate of interest to the Women Entrepreneurs of the
State through Women's Development Corporation.
The Minister said that Government provides by
way of financial support, a Monthly Service
Allowance for three years to all un-employed
educated youth having educational qualification of
Matriculation and above. He said age for eligibility
is 26 to 37 years and annual family income should
not exceed Rs. 1.50 lakh for the purpose. He said
222180 un-employed youth have registered with the
District Employment and Counselling Centres as
per the live register as on ending December-2014.
He said this figure may be higher as the registration
is a voluntary process and not a mandatory one.
The Minister said that UDDAN programme
involves selection of graduate and post-graduate unemployed youth of the State by various Corporates/
Companies for soft skill training to increase their
employability and assist them in getting
employment. He said HIMAYAT linked skill
development initiatives for training and placement
of one lakh youth in the next five years emanating
from the recommendations of Dr. Rangarajan
Committee and implemented by the Union Ministry
of Rural Development.
In reply to supplementaries raised by Mr. Vikar
Rasool, Er. Rashid, Mr. Nawang Rigzin Jora, Mr.
Shah Mohammad Chowdhery and Mr. G. M.
Saroori, the Minister assured that Government
would take necessary steps for mass awareness of
the employment schemes especially in far-off and
rural areas so that maximum number of youth could
benefit by these schemes.
Construction work of Sukhnag WSS to be
completed by April: Sukhnandan
Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control,
Mr. Sukhnandan informed the House that
Batamaloo area is fed through Rangil and
Doodganga Water Treatment Plants. He said water
supply in the entire Batamaloo area is by and large
normal except some pockets which fall at the tail
end of both the systems.
Replying to a question by Mr. Noor Mohammad
Sheikh in LA here today, the Minister said the areas
viz SD Colony Lachmanpora and Firdousabad are
falling at the tail end of Doodganga Water Supply
System and face shortage of drinking water
particularly during peak summer months. He said,
however, the drinking water supply to these
shortage pockets is provided through departmental
tanker service as and when required.
The Minister informed that shortage is proposed
to be covered with the commissioning of Sukhnag
Water Supply Scheme which is expected to be
completed by the end of April this year.
Mr. Usman Majid and Mr. Raja Manzoor raised
supplementaries to the main question and
highlighted drinking water problems in their
184 Km Batote-Kishtwar-Sinthan road
taken over by PWD
Minister for R&B, Syed Altaf Bukhari while
replying to a question by Firdous Ahmed Tak in
Legislative Council today said that 184 Km BatoteKishtwar-Sinthan road has been taken over by the
Public Works Department, R&B Division Jammu
from the project BEACON in the month of
December 2014 and January 2015. He said the
portion of 81 Km is in the process of being handed
over by BRO.
The Minister said that presently only the works
of maintenance nature are being executed to keep
the road open. He said the DPR for improvement
and upgradation of said road at specified points has
been submitted to the Union Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways. He said the work shall be
taken up in hand through tendering after the
sanction from GoI is received.
The Minister said that the road is sinking at some
places due to various reasons which include
activation of existing slides, intense deformation
due to close proximity of major tectonic features,
fragility of the underground rock mass, charging of
material by the surface run off and filling of
Baglihar dam reservoir resulting in saturation and
capillary action.
The Minister said that no permission for laying
the cable on river side by the Telecom Companies
has been granted by R&B department as the road
was being maintained by BRO till the end of year
2014. However, project BEACON has reported that
Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) work has been
completed as per the laid down specifications of
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
Haq directs DC Kup for restoration of
Machil-Kupwara Raod
Minister for Rural Development Advocate Abdul
Haq Khan today instructed the Deputy
Commissioner, Kupwara, to ensure timely opening
Machil-Kupwara Road. He directed him to visit on
spot and took stock of the opening of the road,
which is still closed due to closed off due to heavy
snow fall in the area.
He also instructed the Chief Engineer, Power
Development Department to ensure immediate
repairs of the Diesel Generator Set Machil for
restoration of power supply in the area.
These instructions were issued by the Minister
while interacting with the deputation of Machil,
who called on the Minister here today.
The deputationists apprised the Minister about
the problems and developmental needs of their area
and demanded early restoration of road
connectivity besides repairs of diesel generator,
without which the people of the area faces lot of
The Minister gave patient hearing to the
deputationists and assured them that all their
genuine developmental would be got redressed
through proper forums well in time. He said the
allround development of the present government is
top priority of the government adding that
necessary steps would be taken to revamp the
development process in the area.
Zero Hour in LA
Council-2015: Question Hour
Members highlight issues of public
No compensation case of 2005
earthquake victims is pending: Bukhari importance during Zero Hour in LA
JAMMU, MARCH 22- Minister for
Relief and Rehabilitation, Syed Basharat
Bukhari, while replying to a question by
Mr. Javid Ahmad in the Legislative
Council today stated that no
compensation case of 2005 earthquake
victims of Karnah is pending.
Replying to a supplementary to the
main question, Bukhari said that the
Districts of Kupwara and Baramulla of
Kashmir Division and Poonch of Jammu
division were severely affected in
devastating earthquake in October 2005,
in which 951 persons died, 418 were
injured, 23781 houses fully damaged,
174802 partially damaged in the
Kashmir Division and 17 persons died,
91 were injured, 1690 houses fully
damaged and 2263 partially damaged in
Jammu Division.
The Minister said an ex-gratia relief of
Rs 50,000 per deceased, Rs. 5000 per
injured, Rs. 1 lakh for fully damaged
house, Rs. 1500 to Rs. 13500 for
partially damaged house has been paid to
the victims.
He further added that Rs. 1 lakh stands
provided to the next of kin of the
deceased persons of the earthquake out
of the Prime Minister's Relief Fund.
The Minister stated, for construction
of temporary shelters Rs. 30,000 were
provided to the persons with fully
damaged houses over and above the exgratia relief of Rs. 1 lakh, while as Rs.
5000 each as an incentives was provided
to the affected families who constructed
the shelters within the stipulated time
Bukhari said, one month free ration
was also provided to the earthquake hit
population of Uri, Tangdar and Poonch.
Moreover, Rs. 20 per adult and Rs. 10
per child per day in the shape of cash
only for the purchase of essential
Vegetables for earthquake affected areas
of the State was also provided for a
period of one month.
The Minister added, as a special
package, Union Ministry of Home
Affairs released an amount of Rs. 134
crore for construction of temporary
shelter units out of which 1246 shelters
stand constructed in Jammu Division
and 19502 shelters stand constructed in
Kashmir Division, while as tents,
kitchen sets, Shamiyanas, blankets etc
were also provided to the affected
The Minister informed the House, for
procurement of 51720 school uniforms
@ Rs. 400 per set and an amount of Rs.
2 crore were provided to the Education
Department and Rs. 24.5 lakh for the
procurement of sports equipment to the
schools of the earthquake affected areas.
Council -2015: Zero Hour
Legislators raise
public interests
issues in LC
JAMMU, MARCH 22: As many as
16 Legislators raised the issues of public
important in Legislative Council today.
Mr. Yashpual Sharma raised the issue
of rehabilitation of flood affected people
and demanded plots for the people of
Poonch district whose entire land was
washed away during the flood. He also
urged the government to take prompt
measures for eradication of corruption
from administration.
Mr. Sajad Kichloo and Mr. Naresh
Kumar raised the issue of damage caused
to power infrastructure in far-flung areas
of Doda and Kishtwar districts due to
heavy rains and demanded early
restoration of electricity and roads in the
Mr. Firdous Tak demanded posting of
adequate medical staff in Dachan,
Marwah, Uddwan and Padder health
Mr. Anayat Ali urged for airlifting of
stranded passengers of Kargil and Leh
from Jammu.
Mr. Vibodh Gupta and Surinder
Choudhary raised the issue of posting of
teachers in rural areas, being selected
under category quota. They also
demanded early release of selection list
of teachers of Rajouri district through
Mr. Yasir Reshi demanded deployment
of additional dewatering pumps in flood
affected areas of Sonawari Tehsil.
Sofi Yousuf demanded regularization
of SPOs and enhancement in their
Mr. Jahangir Hussain Mir demanded
appointment of local youth under RET
scheme for serving more effectively in
their respective areas.
Mr. Bashir Ahmed Veeri demanded
ration to those consumers who have no
ration cards.
Mr. Jugal Kishore demanded supply
and distribution of ration to consumers
of Sadhota-Padhota in Panchari Tehsil.
Mr. Ravinder Sharma and Mr. Ghulam
Nabi Monga demanded early release of
last instalment of CD funds.
Dr. Shahnaz Ganai demanded
restoration of damaged bridges in
Poonch district.
Mr. Qaiser Jamshed Lone and Mr.
Naresh Kumar urged the government for
adequate stocking of food grains in their
Council -2015
Veeri tables
reports in LC
JAMMU, MARCH 22: Minister for
Horticulture, Haj and Auqaf, Mr. Abdul
Rehman Veeri, on behalf of the Chief
Minister, today, laid on the table of the
House a copy of the 57th Annual Report
of the Jammu and Kashmir Public
Service Commission for the year 201314, Annual Report of the Jammu and
Kashmir State Information Commission
for the year 2012-13 and copy of the
Half-yearly Report of the State Vigilance
organization, for the period from July to
December, 2014.
many as 32 Members raised
the issues of public importance
in LA during the Zero Hour
Mr. Mohammad Khalil Band
demanded strengthening of
Fruit Mandi Pulwama.
demanded early repair of
damaged transformers of his
Mr. Dina Nath Bhagat drew
Government towards shortage
of teaching staff, grim power
situation and dilapidated road
immediate steps to address
these issues.
Mr. Mohammad Akbar Lone
raised the issue of defunct
Pumping Stations in Sonawari
area and demanded improved
power supply to make these
pump stations functional.
Ch. Mohd Akram demanded
adequate medicare facilities in
all health institutions in his
Mr. Devinder Rana raised
the issue of opening of Toll
Plaza at Nagrota National
Highway and urged the
government to take up the
matter with the Central
Government for stopping the
operation of Plaza till the
completion of entire widening
work from Jammu to Srinagar.
He also sought review of rates
of different categories of
demanded expeditious repair
of road infrastructure damaged
due to recent rains and floods
in erstwhile Doda. He also
sought compensation for those
who suffered loss due to
Mr.Javid Ahmad Rana
demanded speedy measures to
rehabilitation to flood victims
of his constituency.
Mr. Nawang Rigzin Jora
authority to maintain the air
fare in the State. He urged the
Government to take up the
government to maintain the air
fare and to safeguard the
interests of passengers.
Mr. Rajiv Jasrotia expressed
concern on the illegal mining
in Ravi River in Kathua and
demanded complete ban to
save the environment.
Er. Abdul Rashid sought
dignified return of Kashmiri
Pandits to Valley and opposed
any separate township for
Mr. Rajesh Gupta called for
upgradation of infrastructure in
old Jammu city for the
convenience of local people
and tourists. He also sought
appropriate steps for smooth
regulation of traffic in city.
Mr. Altaf Ahmad Wani
demanded finalization of
Master Plan for Pahalgam
enabling the people to
undertake repairs of their
homes. Mr. Javid Hassan
Beigh raised the issue of
landslides/sinking in various
areas of Baramulla recently
and demanded a survey to
assess the losses to property
and providing relief and
rehabilitation to the sufferers
due to this natural disaster.
Mr. Sham Lal Choudhary
compensation for the farmers
of his Constituency whose
crops were damaged due to
heavy rains.
Sayed Mohammad Baqir
Rizvi demanded air lifting of
students from Jammu to Leh.
Mr. Bashir Ahmad Dar
demanded strengthening of
PHE and health infrastructure
in Kupwara.
Mr. Mubarak Gul demanded
services in Srinagar city.
Mr. Sat Paul Sharma raised
the issue of Rahber-e-Zirat and
demanded early regularization
of Jammu based Rahber-eZirat workers.
Mr. Devender Manyal
demanded immediate repair
and renovation of National
Highway at Samba.
compensation for saffron
growers who suffered loss to
their crops during September
Mr. G. M. Saroori demanded
immediate steps for restoration
of damaged infrastructure due
to rains in erstwhile Doda.
demanded speedy steps for
dewatering in his constituency.
Ishfaq Ahmad
demanded up gradation of
Behama-Nagbal road. He also
compensation to two casual
labours of PDD working in his
constituency, who were injured
due to electric shock while
performing their duties.
Mr. Mohammad Amin
demanded immediate relief to
the farmers of his constituency
whose crops were damaged
due to heavy snow and rains.
Mr. R.S. Pathania demanded
immediate repairs of damaged
Mr. Vikar Rasool Wani
demanded immediate filling up
of posts of teachers in the
constituency. Mr. Jeevan Lal,
Raja Manzoor Ahmed, Mr.
Mohammad Tantray, Asgar Ali
Karbalie also raised the issues
pertaining to their areas.
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Mahindra First Choice raises $15
million from Valiant Capital
Mahindra First Choice Wheels
Ltd. (MFCWL), India's No. 1
multi-brand used vehicle
company, has signed a
definitive agreement to raise
$15 million (Rs. 94 Crores)
from San Francisco based
investment advisor firm, Valiant
Capital for a minority stake in
the company.
This is the second round of
external private equity raised by
MFCWL, with the first one in
2008 from Delhi based Phi
Capital, who continues to be an
investor in the company.
FCWL has experienced rapid
growth in its retail, wholesale
The capital will be used to
fund its growth plans over the
next few years. Founded by Mr.
Anand Mahindra, MFCWL's
mission is to "organize" every
facet of the used car industry
and most important of all
provide the used car consumer
with a choice of certified preowned vehicles and a purchase
experience that mimics the new
"MFCWL is yet another
example of innovation and
entrepreneurship within the
Group, where new business
models are being explored and
implemented with persistence.
It is exciting to see marquee
investors attracted to MFCWL
and participating in its growth
story where much is yet to
come!" said Mr. Anand
Managing Director, Mahindra
& Mahindra and also the
Chairman of Mahindra First
Choice Wheels. MFCWL is the
only true used car business with
a successful "hybrid" business
model bridging the consumer
experience online and on the
ground. With the physical
presence critical to the used car
business, the company has
invested aggressively to provide
consumers with a consistent
Commenting on this strategy,
Mr. Rajeev Dubey, President
(Group HR, Corporate Services
and After-Market) & Member of
the Group Executive Board,
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
said, "We believe the "brick +
click" ecosystem is very
powerful in the used car
business and over the years we
have seen our consumers and
dealers appreciate this value
proposition. We will continue to
invest in the overall growth of
the hybrid model in the years to
To enable the hybrid used car
launched several technology
enabled products and services to
address the key drivers of trust
deficit in a used car transaction
namely - vehicle condition,
experience. "Consumers are
looking for more tools and
insight related to used vehicles.
We are leveraging our deep
wholesale and retail experience
on the ground to launch a slew
of technology enabled products
that will materially increase the
confidence with which they can
transact on used vehicles whether buying or selling", said
Dr. Nagendra Palle, CEO &
Managing Director of MFCWL.
He added, "We have had a very
successful partnership with Phi
Capital over the years and we
welcome Valiant Capital as a
new partner to support us in our
endeavour to become a world
class used car company." The
company plans to use the fresh
funds infusion to accelerate its
growth both of the physical
network as well as adoption of
its technology enabled products
and services used by all
stakeholders in the industry NBFCs, Banks, OEMs, Dealers
and Consumers. MFCWL is
planning to end this fiscal year
(2015) with 500 franchise
outlets and grow to 1,800+
outlets in the next 5 years. In
addition, it plans to use the
funds to broaden its reach for its
products and services across
other used vehicle categories. In
Fiscal Year Ending 2015,
MFCWL used vehicle volumes
sold will be 140,000 between its
retail and wholesale and it will
complete 140,000 Autoinspekt
inspections, The used car
market, with an estimated size
of 3.2 million units, is already
larger than the new car market
and is growing faster than the
new car market. The current
slowdown notwithstanding, it is
expected that the used car
market will become almost
double the size of the new car
market in the next 5 years.
FMC merger process with Sebi will be 'smooth', says Jayant Sinha
Capital market watchdog SEBI
on Sunday said the action plan
for proposed merger of Forward
Markets Commission (FMC)
with itself is under works and
expressed hope that the process
would be "smooth".
The Finance Ministry along
with the SEBI and the FMC are
in dialogue for the merger
process, Sebi chairman U K
Sinha said here.
"We discussed the proposed
merger of FMC with Sebi
(Securities and Exchange Board
of India) and the plan of action
in this regard," he said after its
board meeting, which was
addressed by Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley.
FMC is the regulator for
commodities market.
Noting that efforts are on to
ensure that the "transaction will
be smooth," Sinha said the
merger plan "is now going to be
law and we are preparing
"The (Finance) Ministry,
FMC and Sebi are in dialogue.
There are certain steps required,
we are already working on that,"
Sinha noted.
AppDynamics' platform to support
apps made for Apple Watch
Application solutions provider
AppDynamics has announced
that its application intelligence
platform will support apps
AppDynamics support is
based on Apple's publicly
available WatchKit extension,
it said in a statement adding
that the firm has not entered
into any deal with Apple to
support this capability.
The company will provide
performance monitoring and
user analytics solutions for
US-based firm's recently
unveiled smart watch -- Apple
AppDynamics has around 600
enterprise customers.
The solutions it would
provide for Apple Watch
would include real-time
monitoring and analytics
support for WatchKit, an
extension that controls the
smart wearable device's user
interface and responses to user
interactions, the firm said.
The wearables market is
projected to grow quickly and
the need to monitor and
manage the apps and huge
variety of data on these
devices has reached a critical
Research firm Statista
projects the wearables sales to
grow to more than USD 7
billion this year, with an
annual growth of about USD
1.5 billion through 2018.
Announced in the Union
Budget 2015-16, the merger
would help in streamlining the
regulations and curb wild
speculations in the commodities
"The good thing is that the
draft bill provides that different
sections can be notified in
different dates. So, it does not
put any undue stress on us that
on such and such date we must
do everything," Sinha said.
About the merger, Jaitley said
Sebi talked about capacity
building at its end, both in terms
of ability to acquaint with the
subjects and other infrastructure
In the Budget, Jaitley
proposed the merger to
commodity forward markets
and reduce wild speculation.
Mumbai-headquartered FMC
was set up in 1953 under the
Forward Contracts (Regulation)
Act (FCRA) as a statutory body
under the aegis of Consumer
Affairs Ministry. It was brought
under Finance Ministry in 2013.
In the beginning, FMC was
commodity exchanges and its
role was expanded after the
electronic trading platform in
Seeking to make FMC an
government had proposed
amendments to FCRA in 2010
but the concerned bill could not
be taken up in the Parliament.
Currently, there are four
national and six regional
bourses for commodity futures
in the country.
Frauds worth Rs
11,022 crore
detected in PSU
PSU banks have reported
over 2,100 fraud cases
involving a sum of Rs
11,022 crore in the first nine
months of the ongoing
fiscal, with PNB reporting
the maximum number of
such instances.
An analysis of the data
available with the Reserve
Bank shows fraud cases,
involving amount of Rs 1
lakh and above, in 26 stateowned banks during AprilDecember 2014 has already
surpassed the 2013-14
figure. In 2013-14 fiscal,
there were 2,593 such cases
involving an amount of Rs
7,542 crore. The figure has
shot up to Rs 11,022 crore
from 2,166 cases in the ninemonth
December 2014.
National Bank (PNB) had
123 cases of fraud totalling
Rs 2,036 crore, followed by
Central Bank of India with
147 cases involving an
amount of Rs 1,783 crore.
said in a research note, "The
stars are gradually aligning".
Key drivers of economic
growth will be the government's
investments, continued reform
momentum, re-starting of
stalled investment projects and
an accommodative monetary
policy stance, Bhandari said.
Bharti Airtel, a leading global
telecommunications company
with operations in 20 countries
across Asia and Africa, today
announced that it has joined the
AWS Partner Network (APN)
and will deliver private network
customers across the globe using
(AWS).This will help Airtel's
enterprise customers across the
globeleverage the power of
AWS Direct Connect to
establish a dedicated network
connection between customers'
premises and Amazon's data
centers - thus helping them
reduce network costs, increase
bandwidth throughput, and
experience a more consistent
network connectivity.
"Today, we are seeing more
and more organizations embrace
the benefits of hybrid network
architectures and on-premise
environments across the globe.
In line with this market
adoption, we are excited to
services portfolio by adding
AWS to our growing list of
cloud services providers. We are
Making it easier for domestic
funds to manage offshore
pooled assets, SEBI on Sunday
relaxed its norms by dropping
the '20-25 rule', which required
a minimum of 20 investors and
a cap of 25 percent on
investment by an individual, for
funds from low-risk foreign
"This will enable local fund
managers to manage offshore
funds effectively and also
garner more offshore business
in the future," SEBI said after its
board meeting here.
As per the existing norms, a
fund manager who is managing
a domestic scheme, is allowed
to manage an offshore fund
subject to three specific
The first requires the
investment objective and asset
allocation of the domestic
scheme and of the offshore fund
to be the same.
requires at least 70 per cent of
the portfolio to be replicated
across both the domestic
scheme and the offshore fund.
The third condition, which
was being considered as the
most stringent by the industry,
requires that the offshore fund
should be broad-based with at
least 20 investors with no single
investor holding more than 25
per cent of the fund corpus.
Otherwise, a separate fund
manager is required to be
appointed for managing an
offshore fund.
SEBI said on Sunday that its
board on Sunday decided to
"remove the above restrictions
Vigilance needed on food inflation:
RBI on unseasonal rains
RBI Governor Raghuram
Rajan on Sunday said the
government and the central
bank need to be more
vigilant about the food price
backdrop of unseasonal rains
damaging some crops.
"We have to be more
careful in food management
repeatedly said that it is
looking at food prices... It
needs greater vigilance," he
told reporters here.
Unseasonal rains and
beginning of the month have
damaged rabi (winter) crops
in northern and central parts
of India.
Damage to food crops
might stoke inflation, which
has been on a downward
Finance Minister Arun
"... it could impact on
Jaitley had earlier said that the crop damage would be
inflation. It could impact on
the consequential effects of there.
On prices, HSBC said there
would be continued disinflation,
partly due to weaker commodity
prices and the absence of
demand-led price pressures.
"We expect inflation to slow
further in the coming months
before inching up towards the
RBI's target of 6 per cent in
January 2016," the report said.
According to HSBC, India's
current account will be in
surplus for the quarter ending
consecutive quarters in deficit),
and the deficit for the upcoming
fiscal year will halve to 0.6 per
cent of GDP from 1.1 per cent in
the current fiscal year.
However, the key risk to this
view is a slackening in the
reform process and the inability
of the government to "crowd in"
the private sector.
"If recovery and job creation
are slow, the government could
resort to fiscally irresponsible
policies," HSBC said, adding
that a rapid increase in
commodity prices is a key risk
and may "destabilise" the macro
The global brokerage said the
RBI would cut rates by another
25 bps by June, but cautioned
confident that this will help our
global customers truly leverage
the benefits of cloud, and further
Airtel's long-term commitment
towards delivering the best
technological capabilities for its
customers", said Ajay Chitkara,
CEO - Global Business, Bharti
"We are excited to be
working with Airtel to bring the
security and reliability of AWS
Direct Connect to Amazon Web
Services Inc. (AWS Inc.)
customers across India," said
Bikram Singh Bedi, Head of
Amazon Web Services India.
"By utilizing AWS Direct
Connect, AWS Inc. customers
are able to reduce network costs,
increase bandwidth throughput
and provide a more consistent
network experience, helping
Indian businesses of all sizes.
Tata Motors Board to meet on March 25
on Rs 7500 crore rights issue
NEW DELHI, MAR 22 : Tata Motors on Friday said its board
will meet next week to consider and approve details of the
proposed Rs 7,500 crore rights issue, including fixing the issue
A meeting of the board of directors of the company will be held
on March 25 to consider and approve the detailed terms of the
proposed rights issue aggregating up to Rs 7,500 crore including
the issue price and rights entitlement ratio, Tata Motors said in a
filing to the BSE.
The company's board would also consider buy-back of secured
non-convertible debentures of face value of Rs 1,250 crore issued
by the company in May 2009, which are to mature on March 31,
2016, it said.
The exercise is part of its debt restructuring programme to
ensure a healthy debt equity mix, balanced maturity profile, better
terms that would include lower cost of debt, the company said.
SEBI eases for domestic funds managing
India's GDP to grow at 8.3 percent
in Financial Year 2017: HSBC
Stars are 'gradually aligning' for
the Indian economy and it is
expected to clock a growth rate
of 7.4 percent in the current
financial year, which is likely to
improve further to 8.3 percent
by 2016-17, says an HSBC
According to the global
financial services major, GDP
growth in the first three quarters
of the current fiscal year (ending
March) has averaged 7.4
improvement over the previous
year and the trend is likely to
continue in the coming months
as well.
"We expect growth to
improve from 7.4 per cent y-o-y
in FY2015 to 7.8 per cent in
FY2016 and 8.3 per cent in
FY2017," HSBC Chief India
Economist Pranjul Bhandari
Bharti Airtel to offer private
network solutions
that the space for more
aggressive rate cuts is
"constrained" by the RBI's
explicit mandate to bring the
inflation rate to the mid-point of
the 4 per cent, +/-2 per cent
band by early 2018.
On March 4, the RBI
surprised markets by reducing
the benchmark interest rate by
0.25 per cent to 7.5 per cent on
the back of softening inflation
commitment to continue the
fiscal consolidation programme.
This was the second time in
two months that the RBI cut
interest rates outside the regular
policy reviews. Last time on
January 15, it had cut the repo
rate by 0.25 per cent to 7.75 per
The RBI is scheduled to
announce its next bi-monthly
policy statement on April 7.
certain (food) shortages...
But then since we have
surplus as far as the
foodgrains are concerned,
we can cope ... with the
comfortably," he had said.
The wholesale price based
inflation was in negative
territory for the fourth
consecutive month and fell
to (-)2.06 percent in
however, rose to 5.37
percent in February on
higher prices of food items,
from 5.19 percent in the
previous month.
production is estimated to
decline by 3.2 per cent at
257.07 million tonnes in the
2014-15 crop year (JulyJune) as against 265.57
million tonnes in the
previous year, as per official
for managing offshore funds,
belonging to Category I FPIs
(Foreign Portfolio Investors)
and appropriately regulated
broad-based Category II FPIs,
by local fund managers who is
managing a domestic scheme."
SEBI has classified FPIs into
three categories, with the first
two broadly being low-risk
foreign institutions that include
sovereign wealth funds, pension
funds, banks, mutual funds,
institutions and well-regulated
foreign entities including
portfolio managers.
Earlier in January, Sebi had
floated a a discussion paper to
amend its Mutual Fund
Regulations with regard to
managing and advising of
offshore pooled funds by local
fund managers.
The market regulator had
sought comments from public
till February 2 on those
The relaxation in the norms
have been made keeping in view
the challenges faced by the local
fund managers in managing
offshore pooled assets and the
introduction of FPI Regulations
which has rationalized the
monitoring of foreign portfolio
streamlined categories of
overseas investors.
SEBI said that replication of
portfolio becomes difficult to
achieve as the investment
objective, investment strategy
and the benchmark for each of
the funds, including offshore
funds, managed by local fund
managers, are different.
India overtakes US as third
biggest steel producer
NEW DELHI, MAR 22: India has overtaken the US to
become the third-largest steel producer in the world with a
production of 14.56 million tonnes (MT) in first two months of
the year.
India has been the fourth-largest steel producer for the past
five years, behind China, Japan and the US.
Data compiled by World Steel Association (WSA) showed
that the country's production growth was the highest during the
January-February period at 7.6 per cent as compared to the
global average of just 0.6 per cent at 127.6 MT.
Production in China, which accounts for nearly half of the
global steel production, fell during the period by 1.5 per cent. It
produced 65 MT steel during the period.
Japan, the second-largest producer, reported a total output of
17.4 MT, but production in the country fell 2.2 per cent. The US,
which was the third-largest steel producer since 2010, produced
13.52 MT during the January-February period, giving away its
position to India.
On a yearly basis, India may retain the position given the fact
that a lot of capacities are set to be commissioned during the
year from its present installed manufacturing capacity of a little
over 100 MT.
Production in the US, on the other hand, is heading for a
stagnation with no signs of growth in the immediate future.
Output in the US has been hovering between 86 MT and 88
MT for the last four years.
The gap of production between the two countries was just 5
MT last year. Interestingly, the US snatched the third slot from
India in 2009.
Patent claims by foreign firms to hit mobile mfg plans'
India needs to check high patent
royalty payments demanded by
foreign firms and bring them in
line with rates allowed by China
and the US to ensure that its
efforts to develop a robust local
mobile manufacturing base are
not derailed, says a report.
Association has submitted the
report to various government
departments including telecom,
electronics/IT and industrial
policy, highlighting the case of
Swedish firm Ericsson which
has demanded 2 per cent royalty
of total value of mobile phone
from Indian firms.
"This in complete contrast to
regimes such as China, where
0.019 per cent royalty can be
charged and USA, where the
Courts have directed 0.5-2 per
cent royalties to be charged on
the value of smallest saleable
practicing unit which is royalty
on chipset value and not on the
phone value," it said.
The report added: "There can
never be any manufacturing set
up in India since the global
giants have cartelized and self
declared their patents and they
would be charging these
incredibly high rates only from
the Indians and not from the
international companies."
When contacted Ericsson
India said in a statement that
company's rates for patents have
been validated in over 100
agreements that it has entered
into with other companies in the
ICT industry, including other
handset manufacturers.
The ICA report claims
however that if royalty rates
sought by Ericsson are levied on
Indian mobile phone makers,
then other global players will
follow suit pushing up
production cost by 100 per cent,
making them the most expensive
companies of the world, it added.
"The same is only possible if
the environment and protection
granted to companies in China is
extended in India as well as
otherwise the discriminatory
conditions between China and
India would kill any initiatives
being taken by the Industry in
India," the ICA report said.
ICA is part of Fast Track Task
Force set up by government to
manufacturing in the country so
as to achieve 25 per cent share in
manufacturing by 2019 from the
current share of 3 per cent.
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
Sania Mirza-Martina Hingis
win BNP Paribas Open title
Shane Watson
finally speaks out
on Wahab Riaz's
spell from hell
The ICC World Cup 2015 will
eventually be remembered as a
batsman's tournament. The sheer
weight of runs accumulated by
high-quality players from all
nations in this tournament so far
has surpassed previous editions.
However, Pakistan pacer Wahab
Riaz played his part in
reaffirming the faith of cricket
fans that the contest between bat
and ball may not be all that
lopsided as it is made out to be.
Riaz, albeit with his brief spell of
ferocious fast bowling, produced
a lion-hearted display of genuine
quick and hostile bowling that
made fans and the cricket
fraternity stand up and take note
in the third quarter-final of the
World Cup. The left-arm pacer
peppered Shane Watson with
lethal and accurate short-pitched
stuff that had him jumping and
bobbing on his crease. Though
Watson fought it out and guided
Australia to victory, verdict was
unanimous that Riaz was plain
unlucky and deserved a lot from
that spell, which will be long
remembered by all cricket lovers.
The duo were involved in a
heated exchange and despite
there being no abuse or obscene
gestures, the fast bowler was
fined 50 percent of his match fee
while Australian all-rounder was
penalized 15 percent of his by the
ICC after their altercation.
Sania Mirza and Martina
Hingis began their partnership
on winning note as the duo
defeated Ekaterina Makarova
and Elena Vesnina to win the
BNP Paribas Open doubles title.
The No.1 seeds, Hingis and
Mirza didn't even lose more
than four games in any set all
fortnight. After cruising through
the first set of the final that stat
looked a little dicey as they fell
behind 4-2 second set to No.2
seeds Makarova and Vesnina,
but they flipped the script from
there with four straight games to
end it, 6-3, 6-4.
"This is something we were
hoping for," Hingis told WTA
website. "She hits a big
forehand, especially on the right
side, and I can move and finish
off the point. She prepares, I
finish. That's pretty cool to me.
"I'm very happy we made this
move. Obviously we had
partners we played well with,
like me last year with Flavia,
and changing was a big move.
I'm very happy it worked out,
because you never know what to
expect. Winning the tournament
in our premier, it's new energy,
and hopefully we can keep it
"On paper, obviously we are
supposed to be a good team, but
it doesn't always turn out that
way when you step on the
court," Mirza commented. "So
we're really happy we weren't
just able to win, but win in such
dominating fashion, not losing a
Chris Gayle
out of England
tests due to
back problem
Para-athletes face official apathy,
sports minister promises action
West Indies opening batsman
Chris Gayle has ruled himself
out of the home test series
against England next month in
order to allow a back injury to
settle down but he has ruled out
retiring from internationals. The
35-year-old top-scored for his
side with 61 in their World Cup
quarter-final defeat by co-hosts
New Zealand on Saturday and
took his time leaving the field,
acknowledging the crowd`s
standing ovation."I`m actually
out of the test series, the back
won`t hold up for that format at
this point in time," he told a
cricket website. "But I haven`t
retired from any format as yet.
"Definitely want to play the T20
World Cup next year for West
Indies, there`s no doubt about
that. I`ve got a few concerns and
a few injury (problems) to try
and solve. "I`ll give myself some
time and hopefully look back at
it and see how well I can actually
progress for West Indies cricket."
Gayle was an injury doubt before
the game at Wellington Regional
Stadium and had to have a
painkilling injection in his back
earlier in the week. He also
appeared to hurt himself while
taking a catch in the field and
was barely able to run while
batting. Gayle struck eight sixes,
two fours and added five singles,
the majority of which he walked,
before he was bowled by Adam
Milne. "(The back) actually held
up well...in the outfield for 50
overs and then opening the
batting," he said. "It wasn`t too
bad, had a slight scare again with
a niggle in the groin, so all that
was happening.
set and being down just two
times in the whole two weeks."
Mirza was asked what makes
them such a good team in terms
of strategy on the doubles court.
"She's one of the best people
who can complement the way I
play," the Indian trailblazer said.
"She's got probably some of the
best hands in the world at the
net. For me, I need that. I need
someone who can finish the
balls off where I set them up.
And that's really it. Like I said,
on paper everything looks great,
but you still have to go out
there. Names don't do anything.
You have to go out and win."
Taking a strong view of the
differently-abled sportspersons
taking part in a national event
being put up at unfurnished and
unhygienic accommodations,
Sports Minister Sarbananda
Sonowal on Sunday sought a
report from the organisers and
promised to take action within
24 hours.
Sonowal said he has asked
for a detailed report from
Paralympic Committee of India
as well as from his secretary
after athletes participating in
the National Para-Athletics
Championships (March 20-22)
at Janhit Para Sports Grounds
(Madhuban, Bapudham) at
Ghaziabad were asked to stay
at messy and unkempt rooms at
a building. The championship
was organised by Uttar Pradesh
unit of the Paralympic
Committee of India.
"Well-being of all athletes is
a priority for us. Differentlyabled athletes and their wellbeing is a priority for us. We
are examining the matter and
looking into the reasons for
mismanagement of the event,"
Sonowal said.
"I have asked my sports
secretary to take immediate
action and submit a report
within 24 hours and based on
that I will take action. From our
part, there is no discrimination
between abled-bodied and
differently abled athletes.
"The national federations,
whether of abled-bodied and
differently-abled, have a duty
and responsibility to look after
the well-being of athletes. If
District Korfball meet
gets underway
The two-day District
Championship, organised
by the Jammu and Kashmir
Korfball Association, got
underway at Green Field
ground, Gandhi Nagar, here
witnessed Guru Nanak
Nagar Club, Evergreen
Club, Young Heroes and
Diamond Club winning
their respective matches to
consolidate their positions.
Earlier, in the first match
of the day, Guru Nanak
Club beat Star Club 10-08
(ht 6-3) in a close contest.
Evergreen Club trounced
Trikuta Club 08-06 in another match.
Young Heroes outplayed Jammu Tigers 14-11 (ht 7-7) while
Diamond Club registered a narrow 14-12 (ht 08-06) win against
Jammu Lions.
Today's matches officiated by the technical penal comprising
Tarandeep Singh, Ashwani Sharma and Amit Sharma.
The second and concluding day of the competition shall witness
semifinals and prize distribution function at the same venue.
they have any problem, they
(the organisers) should have
approached us. We are always
there to help," he added.
participating in the National
Para-Athletics Championships
were in for a rude shock after
they were alloted unhygienic
and difficult living conditions.
"We have not got proper
food, eating poori and one
vegetable dish for last four
We walk with sticks and we
have been put up at second
floor. They don't even have
ramps for wheelchair-bound
athletes. Toilets are dirt, there
are no fans, no water," said
Yogesh, a participating athlete.
"I fell three times while
taking bath today, we are
drinking water from a tanker
and it has not been cleaned and
the toilets are filthy," added
Vinay, another participant.
"The facilities were not good
and because of that we had to
face problems. But I would not
like to put the blame on the
government will also have to
take care of larger issues," said
star para athlete Devendra
Jhajharia, who won a gold each
in the 2004 Athens Paralympic
Games and 2013 IPC World
Championships (Javelin F46).
PCI President Rajesh Tomar
admitted that there was "goofup" on the part of his officials
but sought to lay the blame on
the government which he said
has not given any fund and
refused to arrange for a proper
venue to host the event.
"I had approached the
ministry to provide their
facility to host the event but
Sports Authority of India
refused saying that their venues
are being used by abled-bodied
athletes. I did not have a venue
to host the event. So, I said yes
when the Uttar Pradesh unit of
the PCI offered to host the
event," Tomar told PTI.
"Moreover, I did not get any
money from the government to
host the event. The problem is
that the government has not
Calendar for Training and
Competition) (ACTC) fund for
PCI for last year (2014-15
which runs till March 31). So,
the PCI does not have enough
money," he said.
Lack of facilities for
differently-abled athletes at
"The event was organised by
the UP unit of the PCI with
technical assistance from the
Para Athletics Federation of
India. I admit that that my
officials have committed goofup and there should have been
proper facilities for the
athletes. We have constituted a
panel to inquire into the issue
and we will take action if need
be," he added.
Para Athletics Federation of
India president Rathan Singh
also conceded that there were
lack of proper facilities at the
championship should have
been cancelled if there were no
proper facilities.
"Of course, we have to admit
there were lapse on our part
and this should not have
happened. The organisers (UP
unit of the PCI) had promised
us that they would give the
athletes good facilities. The
event should have been
cancelled if they (organisers)
were to provide this kind of
facilities to the athletes," he
"The running track at the
venue was an excellent one and
it was the first time that the
championship was being held
on synthetic tracks. But the
accommodation and other
facilities," he added.
World Cup 2015: The men
behind India’s redemption
Fans across the country and
beyond seem bowled over by
the exploits of the young Indian
cricket team in the World Cup.
But as the players receive the
plaudits, one tends to forget the
silent, faceless army of the team
support staff who work
tirelessly to keep the players in
fine fettle, both mentally and
Almost all of them avoid the
public glare, but work behind
the scenes to take care of the
needs of the players and keep
them fresh for the big battles.
The enviable seven-match
winning run in the ongoing
mega tournament in AustraliaNew Zealand has justified the
Board of Control for Cricket in
India's (BCCI) selection of the
support staff, and its sheer size 15, the highest for any side in
the competition.
India's stupendous show so
far has silenced the critics, at
least for now, who had been
demanding the removal of head
coach Duncan Fletcher for poor
form in the build-up to the
captain was appointed coach on
April 27, 2011, soon after India
won the World Cup, filling in
the shoes of South African Gary
Kirsten who recommended
Fletcher for the job.
The quiet and amiable man
was no Greg Chappell who tried
to change Indian cricket
overnight with his iron-fisted
Under the 66-year-old, India
achieved eight back-to-back
series victories in 2013,
including the prestigious
Champions Trophy.
Fletcher, however, came
under fire when the team lost
the away Test series against
England 1-3.
The BCCI then decided to
overhaul the backroom staff.
Fielding coach Trevor Penny
and bowling coach Joe Dawes
were sacked with former India
skipper Ravi Shastri coming in
as director of Cricket for the
one-day international (ODI)
Joining Shastri were former
India players Sanjay Bangar
(batting coach), Bharat Arun
(bowling coach) and exHyderabad left-arm spinner R.
Sridhar (fielding coach).
The change of guard bore
fruit as the Indians clinched the
ODI series 3-1.
"All three of them have done
an excellent job in the short
period," Shastri said after the
Shastri, known for his deep
reading of the game, was roped
in by the BCCI hoping he could
use all his experiences to get the
team's lost confidence back.
After the ODI series success,
the board retained Shastri and
Co. for the World Cup and the
Australia series.
India's performances in the
Test and ODI series were far
from inspiring but the World
Cup saw the beginning of a new
Bangar got his appointment in
August last year following his
successful stint as coach of
Kings XI Punjab as did Sridhar,
who grabbed eyeballs as the
fielding coach of the same
Indian Premier League (IPL)
Arun, who played two Tests
and four ODIs in 1986-87,
tasted success as in-charge of
the team that won the ICC
Under-19 World Cup in 2012.
Arun seems to have done
wonders in his present
bowlers skittling out their
opponents in each of the seven
matches so far.
Body Building
holds meet
Body Building Association
of Jammu and Kashmir today
held a meeting to discuss
modalities with regard to the
Championship at General
Zorawar Singh Auditorium,
University of Jammu on April
It was decided in the meeting
to hold weighing of the
participants at International
Gym, Rehari, here between 10
am and 12.30 pm on April one.
The meeting besides others
attended by Mahesh Sharma,
Nand Kishore Gupta (both vice
president), Bhupinder Singh
Tirthi (joint secretary), Sunil
Mehta (treasurer) and Rajeev
Sharma (secretary).
State cycling
competition concludes
Jammu and Kashmir Cycling
Association conducted State
Cycling Championship (Indian
Roads) at MA Stadium, here
today under the aegis of J&K
State Sports Council.
Those winners in different
categories were given away the
prizes by chief guest, Sarwant
Singh. Earlier, the competition
was declared open by president
of J&K Cycling Association,
Ravinder Singh in the presence of
general secretary J&K Olympic
Association, Dr Ashutosh
Among others present were Om Parkash Sharma,
Ravi Salgotra, Rahul Kumar, Ghulam Rasool Kawa
and Mushtaq Ahmed.
The Results:
Elite Men (Mass Start): Akbar Khan (Budgam),
Ist; Saleem (Budgam), 2nd, Adil Teli (Budgam),
3rd. Men U-14 (Mass Start): Bilal Ahmed
(Baramulla), Ist; Suhail Ahmad (Pulwama), 2nd;
Aquib Ahmad (Baramulla), 3rd. Men Junior (Mass
Start): Adil Teli (Budgam), Ist; Parvez Ahmad
(Budgam), 2nd; Amir Ahmad (Budgam), 3rd. Men
Sub-Junior (Mass Start): Mohmiss Ismail (Budgam),
Ist; Aakershait Pathak (Kathua), 2nd and Azim
Zahoor (Baramulla), 3rd. Elite Men (Individual
Time Trial): Amir Asad (Srinagar), Ist; Adil Teli
(Budgam), 2nd Yougesh (Jammu), 3rd. Men U-14
(Individual Time Trial): Suhail Ahmad (Pulwama)
Ist; Bilal Ahmed (Baramulla),2nd and Aman Kumar
(Rajouri), 3rd. Men Junior (Individual Time Trial):
Parvez Ahmad (Budgam), Ist; Amir Ahmad
(Budgam), 2nd and Yougesh (Jammu), 3rd. Men
Sub-Junior (Individual Time Trial): Mohmiss Ismail
(Budgam), Ist; Azim Zahoor (Baramulla) 2nd and
Aakershait Pathak (Kathua), 3rd.
Tawi Trekkers holds annual prize distribution function
Tawi Trekkers, J&K today
held its 23rd annual prize
distribution function amidst
felicitation of those medal
winners at the national level and
individuals involved in various
activities held during the year at
K L Saigal hall, here.
A souvenir of the club which
contains pictorial description of
the activities conducted during
2014 was also released on the
occasion by the dignitaries.
Former Legislator, Ashwani
Sharma was chief guest while
chairman of the Indian
(IMF), North Zone Committee,
New Delhi, S Bhattacharjee was
presiding guest.
Two experts in the field of
Tourism and presently Registrar,
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi
University (SMVDU), Ajay
Khajuria and Dr Poonam
Sharma of the Department of
expressed their views regarding
promotion of adventure in the
State. The main attraction of the
prize distribution function was
Mritunjay Sharma who brought
laurels to the State and Club by
winning a bronze medal in the
Championship held at Salt Lake
Stadium, Kolkata in December.
Thirteen-year old Mrityunjay, a
student of Shangrila Public
School, Jammu, was honoured
with a medal, memento and a
cash prize of Rs. 5000.
Current North Zone champion
in Sub Junior category, Shivani
Charak and Shilpa Charak, who
won silver and a bronze medal in
the girls' category, were also
honoured along with Pallavi
Sharma and Hardev Singh who
secured silver and bronze medal
respectively in the same
First Indian girl to scale
Shivling peak along with two
girls from other states in 2010,
Stanzin Youthog, was also
honoured for scaling Menthosa
peak (6443m) in 2014. She was
member of the 11-member All
Women Expedition organised by
IMF. The dedication award for
the year 2014 was conferred
upon Everester, Ram Singh
Slathia for his single minded
dedication and devotion to
mountaineering and allied
activities in the state. Anil
Kumar and Sonam Sonam
Sidharth, Directors of Moungri
and Dharamshala trekking
programmes respectively and
Mrigank Kaushal, Aman Arora
and Manik Slathia, who
successfully conducted various
activities of the club, were also
honoured on the occasion.
As many as 15 institutions
were also awarded for their
participation in various activities
of the club along with 20
teachers who escorted various
groups of trekkers during
Moungri and Dharamshala
trekking programmes. Earlier,
general secretary of the Club,
Shawetica Khajuria, in her
annual report, highlighted the
activities organised by the Club
during 2014-15. Former general
secretary and presently senior
vice president of the Club, Ram
Khajuria read the welcome
address and hoped that the new
team of young and dynamic
persons shall take the club to
newer heights.
The function was anchored by
executive member of the Club,
Arti Sharma while joint
secretary of the Club, Sonam
Sidharth presented vote of
thanks. Chairman, Affiliation
Commission, Indian Olympic
secretary of J&K Olympic
Association, Dr Ashutosh
Sharma was guest of honour.
Prominent among others
present included special guest,
Shobha Rajput (a pioneer sport
climber of the state), Directors
and Principals of various schools
including Sprawling Buds
School, Oriental Academy,
Shangrila Public School, St.
Xavier Convent School, Barnai,
National Academy High School,
Shining Star
Academy, Muthi, Amba Kids
Home, Panthal in Reasi and
Shastri Memorial School, Patoli,
Narayan meets Pawar, seeks Modi to pay homage to
NCP's help in Bandra East bypoll Bhagat Singh, martyrs
Mumbai, Mar 22
Senior Congress leader Narayan
Rane, who is likely to contest the
April 11 Assembly by-election
from Bandra East constituency in
Mumbai, called on NCP president Sharad Pawar here this
morning. Rane's presence is
expected to make it a high-profile
contest, with the former Chief
Minister trying to challenge his
erstwhile party Shiv Sena in its
own backyard as the constituency houses the residence of
Shiv Sena president Uddhav
Thackeray. Rane told media that
he met Pawar at his residence here
and sought NCP's co-operation in
the by-election.
To a question on when he
would file his nomination, he said,
"The question arises only after my
name is declared by the party."
The 62-year-old leader Congress
leader has made it clear that he is
ready to contest the bypoll, if the
party fields him.
Recently he had said that the
party requested him to contest the
by-election and he conveyed that
he would give a thought to the
proposal. Political observers say
that Rane, who suffered a
shocking defeat at the hands of the
Sena in Sindhudurg's Kudal
Assembly seat last year, agreed to
take the plunge only after
assessing the ground situation in
Bandra East. "Parties like MIM,
MNS and NCP are unlikely to
cause trouble to Rane, while a
section of BJP is of the view that
the defeat of Shiv Sena in the byelection will help reduce its
pressure on the state government,"
an observer said.
Rane is likely to have an
advantage in the contest despite
Shiv Sena fielding Trupti Sawant,
the wife of late Bala Sawant
whose death necessitated the byelection, he said. Even though
Rane has many times been critical
of his party's functioning and
openly rebelled against it, the
Congress has opted for Rane's
aggressive leadership.
"If he wins, Rane will not be an
ordinary MLA and Radhakrishna
Vikhe Patil's occupancy of the
Leader of Opposition post in the
Assembly would come under
threat. Similarly, Rane may also
try to undermine the authority of
the new state Congress unit chief
Ashok Chavan," a senior
Congress leader said on condition
of anonymity.
The Congress leadership seems
to have given Rane another
chance as he has the potential to
take on the BJP-Sena aggressively
in the Legislature, he said. In
October last year, Bala Sawant of
Shiv Sena had defeated BJP's
Mahesh Parkar by 15,000 votes in
the seat.
"The MIM had then bagged
about 24,000 votes. With Rane
(now likely to be) in fray, it
remains to be seen whether MIM
can retain its votes and if BJP's
votes would be transferred to the
Shiv Sena," a local BJP leader
said, "Despite the Sena being in
government with the BJP, there is
lot of bad blood between the
grassroots cadres of both the
parties. One doubts whether BJP
cadre would campaign for the
Sena candidate," he said.
Railways to start rating wagon
makers for future orders
Kolkata, Mar 22
introduced a system of wagon
quality rating in which each
wagon going out of
In his first major move to
manufacturing facility against
improve quality control in its
any Railway order is being
procurement of wagons that
rated by Research Design and
sustains a whole lot of
Standard Organisation against
industries, railway minister
an objective quality score sheet
Suresh Prabhu has decided to
after completion of regular
introduce rating of wagon
inspection," an official told dna.
makers for the first time based
The railways is currently in
on quality of their supplies.
the process of procuring 8,500
Such ratings would be the
wagons and the selection
basis for future allotment of
process in currently on.
orders to them and is being
The majority of these wagons
introduced on an experimental are of the variety BOXNHL and
basis during the current
BCNHL wagons which have
procurement process, sources
been cleared for running of 75
kmph in loaded and 100 kmph
Companies like Titagarh
in empty condition thereby
Wagons, Texmaco, CIMMCO, generating more throughput.
Jessop, Amtek Railcar,
The system of wagon quality
BurnStandard, Braithwaite,
rating will be given a dummy
Hindustan Engineering, Bharat trial in the current cycle of
Wagons and Jupiter Wagons are purchase and this quality index
the regular suppliers of wagons would be one of the factors for
to the railways.
deciding the quantum of second
To give a serious push to this tranche of wagon orders in
initiative, such quality ratings
contracts placed in next cycle
would have to be displayed and of purchase of wagons, the
painted on each of the wagons
Railway Board has told the
supplied to the railways by the wagon suppliers.
As per current norms, 55% of
"The railways have
the total quantity are distributed
among eligible regular wagon
manufacturers on the basis of
respective average annual
production of previous five
completed years and the
remaining 45% is given out
among lowest price bidders L1, L-2 and L-3 in the ratio of
50:30:20, industry sources said.
But in the next order, the
quality rating would also
become a deciding factor.
Rating would be given on a
scale of 100 and the actual
score achieved by a wagon will
be maintained by RDSO
inspection and painted on the
end wall of wagon by the
Each month, an overall
average monthly quality score
for each manufacturer across all
plants would be calculated by
RDSO and detailed score sheets
will have to be submitted to
Railway Board on a monthly
For the period 2015-19, the
railways plans to spend Rs
10,200 crore in procuring
rolling stock including wagons,
locomotives and coaches as
disclosed by Prabhu during his
budget speech for FY16.
Chandigarh, Mar 22
Marking his first visit to Punjab
after assuming office, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi will on
Monday pay homage to freedom
fighters Bhagat Singh, Rajguru
and Sukhdev at Hussainiwala
where their last rites were
performed in 1931.
Modi will land at the Amritsar
airport on Monday afternoon and
travel to Hussainiwala in
Ferozepur district by helicopter,
Punjab Bharatiya Janata Party
president Kamal Sharma said.
The last rites of the three
freedom fighters were held in
Hussainwala after they were
hanged in Lahore on March 23,
New York 'preschool' takes
adults back to childhood
New York, Mar 22
A New York "preschool" featuring arts and
crafts, Play-Doh activities and nap times is
standing out for its unusual student body - fully grown adults. Preschool
Mastermind, which charges $333 to $999
for classes, is offering adults the chance to
re-live the stress-free days of their youth
with a curriculum based on daycare
activities but designed with adults in mind.
Michelle Joni, the preschool's founder
and head teacher, wrote on her website
that activities include:
arts and crafts (finger-paint, play dough,
glitter glue, YES PLEASE) show and tell
(share your material stories to uncover
clues on your spiritual path) snack time
(with themes planned by you!) music time
(with special rockstar guests) nap time
(the best time ever) lessons and playsheets
(learning is FUN!) buddy system (a BFF
to keep you accountable for awesomeness)
games (i mean, does anyone remember
how much fun musical chairs is?)
make believe (your imagination is
needed!) class picture day (dress your 4year-old best) a field trip, obviously
All students will be given homework in
the form of challenges, prompts,
playsheets. Expect to get out of your
ordinary routine and leave a trail of
::magic::! "I realized all the implications
of what we learn in preschool," Joni told
ABC News. "People come here and get in
touch with their inner child. It's magical."
Joni said classes run through the end of
March, but there will be another round
starting in the fall. She said the students
come to her preschool for a variety of
reasons. "One person's here because they
want to learn not to be so serious," she
said. "Another's here to learn to be more
Modi will address a 'Shridhanjali Samaroh' at Hussainiwala,
about 260 km from here and
close to the India-Pakistan border. He is the second prime
minister after Rajiv Gandhi, who
came in March 1985, to visit
preparations are in full swing.
The prime minister will then
visit the Sikh holy city of
Amritsar to pray at Harmandar
Sahib, the holiest of Sikh shrines
and popularly known as the
Golden Temple, and at the
nearby Durgiana Mandir.
Modi will also visit the
Jallianwala Bagh ground where
hundreds of innocent Indians
attending a rally where shot dead
by British troops on April 13,
Jaipur, Mar 22
New Delhi, Mar 22
India's top leadership will visit
Russia this year with Prime Minister Narendra Modi scheduled
to pay two visits to the country
and President Pranab Mukherjee to travel to Moscow in
While Modi will be visiting
Russia in July for BRICS
(Brazil-Russia-India-ChinaSouth Africa) Summit, he is
again scheduled to travel to
Moscow for annual bilateral
Summit towards end of the year.
Mukherjee will be visiting to
take part in Russian Victory
Day celebrations on May 9.
Apart from Mukherjee and
Manohar Parrikar and External
Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj
will also visit Russia to co-chair
Commissions with Russian
counterparts on key strategic
issues of bilateral, regional and
international importance.
These visits will provide
opportunity for high-level
interactions between Indian and
Russian leaders at least five
times in six months starting
from May.
I feel ashamed over apathetic
condition of farmers: PM Modi
New Delhi, Mar 22
After receiving inputs from
farmers, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Sunday said he feels
"ashamed" at times over their
promised to change the situation.
"How much apathy has been
meted out to you!...After reading
(letters received from farmers), I
sometimes feel ashamed over
what we have done. I have no
answers," he said addressing
farmers over radio in his monthly
'Mann Ki Baat' programme. "Yes,
your issues have touched my
heart. I will visibly make efforts
to change the situation. On all
Researchers name South American
catfish after 'Star Wars' character
now share that with my son. Greedo has
always been a personal favorite of mine."
specimens of the Peckoltia greedoi in
2005. Ten years later he and other
Funny Photo
Muslims, Christians uncomfortable in Modi
Russia to be cornerstone of
regime: Muslim Personal Law Board
Modi's foreign policy in 2015?
AUBURN : Researchers named a South
American catfish species based on its
resemblance to an alien bounty hunter
from the original Star Wars film.
The Peckoltia greedoi is a puckermouth
armored catfish discovered in Brazil's
Gurupi River in 1998. Last fall researchers
from Auburn University were examining
the fish when they noted that it looked like
"Greedo," a green, bug-eyed alien bounty
hunter who tries to collect on Han Solo in
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
"As a 7-year-old kid, I watched Star
Wars in the theater and it was a lifechanging experience for me," Jonathan
Armbruster, a biological sciences
professor at the Auburn University
Museum of Natural History, said in a
statement. "I became a lifelong fan, and I
JAMMU | MONDAY | MARCH 23 | 2015
researchers were evaluating the fish's
characteristics when one of them made the
Star Wars connection.
"After a little prodding, I realized he
was talking about Greedo," Armbruster
said. "We then knew what the name had to
be. The Peckoltia greedoi does bear a
striking resemblance to Greedo."
Armbruster, who has named more than
40 fish species, said he and his colleagues
often name species after each other.
"I have named a few species after
colleagues like Peckoltia lujani for my
Hypostomus pagei for my advisor,
Lawrence Page, and Peckoltia sabaji for a
close friend and colleague, Mark Sabaj
Pérez," Armbruster said. "I've also had
former students name species for me."
TSA finds hatchet,
knife, brass knuckles
in carry-on bag
New york, Mar 22
The Transportation Security
Administration said a search of a carryon bag at a New York airport
turned up a hatchet, a folding
knife and brass
said the Port
Police Department was notified after the
three weapons were discovered in a New
York man's carry-on luggage Wednesday
morning at LaGuardia Airport.
"Weapons including hatchets, knives
and brass knuckles are prohibited in carryon bags, but may be packed in checked
baggage. Check local laws as the
possession of brass knuckles is illegal in
some states, including New York," the
TSA said in an Instagram post.
these aspects, I will wake up and
sensitise all parts of the
government and make them run. I
can assure you of that," he added.
Citing the issues raised by the
farmers, he said they talked about
village "strongmen" troubling
them, mafia harassing them,
natural calamities hurting them
besides non-availability of clean
water and lack of means to
remove animals which die.
"We can have the right to rule
only when we address such small,
small things," the Prime Minister
said. The farmers had written to
him after he sought suggestions
and inputs for his programme
over a week back.
The All India Muslim Personal
Law Board on Sunday launched
a frontal attack on the Narendra
Modi government and announced a nationwide campaign to
counter right wing forces, accusing Hindu organisations like
the RSS of hatching a "conspiracy" to convert the country
into a "fascist state".
At the end of its two-day
convention here, the board said
that its 'Defend Constitutional
Rights Committee' will run a
campaign to build a sense of
confidence among minorities.
'Muslims responsible for
bringing bad name to their
"We are concerned about the
situation in the country which
has worsened after Narendra
Modi became Prime Minister.
Not only Muslims, but
Christians are also feeling
uncomfortable," the board's
assistant general secretary Abdul
Rahim Qureshi said at a press
conference here.
In a resolution, the board said
that right wing forces have
become "active against the
minorities after the formation of
new government at the Centre."
"The resolution was passed by
the board members in the
national convention which seeks
support of people against the
organisations like RSS to take
the country in direction of fascist
state from a secular democracy,"
Qureshi said.
encouraged and have become
more active after the formation
of the NDA government," he
said. Qureshi alleged that VHP
leaders Ashok Singhal, Praveen
Togadia and Sadhvi Prachi "spit
venom" against minorities but no
action is taken.
"Hindu outfits are carrying out
programmes like ghar wapsi.
"RSS and VHP leaders spit
venom not only against Muslims
but Christians also. This is a
conspiracy to divide sections of
the society and we have sought
support of all the Muslims as
well as Hindus against the
propaganda in the resolution," he
If the right wing forces
persisted with their agenda
against the minorities, it will
result in "anarchy" in the
country, he said.
Qureshi claimed that the
Prime Minister has not yet said
anything on the 'ghar wapsi'
issue. Over 250 members of the
body had gathered in Jaipur for
their annual general body
Paramilitary forces to have 33%
women quota, declares Rajnath
Attari, Mar 22
At present, the total
strength of women personnel
in the paramilitary forces is
33% in central paramilitary
less than 5%.
forces will be reserved for
There are seven
women, Home Minister
paramilitary forces, also called
Rajnath Singh said on Sunday. central armed police forces, in
"We are planning to
the country.
increase the strength of
These are CRPF, BSF,
women in paramilitary forces CISF, ITBP, SSB, National
to 33 %," Singh said at a
Security Guard and Assam
function organised by Border Rifles. CRPF, BSF, CISF,
Security Forces (BSF) in
ITBP, SSB and NSG have
Attari in Amritsar.
women armed contingents
while Assam Rifles does not
have women in combat duties.
The total strength of all
paramilitary forces is around 8
lakh. All these forces report to
the Home Ministry.
week, the government had
decided that the strength of
women in police forces in
Union Territories, including
Delhi, will be increased to
33%. Police forces in UTs
also report to the Home
Universe's most energetic phenomena to be studied
WASHINGTON: HAWC Observatory is going to study the
universe's most energetic
Supernovae, neutron star
collisions and active galactic
nuclei are among the most
energetic phenomena in the
known universe. These violent
explosions produce high-energy
gamma rays and cosmic rays,
which can easily travel large
distances, making it possible to
see objects and events far
outside our own galaxy.
The High Altitude Water
Cherenkov (HAWC) GammaRay Observatory, located
13,500 feet above sea level on
the slopes of Mexico's Volcan
Sierra Negra, is the newest tool
available to visualize these
explosive events and learn more
about the nature of high-energy
complete on HAWC's 300th and
final detector tank, and the
observatory will soon begin
collecting data at full capacity.
This milestone will be marked
with an inaugural event at the
observatory on March 19-20,
University of Maryland's
Jordan Goodman said that
HAWC truly is the only
observatory of its kind, and will
give them a clearer picture than
ever before of the high-energy
wonders of the universe. Each
of HAWC's detectors is a huge
tank containing 50,000 gallons
of ultrapure water with four
light sensors anchored to the
floor. When gamma rays or
cosmic rays reach Earth's
atmosphere they set off a
cascade of charged particles,
and when these particles reach
the water in HAWC's detectors,
they produce a cone-shaped
flash of light known as
Cherenkov radiation. The effect
is much like a sonic boom
produced by a supersonic jet,
because the particles are
traveling slightly faster than the
speed of light when they enter
the detectors.
The light sensors record each
flash of Cherenkov radiation
inside the detector tanks. By
differences in arrival times at
each light sensor, scientists can
reconstruct the angle of travel
for each particle cascade. The
intensity of the light indicates
the primary particle's energy,
and the pattern of detector hits
can distinguish between
gamma rays and cosmic rays.
With 300 detectors spread over
an area equivalent to more than
three football fields, HAWC is
able to "see" these events in
relatively high resolution.
From its perch atop the
highest accessible peak in
Mexico, HAWC will have 15
percent of the sky within its
sights at any given time. As the
Earth rotates, so too will
HAWC's field of vision,
meaning that HAWC will see up
to two-thirds of the sky every 24
The team's major science
goals include studying active
galactic nuclei, the bright
outputs of energy associated
supermassive black holes at the
center of some galaxies, as well
as tracking gamma ray bursts
and other large explosions. The
researchers will also work to
determine the enigmatic nature
of cosmic rays themselves.
Land speed record: British hybrid supersonic
car seeks to be fastest vehicle on eart
n ultramodern Bristolbuilt rocket car will try
to break the land speed
record this October with a
confident RAF wing
commander at the wheel, a
report said.
The attempt will be held on a
specially cleared 12-mile
stretch of the Hakskeen Pan in
South Africa's Kalahari Desert
where the futuristic rocket cat
is expected to reach a
staggering 1,000mph, reported
The Independent.
The endeavour is expected
to cost close to 40 million
pounds and has drawn big
business backing. However,
despite the hype surrounding
the rocket car's thrust, power
and speed, the engineers and
scientists behind Bloodhound
SSC (supersonic car) said that
it's not just about going fast.
Wing Commander Andy
Green said that going fast was
not their number one job in the
project but to inspire the next
generation of engineers,
scientists and mathematicians.
The 53-year-old RAF
officer will attempt to break
his own record of 763mph set
in Richard Noble's Thrust SSC
in 1997.