EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Identification of the relationship between organizational culture, empowerment and job satisfaction (case study: staffs in Ports & Maritime Organization) Dr. Mohsen Mohammadian Saravi1, Sara Shahbazianfar2 1 Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh branch, management group, Firoozkooh, Iran 2 Msc, at Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh branch, management group, Firoozkooh, Iran ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the relationship between organizational culture, empowerment and job satisfaction among staffs in Ports & Maritime Organization, in which descriptive survey has been used as a method. The statistical population (750) consists of staffs in Ports & Maritime Organization, of which 256 individuals were selected as sample group to give response to Denison Organizational Culture inventory, Spreitzer's empowerment inventory (1995), and job satisfaction questionnaire (1991). The researcher has used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze data. Data analysis was fulfilled using software SPSS and Pearson correlation coefficient method. The results from research hypotheses indicated that all dimensions of organizational culture including higher level of involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission affect empowerment concerning job satisfaction. KEY WORDS: organizational culture, empowerment, job satisfaction 1 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) INTRODUCTION Attention to manpower within organization to achieve sustainable development is of necessary requirements in today's organizations, where optimization of this human capital can be a movement in order to achieve sustainable development in line with achievement of organizational excellence. It is obvious that higher level needs such as social status and maintaining human dignity can be conveyed as fundamental needs to achieve this aim. Hence, management experts have mentioned organizational culture as the unknown part of organization; indeed, a series of believes, values and norms including a large part of the job factors and employees' attitudes toward job and work environment and the factors such as respect and appreciation, organizational identity , behavioral tolerance and creativity , and innovation are influenced of organizational culture. With regard to today's competitive environment, today competitive advantage in an organization requires a competent manpower, where failure of organization will emerge by having an incompetent manpower. Employee satisfaction is one of the most important measure through which the effect of leadership can be specified (Keshtidar, 1996, pp. 81-88). Theoretical concepts However, this is not a unique definition for culture, all the definitions are close to each other and a majority of scholars believe that (Moshabaki, 2003, p. 436): -culture is a general concept that is something beyond its components. -culture reflects the history of society. -culture encompasses the issues under study by anthropologists such as rituals and symbols -culture has developed in the society, i.e. it has been developed and maintained by a group of individuals altogether within the society. - the culture develops gradually and step by step within the society(Hofsted, 1991, pp. 90-91). Organizational culture refers to a system of common meanings that are maintained by members of an organization, which differentiates an organization from other organizations. This system has been developed from common meanings and a series of key characteristics, that the organization has respected them (Robbinz,60211993 ). 2 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Patterns of Organizational Culture In general, it cannot describe a unique framework to describe existing values within organizational cultures, yet what obtained from studies to date indicates that patterns of organizational culture have represented the insights on organizational culture and the values governing the culture. Parsons AGIL model Parsons proposed his model to define personal duties that the social system including society or organization must meet it for the purpose of survival (Sharifzade, 1996, p. 14). Conformity (The ability to rapidly adapt to varying environmental conditions) Integration (Ability to integrate different components of a system) Realization of aim (the ability to segment purposes of system and how to achieve them) Legitimacy ( Right to survival and acceptance ) Parsons AGIL model(Sharifzade, 1994) Model " Richard Daft " and " Hal " Daft and Hal have proposed a model at their works which is not a new model, yet it is based on the theories of other scholars, concerning two major factors as follows: 1- attentional focus(medial/lateral ) 2- Flexibility and stability of the environment , four cultures or models of organizational effectiveness Flexible Environment Fixed flexibility, Organizational Culture Mission, Organizational Culture participatory Organizational Culture Bureaucratic organizational culture attentional focus Inside the organization Model "Richard Daft"(Daft, 1999) Pattern "Peters" and "Waterman" 3 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman have conducted some studies on organizational culture concerning performance, and mentioned the values below in their studies: - Value to the customer (client): attention to customer and meet his needs guarantee the successful performance of organization. - Independence and entrepreneurship: in point of view of Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, there exists a space replete with persuasion and encouragement of the creative activities in successful organizations. -productivity through employees: successful organizations are those organizations which pay attention to their manpower as their most valuable asset and provide the opportunities for growth and excellence in employees. Expertise and skills in management: cultural value is conventionalized within successful organizations and institutions, in which involvement in the affairs is totally irrelevant. - Administrative Staff: a huge emphasis is on employee performance in successful organizations rather than more tendencies to administrative hierarchy -use of mechanical and organize structures: successful organizations have been organized, where little rules and regulations exist(Mortazavi, 1994, p. 64). Pattern "Dennison" Professor Daniel Denison (2000) has conducted studies at the area of organizational culture and effectiveness of organization, where he has mentioned the cultural features in his model: higher level of involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission. Empowerment implies design of organization in a way that individuals are prepared enough to undertake more responsibilities in addition to have control on themselves(Abtahi & Abesi, 2007, p. 1). Empowerment models To date, many researchers have conducted studies on empowerment, for which numerous models have been proposed. Model can be defined as a selective abstraction of reality which indicates special features of it. 4 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Thomas and Velthouse's empowerment model(1990) These two scholars have specified four dimensions of empowerment in a conceptual model: 1-effect 2- Personal determination ( sense of choice) 3-competence 4-sense of significance Bowen and Lawler's empowerment model (1992) In Bowen and Lawler's empowerment model, access to information plays a major role in decision making which raises empowerment. These scholars know the empowerment agent in four organizational components: 1-informaiton on performance of organization 2-reward based on organizational performance 3-power in adoption of effective decisions in favor of organization orientation 4-power in adoption of effective decisions in favor of organization performance Spreitzer's model(1995) Spreitzer has described the factors affecting empowerment and results from empowerment in a model as follows, concerning Thomas and Velthouse's empowerment model (1990) among middle employees of an organization and employees at operational level of an insurance organization: Spritzer’s empowerment model (1995) Empowerment model of Queen & Spritzers (1997) 5 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) The model of Queen & Spritzers is divided into static and dynamic views. In static view, it is believed that the empowerment is the decision making under a certain framework, where the responsiveness is devolved upon the individuals, and they are in charge for the results. Yet, in dynamic view, the scholars believe that empowerment implies acceptance of risk, growth, changes, understanding employees' needs, building team and persuading cooperative behavior. Anyhow, there are also deficiencies in static and dynamic views, where the combination of both is required, and as the result it is stated that empowerment must be defined in a term encompassing fundamental beliefs and personal orientations(Quien & Spreitzer11997 140). Definitions of job satisfaction There are a variety of views for the "job satisfaction" as follows: -the first category refers to the factors which affect motivating individuals in order that they cause individuals' motivation and job satisfaction, yet lack of them cause poor job satisfaction. Hence, lacking these factors implies lacking attitude. In point of view of Herzberg, the factors which affect motivating individuals include: job satisfaction, recognition and appreciation of the individuals and their job, job promotion, personal development and nature of job. -the second category has been known including the single-dimensional factors with the capability to give a response to the questions "to which extent you are satisfied with your job?" and "to which extent you seek satisfaction from your job?". In point of view of a majority of scholars, difference between what the person is and what he seeks for it can be an index for job satisfaction. Porter and Holland Davis have represented such definitions. On the other hand, Kaplan believes that the scholars at the areas such as psychology intend to define job satisfaction as the difference between what the person is and what he/she seeks for it(Soltani, 2005, p. 29). -the third category has been known definitions of job satisfaction included of process of assessment. Luque has known it as a desirable emotional state which arises from assessment of the person's job or job experiences. Yet, Smith believes in it as a range in which the work environment meets the person's demands. Robins states that job satisfaction implies the difference between the rewards the person receives and the reward he seeks for it. In other words, it can define job satisfaction as a process of assessment in which what a person seeks for it is investigated(Soltani, 2005, p. 30). 6 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Literature review Hassanzade(2004) in a study "effect of organizational culture on employee empowerment" in one of automotive companies, concluded that there is a significant relationship between components of organizational culture and increasing employee empowerment. He has investigated six hypotheses that each considered investigation of the relationship between components of organizational culture and increasing employee empowerment. Components of organizational culture include: individual initiatives, reward, management support, focus on results and team building. Components of empowerment include: self-efficacy, effect of self-determination, significance and trust. -the study "the relationship between organizational culture and employees' job satisfaction in Physical Education Department within Tehran" has been conducted by Hassan Bahr ol Oloom, Ali Mohammad Amir Tash, Mohammad Janidi and Fereidon Tond nevis(2003). The results of findings indicated that the organizational culture governing Physical Education Department has been in an average level and experts' job satisfaction especially at the aspects of salary, benefits and promotion has been in a low level. Further, there is a positive significant relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction at this study(α=0/001). In this study, the best models for organizational culture and work experience with organizational culture were predicted. Job satisfaction has been recognized as the variable of research. In a study "an investigation into the relationship between empowerment, job satisfaction and reported levels of stress", Lassen (2001) indicated that if the responsibility of employees' decision making is devolved upon them, personal and collective comfort will come to realize. Further, employee empowerment can be mentioned as an effective agent on job satisfaction in order to resolve health problems of employees and reduce stress arisen from job. Research method The statistical population (750) consists of staffs in Ports & Maritime Organization, of which 256 individuals were selected as sample group to give response to questionnaires. Reliability of questionnaire Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient is used to obtain reliability of the questionnaire. 7 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Validity of questionnaire In this study, judgment action to determine validity has been used, so that the questions of the questionnaire have been taken from academic, simple and clear texts. Then, the questionnaires were given to the experts at this area and professors, and confirmed by them. To analyze data, descriptive(frequency tables including frequency, cumulative percentage, pie charts and bar graphs based on personal characteristics and the descriptions pertaining to it as a basis to understand the respondents' information) and inferential statistics(Pearson correlation coefficient method to confirm or reject hypotheses testing) have been used. Research hypotheses Primary hypotheses of research -the first hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. -the second hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction within Ports & Maritime Organization. Secondary hypotheses of research -the first hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "consistency" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. -the second hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. -the third hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. -the fourth hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. 8 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Research model Findings of research Investigation of normality of data H0: distribution of variables is normal. H1: distribution of variables in not normal. . Table. KS test One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Involvement Involvement Consistency Mission Satisfactio Empowermen Cultural n t Kolmogorov 1.273 1.020 1.067 .813 .981 .994 .542 -Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. .078 .250 .205 .524 .291 .276 .931 (2-tailed) a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. The value of Ks statistics has been proposed, and as sig is greater than 5% at all tests, H0 has been confirmed and lack of normality of data has been rejected. 9 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Hypotheses testing Testing the first major hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. H1: there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing major hypothesis for the relationship between organizational culture and empowerment Independent variable Dependent variable r-correlation coefficient empowerment organizational culture 0/53 R2 determination coefficient Sig 0/28 0/002 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Hence, the major hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Testing the first major hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction within Ports & Maritime Organization. H1: there is a significant relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing major hypothesis for the relationship between job satisfaction and empowerment Independent variable Dependant variable r-correlation coefficient R2 determination coefficient Sig empowerment job satisfaction 0/632 0/399 0/0001 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee empowerment 10 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) within Ports & Maritime Organization. Hence, the major hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between job satisfaction and employee empowerment in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Testing the first secondary hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between employee empowerment and between cultural component "consistency" within Ports & Maritime Organization. H1: there is a significant relationship between employee empowerment and between cultural component "consistency" within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing the first secondary hypothesis for the relationship between employee empowerment and between cultural component "consistency" Independent variable consistency r-correlation coefficient employee empowerment 0/378 Dependant variable R2 determination Sig coefficient 0/143 0/007 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between employee empowerment and cultural component "consistency" within Ports & Maritime Organization at 5% significance level. Hence, the first secondary hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between employee empowerment and between cultural component "consistency" in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Testing the second secondary hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. H1: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing the second secondary hypothesis for the relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment 11 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ Independent variable job involvement ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) Dependent variable r-correlation coefficient R2 determination coefficient Sig employee empowerment 0/287 0/082 0/02 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization at 5% significance level. Hence, the second secondary hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Testing the third secondary hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. H1: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing the third secondary hypothesis for the relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment Independent variable Mission Dependent variable employee empowerment r-correlation coefficient 0/414 R2 determination coefficient 0/172 Sig 0/005 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Hence, the third secondary hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Testing the fourth secondary hypothesis H0: there is not a significant relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. 12 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) H1: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Testing the third secondary hypothesis for the relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization Independent variable adjustment Dependent variable employee empowerment r-correlation coefficient 0/368 R2 determination Sig coefficient 0/135 0/008 With regard to the results of hypotheses testing, it can say that there is a significant relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Hence, the fourth secondary hypothesis is confirmed at 95% confidence level, and as sig is less than 5%, H0 is rejected, and lack of relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment in Ports & Maritime Organization is not accepted. Results of research hypotheses The first major hypothesis -the first hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Result: with regard to the results from correlation test between variables, it can come to an end in this way that there is a direct significant relationship between organizational culture and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. The second major hypothesis -the second hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction within Ports & Maritime Organization. Result: with regard to the results from correlation test between variables, it can come to an end in this way that there is a direct significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. The first secondary hypothesis 13 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.1 (2015) -the first hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "consistency" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Result: as the changes in these two variables are positive, it can say that there is a direct significant relationship between cultural component "consistency" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. The second secondary hypothesis -the second hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Result: as the changes in these two variables are positive, it can say that there is a direct significant relationship between cultural component "job involvement" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. The third secondary hypothesis -the third hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. Result: as the changes in these two variables are positive, it can say that there is a direct significant relationship between cultural component "mission" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. The fourth secondary hypothesis -the fourth hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cultural component "adjustment" and employee empowerment within Ports & Maritime Organization. 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