Diedrich Fritzsche1(Diedrich.Fritzsche@awi.de), Thomas Opel1, Hanno Meyer1, Silke Merchel2, Georg Rugel2, Santiago Miguel Enamorado Baez2 1 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany 2 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Ressource Technology, Dresden, Germany Late Holocene environmental ice core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap (Severnaya Zemlya) Paleoclimate Proxies Introduction Major Ions Severnaya Zemlya Stable-water Isotopes Akademii Naukiceice cap cap 18 d O record of AN ice core all annual data - grey A: Surface air temperature (SAT) variations compiled for Atlantic/Arctic boundary region [4], 5 years running means (yrm) - green, AN d18O, 5 yrm (red) and meteorological SAT data from Vardø/ Northern Norway, 5 yrm ( blue). MSA (ppb) Austfonna Akademii Nauk Vardø Map of the Arctic B: AN d18O, 15 yrm (red) and Austfonna d 1 8 O (Svalbard) [5],15 yrm (blue.) Inset : Severnaya Zemlya with Akademii Nauk ice cap and drilling site (80º31’N 94º49'E). L o c a t i o n s referred to this poster are labelled. In the Arctic, a key region for the global climate system and more affected by the ongoing warming than other regions, meteorological records are relatively short, with only a few time th series starting before the 20 century. Hence, climate archives, especially high-resolution ones like ice cores, are of particular importance for the assessment of past and recent climate changes. To gain new high-resolution proxy data for the reconstruction of climate and environmental changes, a 724 m-long ice core was drilled near summit of Akademii Nauk (AN) ice cap, the largest glacier on Severnaya Zemlya (Figure above) within a joint German - Russian project in 1999-2001 [1]. In the Eurasian Arctic Severnaya Zemlya is the easternmost archipelago covered by considerable ice caps. The AN ice cap is affected by melting in summertime. Percolating water causes alterations of original isotope and chemical signals. Major ions have been analysed in low resolution only (bagmean values - figure left). Volcanoes used for core dating are marked but are missing in the lower core part. Therefore, we tried an independent validation of our age-depth relationship 10 using Be concentrations (below). The figure above shows the d18O record of the upper 255 m using our preliminary dating. We found the best correlation with Arctic meteorological time series for Vardø, Northern Norway 18 (r5yrm = 0.76). Therefore, we consider our d O 5yrm data as a robust temperature (SAT) proxy showing features typical for the Western Eurasian Arctic. Examples are the double-peaked Early Twentieth Century warming (1920-1940) and the absolute SAT minimum just before 1800 also found in the Austfonna d18O ice core record from Svalbard [6]. The SAT reconstruction for the Atlantic-Arctic boundary region [4] shows remarkable differences. Record of bag-mean values of major ions Sulphate record shows prominent peaks corresponding to volcano eruptions of Bezymianny 1956 (1), Katmai 1912 (2), Laki 1783 (3), Samalas ? 1257 (4) and Eldgja 934 (5) used as reference horizons for core dating. The 20th century pattern of sulphate and nitrate reflects anthropogenic emissions. + Sea-salt ions (e.g. Na , methanesulphonate MSA ) show a decreasing trend between 300 and 1800 probably caused by the increase of surface elevation at the drilling point followed by a strong increase around 1910, indicating an abrupt shift in sea-ice atmosphere interactions (nss = none sea-salt). Core Dating 10 Validation of Core Dating 10 Be is one of several radionuclides produced in the Earth's atmosphere by cosmic radiation. Because its production rate is modulated by variations of geo- and heliomagnetic fields the concentrations of these nuclides in glacier ice or tree rings are suitable to reconstruct solar activity. Vice versa an ice core age 10 model can be verified by matching Be concentrations with cosmogenic radionuclide records from well-dated archives. Local differences in 10Be ice core records as results of different geomagnetic coordinates, transport and deposition processes and accumulation rates are known [7] and have to be considered. After 1600 AD AN 10Be concentration maxima fit well with periods of relative quiet sun (known as Gleisberg (G), Dalton (D), Maunder (M) and Spörer (S) Minima) visible in 14C production [8] and 1.PC derived by PCA of 10Be records from NGRIP, Dye3 (both Greenland) and South Pole ice cores [9], too. An explanation for the yet obvious mismatching before 1600 needs further investigations. Age (years before 1999) 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 4.5E+4 3 AN10Be AN 10Be 5rm 4.0E+4 100 Nye model Model Nye Sample age 1105) Sample age(Dating (Dat.2013) Nye model (modified) Nye (modified) volcano references Volcano references 137 Cs references 137Cs references 300 400 3,0E+4 AN 10Be [atoms/g] 200 Depth w.e.) Depth (m w.e) 3.5E+4 500 Basal ice S M D 10 BeNGRIPDye3SP1PC 14 C production . 2.5 G 2 2.5E+4 2.0E+4 1.5 1.5E+4 1.0E+4 1 5.0E+3 600 0.0E+0 0.5 Age-depth relationship of the core 6E+4 10 AN Be 4.5E+4 10 AN Be 5rm 10 Dye3 Be 5E+4 4.0E+4 10 Dye3 Be121rm 4E+4 3.0E+4 2.5E+4 3E+4 2.0E+4 2E+4 Dye3 10Be [atoms/g] 3.5E+4 AN 10Be [atoms/g] An exact core chronology is essential to interpret paleoenvironmental signals. For the upper 479 m dating has been done by counting annual cycles of stable water isotopes (magenta in Figure above). For cross-checking we used peaks 137 of Cs (Chernobyl 1986), nuclear weapon tests (1963) [2] as well as 5 volcanic reference horizons (cf. Figure Major Ions). Our dating shows that the glacier has not been in dynamical steady state in the past as postulated by usual standard flow models such as Nye‘s [3] - blue line - but it has been growing until recent times. A modified Nye model considering the increasing surface altitude has been developed - red line - and was used for dating of deeper core sections. Our model predicts an age of about 3100 years at a depth of 690 m (630 m water equivalent - w.e.). The deepest core part (Figure below) has completely different properties hence, we suppose an unconformity at this depth. Be 1.5E+4 1.0E+4 1E+4 5.0E+3 0E+0 0E+0 10 Comparison of Be concentration in AN with 1. PC (PCA) [9] from 10 high-resolution Be records from NGRIP, Dye3 and South Pole 10 ice cores (above) and Be from Dye3 core (below). AMS measurement 10 6 Be decays (beta decay) with a half-life of 1.387 *10 years, which usually requires long measuring times at low sensitivity for beta-spectroscopy. Thus only Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is sensitive enough for the effective measure of 10 Be concentrations in ice cores. The Ion Beam Center of HZDR offers determination of cosmogenic radionuclides using a highenergy accelerator (voltage 6 MV, figure below). The team of 10 DREsden AMS (DREAMS) [10] was able to measure Be concentrations in discrete AN ice core samples of about 300 g each. bouncer magnet • sequentially isotope injection • switching frequency: ~100 Hz 1 µm thick Si3N4 absorber foil energy analyser 54° E.S.A. 35° E.S.A. vertical 30° magnet radius: 2.6 m pole gap: 36 mm 4-anode gas ionisation detector Deepest core section with debris two movable offset FCs 90° magnet radius: 1.5 m pole gap: 40 mm 185 MeV amu 6 MV HVEE Tandetron • Cockcroft-Walton type • terminal voltage: 0.3 – 6 MV • argon stripper gas • no corona stabilization needed DREAMS (DREsden AMS): Machine layout (E.S.A. = electrostatic analyser) References: [1] Fritzsche et al. 2002, Ann. Glaciology 35, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3189/172756402781816645; [2] Pinglot et al. 2003, J. Glaciology 49, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3189/172756503781830944; [3] Nye 1963, J. Glaciology 4, 785-788; [4] Wood et al. 2010, GRL 37, doi:10.1029/2010GL044176; [5] Isaksson et al. 2005, Geogr. Annaler 87A, doi: 10.1111/j.0435-3676.2005.00253.x; [6] Opel et al. 2013, Climate of the Past 9, doi:10.5194/cp-9-2379-2013; [7] Berggren et al. 2009, GRL 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL038004; [8] Muscheler et al. 2005, Quaternary Science Reviews 24, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.01.012; [9] Steinhilber et al. 2012, PNAS 109, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1118965109; [10] Akhmadaliev et al. 2013, NIMB 294, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.01.053 two AMS ion sources
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