April 12, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston – www.archgh.org
1530 Norwalk Drive
Telephone: 281-578-0707
Katy, Texas 77450
Fax: 281-578-9161;
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday - 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: *5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, *9:45 AM, *11:30 AM, 5:30 PM
*Nursery Available
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 PM; or appointment with a priest
Anointing of the Sick: First Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 AM Mass until 7:30 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281-578-3845
April 12, 2015 – Divine Mercy Sunday – Readings on Page 1066
Rev. Tom Lam
A Reflection by Pope Francis
other Church teaches us works mercy are essential for our salvation,
said Pope Francis, but “it is not enough to do good to those who do
Rev. Thomas Joseph
good to us. To change the world for the better we must do good to
Parochial Vicar
those who are unable to reciprocate, as the Father did with us, in giving
Deacon John Evanoff
us Jesus.” The Pope said the Church does not teach us about mercy through theoretic
Pastoral Associate
lectures but through the actions of the saints who have visited those in prison, of
mothers who teach their children to share what they have with those in need, through
Deacon Don Kish
women like Blessed Teresa of Calcutta who held the hand of the abandoned so they
would not die alone. “This is how the Mother Church teaches her children the works
of mercy. She has learned this path from Jesus, she learned that this is essential for
Business Manager
Craig Shemon
The Pope was continuing his catechesis on our Mother Church. “In our previous
we reflected on the Church as a Mother who nurtures us in the faith,
Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz,
guides us on the way of salvation, and protects us from evil. Today, I wish to reflect on
Dan Stamps, Mary Tran
the Church as a Mother who teaches us the works of mercy. For the Gospel, what is
Religious Education
essential is mercy: God sent his Son, God became man to save us, that is, to give us
LouAnn Svoboda, Director
His mercy. Jesus clearly says, ‘Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful’ (Lk 6:36).
Can there be a Christian who is not merciful? No. The Christian must necessarily be
Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton,
merciful, because this is the heart of the Gospel. And true to this teaching, the Church
Maria Laiseca
can only repeat the same thing to her children: ‘Be merciful,’ as the Father is, and as
Youth Ministry
Jesus was.”
Dave Clark, Director
“The Mother Church,” the Pope continued, “teaches us also to be close to
are sick. How many saints served Jesus in this way! And how many ordinary
Joey Harvey
men and women, every day, put into practice this work of mercy in a hospital room, or
Music Ministry
in a nursing home, or in their own home, assisting a sick person. The Mother Church
Spencer Schuyler, Director
teaches us to be close to those who are in prison.” The Pope added, “’But, Father, no,
this is dangerous, these are bad people.’ Each one of us is capable of this. Listen well:
Merle Vahlkamp
each of us is capable of doing the same thing as the man or woman who is in prison.
Outreach Ministry
We all have the capacity to sin and to do the same, to make mistakes in life. They are
Schottsie Hill, Director
no worse than you or I. Mercy overcomes every obstacle, knocks down every wall and
Lisa Gilkeson
brings you to always seek the face of the man, the person. And it is mercy that changes
hearts and lives, that can regenerate a person and allow them to reintegrate themselves
Facilities Manager
in society.”
Kirk Harris
“The Mother Church teaches us to stay close to those who are abandoned and
Young Kim
die alone. This is what Blessed Teresa of Calcutta did on the streets of Calcutta. This
is what many Christians are doing and have done when they are not afraid to shake
hands with those who are about to leave this world. And even here, mercy gives peace
to those who leave and those who remain, making us feel that God is greater than
Nursery Coordinator:
death, and that by abiding in Him even the final farewell is simply ‘until we meet again.
Anne Salazar
Blessed Teresa really understood this. Although they used to say to her, ‘Mother, this is
Child’s Play: Alyce Gabrysch
wasting time.’ She would look for people dying on the street, people whose bodies
were being eaten by rats and she would take them home so that they could die clean, in
tranquility, with a caress in peace. She bid them farewell, all of these people! And many
Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m.
men and women have done this like her. They are waiting for them there, at the door,
to open the gate of Heaven for them. Helping people to die well, in peace.”
“Dear brothers and sisters, this is how the Mother Church teaches her chilWelcome Newcomers
dren the works of mercy. She has learned this path from Jesus, she learned that this is
If you would like more essential for salvation. It is not enough to love those who love us. Jesus says that pagans do this. It is not enough to do good to those who do good to us. How much have
information on our Parish
we paid for our redemption? Nothing, it’s all free! Doing good without waiting for
visit something in return, doing a good turn. This is what our Father did for us and so we
must to the same. So go on and do some good! How nice it is to live in the Church,
our Mother Church teaches us that these things that Jesus taught us.”
Events & Meetings This Week
Food Drive
Ladies Club Quilt Raffle Sale
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of
the Word: Grade 2
3:00 PM, Divine Mercy Holy Hour
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
3:30 PM, Jr High Faith Formation
7:00 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
Please contact parish office
for preparation classes.
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
Baptism Session for Parents
6:30 PM, Spanish Bible Study: PAC
7:00 PM, Pastoral Council
2nd Saturday of February,
Meeting: Main Conference Room
May, August, November
7:00 PM, KPA Workshop: Epiphany
10:00 AM – Noon
To register call
7:00 PM, Adult Confirmation Class:
LouAnn Svoboda
7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
11:30 AM, Forever Young: Family Ctr.
7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center
9:00 AM, ESL Level 4: Room 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm. 301
9:30 AM, Ladies Club Board Meeting SATURDAY. APRIL 18
9:00 AM, Career Search Seminar
Room 304
Rec Room
7:00 PM, Troop 1288 Scoutmaster
5:00 PM, Ladies Club Quilt Raffle
Meeting: Room 304
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1146: Rooms
5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
7:00 PM, Bereavement Support Mtg:
Room 303
7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room
Coffee & Donuts
Ladies Club Quilt Raffle Sale
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
Room 214
9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of
9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration:
the Word: Grade 3
1:00 PM, Baptisms: Narthex
10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
Respect Life: Chapel
3:30 PM, Jr High Faith Formation
1:00 PM, ESL 2: Room 301
7:00 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
4;45 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
4:45 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: 312
7:00 PM, RCIA, Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288:
Rooms 301/303, Rec Room
7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel
7:00 PM, Walking through Grief: Den
7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel
9:00 AM, ESL LEVEL 4: ROOM 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
9:30 AM, Called to be Mom: Rec Rm
10:00 AM, Bible Timeline Series: Den
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
5:30 PM, Children’s Choir Practice
6:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
6:30 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
6:30 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
7:00 PM, Adult Choir Practice
7:30 PM, Finance Council: Main
Conference Room
7:45 PM, Overflow: Great Room
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA)
For information call
LouAnn Svoboda
Sacrament of Marriage
Must be a registered, active
member of the parish at least
six months. Contact parish
office eight months before
wedding to begin preparation.
Finance Council Chair
Denny Dellinger
Knights of Columbus
Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cynthia Viator
Ladies Club
Ann Hoar
Forever Young
Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow
Bulletin Deadline
The deadline for article
submission is Thursday at noon
(ten days before publication).
Your article can be sent to
Check our website for
Liturgical, Youth Usher & Faith
Formation Schedules.
Liturgy & Prayer
Through the waters of Baptism
Saturday, April 11
5:30 PM
Sunday, April 12
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Monday, April 13
9:00 AM
Tuesday, April 14
9:00 AM
Wednesday, April 15
9:00 AM
Thursday, April 16
9:00 AM
Friday, April 17
9:00 AM
Saturday, April 18
5:30 PM
Sunday, April 19
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Vigil-Divine Mercy
†Gloria Mora
Divine Mercy Sunday
†Suong Lam (In Thanksgiving)
For the People
†Abelardo Perez
†Nancy Lynn Dore Hall
Easter Weekday
†Colleen Robb
Easter Weekday
†Ann & Charley Karbonit
Easter Weekday
†Fay Emmert
Easter Weekday
†Agnes Bobal
Easter Weekday
†Virginia Costello
Vigil-Third Sunday of Easter
†Leticia Baluyut
Third Sunday of Easter
†David Fowler
For the People
†Maria Eugenia Benito
†Rodney Nelson
Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
Jn 6:16-21
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
following infants now have begun
their journey of faith in the Christian Community: Luke Emmanuel Andrade, Valentina Curci, Carlo Curci,
Hunter Michael Hartt, Mason Peter
Hartt, Mia Nicole Lugo, Nathalie
Marie Rojas, Faith Isabella Salazar, Arabella Mia
Short, Nicolas Paul Stack, Eleanor Antoinette
Stillman, David Alejandro Van Der Velde, Imee
Marie Williams.
Please keep the following people in
your thoughts and prayers this
week as we wish them a return to
good health:
Christine Bencivengo, Eva Lazarich,
Sides, Mary Reuter, Andrew Bencivengo,
Patricia Givens, Kathy Del Toro, Jackie Alfonso, Vicki Druehl, Valerie Sanders, Fidel Flores,
Rosemary Klawikowski.
To make a request for someone to be on our
prayer list, please call the parish office at 281578-0707. Your loved one’s name will appear on
our prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a
longer period of time is needed, please call the
parish office to renew your request.
Please Remember In Prayer
Our Deceased
Wanda Ruth Evanoff, wife of Jon Evanoff,
mother of Deacon John Evanoff
Please pray for our military
men and women.
John Gott, brother of Gloria Petry
Anthony Jacob Scinto, son of Kathy
Christopher Stahl, sister of Christine Stahl
News in the Parish
This new fund is established for donations
The annual Epiphany Knights of Columbus Scholarship process is starting. Applications are
now available at the front desk of the
church office. Word copies of the application are available by e-mailing Vince
DeBonis at vdebonis@comcast.net. The
KC’s will honor 8 or more college-bound students at
the Senior High Graduation Mass with $500 to
$1000 scholarships. Applications are due no later
than April 24th in the church office. Interviews will
be conducted Friday and Saturday, May 8th and 9th.
Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity
to be recognized for your gifts to the parish and surrounding community.
to add to the beauty of our worship space.
With your contribution or memorial gift, we
hope to add Stations of the Cross and statues
for our Church.
At any time during the year, you are welcome
to send in a donation or place your gift in an
envelope in the collection during Mass with
the designation, “Sanctuary Beautification
Fund.” Thanking you in anticipation of your
generous response.
Join us for the
Holy Hour on
in the Chapel
on Sunday, April 12th
at 3:00 p.m.
Exposition of Blessed
Chaplet of Divine
Silent Prayer and
Our Stewardship
Stewardship – April 4/5
To be announced due to earlier bulletin deadline
Stewardship – March 28/29
Sunday Offering
St. Vincent de Paul
“The community of believers was of one heart and
mind and no one claimed that any of his possessions
was his own.” Acts 4:32
All that we are and all that we have is a gift from
God! Think of your family, your friends, your talents
and abilities – these are all gifts from God. We aren’t
really owners of anything, we are merely “stewards”
of the gifts God has blessed us with.
Community Life
Epiphany Ladies Club—Our next general
meeting will be on May 8th when we will install officers and hear a guest speaker from the AAA on the
topic of Travel.
Lunch Bunch will meet at
Dish Society in La Centerra on
April 21st at 11:30.
Babysitting is available during our monthly
meetings for a nominal fee by emailing nursery@epiphanycatholic.org..
"Like" Us on Facebook to keep up with all the fun
FOREVER YOUNG will meet on
Friday, April 17th at 11:30 am in the
Family Center. We are serving a catered luncheon of roast chicken, rice,
green beans, salad, roll, and cheesecake for $10.00 per person. For reservations please call the parish office at 281-5780707. Janis Teppe Brooks will discuss her new book
"Postcards from Houston". For information, please
call Barbara at 281-693-5531.
eGiving with Faith Direct
You might want to consider making your generous
weekly contributions to the parish through Faith
Direct, the electronic giving program here at Epiphany of the Lord. Even if you are traveling on business or on vacation, you can make all of your contributions through Faith Direct by way of automatic
payment from your checking account or credit card,
just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. It is a great
way to simplify your giving, and it is the most costeffective, environmentally-friendly way for the parish to receive your gifts.
Faith Direct is the leading eGiving program for
Catholic churches in the Archdiocese as well as in
dioceses across the country. You can visit their website at www.faithdirect.net to learn more about how
to enroll securely online. Please note, our parish
code is TX613. Faith Direct also offers your family personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes to be placed in the collection basket on Sundays.
I would like to take this opportunity as well to express my deepest gratitude for your generous contributions throughout the year. It is wonderful to be a
part of a faith community that so graciously supports the parish and the important ministries that the
Church provides. I hope that you find that this new
program makes it more convenient for you to continue to offer your gifts to Epiphany of the Lord.
Expressing the assurances of my prayerful remembrance of you and your family and my best wishes
in the Lord, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom Lam
Join us on a
pilgrimage to
Rome, Italy on
Oct. 25-Nov. 5, 2015. Travel to Venice,
Florence, Assisi and the Eternal City of
Rome to experience the rich culture and
deep spirituality of the Church.
Only 50 places available for parishioners of Epiphany. If interested, please
contact Craig Shemon at
Vocations Corner
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday, April 26, 2015
The purpose of the World
Day of Prayer for Vocations
is to publically fulfill the
Lord’s instruction to, “Pray
to the Lord of the harvest to
send laborers into his harvest.” (Mt. 9:38; Lk. 10:2)
Our prayers offered
throughout the Church affirm the primacy of faith
and grace in all that concerns vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life. This year marks the
51st anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Let us pray as a family for vocations!
Join Catholics around the world in prayer for
vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. All
Catholics of the Archdiocese are encouraged to gather in their parishes to join in public and/or private
prayer. "Pray that the Lord of the harvest sends laborers into his harvest."(Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Resources
can be found online at USCCB, NRVC, Serra US
and www.houstonvocations.com/world-day-ofprayer-for-vocations
Around the Archdiocese
Holy Rosary Catholic School’s
“Run for the Roses” Spring Gala
Holy Rosary Catholic School will be hosting it’s
annual spring gala “Run for
the Roses” on April 24th, 2015 at
Safari Texas Ranch from 6:30
p.m. to midnight. All are invited
to come enjoy an evening of great
food, great auction items and
dancing. All proceeds benefit
Holy Rosary Catholic School. For information call
Together in Holiness – An Inspiring Event for
Couples! May 2, 2015, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
You don’t want to miss this...the first
Together in Holiness marriage conference offered in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston! As an initiative of the
John Paul II Foundation for Life &
Family, this one-day event includes
insightful presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and conversation with the one you
love. It will help your marriage and family—not just
to survive—but thrive in holiness! Learn about encountering God in your spouse and children, receive
practical guidance for living your faith in the home,
and discover how Catholic spiritual traditions can
benefit your family. Cost: $45/couple, $25/
individual. Free childcare! (space limited) Epiphany
of the Lord is one of the parishes sponsoring this
event. Learn more and register at
Principals and Teachers Needed in Catholic Schools—The Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston is currently accepting applications for Catholic school principals to fill immediate openings and
for the 2015-2016 school year. Teachers and other
professionals (nurses, librarians, counselors) may
also apply at this time via our website by completing
and submitting the Teacher / Professional Application paperwork.
Requirements and application details are on the
Archdiocesan website: www.archgh.org/cso, Click
on “Employment.”
Outreach Ministry – 281-578-0707
Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job Networking at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—Adoration
all day, Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m.
12th: Food Drive
13th: Bereavement Meeting @ 7 p.m.
14th: Walking Through Grief @ 7 p.m.
18th: Career Search Seminar @ 9 a.m.
21st: Walking Through Grief @ 7 p.m.
21st: Gift of Marriage @ 7:45 p.m.
22nd/23rd: Baby Bottle Stuffing @ 9:45 a.m.
See www.epiphanycatholic.org for details.
Grief is a normal human reaction to loss
and change. A healthy expression of
grief is one that acknowledges the pain
that accompanies loss and allows it to
happen. Avoiding the “bad” feelings –
anger, sadness, guilt, etc. – does not
make them go away, even over time. Please join
others and others with similar experiences at our
next monthly gathering on Monday, April 13th at
7:00 p.m. in the Room 303 of the PAC. Or every
Tuesday in the Den of the Parish Activity Center for
Walking Through Grief.
For more information contact Lisa at 832-772-0306.
Baby Bottle Blessing
It is Baby Bottle time again and we
need to get our bottles ready for distribution to help those in crisis pregnancies. Bottles need to be unpacked and
filled with information slips. If you have
some time either April 22 or 23, please
join us in the Outreach Office. We will start at 9:45
a.m. and please stay as long as you can.
Ride needed to Church
A elderly lady who lives off Peek near Kingsland
Drive needs a ride. She prefers to attend 8:00 a.m.
Mass on Sunday. Call Lisa in Outreach at 832-7720306 if you can help.
Marriage and Relationships Ministry
Ever wonder how teenagers have so much to talk
to each other about, but when you ask them a
question, the answer is usually “fine” or “good”?
Becoming an empty nester this September? Having to help take care of your parents as they age?
Attend this class to find out how to improve the relationships.
Attend the Marriage and Relationship Ministry
meeting on Tuesday April 21st at 7:45 p.m. in
the PAC. Lead by a psychologist to find out how
you can improve in communicating.
Are you looking for a new career?
Want to improve your resume writing, networking, interviewing
and other successful career search skills?
Career Search Seminar
Saturday April 18, 2015 at Epiphany
Pre-register by 04/15/15 via email to
If you have any question please call Lisa in Outreach at 832 772-0306.
Adult Faith Formation – 281-578-8271
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Discover the Riches of the Mass
in this five-part DVD series
featuring Dr. Edward Sri
Come to know and understand the Mass like
never before. Discover the rich meanings behind what we say and do during the Liturgy. You
will hear and see the words and gestures of
the Mass in a new light, leading you to a more
meaningful and fruitful worship experience.
Mondays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
April 20, 27, May 4, 11, and 18
Epiphany Room, Parish Activity Center
Cost is $18.00/person and includes:
36 page workbook
165 page textbook
Deadline for ordering materials is
Wednesday, April 8
Contact: louann@epiphanycatholic.org
Registration form available at:
Called To Be Mom: Join us
from 9:30—Noon on Wednesday,
April 15, in the Parish Activity
Center for our Power Hour – bring
whatever you want to work on!
Contact ctbm.epiphany@gmail.com for more
Tuesday Morning Scripture Study
group will not meet April 14. We resume on
April 21.
Keeping the Promise Alive (VIRTUS Refresher) will be held on Thursday, April
16 from 7:00—8:30 p.m. in the PAC. A
valid ID must be presented at check-in.
No late admittance. No Walk-ins! Preregistration is required at http://
www.virtus.org Contact
louann@epiphanycatholic.org for
username, password and registration instructions or call 281-578-8271. KPA is
required for all volunteers who attended
the original VIRTUS: Protecting God’s
Children in 2010 or before.
The session for parents and godparents to prepare for the baptism of their infants will be held
Saturday, May 9, 2015 from
10:00 a.m. until Noon in the
Family Center. This preparation
session is required before parents can schedule the Sacrament
of Baptism for their infants. Parents and godparents are encouraged to attend this session before the birth of the child. Call 281-578-8271
to register for this session. Childcare during
this class is available by emailing nursery@epiphanycatholic.org with parent’s name, ages of children needing nursery and name/date of
event. The next opportunity to attend a baptism class will be on Saturday, August 8, 2015.
Children’s Faith Formation
Epiphany Youth Ministry
Operation Rice Bowl.
your rice bowl to faith formation
class this week! Thank you for your
generosity in mind, body and spirit!
(Collection to be published in the
following weeks.)
Calling all Parishioners!
End of the Year PicnicTHE EPIPHANIC! Sunday, May 3 after the
11:30 AM Mass until 3 PM on
Epiphany’s softball field.
Let’s have some fun!
Email Beth Harvey at bharvey@epiphanycatholic.org or
call her at 281-578-8271.
Donations being accepted in
the Faith Formation office---small trinkets, toys,
prizes of all sorts, face paint, etc. Questions call
or email. Bharvey@epiphanycatholic.org.
Vacation Bible School,
June 22-26, 2015
Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s
Mighty Power. All volunteer positions available. Are you handy with a paint brush, paper and scissors, want to play games, or
want to lead the acting guild? Games, skits,
decorations are the only station left for
station leaders to claim. Contact Stephanie Brierty Stephanie.Brierty@gmail.com) to
volunteer. Teens, these spots fill fast! Volunteer
Forms can be found online at
www.epiphanycatholic.org. All adults (18 years +)
working with our children must be VIRTUS
trained. Visit www.VIRTUSonline.org to register
for the training.
High School students have a service
project cleaning Galveston Island State
Park on April 18th from 7 a.m. until 2
p.m. Please see our Sign Up Genius
link on our website to register.
515137: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
1530 Norwalk Dr., Katy, TX 77450
Gerry Broussard #1 email: gerry@epiphanycatholic.org
#2 email: mary@epiphanycatholic.org
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April 12, 2015
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