The Guiding Light The Newsletter of The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany June & July 2015 The Church of the Epiphany is in partnership with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Lincolnton Partnership Vision Statement Diocesan Vision Statement Walk in the Way ~ Widen the Walls ~ Wake up the World Two Episcopal churches, one partnership in Christ, exploring new pathways to serve all God’s people. Epiphany’s Vision Statement St. Luke’s Vision Statement To share the love of Christ with all people through prayer, worship and Bible study; by caring for those among us and by serving the wider community. St. Luke’s is traditional yet modern, growing in faith, a sacred place, open to all. May, 2015 Dear Friends in Christ, Several weeks ago, I started my own Facebook page for Epiphany. Look for it as Church of the Epiphany. I describe it as a page where “The pastor-in-charge keeps you up-to-date on all the happenings at Church of the Epiphany in Newton, NC. We are Newton’s best-kept secret!” For those of you who may not be into Facebook or computers, here is something I recently posted: When we say, “The Episcopal Church Welcomes All,” we mean it. St. Paul declared, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). We take it a step further. “There is no longer black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, healthy or disabled; all of us are one, all of us are loved, all of us belong in Christ Jesus.” The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany invites ALL PEOPLE to join us as we worship the God of all. We offer a worship service with beautiful music and a liturgy that has withstood the test of time. We are ancient. We are modern. We worship God as God is revealed in Jesus Christ. We believe that God is love and we want to share God’s love with YOU! Burned out by church? Hurt by exclusivity? We are an inclusive, welcoming and affirming congregation. Ancient, yet ever striving to become new in Christ Jesus. Continued on the next page... 1 Service Schedule Times (Continued from previous page...) Church of the Epiphany: 9:30 am - Holy Eucharist St. Luke’s: 11:30 am - Holy Eucharist I hope that each member of Epiphany will take this statement to heart and strive to practice it, offering a warm welcome to every person who walks through our doors to worship or visit with us. We are starting to use the phrase “Newton’s best-kept secret” in our advertising and outreach materials. I encourage you to use it too. Office Hours Pastor Rosa Erickson is in the Epiphany office on Tuesdays , 9am-1pm, and Wednesdays 2pm until... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ News & Events St. Alban’s to Host Haiti Partnership Meeting Invite a friend, a relative, a co-worker to church, a LGBT person, a rich person, a poor person, a homeless person. Know someone who is separated or divorced? Maybe they’re struggling with being alone or with the challenges and stigma a divorce can still bring to some people. Maybe they feel unwelcome at their church because of the divorce. They are welcome at Epiphany; they are recognized as a beloved child of God. St. Alban’s - Hickory will be hosting the LaGonave - Haiti Partnership Annual Meeting July 23-26 with numerous opportunities for people throughout the diocese of learn about opportunities to aid the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti in its missions and ministry on the island of LaGonave. Contact St. Alban’s for more information: (828) 324-1351 Someone has famously said, “Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.” We are all poor beggars who need Jesus Christ the Bread of Life. Let’s make it our priority to tell all those other poor beggars where to find that Bread. If you miss a Sunday service, please join us for Holy Eucharist on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM. We are currently reading the Sermon on the Yours in Christ, Pastor Rosa + Air Conditioners Financial News The air conditioning units in the parish hall have completely broken down. We’re going to the diocesan office on Tuesday to make our case to the Episcopal Foundation for a $14,000 grant for a new unit. Hopefully, we can get it and replace the units. We are trying to rent the building for parties and showers, but it’s not rentable without AC. Epiphany and St. Luke’s voted to renew Pastor Rosa’s Letter of Agreement for six more months. (That’s all Epiphany can afford to commit to at the moment.) Pastor Rosa wrote and received a $14,000 matching grant from the diocese for Epiphany. For every 50 cents we raise, the diocese will give $1. We only lack $1850 to meet the goal! This is for operating expenses. The air handlers in the parish hall are in good shape compared to the ones in the sanctuary building, so I’m hoping we can get the repairmen to put the old ones over there when they’re done. That will help out in that building. 2 CEOC News The Catawba Episcopal Outreach Committee (CEOC) has been revitalized!!! The first revitalization meeting was held in March under the leadership of Beth Huggins. The CEOC is a collaborative organization made of the three Episcopal parishes of Catawba County — Ascension, Epiphany and St. Albans. The mission statement, in part, is “Our calling is to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ working together in our community to meet the needs of the underserved and marginalized. We are unified in our desire to bring Christ’s love to those who are hurting in Catawba County.” Our ministry at Safe Harbor is a result of our collaborative efforts and discernment when the CEOC was started about six years ago. Our current short-term ministry is the “2 Cents a Meal” program. Everyone can be part of this effort. It is simple and can be accomplished by picking up a bag at church and dropping 2 cents in the bag per person per meal and a daily devotional exercise. Funds will be collected at the end of the summer and distributed, at the discretion of each church, to fight hunger. We will meet again in September to explore long range ministry opportunities and decide the next collaborative endeavor we will embark on. At the meeting last week, we discussed projects that could be accomplished during the summer. One suggestion was supporting the Meals on Wheels program by volunteering to deliver meals. After talking with Jan Shaffer, the Director of the Meals on Wheels program at DSS, we find that they are delighted that we are willing to help recruit volunteers. They are looking for 22-26 new volunteers so they will be able to open a new route in West Hickory and serve 50 more people. If you are at all interested in volunteering for this worthwhile cause, please see Gloria Jupin or Ann Lowery. Jan said they could also use volunteers at their stationary site at the First Presbyterian church in Newton, either to help serve food to those who come to eat there, or to sit and talk with seniors and handicapped individuals who live alone and would love to have someone to talk to during the meal. This is a way for those of us who may have mobility issues ourselves to contribute to this program. Please give this prayerful consideration and join the Meals on Wheels gang. Vestry News Bob McPherson, who has been serving on the vestry and as Junior Warden, recently resigned. Bob would like to pursue other volunteer opportunities and Christian outreach. Bob, we will miss you on vestry, but we wish you the best. Thank you for your years of service! Pastor Rosa + and Epiphany Vestry 3 Sunday Monday Tuesday June 2015 1 2 HC/A 11:00 am 8 CH/SS HE 3 Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Safe Harbor 11:30 am 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Safe Harbor 11:30 am Pastor Rosa on vacation Pastor Rosa on vacation Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7 Wednesday 9 10:00 am 11:30 am St. Barnabas, Apostle 14 CH/SS HE 15 10:00 am 11:30 am 21 CH/SS HE 16 HC/A Vestry Meeting 6:00 pm 22 17 Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm 11:00 am 23 10:00 am 11:30 am The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 28 CH/SS HE 29 10:00 am 11:30 am Pastor Rosa on vacation 30 St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles Pastor Rosa on vacation Key for Calendar: CH= Coffee Hour; HB = Handbells Rehearsal; SS = Sunday School HC/A = Home Communion at Abernethy Laurels; HE = Holy Eucharist Pastor Rosa Erickson ~ Office Hours at Epiphany ~ Tuesday 9:00 - 1:00 pm & Wednesday 2:00 pm - until DON’T FORGET!! SERVICE TIMES CHANGE BEGINNING ON JULY 5TH. HOLY EUCHARIST BEGINS AT 9:30 AM, FOLLOWED BY COFFEE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday July 2015 PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP!!! 5 HE CH/SS 12 HE CH/SS HE CH/SS 7 HC/A 11:00 am 13 14 9:30 am 10:45 am 19 HE CH/SS 21 HC/A 27 9:30 am 10:45 am 3 Saturday 4 Independence Day 8 9 10 11 Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Safe Harbor 11:30 am 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 11:00 am Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Safe Harbor 11:30 am Vestry Meeting 6:00 pm 26 2 Friday Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm 20 9:30 am 10:45 am 1 Thursday Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm 6 9:30 am 10:45 am Wednesday St. James the Apostle St. Mary Magdalene 28 29 30 31 Healing Service & Eucharist 6:00 pm Key for Calendar: CH= Coffee Hour; HB = Handbells Rehearsal; SS = Sunday School HC/A = Home Communion at Abernethy Laurels; HE = Holy Eucharist Pastor Rosa Erickson ~ Office Hours at Epiphany ~ Tuesday 9:00 - 1:00 pm & Wednesday 2:00 pm - until 5 PARISH MINISTRIES - JUNE 2015 SAVE THIS LIST! June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 The Third Sunday after Pentecost The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost LECTOR G. Jupin A. Campbell D. Turkovich D. Brandon CHALICE D. Brandon T. Lowery Z. Robertson W. Roper USHER/ GREETER J. Babilon D. Turkovich B/D Richards D/S Brandon B/J McPherson COFFEE B/J McPherson A/M Roper M/G Jupin E. Godinho P. Parsons FLOWERS OPEN W/Z Robertson OPEN OPEN ALTAR GUILD J. Collins E Godinho J. Harrington M. Roper J. Collins E Godinho J. Harrington M. Roper P. Dalton A. Lowery T. Lowery D. Turkovich P. Dalton A. Lowery T. Lowery D. Turkovich ACOLYTE/ CRUCIFER L. Roper W. Roper Z. Robertson C. Hartis VESTRY PERSON G. Jupin B. Richards Z. Robertson Z. Robertson DATE *** IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO SERVE AND ARE UNABLE TO BE HERE, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND A REPLACEMENT AND CALL THE VESTRY PERSON ON DUTY FOR THE WEEK. BIRTHDAYS 06/01 06/06 06/06 06/10 06/10 06/14 06/15 06/16 06/16 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/19 06/19 06/22 06/22 Phyllis Parsons Dorothy Swart Elizabeth Richards Norris (Mac) McRee Cynthia Bivens Kyle Bivens Megan Parsons Daughaday (Parsons’ daughter) Adam Cortney Adelyn Marie Bryant (Brandon’s granddaughter) Elaine Godinho Robert McPherson, III Kylie Paige Mergner (Weinrich’s granddaughter) Shawn Bryant Jonathan Bell Sabrina Robinson Becky Brandon Bryant 06/22 06/23 06/26 06/29 Robert (Bob) McPherson Thomas Carter Robinson (Robertson’s grandson) Roberta Hungerford Geoffrey Dorney MARRIAGES 06/05 06/09 06/25 06/25 06/26 06/27 06/28 06/28 06/29 06/29 6 Chad and Phyllis Parsons Andy and Cindy Sigmon John and Gerry Rouser David and Susan Brandon Tony and Elaine Godinho Trey and Sabrina Robinson Becky (Brandon)& Shawn Bryant Fletcher and Stephanie Ross Don and Amy Campbell Michael & Gloria Jupin PARISH MINISTRIES - JULY 2015 SAVE THIS LIST! DATE July12 July19 July26 August 2 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost LECTOR D. Richards Z. Robertson W. Roper A. Lowery CHALICE A. Campbell G. Jupin D. Brandon T. Lowery USHER/ GREETER A/M Roper B. Sigmon P. Winstead J. Babilon D. Turkovich E. Godinho P. Parsons COFFEE B/D Richards A. Campbell Z. Robertson B. Sigmon P. Winstead J. Babilon D. Turkovich FLOWERS OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN ALTAR GUILD S. Brandon G. Jupin W. Williams S. Brandon G. Jupin W. Williams F. MacDowell P. Parsons J. Trammell F. MacDowell P. Parsons J. Trammell ACOLYTE/ CRUCIFER J. Byrd L. Roper Z. Robertson W. Roper VESTRY PERSON D. Turkovich P. Winstead J. Babilon G. Jupin *** IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO SERVE AND ARE UNABLE TO BE HERE, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND A REPLACEMENT AND CALL THE VESTRY PERSON ON DUTY FOR THE WEEK. BIRTHDAYS 07/01 Edward Bornemann 07/01 Drew Cortney 07/03 Hansford Leake 07/05 Lowri Rose Johnson (Campbell’s granddaughter) 07/06 Nancy Shanks 07/07 Patrick Keisler 07/09 Nora Darby 07/09 Angela Trujillo 07/11 Mac Wheeler 07/12 Nannie Leake 07/12 Luther Barringer 07/13 Hayden Lexie Hartis 07/15 Gloria Jupin 07/22 Heather Hartis 07/23 Christopher Hartis 07/23 07/24 07/27 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/30 07/31 William Dean Ketelaar Jacob Rouser Sarah Elizabeth Campbell Cindy Reynolds Joy Cuomo Michael MacDowell Michael Jupin, Jr. Raeanne Kummer MARRIAGES 07/01 Bob & Janice McPherson 07/03 Norman & Gloria Batz 07/05 Reginald & Valerie Leath 07/09 Tom & Mother Beth Lilly 07/09 Billy and Dona Richards 07/22 Steven & Nicole Godinho 7 In our Prayers We pray for healing and strength: Mary Babik, Dolly Ben-Davies, Jane Biggerstaff, Kristen Black, The Rev. Gus Boone, Zelma Clemmons, Charlie & Pat Dalton, Linda Frady, Jessy Fupril, Bill Guy, Cindy Hagler, Chip Hardin, Tom & JoAnn Harrington, David Hawkins, Mike & Gloria Jupin, Fred & Connie Keisler, Mac McRee, Bill Nedrich, Stephen Ackley Ortiz, John & Diane Paton, Cindy Reynolds, Laurie Rinker, Walt Robertson, Michael Roper, Joseph Rumore, Lorraine Sawyer and Family, Nancy Shanks, John Sigmon, Cozette Sinclair, Frances Tate, Michael William, Wanda Williams. We pray for our military: General John Allen, Brelah Oxendine Braddy, David Brandon, Jr., John & Maura Clark, Matthew Colangelo, Stephanie Colangelo, Zachary Elledge, Steven Godinho, Aaron Helms, Jeffery Lynn, Corey Masters, Levi Moretz, Chris Stokes, Matthew Weinrich, Garth West. Law Enforcement: Mike Bailey, Daniel Love We pray for the United States of America: All who hold public office in our federal, state, and local governments, that they be open to God’s guidance and upheld by God’s grace in their important work. We pray for our clergy: Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Porter, our Bishop; Rosa, our Pastor, and all Priests and Deacons in our Diocese of Western North Carolina We pray for the Catawba Episcopal Outreach Committee and Safe Harbor Rescue Mission. We pray for all those who are searching for work. We pray for those who are homeless or living in poverty. We pray for The Corner Table and its mission to provide nutritious meals to people in need. We pray for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and for the St. Luke’s - Epiphany Partnership. 8 9
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