Christ the King Episcopal Church ath 1224 North Jefferson Street Huntington IN 46750 MAY, 2015 A few words from Fr. Ted: WHY A BISHOP? By now most of you know that Bishop Little has indicated his intent to retire as the Bishop of Northern Indiana in a little over a year. The last three months of this time will be a well-earned sabbatical, so effectively his ministry in the diocese will end March 31, 2016. He will have served here for over sixteen years and as Christ the King can well attest has been a “good and faithful servant” to Jesus, the diocese and its members. The Standing Committee is already making plans and organizing for the election for Bishop Little’s successor. It is a frightening and exciting time for the diocese. Change is always hard. Losing the leadership of a well-known and beloved shepherd raises concern for an uncertain future and how this change in leadership will affect us in our local congregation. Change also brings with it the exciting prospect of a new beginning and, perhaps, unforeseen possibilities. Such a time of transition may also call us to ask why having a bishop is so important for us. Certainly other denominations have found ways to organize themselves and provide leadership in other ways. The Presbyterians vest a great deal of authority in the Presbytery, group of ordained ministers and elders of the church. Baptists and many other protestant churches are more “congregational” in the sense that decisions are made by a vote of the local membership on all matters of importance to the life of the church. As Episcopalians and Anglicans, we have the historic episcopate. The very name of our national church comes from the Greek word “epískopos” meaning overseer. We are a church with bishops and they are important to us. Through our bishop the diocese is connected not just with the national church body but with each other, with the universal church throughout the world, and with the ancient and historical body of all those who follow Jesus. As the central person in the diocese, the one who has relationships with and responsibilities to each of the parishes, the bishop serves to remind us that we do not exist in isolation, but that we are inextricably tied to our brothers and sisters worshiping throughout Northern Indiana. Bishop Little has often expressed that the essential unit of the church is the diocese (of which the bishop is the head) which in Northern Indiana ministers through thirty-three “missionary outposts.” As such we are truly related to each other as parts of one body. 1 It is also through the bishop that we are connected to the national church, the Anglican Communion and the body of all believers throughout the world. He or she symbolically represents the familial relationship we have with all those who put their faith in Jesus. Through participation in the House of Bishops and in the every-ten-years Lambeth Conference our bishop meets with other bishops representing other dioceses from throughout the world, and their intercommunion is a sign of our intercommunion with other Anglicans. Although it is imperfect because of the many divisions among Christians, our bishop also serves as our link with other followers of Christ in other communions and denominations. And lastly for Episcopalians, the bishop is our link with the historical church throughout the centuries since Jesus’ earthly ministry. The ministry of bishops reminds us that because of Jesus’ resurrection we can be sure that the Church includes all who have ever put their faith in him. Unbroken “apostolic succession” connects us to the original Christian faith and assures fidelity to it. We are Episcopalians, people who have a bishop(s). We should give thanks for this gift as we take this year to give thank for the particular Episcopal ministry for The Rt. Reverend Edward S. Little, II. We should have faith that just as he has been an incredible gift to us, so will be his successor in an unbroken chain of pastoring, teaching, shepherding and leading. Fr. Ted+ THE BISHOP IS COMING! THE BISHOP IS COMING On a recent Sunday when I asked if there were any other announcements, Carmen quickly piped up, “The Bishop is coming! The Bishop is coming!” I immediately thought of a movie from the 1960’s starring Alan Arkin called “The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!” It involved a Russian submarine crew whose boat (that is the proper term for a submarine) became grounded off the East Coast because their captain had strayed too close out of curiosity. Not to compare Bishop Little to a marauding Soviet era seaman, but it strikes me that an important part of the bishop’s annual visit is because he is curious about us. He comes to minister to us in Word and Sacrament, but also to see how we are, how our parish is doing and how each of us is doing in our walk with Christ. He can only assess this if we are here for him to see and talk to. So, I am hoping that each of you will make a special effort to be present on May 24, 2014 when our bishop makes his last official pastoral visit to Christ the King. We can satisfy his curiosity about us; we can hear from him about other important happenings in the Episcopal Church and we can be sure he knows how much his ministry over the last decade and a half (plus) has meant to this parish. While we will not have a special luncheon (can you imagine how many of those Bishop Little has endured in Northern Indiana?) we will hope to have a nice coffee hour and good fellowship with our very special guest. Fr. Ted+ 2 SENIOR WARDEN THOUGHTS -April Showers bring May flowers, but as I sit here, it is spitting snow and the flowers are already out. I just love Indiana weather….well, maybe not. But it does remind me that May is coming and this year we have the privilege of welcoming our Bishop Edward Little to Christ the King on Memorial Day Week-end. We always look forward to our yearly visitation, but this year is extra special with his announcement he would be retiring in March of next year. What a blessing he has been to Christ the King! He has been a leader in very tough times, both for the Diocese and CTK. I have been here long enough to know five Bishops and we have only had seven! I have personally liked some more than others; they have all brought us to where we are, but I think we will all agree that Bishop Little will definitely be missed. Just one more change at Christ the King! No can say we can’t accept change, can they? Carmen Oswalt CHRIST THE KING VESTRY MINUTES February 12, 2015 Present: Linda Beatty, Dixie Harrold, Alex Klausing, John Jepsen, Meg Moss, Rev. Ted Neidlinger, Carmen Oswalt, Al Sims Absent: Mark Parker The meeting opened with prayer at 6:00 p.m. 1. Secretary’s Report: The January report had previously been emailed to all members, and then printed in The Courier. There were no corrections. John moved, Meg seconded and the minutes were approved. 2. Treasurer’s Report: Carmen reviewed the report for Mark, who was absent, with vestry members. Dixie moved and Al seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. 3. Father Ted a. Upcoming Events i. Ash Wednesday will be February 18th at 6;00pm ii. Fr. Ted plans to do Stations of the Cross on Thursdays @ 5:30 starting Thursday February 26, followed by a Soup Supper then Lenten studies during Lent. b. Vestry Approval of Annual Parochial Report – Approved by consent c. Selection of Diocesan Convention Delegates - Carmen and Meg volunteered, and Beth volunteered to be the alternate. Linda moved and John seconded to approve the aforementioned as delegates. d. Commission on Ministry Request - Father Ted Presented a Vestry Endorsement of Candidacy form for the vestry to sign regarding Jennifer Woodruff-Tait moving 3 4. 5. 6. 7. from postulant to candidate for ordination to the Priesthood in the Episcopal Church. All vestry members signed. Fr. Ted will send it to the Commission. Committee Reports a. Music (Sue, Meg, and Linda) – Meg has made some contacts in trying to find an organist for the church. She hopes to contact some organ teachers in Fort Wayne to see if they have an advanced student who might be interested. b. Communications (Dixie): Dixie placed information about our Ash Wednesday Service in the papers. c. Sunday School – No Report d. Need for other Committees/Outreach – Nancy Heasley volunteered to be on the committee with Beth and Dixie from the congregation. Fr. Ted to ask Mark also. Wardens’ Items a. Senior Warden - Carmen reported that Sue emailed the new couple , Chris and Jennifer Reeves, to welcome them, and they felt we had been very welcoming b. Junior Warden – Little Blessings reported they had a broken window probably from a BB. John is getting it fixed. Ron Green is unable to shovel the snow on the sidewalk anymore due to back pain. He will check with Aaron (Parking Lot snow removal guy) to see if he and his crew can do it. Old Business: a. The organ is now gone from the Parish Hall. Meg will be removing the Piano in the Spring. b. Children’s chairs and tables (from Little Blessings) have been delivered to the Boys and Girls Club. c. Paint behind the Altar – Alex will bring paint chips and a sketch of her ideas to the next Vestry Meeting. d. New Altar Linens – Sue completed the Altar linens and they have been blessed. e. Elevator Inspection status –Marie is using the elevator with a disabled child with a walker at times. Carmen to check with Marie to see if this is permanent. We may have to go ahead and get it inspected. New Business a. Olivia has moved to Tipton House, but still wants to come to church. It was suggested to add her to the Service Roster and have people sign up. She has not attended since her move due to illness, and she is supposed to call the Beattys when she wants to come. b. Lectionary/Repair of Altar Bible – Fr. Ted will look into a Lectionary Book. c. Pay Gail (cleaning lady) while off sick – Linda moved and Al seconded to continue to pay Gail while she’s off. The motion passed. d. Joint Meeting with Little Blessings – Meg reported that Little Blessings would like to meet annually in August. Ok’d by Vestry. e. Love INC Unity Fest – Carmen reported that Love INC is sponsoring a Lunch/Dinner at Heritage Hall on March 8th, from 11am – 2pm. This is their major fund raiser of the year. Closing Prayer and Adjournment at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Beatty, Vestry Clerk 4 RUMMAGE SALE IS COMING UP! Judy Frischman says it’s time to fill her barn at 3949 W 500 N. The Church Rummage Sale will take place on Thursday, June 4 from 4 to 7 pm Friday, June 5 from 8 to 5:00 pm Saturday, June 6 from 8 am to Noon Please bring all your treasures to the barn before these dates. No electronics, as they do not sell. Bill Oswalt is in charge of clean up, so he would greatly appreciate any help bagging and boxing the left-overs for the Salvation Army at noon on Saturday. Many thanks to everyone donating or helping. -- Judy BOOK CLUB Book Club will meet on Monday, May 18 to discuss The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope by Austen Ivereigh. describes the book as “A biography of Pope Francis that describes how this revolutionary thinker will use the power of his position to challenge and redirect one of the world's most formidable religions.” Join us at 7:00 p. m. at Nancy Heasley’s, 8587 Clear Creek Road 260-344-1620 for discussion and refreshments! LITTLE BLESSINGS NEWS We had an Easter Egg hunt for the children last month. The three's, four's, and five's went to see the movie Home. The Bookworm is here on Mondays, Kinder Dance on Wednesdays, and the Library comes here the second Thursday of the month for stories, songs, finger plays, etc. We had LoL Pictures come and take pictures of the children for the parents to purchase. One more reminder to please continue bringing in Labels for Education: UPC codes and beverage/sauce caps from the brands shown below. This is an ongoing campaign. Sincerely, Marie Kistler, Director 5 GALILEAN PICNIC Christ the King and Living Faith Lutheran Church in Wabash will join together at noon on Sunday, June 28th at Ron and Judy Frischman's for a pot-luck lunch followed by swimming, boating or just visiting with each other. Please feel free to bring family or friends. Drinks and table service will be provided, but please bring a dish or two to share. MAY BIRTHDAYS MAY ANNIVERSARIES 8 Ray & Kelly Beasey 16 Fred & Nancy Heasley 29 Mark & Diann Parker 4 Wendy Yaste 8 Rose Holtry 9 Dorothy Bodi 13 Edwin Woodruff Tait 14 Bob Roy 18 Paul Dolby 21 Ron Frischman 22 Susan Rice 26 Jennifer Hibbard 28 Phyllis Schultz Please send revisions to Thanks! Kroger Cards: A Totally New Approach Those of you who have faithfully refilled your Kroger gift cards are no doubt aware that Kroger/Owens is no longer using this method to help organizations. However, they are making a similar option available. You must go online to either or to to register. Fill in your email and preferred organization, which is Christ the King, and our number, which is 10428. You also need to specify which store you prefer. Once registered, each time you scan your Owen’s card when you shop the amount you spend will be added to our total. We used to get 3% of our total back; now we get a share of $500,000 a quarter that Kroger earmarks for charity. It’s still worth our time and trouble to help our Growing in Faith mortgage fund get whittled down, so please sign up! 6 CHRIST THE KING MAY, 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 3 9:00 a.m. 4 Holy Eucharist 5 6 1-3 p.m. First Mothers 7:30 p.m. AA Club 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon 7 10 9:00 a.m. 11 Holy Eucharist 12 13 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. AA Al-Anon 14 15 5:30 p.m. Vestry meeting 16 17 9:00 a.m. 18 Holy Eucharist 19 21 22 23 28 6:00 p.m. LB Board 29 30 20 7:30 p.m. AA 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon 24 9:00 a.m. 25 Holy Eucharist PENTECOST Bishop Little’s Visit 26 27 7:30 p.m. AA 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon 31 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist UPCOMING EVENTS June 4 – 6: rummage sale at frischmans’ June 11, 5:30: evening prayer; 5:45, vestry June 20, 9 a.m.: heritage days parade And lunch on the lawn June 25, 6 p.m.: little blessings board June 28, noon: galilean picnic at frischmans’ 7 SERVICE ROSTER 3-May 10-May MAY, 2015 17-May Mother's Day 1st Reader Linda Beatty 2nd Reader Gary Beatty 2 Chalice Server Intercessor Crucifer Paul Wilson Angel Schleiffer Meg Moss Nancy Heasley Carmen Oswalt Angel Schleiffer 31-May Pentecost Bishop Little Mark Parker Nancy Heasley Meg Moss Alex Klausing Alex Klausing Angel Schleiffer Mark Parker Frede Heasley Carmen Oswalt Jeff Roberts Sue Jepsen Paul Wilson Bill Oswalt Angel Schleiffer Meg Moss Nancy Heasley Alex Klausing Meg Moss Hibbards Parkers Fred Heasley Paul Wilson Paul Wilson Gary Beatty Angel Schleiffer 24-May Judy Frischman Carmen Oswalt Fred Heasley Paul Wilson Paul Wilson Jeff Roberts 2 Counters: Vestry member Al Sims Other Oblations Hibbards Sue Jepsen Sue Jepsen Bill Oswalt Greeters Altar Guild Linda Beatty Alex Klausing Sue Jepsen Coffee Hour Neidlinger Frischman Heasley Carmen Oswalt Carmen O & Diann Parker Transport Olivia Beatty Beatty Sims Klausing Transport Doris Heasley Klausing REMEMBER TO SIGN UP FOR NEXT MONTH IN THE PARISH HALL 8 Sims LAST, BUT NOT LEAST. . . As many of you know, Olivia Onulak is now safely ensconced at Tipton House, where she is enjoying herself immensely. Ann Sims sent me an email recently to say that the activities director at Tipton House asked if she knew anyone else that would be interested in volunteering (Ann volunteers there herself on a regular basis). If anyone is interested in doing so, they would be helping with the residents’ activities, such as playing games and crafts. They would need to contact Gina Krause at 356-2028. And along that same line, both Olivia and Doris Waters need transportation to church in order to attend. The same few people have been doing this for years. We have now added lines to the Service Roster for people to sign up to pick them up. Please consider taking a turn so they can worship with us. 9 Christ the King Episcopal Church 1224 North Jefferson Street Huntington IN 46750 MAY, 2015 VESTRY Dixie Harrold Alan Sims Meg Moss Alex Klausing Beth Ebersole SERVICES at CHRIST the KING Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:45 a.m. Christian Education Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer Linda Beatty PHONE NUMBERS WEB PAGE: Church: 260-356-3570 Sr. Warden: 260-356-2591 Little Blessings Childcare: EMAILS : PERSONNEL Priest in Charge: Fr. Theodore Neidlinger Bishop/Rector: The Rt. Rev. Edward Little Sr. Warden: Carmen Oswalt Treasurer: Newsletter: OFFICE HOURS: Fr. Ted, 5:30 – 7:30 Thursdays 260-359-1161 10 Jr. Warden: John Jepsen Treasurer: Mark Parker GIF Treasurer: Judy Frischman 11 12
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