INVESTIGATIONS INTO TOOL-WEAR MONITORING IN TURNING BY D. NAGESWARA RAO Department of Mechanical Engineering THESIS SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to The INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI INDIA JANUARY, 1991 to my lovely son CHERRY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled Investigations into Tool-wear Monitoring in Turning which is being submitted by Mr.D.Nageswara Rao to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, is a record of bonafide research work carried out by him. He has worked under our guidance and supervision and has fulfilled the requirements for the submission of this thesis, which has attained the standard required for a Ph.D. degree of this institute. The results presented in this thesis have not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma. LjL_Lz, (U.R.K.Rao) Professor Mechanical Egg. Deptt. liT, Delhi - 110 016. .N.Rao) Professor Mechanical Egg. Deptt. !IT, Delhi -110 016. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof.U.R.K.Rao and Prof.F.N.Rao for their guidance and encouragement throughout this work. 1 record my thanks to the authority of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, for having sponsored me under Q1P. I sincerely thank my colleagues for sharing my work in the department during this period. I also gratefully thank my senior colleague, Prof.D.Ganapathi Rao for his concern about my work / acknowledge the help rendered to me at different stages of the experimental work by Sri K.N.Madhu of Vibration Lab, Sri N.C.Sharma and Sri Jaya Parkash of Machine Tool Lab, Sri Ramchander and Sri Srichand Sharma of NC Lab, Sri M.M.Verma, Sri Ramlal, Sri Azad Pal, Sri Shivaram and Sri Har Dutta of Prod. Engg. Lab, Sri Kalia of Machine Shop, Sri Shiv Kumar of Welding Lab, Sri Nagar and Sri Kirpal Singh of Metrology Lab, Sri Krishna Kumar of Cybernetics Lab and many others. I am much indebted to Mr.A.Rajendran, SSO, NC Lab, for his spontaneous help at all times. I owe special thanks to coresearchers Mr.A.Mandal and Mr.J.K.Dutta who could spare time for discussions. I extend my thanks to Mr.A. Balachandran for typing this thesis and to Mr.N.D.R.Sharma for taking the photographs presented in this thesis. Finally, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the help and encouragement received from many friends and well wishers which went a long way towards providing a favourable atmosphere for work. aNagesvvara Rao ABSTRACT The work in this thesis is concerned with investigations into the methods of online tool wear monitoring. The existing methods of tool wear monitoring are reviewed. The review brings out that in-process tool-wear monitoring is attracting wide interest as The present day manufacturing systems are tending towards greater automation. Experiments are conducted to generate the data on cutting tool vibrations, cutting forces, surface roughness, workplace dimensional changes and the types of chip form. The relationships of the above parameters with the tool wear are examined. The feasibility of using these relationships for on-line tool-wear monitoring is discussed and methodologies are proposed. A mathematical model is formulated for predicting instantaneous tool wear from the on-line cutting force data. The equation considers the effects of tool vibrations, MTN compliances and workpiece dimensional changes. The predicted force values using the model are compared with the measured values while conducting experiments on two lathes under different cutting conditions,. The results reveal that it is feasible to use the proposed model for on-line monitoring of tool wear. A methodology is presented to use the model for instantaneous tool wear prediction. The information from a single sensor may not help in predicting the tool wear reliably. With this in view a multi-sensor approach is proposed. A methodology for the intelligent assessment of the tool wear is presented involving the use of cutting forces, tool vibrations, workpiece dimensional changes, surface roughness and chip formation as tool wear indices in addition to the analytical predictions through the model developed in this thesis. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Page No. ABSTRACT LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES NOMENCLATURE xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1WEAR MONITORING AND ITS IMPORTANCE 1 1.2 DIFFERENT METHODS SO FAR PROPOSED 3 1.3 PRESENT WORK 4 1.4 THESIS LAYOUT 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 INTRODUCTION 7 2.2 DIRECT METHODS 7 2.2.1 Optical Techniques 8 2.2.2Electrical Resistance Technique 9 2.2.3Radioactive Technique 10 2.2.4Proximity Sensors 12 2.2.5Touch Trigger Probes 13 2.3 INDIRECT METHODS 15 2.3.1Cutting Temperature 15 2.3.2Cutting Forces and Torques 17 2.3.3Acoustic Emission 22 2.3.4Vibrations 29 2.3.5Surface Roughness of the Machined Component 34 2.4 MACHINE TOOL CHATTER 35 38 2.5SUMMARY CHAPTER III EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND PROCEDURE 39 3.1EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 39 3.1.1Machine Tools 39 3.1.2Cutting Tool and Too!holder 42 Tool'holder 3.1.3Vibration-Measurement Instrumentation and Cable Amplifier Tape Recorder Analyser Memory System 3.1.4Instrumentation for Measuring Cutting Forces Amplifier Thermal Writing Oscillograph 3.1.5Instrumentation for Measuring Workpiece Diametral Charges Probe Gauge Recorder 3.1.6Surface Roughness Measurement 44 44 45 45 45 45 47 47 48 48 50 50 50 52 52 53 53 53 3.2THE EXPERIMENT 3.2.1Introduction 53 3.2.2Vibration Measurement 54 3.2.3Cutting Force Measurement 55 3.2.4Measurement of Changes in Workpiece Dimensions 56 3.2.5Surface Roughness Measurement 56 3.2.6Chip Collection 57 iii 57 3.3SUMMARY CHAPTER IV MATHEMATICAL MODEL FORMULATION CHAPTER V 58 4.1 FORCE PREDICTION EQUATION 58 4.2 TOOL VIBRATION 62 4.2.1Vibration Equation 62 4.2.2Evaluation of Constants 64 4.3 CUTTING EDGE DEVIATION FROM WORKPIECE DUE TO TOOL WEAR 67 4.4 MTW COMPLIANCE EQUATION 69 4.5 SYSTEM CONSTANT 72 4.6 FINAL EQUATION 74 4.7 REAL TIME APPLICATION OF THE EQUATION 77 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 5.2 5.3 81 81 TOOL WEAR 5.1.1Tool Wear Pattern 81 5.1.2Tool Wear Progress With Machining Time 83 83 TOOL VIBRATIONS 5.2.1Tool Vibration Spectra in the Frequency Range of 0-5 kHz 83 5.2.2Vibration in Spectra in the Frequency Range of 0-500 Hz 85 5.2.3Amplitudes in Narrow Frequency Bands 90 5.2.4Comparison between Two Sets of Spectra 94 5.2.5Summary on Tool Vibrations 94 CUTTING FORCE ANALYSIS 5.3.1Variation of Measured Cutting Force Components with the Progress of Tool Wear iv 94 97 5.3.2Comparison of Calculated and Measured97 Radial Cutting Forces to Validate the Proposed Mathematical Model. 1 mm depth of cut 0.3 mm depth of cut 2 mm depth of cut 5.3.3Cutting Force Summary 101 101 105 105 5.4 SURFACE ROUGHNESS 107 5.5CHIP FORMATION 111 5.6 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 113 5.6.1Proposed Methodology for Using Vibration Amplitudes to Predict Tool Wear On-line 113 5.6.2Tool Wear Data from Cutting Forces, 115 Tool Vibrations and the Workpiece Dimensional Changes 5.6.3Inclusion of Surface Roughness and 117 Chip Formation Data. 5.6.4Processing of Data, Acquired Simultaneously from All Sensors and Decision Making CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS 117 119 6.1 THE PRESENT WORK 119 6.2 SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK 120 REFERENCES 122 APPENDIX I SPECIFICATIONS OF THE INSTRUMENTS USED 128 APPENDIX II VIBRATION FREQUENCY OF THE TOOLHOLDER 134 APPENDIX III MANN-WHITNEY STATISTICAL TEST 135 CURRICULUM VITAE
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