UBHA10K DAILY TBlBimi TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1913. 44] So Near To And Yet So Far From A $100,000 CfAfiD THE CUB 3vWr REPORTER HMt. rfr$ A 3C OOP- THATJ A CrOOD (DEA OF THE BOSSES -THERtS A BANK. TO moNftV T2» mn A HEwrpftpe*. OF OUR, own -Moo OO R09 * AND "THEM S u p p o ^ i t V Hcp£,- r ise-rrCRj rior-iM apkaio "tvie p ^ e s m e n T window om aulby OVER. YHEKtTHAT LOOKS UK& A OHCH FOR. ME- <**> w*tx 80V IHe MKR; TURN *f*3U«D AND M o q r - OP the. bahk. might (Hanr t o 8 R 6 A K iNTto "JH& RAPED. AS soo* £5 WCN/e. B0O6MT BUT CWTSvmttNV rr «1ND 8AN«9AC«VeF0f e / C N MlJSTWt COIN I Test "the Want Ad Way" of Finding the Finder Of Your Lost Article 7.00 Special School District of Bismarck, to Load of good cow hay Also best grade of oats and spelts. county of Burleigh, state of North Dako;a, for the purpose of electing A. C. Hinckley & Co. the following: MISCELLANEOUS Members of the Board of Educa MEATS AT WHOLESALE tion: two members to serve for U ESTRAYED—Two yearling mare Heel, pork luril, sausage, l.ow term of three years, for the city of colts; one black anil one sorrel; liismarck, N. D. from my place, some t i m e in April. Prices. GEO. (1USSNI0R. Phone tio. The poll4 will be opened at o'clock Finder please notify Win. Ilreen, a. in., and closed at t o'clock p. m. Bismarck, X. L). of that day. PIANO TUNING WANTED—Two fu r111s h eel rooms Resident" t liner, Dated at Bismarck, X. !>., this I'.'lh suitable for light housekeeping. PlANO f UNI Nig: day of May A. D. 1!H3. Rooms to he occupied by lady and ('all Peck's Music House or phouu Ily order of the Board of Education. r»32y. A. S. Hoffman. maid. Address Xo. 41, Tribune. RICHARD P EX WAR DEN, W o make loaiis on T'".;'r:iv(:•, Nortfi Clerk. Dakota Farms. Capital $31111,00(1. Cor PAINTING- PAPER HANGING Per Word PROPOSALS FOH BIDS. respondence invited. Farm Security each aubaeZOTYEARS - EXPE Rl ENCE'-in'"paint ins Xotice is hereby given that, the un Company, Northwestern Itank Build paper liangiiiK. gri:iiiin"g, floor I'iuisii- dersigned Adolph Schlcnlccr, County quent inser ing, Minneapolis,. Minn. Janes A. ing and polishing, calsominiug. Al Audilor of Sheridan County, N. D.. tion Johnson, I'res. so piano and organ retinishing. First will receive bids for I hi' following iAVh HALF The cosi or want ails i>y class work, excellent references. roads in the county aforesaid until 2 paying in idvance. When billed and Julius Nelson, 0th St., Phone 5S. ^ o'clock p. in. June 3rd, I'll!!, bids might collected the rate Is double. * <T"c. c* • "VjT • « " V • j be open or scaled: LOTS—$300 for fin ft.; east, front; SIGNS « | 1st. Grade on public road Ictween water and sewer. 2'/j blocks from Paper Hanging, Painting •>] Sections P.i-20 and 2!i-!!0 Twp. Mil, BUSINESS CHANCES high school, llarvey Harris & Co., <• GEO. La LONE Range 7f> about 70<i ft. in ienglit and rOH v»ALt—Drug stock and itxtures J. P. Jackson, manager•> PHONE 541 average li 11 about 2 ft. width of top in X. I)., for $2,000 cash. Doing FOR SALE—if you have not been in about I t ft. $10,01)0 business a year. Only store •> Five Blocks From High Prices. lUverview Addition this spring you For further information apply to •> •> •> •> •> «;» • in town of 000. Good prescription ought to take a walk over there and John T. Skogmo. Skogmo, N. I). rade. Address tn, care Tribune. see the improvements being male. 2nd. Grade on public road between PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS That is last becoming the nicest ^6R SALE- Or will trade for real sections 30-31 Twp. 147, Itange 7", a estate; 21 room hotel in Mismrack; part of town. Our prices and terms Headquarters for wall paper, house clears $2500 yearly. , A snap for tin; furnishings^ hardware and stoves, certain slough which is located on the are right. F. IS. Young. Agent'. south side of the SE'/i of SK'/i of the right people. R. I). Cooncn, I ribune both new and second-hand. E. L. aforesaid sec. 30. RIVERVIEW AODITION LOTS aro Block. FAUNCE, 4th St. Phone, 5!». at) iht cent cheaper tlvan any other The bidder to furnish bond of about. lots 1 in Bi&m'arck. Your are protect 10 per cent of the bid to (lie county. ed in every way. F. E. Young MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Board reserves the riglil to accept PRINTING SACRIFICE SAtE OF CITY LOTS WANTED — Wreaking and plowing or reject any or all bids. Let us supply your perfect printing, I am offering for sale at sacrifice - with 35 horse power engine. Guar By order, of . lit**- Honorable--Hoard of r dt iiverco "on lime". Forty years ex prices twenty-five (25) residence lots anteed good work and price light. perience . No jolt loo big, or small, ('oiinl.v Commissioners. located on upper Seventh, Eighth, ADOLPH SCHLIONKER, Address Oil is Shirlie, llurdstield, N. (•lily highest grade work. Tribune Ninth and Tenth stteets, south of the County Auditor of Sheridan County, Dak. Co., Bismarck, No. Dak. capilol and in the prettiest residence McClusky, N. 1). portion of the city. All of these lots May 7th, Mil3. ACCOUNTANT are within three blocks of both high —13, 20, 27; PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER schools and some of them are ripht •*« «g» »Jr «£• ty • »Ji For careful, accurate stenographic across the street from the new hi^U •> PROPOSALS FOR BIDS. F. E. 1,11 EH E work of all'kltids, call Miss Erickson, school building, sewer and watt^r. •> Notice is Hereby Given that the Un Expert Accountant phone 2r>8'at McKen/.ie hotel. Address or call on I). J. McGillis, Bis •> lTismarck, designed, Adolph Sihleiiker, County No. Dakota. Auditor of Sheridan County, N. D, marck^ N. D. .*. .*. .*• .*• . * « will receive bids for a small car load FARM "LAfoO-$ll.r>0 an acre, choice SEWING of culverts of various sizes; bids will 1 CO acres; level; 145 acres plowWANTED —Sewing a I 32!i Second SI. be received up to 2 o'clock P. !U., ABSTRACTING land near Baldwin. Forced sale. .)i: 11 ,• 3rd, I'.i |3, bids mi^hl be opi'ii or Harvey Harris Co., J. P. Jackson, (THE BURLEIGH T COUNTY O W f t ' Ali's< aled. , manager. jSTRACT CO- Legal Abstractors for SHOE REPAIRING The board reserves the right to ac FOR SAL£ —I still have some of most; Burleigh county. Under bond of $10,FOR SHOE REPAIRING cept op reject any or all bids. 50-foot, lots left for $20.00 cash and 000. City National Hank Bldg. W. V. By order of the llonoralile Hoard of $10.00 per mou::i, ".nit they are go KlElj'KRT. General Insurance. City go to L. E. Larson, at Ryan's shoe store. All work neatly done County Commissioners. ing fast. You hud heller ask about, National Bank Bldg. the.ii before they are all gone. I''. l/iders to furnish sufficient bond, E. Young. ADOLPII SCIILKNK Elf, SHEET METAL WORK County Auditor of Sheridan County, AUTOMOBILES LOTS FOR SALE—Choice lots for $r»ft Largest best equipped. Furnace work, McClusky, X. D. each, Harvey Harris & Co., J. I'We have the lull Sludebaker line, cornice <uul house gutters, anything May 7lb, MM3. Jackson, manager. also Fords. Autos and supplies. See down to soldering a hole in tli(! wash 15:--13, 20, 27:<i-:i.) To have il done right call us. Bismarck Implement Co. Bertsch pan. BISMARCK 1IIW. CO. Phone S2. _ tVros. 714 Thayer St. Phone 13v. REAL ESTATE r driving delivery wagons; used horses. Apply iio Tribune. Tribune Want Ads O n e Strictly Cash With Order H a l f Cent Cent Do not be dissatisfied if your ad .Per word first Insertion Minimum Charge 25c is not inserted; if you fail to send money with order. BY CORRESPONDENCE HELP WANTED—MALE ALL BLIND ADS WANTED~ Waiter at Star UeKtuuusing a number, box, or initial for ad rant. dress. Do not ask this office who the helper on advertiser is. We won't tell you. Dont WANTED—'Experienced cement work. One who can set waste time, but write to the address sidewalk forms, «?c. Good wages. printed lu the ad. J. C. Young. WANTED—Oilice help and salesmen, AUTOMOBILES for permanent position with home institution. Must be honest, capa FOR SALE—five passenger Case ble and willing to work. Salary ac touring car, repainted and in good cording to value—you '.nuke your condition, looks like new. Only own salary by producing results. $750. Als 1912 Ford 5-passenger, Apply with references, No. 44, this overhauled and first class at #400. office. Four other used cars at bargains. WANTED—1000 drinking men to take Bismarck Implement Co. Hbllluui'a Aiitil'-Kurs, a treatment FOR SALE—Four passenger high for the liquor habit Money refund wheel automobile. In perfect con ed if not satisfied. Price $2;>.00. dition. Has not run 100 miles. A Correspondence confidential. Ad good farmers car or for delivery dress American Medical Co., Bis purposes. Will sell cheap. Bismarck, N. D. inarck Hardware Co'. FIRST^C LASS PRINTER WANTED at onceMiddle-aged married man preferred. Good wages and AGENTS permanent employment assured good all around man, who must be WANTED —CoMege and High school a good compositor and job printer. students wlu> wish money, recrea Present employe leaves June 1st, tion and to learn salesmanship dur after over six years service with ing vacation. State wide tour on out 'omplaint. State experience •horseback wi'th Bismarck' J'ribune and salary desired and furnish Overlaiwlers. Will give all an op reference with tlrst letter. The portunity to see yomr own »tate fust. Homestead, Napoleon, N. I). Address or call upon J- K. Doran, WANTED—300 men, to visit Dorke's Tribune Office. barber shop at once. City National WANTED—Salesmen for biggest side Bank Building. Phone, 3(5. line seller to e^ery wholesale and re men, tail grocery, drug, hardware, used iin SALESMEN WANTED-Two good for $150.00 per month, plus every home. Also want distribut expenses. Old Reliable Factory; ors or State Agents. KETCH'EM operating northern states in sum FLY TAP 10, 21 I-:. Van Huren St., mer, southern states in winter In Chicago. your section now. Give age and experience. Willing workers make FOB SALE—FURNITURE good. Address 47, Daily Tribune. RTR SALE—Tt you want, a nice, smuiM fai.-n.ily refrigerator; holds HOUSES FOR RENT about 100 lbs. of ice, 2 shelves and white enameled inside; 'apply to A- FOR RENT—House of 4 rooms; locat ed down town. Geo. Register. J. OstraiHler, Fit. Lincoln. FOR SALE—First class kitchen range FOR RENT—Modern furnished house well located, far three months. with reservoir, $25. Bird's eye ma Phone 538L. ple dresser and brass bed, cheap. Also other household goods. Call FOR - RENT—A four room house by 200 Third street. June 1st: city water, electric light, FOR SALE—Large bevel glass dressetc. Apply 1202 Broadway. er, leather lourge, large leather FOR RENT—A five-room modern, furrocker, kitchen table. 214 4th St. nished flat, for the summer. Apply, til 5 Sixth St., or phone 414K. FOR SALE—Good sewing machine Inquire Hairdressing Parlors. Room FOR RENT—.Modern 8 room house, 5, Hughes Block. centrally located. Phone Geo. W. Little, 132X. NOTICE—Don't be a CKANK for any washing machine. Call on f-OR RENT—9 room residence. ModFRENCH & WELCH and buy a ern. Ave B and nth S t . A. C. MAYTAG with a Swinging Wringer. Hinckley. FOR SALE—Latest model refrigerator FOR RENT—A modern house. Phone 10x12 ft with side door, big mirror 528. D. J. McG'Jlis. and two windows in front; suitable FOR RENT—Swell modern house, for butcher shop r r hotel, first class furnished; 809 Fifth St. Phone 242L. condition. Also big buffalo chopper FOR RENT—Four room modern flat and rocker very cheap. Geo. Gusswith heat and bath. Inquire Grambs ner, Bismarck. N. D. & Peet. ANSWER HELP WANTED—FEMALE LIVE STOCK WANTED—A girl for general house work. Mrs. Angus McDonald,. 402 FOR SALE—A heavy draft mare. One farm wagon. O. W. Roberts. Eighth St WANTED—Girl for kitchen work a* FOR SALE—1 have for saile, a t all times, registered Percheron horses, once. franklin House. registered Hereiord hulls. AiddresB, HOUSEKEXP~ER~WANTED—On farm 1 L . Scroggin, Braddock, N. Dak. 6 miles from town. Good home and FOR SALE—Horse, age 4 years, good wages to right party. No chil-. weight 1200 lbs,; also two horses dren in home. On telephone line and near good school. Address Cox. 4 and 5 years old, double set of har ness and Concord runabout. Call 1 F. Garrison, N. Dakota. 423 Third St. FOR SALE—Farge bevel glass dress, er, leather lounge, large leather rocker, kitchen lab>e. 215 4th St. HOUSES FOR SALE WANTED—Girl for general house FOR SALE—4 iroom hoitse; close in; work, good wages paid. Phone 243, 900.00; $400.00 cash, balance or call 423 Third St. rronthly payments. F. E. Young. WANTED=Gid for general houseMrs. V. J. LaRose, 520 Ave. work. B. LOTS FOR SALE WANTED—Waitresses, Leland Ho- FOR SALE—Bargains in choice buildtng lots. Very easy terms. Lots tel, Minot, W. D. all parts of the city; many of them WANTED—A girl for general house on monthly payments. R. D. Coon- work. Family of two. Phone 142. 9 en, Tribune Blk. fchone, 172. SUMMONS. FOR SALE—040 acres unimproved AMUSEMENTS land M> mile from Lark, X. D., being sec. 33, T. 135, R. 85, in Morton Co. The peoples' popular playhouse for A spring of good water. Quarters a happy evciing, 15c. BISMARCK sold separately. Price $34.00 per THEATRR acre. Easy terms. For full partic ulars address, L. A. Westman, Web AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ster, S. D. Heme of Paige and Cadillac. Auto Repairing And accessories. If in MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE trouble Phone S35 11 KNZLER'S SONG HITS BY MAIL State of North Dakota, County of Bur leigh, ss. "Sing Me The Rosary". "Trail of the Lonesome Pine." 17c each prepaid. lu District Court, Sixth .Indicia! Dis trict. Pecks Music Bouse, Ellen Agnew, Melvin F. Agnew, Law rence; J. Agnew and Marcus D. Ag new, Plaintiffs, vs. I). M. Davis, Sa UP-TO-DATE BEAUTY SHOP rah E. Davis, .1. S. Knuuss and all flaii-dressing, Manicuring, Facial other persons unknown claiming and Scalp Treatments by latest meth any interest in or lien or incum ods. Large stock of toilet special brance upon the property describ ties. Complete line of Hair Goods and ed in the complaint, Defendants. FOR SALE—Platform spring wagon; Expert Hair Work in till its branches. two seats, witih ipole or thills. See Phbne 309. COZAI) & SHERIDAN, The State of North Dakota to the CARD ENGRAVING Above Named Defendants: Faiunce, Fourth St. HUGHES BLDG. Calling and business cards,- social You are hereby summoned to an FOR SALE—$25.00 guUar ror $10.00; invitations, color work and high class swer the complaint of the plaintiffs learn detail at Tribune ad office. printing or engraving of all kinds. UNDERTAKING herein, a copy of which Is hereunto FOR SALE—25 barrel tank, as good Finest work. Itest prices. Bismarck UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING attached and herewith served upon as new. A. C. Hinckley. Tribune Co. Phone 32. Broadway at Licensed Embalnier in charge. Day you and the original of -which is on FOR SALE—Adam Sciiaf r'lano, al- Fourth St. Phone 50; Night Phone 1(55 X file in the office of the Clerk of the , most new. Bargain for quick sale. WEBB BROS. District Court in and for B'urleigh Phone 113County, North Dakota, and to aerve FOR SALE CHEAP—One eight loot ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS a copy of your answer upon the sub WELDING AND FOUNDRY Sampson windmill, complete with WALPER & WOODRUFF, contract scriber at his office in Olsinarck, in ing and supplies. Ill Third St. Phone forty foot, four post steel tower. Bis Oxy-acetylene welding of all metals. said county and state within thirty 225. marck Hardware Co. All kinds of gray iron and brass cast days after the service of this sum ings and machine work. Automobile mons upon you, exclusive of the day parts a specialty. We buy scrap iron. of such service, and in case of your FARM LANDS ROOMS FOR RENT Telephone 83, !)2l Front Street. failure to appear and answer judg WHY—Is everyone wanting correct Foundry & Welding Co. ment will be taken against you by FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnish information about Burleigh County default for the relief demanded in ed rooms suitable for light house lands directed to the LEGAL NOTICES the complaint. keeping; 13 west Rosser St. FOX LAND COMPANY? Dated at Bismarck this 12th day POR —Clean, warm rooms •> •> •> •> «> •> •> • • • •> TREASURY DEPARTMENT of April,, 1913. with board, at Dunraven Place. 212 <• FOR TRADE—14 loom mod- • Office of Supervising Architect, F. E. McCURDY. Third St. «£• ern residence on Third street • Washington, D. C„ May 12, 1913, Plaintiffs' Attorney. FOR RENT—Front bedroom, nicely • will trade fo r farm property. • Sealed proposals will be received Residence and Postoffice address, Bis furnished; all modern; opens on • R. D. COONSN, Tribune Blk. • at this office until s o'clock p. m. on marck, North Dakota. balcony. 807 Fourth St. Phone, 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 * » ft » » * « m the 9th day of June, 191S, and then To the Above Named Defendants: 404R. $1850 BUYS 160 ACRfS choice farm opened fo. the installation complex You will please take notice that the FOR RENT—Two strictly modern land with running water. Forced I of an electric passenger elevator in above entitled action is brought for flats. Inquire, Union Mercantile Co. sale. Harvey Harris & Co., J. P- the Unit d States post office and the purpose of quieting title to the FOR RENT—Nice cozy rooms; all court house at Bismarck, N. D., in ac Southwest Quarter of Section ten Jackson, Manager. modern. Phone 17 or 481K. cordance with the drawing and spe (10) in Township One Hundred Thircification, copies of which may be -ty-nine (139) North of Range Seven FOR RENT—Large Tront room, for GENERAL REPAIRING. had at this office at the discretion of ty-eight (78) West of the 5th P. VI., in , gentleman. 402, 8th St. Bicycles, Guns, Motors; all kinds, Burleigh County, North Dakota, and FOR RENT—Modern furnished room of mechanical repairing. New and the supervising architectO. WENDEROTH, no personal judgment, is claimed at 422 1th St. used bicycles and guns for sale or Supervising Architect. against the defendants or any of FOR RENT—Furnished room, sulfa- rent. OTTO DIRLAM, 110 Main St. them. ble for married couple, or one or Phone, 251. F. E. McCURDY. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION two ladies. 210 Ninth St. Plaintiffs' Attorney. (Special District—Annual Election) (4: 15, 22, 29; 5—6, 13, 20, 27) HAY, FEED AND GRAIN Notice is hereby given that on the SITUATIONS WANTED Bailed hay Per ton Del. .$10 .00 first Tuesday in June, being June 3, j NOTICE OF CONTEST. -•> 1 k r r. i . i •, ,. v _. Bailed hay Per Bale Del (55 A. D., 1913, an annual election will : Serial No. 011377. Contest No. 882. 6 .W ibe held at the court bouse in the POSITION WANTED by young man Loom h »y Per ton Del Department of the Interior, United States Laud Office, Bismarck, N. D., April 30, 1913. To George McClure, the sole heir of Joseph L. McClure, deceased, Con test eu: Yon are hereby notified that John Engdahl, who gives liismarck, X. D., as his postoffice address, did on April 2nd, 1913, tile iu thin office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead , Entrj No. 4001k, Serial .No. ill 1377, made .March 10, 1908, for the East half of the Southeast Quar ter of Section 30, Township 141 north, Itange 7S west, 5th Principal Meridi an, and as grounds for his coniest he alleges that Joseph L. McClure, who made said homestead entry, died anout the fall of 190!), that said Jo seph I,. McClui'o was an un married man at the time of his death; that George McClure, his lather, was iiis sole heir; that said George McClure, said heir, or anyone else has not. resided on said land since the death of 3aid Jo seph L. McClure, about the full of 1909; that there is no dwelling house ou said land; that, suld George McClure, said heir, or anyone else, has not cultivated or improved said laud for more than two years lust past and iliat said defaults coutinue to this date. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be tak en by this office as having been con fessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled therejmdcr without^ \Tiiir further FlglirloTie^iearU^e'ri?"" In, either before this oilice or on ap peal, If you fail to tile iu this oilice within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of conlesi, or if you fall within that time In tile in Ibis oilice (Ino proof that ' you have served a copy of your an swer on the said contestant either iu person or by registered tnall. If this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contest ant in person, proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of his re ceiplof the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made, staling when and where the copy was delivered; If made by reg istered mail, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the postoffice to which it was mailed, and this affida vit must be accompanied by the post master's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the postoffice lo winch you desire future notices to be sent, to you. It. N. STEVENS, Register. Dale of lirst publication, May fith, 1913. Dale of secondpiibllcation May 13th, 1913. Dale of third .publication May 20th, 1913. Date of fourth publication May 27, 1913. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE Htate of North Dakota, Countv of BurleiKh, in County Court, before Hon. \V. P. CoMello, Judge. In the Matter of tlic ICstutc of Annie Marshall, deceased. .I. Leonard Bell, executor, vs. Alex ander K. McDonald, Isabelle .1. McLeod, Ceorge Marshall, Mrs. Helen Uailev. Mrs. Belle Snyder, Margeret U. McDon ald. Mrs. .vinte jraser, Dan Marshall, Mrs. Hannah Thompson, Annie McDon ald. Angus McDonuld, Annie M. Mar shall Whitmore, Bessie Marshall, Bessie May Thompson, Helen Fruser, Mary Krnser Cochran, Arthur Thompson, Cassie McDonald, Ethel McDonald, Nellie Snyd er, Lucy Snyder, May McDonald, Flora McDonald, and St. Mary's Catholic Church of Bismarck, North Dakota, and all other persons interested, respondents. The State of North Dakota to the Above Named Uespondents and all Persons Interested iu the Estate of Annie Mar shall, deceased: You are hereby notified that the pe tition of J. Leonard Eell, executor of the will of Annie Marshall, late of the City of Bismarck, in the Countv of Bur leigh and State or North Dakota, de ceased, has been filed in this Court, therein petitioning that he be author ized, empowered and directed to sell real estate belonging to said decedent'R estate, described as follows," to-witLots seventeen (17) and eighteen (18). block one hundred four O0-.), Original Plat, City of B.sniarck. That said petition will be heard bv this court on Wednesday, tlie 18th day of June, 1913, at 13 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court. In the court house, in the City of Bismarck, County of Burleigh and State of North Dakota. And you and each of you are herebv cited and required then and there to be and appea: before this court and show cause. If any you have, why this petition should not be granted. Dated this 5th day of May, 1913. ! By the Court. (Seal) W. P, COSTEUAV Judge o£ the County-Court. (5:6,13, 20, 27) * >
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