SYSTEMS, 1,996,VOL. 10, NO. 5, 605-621 rNT. J. cEocRApHrcAL TNFORMATTON ResearchArticle The geographyof parameterspace:an investigationof spatial non-stationarity MARTIN CHARLTON A. STEWART FOTHERINGHAM, NE.RRl/Department of Geography,University of Newcastleupon Tyne, Newcastleupon Tyne, NE17RU, England,U.K. and CHRIS BRUNSDON NE.RRl/Department of Town and Country Planning,University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastleupon Tyne, NE17RU, England,U.K. (Receiued 27 September1994;Accepted3 March 1995) 1. Introduction In line with the current information revolution, geographersincreasinglymake a distinction between the analysisof spatial data and spatial data analysis.While both types of analysisinvestigate data having geographicalco-ordinates,the former effectivelyignores the geographicalcomponent and treats the data as if they were aspatial(inter alia,Flowerdew and Green 1,994),whereasthe latter makes use of the geographicalcomponent to explore explicitly spatial aspectsof the data (inter alia, Anselin 1988,Besag 1986). It is this latter characteristicwhich makes spatial data anaiysis such a rich field for exploratory investigation. To clarify the distinction, supposeone is interestedin the relation betweenan attribute Y and a set of attributes Xr, Xr... XN where the data all have spatial co-ordinates.A frequently used procedure to examine relations in such a situation is to regressY on the set of X variablesusing the full data set. That is, observationsfrom all the spatial units are used to produce a 'global' set of parameter estimatesthat relate the variable Y to each of the X's. In following such a procedure,a greatdeal of spatial information is lost in that the reiations being examined may in fact exhibit significant spatial variation which is not uncoveredin the estimationof the global parameterestimates. This variation is referredto as spatial non-stationarity. In this paper, we propose an exploratory method of spatial data analysiswhich allows spatial variations in relations to be examinedvisuaily. It is useful to note at this stagethat exploratory analysisis of two types:pre-confirmatory,which focusses on data accrtacy, and post-confirmatory which focusses on model accvtacy. However,neithertype of exploratory analysisis exclusivelydala or model-orientated. Pre-confirmatoryexploratory anaiysiscan be usedto suggestrelations to be included within a modeliing framework and post-confirmatory analysis can be useful in highlighting unusualaspectsof data. The exploratory analysisdescribedhereis postconfirmatory and we are concernedwith examining differencesbetween a 'global' calibration of a model and many different 'local' calibrations. In particular, we are interested in exploring spatial variations in model calibration results. We would arguethat this method has the following advantagesover more conventionalanalysis: 0269-3798196 $12'00O 1996Taylor& FrancisLtd A. Stewart FotheringhameL al. 606 1. It allows greater insights into the nature and accuracy of the data being examined; 2. It provides a more detailed understandingof the nature of relations and their variation over space, 3. It demonstratesthe possible naivet6 of conventional approaches to data analysisthat often ignore spatial non-stationarity;and 4. It allows a more detailed comparison of the relative performancesof different types of analysisor different models. 2. Visualisationof spatial non-stationarity Consider a region divided into R rows and C columnsin which a typical analysis is undertaken so that R by C observations are used to produce a single set of parameterestimates(the analysisof spatial data or global approach).An alternative techniqueinvolves placing a moving window of dimensionsr by c (wherer < R and c < C) over every cel1of the matrix for which the window can be centred without any pafi of it lying outside the region. For every placementof the moving window the relation between Y and each of the X's is estimatedso that a set of parameter estimatesfor eachrelation is obtained (seefigure 1). Thesesetsof parameterestimates have spatial co-ordinates and can therefore be mapped to show how the relation between Y and a particular X varies over space (a spatial data analysis or local approach).The distinction betweenthe terms global and local as used here is similar to that betweenthe analysisof spatial data and spatial data analysis.Obviously a spatial goodness-of-fitstatistic and other diagnosticscan be mapped in the same way. The key outputs then are two- and three-dimensionalsurfacesof parameter estimates,their t-valuesand an R-square statistic. Two-dimensionalplots are also presented to compare the relative performance of global and local calibration methods. It is noted at the outset that the detection of spatial non-stationarity dependson a subjectiveimpressionof the roughnessof a three-dimensionalsurfaceof parameter estimatesaithough work is currently in progressto producea more objectivecomparative procedure. Clearly, if spatial non-stationartty does not exist, the parameter +_c tI I {-r H K I I It --T-I Figure 1. Moving window parameterestimation. oJ spatialnon-stationarity An inuestigation 607 surfacedepicting spatial variations in relationswill be smooth and increasingspatiai non-stationanty will be indicated by increasingdivergencefrom this smooth surface. It is further noted that a squarewindow is being employedand that other shapes of windows could be used. Perhaps the most intuitive window shape would be circular so that cells are included that are within a pre-specifieddistancefrom the centreof the window. However,a squarewindow was chosenas beingmore representative of regionsthat are often definedfor data analysis.It is more iikely, for example, that a squareor rectangular subsetof the data is used to calibrate a model-rarely are study regions circular. As an example,the global region which forms the basis of this analysisand which is describedbelow, is rectangular. The techniqueproposedis similar to other developmentsin spatial data analysis suchas thoserelatedto the modifiable arealunit problem by, inter alia, Fotheringham and Wong (1991)where the sensitivityof analytrcalresultsto variationsin the spatial units for which data arc observedis examined.Both studiesutilise GIS to examine spatial aspectsof the sensitivityof model performance.However, whereasthe investigations of the modifiable arealunit problem keep the study area boundary fixed and examine the performanceof an anaTyticalmethod when the study spaceis divided in different ways, the technique describedhere in effect varies the study region so that different subsetsof the data are used to calibrate a model. The techniqueis also part of a growing field of analytical techniquesthat provide spatial disaggregations of more traditional global statistics.Other examplesinclude the developmentof a localised spatial association statistic by Getis and Ord (I99I), the generation of and the spatial expansionof variogram clouds and pocket plots by Cressie(1,991.), parameter estimatesby Jones and Casetti (1992) and by Fotheringham and Pitts ( 1 9 9 5 ). 3. An example using OLS and bi-squareregression The basic aim of this example is to examine the presenceof spatial nonstationarity in the calibration of a regressionmodel. The model attemptsto connect peopleand the environmentby investigatingthe relationsbetweenpopulation density and a seriesof attributes of the physicai landscape,namely: elevation,land cover and soil type. The data on thesevariables arc all taken from an areain north-east Scotland and are describedmore fullv below. 3.1..Data The data refer to an area 38'45km by 51'2km in the north-eastof Scotland which is describedin detail in Aspinall and Veitch (L993) and consistof a population density measureas the dependentvariable, and ground elevation,land cover, and soil type as the independentvariables.The object of this example is to provide a demonstration of the visualisation of spatial non-stationarity rather than to model the socio-physicalprocessesaffectingthe settlementpattern in the study area,but in the interestsof having a reasonablyplausible model on which to work, it might be expectedthat the distribution of population is related to land cover, elevation,and (perhaps more speculatively)the underlying soil type. The models are based on a 1 km raster. Counts of residentialpopulation for eachcensusenumerationdistrict in the study area were extracted from the 1,991,Census of Population together with the co-ordinates of the centroid of each enumeration district. The count data were aggiegatedto the 1 km raster on an 'all or nothing' basis-the raster is relatively 608 A. Stewart Fotheringham et aL. crude by comparisonwith that used by Martin (1989)in allocatingcentroid based censusdata to a raster.The density for a given grid squareI is calculatedas: popDEN,: (1) I(population:l:l(@i x,)2+ (yi y,)2)) where (x1,!;) is the co-ordinateof the lower left-handco-ordinateof grid square/. The elevationrasterwas resampledfrom a 1,:250000scaledigital terrain model, originally sampled every 100m. The land cover data were extracted from a 50m 'woodland', raster coverage,captured at I:50000-the data were reclassedinto 'grassland'and 'other', each being expressedas a percentageof the Iand area rn a 1km output raster. The soils data were extractedfrom 100m raster data, capttxed into'podsols'and'other soil types';in the output at 1:250000scaleand reclassed raster,the percentageof the land area that is composedof podsois is recorded. 3.2. OLS regression The above data were standardisedby transformingthem into Z-scoresand these were used to calibrate the following modei: POPDEN : d,* 9, EL + P2 WOOD+ F. GR,4.SS + P4PODS (2) such that global estimatesof the four slopeparametersas well as a globai goodnessof-fit indicator, the R-squaredstatistic,were obtained.The globally fitted model is: PO P D E N :0 -0 '4 3 E f -0 '0 5 W OOD - 0' 11 GR,4SS+0' 10 PODS ( 4.8) (1 6 .4 ) ( 2' 2) ( 4.1) ( 3) with an R-squaredvalue of 0'26. The values in parenthesesare the absolutevalues of the f-statisticsassociatedwith each parameterestimate. The resultssuggestthat although there remainsa considerableamount of variance to be explained,there do seemto be some significantrelations betweenpopulation significdensity and featuresof the physicallandscape.Population density decreases antly as elevationrises,as the proportion of both woodland and grasslandrises,and increasessignificantlyin areas where podsols are found. A not unreasonableinterpretation of these results would be that in this part of Scotland, settlementsare found primarily in low-lying areaswhich are clearedof woodland and grasslandand which have fairly rich podsolic soils conducive to agriculture. We explore these interpretationsin more detail below. 3.3. Bi-squareregression One of the major problemswith ordinary leastsquaresregressionis its sensitivity to outlying observationsas shown in figure 2 and as describedby many authors (inter alia lJnwin and Wrigley 1987, Wrigley 1983). Although a generaltrend is followed by most observations,there is one exception that unduly influencesthe position of the regressionline. Here the difficulty can be overcomeby manual intervention,simply by excluding the outlying casefrom the regressionanalysis.However, this is oniy possiblewhen the data can be visualised.If the regressionmodel had three or more independent variables,outliers would have to be identified in Euclidean space of at least four dimensions.For this reason, some automated controlling for outliers needs to be adopted. In its crudest form, this can be thought of as zero-weighting the offending observations. Thesecan be identifiedin a two-stageprocess: An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 609 Y-Value 25 Original Fitted Line Line Distorted by Outlier Data Point u r r +fr"" {E Figure 2. The effectof outliers on leastsquaresregression. 1. Fit the model on all the data and compute the residuals. 2. Determine outiiers by looking at the values of the residuals.Re-fit the model excluding these. This seemsa reasonabieapproach, but suffersfrom two main setbacks.Firstly, the threshold of residual sizebeyond which observationsare deemedto be outliers is not specified.Secondly,the weighting makes a quantum leap from fu11weighting to absolute exclusion of the observation at this threshold. Thus, the weighting in the second stage can be thought of as a step function of r, the size of residual, and k, the threshold. In the bi-weighted approach to outlier resistant regression,the cut-off is less drastic (Coleman et al. 1980).Weighting of the observationsgradually falls off with increasingr, ar'd finally becomeszero smoothly at the cut off point: 2 w(r):(, _ (;)') w(r):9 if r(k (4) otherwise This is illustrated in figure 3. The question still arisesas to the value of k although a good experimentalvalue for k has beenfound to be five times the median absolute value of the residuals.Finally, aithough the methodology suggestedso far suggests only two iterations (i.e.,fit regression,re-weightand fit again),the bi-squaremethod can be iterated severaltimes until the estimatesof the regressioncoefficientsconverge. In this instance,the bi-square methodology is applied to the moving window regressionanalysis alongside the ordinary least squaresmethodology. Due to the relativeiy small size of the regressionwindows (49 pixels), the effect of an outlying observationcould be quite prominent on the estimatesof the regressionparameters. It is intended that this method will identify any outlying pixels and reduce any distortion that thesemay cause.In the casewhen the results from the two anaiyses do not differ drastically,this will at least reassureus that the ordinary ieast squares methodoiogy was not affectedby outliers. 610 A. Stewart Fotheringham et al. 1 0.9 0.8 u.l u.o ilt\ n4 0.4 n? n4 Figure3. The weightingfunctionin bi-squareregression. The result of calibrating the global bi-squareregressionmodel with standardised data is: POPDEN: -0.08 -0.37 EL _0.03 WOOD -0.07 GR/SS +0.03 PODS (5) which is similar to the OLS version although there are differencescausedby the reduction in the influenceof extremevalues.It is not possibleto report vaiues of rstatisticsfor the parameter estimatesbecausethe standard errors reported in the bi-squarecalibration are unreliable becausethe weightsare dependenton the observations and are thereforerandom variables.The R-squaredvalue is unreliable for the samereason and should not be compared with that from the OLS regression. 4. Localised results 4.1. LocalisedOLS results To obtain localisedresults, a 7 by 7 window was placed over each pixel which provides 49 data points for the model calibration at eachpixel location. This was the smallest squarewindow with which we felt comfortable as a basis for analysis. The data for each set of 49 pixels arclocal7ystandardisedprior to model calibration. As describedabove, the typical output of this techniquefor each of the four slope parametersin the model is a three-dimensionalsurfaceas shown in figure 4. A twodimensionalrepresentationis aiso shown as an alternativeview of the data. Clearly there are vartationsin the parameterestimateover the region although it is not clear how important thesevariations might be. In an attempt to overcomethis problem we have chosen to depict surfaces of the parameter estimates divided by their standard errors, /-statisticsurfaces,which show more clearly the variations in results that can be obtained by using different parts of the data to calibrate the model. Thesef-statistic surfacesare shown in figures 5-8 for the parametersassociatedwith the variableseleuation,woodland,grassland,and podsols,respectively.The interpretation of thesefiguresis that eachpoint on the surfaceindicatesthe f-statisticassociated with the parameterestimatethat would be obtained if a 7 by 7 matrix of cellsaround that point constitutedthe samplefrom which the estimatewas deriued. As an exampie,consider the interpretation of figure 5 which depicts the degree of non-stationarityfor the parameterassociatedwith elevation.The regionsof upland depictedin white are thoseareasfor which the local parameterestimateis significantly An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 61.1 Figure 4. OLS model elevationparameter. positive. The regions shaded in light-grey, the hill sides,are where the parameter estimate is not significantly different from zero, and the ualley bottoms shaded in dark-grey depict areas where the parameter estimate is significantly negative. So whereasthe global regressionresult suggestsa significant negativerelation between population density and elevation, there are a number of localised areas where 612 A. Stewart Fotheringhamet al. Figure5. OLS modelelevationt-statistic. population densityincreasessignificantlyas elevationincreases.The two-dimensional ffi&p, onto which the local road pattern has been added, suggeststhat the areas where a signiflcantpositive relation betweenpopulation density and elevation exists are close to roads which in this area tend to hug lower ground. This could suggest an aversion to very lowJying ground which may be difficult to cultivate or which may be prone to flooding. Whatever the explanation,the resultsare striking in their An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 613 l"?-* Figure6. OLS model woodland/-statistic. depiction of the extent of spatial non-stationarttywhich is completelyhidden in the traditional modeliing approach. Becausethe vertical exaggerationis held constant throughout, figure 6 depictsa similar, although slightly lessdramatic, picture for the woodland parameter.Use of the global data set would lead to the conclusion that there is a significant negative relation betweenpopulation densityand the amount of woodland althoughmost of 6r4 A. Stewart Fotherinsham et al. Figure7. OLS modelgrassland r-statistic. the local data setswould lead one to concludethat there is no significant relation. This apparent discrepancyis probably causedby the large number of degreesof freedomin the former although it shouid be noted that the global estimateis just significant at the 95 per cent confidencelevel.There are a number of local data sets which would lead to the conclusion that there is a significant positive relation. The pixels for which no results are reported on this surfaceare those for which the data An inuestigationo.fspatial non-stationarity 61,5 Figure8. OLS modelpodsolst-statistic. did not allow the local estimation of the parameter;this was becausethe variable was constant within the window. The grassland estimatesin figure 7 again suggest that one would reach the conclusionof no signiflcantrelation using many of the local data sets,in contrast to the globally significant negative relation. However, there are regions where the loca1 data lead one to conclude the relation is sienificantlv oositive and others that 61,6 A. Stewart Fotheringhamet aL lead one to conclude it is significantly negative.It needsmore familiarity with the local geographyto understandwhy the relationsshouldshowthis degreeof variation. Figure 8 is dominated by a large areaof missing values where the variable was zeto (that is the soils were not podsolic) for aIl49 pixels within the window. On the remainder of the surfacethere are substantialareaswhere the local data lead to the conciusion of a significant negative relation in contrast to the globally reported positive one. The goodness-of-fit, measuredby the R-squaredstatistic,of the loca1model is depictedin figure9 which usesa continuousgrey scaleto show spatialvariationsin the degreeto which the model fits the data. There are clearly identifiable hills and valleys in this surface.The model performancerangesfrom explaining only 1 per cent of the variance of the population density data tn some parts of the region to explaining over 80 per cent in others.The globally fitted model expiains 26 per cent of the variance. Again, the large spatial variation in goodness-of-fitsuggeststhat spatial non-stationarity exists and that there are interestingfits to the data in some parts of the region, prompting questions regarding both the data and the model which needdetailedlocal knowledge,perhapsfrom subsequentfieldwork, to answer. The surface therefore provides a good example of the use of this technique in encouraging a more detaiied consideration of the data and the relations being examinedthan would happen in the conventional,global type of analysiscurrently the modusoperandiof most research. 4.2. Localisedbi-squareresults Figures10-13 show the /-statisticsurfacesproducedby the bi-squarecalibration method. Given that this calibration method is designedto reduce the effects of outliers in the data, there will obviously be some differencesbetweenthese surfaces and those produced by OLS. For reasonsdiscussedearlier, any significancetesting basedon the bi-squaretechniqueis strictly exploratory.However, the differencesare not particularly great and the bi-square surfacesdepict a similar degreeof spatial non-stationarity to the OLS ones and so will not be discussedfurther. The R-squared surfaceshown in flgure 14 again is similar to that derived from the OLS caiibration method although the absolutevalues cannot be directly compared to those produced by OLS becauseof the differencein the two caiibration methods. The similarity of the two sets of results usefully demonstratesthat the OLS regressionis not being unduly biased by the presenceof outliers. The methodology aiso shows how the comparison can be used to assessreiative model performance becauseif the results of the localisedcalibration were quite different,then it may be possible to make statementsabout which model is better able to capture spatial variationsin relations. 4.3. A comparisonof global, local OLS and local bi-squareresults A fina1 set of results depicts the relative performancesof the three estimation techniquesin replicating the observedpopulation density surface.In figure 15, three setsof scatterplotsshow the relations betweenthe observedd.ataon the horizontal axis and the global predicted values (figure 15(a)),the local OLS predicted values (flgure15(b))and the local bi-squarepredictedvalues(figure15(c)).It is clear,and only to be expected,that the local regressionsoutperform the global one in replicating the data sincethe former allow the mean of the predictedvalues to vary acrossthe An inuestigation of spatial non-stationarity 617 Figure9. OLS modelgoodness-of-fit. study area. Perhaps more interesting is the extent to which the globa1regression resultsfail to replicatethe spatial pattern of the original data as shown in figure 16. Population density in this part of NE Scotland shows a marked trend with highest values towards the south-eastand lowest values towards the north-west. The two locally derived estimatedsurfacesboth succeedin picking up this trend, becauseof the moving mean, but the global regressionmodel performs poorly and almost missesthe trend entirely. 618 A. Stewart Fotheringham et aL. Figure10. Bi-squaremodelelevationf-statistic. 5. Discussion This techniquefor the exploration and visualisation of spatial non-stationarity can be used on any spatial data set;however,the number of spatial units should be large enough to ensure that those units excluded from the analysis, due to the windowing, form a reasonablysmall percentageof the total. The techniqueis easier An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity Figure11. Bi-squaremodel woodland /-statistic. 619 620 A. Stewart Fotherinsham et al. Figurei2. Bi-squaremodelgrassland t-statistic. to apply to raster data due to the uniform nature of the recording units but there is no conceptualreasonto restrictits use to this type of data. The techniquecould be applied to irregular polygonsalthough somecare would have to be taken in defining the window and this is currently under investigation. Given that a key output from this techniqueis a set of three-dimensionalsurfaces depicting,inter alia, spatial variations in a set of parameterestimates,judging the An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 621 modelpodsolsf-statistic. Figure13. Bi-square successof the technique is heavily visual and subjective.Consider, for example,a situation in which there was negligiblespatial non-stationarity in a relation depicted by a parameterestimatedthrough regression,The three-dimensionalsurfacewould then be a flat plain. Increasing deviations from this plain, as hills and valleys and other features evolve, indicate increasing degrees of spatial non-stationarity. Consequently,if the result from this techniqueis a relativeiy flat sutface,then one 622 A. Stewart Fotheringham et al. Figure14. Bi-squaremodelgoodness-of-fi1. can infer that spatial non-stationarity is negligiblewhich increasesconfidencein the global result as being a reasonable representation of a more general relation. However,if the output is a highly convoiuted surface,then clearly the use of a global estimateis suspect. The technique should be used for any modelling application where there is a suspicion of spatial non-stationanty. Although we have used a relatively simple A n inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 3500 n o 1500 (s 1000 fl 500 0 0 500 100015002000250030003500 ActualDensitv {a) 2500 U) J 2000 .E .9 1500 6 '1000 E 500 J 500 1000 1500 2000 ActualDensity (b) 2500 (6 + 2ooo U) .f co I 1500 .9 (D d rooo o) (E 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ActualDensity (c) Figure 15. Comparison of fitted-and-actual density values. 623 624 A. Stewart Fotheringham et al. (a) PopuiationDensity (b) GlobalPrediction (d) Local Predictions (OLS) Local Predictions {Bisquare) Figure 16. Spatial comparisonof fitted and actual values. iinear model, with the justification that this is representativeof the type of model used in many applications,the technique we describecan be used whenever it is useful to compare a global model with a seriesof local models. For instance,the model in question could just as easilybe a non-parametricregressionmodel (Hastie and Tibshirani 1990)which could be examinedwith a global data set and with many different subsetsof the data to allow comparisonssimilar to those made above.We would argue that any globally-fitted model may miss impofiant spatial variations in relations and that this techniquewill provide greaterinsights into the data being used for calibration as well as the nature of the relations being measured Given the emphasison visualisationand the needto referencespatial co-ordinates, the technique should be applied through a GIS. It is not necessaryto conduct the model calibrationswithin a GIS (and in the exampledescribedabovethe calibrations were undertakenoutsidea GIS) although the spatial referencingand graphicscapabilities of a GIS make it almost a necessityin interpreting results. Hearnshaw and Unwin (1994), and particularly the chaptersby Bracken (1994) and Gatrell (1,994) therein, provide many other examplesof the use of the visualisation capabilities of a GIS for exploratory spatial analysis. An inuestigationof spatial non-stationarity 625 6. Reservations We have the following reservationsregarding the technique although we feel theseare not sufficientto outweigh the benefits: The main output is a set of three-dimensionalsurfaceswhich may be difficult to interpret.In someplaces,we usetwo-dimensionalsurfacesto depict information although the parameter results are best seenin three-dimensionalto get a senseof the variations within the area. Of course, arry three-dimensional plot is subject to the vertical exaggerationused in the construction of the surface. 2. Although all the original data are used in the construction of the threedimensional surfaces,not all the original cells of the region can be depicted 'stripped off' to provide consistencyin becausethe outlying cells have to be the windowing. For example,if a 7 by 7 window is used on a raster image 500 by 500, the dimensionsof the resulting three-dimensionalsurfacewould be 494by 494.In most casesthis will not presenta problem unlessthe extreme margins of the region are of interest or the study area is smal1. a J . It is much easier to apply the technique to raster data where the cell size is uniform. Where cells are of unequal size,the deflnition of the window will be more difficult and the numbers of data points within the window may vary. However, neither of theseproblems should prohibit the use of the technique. 4. To avoid the problem of multiple hypothesistesting, the surfacesof /-values should be used primarily as exploratory tools and care should be taken on drawing inferencesabout the parameterestimates.The surfacesindicate those parts of the study area whereparticular conclusionswould be reachedregarding a relation if local data were used in the calibration of the model. The surfacestherefore prompt some interesting questionsabout the data and the relations being examinedthat would not otherwiseget asked. 1 t. 7. Extensions In this researchwe have adopted a conservativeposture by moving one step at a time. To this point we have explored non-stationartty in a very common model format, iinear regression,which is available in many GISs. However, it is a model that has had seueral potentrai problems and given that one of the aims of this techniqueis to aliow more detailed examination of any globally applied model, as well asto investigatespatial non-stationarityand data accvracy,an obvious extension would be to use the technique to evaluatemodelling approachesdesignedexplicitly to capture spatial effects.We intend to explore the capabilities of spatial lag and spatial error models in dealing with spatial non-stationarity. Would the parameter surfacesshown above be smoother if the estimateswere drawn from either of these models capturing aspectsof spatial dependency? A further extensionwould be to apply the techniqueto a set of irregular polygons so that the optimal windowing techniquefor such a surfacecould be explored.In such an application it is likely that the window would be irregular and this could iead to a spatially adaptive windowing technique whereby windows of different magnitudeswere allowed around each point in order to maxirnise some criterion, perhaps related to goodness-of-fit.It would also be interesting to examine the modifiabie arcal unit problem in the context of spatial non-stationarity: to what extent would the results change as the moving window changed in size?Would 626 A. Stewart Fotheringham et al. windows of different sizesidentify non-stationarity at different scales?Presumably the surfacewill become smoother as window size increasesand there may well be some optimal size of windowing that allows spatial trends in relations to be most clearly seen. A final extensionof the resultswould be to producea more objectivemethod of deciding when spatial non-stationarity is a serious problem. Clearly a threedimensional parametersurfacethat is flat is indicative of no spatial non-stationarity and increasing deviations from this p1ain, as hills and valleys and other features evolve,indicateincreasingdegreesof spatial non-stationarity.It would be usefulto have an objective means of deciding whether the degreeof spatial non-stationarity invalidatedthe useof a global model.Sucha testmay be possiblebasedon explained variancesand would be similar to the F-test used in ordinary regression. 8. Summary The classicaluse of regressionwith spatial data is to calibrate a model, spatial or aspatial, to produce a global set of parameter estimateswhich are implicitly assumedto representrelations that are constant across the spacefrom which the data arc drawn. This paper provides a relatively simple techniquefor examiningthis assumption and in the example above the results indicate that the assumption is questionable.Given the results provided here, for example,how much faith could one place on any extrapolation of the global results beyond this particular set of polygonsin north-eastScotland? The methodology of depicting spatial non-stationarrtyvisually is part of a general trend towards exploratory analysis particularly in the use of spatial data. Geographershave long been embarrassedby their data becauseof the difficulties arising from properties such as spatial dependencyand spatial non-stationarity. These problems are increasingly seen as the outcomes of data which are rich in information and which provide the catalyst for increasingly imaginative types of analysis. It is our hope that this and subsequent studies will advance the understandingof the behaviour of models in the context of spatial data analysis. 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