I . .,......,... · a co ad i 2... 0 " . -,, ,. - - - .. - . - •• , ~_. __ n ....., : Students introduced to flora, fauna of Sabah '; BP I~· g" ~OI~ ~ KOTA KINABALU: ' Thirty Sabah's biodiveristy and how students from five secondary diverse its flora andfaunaare. · schools, in ,the -state capital,' "I hope to be able to create Kota' Belud and Penampang awareness 'among my, friends participated in' the inaugural and family on how important it 'Rakan Borneensis UMS 2015' , is to protect our.biodiversity. I from March13 to 15. ' also want to work ,together with '; TheprogramwhichintrOduced ' , the ~eachers ' in my school on the students to the flora and fauna ' awareness campaigns to raise of the state, was held at UMS' the awareness leveI'on the same Institute for Tropical Biology and issue among my-schoolmates," , Conservation Lerilbah In·Situ. he said. . The students were,from SMK Chuah added he is interested ArshadKotaBelud, SM All Saints in to visiting places in Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, SM St Michael's which are rich in biodiversity like Penampang, SMK Likas Kota Danum ValleY, Maliau Basin and " Kinabalu and SMK Tebobon also to trek alongt,he Salt Trail Menggatal. ' ' was to see for himself the flora , Chuah Chong' John from SM and fauna in these places. St Michael's Panampang said,he ' Fellow participant, Priyank~ felt very lucky to be a part of the Narendra from SM All Saints program as he could learn about admitted that before participating Sabah's biodiversity. in the program, she was not ' T.hestudent said he - was interested in the environment. surprised to]earnjust how .rich -"I was even shocked to find \, - ·ouUhat we would be sleeping Chancellor. Professor Datuk Dr in camps out in the open. But , Mohd Harun Abdullah, who all that changed when I saw just officiated the closing ceremony how important every tiny plant, of the progr~m, said that UMS animal and insect are to the is committed to sharing its environment and the role they researchftndingsandknowledge play in our eco;~ystem. on the environment with the "This is a life changing moment public, especially the younger . and it is my hope that all my peers generation. would learn to appreciate the One way to do th;itwas through environment and its treasures as organizing educational programs ' well as take the initiative to learn , on the-enVironment, he said, ,about our eco-system;" she said. ' ' adding that the effectiveness of Rahmat Hidayat from SMK these programs which use the ' :Tebobon was also very happy to c911ection of species ,from the be part of the program and said biodiversity is important in thatthe night jungle trekking was creating public awareness and the bestpar,t of the program as , also ensures its sustainability. they saw many nocturnal animals "It is also important for the and reptiles. , public to know how important ' "I hope this program will be environmentalconservatiOh is ' continued'so that other students' and also to motivate the.younger will also have the opportunity to _generation to participate in participate," he said. ' these programs and also future , , '" Meanwhile, . UMS ' Vice research work," he said. _ ' " According to Mohd Harun, Sabah, with more than 400,000 hectares of conservation area, .is recognizedas one of the main biodiversity hot spots in the, world. The state also has the biggest conservation area in the country. . ,, ' He also said that the Rakan Borneensis VMS 2015 can be the platform to expose students to the, 'environment and how important it is to the state. ' ,Mohd Harun was ofthe opinion that the,program could increase the students' awareness and knowledge on the importance of environmental conservation 'towards sustainability of our nattiraltreasures. The stUdents arso had the opportunity to interact and work together as a team even though they are from other schools, he stressed, ' . B StateEducationDirectorDatu~ Jame Alip, whO was also present at the event, 'said ·learning' activities-and lessons that ar~i practical and delightful like this . programme is ,very important' in nurturing interest in the: ' young generation to take care, of nature's treasure that ex-ists in Sahah. ' 'J Jame said that efforts to achieve a stUdent's aspiration. involves the process of building , knowledge that is in line ,with ' steps taken to improve the morale: of each and every person. ,, ' .i "The practice of treatillgalll .living things weIland alway&:, ' protecting tlie environmentis ani elementthat must be practised; by all young children/'Jam.e ' .said, addJng that the :program, ' is a meaningful one as it instills: the lesson of environmental; ,conservation in the students.. -~ " $ e em k Chairmanof UMS Boardof Directors, Tun ZakiTunAzml, presenting astudent withhis participationcertificate, witnessed by Mohd Harun (left), Jame and UMS' Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation director, Professor Dr Charles S. Valrappan HOME THE BORNEO PoST Monday, March 16, 2015 5 UMS' Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation director Professor Dr Charles S.Valrappan, Mohd Harun, Jame and chairman of UMS Board of Directors, Tun Zakl Tun Azml, with some of the participants.
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