Call For Workshop Proposals | 2015 Equality Conference

 Call For Workshop Proposals | 2015 Equality Conference Saturday, March 21, 2015 | Chapel Hill-­‐Carrboro, NC | #EqConNC Deadline for Submissions: February 1, 2015 The Equality Conference, hosted by Equality NC Foundation, is the largest gathering of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Allied (LGBTQQIA) activists focused on securing equal rights and justice in North Carolina. The ongoing purpose of the Conference is to provide attendees with the latest information about key issues, build skills to effectively create positive change, and strengthen connections and networks between leaders and activists across the state. Your workshop will provide participants with the necessary tools to move forward with a plan of action for their community. Under this year’s theme “AdvaNCe Equality,” we are seeking proposals for workshops that educate participants on key issues and teach important skills for advancing equality in our post-­‐marriage equality landscape. The majority of this year’s workshops will address one or more of following important topics: • Advancing Equality: Transgender Visibility, Rights and Justice • Advancing Equality: Empowering Youth Activism • Advancing Equality: Winning the Freedom to Work • Advancing Equality: Cultivating a Lived Equality • Advancing Equality: Leading a New Era of Pro-­‐Equality Civic, Electoral, and Business Engagement With these themes in mind, workshops must be focused on leading participants in step by step actionable ways that they can take with them to organize their own communities. We specifically encourage presenters from communities that have been historically underrepresented including, but not limited to, persons of color, bisexual persons, physically-­‐challenged persons, veterans, transgender or gender variant persons, allies, students and senior members of the community. We strongly encourage proposals that have a significant interactive element and encourage sharing the wisdom of participants. Topic development guidance is available. If you would like to submit a proposal for a workshop to present at the 2015 Equality Conference and would like some assistance in refining your topic area, we can help. Contact: The 2015 Equality Conference will focus on using strategic tactics to effect tangible, positive change. This year, we are encouraging collaboration among partner groups and organizations. To ensure thoughtful collaboration and full participation, presenters that do similar work or submit similar proposals may be asked to present together. Registration fees: As thanks for contributing to the success of this event, up to four presenters per session will be admitted to the conference free of charge. Guidelines for Submission Audience: Our workshop attendees are activists and community members from across the state. Keep in mind that presentations in workshop format will be targeting a broad audience OR specific constituencies. Workshops can be tailored to provide resources for beginner, intermediate or advanced level participants. This year’s focus on advancing equality, preference will be given to workshop proposals on or more of the following conference strands: • Transgender Visibility, Rights and Justice • Empowering Youth Activism • Winning the Freedom to Work • Cultivating a Lived Equality • Pro-­‐Equality Civic, Electoral, and Business Engagement Content: Content must be connected to issues affecting the LGBTQQIA community and/or skills-­‐ building for effectively creating change in our communities and our state. If you are uncertain if your workshop idea will give participants the tools they need to take action, then we urge you to contact for development assistance. Presentation: Past Participants have expressed a desire for "how to's" and concrete action plans from presenters. By keeping these concerns in mind as you prepare, you can ensure that your proposal is relevant to the audience. • All sessions must include a significant interactive element, such as question and answer, a facilitated conversation among participants, and/or other activity. • All sessions must include “how tos” and concrete action plans. • All sessions must make presentation notes, handouts or education tools available to ENCF to provide participants following the conference. Workshops are scheduled for 60 minutes. Expect audiences of 30-­‐80 participants for the workshops. Plan your time to allow for presentation, and a significant amount of Q&A, and audience participation. Additionally, time must be allotted for completing the feedback form. Registration: Up to four presenters will receive complementary registration to the conference. For more information: For general information about the 2015 Equality Conference, please see our website at For specific questions about proposals please email: Submitting a proposal PROPOSALS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN February 1, 2015. Notification regarding selection will begin February 15, 2015. To submit a proposal, please fill out the workshop proposal form below. Preference will be given to proposals submitted electronically to: If you submit your proposal by mail, send it to: 2015 Conference Workshop Proposals Equality NC Foundation, PO Box 28768, Raleigh, NC 27611 2015 Equality Conference Workshop Proposal Form Instructions: Please complete this form electronically in its entirety and submit via email to: Proposals must be received by February 1, 2015. FORMAT: Workshop Panel Discussion (approval required) A. Title: B. Workshop/Panel Description Please supply a 50 -­‐ 75 word description of your workshop or panel as you would like to see it appear in the program book. C. Presenter(s) and Contact Information Please list presenters’ (up to 4) names, contact information (including email and phone), and a 50 word or less biographical sketch as each presenter would like for it to appear in the program book: 1. Name: Email: Bio (50 words or less): 2. Name: Email: Bio (50 words or less): 3. Name: Email: Bio (50 words or less): 4. Name: Email: Bio (50 words or less): D. Program Information 1. Please provide a short overview of your workshop (600 words or less.) Details to include: a) Topic/s covered b) Presentation strategies (e.g., lecture, panel, case studies, etc.) c) Detailed step-­‐by-­‐step action plan for participants: How will your workshop guide participants in an action plan that they can take with them for their own community work? d) Handout materials (these must be submitted to ENCF so that conference participants may have access). e) Description of the interactive element of your session. f) Statement as to how your presentation integrates with the conference’s focus on one or multiple “advancing equality” themes (see above). 2. Please state 3 to 5 learning objectives of your presentation in one-­‐sentence statements. What will participants take away from this workshop? How will it increase the person's insight, skills, or resources in working for equality for LGBTQQIA people? (250 words or less). 3. May we record by audio tape recording, video tape recording, or photograph your presentation at the conference for historical preservation and as an educational resource to attendees? (Yes or No). E. Target Audience Include all that apply (e.g., General audience, Beginners, Advanced participants, or designate specific constituency group). F. Workshop Set-­‐up 1. A/V Media Equipment: A/V Media equipment will be available. Please list the items that you will need so we can schedule your workshop appropriately. (e.g., Flip chart, marking pens, tape, overhead projector and screen, DVD player, LCD projector, laptop, laptop connector, etc.) 2. Please specify any room arrangement information, maximum number of participants, and any other information you think we need. G. Reference Information 1. Has this workshop been presented before? If so, where and when was it last offered? If yes, where and when: The 2015 Equality Conference reserves the right to edit any information to be published in the program book.