TODAY 9:45 am Palm Sunday Upside Down & Inside Out
Gary Knarr, preaching
10:45 am Christian Education/Sunday School for all ages.
ASSEMBLY in the Library Grades 1-5. Learning Easter songs.
Zehrs/President’s Choice and Sobeys grocery cards for sale.
Buy ahead – grocery cards will not be sold on Easter Sunday.
House of Friendship Food Drive – Help fill the caddy in the foyer with your non-perishable food
Mar. 30 1:30 pm Erb Street Seniors meet to hear guest speaker Steve Martin of Martin’s Apple
Orchard. Learn about the many varieties of apples and if an apple a day really does keep
the doctor away.
Apr. 2 10:30 am Church Staff meet in the J. B. Martin room.
7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Communion Service.
Apr. 3 10:00 am Communion Service at Parkwood - Craft room.
Apr. 5 8:15 am Early Easter Worship singing in Fellowship Hall.
8:30 am Easter Breakfast - If baking and/or purchasing Easter breads are part of your
season preparations, you are invited to share these gifts with our Church community and bring
them to the Church Kitchen. In addition to your baking, we will provide a hot dish, fruit and
beverages. Suggested donation of $5/person age 12 and over for the breakfast.
9:45 am Easter Worship Service
Gary Knarr, preaching
No Christian Education/Sunday School TODAY.
Grocery cards will not be sold TODAY.
Apr. 7 9:00 am Erb Street Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada meet. Come to chat, knot a
comforter or quilt. Bring a sack lunch. Drop in for as long as you can between 9am & 4pm.
Roll Call: What guests at your table might push your comfort zone?
Apr. 9 9:30 am Christian Worship and the Arts Ministry meets in the David Eby room.
6:45 am Christian Community Ministry meets in the David Eby room.
Apr. 12 9:45 am Worship
John Fast, preaching
10:45 am Christian Education/Sunday School for all ages.
Zehrs/President’s Choice and Sobeys grocery cards for sale.
VACATION BIBLE CAMP July 13-17. Visit our website for details. "MESSAGE RECEIVED! HEARING
GOD'S CALL.” Registration for participants and volunteers online. Any questions, contact Glenda.
WANTED: Grocery store gift cards to purchase nutritious snacks for VBC. Snacks are served daily at
VBC and gift cards would help to keep costs down. Any gift card amount gladly accepted. Contact
Be part of this fun intergenerational event Sunday April 19th. Sign up to be a host or guest. Hosts
will cook dinner for you and guests will bring dessert. You can sign up on the bulletin boards in the
upper foyer or lower fellowship hall. The hosts will not know who is coming for dinner until the guests
appear at their door. Guests will receive an envelope at church on April 19th which they are to only
open when leaving their home for the home of their hosts. It will have the address only of where you
are going for dinner. Suggested start time is 4:30 pm. If you have any food allergies, require
transportation or want to sign up, please contact Marianne and Jim Erb.
A true Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!
Volunteers needed to make coffee - please sign up. THANK YOU!
Shine: Living in God’s Light
Journeys with Jesus
Room 1
Room 4
Room 5
Room 6
Room 3
5 week electives: March 1 – 29
Classes begin at 11:10 am, following coffee and conversation
Experiencing Lenten Guided Prayer
J. B. Martin room
Combining guidance/teaching along with experiential practice, and opportunity for sharing
experiences with “praying the Scriptures.”
Facilitator: Ardith Frey
Purpose of Lament & Seeking Shalom
Fellowship Hall
Many different voices can be heard in biblical lament. Is the purpose of lament to call on God and
God’s people to bear witness and to do something about the injustices being experienced?
Facilitators: Gary Knarr, Judith Jutzi
Guest: Engin Sezen
Women of ALL AGES are invited to WMCEC Enrichment Day Sat. April 18, 8:30-3:30 pm, Listowel
Mennonite Church. Theme: Helping Vulnerable Women. Send registrations to Carol Martin.
Include a non-refundable cheque for $30 which includes lunch, coffee and snacks.
New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale Promotion Dinner, Monday April 20, Bingemans. Speaker:
Issa Sadi Embombolo, Founder of Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC) Peace Clubs in Zambia.
Tickets: $10. Tax receipts for contributions above ticket price. Contact Ken Jantzi. Advance ticket
sales only by Sun. April 12.
VOLUNTEERS needed at this dinner Monday April 20. Task: remove dishes, cutlery from dinner
tables, take to kitchen area where another group washes them. Please respond to Dick Ernst.
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) service opportunity. Families of children and adults of all ages
are encouraged to serve together building cabins for a week at Camp Elim near Swift Current,
Saskatchewan. between August 3 and 28. Information and registration 866.261.1274 or project.
Mennonite Disaster Service continues in High River, Alberta. Although High River flooded in June
2013 there are still people who have not been able to move home. Volunteer for a week or two this
spring and summer. For information/registration 1.800.241.8111
Offering Update as of
March 22, 2015
Offering incl average
of AFT
Current Week
Year to Date
Ahead of Budget (Behind Budget)
Bach Vespers on Palm Sunday: Spiritus Ensemble, TODAY, 4:00 pm, Church of St. John the
Evangelist (23 Water Street North, Kitchener). Free admission, donations welcomed.
Taizé Song Service, TODAY, 7:30pm, hosted by the 3 Christian Communities in St. Agatha at St.
Agatha Catholic Church, 1839 Notre Dame Drive, St. Agatha (intersection of Erbs Road).
The Inter-Mennonite Children's Choir invites parents and children to an open rehearsal March 31,
W-K United Mennonite Church (15 George St., Waterloo). Children ages 6-9 are welcome from
6:30—7:00 pm and children ages 10-15 are welcome from 7:30-8:00 pm. For more information:
Shalom Counselling Services Groundbreaking Ceremony, Thursday April 9, 5:00 pm, at Shalom
(9 Avondale Ave. S., Waterloo). Information: 519.886.9690 or email
Marion Roes will talk about her research for the 2014 Edna Staebler Research Fellowship, titled, “All
About Undertaking: Funeral Businesses and Practices in Waterloo County.” Thursday April 9,
7 pm, Waterloo Region Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (10 Lorraine Ave. at River Road,
Kit.). Information: contact Marion.*
Peace & Justice Community Breakfast and presentation, A Healing Journey: A dramatic look at
life after incarceration, Saturday April 11, 8:30 am, Steinmann Mennonite Church (1316 Snyder’s Rd.
W., Baden). Women from Arise, a Mennonite Central Committee Restorative Justice Initiative will
perform vignettes portraying real life challenges they have faced. Advance registration only by
April 7. Call 519.634.8311 or email Admission is by donation.
Concert with the Wiebes, Saturday April 11, 7:00 pm, Bethany EMC (160 Lancaster St. E.,
Kitchener). Free admission with freewill donation.
Mennonite Savings and Credit Union Annual meeting, Tuesday April 14, 6:30 pm,
Creekside Church (660 Conservation Dr., Waterloo).
40th Annual Kitchener-Waterloo & Area Interfaith Community Breakfast
(formerly Community Prayer Breakfast). Wednesday April 29, Waterloo Inn and Conference Hotel.
Doors open at 7:00 am; program 7:30 to 8:30 am. Guest speaker: Debbie Lou Ludolph. Topic:
"Singing Our Way toward Building Community." Tickets: $20 or 4/$75 available by mail or in person
from Erb & Good Family Funeral Home and at various other locations.*
Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp’s Spring Seniors’ Retreat Days* April 27th and 28th (the same
program offered both days). Mark Diller Harder leads in, “SINGING OUR FAITH: Heart Songs and
Hymnals”. A day of worship, learning and fellowship. Information 519.625.8602,, or Space is limited, please register by April 20th.
*Check bulletin board and literature table for more information.
Visit Church Office phone 519.886.3570